Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sarah Palin to address Martin Bashir comments tomorrow on Fox. Blood Libel comments, take two.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Sarah Palin will address the controversial comments made by about her by MSNBC’s Martin Bashir for the first time on the November 24th edition of Fox News Sunday. Fox News’ Chris Wallace is also expected to interview Palin about the Affordable Care Act and her new book Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas. 

After Palin made her own controversial remarks comparing America’s debt crisis to “slavery,” Bashir delivered a monologue on his MSNBC program in which he suggested that, in order to truly understand the horrors of slavery, someone should defecate into Palin’s mouth. Bashir later apologized, but, despite continued outrage from Palin’s defenders, MSNBC did not take any disciplinary action against the host. 

Palin evidently decided to grant Wallace the first interview on the matter after Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly revealed on Wednesday night that she had turned down his invitation to discuss the matter on The O’Reilly Factor.

Trashed by Bashir, slammed by O'Reilly, and pissed off at NBC, oh you just KNOW this is going to be good television!

It never fails to amaze me that there can be THAT mush vitriol and hate packed in such an emaciated frame.

 I have seen insects with thicker legs than those.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    She is nothing more than a twat! Damn, but the idiot owes apologize to President Obama and Levi as starters!!!! What an evil, ugly woman. Why anyone would watch her on ANY TV show is beyond me!

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      She is beating this dead horse why? To divert HER comments about the POPE!!!!

      The Pope basically described the Teabaggers to a T!
      Lots of Catholics and "Real" Christians might be looking at her in a more "critical way". So Martin Bashir is the whipping boy, he is from Pakistan? Well he's not
      from "Rill 'mericka" that's for sure...what a better way to divert attention from her dumbassed Pope comments that Outraged Catholics! No wonder her book is tanking!

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I had not heard what Bashir said until I read your post. I wouldn't have known he insulted SP if she didn't keep the controversy alive. Get over yourself SP! Commentators say awful things all the time, but I don't hear anyone else complaining as much as she does. She is always so slighted!

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Oh hell, she would bitch and gripe if they didn't say anything about her.


    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      He didn't say that - his EXACT quote is this:

      "when Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn't just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate."

      Obviously she had to look that one up and went ballistic when she discovered some of the tortures that slaves went through. Heaven forbid that she understand that. Even funnier that she's turned it into a big stink.

      Martin Bashir's ratings have soared because of it, mostly because everyone agrees with what he said.

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      skank's been the perpetual victim for her entire miserable existence

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I don't think anyone should defecate in Ms. Palin's mouth. She obviously has enough shit coming out of that particular orifice.

    5. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I LOVE Martin Bashir's show.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "Although Palin attracts attention from her Neanderthal devotees clamoring to eat her bovine excrement disguised as political commentary and invites ridicule due to her predictably unintelligible rants, it is the main stream media’s fault the nation is plagued with Palin’s recurring appearances on the national stage."

    Ouch! The PeePond will be in a froth today!

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      planning to eat her shit!......bwahahahahahahaha

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Since nobody wants my autograph, I'll go pose next to a captured audience of minimum wage earning young'uns passing out promotional flyers. IOWS, I'll pose with two cute babes who are being paid to be nice to crotchety strangers.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Exactly, she needed a pic of her wandering through the crowds and getting attention, except it didn't happen.

    2. Here's another picture from the same person...her wig looks EXTRA filthy in this shot!

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      LOL< she is looking around for someone, anyone to notice her! And knot headed Pippy is trying to flag down someone , anyone to look at her.

      Good going Minnesota, that's the way to ignore the nacissist.

    4. Anonymous7:52 PM

      That's pretty pathetic. Seems like the public at large is ignoring her. Nice disguise, Sarah!

    5. President Obama's MIL would draw a larger crowd.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I checked out some comments on Mediaite and saw the increasingly familiar comment I've been seeing on many other sights lately. Someone begins by saying something along the lines of "I'm not a fan of Palin, but..." and then praises her. Has anyone else noticed this? I'm wondering if this is a SarahPac directive.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      "I'm wondering if this is a SarahPac directive." Yes, that's what SarahPAC calls postage.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Those sorts of posts have shown up on the anti-Palin blogs for years.

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What about rush comparing the nuclear option to rape?
    Where is the outrage? See huffpo yesterday with full article about it.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Rush is doing Rush at this point. He's nothing but a cowardly blow-hard.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Yes, because bringing legislation up for a vote is EXACTLY the same as a violent, criminal act that can cause permanent physical and emotional injury or even death.

      For years he has demonstrated an obsession with violent sexual acts against women that indicates a serious mental problem. The fact that millions of people, including way too many of our legislators, listen to him and believe what he says is truly frightening.

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      He sold 300k books-someone is buying his shit.

      Although we know it's 15x what palin bots bought.


    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Is that the only way Rush can get heterosexual sex? I guess he's projecting his private life again. What a total waste oxygen and other natural resources.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Snore. Same shit different day. Sarah Palin says some fucked up shit reflecting her upbringing and mental illness, then someone else says something negative as a result. Palin pounces on it with sound and fury to distract from the original offensive crap she spewed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Except for that dirty wig, ain't nobody washing that.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    It's nice that a PR and marketing campaign for a book pretending to be about "Tidings of Great Joy" has been distracted by outrage over someone shitting in someone else's mouth.

    So now instead of talking about the conservative values of Christmas, we're talking about trash talk.

    Seriously, it's hilarious how inept at messaging she is.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      the first 2 words in the very first chapter are "Angry liberals".....that is not a book about Christmas. It's a book about hate and venom coming from a psycho.

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Don't understand why she's so upset...she's been spewing shit from her mouth for years.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Yep, she can fling it, but she doesn't want it flung at her.
      Typical double-standard fraud!

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      She is a 'shit' in every way, shape and form! She lives it, spews it, declares it, cries it and throws it at anyone that dares counter her shitty, evil comments!

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Who wants to bet she doesn't say one word about her friend Rush's rape comments. You know Rush, the guy that she let touch her children.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      It must have been satire.

      Ya know, like the time he used the word 'retard' and she DIDN'T have a cow after screaming all over the media for Rahm Emmanuel's head for using the same word.

      Because comparing something to rape is obviously satire, but only if Rush does it and not one of them dirty rotten libruls.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    OMG - those boots she has on! The 50 year old skank dresses like a teen. She is obnoxious.

    As to her show tomorrow. I think it is disgusting that they are still speaking of Bashir after he has already given a sincere apology. She can never let anything go. I have noticed that only Trump, Levin and Limbaugh have come to her Cruz, Lee, McCain, No one. That should tell the skank something, but no she just has to keep on playing the "victim".

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      If I were Palin, I'd be embarrassed as hell that Limbaugh, Trump and Levin were the only ones supporting my actions. She's such a friggin' idiot! She has no clue about anything!!!!

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "someone should defecate into Palin’s mouth" - I hate that phrase that's been repeated throughout the media. He DID NOT say that. He was very tasteful about what he said and every word was true.

  13. Sally in MI10:27 AM

    Are those Viking cheerleaders in those bathing suits? And look at Willow and Piper just standing there protecting Mama. What a pathetic bunch. Everyone else is shopping for Thanksgivingm putting up hoilday decorations (I have my window candles up and lit) and thinking good thoguhts. Palin spends today foaming at the mouth in preparation for a Sunday AM hatefest. Good Tidings, Sarah? I haven't seen you 'joyful' ever, either.

    1. F u, McCain!!!!2:13 PM

      She has also managed to go this entire time without doing ONE. KIND. thing.


      Sarah palin has never done one kind thing.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Well, she DID quit as governor. That's kind of "kind" to Alaska.
      She was gulping air like it was free or something!

  14. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hey Folks, give the little lady her due, her mixture of metaphors get confused in the limited vocabulary. She dishes out the hate but when we get payback, the teebaggers go ballistic. I can think of a million things to call here worse than feces.

  15. That picture should be a wake-up call to Sarah's friends, family and business associates that she is in desperate need of medical help. It's alarming!

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      skank has zero friends - she's burned 'em all, what few she's ever had - that and her family's as fucked up as she is

      fuk 'em

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Sarah needs to lose at least 20 more lbs

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      It isn't alarming to me. I really don't care what she does or doesn't eat. I just want her to go away.

    4. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Not happening. You'd think they would want their cash cow healthy.

    5. Anonymous2:53 PM

      They can't afford to have her
      1. officially diagnosed with the mental illness she so clearly has
      2. out of grifting commission long enough to attend rehab
      3. out of the public eye long enough for everyone except her most devoted followers to forget her

    6. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Sorry, but I'd like to see her gone, gone, gone from this earth! Would not miss her evilness at all! The sooner, the better! To shut her up!

    7. Anonymous3:41 PM

      nope, 40 lbs more would be way better,

      just think how much more swank and svelte she'd look ..

    8. Anonymous7:38 PM

      The family should do some kind of intervention. They MIGHT have to get REAL jobs and not quit!!

  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Run Sarah Run! back to Fox where you belong. She's still mad at CBS also, too for not firing that "pedophile" Dave Letterman. The funniest part is that msnbc is ignoring her demands. Sarah you're not the center of the networks or the universe.

    1. F u, McCain!!!!2:16 PM

      Remember how she got Rahm Emmanuel fired?

      Oh, wait, she didn't!

      ...and I believe he was even elected to public office, right, O Indignant One?

      Her powers are largely in her collapsing brain.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Bashir, NBC, and MSNBC are handling this in exactly the right way. Keeping him on air and ignoring her completely.
      Bashir didn't need to apologize, but he did it and he did it genuinely. Sarah's bile ducts blowout preventers ruptured and she smells blood.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I knew she'd never let an insult go to waste. Wallace will interview her on the ACA? Maybe he'll ask her to contrast the ACA with the free Alaska Native health care. And how one is socialism but the other is what, free market?

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Americans should send Wallace thoughts and questions about his upcoming interview w/Palin...especially those in Alaska! It should be suggested that he be tough on her - keeping her focused on the questions and not let her ramble on w/her typical word salad that is pure bullshit!
      Be interesting to know if she was given his questions prior to the interview?

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      She's taping the interview today! So if she says stupid ass shit....Fake News is going to leak an excerpt of it some time today/tonight!

      Watch her Twitter...if Chris kisses her nasty smelling ass then she'll be gushing all over him...if he ask her some kind of question she can't answer and he pushes her to answer it and it comes out in her usual garbled way...then she'll be posting some kind of excuse that she's "tired from her book tour and she is not on her game".

      Baldy is a STUPID bitch who is a paid Koch whore who burbles whatever they tell her too! It should be one of her more hilarious interview...she won't sell anymore books...but she will keep her ugly...mannish face on TV! Which is her ultimate goal! The bitch! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Don't hold back, GinaM, tell us what you really think!

    4. Anonymous6:33 PM

      GinaM speaks the truth.

  18. Anonymous11:04 AM

    When you preface part of your prepared speech with "Now, this isn't racist...", that's your brain's way of telling you to STFU.

  19. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Can't figure out the px. Is she wearing white go-go boots? O.M.G.
    The Wallace interview will be a snooze fest of soft ball questions, you betcha.

  20. lostinmn11:19 AM

    It is the kiss of death for tomorrow's Vikings game to have Palin come to the MOA and stop at the Vikings store. The only hope is she didn't go in and spent her time comparing Belmonts with the fake cheerleaders

  21. Anonymous11:21 AM

    All these years and thousands comments about Todd and Shailey Tripp and not one word from the retard. But mention about shitting in her mouth and the junior high idiot is on the war path.

  22. Anonymous11:24 AM

    That bean pole was Miss Wasilla? Hate to see what the losers looked like.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      What's the quote...until you're 30 you have the face God gave you...after that you have the face you deserve. Just add "and body" to that & you have our Sarah.

  23. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Are those moose ball turds on top of their heads a Willow original?

  24. Anonymous11:34 AM

    If Sarah, Willow and Piper are at the mall then who is keeping an eye on Todd to make sure he doesn't sneak off to Anchorage to get some pussy?

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Todd ran out of hush money in Anchorage and moved his operations to the far far northern wilderness, removed from prying eyes.

      Nope Pimp Daddy Todd is at the Rainbow Lodge with his new squeezzey.

  25. Here's a link to the Getty IMAGES of Baldy's appearance at the MOA from yesterday....Getty label the set of photos as....

    Sarah Palin Signs Copies Of Her New Book "War On Christmas"


    Baldy you are STILL a dumbass!

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Wow, Piper looks like Princess Summer Spring Winter Fall.

      I guess Piper is not in school because she got her GED already.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Looks like Piper and Mommy Dearest got their hair washed - finally!

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      And the pictures are under "entertainment" lousy entertainment - but they presumably don't have a "useless grifter" section.

    4. Anonymous4:54 PM

      I noticed the photos showed lots of people OUTSIDE the signing area and in the upper areas. They are probably gawkers and not purchasers.

      Remember the last time Sarah was there with Bristol? Same Massive PR on National TV, but hardly anyone showed up.

      Probably more here now as it's the holiday season, otherwise the gawkers would be much thinner in ranks.

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Someone mentioned in another blogpost, that they were near a store that debuted the newest video game console. That's why their out in the open, or they'd have the curtains off and escort the "Squatters" a few at a time to make it appear "busy".

  26. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Just wait til she sees the lego bible. That should be good for a few days of indignation and outrage.

  27. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Bashir described how brutally slaves were treated and why that word should not be used so lightly. In making that point, he suggested that Palin receive the same treatment as the slaves received. Palin tried to back-peddle her awful comment made to a Tea Party Evangelicals by saying that "slavery" didn't always mean "slavery," but was just some form of being obligated to someone else.

    That's lame! Even when someone owed money to the mob, they may have lost a finger or had a knee cap broken, but they were not turned into slaves. Bashir's comment is now more than a week old, but true to form, Sarah cannot let a grudge go. One apology is not enough. She is always the victim, the perpetual victim. No wonder she sees a war on Christmas when she should be seeing joyous celebration instead. Maybe it's because she is that mean and nasty inside, completely devoid of joy, charity and loving kindness.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      As noted Anonymous 10:27 AM

      his (bASHIR) EXACT quote is this:
      "when Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn't just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate."

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      She did the same in the "Tapper" interview on CNN. She was blabbing about the dictionary definition(s) plural for slavery in the "context" she invoked it. Problem is, There IS no reference whatsoever to debtor's prisons, debt as slavery etc. in the dictionary.

      Sarah "White Privilege" Palin has no clue.

      More here:

  28. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I hope Willow didn't style Sarah's overgrown bush with the Willow original hairball like Willow is wearing on her head.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      If Willow did Sarah's hair, I think that she needs a refresher course at hair school. Ratty.

  29. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Talk about suffering from the noassatall disease, she's got it. Piper who is a child is now larger than her mom. She's shrinking...shrinking...shrinking....all except her mouth and head.

  30. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The "R" word

  31. Anonymous12:15 PM

    So the real Christian mother with such a high standard of morality and purity has placed a photo of her daughters‘ ,Willow and Piper, dressed in cut off swimsuits just to get a comment from old pervert like this "Dale Dillon. Wow, now that‘s some sexy women love to have both of them in my bed. October 20 at 9:20 pm"
    You are such a disgusting woman and mother, Sarah. Do you remember how old your youngest daughter is???

  32. Anonymous12:18 PM

    THIS is what is JOY is all about. Sarah doesn't have a fucking clue.

    Grocery Store Surprise Is The Perfect Start To The Holiday Season (VIDEO)

  33. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She is milking her butt hurt and outrage to the max, as usual. It's disgusting that FOX is going after Bashir this way with the horrific stuff that comes out of their pundits mouths. I hope their ratings end up the ditch that day.

  34. Picture of Baldy "Behind the Scenes" for her interview with Chris Wallace! Looks like Piper found the bicycle pump at the Mall yesterday!

    Look at the size of her......fill in the blank!


    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Gasp! Is that a WEDDING RING I see on her ring finger? Why now, not before? Did her paid bots read here and then rush out to get her a ring to shut up those of us who questioned her never wearing her wedding ring?

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      thinkin' that she's taking the fat sucked out of her ass and sticking it in her bra.

    3. Does she have no friend to tell her just how ghastly is her "style"? The one thing the RNC got right - her style - and she threw it away.

    4. Super Fan In Atlanta4:54 PM

      As flat chested as I am, I still manage to have cleavage (a crease of some sort) in my chest area. Please blame it on the fact that I know nothing about managing big boobs as I question, "How is it even remotely possible that she can have large boobs but no creases...ANYWHERE?!" It's all flat up there. I'm amazed.

    5. Anonymous4:55 PM

      It's time for a juxtaposed (or separated at birth?) two-picture post showing scrawny, bun-headed Palin at one of her book tour stops next to the be-bosomed sexpot she will show on t.v. tomorrow
      Funny that she will look all glam and breasty as she talks about how some guy wants to shit in her mouth.
      I bet Mr. Obama never had to go on t.v. to talk about such embarrassing things. In fact, can you think of anyone who has had to publicize their anger at such shyt-eating commentary?
      The sexpot act isn't working out very well.....

    6. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Plastic face, inflatable boobs: as a talking head on tee-vee she can masquerade as a physically normal human being. Too bad about the rest of her.

    7. Anonymous7:05 PM

      I'm kind of disappointed. Thought she'd wear a toilet seat as a hat.

      What's the rum and coke doing next to a bottle of water? She's so predictable it's not funny.
      Wig check
      "the girls" check
      communist Red blouse check
      slog boots, check
      lip gloss, check
      moose in the headlights goofy face check
      papers in hand to show Katie "she reads" check.

  35. Anonymous12:27 PM

    WOW,must not see tv.

  36. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Palin's a coward. She won't even agree to a live interview with Chris Wallace/Fox News Sunday. The interview has already been taped. It's a scripted reality show not a news program.

  37. Anonymous12:41 PM

    BILL MAHER: Just last week, Sarah Palin said, "There is no Ronald Reagan on the scene today. If he was, that's who I would put my faith in." That's quite a hold on someone. After all, when Reagan was elected, Sarah Palin was barely 16, probably pregnant, but still in third grade.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I never miss Bill Maher's show (he won't be back on now until January, 2014) and saw him this past Friday when he made that statement about Palin! He was spot on and 'funny'! His statement made me laugh out loud!!! Fit her and Bristol perfectly!!

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Mrs. Palin is still in the third grade, intellectually and emotionally.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I also loved Maher's fake twitter feed between Sarah and the Pope. Hey, Griffen, when things are slow, get a YouTube of that joke and play it again. LOL

  38. Anonymous12:43 PM

    LMAO at "I have seen insects with thicker leg than those!
    It's funny because is true.

  39. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sarah how come you didn't take Menard's boy with you to MOA? What is Caint Get Right these days doing besides starring at his guns?

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Great Idea! Have Craighead charge the "less fortunate" for photos of mama grzz licking her son's tatted body .

  40. Anonymous12:54 PM


    Anybody see a pattern here?

    Sarah seems to have problems with men just like Bristol.

    Mother like daughter!

  41. Grrrr !1:01 PM

    O/T -- Gryphen, looks like one of your dreams (and mine) is finally coming true !

    Breaking: Federal District Court Declares A Religious Income Tax Exemption Unconstitutional

  42. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bashir is WRONG! That Bitch has enough shit in her mouth to fill all the slaves mouths in the old Confederacy. In fact she' already shit into the ears of her Fox viewers, as well as the brains of her dominionist tools. She's a veritable Shit factory on overtime.

  43. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Which insect does she remind you of the most? For me I like Venus Flytrap or preying Mantis. Maybe the dreaded Tasmanian Stinkbug.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Black widow spider.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM


    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      I agree with 2:25, Black widow spider.

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Dung Beatle

  44. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Looks like Willard better look for a Duluth Men's store for her next pair of jeans. Lot of junk in that trunk.

  45. Anonymous1:33 PM

    LOL, G. yes, it's true about her legs looking as small as insects' legs. In fact, she kind of looks like a grasshopper in that photo, ready to hop out of reach in case someone asks her a gotcha question.

  46. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I do not think Chris Wallace likes Palin as much as Matt Lauer. He will probably argue with her.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Her fans are upset that the show is pre-taped. That way, Fox will edit it and do their best Katy Couric hatchet job on poor Sarah. They like Sarah live and filled with piss and vinegar. Fox may do Sarah a favor by cutting some of her more crazy moments.

  47. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Why doesn't best girlfriend Greta have her on her show? That's real suspicious.

    Greta would give her a full stage for being the poor victim and probably even supply sad mood music in the background, but she's either ignoring Sarah, or Sarah is ignoring her because of the Tyson interview (with Glen Rice mentioned).

  48. Anonymous2:24 PM

    i am surprised she can stand and walk on those spindley legs. She looks like she needs a walker.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      A walker would be a great idea! Add a grooming, leash, collar, pooper scooper and rabies shot. She can't possibly out run the dog catcher with those legs!

  49. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Well I hope she cleans her mouth out with soap..

  50. Anonymous4:32 PM

    All the retrospectives of the JFK assassination remind us of what a true lady Jacqueline Kennedy was.
    A lady is the polar opposite of Palin.
    Palin is a piece of trash who is so desperate for attention and publicity that she and her far right wing
    pervs would willingly distort and mischaracterize Bashir's comments ,
    even if it meant picturing Sarah Palin with feces in her mouth.
    The sick ones are Palin herself and her groupies, not Bashir.
    Palin and her tiny cult are willing to make Palin the ultimate Pooper Scooper ,
    just for a few seconds of publicity.

  51. Anonymous5:10 PM

    In palin's younger years her legs looked like large tree trunks. Not sure? Is it the treadmill or meth causing the stick fiqure? The woman is a mess.

  52. Anonymous6:09 PM


    LOL LOL Palin 's Chris Wallace interview is per-taped/recorded.

  53. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The camera lens adds weight, I swear I've seen real wishbones with more meat on them!

    The more she makes a mountain out of this molehill, the more foolish she'll look. Let it go or rename your book "Tidings of great OY! Protecting the Profits of SarahPac:"

    To err is human, to Forgive isn't an option. WWJD?

  54. Anonymous7:13 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, The Iran Nuclear agreement will blow Sarah Palin's 'SHIT LIBEL' Interview out of the water tomorrow. All of the Political Pundits will be discussing Iran. Fox might cancel her interview, or postpone it.

    1. Anonymous11:54 PM

      Shit Libel...Bwahaha!
      Oh, I do hope it's cancelled.

  55. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Cover your ears Martin Bashir, here comes more shit!

  56. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Compare the photo above to the top photo where she supposedly is preparing for her interview on FOX tomorrow. What a difference!

    She assuredly has aged in such a short time period.

  57. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Isn't she supposed to forgive and move on, like regular, ordinary, Christmas-loving Christians are supposed to do?

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Who? Satan Palin?

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      There are only two types of people Sarah Palin knows of. Those who are with her and those who are against her.

      You either kiss her ass or catch the wrath of Sarah Palin


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.