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"Okay that's it! My hair is challenging all of ya'll to a duel. Dandruff specks and fifty paces!" |
An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of Paul borrowing language from other published material.
The new cut-and-paste job follows reports by BuzzFeed, Politico, and MSNBC that Paul had plagiarized speeches either from Wikipedia or news reports. The book was published in August 2013 by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group.
In this case, Paul included a link to the Heritage case study in the book’s footnotes, though he made no effort to indicate that not just the source, but the words themselves, had been taken from Heritage.
A Paul aide defended the senator, saying he makes clear in the book’s “notes and sources” that he didn’t individually research each case.
“In the book Government Bullies all the information… was sourced by end notes. In the two cases described, the end notes clearly define the sourcing for the book. In no case has the Senator used information without attribution,” said Doug Stafford, an advisor to Sen. Paul who co-wrote the book. “There were 150 endnotes and cites including The Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute. This is a witch hunt and grasping at straws.”
Yes pointing out that a nationally known politician with aspirations fro the White House has engaged in cutting and pasting huge portions of text from an online site or has taken entire blocks of information, verbatim, from a case study without making it perfectly clear that they have done so is NOT grasping at straws. It is a little thing called reporting the the facts.
Very, very troubling facts.
I have it on good authority that Paul's hair is not original to him as well, and may in fact have been manufactured elsewhere and then passed off as his own. Truly there is nothing about the man that can be believed.
Is anybody else looking forward to watching Rachel tonight as much as I am ?
Go Rachel GO! And just wait until Colbet and Stewart get hold of him!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what she says! lol I hope she lays into his stupid and dangerous "duel" talk.
DeleteIn other news, get a load of this BS from the far right evangelical hypocrites. They do something they claim is wrong, then go all "repent and forgive" me.
Anonymous 1:20
DeleteNotice whenever they get caught, they use that "Mr Clean Magic Eraser" for the soul, then say they "want to spend more time with their family". Hope he enjoys sleeping on the sofa!
Thanks Anonymous 1:20 PM...I read the article. He's full of himself...it's still all about him, how he's done wrong and suffered for it. Another rightie hypocrite unmasked. LOL! I do feel sorry for his wife, she probably expected better from him as a husband. Wonder if she'll stand by her fallen man?
DeleteI've already seen Paulbots and Tea Baggers writing that it's no big deal and he did reference his source at the end of the book.
ReplyDeleteWell, as a professor, I can tell you it IS a big deal. Correct citation is something I drill into the heads of my students and I have failed more than one because they tried to pass another person's work off as their own. I will usually give first time plagiarizers in my classes the benefit of the doubt that they don't know how to correctly cite or paraphrase, but they still have to do a rewrite and are watched like a hawk afterwards. However, even the most "green" college student knows it's not ok to lift whole paragraphs--let alone pages--out of books. So, what is Rand Paul's excuse?
That's maybe what bugs me the most about this. Poor paraphrasing here and there is one thing, but this was clearly a case of cutting and pasting with absolutely no indication the words came canned from someone else.
This is Uni101 stuff here and makes you wonder exactly how Rand Paul made his way through college.
His excuse is he's stupid, he's lazy and since he's a Republican he thinks he is above the laws the little people have to obey.
DeleteAnd how dare us question him.
Wish he was in your class so you could fail his ass and the University could expel him for code of ethics violations.
I'm a librarian and I teach the research process to elementary students and even they know what plagiarism is and not to do it.
The Randlet fighting duels? Pfft. He lost the fight with that thing perched on top of his head.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Just like Sarah Palin's losing battles with the creatures she wears on her head.
DeleteIf the dude is wearing a rug couldn't he find a more attractive one? I have to think that is his own hair, because really, who would spend money on that?
ReplyDeleteRand Paul and Sarah Palin must never have received any home training about proper personal hygiene and skincare.
DeleteBoth are just nasty, greasy, smelly and gross. Noticeable bad hygiene in public is one of the sure-fire signs of either alcohol or substance abuse and mental illness.
ARRRGH! I have only basic cable and can't watch her until tomorrow morning on the laptop, but I will eagerly await that moment!
ReplyDeleteI always kind of assumed his hat was made from Sarah's leftovers.
DeleteHe's scrubbing things left and right on his website but the fool forgot that screen captures and the way back machine can get ANY THING you've ever put out there.
ReplyDeleteAnd then, talk about looking like you got caught stepping on your own d#ck!
DeleteDid he REALLY think that no one would find out that he stole vast amounts of written material from numerous sources?
DeleteWith the speedy and comprehensive search functions of the internet these days, there is no way that a national figure like Paul would get away with this kind of thing. College students are caught plagiarizing all the time and they don't have hundreds of media outlets analyzing their every word!
It's not stealing if you are a Republican! See IOKIYAR! Also lamestream media, and liberal bias. Also too Gotcha journalism!
DeleteWonder how much plagiarizing he did through college and medical school? It's also no surprise to me given that he was so afraid to keep his medical board certification that he created his own personal board certification. Not an eye doctor that I'd ever trust with my eyes!
Not passing the board certification and starting his own rival board is probably a good indication of how poorly Rand Paul did in medical school. His talent lies in trying to fool people, I mean, politics. When he talks, he doesn't sound very smart. And, he is still smarting from previous interview with Rachel where she easily got the best of him.
DeleteIt's not plagiarism when you pay others to do you college work for you. It's just plain ol' cheating. Which I'm sure he did plenty of.
DeleteAnd he didn't stop after graduation, I.E. creating his own board to certify himself.
I would *never* go to such a moron, not if I was going blind.
Probably a false positive, but my Avast 9.0 antivirus with updated defs reports the jpg on this article as malware infected...
ReplyDeletePath is:
Infection: URL:Mal
Mine too, twice. Each time I open the post, it flags it, Gryphen.
DeleteOkay I changed the picture.
Deletelet me know if it happens again.
A.J. and 1:26pm
DeleteConsider purchasing an Apple product. I can't believe anyone in this century is still concerned with viruses and malware. There is a better way....
DeleteAs Apple has gained market share, their products have become increasingly targeted by virus and malware authors. Last year, some 600,000 Macs were compromised by the Flashback trojan and turned into a giant remotely-controlled botnet, and early this year an undisclosed (by Apple) number of Macs were infected via a Java vulnerability - inside Apple's corporate offices!
Sorry to break it to you, but you're not immune.
2:29--Out of 45 million Macs. And one piece of malware vs 1000s on Windows PCs.
DeleteEveryone needs to be diligent. I am. But I'll choose the security of Mac OS every time.
Macs that dual boot to Windows, or use Microsoft Office software, are also at risk. Per security firm Sophos:
DeleteOne in Every Five Mac Computers Harbors Malware
I haven't seen how his book is printed, but there is a correct format for using portions of other people's writing in your own writing. It needs attribution, both a footnote, plus complete reference in the bibliography or sources at the end of the book. If it's a short quote, it needs to be put in quotation marks. Or, if it is a large piece of text, it has to be printed either in a box, separating it from the author's words, or in a different. font. There's no question in Gryphen's post what comes from BuzzFeed (it's in italics) and what Gryphen is writing (regular font). Since Paul is listed as the author and he wants to get credit for writing the book, then, ultimately, he gets the blame if he lifted material from other sources and used it incorrectly. More than likely, someone wrote the book for him, or assembled parts of it, but then it's a staff oversight problem for Paul, poor management.
ReplyDeleteThe most common comments are that a kid turning in a paper like that in high school or college would get marked down, or the paper wouldn't be accepted. Paul seems to have presidential aspirations, and he's not a very good candidate if he (1) steals, I mean plagiarizes, (2) won't accept responsibility and admit the mistake (3) picks fights with people who point out this problem (4) tries to erase any traces of the original plagiarism. Is he really one of the Republican's best candidates? (I hope so).
I was going to make the same comment about needing to either put the verbatim text in quotation marks or separated as an indented paragraph, but you said it for me! Anyone who reads nonfiction would know this. It's just sloppy writing. More disturbing is the fact that he's so defensive about it. Own up to it, Rand.
DeletePortions, yes. Entire pages, over a 1,000 words, no. That isn't research, it's plagiarism, no matter how it's cited.
DeleteI always thought his hair was just unruly but in looking at several photos of him, the top curly piece remains about the same even when he gets the sides cut. His father has a wide forehead so it's pretty logical that Randy inherited one too. Now he wears his little top hat piece to appeal to younger voters just in case his promise of legalizing drugs doesn't pan out.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that hair piece is his own, recaptured in the drain from his swimsuit area, icky icky.
DeleteOf course, there is always the possibility that he hasn't a clue a.) WHAT plagiarism is, b.) really doesn't believe it is important and c.) truly does not understand what all the hullabaloo is all about. Any of those three items is enough to eliminate him from being my president in my book.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance can be cured, but only if one WANTS to be cured of it. He is getting to be as bad as SP.
Can't agree more! Makes my skin crawl just looking at him.
DeleteTypical tea bagger. Be dishonest and then whine and cry because someone points it out.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, he wears a toupe. He is as bald as his Dad Paul. But it is less raggedy than Sarah's wigs.
If that's a toupe, why would he pick a rug that makes him look like an idiot?
DeleteBecause he IS an idiot!
DeleteWorst toupee ever.
DeleteI hope the maker is paying *him* to wear it. I can't imagine anyone paying good or bad money to purchase that and wear it in public.
Five years ago TODAY!!
He's a slimy little twit with no integrity, alot of whining and victimization crap.
ReplyDeleteRand Paul caught scrubbing transcripts from website after plagiarism charges
...In the case of a Feb. 6 speech to the Heritage Foundation, Paul’s current page only contains a video, but Google cache shows that the page recently also had the entire transcript.
BuzzFeed found at least three other pages which had transcripts deleted.
Here's a good relevant article:
Ok damnit! I want some DNA from him and the Tundra Turd. They HAVE to be related!!
ReplyDeleteot CON MEN
Rand and Sarah fighting a duel. Which wig will blow clean off first?
ReplyDeleteBears vs Packers or St Rachel of the Maddow? I have to think on that one.
ReplyDeleteTiVo one of them. Rachel's show repeats in a couple of hours if you don't have TiVo.
DeleteThis guy got along in life riding on his daddy's coattails. I'd cut him some slack, but with his education, he should know the basics of citing material that isn't yours vs using it verbatim as your own intellectual property.
ReplyDeleteMy kids learned the basics in high school. Their teachers all had access to software that a)picks up possible plagiarism b)scours a database then cites where the material came from and to whom it belongs. A good teacher learns the language patterns their students use and can smell moosedroppings with less effort.
The toupee isn't the same texture as Palin's shapeshifting road kill, it looks more like a brazillian wax strip or two taped to his scalp.
What kind of wuss challenges a faux duel with a learned female journalist who's only fault was exposing his propensity for lazily stealing other people's works?
Rachel is giving Paul what-for!
ReplyDeleteThere are clear methods for using quotes from sources. (And over a thousand words is NOT quoting and NOT acceptable research.) No matter how he claims to have cited the source Paul clearly committed plagiarism by every acceptable research procedure from APA and MLA. Any accredited university would have brought him up on charges of plagiarism, they would be upheld and he would be expelled for violating academic ethic standards.
ReplyDeleteOh, and lousiest perm job ever, Rand.