Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rachel Maddow reports on Koch brother funded anti-Obamacare ads in Alaska.

Rachel was quite kind to give a shout out to my fellow Alaska bloggers over at Alaska Commons, who first broke this story back on November 7th.

John Arrrono did good work, and hopefully now that this story is getting national attention the media will be on alert for more of this kind of manipulation.


  1. London Bridges3:02 PM

    K Mart "nails" Palin!!! A must watch!

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Love it...

      Who's Got Bigger Balls In The "War On Christmas" - Sarah Palin Or Kmart?

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Jingle balls, jingle balls,
      Jingle all the way...

  2. What I feel that everyone is missing on the #ACA debate and was explained to me by my RN Mother is: "The ACA encourages a healthy lifestyle-eating right, exercise, etc".

    Which is a direct conflict of everything the Rep Party stands for. They want to feed us GMO foods, Poison the Air we breathe with #DirtyCoal emissions, Poison the Water by Fracking, Continued Wars over OIL, etc.

    If it means taking money away from these #BigBusiness's then its a direct conflict of the #GOP who is sponsored by the Same Big Business!

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    GOP: They want to feed us GMO foods, Poison the Air we breathe with #DirtyCoal emissions, Poison the Water by Fracking, Continued Wars over OIL, etc.

    #gop Same Big Business!

    Can't say that enough.

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I love John Aronno! He and Heather always remind me of twins looking for mischief, but they have great smarts and big hearts.

  5. Anita Winecooler8:55 PM

    I watched it when it aired and it highlights that these rich bastards are corrupt and lower than a flea on a weasel's belly.

    OT Joy Reed was on an MSNBC show (which name escapes me), and she brought up a great point. President Obama never framed the ACA in terms of morality. She pulled out her insurance card and explained that because she WORKS, she has good health coverage and peace of mind knowing that if something happens, she's covered. What the ACA does is affords millions of people who, for whatever reason, mostly working poor, the same peace of mind knowing that one hospital bill could possibly bankrupt a person and leave them homeless.
    She's right, and I think President Obama SHOULD take her advice.


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