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Courtesy of Levi's Facebook page. |
Snowbilly sperm donor Levi Johnston, that paragon of Alaskan manhood, filed a civil custody suit in Alaska against Bristol Palin on October 19. The Alaska judicial website doesn’t provide any details (dumb privacy laws), but presumably the suit will attempt to resolve the custody issues left hanging when the former couple’s previous case was dismissed for “lack of activity” in 2012. We hope that the two estranged/very strange parents can come to a workable agreement that includes a trust fund to cover all the counseling poor Tripp is going to need. As the social workers in Family Court sometimes say, this is one of those cases where you wish there was an option for a court order to have the child raised by wolves.
I have to admit that it is hard to get too excited about this as we have been through all of this before.
I think the majority of us (Excluding of course the Palin-troll) are in agreement that Bristol is possible one of the worst mothers imaginable, and Tripp seems to do much better when he is with his dad.
Levi is by no means perfect, but he has a good heart and he was raised by two parents who loved him unconditionally and did not use him as political prop or force him to spout some mythologized version of his life for public consumption.
He’s certainly a good-looking child. But that big boy needs to get out of his mother’s bed. I don’t think Bristol is a deliberate child abuser, I just think she’s not very smart about things.
ReplyDeleteI just think she’s not very smart about things.
DeleteWhat gave that away?
Her Jay Leno chin extension?
Life's A Tripp?
Bull riding?
Celebrity Wife Swap?
Her last name?
No birth control?
Underage pregnancy?
Can't get into college?
Child abuse is abuse. Whether it is deliberate or not. It is still abuse. Intention comes into play in legal matters.
Delete...she's not very smart about things. Many people are thrust into positions before they are ready. But, when handed a big responsibility, like raising a child, many people rise to the occasion, grow up and accept the responsibility of being the adult in the family.
DeleteIt's not all Bristol's fault. She was raised by two parents who don't put much emphasis on learning and growing. She has a domineering mother who makes bad decisions for Bristol.
But Bristol is lucky that Sarah pushed her onto those TV shows, giving her quite a fat bank account. (Undeserved fortune). Bristol should have been taking parenting classes. There are books about raising kids. There is information on-line. With that money, Bristol could have made the choice to improve herself, learn and study something. But that was the advice given to Sarah Palin when she quit as Governor, and she chose to cash in instead. Like mother, like daughter, poor Tripp.
Levi needs a good lawyer and a lot of luck. Especially since Sarah seems to have appointed Judge Heath in this case. I wonder if it has anything to do with Bristol taking Tripp out of state so often. Latest gossip was that Bristol was going to Penrose Academy, studying skin care. (Imagine, after all these years of working full time in a dermatologist's office, she needs a course in skin care, LOL!) People seemed to think that Bristol was going to the same place that Willow attended, in Arizona. So, where's Tripp when Bristol's in school? In fact, who does take care of Tripp when Bristol claims to be working full time and going to school?
ReplyDeleteThe other damning information against Bristol is that letter that she wrote to Melissa Rivers about what a brat Tripp was, that he needed to be bribed with popsicles to get him to do anything, and that Tripp "ruled the roost." (No, Bristol, that's the mother's job-- when the mother is supposed to be the adult and the kid is the kid. It's much more difficult when the mother is also an immature kid.)
I hope that Levi's stable family life is strong enough to convince the judge that there should be a better custody arrangement for Tripp. Good luck, Levi!
Judge Heath is no relation to Chuck Heath, however, he was appointed by Palin when she was Gov.
DeleteWhat does the fox say? I going to have a bay, bay, baby....
ReplyDeleteWhop, whop, whop, da whop....that is the mystery!!!
RJ in Brownbackistan
Crap that kids looks 10 yrs old!!! Hmmm I guess Barstool is late with the payoff payments?
ReplyDeleteHey Levi hope you did the DNA test already!?
And while your at it collect some of Triggy bears DNA also,too!
For ins! (if you haven't already)
Whatever the truth and reality about Tripp Johnston's world it is going to remain top secret.
DeleteLevi sure is a handsome young man. I hope he is able to accomplish better custody agreement for Tripp.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it time for Tripp to be going to school? Didn't Bristol say she was moving to Arizona with Willow? i feel so sorry for Tripp when I think of him living with those two harpies.
glad he's taking action against Bristol. When you give an inch, grifters take a mile...so don't give anything at all.
ReplyDeleteIt's cruel behavior to deny the child his right to visit his father. She took him to AZ without warning and with every intention of harming his relationship with his parents.
He's almost 8 years old now....time to knock off the stupid Palin moves and behave like a grown up in the real world.
8? How do you figure?
DeleteRemember that ALL the photos of the various grandkids are misdated and off by years.
DeleteIncluding making Brisket a year OLDER when her pregnancy was announced.
DeleteSnowbilly sperm donor?
ReplyDeleteThat could be several Wasilla boys. Levi, Ben, Gino, Dylan etc.
Dylan? Isn't that Tri-G's dad?
Deletenot to mention the private parties with politicians....and their bodyguards. McCain ....who were you doing in 2005, 2006 and 2007??
DeleteSnowbilly Sperm Donor.... LOL!!! Is the like Sponge Bob?
DeleteI don't particularly like the term "Sperm Donor" in this particular case in reference to Levi. Bristol volunteered to be the egg donor and incubator for mama's little money maker.
DeleteLevi shows more parental interest than Bristol in any photo of him and Tripp together.
Never bought her book of lies.
Hey Levi, be careful what you wish for.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you just wish for a good life for Tripp?
Delete12:47 PM
DeleteIt may be too late for that.
The Johnstons are a real family.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are a pretend family. They even pretend about going to school and living together as a unit.
I heard that the house on dead Lake Lucille is 'privately' listed and has two caretakers, Willow is doing hair in Palmer and 'helps' take care of Tripp. Track is living in the apartment in the hangar and Piper lives with an aunt. Bristol is enrolled in a cosmetology course in Arizona (?) and Tri-G is living in Palm Desert with Toad's father and step mother. Can anyone confirm any of this?
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarah is where ?
DeleteWhich house is listed -- Sarah's or Bristol's?
Are there no cosmetology schools in Anchorage? Alaska? Why must the Palins travel to Arizona to attend hair school?
What a strange -- and sad --assortment of people this is! When will we start getting tweets and fb posts about Sarah's one big happy family at Thanksgiving and news about where they'll be going to church on Christmas Eve?
I know Willow is doing hair at Raven Studios in Palmer.
Deleteno - Willow can't be taking care of Tripp because he's in AZ, unless she's also in AZ. Considering that's where TriG is, Willow is probably there also.
DeleteIt sure is creepy how deceptive and shady the Heath/Palins live their lives.
DeleteThe old Palin Mommy Dearest will never run for office so it is about the scam and protecting family fraud. $$$$$ is the Palin God.
Where did you hear this?
DeleteIf Willow is working in a hair salon, then she is not taking care of Tripp. Or, she only works for a few hours while Tripp is in school.
DeleteBristol was Pregnant when she went to Arizona. The same as after DWTS. Abortion?
DeleteIt isn't that hard to get pictures in public. Peeps should be serious and have back up for what they say. Sarah is proud if she has one child with a real job, why wouldn't she say something? Is Willow volunteering at Raven Studios? Is it another ruse? That is what Palins do best.
DeleteWillow works at Forget Me Knot Hair in Wasilla.
DeleteScroll down & look at the left side of the page for pic...
Posted October 9th - Book a color with Willow and receive a FREE haircut!!
"book a color with Willow and get a free haircut".
DeleteAre they trying to scare away customers? Not a smart business plan letting any Palin near one's head, especially with chemicals and scissors.
There is a group picture with Willow as well.
DeleteForget Me Knot Hair in Wasilla, Raven Studios in Palmer? Poor Willer. She may just insert herself where they can tolerate her or they get funds for taking her in. Doesn't sound like Willer can hold a legit job yet. She may do alright for scary Halloween but she is dirty.
DeleteAs long as Sunny's on-board, which she must be, it's clearly better for Tripp to live in one home, in one state, to attend classes at the same school throughout an entire school year.
ReplyDeleteTo have parents who can provide guidance and stability.
Sadly, Bristol sank her own (pontoon) boat with her tv shows, which demonstrated that she's a very immature woman in her own right, rudderless and not equipped to be a full-time mother.
Who knows? Maybe she has a new boyfriend who's not wild about having a five-year-old around, and Bristol must make a choice....
Soooo, this co-parenting thing with trial-husbands isn't working out?
ReplyDeleteIs that chew in his lip or is he happy to see us? Drop the snuff Levi, you are whisky-tango enough (but you still have more class than the Heath/Palins put together.)
ReplyDeleteOT: http://www.upworthy.com/dont-ask-hillary-clinton-about-abortion-if-you-cant-handle-her-answer?g=2
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I cannot WAIT for the 2016 general election debates...
I am so very happy for Tripp Johnston and his family members that have a heart and do love. As corrupt as much of Alaska is, at last, Tripp now has a chance.
ReplyDeleteTripp JOHNSTON should get 6 months every year with his daddy and his baby sister. Go Levi!
ReplyDeleteThat image looks very odd...almost like it's Photoshopped. The image of Tripp seems disproportionate to Levi. It looks as if Levi got dropped into the background on the Tripp photo. Or, alternatively, Tripp is superimposed over the Levi shot. Levi's expression is not indicative of how it would be with a sleeping child in his arms. He is much more emotionally attuned to his kids..
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, the little being that came through Levi and Sunny, little Breeze, is a stunningly beautiful little girl. Reminds me of Merced's level of beauty, though Sunny is certainly a beauty in her own right and Levi is pretty gorgeous himself. Breeze reflects all the love she's being showered with and it really comes through her eyes. Tripp looks amazingly so relaxed with them than I have ever seen him look with Bristol. He 'mugs' for the camera in a very posed and artificial way when he's in the Palin shots, but with Sunny and Levi, and his little sister, Breeze, he's genuinely happy and joyful and silly and goofy, the way kids are when they're uninhibited and they feel safe and loved.
How old is TRI-PP REALLY?
ReplyDeleteWhere is the TRI-G?
How many TRI-G's are there?
Why did Sarah Palin stuff a pillow in her shirt and call it TRI-G?
Why is TRI-PP named after Shailey TRIPP? (Todd's prostitute)
Why is Bristol trying to pass off 7 year old TRI-PP as 5 year old TRI-PP?
The answer to all of these questions is because Sarah Palin faked a special needs pregnancy for political purposes.
It's not that anyone would care, more than they did when Bristol appeared to drug her 4 month old baby. Yet how nice for Tripp had Matt Lauer (someone in authority or media) been able to speak of Tripp looking dead. There is a long video of 4 month old Tripp looking lifeless or drugged, it seems to have gone missing. Dope is too much a part of the culture and it gets protection above the vulnerable. However, for Tripp's sake may all things come into the light of day and be confronted. That is how people learn and move on in life.
Bristol Palin, 18-year-old daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, told Matt Lauer that a baby “is not just an accessory on your hip. This is hard work.”
At the rime of that interview the c4p people were defending her for lightly drugging a noisy baby, if that was what she was doing. They all were admitting to giving Benedryl to their own babies whenever they needed to calm them or otherwise shut them up. "Hey, who doesn't do that?"
DeleteYes, drugs are of supreme importance in America today. Doctors pass them out like candy so parents and teachers don't need to deal with causes or take time out of their lifestyle choices for the child's best interest and health. It is no wonder there is so much addiction to substances, what a future. Tripp's generation will have hell to pay. Love your child and give him Benedryl? I don't know that Benedryl was what Tripp was on that day. He did not even twitch the slightest. I would bet he was given a more potent sleep remedy. Who would know and admit how much Tripp or a Palin child is manipulated with medication? Too bad there is no concern for children from those who are to protect them from abusive parenting (CPS?).
DeleteAnonymous 12:32...I remember seeing at least part of that video after the fact and thought how "large" Tripp was and also how "zonked out" he appeared...no movement at all. He was like a rag doll. It was later that I heard the rumors about him being drugged.
DeleteMaybe he's doing this now because Bristol is supposedly taking beauty classes in AZ and is keeping him down there. Whatever the case, it will be good for this child to have a proper role model and his dad and stepmom seem like the ones who are the best.
ReplyDeleteEven though a child should stay with his mother, it's a shame that Bristol doesn't try to settle down and give him a real home with a man who stays more than one year at a time. Kids grow up so fast and to think that already in 10 years, Tripp might be acting out. She'd better get a good man fast and stop constantly bouncing Tripp around the country.
WHO says "a child should stay with his mother"? That is not based on fact. Many men do a far better job of raising kids. A child should be with the parent who is the most settled and can offer a secure, loving environment. Based on lots of evidence, well documented on her own tv shows, that is not Bristol or her family. Her father is a PIMP and her kid is named after one of his whores.....how much more disfunctional can you get? I doubt Levi stands a chance though as the judicial system in Alaska is crooked.
Delete12:35 Bristol will have a difficult time finding a good guy, who will want to stay with her. Her reputation is in shreds. Look at how many guys she has had as trial Daddies already. Maybe if Levi does get custody, she has a chance, although there is the little problem of the other kids she has.
DeleteLevi has a very nice Facebook. His wife and children look beautiful. May things work out for the family. Tell the truth and end child abuse.
ReplyDeleteBristol is lucky she is so unpopular and her mother so irrelevant. The media would be all over this if they had even an ounce of significance in so much as the the pop culture world of reality TV.
ReplyDeleteThat's what irks her. She wanted that limelight like Mommie Dearest does. America yawned.
Delete12:35 "She'd better get a good man fast and stop constantly bouncing Tripp around the country."
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mean that literally. Maybe you mean that Tripp needs a stable male figure in his life and stability in his day-to-day kid life.
Bristol doesn't need a man, nor does any other woman. Bristol needs Bristol! She needs to grow up, accept her situation (which she got herself into and which she made oodles of money off) and do what's right by herself and her child.
Bristol needs to learn that we can't change the past, but we don't have to keep repeating it. Small, positive changes today will mean big positive changes over time.
Something we all need to be reminded of from time to time.
1:12, you're smart (wise type), if I were Bree I would listen.
DeleteBar$tool is still getting BIG $$$ from Levi every month, even though he is married with a young family. I guess that's why Sunny has to work - to help make ends meet because Bar$tool is so greedy and vindictive.
ReplyDeleteDoes Tripp have a birth certificate? If he was born in Alaska to a Palin little things like certificates can be by-passed for a frontier mother's child birth. No doubt wonders can happen in Arizona, also, too.
ReplyDeleteI find the timing of the filing interesting. Happy Birthday Bristol!
ReplyDeleteBazinga! Chalk one for Team Levi.
Delete@ Anonymous1:46 PM How do you know that? Anything to verify?
ReplyDeleteThe last I know of Bristol she looked bloated or something. What happened to her?
http://us4palin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/20130717-043822.jpg She may have unloaded that gut by now. What next? Isn't it about time they do a "where are they now" show for Bristol?
Sarah's big moment for her Christianity creed is coming soon http://www.christianpost.com/news/sarah-palin-donald-trump-to-attend-billy-grahams-95th-birthday-celebrations-107968/ Billy Graham birthday November 7. Will Bristol or Nancy French attend? I detest checking the charlatan blog.
Franklin Graham... didn't barstool go to Haiti and unload a baby? Just how much are all those babies worth on the xtian black market?
DeleteGina loudon gave her TriG(s). These xtians should all be investigated for black market adoptions.
No wonder Barstool and willow don't work, they just have babies, who knows maybe surrogate "My baby was implanted in Bristol=Willow Palins womb!"
How flippin excitin' for the xtian world and how rich for Brillows!?
Levi is hopefully asking for custody and support payments
ReplyDeleteLevi's facebook page seems so sweet & genuine opposed to bristle's ghostwritten, propaganda filled, suck up to mama blog...
DeleteExcept for the Dead bears and bear tacos...
DeleteDon't fault the boy for hunting. At least he actually tracks his game, shoots his own gun, and they're using the meat. Remember where he was when the McCain camp decided to trot him out as the fiance.
DeleteToo bad he doesn't live closer to us. Several municipalities around here have to hire hunters to cull the deer (the meat is donated to Hunters for the Hungry or nearby food banks). If you've ever been on the vehicle side of a deer-car crash, you know exactly what I mean.
Why would Bristol quit her doctor's job in Alaska just so she can go to Arizona to learn how to wash and cut hair?
ReplyDeleteborderline retarded?
DeleteThe tired doctor's office tripe AGAIN?
DeleteI hope it goes well for Levi for Tripp's sake. He truly is a handsome young man (Whatever did he see in Bristol is beyond me, but it's a mute point, he's clearly found a beautiful match with Sunny).
ReplyDeleteBristol will never find a handsome young man as Levi. It's a shame she never cut the apron strings and continues to be a tool of her mothers. I doubt she could cut life as a single mom on her own. The irony is that Tripp inherited Bristol's old chin, a constant reminder of going under the knife to look like Jay Leno's daughter.
Moot point.