Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Maine gubernatorial candidate decides to face speculation about his sexuality head on and diffuse it: “Yes, I am. But why should it matter?”

Mike Michaud's op-ed is courtesy of Bangor Daily News: 

When I entered the race for governor, I did so because I love the state of Maine and am tired of seeing it dragged in the wrong direction. There was never any question that it would be a tough race, but I know I have the vision, the experience and the commitment to lead Maine forward. 

Once I jumped to an early lead in the polls, I knew it was only a matter of time before individuals and organizations intent on re-creating the uncertainty that led to our current governor’s election three years ago would start their attacks. Already my opponents have tried to blatantly distort my support for a woman’s right to choose and my tireless commitment to our nation’s veterans. 

So I wasn’t surprised to learn about the whisper campaigns, insinuations and push-polls some of the people opposed to my candidacy have been using to raise questions about my personal life. They want people to question whether I am gay. 

Allow me to save them the trouble with a simple, honest answer: “Yes, I am. But why should it matter?” 

That may seem like a big announcement to some people. For me, it’s just a part of who I am, as much as being a third-generation millworker or a lifelong Mainer. One thing I do know is that it has nothing to do with my ability to lead the state of Maine.

“Yes, I am. But why should it matter?” Okay I find this to be all kinds of awesome.

And the fact that Michaud can do this and remain a viable candidate for governor is attributable to the important work accomplished by the LGBT community.

Just ten years ago this would have signaled the end of his candidacy but now it may actually benefit him.

We are getting closer and closer to the day when nobody gives a damn about your sexuality and instead focuses on your character and experience.


  1. He’ll lose a few bigots and gain others for his bravery. It’s probably a wash, and he doesn’t have to hide. The whisper campaigns hate when this happens, it takes all their fun away.

  2. Randall5:45 AM

    That's great - now the next step should be proclaiming your religious beliefs a detriment to your candidacy.

    When admitting you believe the voices in your head determine your policy decisions HURTS your campaign will be a major step towards sanity in our government.

    It will be a good day for America when insisting on teaching the superstitions of YOUR tribe in public schools is the death-knell of your political aspirations.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM


  4. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Idiot in Chief to expose her emaciated underbelly to USA Today? Get ready for cherry-picked ass kissing by ass clowns instead of measured debate on this so-called War on Christmas.

    USA Today's Susan Page asks the Twittersphere for questions to pose Sarah Palin tomorrow.

  5. Sally in MI6:17 AM

    This guy is awesome. Now, when we can ignore the 'religious RIGHT (wrong)' in the same manner, we will indeed be moving forward. "Why yes, I am Muslim. Why should that matter?" "Why yes, I am an atheist. Why does that matter?" It's only a matter of time, Sarah, and Santorum and Huckabee. Your bigotry and hate have no place in America.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Mike Michaud - a sweet guy and a real genuine one to boot.

  7. Beldar J Conehead11:32 AM

    Don't get smug about this, Gryphen.

    Drudge is reporting that Jeebus has convened an emergency planning meeting in heaven to lay out the punishment for Illinois passing the marriage equality act yesterday and becoming the 15ths state to allow teh geys to marry. Anonymous sources close to Jeebus (shhhh.... it's Pat Robersten) have revealed the most likely divine attack will take the form of a brutal mid-winter hurricane in Chicago followed by dense clouds of locusts and - my own personal favorite - the raining down of toads and Nabisco Triscuits. (ok, I added the part about the Triscuits, but c'mon, arent they delicious?)

    It's my understanding that Illinois is completely unprepared for a wintertime tropical storm and it could be devastating. But did liberals think this through before passing the landmark legislation? Apparently NOT!

    Severe conservatives across Illinois and in the mid-1800s are especially dismayed by this disheartening legislative setback as it makes their plan to withdraw the right to vote from women and the darkies even more difficult than originally envisioned.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Oh Triscuit rain??? But I LOVE rosemary and olive oil Triscuits!!!

      Beldar, you're just a big ol' meanie to raise and then dash my hopes like that!

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      We're getting closer and closer to the day when the revelation that a political candidate is gay means less than the color of their hair.

      And this country will be a better place when that day finally happens.

  8. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The good-looking, well-groomed, well-dressed ones are always gay. It's not fair.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

    The truth shall set you free. How does one's sexual preference affect their ability to do one's job? Look no further than the totally heterosexual, fully fulfilled in every way, Shellie and Marcus!

    I hope this guy wins and wins big.


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