Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mr. Rogers says good-bye.

If only most Christians could be as non-judgmental and accepting as this man I think the religion might not only survive, but flourish in the decades to come.

Mr. Rogers had a truly authentic morality that many people claim to possess, but so few actually do.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    He was a treasure, one that we can keep and bring up when there are dark days.

    On the other monstrously large hand. . .

    "Grandma Palin finds herself visiting her grandson Tripp at college in the year 2028."

    Who knew this is the biggest mythology in the book.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    This is so great. So great. The rill Sarah Palin as a 'pundent.'

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    O/T What's up with Sarah's bird legs? Does she think that's attractive??

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    O/T More Palin hypocrisy

    More to the point, Palin might have a bit more credibility on the "free stuff" rant if she hadn't been governor of Alaska. You want free stuff? Head north and make a left. Alaskans pay no individual income tax or sales tax. That not enough for you? Cheer up; Alaska will actually give you money every year for no reason – just because you're you and you live in Alaska (and have been living there at least 12 months). It's called the Permanent Fund Dividend, and it varies every year.

  5. I thought these comments were supposed to be about Mr. Rogers. I had to go back and look to see if I got on the wrong post.

    Anyway, he was a wonderful person and truly spoke.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Thanks, Lynne, for keeping on topic. He truly was a national treasure and I always remember his "look for the helpers" quote that his mom told him.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Get over yourself Lynne, and this is coming from a constant IM'er who usually enjoys your comments.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Thank you Lynne!

      ANON @5:09...Do you have anything of any consequence to contribute? This thread was about Mr. Rogers...Not the idiot Palin. You and other like-minded give-me-Sarah-all the time, any time while blithely and blatently disregarding the obvious focus!

      The moronic Palin and her ilk are die-hard idiots with no manners, no intelligence, no civility, and nothing positive to contribute. She is sleazy, ignorant, and one unbelievable compulsive liar.

      On the other hand, Mr. Rogers is an extrordinarily kind, gentle, caring and intelligent person.

      Thank You Mr. Rogers for "being there" all these years! You have given generations of children a wonderful gift that is very much appreciated!

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Mr. Rogers had the natural ability to make everyone feel better about themselves. He was my teacher and my children's teacher. I aspire to be able to show love and caring to my fellow human beings the way he did. What a great man.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM


    Mr Rogers left the world a better place I remember watching him with my kids, and I wasn't one who let the television "babysit" them, they had to watch quality television, and he was the best. . He embraced everyone and made children make sense of their world. I'll never forget his speech after 911 and how wise his advice was. "Always look for the helpers"


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