Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sarah Palin launches a preemptive strike, on the same social media outlet used by teenage girls to tell their friends they got a hickie, to warn Americans not to listen to those liberals on Turkey day.

Courtesy of Sarah "I sleep with a picture of Ronald Reagan stuffed into my grannie panties" Palin's ghostwritten Facebook page:

They’re still pulling the wool over some eyes, friends. So let’s call them out yet again. I was recently interviewed on Fox News Sunday. One question I answered was prefaced with the supposed “fact” that “30 million MORE people will be covered by Obamacare.” That statistic is about as credible a promise as “if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan.”  (In fact that statistic is true, and identifies the millions of Americans who currently are unable to get health insurance through their employers, or on their own due to preexisting conditions or poverty.)

Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin' yet. Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America. 

The article linked today at the top of Drudge confirms my point, which is significant because my point was mocked until this article confirmed it. Headline: “Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict.” (It should be pointed out that this is based on an "analysis" conducted by the American Enterprise Institute, a right wing "think tank" that is in the business of coming up with talking points to discredit the ACA.)

Companies that provide health insurance plans that aren’t compliant with new burdensome Obamacare mandates will obviously decide it’s cheaper to dump employees into the government-run Obamacare exchanges and pay the penalty than try to provide an expensive Obamacare-approved plan. (That is NOT obvious, and though it could be a plan in the short run, and remember there is no evidence of any company considering it as of yet, it will soon prove to be a bad business model because health care plans are often part of a package of incentives provided when hiring new employees so it does not seem viable in the long run to not attempt to upgrade the health insurance plans provided by the employer to compete with the ones that individuals can purchase on their own.)

No one in America will be left unscathed by Obamacare. Please trust me on this. (No, I certainly will NOT trust you.) The media can repeat all the bogus White House stats they want about false claims like the individual mandate “only affects 5% of the public,” but they can’t change reality – NUMBERS DON'T LIE – and America is about to get “mugged by reality” very soon, to paraphrase Irving Kristol. (No "numbers don't lie" but semantics do. In this context Palin and the Right Wing keep talking about Americans "losing their health care insurance," when the more accurate wording would be that their health care plans will change, and almost entirely for the better. Yes there will be a segment of the population who will have to pay more, but many will be able to pay less. And what is more important, and the purpose of the law, is that now about 30 million people who could not afford health insurance will finally have access. Though that number has been reduced due to the Republican governors who refused to expand Medicaid in their states.)

Far from providing more Americans with insurance, Obamacare is ironically hurting the very people it was sold to as some kind of health care savior. More people will choose to pay the IRS penalty and go without insurance because they can’t afford the increased rates slamming them (This is a Right Wing talking point that is based on nothing but wishful thinking.), plus they now have fewer options in this one-size-fits-all expensive bureaucratic exchange which forces people to buy coverage for things they don’t want nor need. (Having those medical procedures that the insured does not specifically need covered in the plans does NOT significantly raise the premiums, especially since they are included in everybody's plan now.) We’re talking about one-sixth more of our economy controlled now by big government, remember. 

Do not forget that Obamacare contains health care rationing. When I warned America about “death panels,” I was denounced as a liar. But now the reality of “death panels” is openly admitted, even touted by some liberals as their solution. (WTF?) Just yesterday yet another prominent liberal media lapdog joined the chorus in finally admitting that death panel-style rationing is “built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled." This guy and his ilk need to apologize to all of you, NOW, who knew what I was talking about, repeated my warnings, and were mocked and criticized for it. (Don't hold your breath.) 

Okay this took me awhile to figure out who this idiot was talking about, and WHY she would not simply mention his name. But as it turned out she was talking about Mark Halperin, one of the authors of Game Change. (Which explains why she would not allow his name to be mentioned on her Facebook page.)  Halperin appeared on some crazy Right Wing news site and stated that there was rationing "built into the plan." This was his response on Twitter to all of the Right Wing hullabaloo:

Of course as Talking Points pointed out Haplerin was wrong about this as well:

The law explicitly prohibits the Independent Payment Advisory Board — which aims to control costs — from rationing health care.

Of course it is too late now, because Palin is feeling vindicated and now she, or rather her ghostwriter, is on a roll.

The truth is the “enlightened ones” knew all along that rationing was in the plan. They were angry with me for saying it out loud. The twin pillars of Obamacare have always been redistribution and rationing. Take away one of those pillars and the whole thing crumbles. That’s why Obamacare is doomed. (Doomed! doomed I say!) You were smart enough to know that, while they were arrogant enough to keep up a deceitful ruse until their White House control was guaranteed. They’re busted now, though. And that’s why they’re scrambling to distract you and hope you won’t realize how enormously important upcoming elections are to save our economy. 

The redistribution aspect will be Obamacare’s undoing. Not enough young or healthy people will apply for Obamacare because it’s simply unaffordable. (And that is what the Right Wing is counting on and the reason for the memo distributed by House Republicans.) It makes NO economic sense for them to voluntarily sign up. They’ll choose to pay the IRS fine instead. This will bankrupt the whole Ponzi scheme, which is premised on young and healthy people paying for those who are sick or have pre-existing conditions. And when Obamacare fails, the left will push to have us move to full socialized medicine under a so-called “single payer plan.” This is exactly what Barack Obama touted as a candidate, as did many of his bureaucratic appointees, but the media glossed over that all these years. 

Friends, the only way to fix Obamacare is to scrap this stuffed turkey and start over with genuine free market (How is are the health care exchanges NOT free market?), patient-centered reforms that allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, enact tort reform, and give individual insurance buyers the same breaks we give employer provided insurance. And we need to elect leaders who will fight for us to get it done. Keep all of this in mind this week as we break for Thanksgiving. Be warned the White House is arming leftist supporters with “talking points” to try to convince family and friends around the Thanksgiving table that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced pumpkin bread.  (Yep, I've got mine here.) You should politely let them know you’re not swallowing that turkey. (Damn somebody had a lot of Red Bull last night!)

Thank you for doing your own homework, for trusting the truth I've expressed, and for refusing to let the “enlightened ones” keep America in the dark. (Yeah don't listen to smart people, simply believe the "truth" Sarah Palin has expressed. Where have I seen a similar plea?)

- Sarah Palin 

Here allow me to sum up what this post is REALLY trying to say.

"Please, please, don't listen to those liberal blogs talking about the fact that I no longer live in Alaska with my family, and that my book tour is failing, and that the Pope just pooped all over the conservative movement in this country. Look, Obamacare! Look Benghazi! Look, anywhere but at what a loser I am."


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Can't wait to hear her upcoming diatribe about the pope attacking trickle down, Reagan's legacy which basically killed the middle class in America. In the meantime, the Amazon reviews are ROFL

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I am damn sick of this cunty cunt! STFU! And go away (like to jail!) Bitch!
      She is gagging.
      from now all holidays will be associated with her skank ass. Maybe that's a way to thro "christmas out of the square'! b/C WE ARE SICK OF GRIFTERS!!!

    2. fuck you, McCain! !!6:39 PM

      Omg, gryphen-

      New skankbook post and she signs it:

      With An Alaskan Heart! !!

      FULL damage control on the non-Alaskan issue!

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Amazon reviews on the book are like Wonkette but without the yuks. good times.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      omg not only signed it with an alaskan heart. it is supposedly a thanksgving/be thankful/god/god bless post and yet.............is it really?

      she goes on and on word salad god blah blah god blah blah thanksgiving blah thank god for our military and god bless them word salad etc.
      then signs it "with an alaskan heart"
      then adds this at the bottom:

      P.S. Be sure to check out the latest video from my book tour here: http://youtu.be/hYSfpWWHpqI

    5. Anonymous7:25 PM

      AND she posted a picture of todd and trig but messed with the background to make it look current but it is one of the "first day of school" pics from month's ago.
      what an idiot that skank is.

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    1. Anything that long was ghost written.
    2. Palin hasn't read it and couldn't answer any questions about it
    3. She is desperate to get on Fox. Maybe they will see this post
    4. It's a distraction from that lame "shaking off my jet lag on my skidoo with Trig." Especially since that's a photo from last March.
    5. Palin has few outlets to attract attention and to try to stay part of the conversation. All that she has is her Facebook and her Twitter.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      1. They are ALL ghost written. Talking points come down from on high and her little posse gets busy.
      Throw in a few of her fake folksy idioms and hit send. Must be soooo embarrassing to have it be known one 'writes' for Palin the way she screeches the scripts out.

      She has been angry for years, she is now in a rage, Her full fury is yet to be seen. Taking on Halperin might not work out as she intends. Ought to be fun to watch tho. I'm so lame I thought the paragraph was aimed at Uncle G. That pissed me off big time so I was quite relieved that it was the Game Change crew.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      We ALL know Bristol's blog is ghostwritten as well, by Nancy French and CAUGHT red handed. Does anyone think she cares about the Christian minister still held hostage in Iraq? Pee puddle does!

    3. Anonymous2:05 AM

      $carah is proof positive that money can not buy happiness. She is one miserable BITCH. Does she EVER take time out to really relax and maybe spend time with her family (or what is left of them who WANTS to spend time with her, without being paid) Toad is off to spend time with a pleasant female (or male) in the backwoods. The rest of them look like they would rather be anywhere but with her. It must really cork her ass to see Gabby Giffords with her caring, loving husband while going through therapy to deal with the damage $carah's vile mouth created. Poor $carah, she has to BUY any signs of affection for the camera. It is really taking a toll on her also, too.

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2013/nov/24/sarah-palin/sarah-palin-says-fewer-people-will-be-covered-sens/ "Any time former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin weighs in on the health care debate, our ears perk up as fact-checkers. The 2008 vice presidential candidate brought us "death panels" (our 2009 Lie of the Year) and helped circulate the inaccurate statement that the Affordable Care Act is government-run health care."

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sarah's 'cold sores' on her bottom lip are growing.

  5. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Does anyone else see a comparison between Palin and Tokyo Rose from WWII? It is so obvious that someone writes everything for her and then pays for her to spew it out. Go away, Sarah. We know you aren't smart, we know you aren't Trig's birth mother, we know you don't live in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      As an Alaskan - thank god she is not a resident! She is an embarrassment to our state and country! To hell with her!

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I've thought Tokyo Rose many a time as well. Too bad several generations unfamiliar with her wouldn't get the comparison. It's right on! As TR was the most despised of her day, I believe $P sees besting her as a goal. She's workin' on it.

  6. Anonymous4:19 PM

    She's about to poop her pants, along with her crew of Teabaggers and Rethugs, because not only is ACA getting enrollees, a good number are YOUNG enrollees who have no intention of passing up this opportunity for insurance. Guess they're not listening Sarah.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Sarah's such an idiot that, whenever the majority are enrolled in the ACA, she'll still be trying to convince people it is bad. Palin will never, ever let go of her grudge/grudges. What a sour, hateful, vile person. What an ugly life to live.

    2. Anonymous2:09 AM

      So, money really does not buy happiness, this screeching witch is proof of that. Must be finally getting to her that she has to be hateful to make her money, and that drives EVERYONE away, until they need money. I wonder how much Koch ass kissing she had to do to get her latest contract to attack the President? Maybe that is where the "cold sores" flare up came from.

  7. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I hope that despicable shit spewing bag of bones chokes on whatever she's able to put down her sick stinking pie hole and does the world a huge favor. I wish her a slow horrible and painful death. She is evil incarnate.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      just choking to death on her own snot does it for me ...

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Someone who is dangerously skinny and skeletal-looking can be described as emaciated. It's probably how you'd start to look after a few weeks in the wilderness with only berries and bugs for dinner.
      The adjective emaciated evolved from the Latin emaciatus, meaning to “make lean, waste away.” An emaciated person or animal isn't just thin. They're bony, gaunt, and most likely undernourished, often from illness. So if an emaciated stray cat shows up on your doorstep, give it a bowl of milk and maybe pay a visit to the vet.

      adj very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
      bony, cadaverous, gaunt, haggard, pinched, skeletal, wasted
      lean, thin
      lacking excess flesh


      so if ya see skank, give her a bowl of milk - but be sure to piss in it first ...

    3. Anonymous2:13 AM

      I would not give this bitch the time of day. All the vile things she says about the President and his family has caused racism to come out into the open. Hateful, vicious, cross-eyed skank os a disgrace to the T party clowns. So, from her diatribe, I would say her book is only selling in the hundreds, if at all? Time to pack up and leave, skank.

  8. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Doesn't the federal Alaska Native health care have any cost or any rules at all?

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Lots and lots of rules. Non native spouses only covered for pregnancy and birth. Natives must present CIB (certificate of indian blood) in order to qualify. Only those with up to 1/16 native blood will qualify. Then you only qualify for treatment at your local native hospital or clinic and must submit for permission to visit any other facility or submit justification of emergency for coverage of emergency procedures at any other location. Lots of hoops to jump thru but 100% coverage between BIH care and Medicaid.

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Is Track Palin and his spawn eligible with a DNA match to Curtis Menard? Does Alaska Native health care check DNA?

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      6:47. Thanks. Surely at some point the Palins will be cut off from the funds set aside for those who really need it.

      Who pays for Tripps's medical insurance? Or Trig's?

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      The Palins don't do DNA.

    5. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Track, pino, Palin in name only. Menard can do DNA.

  9. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Under her indicated 'death panels' - perhaps she could be admitted to a hospital soon and a needle stuck in her arm to put her to sleep forever! Gadfree, would the world be a better place!!

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I'm glad that Sister Sarah recovered from her jet-lag and was able to post such a lengthy post all while Ski-doo-dooing around Lake Lucille. She's such a rill Amur-uh-kun patriot, always looking out for the poor folk like Charles and David Koch.

  11. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Man that Sarah Palin holds onto grudges forever. Sarah couldn't wait to get back on another enemy, Mark Halperin.

    I don't understand why she isn't hospitalized by now with all that anger and frustration built up inside her over all these years. That explains why Sarah is aging so fast.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Viagra keeps a hard on for up to four hours, Palin's clock is five years and still going

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Sarah is having a 'MELTDOWN'.

  12. .

    she is a hemorrhoid and excrement is all she knows.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      And a hemorrhoid is a huge pain in the butt!

  13. Anonymous4:50 PM

    eeeyup, the crosseyed braindead skank wrote that alright ...

    LMFAO !!!

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Sarah has 3 kids who are under 26 years of age: Sport, Town and Tree. Are they taking advantage of ACA's provision to stay on Mommy's insurance?

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      They don't have to. Thanks to Todd's native heritage, all of their health care is free. It's so easy to deny that to others when you've got yours.

    2. They are on Daddy's free socialist native insurance, paid for by us. You're welcome, you hag.

  15. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Either that's a fake wood stove with some type of lights inside or Sarah just put some wood in it for the first time and lit it as a prop for this picture?

    Inside the fire box, it's all clean like it has never been used before. No soot from the burnt wood can be seen on the side walls inside the wood stove.

    What a retard. Sarah can't pull a fast one against us at Immoral Minority.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Not to mention the globe in the background. Does it have the country of "Africa" on it?

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      That photo is from 2 or 3 years ago, most like right after she built the studio.

  16. Anonymous4:58 PM



  17. As with Motown Junkies, I'm not sure what day I discovered Immoral Minority, but it's a mandatory stop every day now. If the witch lets out with so much as a wet fart, Gryphen is the warning siren.

  18. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Sarah is so right about Obamacare
    Save our country

    1. fuck you, McCain! !!6:41 PM


      Get right on that, bro.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Hell yeah, 5:07, and yee-haw!!

      Obamacare is mutilating our LIBERTIES. It sickens me--- it just pulverizes my LIBERTY-loving heart to watch my fellow HARD-WORKING AMERICANS writhe in the cold, SOCIALIST grip of this darkie TYRANT. First he took our GUNS, then he forced us all to GAY-MARRY a VEGETARIAN, and now he's single-handedly sabotaged the LIBERTY of multi-zillion dollar insurance companies by depriving them the RIGHT to deprive HARD-WORKING AMERICANS the right to the First World's shittiest health-care!


      The BIBLE never--- LIBERTY!!!!--- uh, never mentioned that JESUS *didn't* turn away society's diseased rejects based on pre-existing conditions-- that's a FACT. Another FACT: everyone knows that both the Koran and Mein Kampf are loaded front-to-back with sick LIES depicting our BLUE-EYED BABY JESUS hand-out phones and freebies to unemployed single mothers--- single mothers wearing mink coats, no less--- all the while telling rich people that they'll burn in HELL.

      And to "Fuck you, McCain:" Why do you lie?? Stop penetrating our country, you NAZI BROTHERHOOD VEGETARIAN!!!!

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      8:01 PM You had better put away the Meth Pipe, the Sheriff is coming.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      You A.I.P. Militia Punks have no country. Even Prison is too good for you.

    5. Anonymous9:47 PM


      LMFAO !!

      snark with a capital 'S' ...

    6. Oh, just fuck off, traitor. And take traitor Palin with you.

  19. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't have one child who is interested in education or did well in school. They either dropped out of school or got a GED. So what the fuck is a globe of the planet earth doing in her house in the background of her picture? None of her kids would use it. Sarah didn't know Africa was a continent -- and not a country or the difference between North and South Korea.

    Why does Sarah Palin has a globe in her house?

    More fucking props!

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      That retard has a globe in her house so she can see Russia from her house.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      And the whole family is entirely incurious about the rest of the world, its cultures, its geographical intricacies and its environmental issues. What a doofus, she thinks if she creates a diorama we will believe her fantasy! It reminds me how utterly furniture-store perfect the governor’s office was during her short stay there. There was no work going on there, only smoke and mirrors.

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Sarah thought that round thing was a technicolor basketball. She was a basketball champ, you know.

    4. Anonymous7:06 AM

      The globe is rented.

  20. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Can't believe Glenn Rice screwed that.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      What about Curt Menard Jr and Brad Hansen? Did they get some of that too?

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      She was all over Glen Rice.

    3. Anonymous5:25 AM

      "She was all over Glen Rice."

      Like white on rice

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sarah Palin is so smart. She wears real pretty glasses and has a one of those globes in her living room. That alone makes her the person I want to be President. She is so crafty she can do it from Facebook. I must search my couch for my more pocket change to send to this blessed women.

  22. Anonymous5:16 PM

    How old is Sarah Palin? She's still wearing hair bumpits?

  23. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Hey, Sarah, how's that Lara the Benghazi Liar from CBS treatin' ya? She gets her information like you do, from unreliable sources.

  24. angela5:22 PM

    To this mess I say . . . . .Go back home to Arizona Sarah and watch that someone doesn't mistake your turkey neck. Ending up on a platter surrounded by potatoes actually would be too good for you.

    1. Doubt that she has left Arizona

  25. ibwilliamsi5:24 PM

    WTF with her eyebrows?

  26. Anonymous5:25 PM

    If you look at Sarah Palin's eyes you can see that the iris of her left eye (her left side) is closer to her nose than the iris of her other eye.

    Does Sarah have DS?

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      They say that Track caint get right, Bristol is borderline retarded, Willow has asperger and Trig has DS. Maybe Sarah has some type of genetic defect? Did Sarah pass these genes onto her children?

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      The Heath gene pool is a heavily polluted abyss

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Something is definitely wrong with that family. Track is divorced, Bristol can't find a husband or boyfriend that wants her, Willow only lasted two years in high school, Nobody is working or going to work in a consistent manner.

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Where I live there is this family and their relatives with lots of problems and it looks like it came from inbreeding. Not saying this is the case for the above problems.

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Can't forget Todd's speech impediment. He has that high pitched voice and can't pronounce words correctly like heeelieecopter.

    6. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Sarah does have problems remembering and comprehending information such as Paul Revere's ride, North and South Korea, what is Africa, saying O'Biden instead of Biden, if she was for or against the bridge to Nowhere and she uses words like .Refudiate, misunderestimate, wee-wee'd up.

      Is this a birth defect or is Sarah a product of the Wasilla's school system?

    7. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Gotta say that Trig maybe the smartest one in that family. He stays out of trouble and goes to school without bothering anybody. He's not into drugs, breaking and entering, vandalism or fathered a bastard child.

    8. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Thanks to the onslaught of reality TV, we got THEM. I cannot get over that picture!

    9. Anonymous7:50 PM

      One of the things I've learned along the way since '08 is that there is such a thing as mosaic Down's syndrome, whereby the extra chromosome is in some but not all cell lines. Looking back at pictures of Bristol before she started messing with her face, one does wonder: the dull eyes, the wide, flat face, the overall looks that don't quite look like the genetic product of her parents (...the low IQ...). Willow, on the other hand, does look like her parents' child, and she seems somewhat more "with it." I don't know what the evidence for Asperger's is: she seems like quite a little social animal to me. A(dults)D(on't)D(iscipline), now that I can believe.

    10. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The Heath/Palin klan are not bright people - none of them. It's so clear in having watched, listened and read what they have written over these recent years. Plus, their work ethics are horrible.

  27. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Methinks Sarah doth protest too much!

  28. Anonymous6:01 PM

    To hell with her.

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:10 PM

    And she's got them crazy eyes going too...hunger, drugs, total insanity, or all three? Remember in Looney Tunes when a character was being hypnotized, and they saw whirling pinwheels in someone's eyes? Guess that's what the Pees see when they look at Madame Cringe...give me your SS check...give me your SS check...

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      very funny brooklyn!!

  30. Anonymous6:28 PM

    SORRY (not)....one look at that face, just look at it. You frumpy old broad, teenager, whatever you're trying to be at 50! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    WHAT A HOOT! You go, girl! Two twists and a snap!

  31. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Rex Huppke sure has Putrid Palin's number:

  32. Anonymous6:58 PM

    god, is she evil - look at those eyes - blank stare - no kindness or love projected anywhere!

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I feel bad for you. So negative

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Rev. Muthee ordained her. "I am $arah. Please bow."

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      7:17 PM Who cares how you feel, Troll?

    4. Anonymous2:28 AM

      7:17 "so negative" Have you EVER listened to one of $carah's screeches? Negative is all she knows. Full of hate and bile. Putrid woman, just putrid.

  33. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thanks Gryphen! The image of Skanky sleeping with a pic of Ronnie Raygun in her panties nestled up against her crotch made me hurl.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Poor President Ronnie - by her rotten crotch! Yuk!!!

  34. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Everything about that photo is fake. If you look closely, that's a wig or elaborate hair piece plopped on top of Sarah's head. On the right hand side of her head (the side in the left of the photo) you can see her real hairline, and that hair is darker than the stuff on top of her head.

    Someone already pointed out that for a fireplace with a roaring fire, there isn't any soot in the fireplace. Nice and clean, so Santa won't get ashes on his jolly red suit. As for the decorations, weeds and a globe-- the weeds are probably meant to represent a bouquet of wild flowers, signifying a warm cozy home. As for the globe, that's supposed to make Palin look worldly, well traveled and smart. It doesn't mean any of those things. This is the woman who couldn't remember which one was our friend, North or South Korea. She though that Africa was a country. I know, she can see Russia from her house, and she went to Canada to get free health care when she was a child. For someone who wrote a book about the Birth of Christ being the most important reason for the season, Sarah did not go to Bethlehem to visit the Church of the Nativity when she was in Israel for her brief visit. The globe doesn't make Sarah look well traveled or smart. We know how stupid she really is.

  35. Anonymous7:17 PM

    If only she can talk the way her (Ghost Written) facebook reads

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      I don't think that Sarah is capable of reading a post that long. She certainly couldn't remember it even if she looked at the words and called it reading. She couldn't remember a lecture about Paul Revere five minutes later.

  36. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Still manipulative are we G man?

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Apparently yes, as we watch $arah dance to his and IM's tune. Dance $arah, DANCE!

  37. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I went to the sea4pee site, I think she tried to zing bill o'reilly by saying limbaugh is the king of radio, oh this is rich

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Bill O'Reilly is NOT on radio - he has a TV show on FOX. Limbaugh only has a radio show. No comparison....Palin is an idiot as usual!

  38. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The only death panels I know of was Mrs Todd Palins when she killed 100's of seniors by refusing them care because she couldn't get off her couch and go into her office and do her job as Alaska's Governor that she was elected to.

    1. Anonymous10:17 PM

      I remember a group of Alaskan Natives who suffered a poor salmon catch one year while Palin was governor. The people living a traditional way of life had to choose between food and fuel that winter. Good people across the country, learning of their misfortune, filled flat rate boxes with food and shipped them to a woman who delivered the food to needy families. After a month, Sarah showed up with Franklin Graham, bringing a plate of cookies and bibles. She also killed them off, too. Sarah is her own one-person death panel.

  39. Anonymous8:48 PM

    She has lost a lot of life's 'spark' in just 5 years...here she is at the 2008 RNC:

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Yes, it's quite a stark change in just 5 years. It proves that what's on the inside cannot be surgically improved on the outside.

  40. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I realize that Palin has failed at everything she has ever tried
    to do, except for one thing, swindling people out of their money.
    Her books, and face book inserts, she does not write ,but
    does sign her name to them. She cannot do it because her
    thinking is mindless and reckless. The same thing over and over.
    She even looks dim and stale. She does need psychiatric
    care. Pitiful, cowardly woman!

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Sarah Palin also lies about her abilities and credentials. Sarah Palin claims she is an energy expert but notice how she stays away from that subject and no companies has offered her a job or board seat.

  41. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Sarah: where we've had Romneycare for almost seven years, all of your allegations can be proven false.
    And as a single mother who couldn't pay $12,000/year for family coverage, even through the Chamber of Commerce, I now can protect us, with the same doctors and hospitals, for a fraction of that cost.
    It works, Sarah, and you have the perfect example, up and running, to show that it does.
    Thus, you're lying. No other word for it. AND YOU KNOW YOU'RE LYING.

  42. "I was recently interviewed on Fox News Sunday. "

    Brag, brag, brag.

    (Translation: "See? I'm not an irrelevant has-been! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.")

  43. Anonymous3:54 AM


    Hey Sarah! The world is moving forward. Progress is afoot. Why don't you attack Vermont! This is the future.
    Here kitty, kitty, kitty.

  44. Is it my imagination or are her fb posts becoming more and more turgid and long-winded? Is that wannabe screenwriter RAM's doing? If so, it is clear why she didn't succeed as a writer.

    Edit, dear. Cut, cut, cut. It will still be dreck, but it might be readable dreck.

  45. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Hopefully Sarah's over her jet lag so that she's able to place her Quiznos order for Thanksgiving.

  46. Anonymous5:28 AM

    As a kid I used to watch the Wizard of Oz every Thanksgiving. It was a very enjoyable event. I still watch it every year, but now I also watch the video of stupid Sarah at the turkey slaughter. Please uncle gryphen, put up the turkey video.
    The one with the talking turkey in front of the others being slaughtered.

  47. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Has Sarah Palin ever given a speech at the University of Idaho?

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      BWAHAHAHA U of I hires educated speakers, not Frauds.

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Shit, the professors don't even recall having her (Palin) in their classes when she supposedly attended their school.

      Even if they did invite her to speak, doubt she would, because it would bring too much attention to her lack of education and/or proof of her graduation - i.e. an actual diploma that she has never shown publically!

  48. Anonymous5:40 AM

    SP's kids: Why does that ball behind mom has all that blue stuff on it?

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Wouldn't surprise me if Sarah removes her wigs and places them on that round wig holder ball stand.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Peeper: I took it to basketball practice but it doesn't bounce when I dribble with it.

  49. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Sounds like Willow was a slacker in high school before dropping out in her sophomore year. Even though Willow went to hair school she shows the same non work ethic characteristics. Anybody else who just got their shampoo certificate would want to work and make their mark in the world. No not these Palins. Instead of Willow trying to build her reputation as a hair stylist, she is out there handing books to her mom so Sarah can sign them.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Are you surprised?

    2. Anonymous6:16 AM

      What is Track doing? Is he still living with mommy? Does the son of a multimillionaire have a job or ambitions to be somebody? You thought I was going to say son of a bitch?

  50. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sarah Palin's facebook
    Yesterday at 5:41pm · Friends,Thanksgiving offers us invaluable time to spend with our family and reflect on our many blessings. 

    Sarah why don't you tell that to Bristol? That skanky daughter of yours keeps Tri-PP away from her father Levi.

    Yes I said "away from HER father"

    The boy needs his father, not pedicures and manicures.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Notice how Bristol is not vocal against the Gay community and same sex marriage like she used to be? I wonder if Tripp has something to do Bristol's silence on this subject?

    2. Anonymous6:12 AM

      They say that Todd is or was a pimp that also looked through holes in the wall and can tell you the color of women's nipples. You would think Tripp would be like that.

    3. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Does the boy play on any soccer or basketball teams or does Bristol just takes him to salons to pretty him up?

    4. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Anom 6:04 it wouldn't surprise me if Bristol switches up and plays on the other team.

    5. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Is he enrolled in school yet? What grade?

  51. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Anonymous6:12 AM They say that Todd is or was a pimp that also looked through holes in the wall and can tell you the color of women's nipples. You would think Tripp would be like that.

    Notice how Sarah stays away from fighting against sex trafficking? Why is that Sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Maybe Sarah doesn't want to draw attention to the Shailey Tripp scandal?

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Bristol who tries to be vocal also stays away from this subject. For a person who claimed she was raped by her baby's daddy you would think she would take up this crusade.

  52. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I am thankful that Thanksgiving will be spent with friends and family, and will avoid any sort of input from this brain dead magpie. GFY, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      I had to look up GFY.

      It means Go Fuck Yourself.

  53. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Nothing is more important than being with all the family for Thanksgiving.

    The brave independent re-virgined unwed mother is single handedly caring for her soon to be "5" year old son all alone in Scottsdale. Is it true? What's with that? The boy needs to be with his paternal family, will Bristol find a way to make that happen?

  54. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Don't fret Bristol, there's a lid for every pot. You will eventually find somebody who wants you.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Doesn't look like she will find anybody. You forgot she had to marry her sister for Celebrity Wife Swap.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I would truly suspect that Bristol will be the daughter that will have the most difficult time finding a husband. Who would want to marry her - with the history that is public knowledge about her across the nation?

      And, who would want Sarah Palin as their mother in law? Cannot imagine marrying into that mess of a family!

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      If she finds a boyfriend it will because he wants some ass but eventually he will get tired of her needy personality.

  55. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook post:

    It's back to the kitchen for me to prep for Thanksgiving dinner; which includes determined research on how to finally, for the first time, not make a pile of mess while carving the turkey. I watched this tutorial early this morning, will watch it repeatedly, and I invite your advice on proper bird carving

    WTF? Track is 24 years old and the mama grizzly of 5 has to do research on how to carve a turkey? What has she been doing for the past 24 years

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      But, but, but... isn't carving the turkey traditionally been the man's job in all those Norman Rockwell's paintings of "Real America"? Does this mean that her dear husband Toad won't be sharing T-day with scarah, or that dear Toad needs to "man-up"?

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      But, but, but... isn't carving the turkey traditionally been the man's job in all those Norman Rockwell's paintings of "Real America"? Does this mean that her dear husband Toad won't be sharing T-day with scarah, or that dear Toad needs to "man-up"?

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Toad needs to stop wearing silk panties and deepen his voice.

  56. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sarah Palin (R-Facebook) today wrote....

    I don't have anything to add, but think the "(R-Facebook)" snark is too funny. Who was it that did this the first time? In the future I want to give proper attribution.

  57. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "a pile of mess"? This fucking retard talks like a third grader. Don't let the knife slip and cut your disgusting tongue out of your bulbous head. You sure can tell when she writes her own posts. Be sure to show us lots of pics from your big family TG dinner, fucking liar.

  58. Anonymous9:32 AM

    And, if she is having a family gathering, she has a father and brother who should know how to carve a turkey! What bullshit as usual from the Wasilla hillbilly!

  59. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I will believe the Palins' Great TG DAY when I see pictures - not photoshopped and current like 2013 .


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