Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Just in case the Republicans thought they could use the issue of abortion against Hillary Clinton in 2016, perhaps they better think again.

Damn! That is just about the most powerful statement in support of a woman's right to choose that I have ever heard.

She is going to make an awesome candidate in 2016.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Abortion just isn't about a granny Governor or her high school aged daughter choosing life, it's about 9 year old girls being raped by their grandpa-aged husbands or trafficked into prostitution. There is a sick-fuck world out there that exploit and hurt girls and women, and we need mature grown-ups like Hillary to spank these righteous assholes.

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Hillary will SLAY them like old salmon and we know DEAD FISH go with the flow, b/c supreme griftata said so!
    anyway OT: Cons really butthurt over their lo$$...
    I can hear the Whine!
    Oh and FLOTUS sent a tweet out, expect queen qriftata to explode 5,4,3,2,1:

    “I wish you all and all your loved ones a Happy Diwali & Saal Mubarak.” —FLOTUS at the @WhiteHouse Diwali celebration

    As rosana danna danna says "its always something"!

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Wow! HRC is one formidable woman.

    I've attached a video from 1968 about family planning. It was produced by the extremely right-wing Walt Disney. I find it interesting that only 45 years ago conservatives believed female access to reproductive healthcare was a good thing. What went wrong? Oh yeah, the Moral Majority, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin...

  4. She is going to make an awesome President!!!

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Madame President................please proceed. Oh please run Hillary, please.


  6. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Don't you mean awesome "President"? Get 'em Hilly.

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The damn FACTS speak for themselves!! Access to education and contraception LOWER abortion rates. These Aholes are on the wrong side of the argument.

  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Tell 'em, Hillz.

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Hillary has so much more experience to be POTUS than Christie ever thought of having! I do NOT see the bully beating her...he would NOT intimidate her in a debate. Plus, he is too cocky! Like the fact he is shedding the pounds though - will make him a healthier boy!

    I so hope she runs! She'll win hands down due to Republicans not having a soul w/her abilities or experience. Hillary, the women are behind you!!!!

  10. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Bad News for Republicans :The Youth Vote Grew in 2013 and They Voted Democrat

    voters 51%-49%.

    Republicans should be very afraid. Young voters are becoming solidly Democratic. The only demographic that Chris Christie lost in New Jersey was voters age 18-29. It doesn’t appear to matter who is at the top of the ticket, the Republican Party is a major turnoff to young voters right now.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      They are a turn off to many!! Women, minorities, many Independents and the majority of Dems!

      We should vote anti Republican every chance we get in the upcoming elections! Especially the Teabagger portion!

  11. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Hillary rocks!

  12. Anonymous11:03 AM

    In the meantime, our current First Lady and her President are on the scene for visitors. What a stunning surprise!

    1. Did you read some of the comments? Yikes!

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      These people are all flippin' idiots! In part this is PBO's fault b/c IF he would of taped that fucking bitches mouth shut (palin) during the campaign and kicked "you LIE" out of congress we wouldn't have this teabagger shit now. PBO was TOO nice.
      But Hill...oh no, no no! She will not put up with this shit and will slap down palin and the other rw assholes and smash them like the bugs they are!

  13. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Let's see - the previous topic was about S. Palin which garnered nearly 10 times the comments as this one about H. Clinton.


    1. Because Clinton has no "haters" venting here.

  14. Anonymous11:35 AM

    She will be our next the rate we're going I doubt a republican will be president in my lifetime...

  15. Beldar J Conehead11:53 AM

    Meh.... Looks like she had that whole speech written on her hand like a moran..

    Ok, but seriously, that was really awesome. Listen carefully and you can hear their severely conservative testicles retreating into their doughy old bodies. Thanks for posting this video, G.

    1. fromthediagonal1:38 PM

      Yep, Beldar... to quote a Northern German saying on a blustery day in mid winter: Two degrees colder, and he'll be a girl...

  16. Anonymous12:07 PM

    they wont have to as she wont be the democratic nominee.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      shut up sarah...

    2. And what alternate universe are you living in?

  17. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Beldar: She was awesome, and women's health is tied to reproductive freedom, duh. Great video, g. Love it so much.

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Wow!!!!! I am SO impressed with her!

    She makes so much sense.

    Thanks for posting, Gryph!

  19. Anonymous5:45 PM

    GO Hillary!!!

  20. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    I loved the ending when his time expired. Doubt he'd have the skillset to make an appropriate defense of his stupidity. THIS is why I like Hillary. She checkmates him without batting an eyelash.

  21. Anonymous10:18 PM

    After the last several years of Republicans doing everything they can to prevent access to reproductive services, I will be so happy to vote for a woman! And that would be a woman with a brain, not the Republican idiots (Palin, Bachmann, O"Donnel) who we were blindly supposed to vote for because they were "pretty". Go Hillary!


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