Friday, November 29, 2013

I think Sarah Palin needs to watch the turkey carving video a few more times.

Courtesy of Chuck Heath's Facebook page.
Here was the description under the photo: 

Sarah and my son Teko carving the turkey. We had a wonderful family get together at the Palin house. We've all had our ups and downs this year but we have so much to be thankful for.

Now some of you may remember that Palin claimed too have watched an instructional video on how to carve a turkey correctly, even though she has been saying for years that SHE is the official turkey carver in the family.

Well here is that video, I have watched it, and I cannot figure out for the life of me why she is carving that bird upside down. That was NOT in the video, and I personally have never seen anybody approach the job in that fashion.

I carved the turkey at my Mom's house yesterday, as I do every year, and I did not require a video, nor did I feel the need to flip the bird over and stab it in the back. But now that I think about it how ELSE would we expect Sarah Palin to wield a knife?


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Boy if anything proves Levi was right about her skills. A woman that can field dress a bear, deer or wolf has never before carved a turkey? In many traditional families the head of the table does that job. Todd must have cut and run to be with his new flame.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    This is one of the funniest pictures ever.

    She is carving it upside down because it was cooked upside down. See how the "top" is darker than the "bottom"? That is what happens in the oven -- at least in my experience. Maybe they started it with breast side down (as is often done to help keep the breast meat juicy) and just forgot to turn it right-side up when it was supposed to be done, and no one had a clue.

    Also, what is that utensil in her right hand? Is that what she used to carve? Looks like it would just pull apart with those claws on the end.

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    What kind of knife is she using to "carve" the bird?

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Tomato knife?

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Cheese knife - found one just like it on Amazon.

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    4. Anonymous6:49 PM

      LOL!!! CHEAP BITCH!!!!

      Part Number: MM900150
      Manufacturer: Messermeister Kitchen
      Retail Price: $19.00
      Our Price:

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM

      HAHAHAHA - wonder how good their bird was after having to finish it off in the microwave as that thing on the counter's burnt on the back where there's no meat with a very "rare" look to the rest of it

      stupid white trash inbred frauds - i luv it !!!

    6. Anonymous11:12 AM


      chuck_tard_jr pulled his cheese cutting knife out of the sheath on his hip and tossed it to skank - it's got that wannabe tough guy pseudo survivalist themed look to it too

      LMAO !!

  4. Turkey ass is considered a delicacy in the Palin family.

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:52 PM

    Damn, those surgical gloves are about three sizes too big for her scrawny, inept talons--I'm sure a lucky fam member (or four) ended up with yummy latex bits in their decimated Thanksgiving meal.

    Relax, Sarah, it's just poultry karma--you know, for the Great Turkey Pardon Massa-cree!

  6. Anita Winecooler4:59 PM

    Someone who "carves" a turkey properly, begins with the correct utensils. A two pronged serving fork and a quality carving knife.
    Looks like a "staged" photo anyway. Prop Child, check, prop bird, check prop smartphone, check, Dingbat concentrating on a sink full of dirty dishes waiting for "inspiration" with clenched jaw, check.

    1. If you look closely, she's giving the evil eye to someone standing off to her right who's probably making the same jokes about her upside-down bird we are.

      She's giving them the same look we saw in that famous 2008 campaign photo.

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM


      that or trying to focus on the turkey carving video on an i-pad - or somethin' like that

      LOL !!

  7. SP certainly is your puppet. She needed to prove that she is all about family and cooking. Don't worry, she has her phone and punch to get her through this photo op.

  8. Still laughing my ass off about this. And yeah, I learned to carve a turkey as a girl, sitting at the table all those years watching my grandmother and my mother carve.

    And I learned which side is up! I guess Sarah Palin can't recognize a "breast" any more, being so accustomed to the plastic kind . . . .

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Sarah has bigger humps on her back than on her front. That confuses her when she sees other breasts.

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I love this photo. I consider it the bookend to the famous turkey pardoning video. Who else but Sarah Palin would spend time researching how to carve a turkey, link to a video, and still get it completely wrong. And I agree that it looks like she cooked it upside-down. Many recipes say to start it off this way, but turn the bird right side up after a half hour or so. She didn't get that right either.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      That explains why Sarah couldn't remover the story of Paul Revere five minutes after hearing it. That woman is an idiot.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Why is Palin wearing gardening gloves to carve the turkey ?
    It also looks like she's using a kitchen shear
    or scissors .
    Where are the so called Palin men ?
    Discussing the latest in handbag fashion
    with Todd ?

    The Washington Examiner -a right wing publication -has a piece out today about Palin, that totally misrepresents a new study of the 2008 presidential vote.
    The headline and body of the article falsely
    imply that Palin was a great positive on the ticket.
    The Examiner goes all Breitbart and slobbers over Palin and makes it seem like she was a huge plus for McCain.
    It wasn't until the very last paragraph that they threw in the conclusion from the study.
    " Palin did not have a unique or unprecedented influence on the race; at best,
    she had precisely the same small effect
    on vote choice in 2008 that we would expect of any running mate.”

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Mrs Palin had just cleaned her toilets when the guests showing up bearing a cooked turkey, glad tidings and good cheer and whatnot. She forgot to take the gloves off.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Thanks for the link. The article was posted over 24 hours ago and has only 40 comments.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    What a delight to have your kids and grandkids helping you with the holiday. I just love it when kids are so serious and funny when making decorations. That is one of my favorite things about the season. Piper is old enough now to be fully in charge of table settings. That would be so cute. I recall when my niece first learned she thought she was preparing for the Queen of England. LOL

    'I have already set the table!'

    "I'm in charge of the turkey ..." Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Last year they had photos from Chuck Jr.'s home and they were eating on disposable plates and using plastic utensils! I sure hope that Piper could pull something a little more festive (and appropriate) together this year. Could you even imagine serving a holiday meal on throwaways? My family would never, ever let me live that one down :-)

    2. I knew how to set the table when I was 5 years old - and adored finding all the "best" cutlery and plates - your love of all things Palin has Piper a bit slow on the learning curve.

    3. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Her kids and grandkids? Was Britta there with the grand daughter we never hear Palin mention? How about Bristol and Tripp, or did they do Thanksgiving alone in AZ? Did Trig recognize Sarah? Did Todd stop by for a drink? My SIL invited the whole family for Christmas dinner one year (she had four kids until the age of 6) and we were surprised when her husband was not there. We found out later they were splitting one thought it important to tell the truth on Christmas, I guess. And yes, this family is 'conservative Christian' except for me and our kids. They no doubt bight one of the few extant copies of Sarah's book.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Look how she has the paper towels on the gas oven-top! Fire looking to happen! She is as inept in the kitchen as she is on the book signing tour! What a fraud!

  13. Anonymous5:20 PM

    If she deftly slices off the leg on her side and then flips the bird on its back and lays a long, deep horizontal slice along the bottom of the breast in preparation for producing classic breast meat slices, then yeah, maybe she has a clue and/or some skillz......BUT, I'm thinkin' that's not anything at all like what happened next with her "craving".

  14. Anonymous5:25 PM

    1) Note the smart phone, just inches from where the turkey's going to slide off the cutting board and knock it to the floor.
    2) Note the "festive" punch bowl set up on the kitchen counter.
    3) Note the totally befuddled look on Palin's face -- this new task is beyond her skill set. Who wears gloves while carving?
    4) In traditional American families (see Norman Rockwell) the turkey is placed on a platter in front of the person at the head of the dinner table, usually the presiding male. My grandfather did it for 50 years. In any event, poultry is never carved on a slippery cutting board without a border or rim, and not with a sharp implement within eye level of a child.
    Thanksgiving Fail.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      That smart phone is for the google alert, cause you never know when there something important on the iternational Pootin watchin front! Iran nookulua and death panels and WAR ON CHRISTMAS! to be on the lookout for also. Also too she probably still has her google alerts so she can see who has been saying what about her and her family!

      The gloves are so she doesn't have to take time to wash her hands before reading that latest text. Cause she's got RAM and probably some blog hoin' friends on the 24-7 standby in case there's a mergency!

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      7:41 PM eggsactly

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Oh for fuck' s sake, are you the Thanksgiving Nazi? In MY American family, the turkey is carved in the kitchen, out of sight of guests, and the sliced meat is placed on a platter from which guests help themselves at the buffet. With all the legitimate things there really are to ding Palin with, it's ridiculous to zing her for not serving turkey like a 70 year old painting depicts it.

    4. Anonymous11:09 PM

      But 9:02, it's Sarah who touts her having the Rockwell family, not us. It's Sarah who pretends to have a perfect family, which follows every good and decent American tradition, not us. It's Sarah who mocks and slams and undermines every person that isn't one of her sycophants. Besides, I carve my turkey in the kitchen with a real knife and away from children (and the stove, and my IPOD.)
      I also wondered at that bird of many people were reportedly at this homey gathering? I only had a 10 pounder this year, and that bird looks to be 12-14 tops.

    5. Anonymous2:08 AM

      9:02 -- no need for your swearing. Different families have different traditions. For a buffet, yours makes sense.
      But there's no platter in sight on which Sarah can place her nice pieces of light and dark meat.
      And 70-year-old-paintings are re-created in millions of homes at every formal meal, year after year. It's a different style, not better or worse than your buffet style -- just much more traditional/

    6. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Your assessment would be right 9:02, if it weren't that Palin and her ilk keep pushing that they do and we should strive for it to be1946 again.

    7. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Well, no matter where someone carves a turkey they tend to carve the breast meat by having the turley breast side up. As a lifelong woman hunter, I just don't understand why Mrs Palin has no idea what side is the breast since she touts herself as such a hunter.

  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    How does a 50 yr old Mother of five that supposedly cooks all the time not know what side is up on a turkey and have to watch a video? And what's with the gloves? Does she have something more serious than her herpes?

    Dance Granny Sarah, Dance!

    Up next we would like to see your home in Alaska decorated for Christmas like you say it is in your book!

    1. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Yes, and today, please. You had yesterday to shop, now get that mansion decorated (and no, plastic blowup Nativities are NOT decorations.)

  16. Anonymous5:38 PM

    She is carving a turkey with a cheese knife.
    I repeat.
    She is carving a turkey with a CHEESE KNIFE.
    That is all.

    1. Right you are!

      That woman is an idiot.

    2. rmclement6:31 PM

      You got it, and it's a knife designed to cut soft cheese.

  17. janice5:39 PM

    Whose kitchen is that, not Sarah's...

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      It is the kitchen set at the Wasilla compound.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      It's the Casa de Palin / Menard sports facility construction material home. You can just barely see the angled refrigerator.

    3. Anonymous4:24 AM

      So, Toad was not there? Don't the men in the family usually carve the turkey? Seems like the little guy is standing too close to this scrawny witch.

  18. Anonymous5:41 PM

    IMO this picture is more hilarious than her classic video at the Turkey Farm Killing, now the Sarah curse took that place out and it is no longer functioning.

    All the build up she was selling about holidays, family and traditions. Her own brother sabotages all her work to convince the world she is something that she is not. In charge of the turkey, indeed. That poor dead thing owns her! Thanks Chuck.

  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sarah roasted a 40 pound polar bear cub for Thanksgiving ... her bots are all excited.

  20. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Has no one in the room ever seen a roast turkey before? Has no one ever carved one? What did they do on Thanksgiving all their life? Didn't anyone see that it was upside down? Did they ever figure that out, and if they did, then why did they let Chuck post that picture to Facebook? And, haven't they figured it out yet? If so, why is the picture still on Facebook? This is so funny, but at the same time so sad.

    The expression on her face, all that confusion and frustration, says a lot, I think. She can't figure out why it is so boney where she expected to find meat. Yet, she never did figure it out or there would not be this picture.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      "can't figure out why it is so boney where s[]he expected to find meat."
      Isn't that Toad's line?

  21. Anonymous5:52 PM

    click and blow up.

    Can you find the wedding ring?

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      It also looks like the poor kid has his glasses taped together-don't they have enough for new frames?

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Poor Teko. Isn't his father a teacher, married to a teacher? You would think he would have a spare in case an active kid broke them. Junior Chuck is easily distracted. Teko is from is dad's first holy marriage.

    3. Crystal Sage8:20 PM

      No wedding ring and no Star of David in honour of Hanukkah. Sarah missed an opportunity to show her support of Israel and Jews.

      I'm waiting for the photo op of the Palins attending church. You know it's coming.

    4. Looks like there's RAW BACON hanging down from the front of the neck / breast area! GAK!

    5. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Teko?!?! The poor kid's name is Teko? What is it with that generation of Heath/Palins giving children stupid, white-trash names?

    6. Anonymous4:25 AM

      On the turkey, or $carah??

  22. It e has on her Mama Grizzly apron
    Wow I guess if she keeps telling herself that all the time and gets It sewn onto her clothing sooner or later she's going to believe it, but we won't.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Thankful that she has it written on top or who could have figured out it had bears and the Mama part?

  23. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I think the instructional video it's watching is Silence of the Lambs

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      LOL....Good one!

  24. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Don't tell me that bitch is watching a video the same time Sarah is trying to carve that turkey in the picture posted above. Sarah Palin is fucking useless.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      She started watching the video yesterday When she said "I watched this tutorial early this morning, will watch it repeatedly,"


  25. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Turkey upside down= check
    phone handy with "how to carve a turkey for dummies= check
    surgical gloves= check
    look of absolute ignorance on face= check

    The woman is an idiot

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Nice surgical gloves, not as much as a drop of turkey on them.

    2. Anonymous11:12 PM

      I hope those aren't the same gloves she used to stuff the raw turkey four hours prior...

  26. Anonymous6:13 PM

    This is a perfectly Palin Family Values carving technique. Notice that to her right the savory morsel known as "The Pope's Nose" is exposed to view. Concurrent with her remarks on Pope Francis, and sure to be detailed in her NEXT book about the war on Thanksgiving.

    The whole family will be fighting over that, forgetting all about the breast(s), as no one can remember when to pack them for traveling anyway.

    Wild Tortoise

  27. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Talking about having a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The apron Sarah Palin is wearing says mama grizzly on it with pictures of bears on it.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      It was probably a gift from a Peebot... Sewed it themselves.

  28. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "Hey Todd! My turkey doesn't have any breasts. This must be a male turkey?"

  29. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The skin on the breasts looks raw and undercooked.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Seeing that turkey would kill my appetite. She has been the family turkey master for how many years?

    2. Crystal Sage8:23 PM

      I thought that too. Wings are overcooked; Sarah forgot to put aluminum foil on them for a while. As stated above, in most families it's the elder male who carves the turkey. At the table. It became an important task for my grandfather for years. He spent time sharpening the turkey knife and making sure that slices were uniform and perfect.

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      8:23 PM

      Yes. It was always a significant and constant part of the traditions practiced to an art form.

  30. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Can somebody tell me why that retard Sarah Palin is wearing killer whale earrings on Thanksgiving day? It would be more appropriate to wear a turkey earring instead of a whale.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      She is frontier Alaskan Mama Grizzly and I forget the rest.

  31. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Who taped that poor child's glasses together? Helen Keller?

  32. Anonymous6:29 PM

    How much do you want to bet that fuckwad Sarah Palin probably didn't remove the gizzard, neck bone and heart bags from inside that turkey.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      It was probably frozen when she put it in a cold oven then turned on the temp.

    2. I read on iVillage or Taste of Home that one CAN put a frozen turkey, bag of giblets and all, into a 350 degree F. oven and roast it.

      You just have to allow 2 hours more than you would if it were thawed out. So the article said, anyway. The theory behind doing it this way was that the legs thaw out faster than the breast, thus the darker meat will have that extra time to be cooked perfectly, and the thawing breast will still be moist and cooked perfectly as it "catches up" to the leg meat.

  33. Anonymous6:32 PM

    That's why Sarah Palin brought cookies to the starving Native Alaskans. Sarah Palin can't cook shit.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Willow can not only go to har skool she the cook in the family.

  34. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Why does my turkey smell like ass? I thought the turkey ass is supposed to be on the other side?

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    That Sarah Palin is a fucking moron.

  36. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I wonder if Sarah Palin knows how to cook a hotdog? She doesn't know which side to cook it on.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Palins don't eat hotdogs, they suck them dry.

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      A Greta interview in 2008 at Granny Sarah's house had her cutting hotdogs and trying( and failing) to stuff them with processed cheese.

  37. WTH! Turkey upside down and burned? Did she watch the video backwards standing on her head? Oh wait...

  38. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Sarah and my son Teko carving the turkey?

    I'm sorry and not trying to be funny but I thought that was a little girl with lipstick and a little girl's pixie skater's hairstyle.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      I wonder if he gets pedicures like Tri-PP?

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Did Willow style his hair?

    3. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Willow you're fired!

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM


      Where does Sarah and her brother get these names?

    5. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Teko is the image of Sarah.... He looks more like her than her own spawn.

  39. I've been watching "Game Change" all day, and the more time has passed since, the more the scope of Palin's self-absorption and talent for dishonest machination we've sampled, the more the film seems sympathetic toward her.

    One scene however is utterly hysterical, and necessarily can't be from Steve Schmidt's personal memory: in a bedroom alone together, on the eve of the VP debate, Todd is all soothing reassurance bolstering Sarah's confidence. I wonder if it makes them roll their eyes like mine, and if they've ever really spoken that gently to one another since maybe their twenties.

  40. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Very weird indeed.

    That kitchen tool in her hand, what is it? And the turkey being on it's back, belly up, that is odd. Are we sure it's not a fake turkey made out of silicone?

    Of course, this is a reactionary photo that Sarah wants to prove her critics wrong. But she's not very convincing with that perplexed look on her face.

  41. Anonymous6:52 PM

    hey it's black friday-wasn't someone here saying that all hell was going to break loose for the skank klan today?
    what happened?

  42. Anonymous6:57 PM

    That kid must be a Heath. He has that same elongated ear like Dumbo Sarah.

  43. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Mama Grizzly is written on her apron. Wonder if that was a gift from her bots?

    It's hysterical that she's always portraying herself as the whack a fish/shoot the cariboo mama grizzly who can gut it, clean it, quarter it, freeze it and be at the speech with dried blood still under her finger-nails; and here she looks like she doesn't have a clue how to cook.

    Thing is, nobody faults her for not being a great knowledgeable cook, but it's the fact she pretends she's the ultra do-it-all hockey mom. It's her obsession with keeping up appearances that is so funny.

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      About the "Hawk-eee maum" thing...when was the last time any of her kids even played hawk-ee? They sent Track away to Wisconsin or Minnesota or something when he was a teenager, and he's now in his mid-20s, right?

  44. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "We've all had our ups and downs this year but we have so much to be thankful for."
    Chuckie Jr

    No shit Sherlock, the Heaths and Palins owes a lot to SarahPac.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      What? Is he talking about his own failed book tour, or Sarah's?

  45. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Looks like she's using latex gloves, the kind that are in the drug do-it-yourself hair colour kits. Why the phone so close to the greasy plate of turkey? Will she pick it up with those greasy gloves? Once one takes off the gloves, who wants to pick em' up and put em' on again? Yuck.

    Everything about this photo spells 'oddball'. It's like the family is gathering around to watch her do something she's never done in her life. How come Chuck Jr. has to prove her - what's in it for him?

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Meant "drug store". Not drug do-it-yourself hair-colour kits. Using the term drug-store really dates me.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      She's wearing gloves so the note on her left hand written with a Sharpie won't come off on the bird. Note says. Carve turkey breast side up. She can't read her note with the glove on... What a frigging idiot!

  46. Anonymous7:09 PM

    What is up with the gloves? Afraid you are going to mess up that fancy manicure Ms Frontiersman...

    1. Anonymous11:28 PM

      What families wear sanitary gloves to carve a turkey? I've never seen it done in any homes I've been in throughout the years for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners. And, I've been on this earth for eons!

      Gadfree, that Sarah! She doesn't know how to work - even in a kitchen!

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      When she gets an alert on her phone she doesn't want to wash her hands. It is faster to take the gloves off. She can't miss a message, she lives for them.

  47. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Every photo of Palin and her klan seems like a "find everything wrong in this picture" game from a kid's magazine.

  48. Anonymous7:23 PM

    No wonder Brancy isn't posting any Tripp/Bristol photos of Thanksgiving yet. Are they all as crazy as Uncle Chucky's Sarah and my son Teko carving the turkey?

    Bristol is certainly in Arizona with her lastest trial. Is there any chance the grandfather was able to be dressed up for Sally to take him to Thanksgiving dinner at his daughter's house? Todd's schedule must be tight with the secret Rainbow hunting and fishing camp, did he make it to the traditional sit down at the table? Track and his friends live at the compound, I would like to ask them how the turkey and food tasted. So far that turkey is not looking so good. Too each his own, but that would not pass with any family I know.

    So much for Sarah and her book of more lies.

  49. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thanks for the hilarity!

    Add another nail to the coffin of her political career--there's no possible way to spin this photo and back-story in a positive light.

    She's probably never cooked/carved a chicken for her family. Nothing wrong with that or with a general lack of kitchen skills (ignoring the fraud factor). But, good golly, this is one ginormous tale of failure, including but not limited to: zero problem-solving ability, zero comprehension ability, and zero common sense. And the perfect set-up for Gryphen's word skills.

    1. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Next photo op, Sarah skins and field dresses a moose.

  50. Anonymous7:29 PM

    It's just like the bear photo where she is standing over the bear with gun pointing at her. She's a goddamn idiot and someone in her family is pranking the hell out of her. "Carving" an upside down turkey with a cheese knife. You can't make this up! hahahahaha


    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Bro Chuckles must be passive aggressive.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      The Palin/Heaths are very passive aggressive. So you are probably correct she is being pranked. It's so easy to do.

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      She is such a fuck-up.

  51. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Carving the turkey with a cheese knife...too funny! LOL.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      No wonder her turkeys are always a "mess." Maybe Pimp Daddy Todd will give her a carving set for Christmas. Like the infamous ice screw he gave her last year.

    2. Anonymous10:31 PM

      You can't get too much meat from the spine of the turkey. There's more meat on the other side.

    3. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Ice screw? Is that like he broke off an icicle and gave it to her he didn't have to touch her? Those Palin's - a whole new set of kinky.

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I think the ice screw (ice auger) was mentioned as a pretend present that Todd gave his ex-wife to bolster the imaginary image of her as some kind of ice-fishing, snow-machine riding frontierswoman, not some wimpy snowbird that has to fly south at the first sign of frost.

  52. Anonymous7:42 PM

    To be fair, my husband can''t figure out what side of a chicken is up! But so much for the Palin mythology that she is an accomplished pioneer woman!!

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Sarah wrote on her Facebook that she found this wonderful video about how to carve a turkey. She has been married for 25 years and she never knew how to cut up a turkey. (It's like a chicken, but bigger). She vowed to watch the video repeatedly. And, the video was very instructive, showing the turkey with its breast up. The first thing to do was to remove the drumsticks and thighs. What did Sarah do after watching the video over and over? Turn the bird breast down and stab it in the back with a cheese knife. So much for watching that great video.

  53. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Sarah Palin is a turkey carving expert like she is an energy expert.

    Don't know shit.

  54. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Zoom in on Sarah Palin's skin and you will see old woman's spots on it.

  55. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Why does that dumb shit has the blade of her cheese cutter near her wrist?

    1. Anonymous11:22 PM

      That blade/knife was for sale on TV!!!

  56. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Sarah, you jive turkey!

  57. Anonymous8:00 PM

    That bird looks raw on the side closest to the cutting board. I hope somebody got food poisoning.

  58. Anonymous8:01 PM

    That is not how I recall any family kitchen dinner scenes from many a holiday. In so many ways this photo op is off kilter. They are having a turkey, but what about other traditional dishes? Didn't her book sell include recipes? Who only serves a turkey and one or two other foods? Our family has a mix of people in a busy, well used kitchens. It looks like someone is cooking because they are. Someone at the sink would try to keep up with the dishes but there would always be more. The wine or cocktail glasses would be in other rooms and you would see other food around. Sarah urgently needs to hire new consultants. Her brother makes her look even more the Mat-Su Valley idiot. Does he want to expose her fraud and this is his first hit?

    Where are the men? Men in our family are not afraid of the kitchen and not afraid to participate. It is her first time carving and the only two persons are taking a photo and a young prop? ROTFLMBO

  59. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Weird how her neck and face skin look one way and below the skin is spotty and like old peep.

  60. Now she's got a kid next to her who looks several years older than the merely post-toddler, 'back-home-with-my-Alaskan-heart' picture of, what, three days ago? How many spare Trigs are actually on call?

    1. Oh, okay, my bad - Teko. Whew. That's a relief. It looked like Trig grew as fast as her belly between March and April 2008.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Chuck's kid Teko.

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Trig must have failed to cure her jet lag.

    4. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I have a DS child in my family. I m not making of Teko or Trig at all. DS children have very sweet personalities. I have a PROBLEM with her exploiting them for false purposes. What has she EVER done for the DS community? NOTHING. Not one damn thing. What a FRAUD, and her followers are as ignorant as the day is long. Wake UP!

    5. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Teko is DS too?

  61. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Oh, Gryph and IMers, you NEVER disappoint! Back from an afternoon/evening of college football watching and what is first and foremost? $arah PROVING she can do a turkey with prop Trig in tow. Did you call it or WHAT?

    You are pwned, $arah, admit it. You and your trolls just LOVE to visit here, don't you? You know you r next move and we LAUGH! Dance for us, puppet, DANCE!

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Her own brother is helping to show her as a buffoon. If the money senders weren't so dim they would notice she is not all there and has an inept staff. Family members that want to destroy her, also, too.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Excuse me....Teko. Photo op nothing more.

  62. Anonymous8:40 PM

    OMG, is there ANYTHING that woman can do without fucking it up?

  63. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Once more, Palin has been proven a fraud by her own photographs.

    The videos of her hunting showed that she was clueless about handling a gun, as did the photo of her with the dead bear.

    Episode after episode of her thankfully short-lived reality series showed that she was completely inexperienced with most of the Alaskan activities she claimed to enjoy.

    Shots of her cheating in races (or quitting partway through) prove that she is not the avid runner she claims to be.

    Every video and photo of her with children (hers or anyone else's) makes it clear she has no maternal instincts whatsoever, and the way she callously used her poorly dressed youngest son for photo ops during the first book tour make lies of her Grizzly Mama nickname. I won't even delve into the Magical Instant Pillow Pregnancy, the Wild Ride and the presentation of her 'premature, three-day-old' special needs baby to her entire office staff when he should have been kept far away from potential infection.

    And now comes The Great Turkey Carving where she tried to cut the back of a turkey with a cheese knife.

    One more piece of evidence that Sarah Palin is a complete fraud.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      The only way that Sarah knows how to attack anything, including a dead bird, is to stab him in the back while he isn't looking.

  64. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Ye gads. Forget the poor turkey, take a look at Chucky's facebook page. Brother Chucky is now Sarah's official attack dog. Katy Couric -- see below, Cher and multiple others. However, it does look like maybe catty, controlling, conniving Sarah is writing his posts! Chucky is an idiot but Sarah must be writing these ratty,catty, mean junior high girl posts...Unless, of course, poor Chucky is really that infantile!

    Look at the Katy post:

    Chuck Heath, Jr.
    November 24
    Katie, I'm sorry things didn't work out for you at ABC (or CBS and NBC). Good luck at Yahoo.

    I apologize for not appearing on your show last fall when you asked me and my dad to go on and talk about our book. We were still a little upset about the edited hatchet job you did with Sarah a few years ago.

    Again, good luck at Yahoo. I hope you find the success you once had.

    Stay perky!
    Chuck Heath, Jr."

    One really needs to take a stroll through Chucky's facebook page. If he's not taking up the banner for some vendetta Sarah has been on, he's trying to sell the lousy book he and the old man wrote.

    Wonder what dear Sarah is paying him to be her watch dog. He clearly isn't bright enough to stay out of her sh$% and make it on his own. Poor dumb ass thinks there is a future supporting his has been, loser sister.

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Sarah's PAC: Consultants fees: assignment, find the shell company which pays Chuckie for posting comments that are favorable for Sarah.

    2. Anonymous11:19 PM

      As to Couric - whom I think she is as cute and engaging as can be - will continue doing her current show and also do the new thing via Yahoo. Chuckeeee, Jr. sounds much like his sister, Sarah, in that he doesn't get his information correct!

    3. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Poor Chucky really is that infantile!

    4. Anonymous4:52 AM

      It WASN'T edited, you effing moron Chuckie! Keep spinning.....

    5. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Are all Heaths (Creepy Chuckie and Sarah) vindictive mean junior high kids that has never grown up and hold grudges?

    6. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Yes, they really are all stuck (or stunted) emotionally in their teens. And I have read that a lot of child victims of sexual abuse will stay emotionally frozen at the age when the abuse occurred. So maybe the juvenile-ness of the Palin-Heath clan tells us more than they suspect.

    7. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Palin is lucky that CBS cut the worst parts of her interview with Couric. When Katy appeared on the Letterman show, she admitted that there was worse stuff on the cutting room floor, so bad that she wasn't allowed to talk about it. CBS did Palin a favor, making her look about as smart as she could ever look.

  65. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Caption for the photo: Teko, are you the one who carved his initials in the back of this dead bird?

    1. Alaska Reality show script1:34 AM

      Scene: Audition for Johnny Knoxville's next movie: aka Dog Turd Turkey :-(

      Sarah:"Teko you knew since before you got him that we were going to be eating your pet turkey for Thanksgiving. Natchyoors gawd given bounties and pilgrims! Grizzly mama and living off the land and all dat ch*t!

      That does NOT mean it is getting even to tell us you were feeding him dog sh*t for the last month! Who gave you an idea like that? AND you'd better not tell me you saw it on one of those goldurn blogs!!!

      He's not my child! AIEEEEE!!!"

      Chuckles: "That's why the cheeze knife beyotch! Remember those l Crunch Wrap Supremes you thought tasted funny? Say cheeze!"

  66. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Sarah and Brancy went black for Thanksgiving. Wittle Chuck and Teko are the only ones to share with the fans.

    When will Sarah return to sell books about glad tidings and joy?

    There is something very lonely about this photo op. Did her family quit on her? Todd and Bristol were no shows. What about Sally, Chuck Sr. and Track? Willow, Piper and Trig?

  67. Chenagrrl4:30 AM

    Teko is beautiful, but his gaze is in a different direction than Sarah's. The only subject in the picture that seems to have some sense is the turkey who appears to be trying to make a run for it.

  68. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Okay. Who wears gloves to serve food at a FAMILY gathering?? Who. Gloves are for institutional food service!!

    Man of the house/head of the family is the only true patriotic Merikan way to carry out the traditional turkey carving!!

    Cell phone next to greasy turkey. Smart. Have to have that thing within reach 24/7. So down to earth.

    BTW Chuck Jr. Katie is not leaving her talk show on ABC she is adding to her list of accomplishments with a new venture into online communication with Yahoo. A smart move in this age as more media is delivered via the internet. NOT high school social media venues like FB and twitter. Savvy professionals like Ms. Couric see the future potential and are beginning to establish a presence in this new market.

  69. Anonymous5:40 AM

    If that isn't NASTIEST thing I've seen in quite some time . . the bloody bird is a close 2nd. Yeek!

    (Btw Chuckie II, I'm not buyin' what you sellin.')

    Fraud; thy name is Palin.


  70. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I am certain that Palin has very good reasons not to publish this year's family holiday gathering. Without a skilled photo-shop consultant what kind of a group photo would there be?

    It will remain a mystery if Todd was able to make it by for a photo op. Bristol may have found a crumb of freedom and sun in Az. Willow is unshackled and can shred some snow. Piper, living with grandparents, can be a big help. Trig is at last with a real family? Track is a homebody and his bunch will welcome a meal.

  71. ManxMamma6:20 AM

    Well I guess if you cook a turkey upside down (the drum stick looks a little underdone) you have to carve it upside down. What a domestic goddess.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Cooking the turkey upside down makes the breast meat very juicy. However, you are supposed to flip the turkey 2/3 of the way through the cooking process to brown the breast. How the hell can you even carve the back of a turkey without a chainsaw?

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Tell me again how much meat there is on the spine of the turkey? All of the meat is up front, in the breast, thighs and drumsticks. I like the wings because they are crunchy, but no one, that is absolutely no one eats the turkey backbone. And, you don't start carving the turkey back there wither.

  72. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Chuckles Jr is doing his best to cash in on his little sister before her career goes completely tits up (unlike the turkey).

  73. janice7:37 AM

    No stuffing in the chicken? You are supposed to put foil on top so it doesn't burn. Why the clear pyrex dish next to the turkey? The turkey goes on a platter then you carve. The kitchen is too clean to have made a big dinner. Where are Sarahs helpers?
    Is this the inside of the Palin motorhome?

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      That is Wasilla kitchen

      Arizona kitchen

  74. Anonymous8:19 AM

    What is wrong with Sarah carving the turkey? Sarah is head of the household and Sarah is the bread winner.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Did Todd the purse carrier loose that position because he is unemployed and has an alto voice?

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      What is wrong with Sarah carving the turkey? Well, it's upside down. She's using the wrong knife. Her gloves are two sizes too big. No one puts a dish towel under the turkey. You put in on the kind of carving board that has some prongs sticking up. You don't make the first incision down the spine. First you remove the drumsticks and thighs. Sarah has no idea how to carve the turkey. Besides, it looks badly burned. So, if she is the breadwinner and responsible as the head of the household, she is one fine screw up.

  75. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah Palin has old woman's spots on her arms and exposed skin except on her face which is plastered with makeup. Imagine seeing her face without makeup. It would look like an old spotred leopard.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She has spots on her chest near her necklace and on her arms. Sarah's face must be spotted too.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Who cares? Your point is? Talk about her non-existent heart and brain. There is a plethora of material for that.

  76. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Has Sarah ever carved a chicken or turkey before or is Sarah used to Levi bringing over a bucket of chicken to feed her children while she lays in her bed watching soap operas?

  77. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I can tell you people are not uneducated white trailer trash squatters. Cooking and carving birds with the breast down is a family tradition.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Uh. Ok, so how do you carve the back of a bird?

  78. Anonymous8:44 AM

    They say Todd made peep holes and could tell you the color of women's nipples. Maybe Sarah cooked the turkey upside down because of Todd. It's like not giving an alcoholic a drink. Sarah didn't want Todd to see the nipples on the turkey breast and get all excited.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      A walk down memory lane.

      The first relates to her meeting Todd, then married to his first wife Sarah, in his home town of Dillingham, Alaska in the 1980s.

      "Todd hit on me," Palin said. "During summer, the fishing season, Todd was out there, and they'd all flirt with me. I'd probably flirt back."

      I remember coming out of a restaurant one day and Todd was in his old Ford truck with a boat hooked up to the back, and he was like, 'Come here.'

      "I had on these overalls with a bikini top, and he said 'I hear lots about you.' Then he said 'Turn around,' and I said, 'What?' and he said 'I hear you got a great heart-shaped ass' and 'Aren't you just adorable?'

      "Todd was hot back in the day, and I remember thinking, 'Hmmm.' Then I found out he was married. I was like, 'Well, I don't roll that way.'

      "J.D. had one of those big Native steams behind his house and he always invited the white girls. A bunch of us would go over."

      One day Todd made a comment about my nipples being pink. I said, 'You've never seen me naked,' and he said, 'Well, maybe there's a peephole.' Todd and his friends had been peepin' on us for months. And he wasn't some horny teenager; he was a grown and married.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Thanks @ 9:58 AM

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Todd was married before? To whom?

    4. Anonymous12:48 PM

      He was married to Sarah when he hit on the woman telling this story.

    5. Anonymous2:28 PM

      11:23 I was confused reading it also. Too.

      Todd was married to Sarah while hitting on the woman with the heart shaped butt and the pink nipples.

  79. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hey Sarah, how come we've never seen a picture of you at a computer composing your facebook posts and three ghost written books?

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      lol. countdown begins!

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Sarah typing her own Facebook posts? Come on now. Typing two sentences would take Sarah at least 24 hours.

    3. Be careful what you wish for...

  80. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The perfect place for Bristol and Sarah.

    Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer could be politically damaged by revelations that her administration ignored thousands of child abuse and neglect reports that prompted calls for her to replace her hand-picked leader of the state's social services agency.


  81. Anonymous10:18 AM

    That Sarah is ignorant she couldn't tell you if she was carving a turkey or a pigeon.

  82. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Why does it take 30 days for Sarah Palin to write one sentence?

    A period only comes once a month.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Ok. That was great!

  83. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Did Caint Get Right's ex-daughter partake of Sarah's upside down turkey feast?

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Bristol's kids are in AZ.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' never had a kid. Another Palin Diversion for the Fertile, always sexing Bristol.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Track Palin

  84. Are y'all SURE you wanna see her without makeup?

  85. More candid pics without makeup!

    Everyone remembers this pic of course:

    But this is what IT looks like without the makeup:

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      I think Sarah looks better in the bottom picture without makeup.

  86. Turkey cooked upside down. Check

    No lid on the roaster while it cooked. Check

    Breasts and drumsticks not done. Check

    Back and wings burnt. Check

    Carving bird upside down whilst trying to make sense of instructional video. Check

    Stabbing bird in the back with a small cheese knife. Check

    Wearing gloves so you don't catch turkey cooties. Check

    About to knock phone on the floor. Check

    YEP! It's a certified Valley Trash Thanksgiving!

  87. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Is anybody really surprised that Sarah Palin watched a "How To Cook A Turkey For Dummies" and fucked it by cooking and carving it upside down?

    Don't be surprised, this is the same Sarah that heard the story about Paul Revere and fucked it up.

  88. Anonymous12:41 PM

    That kid Teko looks a lot like a young Piper. I'm wondering if they are 1/2 brother and sister?

  89. Anonymous12:54 PM

    We Wasilla Hillbillies prefer the turkey spine/backbone. That is the most fought after piece of turkey in the trailerparks. Mmmm Mmmm Good!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.