Monday, November 04, 2013

Was LAX shooter inspired to kill TSA agents by hate mongers warning of a "New World Order" like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones? Judge for yourself.

Courtesy of the Southern Poverty Center:

The 23-year-old man who allegedly killed a TSA official at Los Angeles International Airport yesterday was carrying a one-page “manifesto” that included references to the “New World Order,” the Federal Reserve and “fiat currency,” according to a knowledgeable source with ranking law enforcement contacts. 

Paul Anthony Ciancia, who allegedly wounded three other TSA workers before being shot and critically wounded himself, also expressed antagonism toward the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its chief until she resigned in August, Janet Napolitano, the source said. Ciancia’s note called former Secretary Napolitano a “bull dyke” and contained the phrase “FU Janet Napolitano,” the source said. 

Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment “Patriot” movement. The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic “one-world government” that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S. 

So-called Patriots also increasingly see the DHS, which produces intelligence assessments of extremists that are distributed to other law enforcement agencies, as an enemy and even a collaborator in the New World Order conspiracy. Many believe DHS has targeted their movement and is somehow connected to the alleged construction of concentration camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The purported camps are thought to be meant for those Americans who resist a coming national seizure of all weapons from U.S. citizens.

If you are wondering where you have heard of the "Patriot" movement and references to the "New World Order" before well it just might have been right here among multiple posts about Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, who warn about the encroachment of government into all of our lives with an evangelical fervor, and who believe that we are moving to a one world government that will dictate European laws to American citizens.

However it is not only the fringe who embrace this point of view, the Tea Party itself is very enmeshed with that kind of thinking, as well as both Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul. 

You know if you think about it, constantly screaming that America is under attack by communists and socialists, while advocating the ownership of guns while also warning that the government is working to restrict your access, can really only have one result ultimately.

This is domestic terrorism, one of the shooter's notes found in a bag said that he wanted to "instill fear in your traitorous minds." If this were a Muslim who had done this we would know immediately who had inspired him, or who gave him his instructions to kill. 

But since this seems to have been inspired by our own Right Wing terror network it, so far, appears that the media is hesitant to make the connections.

That is not only bad journalism, but it also puts Americans at risk.


  1. imnofred9:28 AM

    The media won't touch this. They are too busy constantly talking about the website problems.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    There is a website devoted to Sarah Palin's fans, where they can worship her, hate on anyone who doesn't worship Sarah and spread some really nasty political stuff around. (I secretly believe that some of them are Sarah's paid consultants, planted there to keep the conversation and the donations going). One of them keeps writing that the TSA shooting was a plot to (1) make the right wing crazies look bad (2) arm the TSA.

    Someone spoke about arming the TSA on one of the Sunday talk shows, saying, that weapons belonged in the hands of trained professionals, not thousands of people whose job it is to look for shampoo bottles and pocket knives. As for making the right wing crazies look bad, Sarah and her fans do a perfectly good job without any help. Throw in Rand Paul who can't admit that he plagiarized some of his speeches, and Ted Cruz's wacko father who said that Obama should go back to Kenya. (Hey, Rafael, does anyone ever tell you to go back to Cuba?) Ted's father says all of the right wing crazy stuff that is too crazy for Ted to say.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      The pee puddle thinks it's yet another Obama commie plot. Those people are seriously deranged.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      "another Obama commie plot." Yup. And they have a second theory, that it is a diversion to keep Americans from seeing the "failed" Obamacare rollout.

      No, seriously.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    As soon as the shooters age was released, I knew it was an Alex Jones devotee. That is exactly what he is always whining about. The New World Order and. "Black Hawks landing on your yard." I notice he is never right. About anything. There is a never ending supply of students here in Austin who work for him though.


  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Stochastic Terrorism.

  5. I dislike Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, but to dismiss all conspiracy theories is like saying the NSA wasn’t really spying. Of course they were, and the 2008 crash was deliberate, and on and on. Have the rich gotten richer? When the charts are consistently skewed in one direction, it isn’t random. Weak minds can break over this. The rest of us just go on dodging bullets.

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    What's bad journalism is believing this narrative. IT'S ANOTHER SET-UP! Many, many anolmalies just like Boston bombing. I call B.S. once again. How many examples are needed to convince you are being played? Bring on fear, arm the TSA, getting closer to that police state everybody should fear.

    1. Anonymous3:00 AM

      4:53 PM BWAHAHAHAHAHA, That was funny.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

    It truly is bad journalism. I purposely watched what I call "bubble gum" news, the three major stations and their focus is laser beam precise on the fact that he's in critical condition with a head wound and "we may never know........." Cut to the family's lawyer's prepared, carefully worded statement. "the family's devastated yadda yadda hearts go out to the dead TSA agent blah blah blah we had NO CLUE he would act this way dot dot dot ad nauseum.

    The terrorist is twenty three years old, moved from the east coast to California months ago, and the family knows his frame of mind, in what way? For all they know, he probably was sleep deprived from watching and listening to Alex and Glenn. He used their bullet points in the manifesto.

    "ARM tsa agents" is all over the echo chamber. The TSA workers are up to their eyeballs with screening passengers, luggage and now they need to pack heat? More guns solve nothing. What does a mental case in his twenties need an assault rifle for in the first place? Find out how he got close enough to kill, and fix that loophole for starters.

  8. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Conspiracy nuts see bogeymen everywhere. They are easily manipulated. Sociopaths like Beck and Limbaugh bank on it.

  9. Chenagrrl4:07 AM

    How different is the hate mongering of Beck, Limbaugh and others from the fatwas of malicious mullahs? This kid was just doing jihad as he understood it.

  10. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I just found this on Facebook and was totally disgusted by it and the hate mongering it displays. The comments below it are unbelievable. I find it hard to believe that this woman came up with this on her own.Google Yolanda Burroughs-Vestal to read it as I don't want to give it more publicity. No wonder there is so much ignorance about Obama if this is the stuff that people believe and pass on.


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