Wednesday, November 13, 2013

In perhaps the least shocking news of the day it turns out that Ted Nugent is a liar. I know, right?

Courtesy of the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel:

To hear former rocker Ted Nugent tell it, he was standing right beside Gov. Scott Walker helping the first-term governor fight for his conservative agenda in Wisconsin. 

Nugent, now a National Rifle Association board member and right-wing columnist, was asked about his political activity during an Oct. 30 video chat on WCSX-FM (94.7) in Detroit. He responded by saying he often lent a helping hand to such Republican politicians as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Michigan Gov. John Engler, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Walker. 

"I worked close with Scott Walker's team in Wisconsin when he took it away from the hippies and got rid of the debt and got some freedom back in Wisconsin," Nugent said. 

Pretty impressive. 

But Walker staffers said this week that Nugent's statement simply isn't true. 

The Motor City Madman doesn't know what he's talking about. 

"The governor met Ted Nugent during an NRA convention in Milwaukee years ago when he was Milwaukee county executive," said Tom Evenson, spokesman for Walker's state office. "Other than that, our office has not had involvement with him." 

The NRA held its national convention here in 2006, and Nugent -- best known for such hits at "Cat Scratch Fever" and "Dog Eat Dog" -- performed the national anthem on his guitar, as Walker recalled in this interview. 

Nugent did campaign last year in Sturtevant for former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson during his failed bid for a U.S. Senate seat. 

But officials say he has never worked with the Walker campaign. 

"We have not had any interaction with Ted Nugent," said campaign spokesman Jonathan Wetzel. 

What? Ted Nugent makes shit up?

Does that mean his story about being dead or in prison if the Presdient were reelected was a lie? (After all there is still time.)

Or that his statement that "blacks are responsible for their own oppression" was a lie?

Or that he once crapped all over himself in order to avoid the draft was a lie? (I actually kind of hope that one is true.)

Gee whoda thunk it that a self described 2nd Amendment loud mouth, and animal killing enthusiast who calls Sarah Palin "friend," would be a liar?

Oh really, everybody?

Well then no wonder Scott Walker wants to make sure that everybody knows that he has nothing to do with this psycho. I wonder how long it will be before Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, and John Engler do the same.


  1. Since Scott Walker is as big a liar as Nugent, it's hard to know who is actually lying.

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

    Too bad it wasn't the truth.

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Yeah, someone's not telling the truth, but who's to say whether it's Nugent or Walker.

  4. angela5:53 AM

    Most of the teabagging crowd are liars. You can tell when they are close to the truth---- because they aren't talking.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The gop/TP attracts the dregs, the worst people. The last "normal" person I saw who associated with them was John Huntsman. He was much too normal to be one of them, so they blocked him in favor of TRUE patriots like Rmoney, Gingrich, Santorum, Perry - you know the SANE ones!! When skanky $carah is their pinup girl, what can you expect? When is Bristles going to embark on her political career? Wasn't she going to run for office, like her piss-poor excuse for a mother?

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Hard to believe that shit can be stacked that high, isn't it?
    Oh look at little teddy boo boo in his cute little rebel flag shirt. Isn't he just so special? Mad man indeed! That should really be updated to mad boy since little teddy never has grown up.

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Ted and Sarah together don't have a complete human brain. They are both idiots who think they are the best thing ever, doncha know?

  8. Yes, Gryphen, sad to say, the Nuge DID use that unspeakable method you mention in order to be considered unsuitable for military service.

    The only guys I hold in contempt for not wanting to serve in the pointless and bloody conflict in Vietnam are the warmongers--like Ted, W., Cheney, Rove, etc.--who consider other people's children expendable, mere collateral damage in the wars the chickenhawks don't want to fight personally!

  9. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

    The Nuge lied? I'm not surprised, look who he hangs out with, another poopy panted fraud!

  10. Anonymous6:33 AM

    And, don't forget, he supports Sarah Palin!!! Pictures out there of the two of them!!!


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