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Click one of the protruding knobs to see video. |
"Well certainly the roll out itself, and a malfunctioning website isn't the problem. The problem is Obamacare itself is the problem, you know a road toward socialized medicine that is unaffordable, and unasked for, and unpopular, is not workable, that's the problem. People want Obamacare scrapped, I think at this point Chris we don't even care if the website gets up and running, it's just going to prove to be an invitation find out..uh..more problems as to Obamacare as a whole....
At this point the tape kind of skips and you see Wallace posing the next question, as if somebody decided Palin had rambled enough and were trying to keep the craziness to a minimum.
Wallace then asked Wonder Boobies if she thought Obamcare was the tipping point that undermined the President's entire approach to government
"I do, Thank goodness people are awakened from their slumber, thinking that it's okay for government to deceive us in thinking that they can, they can give us free stuff. Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch, and people have opened their eyes now, understanding that 'oh Tea Party patriots they were right' when they said that this big government policy crammed down our throat called Obama-pare (I swear that is what she said.) its not good for America. And people have awakened and realized that the Tea Party was right, and hmm they may be right on a couple of other issues too. So yeah that's a tipping point, people are awake now."
Wallace then suggests that it is a problem for Republicans that Obamacare will eventually cover 30 million uninsured Americans whereas the most recent GOP plan would only cover 3 million. And asks Palin if she does not agree that the Republicans need to do better.
"Oh, I am one to question, I am one to question those numbers. 30 million more people will receive health care coverage under Obamacare? I question it, one I don't believe a doggone thing coming out of Washington D.C. anymore and isn't that a sad state of affairs when a normal American has to be so cynical of what government (Normal American?), and government reports, are telling us. Even if it is a nonpartisan report. Chris no, once that employer mandate kicks in, after the new year begins, next year..employer mandate..that's going to kick more and more people off private sector health care coverage that they had, at least up til now, been able to enjoy, and been able to afford. There will be fewer people being covered under a sensible, doctor-patient relationship centered health care program under Obamacare than what we see today I guarantee you that." (So in a nutshell, Palin is saying, "Facts, I don't need no stinking facts! I know what I know when I know it.")
Wallace simply lets that huge truckload of BS sit there as he moves onto another topic, essentially destroying any credibility he has a journalist, and asks her about the new Senate rule change. (The "Nuclear Option.") Essentially asking her if she thinks that any President should have the right to name their team, unless a candidate is "wildly outside the mainstream?"
"Well there are a lot of wildly outside the mainstream nominees and pals of Barack Obama that he wants to see help him usher in an agenda to transform America, so that's one thing that Congress has done right. And that is to oppose some of these nominees.
(Really? So this is okay?)
![]() |
Replaced previous graphic identifying nominees to this one. More accurate. |
As for this rule, change that some people are calling the nuclear option, I guarantee this week, Thanksgiving dinner, people sitting around their tables, we're not going to be talking about the president's blessing, the thwarting of a balance of power in Congress with new Senate rules called the nuclear option.People are going to be talking about our failed big government policies that will bankrupt this country. So this distraction, this new talking point in the media and with Congress, with senators and with the president blessing this action, it's a distraction and it's a lot of, you know, double standard and Democrat hypocrisy because just a few years ago, they were so anti, anti-nuclear option. They were against any thought of Republicans ever considering changing these rules. And yet now, you know, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. So American people, they don't care about distractions like that. They're not in that inside baseball Senate rule stuff. They want government to be back on our side. They want it to get out of our lives and in order to do that we need those who will not fundamentally transform America but will fundamentally restore what's right about America. We do that by having good judicial nominees and nominees in these regulatory agencies and elsewhere. So, this new rule change, it stinks." (I'm sorry, what?)
This is when Wallace finally broaches the subject of Bahir's comments on MSNBC.
"That's funny, because Bashir has invoked the analogy of slavery also. The definition of slavery is to be beholden to a master. And we will be beholden when that note is due, when we have taken from our children and our grandchildren and borrowed from China and other foreign countries in order to pay for our wants today. So we will be beholden to another master at some point here when that note's due. As for the -- you know ,the networks condoning those types of statements, because there's been no punishment of the fella who said these words, that's hypocrisy. That's a given, though, when a conservative woman says something that they're -- they take offense, they usually just kind of pooh-pooh it, laugh it off; it's no big deal. But as for personally taking shots like that, Chris, everybody in life takes shots. You have a decision to make when you take a shot. Are you going to become bitter or better? In a case like this, you know, I don't have to accept his words, his vile, evil comments, so they don't have to affect me. I move on. And I charge forth. (Oh yeah, she is known for that.) However, if Mr. Bashir or anybody else in this media elite bubble that they put themselves in were to attack someone who is defenseless, like a vulnerable child, who does not have that podium, that microphone that God has blessed me to be able to express my opinion, if they don't have that type of platform to defend themselves -- well, if you want to see a mama grizzly get riled up and slap that person down, then you come after a vulnerable child. In this case, he didn't come after a vulnerable child. I can defend myself and, you know, I can take it" ( I assume she is daring somebody to attack Trig so that she can defend him and garner more sympathy. What an odd thing to interject into this statement.)
Wallace then plays Bashir's apology and asks the Wonder Twins if she accepts it.
"Well, that's the executive hypocrisy that is so prevalent in that media elite bubble, where it depends on the target of the vile rants that it doesn't depend on what their rant itself actually is. And conservative women are a target of them. As for the apologies, well, obviously, you know, who am I to not accept an apology? Everyone must humble themselves and accept that offer to, you know, of apology. (This part really makes me wish that Bashir had not caved in and apologized to the skank.) But as for the apologies, too, next time that they want to say such a thing and then get the attention that they were seeking after they've said it, and then they want to call and apologize to me in private, I'd like them to go through, say, Todd first or one of my children first. Leave the message with them. Hear what they have to say about it and then they can come to me." (So she wants to have her apologies screened before accepting them? What is she afraid of?)
This is the point where apparently Wallace is contractually obligated to let the "Ghost of Christmas suck ass" to pimp her book.
Wallace: " Governor, you say there is a link between faith and freedom. Explain what you mean." (Why do these idiots continue to call this quitter "Governor?")
"It's an inherent link, and our Founders knew that. They said that our government is -- our Constitution for our government is written for a religious and world people, meaning you have to have a strong foundation of faith, believing in something greater than self and not be so selfish. Otherwise, our Constitution isn't going to do any good. There's no need to follow a Constitution or a rule of law if you don't have that foundation. (Actually you do, it's called avoiding prison and it is a MUCH bigger deterrent to criminal behavior than the idea of hell or heaven.) So, it's very, very important that we protect the heart of Christmas, which then will protect the heart of America. And it's been a wonderful book tour; 21 cities thus far. (And each one resulting in the book falling further and further down the Amazon list of best sellers. As of this post it is now down to 358. If this keeps up it will be in the dollar bin before the last stop of her book tour.) And it is all about good tidings and great joy and amazing, amazing, inspiring, energetic people we've met along the trail, love them. And it's a good book."
Wallace then asks what is wrong with businesses wishing people "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas?"
"Well, there's not a doggone thing that's wrong with saying "Happy Holidays." It's like I say before Christmas, "Happy Hanukkah." After Christmas, you can say "Happy Kwanzaa." But as for Christmas itself, Jesus is the reason for the season. And Christ is the foundation of Christmas. So, to have a double standard, try to be applied to say, well, you just can't say "Merry Christmas" or invoke God or Bethlehem or an angel when anything spiritual when it comes to actually that day, December 25th, Christmas, otherwise somebody may take offense, it's a double standard, more hypocrisy, more nonsense, and I'm just saying no, we're going to protect the heart of Christmas because Christ is what it's all about."
"Well, there's not a doggone thing that's wrong with saying "Happy Holidays." I'm sorry, I'm confused. Is she saying that there is NOTHING wrong with saying "Happy Holidays" or is she insisting that the only appropriate greeting is "Merry Christmas?"
Or is she saying that there should be no rule prohibiting shopkeepers from saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" which of course has never been anything of the sort? Does anybody else's head hurt?
You know if you are going to have an entire book ghostwritten for you on the subject, perhaps you should actually know just what in the hell you are talking about.
Oh right, this is a Sarah Palin book.
My bad.
I am astounded she was even interviewed, she is so yesterday’s news. And, my cocker spaniel has more brains and is more articulate than Mrs. Palin.
ReplyDeleteEmily Post
"And, my cocker spaniel has more brains and is more articulate than Mrs. Palin." And probably better behaved and groomed.
DeleteSarah looks like she's in a commercial for Nice and Easy. The grifter is looking really old and tired. She really needs to tighten that awful turkey neck before the holidays.
I still can't understand how Sarah can continue to do the now you see them, and now you don't trick with the Belmonts with a straight face. With that said, the grifter needs to check the air pressure on the right side boob.
Hehehehehehehehehe....just saw this picture of Baldy! It's from her MOA book signing!
DeleteWhat in the world could he be saying to her! Hmmm....
Baldy chirps: "Hi...I'm Baldy...what's your name?"
Brother man drawls: "You can call me whatevah you like sweet mama...lets you and me ditch these folks and have ourselves a reunion of sorts!"
White guy behind him: "She looks better from faraway."
Gina, I guess you haven't seen this series from the Columbus OH book-signing - check out the "lady" behind the Howdy Doody guy.
DeleteBetter yet, imagine a word balloon above Palin's head as she greets Morticia ("Um...what color pancake makeup are you using?") and Morticia's reply ("Just give my book, OK?").
Gina, look at the book cover on the table, that isn't her Christmas full of hate book, is she making everyone purchase her old books in order to get the new book signed?
DeleteOmg! Thank you!
DeleteThe "Howdy Doody" (what *is* it w.Palin and 'doody' of late?) pic is the greatest:
"I hate my life"
photo of Palin I think I have seen yet.
- Did he pay a LOT of $$ for a photo op?
- Is Morticia trying to calm herself before talking to "the" Sarah Palin?
Nice shoe string around your neck, Sarah.
PPs- Are you sure you can't fit a THIRD flag in your classy ensemble?
It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.
ReplyDeleteBoehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET:) Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”
Lies, lies, and even more lies.
The Senate's Nuclear Trigger Is A Gigantic Victory For Obama
ReplyDeleteEndured the grifters rambling just to see her vapid grifting game, nothing new but was struck by her smirk that she always has. Mean girl high school attitude on full display. The comment about going through the pimp or her grifting spawn made me laugh, go away you hypocritical cunt, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
Thanksgiving begins the six-week season of Advent, Christmas, New Year's and the Epiphany -- Happy Holidays!
DeleteHer remarks about "atheist lawyers" is such a pathetic and obvious jab at Jews.
For your information, Sarah, the head of our state ACLU is a staunch Episcopalian. He's had enough education to know that America never was and isn't a Christian nation. Christians, and all religions -- and no religions -- are welcome in our Republic. That's the magic of our Constitution.
You should be grateful that the majority in this country allows ignorant, illiterate
Bible thumpers like you to openly practice your "religion" and get tax-exemption (government subsidy) while you wail about some God you've made up to make you feel loved instead of empty and useless, as you are.
Please let us know how much money SarahPac will be sending for relief in the Philipines.
She hides behind the passive aggressive smirk. She is a coward of course... hence the 'Mama Grizzly" fiction to project what she isn't. Sarah Palin is the epitome of a vicious, ignorant, emotionally infantile, intellectually retarded child in an adult body. Her world is all make-believe built on lies.
DeleteHer world is all make-believe built on lies.
To quote Will Ferrell in Elf:
"You sit on a throne of lies!"
Speaking of lies, when is Bristol's due date Grandma?
DeleteSpeaker Boehner Fails Miserably in Attempt to Prove How ‘Frustrating’ Obamacare Is
ReplyDeleteAll House Speaker John Boehner wanted to do was prove how impossible it is to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Instead, he may have just done the opposite.
"You have a decision to make when you take a shot. Are you going to become bitter or better?"
ReplyDeleteShe OBVIOUSLY chooses Bitter with a capital "B".
Years ago, I read an interview where Hillary Clinton described raising a child in the world of politics. She and Bill would scream insults at each other. At first, Chelsea was horrified. Hillary explained that other people would say worse things about her and Bill, and the Chelsea had to simply ignore it the way that they did. As Harry Truman said, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." Of course people have insulted Sarah. (She calls them "shots" as if she is back in the world of surveyors marks again). Sarah feeds and thrives on the insults. She loves to play the victim. People are always stalking her and her children. She does this because she has nothing else to say. She really is our resident dunce, a complete idiot. It might play well with her fans, and it sounds good on the Fox noise machine, but she diminishes herself every times she plays the victim instead of actually offering solutions.
DeleteHillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and elizabeth Warren have been insulted numerous times, yet I have NEVER heard them tell people to go through their husbands or children with their insults. Not one single time. Palin is so out of her league with political women, she should fold up her tent (or Bristle's ) and go home wherever that is. Watch her next grifting will be a religious grift, since she has seen firsthand how that pays so well for the Grahams. Anything rather than actually WORK for a living. Those black jeans must stink to high heaven by now, she has worn them several days in a row.
DeleteHillary, Nancy & Elizabeth are actual hardworking politicians who understand the process and realize that there will be a few detractors in the populace and handle that with grace, dignity and maturity.
DeletePalin is merely a disgruntled housewife from Wasilla who because she rubbed a few important political elbows in the past, feels qualified to stick her own elbow in the neck of anyone who does not agree with her every convoluted utterance.
Your an idiot. I dont like Palin but Clinton, Pelosi and Warren. Pelosi is the most vile person in politcs. Clinton handled Benghazi with grace, dignity and maturity thats impressive after Americans died under her watch. Whats the lying 1% indian doing these days. LMAO
DeleteAnonymous2:30 PM
DeleteYour an idiot. I dont like Palin but
Fuck off you lying sack of shit!
You love palin that's why your here. Fuck off and die!
So she wants Bashir to call up Piper personally & tell her to tell her mother that he apologizes? There ya go again Sarah - using your children as shields at every freaking chance you get. Couldn't understand even half of her word salad.
ReplyDeleteSarah how about having Todd call Shailey Tripp's children and apologize to them for pimping out their mother?
DeleteShe a frigging two faced hypocrite. Remember her schuck and jive comment?
ReplyDeleteRegarding her canceling her appearance at Costco, didn't they place the bible under fiction? Perhaps that was where they were going to place her also, too.
ReplyDeleteShe quit her appearance at Costco to go shopping at the MOA. There wasn't time to do both and she went where the swag grows, dil, dil, dil.
DeleteCostco is a progressive store that pays its employees a fair wage. Been in the news lately. That's why she cancelled Costco.
DeleteGood one sarah cut off your nose you stupid skank!
Sarah Palin is upset Bashir said someone should shit in her mouth? This many years after Glann Rice came in her mouth! So what's the problem again Sarah?
ReplyDeleteBashir did not say that. She's an idiot. She is incapable of understanding what he actually said.
Deleteand that's what he said.
10:14 AM YOU ARE RIGHT! He did not say that at all. How and why are so many people getting it wrong? Sarah will never understand, but others are capable.
DeletePiper would be better off with a history lesson and paying attention to what Basher did say.
Bashir never said anyone should defecate in Palin's awful mouth !!
DeleteThe kooks at Breitbart in a very telling and perverted way fantasized Bashir's rather benign comments into a really nasty statement.
Which Palin was happy to reinforce and run with.
Breitbart and the tea party put poop in Palin's mouth when
Bashir ..did ..not.
BTW- Today during the Chris Hannity slobberfest on Fox, Palin was word salading on another subject and she used the phrase " poo poo " as a verb.
It was hilarious.
She is so demented that she inserted poor Trig and her adulterous husband into
Bashir's mild statement :
" She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood,
she would be the outstanding candidate."
I cannot find any mention of Trig or Todd or any demand for people to defecate in Palin's mouth from Bashir's words.
The media failed to adequately examine Bashir's comment and they failed to call Palin , Breitbart and Limbaugh et al.out for making up
this sick Palin non controversy ,
for not condemning the fact that Thistlewood
had slaves in the first place
and not recognizing how inhumanely Thistlewood treated his slaves.
Executive hypocrisy... Like Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a slut and not being taken off the air?
ReplyDeleteHe also likes the word "retard". Sarah didn't try and get Rush fired like she tried to get Rahm fired.
DeleteCan't wait to hear about Sarah Palin's reaction to the agreement with Iran! She and John McCain won't have anyone left to bomb soon. Oh, and Chris Wallace, who ever thought that he was a journalist? He works for FOX for goodness sake!
I wonder just how embarrassed his father, Mike, was about his son selling his soul?
DeleteGryphen, I have to correct you. Her first attempt at saying the world nuclear she actually says "nucular".
ReplyDeleteShe said 'nucular' three times...every time.
Delete^Ha! Thanks for the correction. I would listen to it again, but I just can't put myself through that again.
DeleteWow, is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that Sarah's scrambled, disassociative, synapsis-misfiring, OCD spew in this "interview" is way loonier than usual... like off-the-charts crazy??
ReplyDeleteIf you look at her face in that photo, she looks like she had a stroke! Kind of looks like Greta whatsherface as to the lip drooping on the one side...her eyes look weird too! One higher than the other!
DeleteFalsies on again too! She is so weird! Truly wonder how she determines when they are necessary and when she can appear flat chested! Craziest thing I've ever seen a woman do when it is, or is not, so obvious!
I agree. She's cracked!
DeleteAnd she looks like a tiny, tiny tarantula in that giant chair.
@Cracklin Charlie,
DeleteShe DOES look just like a tarantula! Great description.
WOWZA! That interview was better than I thought! Now we KNOW what was in those two drinks sitting on the table next to her! Two rum and cokes! Homegirl was two sheets in the wind y'all! You can always tell when Baldy is REALLY fucked up...she starts talking real low and slow...but then the alcohol courage kicks in and she starts thinking to herself..."hey...I really know what I'm talking about" so she just keeps talking...but the reality of what she's saying is all gibberish!
DeleteA drunk Baldy with a twist of mean bitch is one tough interview to do...but by golly Chris made that shit work! I do "fill" bad for the editing folks...that first choppy edit when Baldy started talking and talking and talking...no wonder the edit was choppy....crazy thing never took a breath! Wonder how long her answer went on...shit she's probably still answering that question! LOL!!
I did notice that LONNNNG pause from her when Chris went over what Martin said...Chris under the guise of repeating Martin's words called Baldy "a world class idiot"and then showed the clip of Martin saying "Palin with her rank ignorance" was a thing of beauty! Watching Baldy sitting there and listening to that was fucking HILARIOUS! Did you see how still she got...and she was doing that slow blinking and trying to slow her breathing down! You just know she was screaming inside that big head of hers! "STFU Chris" but she had to sit there and take that shit! Bravo Chris! LOL!!!
Okay...we MUST talk about that flat top wig she was wearing! Her head is so flat you could actually sit a drink on her head! Wallow is really fucking up her wigs...looks like this one is from the "Farrah Fawcett Line"...with some curls to distract from the straining neck muscles! I think Fake News put out the picture of Baldy with the giant titties to make fun of her! Because if you watch the interview.....the cameraman kept the camera kind of close...to the point where you couldn't really see those big balloons strapped on her bony chest very well! Who knows...maybe Roger the Hut saw what she had on and screamed at her...
"HEY...where's the TITS we bought you? Put em' on...we need something to look at since we won't be listening to whatcha say anyway!" LOL!!
Someone else mentioned something about her mouth...it looks like she forgot to attach her top lip! Something weird is going on with the shape of her face too! Her face is turning into some kind of alien face! Big giant head....2 black beady eyes....nose with real big nostrils...brackets around her flat lips....that narrows to her puppet looking chin!
Anyone else think the interview is being done in the hallway of a hotel? I kept expecting a maid to come around the corner with the big cart and start dusting the table in the background! And then we would see a couple of college kids stumbled into the frame and start doing bunny ears behind Baldy's big ass head! It certainly would have been more entertaining and informative that's for sure! LOL!!
All in all...she got what she wanted...her mean...ugly mannish...snakelike face on TV pimping and whoring herself...for money! Stupid ass bitch! LOL!!
"SHP Private
DeleteGreta - I appreciate how conscientious you are regarding the bigger picture surrounding issues like this. The public appreciates your fairness & willingness to bring to light more background info. You & John have a great day! - Sarah Palin"
Greta Van Susteren interviews Mike Tyson
Show your appreciation.
12:45 PM So, it turns out that Mike Wallace is the one to take a dump in her mouth, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteI agree, it was nuttier than the usual spew.
DeleteOn the YouTubes I watched, at the end of the "nuclear option" segment at the 5:46 mark, Wallace laughed at her. Sara represents the lowest level that shit sinks to. To put her on national TV that she might be relevant to American politics is the ultimate US embarrassment to the rest of the world.
DeleteShe is dumb ass! She does not know not know what the nuclear option is .
ReplyDeleteCan someone @ Fox News pl. educate her. The President had nothing to do with the nuclear option. He did not get to vote on it or have a say in the change. She also claims the congress was involved in the nuclear option. WTF. The nuclear option had nothing to do with the House.
Do you all remember when she said that the VP ran the senate. Dumb-nit.
"Can someone @ Fox News pl. educate her."
DeleteWhich would require someone at Fox to know what it is. I have seen no evidence that that is the case.
Of course she doesn't have a clue about the nuclear option, People and Us magazines haven't run a story yet for her to read.
DeleteNothing about this woman is authentic.. fake tits, her 5th child birth, three ghost written books
ReplyDeleteWhat public figure taunts his or her opponents and then tells them to go wrestle with a spouse or children?
ReplyDeleteSarah, you and you alone are the person who's talking and writing. You must stand on your own, and remove your risible, uneducated mess of family members to get off the internet and airwaves. They're not you. Explain yourself.
No public figure I know uses her family as a shield.
Winston Churchill? Talk to Clementine.
Geo. W. Bush? Take on Laura first.
Nancy Pelosi? She's so scared of criticism you have to do battle with her husband and five children first.
Michele Bachmann? My husband speaks for me.
Newt? Calista already has the hair helmet in which to do battle for her itty-bitty spouse.
We get it -- you have a do-nothing husband who barely graduated from a third-rate high school, who's so rough and Capt. America that he'll take on the "elite" who find fault with his former wife.
Let your barely literate, hillbilly- high-school drop outs explain your positions -- which they might understand if it's on wikipedia, and they're not too busy burping their babies, out buying kegs for their big, gormless brother and his forever funky friends, or trolling the net for their next hook-up.
Sarah, it's time to retreat to your dead lake, or your Arizona swimming pool, and let the big boys and girls take on the questions of public policy.
Neither you, your husband or your pathetic children have any place in the national arena. Once this joke of a book tour is over, and you've covered every super-store in fly-over country, selling a few dozens of your non-sensical book to people with a little cash and no common sense, please return to the bosom of that fabulous family, and leave us in peace.
Hear! Hear!
DeleteCOTD! You nailed 'em.
DeleteMost excellent rant!
DeleteI would like to see some apparently harmless guest ask Wallace out of the blue what conceivable reason there can possibly be to interview that vicious, ignorant, caterwauling dunce.
ReplyDeleteShe's a rich asshole who gets free stuff every single day, including free healthcare....and she's condemning the poor for wanting the same thing.
ReplyDeleteSSDD - go away you little parasite
I thought the same thing. What a revolting fucking bitch!
DeleteI wold LOVE to have someone who "interviews" her to ask, right out of the blue "How many grandchildren do you have now?"
DeleteIn all fairness, a lot of folks are slinging around the "fact" that Sarah Palin gets free healthcare, when in fact the only time that Mrs. Palin was covered under Native Healthcare was when she was pregnant. Spouses of native Alaskans do not get full healthcare coverage, only when they spawn with a tribe member. However, her kids are covered and their kids are covered.
DeleteThat being said, she could have an extended benefit plan from her time as Governor. I've researched this and been unable to find whether her State health benefits were continued after her resignation or if any Governor enjoys State health benefits after his term has ended. If that is the case then she would currently enjoy free healthcare, however she is not qualified for free AK Native healthcare just because she is married to Todd.
DeletePeople may get things confused - Sarah is such a disgusting liar it gets difficult setting things straight.
Sarah is thought to have received "free, socialist" healthcare while she was Sarah Heath, thanks to her parents using the Canadian system. Not sure if that is true.
Todd, with his .000000whatever% of NA blood allows him - and his Children - access to the benefits thereof, not his spouse, unless Spouse is pregnant, apparently.
So while people may quickly respond that SARAH is a lying sack of shit for vilifying Obamacare while SARAH received free health care is not totally accurate...but she *probably did* on more than one occasion, and her children and husband *probably did and continue to do so*
"What's in it for us?" - Todd "Teeny Tiny Two Toned" Tub of Shit
"And we will be beholden when that note is due, when we have taken from our children and our grandchildren and borrowed from China and other foreign countries in order to pay for our wants today."
ReplyDeleteI know you're too stupid to understand Sarah, but the biggest lender to the US is the US.
Shout out to Sarah? I'M SORRY you ever came onto the political scene. Now close your claptrap and go home.
DeleteI think you're supposed to direct this to Todd, Brisdull, Track or Willow so-
Call the Massage parlors,
The Mugshot Saloon,
All the local drug dealers,
(you can *try* and find Piper at school...Ha HA! Just kidding!)
maybe Trig can take the call via Facetime?
Why are the shiteaters phoney bressesses way down by her belly button?
ReplyDeleteAs of 2:23 pm East Coast time, her book is passing the #358th best-seller mark at Amazon. What's even more interesting to me is that the new copies are selling for less than the used copies! Now THAT is some freakonomics!
ReplyDeleteTom, in FL
People want to get back the exorbitant amount they paid for their pre publish price - and maybe those used copies are signed - that is worth $$$$$ to the disciples
DeleteI assume that's Sarah's house in Arizona, beautifully decorated for Christmas since she is selling a Christmas book. For that matter, where are all of the festive trimmings for the Thanksgiving dinner that she is having at her house. We have a display of autumn leaves, Indian corn, pumpkins and gourds. Eat that, Sarah, and chew on some mistletoe.
ReplyDeleteYou know this has been planned for a long time. Certainly, she will have the best holiday decorations done by the most talented designers and all ready for her personal photographer. Bristol hasn't done anything lately, she is no doubt in charge of getting everything staged. The whole family will be there.
DeleteWhat kind of a fool would have a heart of Christmas book, do all that signing and not be completely ready for the warm and wonderful family holiday at home?
They will be eating their store bought crap off of paper plates, like every year. It sucks to be at the Palin's for Thanksgiving.
DeleteThis interview shows exactly what everyone here's been trying to show the world, that Sarah Palin's head needs fixing.
ReplyDeleteChris Wallace has to see the incoherence in her statements; how does he and the rest of them feel when they put the integrity of their professional careers on the line giving air time to someone who is very obviously unable to think through any complete thoughts.
If these pros really have any last thread of integrity, they'd tell Roger Ailes (privately) that they feel it's abusive to present SP as a having any mentally competent thing to say. Enabling one of their employees like this is abusive looking. If one of their employees had a raging alcoholism problem, would they continue to present them on camera for a full 10-minute interview? No, they'd send that employee to rehab or ask them to get treatment or help, and until they did, not to put that needy person in a studio and watch that needy person make a total fool out of themselves.
There is no fixing that could possibly fix Palin. The fix will be in when folks stop giving money to support her lifestyle
Delete"It has to be about job creation" No, it has to be all about Sarah Palin... ALWAYS!
ReplyDeleteSurely the jobs she wants created are for other people, her own family DO NOT WANT JOBS. They want freebeeies.
DeleteIt's unparallelled to hear a smug fake christian write a book on protecting the meaning of Christmas in the marketplace, yet not accept an apology and show bitterness in this interview.
ReplyDeleteSure, she says she accepted the apology. But right after that, she says that people who attack her like that should call Todd and her children first? What do Todd and her children have to do with Martin Bashir? Sarah, the spokeswoman for the tea party, makes irrational statements and insults people, and when those insulted discuss it, she never apologizes and retracts her words. Her kids nor Todd said these things.
Is Sarah Palin so egotistic that when she receives an offense that her family are equally offended and they need to be apologized to too?
Regular Americans and regular citizens of the world, who have families, work and there are daily offensive interactions that take place. People can be mean, attack, have personal vendettas, and the mom or dad or worker who comes home should not expect that the offensive co-worker apologize to their children and spouse. She is crazy.
The reason that the apology has to go through Todd and the children is simple. She usually has one of them google stuff for her, and one of that crack research team told Sarah that it wasn't racist to equate slavery with the national debt. Look, see, it says so, right here in the on-line dictionary, the 15th definition of slavery is an obligation, being indebted to someone. Sarah hear the word, "debt" and she was off and running.
DeleteDid anyone else notice during the slavery comment in her speech after she said "this is not racist" she said "try it"? I found that really odd. Like she was writing down everything her "adviser" was telling her during the writing of that speech.
DeleteSo, does that mean all of us have to get Todd and the kid's approval before attacking her?
DeleteI think it's a little late for that, Sarah.
Cowards use children. What happened to being a mama grizzly or frontier woman?
DeleteThat would be amazing; that she actually read her "notes" during her speech b/c she was so unrehearsed and/or fucked up.
Really, did she just say, "...they usually just kind of pooh-pooh it, laugh it off; it's no big deal."? Lunatic.
ReplyDelete". . . it's no big dill." FIFY.
DeleteBut Sarah, when Martin says poo poo you get all wee wee'd up. Don't be so thin skinned and don't forget to wipe that stinky as of yours. We heard you really stink.
DeleteMartin didn't say poo-pooo.....shit or defecate. He said none of those things.
DeleteShe got all wee wee'd up because he said, "She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate." He's absolutely right.
so the reality is, when Martin says Thistlewood, she gets all wee wee'd up. Probably because now she thinks thistles get hard and she could have had free dildos.
YES. Martin is talking about candidacy and her qualifications.
DeleteShe is still making money off of her possibly being a candidate (anyone with half a brain cell knows she won't/can't run). VERY IMPORTANT to know her qualifications. Remember John McCain let her run due to no vetting. Or ignoring what vetting he allowed.
This whole big deal about Bashir is about a candidate and qualification.
Martin's history lesson was also brilliant. Unless you focus on the excrement part and turn it into something it is not meant to be about.
The thing I like about Sarah Palin is her dignity - nothing but class, that woman.
ReplyDelete...and she's smart, too.
Randall must live in a cave. You need to get out some time and live vibrantly.
DeleteAre you high? Just say No!
DeleteSo aprapo!
Of course, Sarah wants people to know Todd would stand guard and protect her, may be one day he will. What was his public statement about all this Bashir and pooh pooh? What will Todd do about it?
DeleteWho at NBC wouldn't be shaking in their boots knowing how tough Todd is and all?
Don't forget he beat up a boy in high school. He knows about Glen Rice, you know he would speak up and clear up that one night stand accusation. When Todd thinks Sarah Palin is a "classy lady" you will hear and see him stand up for her and not go on taking this sh_t.
Piper is homeschooled? Todd can teach her his version of black history and she will still graduate with honors. It's the Palin way.
Randall what is that fapping sound Im hearing in the background? Remember what mommie told you!
DeleteOnce again, Randall's snark has been not been recognized as such. Way to get them all "wee-wee'd up Randall!
DeleteThat surely has to be snark - but given the palinbots that appear here - snark has to be highlighted
DeleteI think that Sarah is broadcasting from her house in Arizona. It is so warm and cherry, beautifully decorated to represent the Heart of Christmas. Snark!
ReplyDelete"The definition of slavery is to be beholden to a master. And we will be beholden when that note is due, when we have taken from our children and our grandchildren and borrowed from China and other foreign countries in order to pay for our wants today. So we will be beholden to another master at some point here when that note's due."
ReplyDeleteNo, Sarah, the "definition of slavery" is NOT "to be beholden to a
master". The definition of slavery is to be stolen from your country of birth, then bought by someone, treated viciously, not allowed to be married, not allowed to protect your own children, have the mother or father of your children and/or the children themselves sold to never be seen or heard of again....and on and on and on.
From Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for KIDS, Sarah, so you might understand it:
Function: adjective
: being indebted for a favor or gift
So, Sarah - you fucking moron - do you rilly, rilly, rilly think that a slave would think that their horrible unending, from cradle to grave condition was "a favor or a gift"? Do you rilly think they would have felt gratitude towards their owners?
Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot BUT it's Thanksgiving week so in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that Sarah Palin didn't end up as VP of our country and also, too, that she's a ridiculous has-been who is incapable of STFU.
Thanks, said better than I could. I knew she didn't know what that word meant. She is an idiot.
DeleteImagine this, the phone rings, a woman answers. Wallace asks for Toad and the owoman says "He isn't here right now, want to leave a message?" Wallace asks "Who is this?" woman "Toad's girlfriend soon to be babymamma" Phone rings at Bristle's house, guy answers "Whasup?" Wallace "Who is this?" Guy "Latest trial husband, of you want the job, call back in about one week when I am ready to move on"
DeleteShe's friggin' nuts!
ReplyDeleteI don't care if Willow graduated hair school with honors, magnum cum hairbrush, that wig is a mess and it's on crooked. What is Sarah's PAC paying Willow all that money for?
ReplyDeleteWillow's caretaker.
DeletePhotographic proof of "knotheads" at MOA. The irony is knee-slappable worthy.
DeleteFunny, CBS is showing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.. All Fox has is Sarah The Bald Faced Liar.
ReplyDeleteSarah again exploits kids in this interview by mentioning 'vulnerable children' and says she as a mama grizzly would stand up for them. Why do children always come up when the conversation is about Sarah being offended? What did bringing up 'vulnerable children' have to do with at all with that Chris Wallace was talking about?
ReplyDeleteWhenever she's cornered like an animal, she pulls out the little innocent kids as a shield and then turns the topic into her being a big savior mama who stands up for the little guy. It's so obvious and telling that this woman has nothing to stand on.
Where is her vulnerable little child now? How long ago has she tucked him into bed at night?
She's got a blog and she's doing mama's hard lifting..... bashing Cher, Obama, Racism, Oprah Winfrey, racism, new book tour photos, Science, little stud tripp, and NEW joey junker "project" video.
DeletePoor, vulnerable widdle child!
OMG! Go to Gretawire (Greta Van Sustern's FOX blog), She's asking for comments on Andrew Sullivan's question from several years ago re: Trig. She also mentions the David Letterman comment of a Palin daughter (again, from several years ago). Sure is strange......Oh, and one of the commenters is Sarah Palin herself! Screen name is SHP Private (but she signed her full name at the end of her comment). She's a freak!
ReplyDeleteGreta link....
And this is what she burbled in the comments or I should say RAM fat ass....
"SHP Private • 3 hours ago
Greta - I appreciate how conscientious you are regarding the bigger picture surrounding issues like this. The public appreciates your fairness & willingness to bring to light more background info. You & John have a great day!
- Sarah Palin"
The posters are all in love with SP and believe her miracle birth story. Plus Bristol was a virgin that was forced to have sex.
Deletepoor poor victim Sarah - the media grinds her into the ground, but she is tough and can take it.
buahahaha - the usual drivel on Greta's blog.
Hope you got a screen grab!
DeleteDid Sarah thank Greta for having Mike Tyson clear the Glen Rice event up? That was one of Greta's better interviews and she deserves to have it spread far and wide.
DeleteGreta also stated she thought the case in Indiana was rotten.
Greta has done her research and it should be noted. She read 'Boys Will Be Boys'. Soon she must give her expertise on Sarah and Todd and Shailey. Details Greta.
I wonder how long it will be before Greta takes down these comments.
sparky0104 • an hour ago
You do understand that her husband ran a prostitution ring in Alaska, "Boys will be Boys" and that she has had an affair while married?.. I understand that we all make mistakes, but she certainly is not a lady and he is not a gentleman! She is a fraud that people are afraid to challenge because the idea of someone being such a blatant lair is unprecedented.
sparky0104 • an hour ago
"Boys will be boys" is available at Amazon,. written by Shailey Tripp. and the affair was substantiated by Brad Hansen (sp)? There are many sources when looking for the answers.
WakeUpAmerica • an hour ago
I have also noticed that the MSM ignores Palin's sexual innuendos, divisive remarks, and violence coded language. So what's the problem?
Sally • an hour ago
But he simply is NOT her child by birth. By adoption, yes. This is a fact. Anyone who reads her alleged birth story IN HER own words, knows there is something off. And it is common knowledge, here in Alaska, that she is not his birth mother. And NO I am not a liberal. Frankly, the media did a terrible job for not exposing the truth about this. And Greta..really??? You don't know this? I don't believe that you are that gullible. And why bring this up now? That is very odd.
If Greta wants to play like she believes that wild ride, spongebob abs and birth of Trig story let her address the near death experience, fundy abortion that Trig was subjected to.
DeleteShe and Sarah are cowards.
Girl fight! Girl fight!
DeleteJealous Greta is going to dump a load!
What will Sarah say?!
GinaM SHP (PRIVATE) Is that for 'Shit Here Please' ?
Delete"..as for the apologies, too, next time that they want to say such a thing and then get the attention that they were seeking after they've said it, and then they want to call and apologize to me in private, I'd like them to go through, say, Todd first or one of my children first. "
ReplyDeleteLet's change it on behalf of Gabby Giffords and have Sarah call Gabby but first go through her husband Mark Kelly, a real man, (unlike that pathetic purse-carrying Todd). Mark Kelly said he and Gabby are still waiting for a phone call from the turd from Wasilla.
That is on crazy inbred bitch!
and an apology the the little girl's mom and dad and brother.
DeleteS I X people DIED that day in Arizona, and of course:
DeleteNews reports identified the target of the attack as Giffords, a Democrat representing Arizona's 8th congressional district.[5]
She was shot through the head at point-blank range, and her medical condition was initially described as "critical".[5][6]
from Wiki
Sarah Palin- I think her evil is finally consuming her from the inside out.
On the ACA, instead of Sarah giving an answer to Chris about how Republicans should produce better results in a solution, she pivots the question to say she doesn't believe that 30 million need help. Instead of discussing the real problem average Americans had, and how it affected their lives, and talk about the pros of the ACA, she negates it by saying that she doesn't believe any word that comes out of Washington, D.C. She would prefer to call it all a big lie, instead of contributing to greater solutions.
ReplyDeleteAnd her being given a voice (microphone) by God (a blessing for her), she's only using that blessing to curse those who are trying to help others. That 'gift' and opportunity she's been given is unfortunately being used to tear down, defeat, hurt, slander, etc. etc. etc. If she's a real christian, she should know that God does get angry and doesn't allow gifts to be used the way she's using them.
$arah the FAKE x-tian needs to read the parable of The Pharisee and The Publican in her Bible that has two inches of dust on it.
Delete"well, if you want to see a mama grizzly get riled up and slap that person down, then you come after a vulnerable child. In this case, he didn't come after a vulnerable child. I can defend myself and, you know, I can take it" ( I assume she is daring somebody to attack Trig so that she can defend him and garner more sympathy. What an odd thing to interject into this statement.)"
ReplyDeleteProof, again, that she is addicted to this blog. I'm guessing this was a message to us that we dare not show up at one of her book signings and start asking questions about Tri-G.
Screw her and her idle threats. We know the truth, $arah, and you're running skeered of what's coming down the pike for you. Keep it up, girlfriend, your time is up and YOU KNOW IT.
DeleteI was watching and listening and SARAH PALIN JUST POOPED IN MY EAR!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview by Sarah
ReplyDeleteEspecially about the disaster known as Obamacare
You must have been watching cartoons, because there was nothing great about Sarah complaining that Americans are getting free stuff and Socialized Medical coverage like her Family receives for free.
Delete11:05 Not so fast dummy!
DeleteHealthcare plan enrollment surges in some states after rocky rollout
If by "great" you mean nonsensical and bitter, you're right. The republicans are determined to make Obamacare a disaster, but everyone needs health care, so everyone needs insurance. Got a better idea? (And please don't spout SP's nonsensical talking points -- real ideas or nothing.)
DeleteWhy is it that the only person willing to address health care access is the black president? And most of the people applying for health insurance from California to Kentucky are white? And the only thing the white tea party nutcases do, like Sarah, is go around whining and complaining. If your "leaders" are so superior, then why do they not offer solutions? Maybe Sarah should run for office instead of shilling for her book.
DeleteOnly if, by great, you really meant...didn't make a lick of sense.
DeleteWhat the hell was she jabbering about?
Palin spewed hysterical GOP talking points. She said nothing true or substantive about the ACA, except for acknowledging the website problems. She showed she doesn't understand our insurance industry.
DeleteThe ACA regulates the worst abuses of the private health insurance industry and allows citizens to participate in large pools of insureds to bring down costs. She and the GOP are working to keep people uninsured. This infuriates me as the ACA will save my daughter's life by making it possible for her to purchase a private health insurance policy and continue chemotherapy and radiation for cancer.
Wow, 11:05. You Palinbots sure are convincing!
DeleteTrolls not even trying.
DeleteWhy do you guys respond to this fuckwad ever.single.time?
Delete11:05 am
Deletechuck_tard jr, you fat fuk,
you know it really tightens my jaw knowing part of my property tax goes to pay for your anchorage school district insurance
go fuk yer fatass inbred self fuktard
DeleteThat's ok, Wonder Booby, no one believes one doggone thing coming out of your mouth either. Carry on, Resident Dunce.
ReplyDeleteThank you for transcribing the complete babblings from the interview. It's remarkable (and somewhat concerning) that you did it so quickly.
ReplyDeleteI was struck by Palin's divisiveness and self-sanctification in the way she separated herself from the media:
“However, if Mr. Bashir, or anybody else in this media elite bubble that they put themselves in were to attack someone who is defenseless, like a vulnerable child, who does not have that podium, that microphone that god has blessed me to be able to express my opinion..."
"this media elite bubble that THEY PUT THEMSELVES IN"
"that podium, that microphone that GOD HAS BLESSED ME"
So, Palin's microphone and opportunities comes from God. He gave her the microphone so it follows that she's delivering His message.
Others, if they don't agree with her or, worse, would dare criticize her, are fools in a bubble or got their microphone from Satan. Either way, she lives in a black and white, God vs. Satan world. I believe this is the bottom line for her and how she justifies about everything she says and does and how she keeps her kids in line.
I prayed to God to slap her silly with that effing microphone.
DeleteEither way, she lives in a black and white, God vs. Satan world. I believe this is the bottom line for her and how she justifies about everything she says and does and how she keeps her kids in line.
That's pretty much exactly how she thinks. She has been that way most, if not all of her life.
If you care, read "The Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunne. Incredibly thorough picture of how Sarah Palin was "formed".
1:01 pm
Deletei'm thinkin' louisville slugger
'It’s a lot of double standard and Democrat hypocrisy, because just a few years ago they so anti antinuclear option."
ReplyDeleteJFK diatribe: "Liberals just changed 230 years of enduring Senate rules by enacting the “Nuclear Option” that will now let just 51 votes approve the President’s nominees, and thus prevent dissenting Senators from filibustering controversial appointees who’ll be charged with decision making that affects our lives."
Hey DIPSHIT, it was Reagan that changed the rules in '86. Good LAWD, Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace were right. You are incapable of learning, let alone comprehending. Keep yapping, sister, you just prove yourself a bigger idiot than the last time.
THIS is exactly why Bashir's comments were reasonable. Palin has done NOTHING but continually prove herself to be completely willfully, joyously, arrogantly, MILITANTLY ignorant of facts, reality and history. For her to even utter the word "slavery" is an affront as was "blood libel".
DeleteThe simple fact of these concepts being uttered by her automatically diminishes and ridicules them by virtue of the fact that she is nothing but a hollow, imbecilic, vindictive shell employed to launch snark and vitriol.
Even calling what she spews "propaganda" would be an affront to actual propagandists as the quality of her invective is so lacking.
Umm ewwww.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair having "multiple encounters" with Rupert's wife before Rupert filed for divorce??
Get your popcorn!
Next assignment for Sarah: Have your ghostwriter write a book on Marital Fidelity The Grizzly MaMa Way or whatnot. Do another book tour! Also, too, more appearances on Fox News to increase your fame and monies. Debate Mike Tyson about today's hooking up culture for the WIN!
Go Wendi! Go Tony!
DeleteGreat - in that it demonstrates how stupid she truly is.
ReplyDeleteDid she get her teeth capped? She looks different, and not in a good way.
ReplyDeleteHer top lip is fucked.
DeleteShe has had at least 2 different set of veneers in the past and though I didn't notice I'm betting the chemicals in meth would eat those away like they do real teeth.
DeleteMrs. Palin pulled out all the stops for her latest appearance on tv. Why, she even wore her wedding ring! For the first time since Bristol posted Pimp Daddy Todd's gift of a replacement wedding ring. For months after no ring was to be seen. NOW suddenly there is a wedding band on her ring finger. What's up with that! Todd's GF dumped him? Already?
ReplyDeleteYou know who owns the Palin brand?
DeleteSame old shit coming out of Mrs. Palin's mouth.
ReplyDeleteWhat's new? Bigger than ever boobs and a wedding ring!
Wedding ring as fake as the boobs. Tawd and she divorced LONG ago.
Deletethinkin' that if anyone wants to ask her a political question, they should ask Piper or Todd first. That seems to be the way she does interviews.
ReplyDeleteWallace asked her four predictable questions and then let Mrs. Palin speechify Billo must be laughing his head off.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nothing interview!
Where IS she? And check out the 1:59 mark, where she criticizes Obomopear.
ReplyDeleteObomopear, lol.
ReplyDeleteThe hair and obomopear. Grizzled Mama done got her Bailey's before the hit, huh?
DeleteDon't know if anyone has put this link in their comments, but here is Mrs. Palin showing the underneath of her wig.
enjoy the turkey!
Yeah, she's wearing a lace front wig.
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Ken F. • 5 hours ago −
She is literally stupid. Its like she is talking and not actually saying ANY actual info. It just amazing, its almost a comedy performance.
-scors54 • 4 hours ago
It's like her head is just full of scrabble tiles, and she shakes it from side to side forming random words that pop out of her mouth, devoid of any meaning at all.
-M D Reese scors54 • 2 hours ago
That is one of the best descriptions yet. She'd make a great bobble head doll.
-Jeff • 4 hours ago
The village idiot appeared on her soapbox today, and all the land yawned.
10 •Reply•Share ›
M D Reese Jeff • 2 hours ago
I so hope that she retires to Arizona and moves in next door to John McCain as a constant reminder to him of what he unleashed upon this country.
...and my favorite:
Dr. Matt • 2 hours ago
Fuck you, John McCain.
I thought this was interesting; other people are noticing she needs psychiatric help:
DeleteTaleisin M D Reese • 2 hours ago −
Did she come from a big family? Her attention-seeking behaviour must be of interest to more than one psychologist. She is hungry and cunning and still ambitious. Even if it is only for outrageous headlines. There must be money in it or she won't do it.
Wow does she look deranged or what
DeleteIs that her house? It's so cold -- it looks more like a dentist's office!
ReplyDeleteNo humans live there. It is like a motel and a place they can set up their productions or entertain. The girls need a pad to bring their trial lovers and baby making fools.
DeleteI thought it looked like the waiting room of an upscale beauty salon, where she may have just had her nails painted "Christmas, Holiday, Hanukkah" red.
DeleteTodd's "man cave"....
DeleteJust for starters-skank called nancy pelvis a dingbat. Called David letterman a pervert. Called joe mcginniss a pedophile. Has called president Obama lazy and stupid among many other things. Her listvof those she hates and freely calls names is so long there is a website for the list. (Or was one?)
ReplyDeleteThe faux outrage is just that -false.
Rush just the other day used rape as an analogy for the nuclear action taken by Reid and the dems-used the rape of a woman as an analogy!
Your rock is waiting or you drug addict-crawl under it so it can be sealed.
You say out of one side of that gaping yaw that you accept the apology and that you don't accept it out of the other side! So ugly are you that you try to take the gracious road and then just can't quite get there. Why bring up your adoption of Trig and why are you so ashamed of adopting him? Oh that's right-he was no more to you that the wardrobe bought for you-just window dressing for the veep slot right skank?
There are no family pictures with you and trig because you don't want him. You have a special needs child hidden somewhere who requires more time and attention than another child his age yet you traipse all over the country without a care for him!! Your daughters surprised you with face time with him? They could only surprise you because you have no thought nor care about him at all.
Oh, and has the idiot said anything on FB about the Iran deal?
ReplyDeleteShe is waiting until her friends in North Korea respond first. Lol
DeleteWillow is doing the research, as soon as she learns where Iran is Sarah will have a statement.
DeleteOf course she hasn't. She doesn't understand it.
DeleteI really don;t think she read her own book. She's completely screwed up it's supposed message with each interview. At first saying "Happy Holidays" is bad, now it's good. The book description complains about the commercialization of Christmas yet she told Matt Lauer she loved the commercialization because it made everything cherry? WTF
ReplyDeleteBill Maher: "When Reagan was elected, Sarah Palin was barely sixteen, probably pregnant, but still in third grade."
DeleteShe still is.
Does she have laminated picture notes for her interviews on her lap? Maybe she really does comprehend at a 2nd grade level. During the 2008 campaign she had piles of index cards, then it was writing on her hand. Now she's progressed to pictures to "prepare" for interviews. Pathetic
ReplyDeleteIn the Bashir matter.
ReplyDeleteLet's say that NBC did fire Martin Bashir as the SarahPAC letter in Brietbart stated.
According to SarahPAC, Bashir stated that someone should defecate and/or urinate in Sarah Palin's mouth.
Here is Bashir's statement. “When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”
If NBC fired him for what SarahPAC claims, Bashir would have a wrongful termination case.
Thug Tim Crawford ALWAYS threatens to sue but never does because it would ALL come out just exactly who she is and what she's done.
DeleteCheck out Amazon.com for some really funny comments about Palin's book.
ReplyDeleteFuck you, John McCain!!!!!!!
what you said.
DeleteI only listened at 1.29 to hear her say Obama Pear. Obama Pair? She didn't even correct herself. Clearly she doesn't listen to her shit either.
DeleteHer time is done and she knows it. Hence the manic.
Delete"Who am I to not accept an apology?" Palin said. "Everyone must humble themselves and accept that offer of apology.
ReplyDeleteWhen will Sarah Palin apologize to Wasilla for her self serving term as mayor?
Apologize to Alaska for her self serving term as governor?
Apologize to Alaska for all the shit her delinquent kids put the state and the city of Wasilla through?
Apologize to Gabby Giffords.
DeleteI suspect that anyone who gets the short straw and has to interview her surely hopes that nobody equates her utter stupidity with his own. The media continue to spread the idea that Ted Cruz is outstandingly smart. Time mag noted that he has a photographic memory. The mere fact that he allows Palin within 10 feet of him shows he's actually pretty dumb.
ReplyDeleteGreat point!
DeletePeople who are 'book' smart are typically not smart when it comes to common sense. Have seen it time and time again throughout the years (I'm in my 70's).
DeleteCruz is a mess as is Palin, but for different reasons. They'd be a hoot on a ticket running for Pres and VP (Palin - again - in the same spot that she STILL has no clue of - as to the job description!)
With respect to the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla, the best thing that everybody could do is simply ignore her.
ReplyDeleteShe thrives on playing the role of the poor, maligned victim of the big, bad mainstream media ... all while spewing a continuous stream of petty insults and lame quips directed at the Obama family, as well as uttering her standard nonsensical, wholly sanctimonious commentaries on matters about which she is totally clueless.
Palin has no desire to be a serious political analyst, and she certainly has no genuine aspirations to run for political office again. She simply wants to bask in the spotlight, free of serious responsibilities, and make an easy buck at the expense of the naive tea-chugging throng.
Why feed her overinflated ego by drawing attention to her daily bout of histrionics?
Parting the wig on the left side shows how far the eyebrow has been pulled up when they did the brow lift (and the eyebrow has the angular hook that underscores that it has been unnaturally pulled).
ReplyDeleteI have to commend you,Gryphen...I could not have listened to her screechy, babbling, bullshit! The sound of her voice alone makes me want to puke.
ReplyDeletesince the skank has accepted the apology from bashir then matt lauer's trip to wasilly should be back on for december yes?
ReplyDeleteshe should be tweeting about it soon right?
matt pack your bags!
bbbaaawwwwaaaahhhh idiot skank!
it will be difficult to keep that lie going won't it? you are boycotting nbc/matt lauer reporting from your home because of nbc/bashir comments yet you accept his apology so-there goes the reason for your boycott right?
How strange that Greta is bringing up Andrew Sullivan and Letterman and lying about both of them:
ReplyDelete* that Sullivan attacked Trig
* that Letterman's joke was about Willow
And Chuck Jr. just took a shot at Katie Couric, doubling-down on the lie that she maliciously edited Palin's interview.
How damaged is she that she needs others to make stuff up to bolster her quest for sympathy? Don't they realize they undermine complaints over Bashir's comments by unfairly attacking others?
Sarah and Upchuck Jr and the rest of the family have seen the writing on the wall. Donations to SarahPac is dwindling rapidly and if they bring up conflict they think they will "gin up" donations.
Deletedid she say "people just poo poo it" when reacting to Mr. Bashir's comments about her?
ReplyDeleteGreta sure has a manly appearance as does sister Sarah - in their faces!!
ReplyDeleteI doubt people will talk about politics over Thanksgiving dinner, but if they DID, Sarah's Turkey Slaughter Video would be more topical.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Fox News Contributor, Sarah Palin (R), and avid "Jeopardy" watcher "phones one in" from what looks like Todd's "Man cave" and uses her fake boobs as a distraction from the wig and her kids as human shields. What kind of "mother" (half word) injects her children in a grown up issue? I had my kids fight their own battles, and left ME out of their concerns.
Martin Bashir, clearly, is the better human being in this one.
Guess Mike can retire now that he's interviewed her, it's the biggest "Get" in journalism, I hear! (wink wink)
Bewigged, Bespectacled, and Beboobed, all FAKE accessories.