Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bristol Palin responds to Levi Johnston's custody request by claiming he never spends time with his son, who of course she has hidden away in Arizona, and by calling him a felon.

Photo courtesy of Levi's Facebook page
Courtesy of of TMZ:  

Levi Johnston has his priorities screwed up ... he's buying cars, dropping serious cash on hunting and taking fancy trips, instead of forking over child support ... this according to legal docs filed by Bristol Palin. 

In the new docs -- obtained by TMZ -- Bristol claims Levi isn't a suitable parent on many levels to get what he's after -- 50/50 custody. She says aside from the fact that he's $67K behind in child support, he doesn't even visit Tripp on a regular basis. 

In fact, Bristol believes Levi is so deep in the red, it constitutes a felony under Alaskan law. 

And this is the best part ... Bristol wants the judge to say out loud that Levi is voluntarily underemployed -- translation ... LOSER. 

Well so much for TMZ staying neutral. 

Of course the fact that Levi "doesn't even visit his son on a regular basis," might have something to do with the fact that Bristol has him in Arizona much of the time and NEVER tells Levi when they are in the state. (As was reported before.)

Courtesy of Brancy's blog
As for the child support amount that is the result of a very unfair monthly amount based on Levi's Playgirl payout and should never have been allowed to stand. Of course WHY Levi has not gone to court to have it reassessed is still a mystery to me.

As for Levi being able to make more money than he currently does, I don't see how he has many employment options considering the fact that he dropped out of school (He may have his GED but I'm not sure.) and only has a few marketable skills. Personally I think his job as an electrician may be the best he can do right now. (Of course Levi did also turn down two reality show gigs so perhaps that is what Bristol is talking about. Especially since she sees no problem with putting your personal life of television for all the world to see.)

Speaking of inviting ridicule, it looks like Palin has decided to put up barriers at her book signings to keep the riff raff at a distance.

Photo courtesy of Facebook
Curtained off like a side show freak with only small groups allowed in at a time so as not to upset the pinhead and make it start screeching and clawing at their faces.

By the way it looks like Palin is not going to simply allow Martin Bashir apologize like a gentleman and move on with this life. He dared to speak out against her and must be punished.

This letter was sent to Breatbart, from SarahPAC:

When Palin smells blood in the water there is no way she is simply going to swim away without biting off her pound of flesh first.


  1. okay, for real, _how old is that child supposed to be???_ At a glance, and based on my nephews who I see every couple weeks, I'd guess he's a middling eight, maybe a small nine or a very tall seven. They're claiming what? Five? Almost six?

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      No, they are claiming 4 almost 5, what a laugh.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I wonder how many of those Senior Citizens were hired by the Koch Brothers and shipped in to the Book Signing?

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Hey, Bristol, are you demanding child support for your other babies? Is it still a secret about your other Pregnancies? Why should Levi be the only Daddy to pay? Does Willow's Baby's Daddy pay child support also? You Palins are too stupid.

    4. Lucera5:12 PM

      Raise your hand if you believe the Trippster is going to be celebrating number 5 next month, December 28th. Anybody? Anybody? Buehler? Buehler? . . . Didn't think so.

    5. Anonymous5:42 PM

      That was my thought...Tripp sure is tall and he looks far older than than the age he is purported to be. Wikipedia states that Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born in December 2008. (Bristol...can you remember what date in December and update the record?) That would make Tripp just under five years old. And if you believe that.....

    6. I questioned that about a week ago. A person who sounded quite knowledgeable said he was six. Tank said there was an older child called Tripp, and the Tripp license plate was purchased before December, 2008. It wasn’t intended for Shailey Tripp. That means Bristol wasn’t pregnant during the convention, and all it entails.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM

      My nephew will be 6 in March and Tripp looks at least the same age.

    8. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Levi's family has repeatedly confirmed his birth and age is correct. They should know.

    9. Super Fan In Atlanta7:40 PM

      Totally O/T:

      Why are the two gentlemen in the photo with the TRI-G t-shirts looking that way? The slender man is looking at the group lady as if he's bracing for a Truther question to pop out of her mouth. The larger man standing behind the talking woman looks like he's waiting on Palin to give him the signal to toss her out of there.

      What's up with that?! Creepy!!!!

    10. Sarah Failing book tour8:49 PM

      Comment posted on SPHASH

      Sarah was blaming Todd for the sparse turnouts and failing book tour. Piper was brought in to turn things around. The partition was put in place to hide the low turnouts.

      Wristbands were tossed into bags with other purchases by the handful to every customer weeks beforehand, whether they wanted them or not.

      Sarah's publicist is drumming up people by offering free books to anyone within the vicinity willing to have the book signed by Sarah. "It's the perfect gift for your grandparents, and it's free!"

      SarahPAC just purchased boxes of books to stop the hemorrhaging.

      Beistol is blaming Levi for the failed book tour.

    11. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Levi's Facebook has a picture of a piece of paper in a typewriter with the words "Silence is better than bullshit" written on the page. Take that, Bristol!

    12. Anonymous4:41 AM

      There is no way Tripp is going on five. I didn't buy Sarah Palin's account of her "wild ride", and I'm not buying that this child, who should be in the 1st or 2nd grade by now is a preschooler.

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Hopefully when she bites into that pound of flesh, it will turn out to be a Poisonous Snake. Vristol is just as vindictive as her Grifting Mother. Bristol will be exposed for what she is as well.
    Numerous 'TRIAL DADDIES' for her son is Trampish.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      How many children has that bitch birthed, Bristol and the Grizzled One? I'd love to see DWTS baby or is that "Cain't Get Right's" ex wife's baby?

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      How many photos of Bristol since July 2013?


  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sarah Palin hiding behind curtains doesn't look X-masy.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      No, it looks like the set for "Let's Make A Deal". Just need a little bit of Wayne Brady.

    2. I tell ya'...Baldy's book tour has got to be absolute torture for her skanky ass! Let's see...the Toad only hung around for less than two days...next thing we know we see Wallow's disgruntled face shoving books across the table and shit!

      Then out of nowhere poor Piper shows up wearing clothes and shoes from the "Baby Hooker™" line being mauled by Rush Limpballs! SHUDDER!

      WTHolyF is going on! Let's see if I can figure out how it all went down....


      *The Toad is in the hotel room with Baldy after the first day of book signings....Baldy still on her HIGH from all the worshipping from her retarded followers starts in on the Toad....*

      Baldy says: "See I told ya they still love me Tawd...you don't know what yer talkin about that the crowds are smaller! Didn't you see all those folks kissing my flat ass!"

      Toad squeaks out: "Sure Juicy...whatever you say....listen I gotta head back to Wasilla tomorrow to handle some...umm...business".

      Baldy snarls:"Tell that bitch you're fucking that she'll have to wait a day for ya tiny cajones to show up...I still need ya to pass out buttons."

      Toad stutters: "Wallow is...is...umm...already on the plane and she'll be here tomorrow to take care of you. I promised her a new truck and a baby sitter to watch her kid for 3 months plus 10,000 dollar cash from BaldyPac if she stays with you the rest of tour...come on Juicy...your...*gulp* fans will love seeing Wallow and you together...it helps with that family values shit you're always talking about."

      "Baldy sits quietly for a second and then slowly turns her big ass wigless head towards the Toad"

      Baldy spits out: "Fine...send the bitch....but ya better tell her to stop combing my wigs and shaping them like Frankensteins wife! And she's in charge of washing my panties...the one's I'm wearing now are starting to inch...and my daddy said I need to take them off and air it out regularly otherwise I'll catch a cold or sumptin."

      To be Continued.....(hehehehehehehe)

      Okay Wallow...I know you're reading here...if this scenario (look it up dummy!) is true...please leave in the comments...

      "Libel" for YES

      "Slander" for NO

      "Magic 8 Ball™" says "try again later" for Maybe

      *GinaM waiting breathlessly for Wallow's comment to appear*


    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Since she has a private zone, you'd think she'd have a Nativity Scene in plain sight, instead of Santa. And is she playing religious music?

    4. Anonymous8:46 PM

      @GinaM, I love it, more please!

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Jesus wasn't afraid to walk amongst the common people, why is Sarah afraid?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Right. Especially since ifrom the pee's view, $arah is just one step below Jesus. Squatty said this to a commenter who went to see $arah twice "you have been twice graced by her presence".

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      What a chicken shit!

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      You wanna peek, you will pay!!

    4. Anonymous6:25 PM

      She's a circus sideshow now!

    5. Okay...y'all see the guy in the background of the Baldy signing...the one with the lanyard who's passing out the books? Y'all need to see the 'WHOLE photo stream with this guy!

      Photo stream link....https://www.facebook.com/sarahpalin/photos_stream

      Here's one where he's YAWNING!


      This one...he's looking at Baldy and probably wondering WHAT is that ODOR??



  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Sarah Palin's 'WEE WEE'D UP, PANTIES IN A WAD THE PRESIDENT NEEDS A BIG STICK, No Cojones, and all of the other sluttish remarks made by her should cause Fox to fire her again.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    As far as Tripp goes, if Bristol thinks Tripp is a handful now, wait until he becomes an older delinquent juvenile. Tripp is not getting disciplined and Bristol is trying to buy his loyalty and love with toys and it is going to backfire on her.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I don't think that Tripp never having any discipline will "backfire" on Bristol because I don't think she'll ever have a clue as to what a child's behavior should be whether the child is 4, 10 or 18. None of the Palin children ever acted appropriately so why expect their kids to behave or not be juvenile delinquents? How old was Bristol when she was dry humping her partner on nationwide TV? With Mommy and Daddy sitting in the front row clapping madly? The closest Sarah and Todd ever came to disciplining was to ship Track to Wisconsin and then a couple of years later, to the Army. They also, too, disciplined Bristol for getting mono and sent to her aunts to live. Hardly what I'd call discipline although the kids were no doubt better off in Wisconsin, the Army and Auntie Whoever in Anchorage than they were with Sarah, the sl.. and Todd, the pimp. That "discipline" wasn't so the kids would learn anything, it was for Sarah to avoid embarrassment.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Bristol is addicting Tripp to a junk diet. She bribes him with toxic amounts of processed foods, guns and toys. He is on "medication".

      Bristol will lie under oath in a Federal Court. I don't like TMZ reports, I would like someone who can write and more precise and fair to all parties to read the court documents. .

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    the takeaway from the sarahpac letter given to breitbart is that it was written-not anywhere in the article does it say it was SENT to msnbc.
    so, as far as anyone knows that letter was given to breitbart today after the apology by martin bashir. we all know how skank loves to show she has big huevos! that tranny man that it is-skankatranny!

    1. How about if you knock off the "tranny" comments? I have a transgendered son who's a fine man, and I get a little tired of ignorant remarks like this.

      (Instead, let's talk about the huevos of someone who hides behind "Anonymous".)

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      7:07 PM Most of the Palinbots hide behind Anonymous. Are you saying that they have no huevos? Are you in charge of comments now?

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      I agree with Lynn, a good friend of mine is transgender and I'm getting tired of your bigotry.

      Little Rabbit

    4. Anonymous8:43 PM

      just because i accuse skank of being a tranny doesn't mean i am saying anything bad about trannys! btw-i meant tranny as in TRANSVESTITE!
      "A person who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex."

      is saying she is a skanky woman saying anything bad about women in general lynne? no it was a skank specific comment.

      the comment about her is because she is acting more and more masculine and looking it too.

      have you not read the NUMEROUS posts by other ANONYMOUS people for years calling her tranny granny?

      criminy!!! stop acting like a palin! "tranny" is not solely for your use. you are the one who is associating negative connotations to the word tranny and i wasn't even talking about transgender.

    5. Anonymous9:05 PM

      how about tranny being short for TRANSVESTITE lynne and anonymous 8:22 which is the term for a cross dresser which is what skank looks like.

      how about you take your negative connotations about a word and work out your own issues?
      saying skank is a tranny is not an indictment of transgendered persons but it is a rather great comment about skank's manliness in dress and manner! jeeeezzzzzzzzz it is too annoying when the word police show up! especially when they are reprimanding me for one thing when i was saying another............well done there lynne!

    6. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Thanks, Lynne and Little Rabbit!

    7. Anonymous9:10 PM

      little rabbit-how the frackin dare you call me a bigot.
      you have no idea if i am black brown white or pink with polka dots nor do you know my sexual orientation nor do you know my cultural background, religious beliefs nor my political leanings.

      what i know is that TRANNY is also short for transvestite. now why don't you tell me about your transvestite friend? calling skank a tranny is an observation about her masculinity.

      i love when random people who comment on blogs decide they know who everyone else who comments on the blog is and what they think. you two are acting like c4p and skank-just jumping all over a WORD that YOU deem to be bad. you are saying it is a negative.

      ginam amirite or amirite?

    8. Anonymous1:55 AM

      8:43, 9:05, and 9:10 ...... Boy, you are as thin-skinned as Sarah.....talk about over-reacting and spitting your vitriol.

    9. Anonymous4:05 AM

      I have no idea if you're brown, pink or polka dotted. But you are a low information commenter.

      You sound like sarah with her stupid slavery comment. We all know what Tranny means. But the way you, and too many others here use it, it sounds like name calling. It offends, and people here have tried to enlighten you.

      Learn the context of what you are saying or find your way to the pee pond where you'll fit in better.

      Thanks from me too Lynn and L. Rabbit

    10. Anonymous4:40 AM

      hey 9:10, you sound like a 12 year old bully. You can't be too sure of your argument if you need to call for help- -

      ginam amirite or amirite?

      Grow up.

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    "voluntarily underemployed"?

    Well, that's rich coming from the voluntarily unemployed spawn of a harpy.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Bristol projects just like her mother.

  9. Bashir shat an epiphany into her soul without clenching.

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Sarah is getting even more paranoid...now hiding behind curtains. As for Bristol, she's must be holding a grudge against Levi for not visiting with his son when she did her reality show. Just like her mother lies, lies, and more lies. Maybe she means Levi doesn't visit Tripp because he was a no show on her flopped reality show. I remember she arranged for Levi to meet Tripp at a kiddie play place but Levi refused when he learned it was a part of her show.
    I'm getting Palin fatigue...

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Ol' Brisket hates Levi because he has moved on and won't screw her anymore. Brisket grew up thinking the only way to get love was to have sex and now Levi is truly in a loving relationship and she will never get over it.

  11. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The curtains Sarah Palin is hiding behind portrays Happy Holidays to me and not Merry Christmas.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      The curtains portrays a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder to me.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      You're right, 5:00! What a Dickweed!!

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Like the Wizard of OZ!
      Now if a fucking house would fall on her...oh right..its about to!

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      I got kinda giddy when I heard 'Palin' and 'curtains' in the same sentence but then finding out she was just hiding behind them made me sad.

    5. Anonymous6:54 PM

      The curtain reminds me of The Wizard of Oz 'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain'
      Coming soon... http://www.pistonagency.com/sites/default/files/styles/blog-v2-detail/public/articles/pay_no_attention_to_that_man_behind_the_curtain_0.jpg

  12. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Tri-pp is the 1st 4 year old to have his permanent teeth. He is a Biological wonder. BWAHAHAHAHA, maybe Levi will reveal Tri-pp's real age in court.

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Or which child(ren) he is paying support for.
      Levi and Sunny would be set for life if he came out with the real story.

  13. Correct me if I’m wrong folks, but this is like Wooten. President Obama won’t engage her. Neither will Christie or the pope. But if someone (mostly a man) engages her, she will pound them until there’s no life left. Overkill is an understatement.

    It’s too late for Levi to keep his pecker in his pants. He had problems in school and Bristol was almost retarded, but Momma was the governor!! Easy street!! Now he wants a favorable outcome for Tripp, and good for him, but thus engaged, Sarah and Mini Me are going to cause as much trouble as they can.

    Levi may have to forgo a few toys while he gets his life in order. I’m sure he can; he impressed the hell out of me with the bear video. I thought Sunny should get out, but I was wrong. Work with that talented hunk, Sunny, and put Sarah and Bristol in the rearview mirror.

    I don’t watch TV much, but I intend to support Martin Bashir.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      well written. I agree.

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM


    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Bar$tool is pissed at Levi for being audacious enough to be able/capable of saving some $$ for buying or building a house of his own sometime in the future.

  14. Anonymous5:08 PM

    If SarahPAC is is the public relations arm of Sarah Palin INc, why doesn't it pay taxes? For her PAC to send out this "demand" letter should cause the FEC to revoke its PAC status and inform the IRS as much.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Why would the FEC care?

    2. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Because they regulate all PACs

  15. Anonymous5:10 PM

    From the photo behind her I have to say, Jesus got fat. And old. But he does look quite jolly in that red suit.

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    What in the hell is that boy doing getting a petty? Another day he's a gangster. The girl is such white trash. I hope a judge gives Levi 100% custody and nails her for $20K a month support. A family of huge bitches...and they claim to be "Christian"? No wonder no one wants to go to church. LOL

  17. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Geezus, what's with the curtains? Are metal detectors and bomb residue sniffing dogs next? What a paranoid bitch! Someone might take a picture she isn't getting a cut of!

  18. Is Tripp getting a pedicure?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Yeah, that is what Bristol thinks that little boys want. No wonder he has not been enrolled into a School, the other boys would tease him daily.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      It looks like Tripp is soaking his feet in some foot soaking thing. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's just where is the daddy/masculine in Tripp's life?

      Pimp Daddy Todd? One of the trial daddies? Chuckie Sr and Jr? Track and his needy buddies?

      Levi is the ONLY stable loving man parent is Trippp's life, and I would add that Sunny is the only mother/feminine presence in his life.

      What judge would not see this? Why in God's name and for the best for her son Tripp. would Bristol NOT let her son benefit from Levi, his father, in his life.

      Because Bristol the Pistol is Bristol the Bitch. Her transformation is complete. To Bristol, it's all about her. Nobody else. Just her.

      I feel so sorry for Tripp. And I feel sorry for Levi. Nobody in the Heath/Palin sphere has any compassion or love.

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Tripp painted his bird house pink. Tripp picked out pink stuff for Bristol's birthday. That kid needs a father in his life.

    4. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Bar$tool is making Tripp effeminate on purpose. Since $he does not hunt or fish or go camping (except to guzzle wine coolers and get drunk and f@@@ed), she is trying to do that so he will eventually be alienated from his dad who DOES take him on all those REAL outdoor adventures.

    5. Anonymous1:43 AM

      Anonymous 9:26, not sexist are you? My grandson's, who just turned six, favorite color is pink. His macho father tells him that pink is a girls color and he should like blue. I asked him what he really liked, and he said quietly, pink. I told him he could like whatever color he wanted because it was
      HIS favorite after all. This little boy is as rough and tough as it comes so don't give me any sissy crap. Matter of fact, if any kid teased him, they would probably get a fat lip.

  19. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I wonder how the Palins will cope when their grandson comes out as flaming gay?

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      It's possible. He may find that motherly men are less threatening and more loving.

    2. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Anonymous 5:19. And, so what if he does. Liking pink and pedicures won't make him gay, flaming or no. I am sure however, that they would disown him or put him in conversion therapy if it has not been outlawed by then,

  20. Anonymous5:21 PM

    You people in the lower 48 look down on us Alaskans for picking Sarah Palin as our mayor and governor.

    There's a difference between the people of Alaska and Wasilla and the people in the lower 48.

    We Alaskans won't stand in line for Sarah Palin's signature.

    We Alaskans won't be treated like cattle going through chutes just to get a glimpse of Sarah Palin

    In Alaska, Sarah Palin can walk through K-Mart looking like white trash and you won't find us kissing her ass.

    We Alaskans made a big mistake in believing in Sarah Palin but look who she is fleecing now.... the lower 48!

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      why isn't it the lower 49?

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Well then, why don't "we alaskans" drop the dime on the bitch you all know so much about? She's new to us, why don't you tell more about all her dark secrets? Chicken?

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      You're full of shit! Alaskans did the SAME Goddamned thing at the Anchorage costco right G?
      And if y'all hadn't elected her skank ass we wouldn't be here now would we?

    4. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Is that why Sarah Palin won't run for an Alaskan Senate seat? Nobody likes her in Alaska anymore.

    5. Anonymous5:56 PM

      The whole lower 48? Really? There are a few morans total willing to line up to get her signature It's going to take a whole lot more than that to make up for Alaska's "mistake" (talk about an understatement).

    6. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Anon 5:28 $arah had her moments in Hawaii trying to find a 'college' with students who looked more like her but failed and then she tried a little vacation a couple years back but bad news at home put paid to that jaunt as well so Hawaii can rest easy that they will remain Palin-free. I'm glad she hates CA too as I don't want her here stankin up the place. Took some time getting things cleaned up after Bristle was here.

      Although Hawaii is technically 'lower' than AK, it's not contiguous so saying the "lower 48" has become the standard reference.

    7. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Sarah has a spec of mentally ill followers in the continental US, but she certainly doesn't have the majority and yes AK is to blame.
      You created her and are still voting for the likes of her. Don't blame us for your creation.

    8. Anonymous2:53 AM

      YOU Alasaaakaaaans have NOT NOT NOT done enough to expose the Palins and all their hoaxes and frauds. And stop being so afraid of them. Not an excuse anymore.
      CBJ, MatSu, other prostitutes, people who have had affairs with them, you all need to put out!!

  21. Anonymous5:24 PM

    1. There should be a gag order issued by the court, prohibiting any concerned parties from giving public statements about a case pending before the court.
    2. There is a history of this mean spirited stuff coming from the Palins. When Sarah's sister was in the middle of her divorce proceedings, the judge admonished Sarah and Todd to stop speaking so badly about their former-brother-in-law in front of his children since it amounted to child abuse. Where is that judge and his voice of reason now?
    3. Levi needs one Hell of a Good Lawyer. He's got lots of evidence of Bristol's lame parenting skills. There is the letter that Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers saying that Tripp had to be bribed with popsicles in order for him to do anything. We saw that he slept in Bristol's bed. The case should be determined on what is in the best interest for the child, not whose Mother has the most money and influence.
    4. Does Bristol live in Alaska or Arizona? That matters.

  22. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Piper not in school ?

    Check where the inflated boobs has landed :) on Rush's arm yuk

  23. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Bristol is a nasty vindictive bitch. She never does anything that is in Tripp's best interests, the TMZ article is a case in point.

    Bristol has surpassed her mother in the bitchiness thing.

  24. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Sarah Palin won't dare come to Alaska with her ass clown show to sell her books or charge us for her signature.

    We don't give a shit about that retard.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Meanwhile, her surrogate, Parnell, wall elected by a wide margin. Way to go, Alaska!!

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      You sure did when you elected her?
      Now fucking drop a dime on the bitch and her cronies or STFU!

  25. Boscoe5:29 PM

    "When Palin smells blood in the water there is no way she is simply going to swim away without biting off her pound of flesh first."

    ,,because, turn the other cheek, forgiveness is divine and all that Jesus stuff she believes in SOOO much. What a piece of shit.

    If the Bible turns out to be true, it'll be worth it to see unrepentant hypocritical, spite-filled heretics like Palin burning right along side the rest of us. Better read your bible again, biotch 'cause you're doing it wrong...

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      got that right!

    2. Anita Winecooler10:04 PM

      Bashir can sleep well at night, he conducted himself like a gentleman.
      Sarah's not used to a man of that caliper. She'll allow this to fester for as long as it makes her look good.

  26. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Levi takes his son Tripp Fishing, Bristol takes him for a Pedicure. How manly Bristol is teaching Tripp to be.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      My 6 yr old grandson wanted to get a pedicure when he saw other little boys there while we were waiting for my 13 yr old granddaughter. I allowed it and his sister said he was metro-sexual. When I took them home, she showed my son and told him. See dad, I am metro now.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:02 PM

      Whew! I;m so thrilled my parents got me "anatomically correct" Joey Doll from "All in the Family". I'd have never met my husband, got married or had kids if that doll didn't have a penis!

  27. Anonymous5:43 PM

    First of all, there is NO link between child support and visitation!! No matter how much a parent owes. It is illegal to use back support as leverage or an excuse to deny visitation!!! Bristol is in contempt of court by not allowing Levi to see his son per the regular visitation. If it's every other weekend and Tripp is not there (because she is out of state, which is IN CONTEMPT OF COURT), then there should be a warrant out for her arrest. The law is the law. Sadly, probate and family court is disgustingly skewed toward the mother and fathers get treated like sperm donors...

    Levi, if you see this, keep fighting, be a pain in the ass the the court. I've been through it without a lawyer. I simply filed over and over again until the court could no longer downplay or deny what was really going on. Good luck to you and Sunny. Do it now while Tripp is still young because if you wait too long it will be too late.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:58 PM

      I agree. Excellent points. I have a friend who's a graphic artist, and his ex has never kept him away from his son's court ordered days. Not once. Believe me, she hates his guts but does right for her kid.
      People get upset because I'm pro choice, Bristol CHOSE the father, not Tripp. She decided to keep him, which is admirable, but love your son MORE than you hate his father.

  28. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Does Sarah Palin have any friends? She's never seen with her girlfriends. She is by herself or she has to drag a family member with her.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      No, the only "friends" Sarah has are those she pays.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      I've been to many books signings and I've never seen the author w/family members seated w/them! Plus, I've gotten to talk to them abouth their book and ask questions. It's never the 'controlled' atmosphere as Sarah requires.

      No wonder her book ratings and sales have fallen so quickly. She's quickly becoming a 'nobody' and it can't occur soon enough!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:52 PM

      Who needs friends when you have an Isabel?

  29. Anonymous5:45 PM

    This is a three-fer post.

    For the first part. This Bristol Palin, like her mother, is all about exacting hurt and pain on others, because she is never happy. Levi is a responsible father, husband now. His focus is his family. He wants to see his son. There should be no problem to grant him that request as far as any judge is concerned.

    What is so shocking is that TMZ (TMZ?) obtains court documents of a very personal legal family matter. How did they get their hands on them? Is someone, Bristol perhaps, leaking this info to them for money? If it's her or Palin, they are disgusting people; not thinking about the child at all. Why can't these people ever solve personal relationship problems without TMZ or ET or People Magazine spilling details? This sickening obsession with the Palins needing to air their quarrels with those they hate through gossip media - is unparalleled in human history. No loving parents keep insisting on throwing their children out to the media hounds for pity. Bristol Palin is the one who should be charged with child abuse. This is severely abusive and this little boy is going to feel the hatred she harbors for the rest of his life if she doesn't get help.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Bristol Palin always runs straight to trash media before she even draws breath.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      The Palins do leak things to TMZ, TMZ is slanted and biased towards the Palins. They will also do scandal stories on them, but basically they work for the Palin Brand.

    3. Anonymous9:14 PM

      They always have. Who gives a sh*t about TMZ? Palins leak for "Hollywood" because they still think they are.

  30. Maybe if Palin dares to sue MSNBC, maybe that -that- will finally stir media to start investigating miraculous births.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      She won't sue. Discovery!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      They will threaten but they will not sue. Too bad.

    3. Anonymous9:16 PM

      They always threaten to sue and don't. Guess why, first two don't count.

  31. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I hope Levi has been able to document when Bristol has taken him out of state and phone records and certified mail receipts from contacting her for visitation. Also hopefully they recorded the reality show in which she called Sunny a "psycho" and relentlessly witheld acknoweledgement that Levi was his father.

    From what I saw on television no sane person would be willing to put up with the Palins or go along with their schemes living a life of hell. Looks and smells like a parental alienation situation.

    Is there any verification that Bristol is in Arizona more that a few days?

  32. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I read over at C4P that the signing at Plano, TX was cut short supposedly because someone had a medical emergency. That sounded hinky to me so I am wandering if someone went ballistic and now Palin is putting up curtains to keep her out of sight...

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Norma Jesus > Sarah Palin

      Sorry about the medical emergency that prevented you from meeting the rest of the book buyers in Plano, TX today. Praying for the situation. Had hoped to give YOU a book as well  Christmas Bible Readings


    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Since they are not talking about a medical emergency there is no doubt another possibility as you mention.

    3. More on the "medical emergency" according to the patients at the Asylum...

      ""I was at Costco in Plano today, close to the front of the line, when the medical situation happened. It meant more to me today to see your true character when you didn't hesitate for even a second, but got up to comfort the poor guy, than if I would have been able to would have been able to meet you! God bless you, Sarah, and please run for office again!"

      And this one...

      ""I was there today. Fourth in line. So sorry I didn't get to shake your hand and share "another Mother of 5" bond, but I did walk away with 2 signed books and a box of chocolate ~ and a precious image of you caring for that poor man. God bless you!"

      Here's a picture of Baldy at the BaldyPac fundraiser today!

      Ummm....what's up with that towel??


    4. Okay...alright now....hey listen up y'all....this shit is too fucking funny!

      Apparently at Baldy's book signing today in Texas there was a "medical emergency"....well according to the Asylum whatever happened it stopped Baldy from signing anymore books!

      I posted a couple of comments that some bots made and all of them said the person was a man....well the person who had the "medical emergency" is one of Baldy's biggest FANS!

      Here's HER story on what happened and as you can tell by the photo's of her...she does have some "mannish" features which may be why the comments have been about a man!

      Link to the website....http://us4palin.com/today-i-saw-sarah-guardian-angels-good-tidings/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

      Picture of the "mannish" woman.....http://us4palin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/IMG_8637.jpg

    5. Anonymous8:32 PM

      How would an ambulance and EMTs arriving and leaving end a book signing?
      Must not have been going good at all.

  33. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Totally OT, but check out this truly bizarre diary on DailyKos, by one 'stepaniemorlock'


    total gibberish- hard to make any sense of whatsoever, but the Alaska connection and the name popped out at me. Any relation to 'those' Morlocks?

    1. Hmmm...it says this when you go to the diary...


      The error was:
      You do not have permission to view this diary.

      Hostname: web6.dkos.us

      Time: 2013-11-20T04:53:28

      If this message does not make sense to you, please copy and paste the above, along with a description of what you were doing before the error, and submit it to the helpdesk for assistance."

      Did you screen grab it by any chance?

  34. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Bristol there is a wall full of different nail polishes to the right of petite Tri-PP.

    What color did you pick for him?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Were those really bottles of nail polish on the wall? I couldn't figure it out.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Were those really bottles of nail polish on the wall? I couldn't figure it out.


    3. Anonymous12:24 AM

      DEFINITELY nail polish bottles. I guess she has scrunched a complete set over time, maybe with the help of Wallow, who, supposedly, went to hair school (where they also would teach manicure and facials).
      Maybe that hair school should check their inventory...

  35. Anonymous6:01 PM

    If we step back and look at this whole Palin family dynamic, we see an 'evil' that permeates every aspect of each member. And the evil isn't the failures that beset average people every day, it's the denial and obsession to lie about it and their sick need to falsely promote themselves a wholesome happy all-American family; and it's their attack on others who are not like them that gives a sense they are wicked and have no soul.

    That letter sent to Breitbart is one more example Sarah Palin never forgives, even when one sincerely apologizes. She needs someone to kneel at her feet and beg. She wants to see them punished, lose their jobs, etc. She cracks the whip when anyone dares say a mean thing about her, but can laugh on a radio program with two hosts who call a colleague a cancer and a bitch (when the woman has had cancer). This is seriously a wicked person who can do these things, and want others to be punished for the same things, but not her. She should have been fired immediately from her position as Governor for having laughed at Lyda Green in that manner. I wish someone would send MSNBC that clip directly to Deborah Turness, President of MSNBC.

  36. Anonymous6:02 PM

    "She says aside from the fact that he's $67K behind in child support, "

    Is Bristol mad because that's $67K worth of pedicures and manicures that Tripp missed out on?

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Bristol does not need that 67K. Trip does not need that 67K. Tripp needs his dad Levi and Bristol needs to let Tripp live with his dad.

      She admits she failed, and from what we have seen, she certainly did fail as a mother. Does she think more of the same is better for her son? Probably. Like her mother, when in doubt, double down.

      Bristol is making a living off her really horrible bad parenting. Her "reality" does not include what is best for her son. Yet the Palins continue the dead beat dad meme. Shameful.

      Grow up Bristol and if possible find a heart.

  37. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Levi needs to record that scene in Life's a Tripp where Bristol and her friends are at the shooting range and she puts his book (his face on it) on the target and shoots it and blows it to smithereens, all in front of Tripp. I wonder what the good judge would think of that.

    Most bitter single moms curse the child's dad in front of him, but Bristol goes a step further, she mocks him on a reality tv show that goes down in history where she can NEVER redact it or change it. That scene will forever be in Tripp's mind and on film, which will never bring him closure. She is despicable.

    1. That sort of thing will backfire on her in the long run. True, Tripp won't forget it, but he won't count it against his dad. She will pay the price for her nastiness.

    2. I don't think getting a pedicure is a big deal for a boy or a girl. I'm sure he just thinks it's a fun thing.. I don't imagine it will "turn" him gay. My grandson wanted girly colored tennis shoes (I think they were pink) when he was little, and he's managed to turn out just fine. If he should prove to be gay as an adult, it won't be because of some stupid thing like shoes or nail polish. Use some common sense. There are much more serious things going with Tripp on than whether somebody puts polish on his toes. Geez.

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Well said, Lynne. My little grandson loves purple and has worn nail polish. No big deal. What happened to tolerance?

    4. Anonymous8:14 PM

      So, Lynn, You stated that your grandson wore girly colored tennis shoes and turned out just fine. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Ha Ha Just to illustrate how deeply ingrained various perceptions are imbedded in ALL of our conciousness. Sorry about the spelling.

    5. Ailsa8:45 PM

      I agree. These "turning boys gay" remarks are the sort of thing I usually only see on right wing sites. And here was I under the impression that progressives had moved passed rigid gender stereotyping.

    6. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Actually, Lynne, my gay grandson managed to turn out "just fine" too.

    7. Anonymous9:19 PM

      yes and this is the same lynne who admonished me further up thread for calling skank a tranny. tranny as in transvestite but apparently lynne has a transgendered son and takes offense of the use of the word tranny. little rabbit is offended by it too because of a transgendered friend.

      so.............those of you who use tranny, granny tranny, tranny skank, tranny granny and more-lynne and little rabbit are "'tired of your bigotry" but it is JUST fine for lynne to say his grandson turned out "just fine" even though he wanted "girly colored" tennis shoes when he was little.

      "if he should prove to be gay as an adult" wth does that even mean? geeezzzzzzzzz right back at you lynne. as 8:14 said, deeply ingrained perceptions.

      stop trying to police the rest of us. your life experiences are no more or less than ours.

    8. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Anon at 9:19
      Yes I am offended by your bigotry and you should be ashamed. And at least I put my name on my posts, unlike you, an anon bigot. And BTW like all names, my name is written with capital letters.

      Little Rabbit

    9. Anonymous3:48 AM

      You're arguing semantics. Don't pretend to be so riteous, you know what Lynne meant.

      I hate all the gender bashing of that poor boy too. My son loved pink and dolls when he was young. He turned out just fine. Just fine meaning well-adjusted, happy and successful.

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Don't forget, Bristol doesn't have a real lawyer, only her mother's paid lackey who'll do any stupid thing that Sarah wants. This is exactly the sort of bullshit stunt her mother pulls.... think about all those laughable threats to sue, all of which have come to nothing.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Oh, but Mrs. Palin knows how to spin the social media!

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      The Palins want to take care of this with lawyers. If Bristol had to go near a courthouse it would be quick and lawyers would do all the mediating.

      The important part of this to Bristol is how it goes in the media. She is a reality star and celebrity. LOL

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Gee, BRISTOL, like your mom LIES, would you care to explain your lying about David Kernell under oath that sent him to prison because mom was too stupid, your mom sexting Shawn Christy, your lying that you were all alone on the Dead Lake when Secret Service surrounded you, the lying about your DWTS pregnancy, your ongoing dermatologist job you've had forever? The....the....the.....

      Your pimp dad that divorced your mom and took up with the Rainbow Lodge chick, but still carries her purse for money and show? What kind of man are you EVER going to get? Must suck that Levi is FREE and HAPPY. You NEVER will be. JUST like your idiot mother.

    4. Anonymous9:18 PM

      So far, Sarah seems to pick on young men who don't have very good resources to defend themselves-- the kid who hacked her email, her alleged stalker and Levi.

    5. Anita Winecooler9:23 PM

      This'll cost a lot of "postage" Time to give Willow a break and get Bristol's face out there while there's books to sell!
      Gramma and Grampa always want their lb of flesh. "What's in it for me?"

  39. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "In the new docs -- obtained by TMZ -- Bristol claims Levi isn't a suitable parent on many levels to get what he's after -- 50/50 custody. "

    Judge what do you see?

    In one picture we see a father spending quality father / son time fishing and the boy is wearing a life jacket.

    In another picture we see a boy getting a peducure most likely the same time his mother is getting her pedicure. We also see that she keeps him occupied by giving him a pizza to feed and entertain himself.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      I see a woman who bad mouths the father of their child in public. I see a woman who takes the kid out of state preventing the father from seeing his child. I see a woman using that child to try to promote her own LOL show business career.

  40. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The Palins never learn.

    The public never sides with bullies.

    Their attacks against Levi always blow up in their faces.

    The partition was placed to hide the fact there is no rope line, or any other line of fans for that matter.

  41. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Perhaps we should all contact the network and let them know that Bashir's comments were long over due and applaud them for their bravery in calling a moose turd a moose turd. Gryphen, can you post the email for the network?

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I totally agree, and if they suspend Martin Bashir, I personally will write my own letter to MSNBC. responding to this grifter is the worse thing they could do, this is right up her alley, now she can fund raise for sarahpac

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      I think this assuredly should be done. I'm sorry that Bashier put out that public apology. Once he did it, I was sure Sarah would jump on it! Her letter is no surprise to me! She's ALWAYS been vindictive as hell!

      She assuredly deserves every negative thing that comes her way due to all the racists, mean, nasty, ugly and evil things she has said and done throughout these recent past years.

    3. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM


  42. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Pay no attention to the dunce behind the curtain.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

      The dunce cap goes on the head, NOT the chin!!

  43. I always find it interesting to see the relaxed happy boy when he's with Levi as opposed to the obnoxious kid mugging for the camera when he's with the Palins.

    1. Ailsa8:51 PM

      It's so startlingly obvious. When he's with Levi he looks settled and confident, as though he's secure in what is expected of him and what will happen next. When he's with Bristol, not so much.

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Bristol is trying to convince people that Tripp should play the part of the little boy in "The Christmas Story." I guess if Hollywood doesn't want Bristol, maybe she can promote her son.

    3. Anonymous9:40 PM

      HAHAHAHAHA...you GO, Brsitol. So he can flip people off when he won't take direction? Like YOU?

    4. Anonymous9:41 PM

      He looks like a spoiled brat to me...and no way is he only four.

  44. Anonymous6:44 PM

    —PALIN PAC TO MSNBC: Could they discipline Martin Bashir for "offensive metaphor"?

  45. Ok Levi is also a Hollywood gnat rapist.

    Tell me bustol how can Levi be swimming in the chedda and be broke (underemployed?)

    bustol stop making every man you see a daddy. Try calling them "uncle" first.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:15 PM

      "Uncle first" - Well said!!

  46. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Why didn't Sarah and Pac just write a letter to MSNBC? Why did they publish it? That was over the top. I wish they would begin to peel back the layers and expose more of who Sarah Palin is and how she got to where she is.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Because she's a cunning stunt.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Because in Sarah's world, there is no point in being angry in private. She has to let the whole world know how pissed off she is. Besides, they probably didn't send the letter-- it's just for show.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Oh sure she did. Remember Queen Heifer gets to tell everyone else off but they dare not HER! She's of GOD.

  47. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I stand with Cher.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM


    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      LOL! I hear ya! Even CreepyJr had something to say about Cher!

      "Dear Cher,

      I was sorry to hear that you tweeted out such vile comments about my little sister yesterday. It's sad because Sarah has never had a harsh word to say about you. In fact, our grandmother was one of your biggest fans.

      Have a good night,

      Okay...he's as bad as his sister! His GRANDMOTHER was a fan of Cher! Is that suppose to be a slur on Cher's age!

      WTF...these hillbillies are really smelling their stinkin asses today!

      I'm so sick of the whole fucking family!

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Chuck Jr's daughter... er... wife is too young to know who Cher is.

    4. Anonymous9:54 PM

      I wonder if one of Briskets hidden kids are named Chuck, because I doubt Chuck Sr or Jr have a living Grandma. It would be quite something if one person in the last few generations of the Palin/Menard family knew how to write.

  48. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I read this comment and wanted to share it. How true it is.

    McCain gave her an opportunity that other, more deserving GOP candidates could only hope or dream for. She has squandered every chance to learn, do good works or be a positive influence in the world. I am looking forward to the day when she is only a footnote and she and her terrible family have vanished from the public domain.

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      She did, she had it ALL and too stupid that no one could help her. She was all about herself and didn't listen, went rogue. Now look at her. Money is her god and worldwide laughing STOCK as well as her family.

  49. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Tripp is going to be 18 before this custody issue is finally settled if Levi does not finally follow through.

  50. Anonymous7:32 PM

    What Martin Bashir said: “I could go on, but you get the point,” Bashir said, concluding “When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”


    Greta Van Susteren and Mike Tyson

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM


  51. I seem to remember that in the court documents related to Bristol & Levi's first custody agreement, there was a clause that said that neither parent could disparage the other or their families in public, in the press or in front of Tripp. Does anyone else remember that?

    If logic has any bearing in the court, I hope that the judge takes into account the numerous times that Bristol and her family have mocked Levi, calling him a deadbeat Dad and coming very close to accusing him of being a rapist. All documented for Tripp to read/watch when he's older. And yet, I can't say that I remember Levi ever saying anything in retaliation to the treatment of him by any of the Palins.

    Seeing Levi being dragged through the mud by the Palin's - for his son to see - is emotionally abusive to Tripp. I can only imagine that what is said about Levi behind any of the Palin's closed doors - but still in Tripp's presence - is probably far worse. Poor Tripp, he's going to be one very messed up kid if somebody doesn't put a stop to all this nonsense soon!

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Levi really needs a good lawyer!

  52. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I feel for that kid in having a mother like Bristol and having to be associated w/the Palin family. And, I feel sorry for Levi in that he didn't have better legal representation when this all started!

    This kid is going to grow up to have many, many problems - just mark my words. Plus, he's going to be able to read the horriblwe things the Palins have said about Levi.

    The Palins will reap what they sow!

  53. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Earth to Leno Chin: GAWD, how insufferable it must be for you to have such a lack of self-esteem to change a such an innocent, pretty face into whatever you call it to compete with your mother for Hollywood. Was it worth it? Look long and HARD at who you are now, and your CHILDREN are going going to be as effed up as you are. Is it worth it playing with children's lives just to win? Exactly what your parents did to YOU. You WILL reap what you're sowing in SPADES.

    Again, WHY the Leno Chin if you have it all together???

  54. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Hey, all you IMers need to lay off Tripp, if he likes a pedi , who cares. It's not hurting him or you. Attack that sow that dropped him or his Grandma, but quit picking on that boy about doing things you don't think are "manly" enough, it makes you all look as bad as the Adult Palins. I suggest you all take a moment to think that you may well be offending some of your fellow IMers, I know it offends me because I have quite a few gay friends.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      well said Little Rabbit. thanks

  55. Anonymous8:54 PM

    What does that have to do with anything? Tripp is stable, around the same people and in school. They do have friends and lives in Arizona as well. It's not a rarity.

    Attention, Levi! From the horse's mouth. He and Bristol live in Arizona. Isn't Bristol required to get some kind of permission to take the kid out of state?

    1. Anonymous4:45 AM

      I don't think that a child's life is "stable" if the mother is publicly talking trash about the father. A child's life is stable if both parents participate equally in the child's upbringing. The parents don't have to be married to each other, they just have to share in the child's life. It's a more difficult life for the child when the parents are not living happily together, but, let's be realistic, the situation frequently is that the parents are not together. That is, however, no reason why the well being of the child should not come first.

  56. Anita Winecooler9:09 PM

    Way to go, Bristol! Play tug of war with your kid, call his dad a rapist, drag him through the mud every chance you get, and now, the creme de la creme. Levi is spending money like crazy, owes child support and is a "FELON".
    I hope there's a judge in Alaska with sense enough to place Tripp where he belongs, with his married Father, Sunny, and half sister, Breeze.
    She's got TMZ on speed dial, feeding them bullshit from Mama's Lawyer. Cut the apron strings, sell your party boat and do what's right for your son for once.
    Levi, don't respond to her bullshit, let her vent publicly, get a good lawyer and make sure you get visitation and an adjustment of your responsibility.
    She uses her son as a commodity, and calls you a felon? She's chronicled all you need to know in her book, blog, the press and her "reality shows". .

  57. Anonymous9:14 PM

    No matter how hard Bristol tried to keep Tripp away from Levi, I can tell you that it will eventually come to bite her in the butt. A friend of mine raised her son without the drunken, drug addicted father in the boy's life. The father never paid a penny of child support, and most of the time, he wasn't around. However, there reached a point where the father was sick and trying to get his life together, and he sent a letter to the son he never saw, asking if they could meet. The son couldn't resist. He wanted to know why his father never wanted to be part of his life. No matter how hard Bristol tries, Tripp will be able to use the internet and read the things that Bristol has been saying. Then, he'll be able to see how Levi tried to reach out to him. Everyone has a curiosity to learn about the parent that wasn't part of their life, and the truth always has a way of coming out. And, with so much information on the internet, there won't be any secrets in Tripp's life. Even if he doesn't read the stuff on-line, the kids in his class can and will.

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      It was their choice for fame and fortunre. And he WILL. Ask Gryph, kids are his life.

  58. Anonymous11:19 PM

    So what happened in TX yesterday? Woman got so excited she fainted our something? Sounds like it was staged, she thinks she learned that from Obama when people faint during his speeches. I can hear it now. I'll pay you something, anything to get me out of this shit. She couldn't act nice since Bashir pissed in her cheerios. Levi trying to put some kind of claim on Tripp. Needed to compose a letter to get Bashir fired. That's the Christian thing to do you know. She couldn't keep that fake grin a going this morning. She don't care about you rednecks and hillbilly's. She doesn't even know how to load a gun and loves to tease you with her dead bears, she's fake. She will say whatever she wants. Talking about total disrespect of the POTUS and a growing long list of people who dare discuss her comments. She can't even be civil to non tea party people, name calling and put downs, its all she's got. Bashir should have never apologized.

  59. I am so glad I did not try to attend Sarah Palin's book signing in Pensacola now. My original intent was to ask her ONE question, see the look on her face, say "Happy Holidays" & walk away. (then eBay the signed book and donate proceeds to a Down Syndrome charity) Had it all planned out then work interfered. A customer of mine told me she was so excited when she made the trip into P-Cola to buy the book ahead of time & get her numbered wristband, bless her heart. She was #170 or something like that, she KNEW she would be able to actually meet her. At that point, a week before Monday I had no desire to take the time to travel the 28 miles to stand in line to buy the book and get a wristband and then still have to do it all over again (in the bad storms we had that day too) and stand in line with people who are so delusional. It also crossed my mind though that it could be "fun" to just show up and take photos with a zoom lens and post them, a "boots on the ground" report if you will. Not to be, and good thing! The Pensacola stop was the 1st time she "draped" the book-signing area. Previously they just sequestered her strategically in the back of the stores behind book shelves and displays. What prompted her to wanting to be the Wizard Of Oz behind the curtain? Did something happen at the Villages stop earlier the same day in Florida? Just curious. She was also in competition for attention at the same exact time less than 1 mile away at another chain bookstore that was featuring Oliver North. Palin's "handlers" asked that North change his time or just "hang around longer" than he was originally scheduled so people would still have a CHANCE to go see him AFTER they saw their queen first. What arrogance. He was scheduled many weeks before Palin.

  60. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I must find out who the dina a lins in the yellow shirts with Tri-G o n them are.
    They obviously need some education on whar Tri-G means. I need to send them my medical lit search.
    I'm fucking serious

  61. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Palin puts the Revenge in revengelical!

  62. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I was wondering whese Sarah Palin got all the shit that spews from her mouth. We have Martin Bashir to thank for that wonderful piece of investigative journalism!

  63. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Hmmm... Can't get to that Brancy post...

  64. Our Lad4:29 AM

    I've figured it out! I'll tell ya, these Palin folks are a marvel. They've got a career plan for the kid, plain as the nose on your face. They're preparing him for a life as, get ready, a Delta blues performer! They heard (not read) about the backgrounds of Robert Johnson and Charlie Patton, discovered that they had no education and were unsure of their birthdates and parentage. These people, they're always thinking'. Smart as a fuckin whip, I tell ya, smart as a whip.

  65. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Sarah Palin is coming back the Twin Cities, the place where her national political shooting star was launched.

    The Republican Party’s 2008 nominee for vice president will be at the Mall of America on Friday signing copies of her new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of America.”

    Palin will be in the mall’s rotunda starting at 6 p.m., and there are a slew of rules for people to follow in order to get a book signed and to meet the former Alaska governor, most notably that attendees must buy the book at any Barnes & Noble in order to receive a wristband that earns a spot in line to see Palin.

    Also, according to the mall, photos with Palin will be taken by her photographer. The photos will then be available for sale.

    And, yes, there are many more rules for this latest stop on her book tour. They can be read in full at bit.ly/1jmiZvA.

    “We are expecting a large turnout based on the last two appearances by Palin” to the mall for similar events, MOA spokeswoman Sarah Schmidt said Wednesday. “She has a lot of dedicated fans.”


    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      I would be willing to bet they ask for a photo ID to get a wristband. The handlers do not want someone to Tripp her up.


    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      She's really not that interesting to meet for a total of a minute! What a waste of time!! She appears to be scared to death of her public whom she is fleecing w/her newest untruthful book!

  66. Anonymous6:05 AM

    What are the odds that Tripp will follow the Palin tradition of dropping out of high school, get his GED and then get his certificate of hair school shampoo and pedicure degree?

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Hey don't knock it. By skipping college at least he will be debt free after dropping out of high school .

      Right Sarah?

  67. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Is this all about taking care and grooming Sarah Palin?

    Willow is Sarah's hair stylist

    Bristol is supposedly going to get her cosmetology certificate and most likely become Sarah's make-up girl

    Will Tripp follow his passion and get his pedicure certificate so he can become Sarah's pedicure boy?

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      It is all about taking care of Me Me Me Sarah

      You forgot to mention about Sarah's personal purse carrier, Todd.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Willow is Sarah's hair stylist - book tour assistant and most likely on payroll

      Bristol is supposedly going to get her cosmetology certificate and most likely become Sarah's paid make-up girl

      Todd is most likely getting paid as Sarah Palin's assistant - purse carrier - security guard. ...

      Is SarahPac a Political Action Committee or is it becoming the Palin Family Employment Agency?

  68. Anonymous6:34 AM

    See the names and address on the letter to NBC from SarahPAC? Lets all send a letter to same supporting Martin. Thanks SARAHPAC! We don't even have to look up an address.



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