Friday, November 22, 2013

Rather than pay their employees a living wage McDonald's suggests employees trying to stay out of debt pack a sack lunch and sell unwanted possessions on eBay. McPerfect!

Courtesy of NBC News:

McDonald’s is once again getting grilled over its employee advice, this time suggesting ways to get out of holiday debt that include returning unopened purchases and bringing a sack lunch. 

The criticism comes months after it took heat over an employee budget guide that included no money for heat and $20 a month for health care. 

The labor advocacy group Low Pay Is Not OK is lambasting McDonald’s for articles on an employee website that suggest workers visit thrift stores instead of the mall, use stale bread and bruised apples rather than throwing them out, and “quit complaining” as a way to reduce stress. And to pay off holiday debt, it suggested returning purchases. 

“On a short term basis, do whatever it takes to dig out from your holiday debt,” said one article on the McResource Line website, a screen grab of which was provided by Low Pay Is Not OK. 

“You may want to consider returning some of your unopened purchases that may not seem as appealing as they did. Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash," it continued. “Consider bringing a brown bag lunch and skipping the takeout …. You might also consider a temporary part time job to dig out of debt quickly.” 

The article appeared to have been removed from the site by midday Thursday. 

McDonald’s did not return multiple calls for comment. A company spokeswoman, in a statement emailed to CNBC, said Low Pay Is Not OK’s video about the website took the advice out of context and characterized the campaign as “an attempt by an outside organization to undermine a well-intended employee assistance resource website.”

Yes they are only trying to McHelp without having to McPay more.

After all how do you post profits of over five billion dollars annually if you are paying your workers enough to live on?

By the way I completely stopped going to McDonald's several months ago and have no intention of ever going back. Not only is their McFood poisonous, but they are also cheap bastards more interested in turning a profit than in paying their employees,

Kind of reminds me of Wal-Mart who held a food drive asking their employees to donate food to help feed their fellow employees who are not paid enough to feed themselves.

Yet another place that I refuse to shop at any more.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM


  2. Chenagrrl12:20 PM

    And speaking of jaw-dropping behavior. This apparently happened during an interview with Sarah Palin on TV in Washington.

    "The gracious host tried to save her by stating, “Surely, you’re aware that the Indians were the native population of this country and were driven from their homes by the European settlers.

    This further incited Palin and her rant continued, “I’ll tell ya what I know. I know that these tribes do a lot of whining. I mean they got special rights up the wazzoo. They have those casinos all over the place. Seems to me they got a great deal. If they would just put down the bottle and whatever they’re smoking in those peace pipes and get a job like the rest of us, they’d be alright. I see it all the time in Alaska with the Inuit. They just don’t want to join the rest of us. They’re still hunting whale for gosh sake.”

    The station quickly went to commercial break and Palin was gone when the show resumed.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Please, if there is a link or could you provide more info about this interview?

      Also, too, I have found no news about her book signing in "Kansas City, KS." The Star had nothing.


    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Palin can't keep a job.... if the going gets rough, or if it doesn't, she quits.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      M from MD

    4. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Chenagirl...we've been spoofed.


    5. Anonymous3:14 PM

      this is a satire site. Hence, why it's in the "Other 'News'" section of MTF.

      Satire Disclaimer
      Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within are fiction, and presumably fake news.

      Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction. is intended for a mature, sophisticated, and discerning audience.

    6. bristol sux long time3:18 PM

      Sounds like The Onion again.

    7. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Here is one:

      Unfucking believable!!!! Native Americans Rise up and put a Arrow in her!!!

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I've never used McDonald's and I'm a senior! So, it's not a problem for me NOT to give them business. But, I'd like to suggest that Americans across the nation boycott them until they raise the income of their employees. These low incomes are anti America and need to be stopped.

    These damned corporations need to be shown a lesson....don't trade w/them. And, as to that McDonald's place near you, forget them! Make your own hamburgers at home!

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Glad you stopped eating that dreck. I stopped as well after reading an article about the ingredients in chicken nuggets and McRibs. Disgusting. Then the truth about how the corporation treated its employees came out and I've begun to actively encourage others to not patronize McDonalds and any other fast food place or restaurant that refuses to pay a living wage.

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Do you know what CEO's get for Xmas? $1,000 gift cards, new iPhones and XBox and play stations. You know what they also get? Tax breaks and farm subsidies. You know what students get with their degree? Burdened debt. How do the Palins cope with that? Simple, don't go to school. Sarah also too suggests poor people don't have te nerve to aspire to own homes, they should just double up or rent. How did she and Todd afford their home? They used overage from the Wasilla Sports Complex, and avoid paying taxes on their cabin and whatnot. So, Christmas, food, heat and every creature comfort known to man only belong to multimillionaires like the Walmart family or Boehner, Gingrich, Bachmann, Palin, Cantor.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      correction - multiBILLIONairs, the Waltons. They own as much $ as 30% of the entire nation.

      We, the taxpayers, are paying the salaries of their employees because they don't make a living wage. The same with McDonalds, only they are not as rich as the TX team.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hmmm rilly Walmart, sounds like your a bunch of modern day Scrooges not delivering great joy and good tidings.

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That's awful! What horrible things to say to employees, who I am sure are grateful for a job but wish it were a living wage job.

    So, it's ok to buy your kids toys but when the wrapping is removed, the toy has to remain in the box unused so it can be returned?

    Merry Christmas kids, look what I could have gotten you if only I had a living wage.

    Curelty beyond measure.

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM


  9. Leland3:25 PM

    Personally, I haven't been to ANY fast food place for ten years and in a couple of cases, thirty. Lousy food and poor consideration for employees.

  10. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "Right Wing Cyber Attacks on Website Confirmed"

    Things that make you go, "Hmmmm."

    1. They're scared it's going to work.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Did you know that McDonald's fish sandwiches are almost 100 percent Alaska caught pollock? Just the bun and whatnot are not caught by our fishermen.

    Also very little processing. Nice pieces of pollock are pressured into blocks that are frozen and then sliced. If you look at your sandwich you'll see that it is actually made of pieces smooshed together, not some processed glob that is formed and made into squares.

    I seldom go to McDonald's but when I do, I get a fish sandwich and take off the cheese.

    Sometimes a person just gets hungry for junk food, and in terms of food, Alaska pollock is not junk.

    1. Oh you HAD to go and mention the Filet-O-Fish sandwich.

      That is my all time favorite sandwich at Mickey D's, and the only one that I really, really miss.

      And they even have a double filet these days.

      Be strong Gryphen, be strong.

    2. And those pollock are responsible for the deaths of a lot of salmon as by catch.

      Factory trawlers. Very destructive.

  12. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I gave up eating McDonalds in the mid eighties when they had a 2 big macks for $2. After eating both of them they sat in my stomach for two days.

    Back in the seventies I got a cup of coffee and within ten minutes a little spillover congealed on the cover. Ugg.

    I refuse to eat that garbage.

  13. Anonymous7:29 PM

    A glass of heavily fluoridated water will congeal if left out overnight. There was probably a lot of fluoride (toxic waste - poison) in the water used for the coffee.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      We are talking about high trans fatty foods and you bring up fluoridated water? Why didn't you bring up immunizations also too?

  14. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

    Walmart's got their PR folks on it!

    This ad runs every half hour, it makes me want to scream.

    Yeah, I'm not a "fast food" aficionado. Haven't been to neither store for at least fifteen to twenty years. Garbage in Garbage out and profit over people. How is having a food drive for your own employees "helping"? Step up, Joanne Smith and get your canned corn! Do the associates line up and clap? Walmart is vile and has made life hell for small businesses.
    McDonalds is just as vile.

  15. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I have become very negative about being asked to give my change to their charity. Charities have become like scams little actually going directly to the charities. Most going to CEO of the charity, and the rest being given as a tax break for the Company. They get you to give the money and they take the tax break. .I try to be careful as to what I give to. I guess they do what Kim Kardashian did sell some of her things and give some of the money, but keep most for herself. Moses, the list gets bigger and bigger of what we have to keep away from. That is the only way to hurt these companies is to hit them in the pocketbook.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.