Sunday, November 03, 2013

Racism linked to gun ownership.

Courtesy of Futurity:  

A new study finds higher levels of racism in white Americans is associated with having a gun in the home and greater opposition to gun control policies. 

After accounting for numerous other factors such as income, education, and political ideology, the researchers found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds of having a gun in the home and a 28 percent increase in support for policies allowing people to carry concealed guns. 

Each one point increase in symbolic racism (a modern measure of anti-black racism) was also associated with a 27 percent increase in the odds of opposing bans on hand guns in the home. After accounting for those who already had a gun in the home, the odds were reduced to a non-significant 17 percent increase. However, the authors note that this reduction is unsurprising as opposition to bans on guns equates to self interest on behalf of those who already own a gun and do not wish to give it up. 

And racism was already strongly associated with having a gun in the home.

Cannot say I am surprised by this one.

Considering this is it any wonder that gun sales spiked as soon as an African American moved into the White House?


  1. Sally in MI5:02 AM

    Yes, the NRA has cashed in nicely on this racism, haven't they? I read they get a kickback from every gun purchased, so of course they want all the white boys to have an arsenal. And they really don;t care how many children are killed, how many wives are shot, or how many young black men are gunned down. As long as they have their fear and self-righteous indignation over anyone who dares actaully read their precious 2nd amendment. The NRA nd GOP are taking this country down the road to 3rd world status, jsut as Arianna predicted several years ago.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I can't believe someone needed a study for this! Read a newspaper, it's cheaper.


  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    trying to decide which im post is more ridiculous, this one using weak tea science attempting to link gun ownership to racism... or your other recent post about the completely unverifiable claim by shellie zimmerman- a known perjuror.

    and also finding the irony- considering your other recent post about CBS losing all journalisic credibility.

    (a fan of IM, but you can do better)

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Come on Gryphen, do you really believe it was because Obama is black that people went on a gun buying spree when he was elected> It was because they were afraid he was going to go after gun ownership, and he has.

    If your readers thought the government was going to go after condoms and birth control pills, there would be a run on those items too.

  5. Anita Winecooler3:39 PM

    It wasn't because Obama is black that the gun sales with white racists soared, it was because the white racists were led to believe President Obama, who just happens to be African American, said the "cling to religion and guns" line while campaigning, and the Tea Party, neo nazis, kkk and your garden variety racists coincidentally believed the hype.


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