Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sarah Palin visits Iowa to hawk her book, do a little political pole dancing, and to create new myths about herself and her family.

The video introduction that plays right before Palin takes the stage is filled with imagery from her SarahPAC funded bust trips (Update: Yes this was a typo, but I like it, so it stays.) and photo-ops, with snippets of her voice saying vague yet patriotic things, and the voices of others, including Bill Clinton and Ted Cruz, saying complimentary things about her.

It ends with the image of that bear standing on its hind legs, and the words "It's YOU who inspire ME!"

Which of course should be translated to say "It's YOU who paid my way here."

Palin goes on to kiss Iowa's ass hard enough to leave lip shaped bruises and then manufactures a mythology about loving Phyllis Schafly as a teenager and having a "Concerned Women for America" decal on her window while in college. Which is most likely a complete fabrication, and simply another attempt by Palin to shape her past for the audience to whom she is speaking.

Of course she calls Schafly the original "Mama Grizzly." (How many times has she used this line now?)

Palin then goes on to conflate freedom in America with religion, and that leads to the "War on Christmas," which "coincidentally" allows her to talk about her new book.

"I say in a very jolly Christmasy way that enough is enough, enough is enough of this politically correct police out there that is acting to erode our freedom to celebrate and exercise our faith." is one such quote.

There are other quotes, taken directly from the book as well. (Many of them I reported on yesterday.) And they are just as ridiculous here as we thought they were then.

Apparently Palin did not receive the memo about the fact that CBS had to retract their Benghazi story, so she goes on to attack the Atheists as having faith in a government that allowed the IRS to target the Tea party, allowed the NSA to spy on its citizens, and, of course, could not be bothered to defend the consulate in Benghazi. Not to mention tossing out war veterans from seeing monuments during the government shutdown. (For any of you who may yet have wondered if this pathetic, hateful creature had any shame, I think you can put that question to rest now.)

There are also attacks on Obamacare (Sham-wow advertising, train wreck, losing health plans.), attacks on the President's policies (Using the problems created by Bush to do it,), and attacks on intellectuals. (Hey!)

Palin keeps referring to the "Church of Big Government" and clumsily attempts to suggest that IT is where the intellectuals and non-religious go to worship. All while suggesting that our "problems" are due to a lack of faith in God.

Palin also pimps the Tea Party and slams the Republicans who are falling out of love with them, claiming that the Teabagger message is the message that will repair what she sees are the problems with the country. She also says that we are going to soon see the end of the "Era of Obama." (Yes, in 2016, just in time to usher in the "Era of Hillary.")

Then Palin compares the national debt to slavery, after first assuring her audience that it is not racist.(Nice try.)

After this Palin decides to pepper her speech with references to her family, playing hockey ("Haven't we all been that hockey goalie, deflecting as many of the radical Left's pucks as possible?") , playing basketball (Piper), and other tidbits to remind them that she is still just that small town gal from Wasilla.

The speech is essentially one long screech, chock full of regurgitated Palinisms, and attacks on Obama, all with the intent of rousing the crowd to vote in the 2014 elections and, of course, buy her book. She stumbles a lot, and seems to lose her place more than once, always recovering by increasing the volume of her voice as if making a point.

All in all it is a rather transparent, and pathetic performance. However considering her audience, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I doubt they will notice, or care.


  1. Moose Juice -- a unique and particularly pungent blend of insipid Kool-Aid, bitter tea, ipecac, and vitriol … personally brewed in the cauldron of the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla.

    Sarah Palin once again demonstrates that she is indeed the reigning Master Champion of the Non sequitur and the Patron Saint of Sophistry.

    I have to admit that I am somewhat perplexed by the irrational line of reasoning being used to explain away the endless barrage of banal sound bites, simplistic fact-devoid assessments, and every-present rash of blunders made by Palin every time she steps up to the microphone. The explanation goes as follows:

    "Sarah Palin cannot possibly be as shallow, petty, inarticulate, and ignorant as she appears to be. Therefore, she must actually be quite brilliant, and the rest of us are simply too stupid to realize how brilliant she is."

    Sorry, but that's just a load of disingenuous rhetoric composed of two parts spin-doctoring and one part psycho-babble.

    Stupid is as Sarah does.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      The Empress has no clothes. I repeat: No Clothes.

    2. I think she really is that shallow. She was nice-looking, and Daddy, Junior, Molly, Heather, the Menards and Todd ran interference for her. She never had to study and it’s obvious she never did. I knew a “Stephanie” like that. She should have rotted in jail after her last hit-and-run, but Daddy was a lawyer.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. Such a stupid, disgusting person. She doesn't even deserve the gender-based female noun.

      10 cats

    4. Sally in MI11:02 AM

      6:38: This is the same logic applied to her buddy Ted...the Ivy Leaguer....he cannot possibly be as mysoginistic, hateful, mean, and stupid as he sounds, therefore he must be a brilliant attorney and the 'anointed one' to lead the GOP back to Toronto, er DC. Or I'm sure we could write one for Gov. Goodhair, the Paul duo, and so many others. No, they really are mean and cruel people.

    5. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Zignuts, your crazed rant in your wrecked apartment has the local dog pound on edge, cool it and relent to the bear who has come in the door! A little relaxation will cook your heels.

    6. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Dittos on your zit count that are bothering your posterior! You need a rest home with Ungantine in reserve!

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Surprised she still brings up her children's non-athletic school careers. Weren't Bristol, Track and Willow the heroes of Wasilla High? bwahahahaha

    More likely they are remembered for pillow polo, snack tracks, willow weed and paid diaper = piper.

  3. angela7:05 AM

    So Sarah spewed and screeched the same old bullshit on a different day in front of the same kind of idiots?

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Same screech, this time done in her drunk sex-kitten persona.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      yep, you can always tell she's high when she delivers her hateful rant in that sing song voice...

    3. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Yep and while preaching to the bored choir she reminded them to get the conservative message out and Nottingham just by preaching to the choir-bbbbaaaawwwwaaaahhhhh!!

      When your couple of hundred people base is bored with you the only place left to go is permanently back under your rock.

    4. That sing-song voice is more than drunk or high (although it may often be accompanied by those conditions.) it's Palin regressing to a childhood strategy she employed to get approval/feel safe.

      (In my amateur pyschologist view)

      Just another reason why she should never be near a public office.

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    me thinks she chose to do this IOWA speech in the hopes of getting people to think she was considering a 2016 run.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She will never run because she CAN"T run. While the US may elect women to state and national offices they will never elect any divorced woman that abandoned her children and moved across the country without them.
      The only time she sees Tawd is when he is getting paid to carry her purse.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Well if you listened you would realize it was a major policy speech, laying out well-considered plans and her path forward to the presidency. Yup. I swear, it's true!

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      a major policy speech
      Yep. Her policy all right Griftin' 4 Dollars!

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      How long did it take you to write that, not counting all the bursting into maniacal laughter interruptions? LOL!

    5. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Policy plan? Stfu!!!she opened with a long and boring sales pitch for her book. The only reason skankenstein was there was to promote her book. She even told the release date!!

      The rest of her policy was get the conservative word out- there was no plan/alternatives/policy.
      It was the same old tired complaints with the same old tired red meat and nothing of substance.

      Bad obamacare! Benghazi! War on Christmas! Marxism! Socialism! Pro life! Jesus! My book my book my book!!!! Piper! Me me me me me!!!

      Unless you are intending snarc stfu please.

    6. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Yep, 8:22 AM, a dog whistle to the pee puddlers! She's running! She's running! I'm sure they all had wet dreams last night. bwahahahaha

    7. Anonymous9:58 AM

      cool yer jets

    8. Anonymous11:31 AM

      9:58 AM: Go eff yerself.

    9. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Here we go, same handful of snark impaired bitter old hags ruining a thread.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    As a Christian, I will say yet again that she embodies NOTHING of what Christ taught or exemplified. Just another false prophet caught up in self-imagery and greed.

  6. "Haven't we all been that hockey goalie, deflecting as many of the radical Left's pucks as possible?"
    For this alone, she deserves to be set out on an ice floe.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      For this alone, she deserves to be set out on an ice floe.
      With a hungry mamma polarbear!

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      I am a real hockey grandmother...with grandchildren playing on five teams at a varity of levels year round. We have traveled all over the country spending almost every weekend at rinks and drive many thousands of miles a year. We have never played a game in Iowa. Nor have we ever had anyone on the upper level and college teams (with players recruited from all over the world) from Iowa. So I am thinking that analogy was lost on most people in her audience
      Sadly, I have witnessed way too many women like her at the rinks, screaming obscenities and looking like sluts. Their sons are usually the ones getting ejected from games. At the college games, these mothers hit on the players. Sarah would fit right in.

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    You know, $carah just inspired me. I will buy my holiday gifts, and if I get a "Merry Christmas" instead of a secular "Happy Holidays," will head right over to the return desk and tell them why I'm returning my purchases.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      .....and I am going to have SOME fun with that book when I see it in stores. Maybe they'll stop accepting shipments for the hassle it causes them in the long run.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Actually Happy Holidays is NOT secular.
      Happy Holidays means happy HOLY DAYS, BTW anyone with a brain knows there are more than one Christian Holy Day in Dec/Jan.
      BTW ALL Christian sects are derivatives of the CATHOLIC church. Tell a few Christians that one and it usually sets off the evangelicals.

      Atheist Little Rabbit

    3. Sally in MI10:58 AM

      Actaully, the Catholic Church stole them from other, non-religious make themselves more attractive to the heathens.

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    labman576:38 AM
    Great comment!
    She was drunk last night as well...too much "moose juice" I guess?

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    "Bust" trips...

    oh ya...

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    "SarahPac funded bust trips"?

    hahaha, good one

    1. Was that really a typo, Mr G? -:)

  11. Anonymous7:29 AM

    She's ridiculous.

    Hey, Gryphen yesterday Nancy French posted on "Bristol's" blog about two kids that reminded "her" of Trig and Piper. But she forgot to change her name to Bristol Palin! When I wrote a comment catching her on this, she corrected it, deleted my comment and blocked me from further comments. Too funny! Let me know here if you want the screen save photo from before the correction was made. Busted!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM


    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Well this should be good. Talk about make my day!

      I still have my screen grabs from when Nancy French was first blogging as Bristol.

      Why doesn't Nancy French have her own label? This blog is always posting about what she writes for Bristol. She's like a really smart cousin who married into the family for the money!

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM


    4. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Yes! Show the screen save!

    5. HAHA! I saw that, but when I went back again to take a screen print, it was gone.
      Ooops, too funny!

    6. Anonymous1:15 PM


  12. I'm confused. Didn't Sarah say in Going Rogue ”I’m a product of Title IX and am proud that it was Alaska’s own Ted Stevens who helped usher through the federal legislation in 1972 to ensure girls would have the right to the same education and athletic opportunity as boys. I was a direct beneficiary of the equal rights efforts that had begun only the decade before. Later, my own daughters would benefit, participating in sports like hockey, wrestling, and football, which had been closed to girls for decades”? But Phyllis Schlafly - Sarah's self-proclaimed hero - was always a very strong and vocal opponent of Title IX. In fact, she believes that Title IX "weakened our competitiveness" at the 2012 Olympics. So how does Sarah reconcile these two divergent viewpoints? Ohhhh, right... she's Sarah Palin! She doesn't have to!!!

    1. BabyRaptor7:48 AM

      I don't understand how cognitive dissonance doesn't destroy brains.

    2. ummmm, I think it does! Sarah Palin is Exhibit 1 in support of the theory!!!!!

    3. Sally in MI10:56 AM

      Which of her girls was a wrestler? Or a school hockey or football player? does this women not have an ounce of honesty in her entire body?
      Since Brissy was pregnant and maybe never finished high school I don't recall her participating in hockey, wrestling and football in Wasilla or Anchorage (although maybe naked tent wrestling with hockey pleyer Levi counts?) And Willow was a basketball player, not a wrestler, unless she had to wrestle someone to break into that hosue for her? Piper? Don't think so...there'd be photos everywhere. Plus, also, too, these kids were not even in public schools long enough to complete a season in any sport. Sarah makes up crap as she goes along...what an idiot. Keith was so right.

    4. Bristol did complete a full court press... in tent.

  13. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Make her go away... PLEASE!!!

    Check out a very unflattering pic of Palin:

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Who gives a crap about Matt Lauer except Matt Lauer? Peas in a pod. Expect GMA to beat them out again in ratings.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Oh fuck me twice on Sunday...Matt Lauer sucking up to her too? I can't stand this bitch one more day.

    3. Looks like it's time for another chin lift. I wonder if she's back on the Crunchwrap Supreme diet, too.

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      The fact that nypagesix posted THAT photo of skank shows they know how ugly she is and not just talking about on the outside:)

    5. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Not only the chin but her EYES. She was on something. Hence the sputtering? She'll go the way of Elvis if no one intervenes. SAD that they value money more than her health.

    6. Crystal Sage9:42 AM

      Botox Barbie! Wow. He face blowed up real good. Either that or she's hitting the booze big time.

    7. Anonymous9:51 AM

      That photo is from April 2012 when she she epically failed as a guest host on the Today Show. It was very uncomfortable to watch. Looks like she hadn't had her neck tightening yet.

    8. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Why in hell is NBC giving any air time at all to Palin? She is a total nobody! This mystifies me. Is NBC owned by Murdoch also? What a waste of time and money. However, this does reflect the level of national news these days.

    9. Anonymous10:31 AM

      !smartamerican, because they think it will garner ratings. Will she she make an @ss out of herself or won't she? If memory serves, the last time they had her on, GMA beat them hands down in ratings and they will again. Matt Lauer is just a schill with no credibility whatsoever. Look what he did to Ann Curry.

    10. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      Matt can't find a date in NYC. He has to go to Wasilla periodically to get his pipes cleaned.

  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sarah Palin:

    Sarah Palin (Sarah Palin buy my cr@p and send money to our hard ass working family-trademark probably applied for) is now the Barack Obama of the Republican Party!

    "Palin has enjoyed firing up the buzz that she'll someday seek the White House, but several Iowans in Saturday night’s audience said they doubt she’d be considered a serious 2016 possibility.

    “I think people are looking for somebody with more substance and a longer resume,” said John Chesser, a Des Moines business consultant. “But she’s the Barack Obama of the Republican party – popular, stylish, knows her audience. I think people see themselves reflected in her.”"

    Oh yes, was just thinking about this resemblance the other day. She is like Barack Obama in so many ways. The fake running for President, the impressive college degrees, the politically and socially powerful wife, the list goes on and on.

    Next week she might be the Hillary Clinton of the Republican party also too.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      "The socially powerful wife." Yep, that's Pimp Toad. Walk softly and carry a big purse.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Stylish?! I don't know wheter to laugh or cry.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      "Stylish," 1:21 PM, is John lovin' that short skirt and don't think she doesn't know it. Doesn't matter what comes out of her mouth, she's jonesing. What a SKANK. In the name of Jesus no less.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      “But she’s the Barack Obama of the Republican party – popular, stylish, knows her audience. I think people see themselves reflected in her.”

      BWAAAAHHHHHHA! snort Hahahahahaha! Was she given the nobel peace prize? Did she edit the Harvard Law Review? Did she write her own books? Did she win two presidential elections?

      Those Iowans are a hoot!!!!! She knows her audience, Yes, Viagra Addled Old Farts that smell like BO and old spice. The few, the proud, the toothless.

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Will Sarah's gravy train come to an end "after the era of Obama" or will she be like Rush and keep on spewing her hate with the next Democratic President? Rush started his career as the Right's answer to the election of Bill Clinton. Anyone remember his unmemorable short-lived television show? Hate on Clinton 24/7. Hillary will just about make Rush blow up and that, in itself, will be very gratifying after America chooses Hilary. Sarah will probably be railing against Obama on into her 80's, if she lives that long. Biotch!

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Someone in the know on Malia's blog hints of big stuff behind the scenes being hushed up. Imagine that, like we didn't know the evilness within the Heath/Palins.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Ugh 7:43. Your reference to Rush blowing up reminded me of the Tom Cruise movie "War Of The Worlds" where the aliens were spewing guts everywhere. Ewwwww.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Bonus points to anyone who names the restaurant Sarah and her family were dining in when she made that comment.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      ;12 AM That should have been Glen Rice 'Fucked THE BITCH'.

    5. Anonymous10:18 AM

      That "someone in the know" seems awfully out there to me. I'll believe it when I see it

    6. Anonymous12:11 PM

      @9:57 it is "unnamed" but most likely Applebee's or that Family restaurant in Wasilly...

    7. Anonymous1:26 PM

      She should be grateful that President Obama won reelection. The far right likes her because she hates him. Once he is done with his term, she is gone too.
      Better milk the fat old haters while the getting's good.

    8. @9:57 Simon and Seaforts. I think, maybe...

    9. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Anon@935, do you mean "Erin Brokavich"? Forget things being out there or not, I can't figure out what he/she/it is talking about.

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Who cares what the GOP's Jar Jar Binks thinks? The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

    Jar Jar Binks' quotes:

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Wow! her paid trolls really busy over there in the comment section! They REALLY are A$$HOLES!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Yes they are, 5:21 AM, and too stupid to realize that the more they attack the more they confirm what a POS she is as well as her followers. You'd think some adviser would clue her into this IF she was serious about any kind of run, and that's the point. She's not. She's in it for money and publicity, and does not give one whit about this country. It's ALL show.

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM

    The sounds that came out of her mouth and throat were just awful. There's no reason this woman can't just speak to the crowd in her natural voice and in a humble tone. Of course she doesn't do humble.

    But, the obvious cackling and gruff grunts emanating from her voice make one quesiton why she goes through those gyrations? That was a performance done by Sarah in one of her 'characters'. She never presents herself genuinely. She play-acts this broadway character she created for herself; a southern, brawling smart-alecky sing-songy lip-licking gum-chewing tomboy who can one-up any man, a tough sport-loving outdoorsy mom who re-creates her kids as little characters, that she uses to embellish her speeches with.

    The Palin family is one big fake ACT. But Act 1 and Act 2 and Act 3 and to infinity beyond keep being played out and it's one of the most inhumane act that media and a political group allows in the history of the country. This latest speech of hers demonstrates she could hardly keep a clear thought together. Her usage of the same old jokes interspersed with her broken word salad machine MUST give intelligent and discerning journalists a clue that she isn't in her right mind.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Nailed it!

      The disingenuous, overly-dramatic delivery is a mask to cover her hypocrisy, lies, ignorance, projection, and mental imbalance.

      She wasn't talking about the media's reporting on Obama and the 'left' when she said, 'Well, the lap-dog media, they let ‘em get away with all of just the lies, the deception for far too long and irreparable damage is done.'

      She's taunting them with how they've propped her up, given her a megaphone, and helped propagate her deception.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      "Her usage of the same old jokes interspersed with her broken word salad machine MUST give intelligent and discerning journalists a clue that she isn't in her right mind."
      You would think? Yet none dare mention it? Can't wait until the floodgates open! Its so OBVIOUS she is a drug addled liar & grifter! Why don't they report it? It just shows the RW Bull$hit about a "libtard" media is just that Bull$hit as the media is bought off by RW'rs like Kockbros etc and won't report on these teabagging idjits! Disgusting!

  18. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Thanks for the synopsis, Gryphen. I am not in the mood to listen to over 30 minutes of her usual bitter hate and pure jealousy... again.

    Her "Christmas" book is nothing but another attack piece by her on Obama and liberals. She's still seething over losing in 2008. She let her hate consume her to the point where she could no longer effectively govern her sparsely populated state (and amid ethics violations), and chose to abandon those who elected her to office. Then she set her sights on becoming a thorn in Obama's side, and as he continues to ignore her, her jealousy and hatred grows more bizarre and twisted.

    The only way she can get people to follow her is to appeal to their own jealousies and insecurities. Which is why she's chosen to attack things such as intelligence, higher education, career professionals, respect & compassion for one's fellow human, "other" races (remember her quote about "the black gals" watching her brother play golf?), teh gheys, and anything that might remotely be attributed as progressive.

    To put it plainly: she's created weak-minded minions to do her bidding and keep her coffers full.

    After Obama completes his second term (and she subsequently credits herself for ensuring he didn't serve a third term), what will she do? She won't have the same gusto to attack Hillary. Her base has shriveled considerably in the last two years, especially after she pulled her "shall I run or shall I not run?" stunt last year. Anyone's who's visiting C4P since then has witnessed the scant members that remain there, posting tributes to "the gov", and hanging on her every word to see who or what they're supposed to hate this week, thereby justifying their own ignorance and bigotry.

    I wish I could justify buying a copy of her book, just to review it properly on Amazon. But I refuse to add one cent to her coffers, and I also will not write a review on a book I have not read.

    If she were a true Christian, she wouldn't profit from the holiday, as she's doing with this anti-Obama attack piece disguised as a fictional "War on Christmas" novel. All proceeds would go to charity. But we all know that's not happening.

    I would end with "May God save her soul", but I no longer believe that she has one.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Say, 8:02, do you think since Bill O'Reilly really, really hates stupid Sarah that he might announce the "war on Christmas" has ended and watch the air go out of Sarah's balloon and tank her sales? Anybody who spends money on the book has way too much money.

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Anonymous10:07 AM
      Now THAT would be Too Funny!! That would piss the fuck off her!
      I hope he does.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Bill O'Reilly can't stand her.

  19. Anonymous8:11 AM

    For someone who is preaching about honoring Christ, she spews out hate. Christ preached loving kindness. He fed the hungry and healed the sick while Palin can only rehash old grudges and meanness. The Christmas Spirit is about giving while for Palin, it is about cashing in and stealing the best gift. When people do surveys about why one candidate won and another lost, the one with the negative advertising is the one who turned off voters. The one with plans that move forward appeal to the voters. All that Palin is a heckler, a name caller and a hater. I think that I left out selfish, vain, greedy and mean spirited, too, also.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      +1,000 x 1,000

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Selling a book about Christmas is cashing in on Christmas (that's called commercializing Christmas). Writing a book about Christmas with the clean intention of donating all of the profits to a worthwhile charity (not her PAC or anything political)-- now that would be in the Christmas spirit. But, Sarah doesn't give. She's always on the take.

  20. Billy Graham became very wealthy on the pension checks of little old ladies, but that was a more innocent time. Everyone nowadays knows Palin is a grifter. So who’s pushing the dark money her way? Would the Kochs slip her two million just to relentlessly insult the black president?

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Would the Kochs slip her two million just to relentlessly insult the black president?
      Yes. I can't wait until the IRS audits her (they do work with FEC)

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Sure they would, 9:22 AM, and after losing Miss Alaska to Maryline, the "wham bam thank you ma'am" of Glen Rice, firing every black person after she was elected, and President Obama ignoring her, there is nothing she would rather do.

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      I read on "the tubes" that Sarah read the secret book that made her wealthy beyond reason. The hook and line title was the scandal that was even worse than a pregnant teenager and I thought that finally someone was going to print the story of Sarah's faked pregnancy but it was in the WSJ so I was sadly disappointed.

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Oh for sure they would. I think that's when she quit the governorship, when the Koch's offered to support her and get her gigs. A dill with the devil in which she had to give up politics but pretend all she wanted that she hadn't, and that she was thinking of running, for something. She gets bonuses for endorsing certain candidates and got a big one for cheering on the shutdown. Lifetime care for Trig maybe part of the dill. She remains of value to them only because she connects with the Tea Party...beyond that they don't care what influence she has. Just my take.

    5. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Yeah, a "Keep The Christ In Christmas" Judas who took the thirty pieces of silver without batting a false eyelash. She doesn't give a DAMN about anything but herself.

    6. Anonymous12:40 PM

      When she quit...Murdoch's plane was docked at a Alaskan airport!!!! Someone posted a pic of it.

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Made it thru 1 minute of her halting, disorganized, pulling-shit-out-of-thin-air speech. What a piece of crud she is.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I love Sarah's opening line, which she uses for all her speeches, "I'm so happy that I get to be here." She sounds like a kid who was given an invitation to a party when someone else cancelled. As a matter of fact, she didn't sign on to this dinner until mid-October.

  22. Anonymous8:14 AM

    rah-rah went running. she went running in Iowa, over the Iowa hills, and was wearied by it.
    where are the hills in Iowa? Storm Lake?

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I think that the Palin Family Tradition of playing Eskimo Bingo, namely, Steal that Gift has worked out well for Palin. Looking at the website for the Faith and Freedom Coalition, in September, there was no Sarah Palin on their page, advertising the Nov.9 dinner. Then, in the middle of October, Sarah's photo was added to the promotion, next to Mike Lee's photo. Still, Mike was supposed to give the Keynote (last) speech of the event. At least. that's the way that the program was printed. Leave it to Eskimo Bingo Palin to steal the plum spot, and at the last minute, she went last, pushing a real senator out of the way. How does she do it? Did Todd take Mike Lee aside and bully him?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      Speaking of lies, why hasn't she worn the diamond ring "Todd" gave her, according to Bristol " it brought Sarah to tears"

  24. There is no way $arah will run for any political office. She'll keep on teasing the base so they continue to send her their couch change. $arah can't run for anything and she knows how many skeletons will come tumbling out of her closets if she does.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Darn straight she can't, and a darn good reason why she wasn't invited to the RNC. They ALL know and are complicit in the lie.

      "Some" pee-puddlers figured it out when she bailed on '12, Good on them! The rest will believe every excuse she makes but they're all on the Cruz bandwagon as well. She sure does inspire the loons, that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Can you imagine if she DARES to (try) to play running 4 POTUS w/Hillary?
      Hill will slay her like a dead salmon and surely not be as nice as POTUS was as far as REPORTING on all her skeletons!

  25. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I endured (barely) the live screech made by the skank and she bombed big time. The usual tired old lines fell flat and the first 5-10 minutes talking about her book and the supposed war on Christmas left the audience so silent you could tell she got flustered.

    The remaining diatribe had a few bits of old and tired red meat she tossed out that anyone could have said and gotten he same response.

    I took one for the team yesterday because the full on break down is near and the word salad yesterday was close.

    The ONLY thing that kept me watching was hoping to see that witch melting on stage for everyone to capture on film.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      If she melted the audience would have said she was raptured and everybody else was left behind. Hahaha! Thanks for taking one for our team, 8:39 you're a better person than I.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      I made it to the 25:18 mark, waiting for her to end her sentence! My ears were bleeding, my head was throbbing and I couldn't feel my dinner coming up. Did you wear earmuffs? Did you notice she kept dropping her left arm down like she was pulling her undies out of her crack or she had a button to push that blew up her boobs as the crowd was getting restless and were going to bolt for the door? Maybe her butt just itched. Remember how the Kindergartener's would scratch their balls and butts and pick their noses at the school vocal music Christmas programs singing all 18 verses of Jingle Bells?

  26. ...with imagery from her SarahPAC funded BUST trips... you say.
    Freudian slip or ?

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I think her bustresses have more frequent flier miles than Bristol.

  27. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "The ONLY thing that kept me watching was hoping to see that witch melting on stage for everyone to capture on film."

    Me too, and I think she is getting close to losing it too. There was no reaction from the audience to most of her cutsie stories. That was satisfying, lol

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Check out her eyes. Higher than a kite.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

      Can't wait for Hillary to win. Sarah's head and perceived whine will explode before our eyes. This speech is the same old crap cobbled together, how people can applaud is beyond me. Makes Iowa look like a laughing stock.

  28. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I can see by the whole tone of Gryphen's post, and by the comments, that enough IS enough. Can you say that we've reached the point where even we are bored by Palin's same ol same ol' meat speech, with writing on her hand just like God for FSM's sake! I made it up to minute 8, and just turned it off with a relaxed laugh, because she is so beyond believable, it's unbelievable.
    Go for it Sarah. Make as much as you can. Clearly, there are people who give you credibility. But being Anna Nicole for a living gets wearying.....just like your Iowa run! (I can't get over that she's slipped that in - she went Running in Iowa that, get it? And she got tired doing it.
    What an ultra-maroon.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Do you mean that every time that Palin needs some more attention, she'll put on her running shoes and jump into a marathon someplace so people will be foolish enough that means she is running for President? She didn't bother to finish her four year term as governor. Why would she want another job that ties her up for four more years?

  29. Anonymous8:59 AM

    In the jar jar binks article on mediaite, Fugelsang says she is "a hero to gullible conservatives, smart liberals, and all comedians." She reminds me of the SNL skit about two ex-pornstars hawking stuff on late night infomercials. In the voice of Cecily Strong, I say "Awesome!"

  30. Anonymous9:11 AM

    8:52 it WAs gratifying seeing her bomb!!! And in articles written by reporters in Iowa papers they asked different individuals if they thought she should run for office. They published the few replies which were resounding NO s:)

    Skank is nearing the end and I for one am hoping this "book tour" is what puts her over the edge!!

    Fox hasn't even covered her so called speech last night!!
    Buhbye skanky old witch!

  31. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anyone know how to post a photo here? I have the screen grab from yesterday before Nancy French changed her name to Bristol on the blog post.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      You can't post a photo here but you can upload it to a photo site like flickr and then leave a link.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      email it to Gryphen and have him post it?

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Send to Wonkette after sending or sending link here!

      Send to Buzzfeed for plalgiarism inspection!

  32. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Proclaiming to be the voice of morality and truth while spewing lie after lie is beyond disgusting. Calling 'Obamacare' socialized medicine and trying to scare people from getting private health insurance is evil.

    I wish I could laugh at her over-the-top performance art and ineptitude but I'm furious. Instead of pointing out the evil, much of the so-called 'lap-dog media' is helping promote her.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Sarah, in the name of hating anything that smacks of socialism, give up your government paid native care package. You can afford to pay your own bills, and it looks hypocritical to condemn something that your family uses. And by the way, Sarah, selling a book about the commercialization of Christmas is commercializing Christmas.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Queen Heifer pay her own bills??? bwahahahaha

      Projection as it's finest. She rails against everything she's guilty of and DARES people to take her to task because she's a woman and will play that victim card in a heartbeat if they do.

      Why bots can't see they're being fleeced is beyond me but she "was" smart enough find the most ignorant to prey on. Jesus my arse.

  33. Anonymous10:08 AM

    9:26, what I would do is upload it to (a free, anonymous picture hostng site) and then post the picture's link here.

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Is this shit for brains ever going away??

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Not as long as she can fool her fans into thinking that she might run for President. (If they give more money, maybe she will run. More money, more money, not sure if I'm running yet, more money).

      And, as long as Sarah has a ghost writer who can slap together a book that covers Palin Family Christmas memories, liberty, freedom, honoring the troops and veterans, anything bad about President Obama, and, oh yes, the Birth of Jesus, then she will be out there, cashing in and selling that crap. If people are dumb enough to buy it, Sarah will write another (have the ghost writer write another).

  35. Anonymous10:31 AM

    On a brighter note. Enjoyed my job very much last night (Teleprompter Operator! LOL) working for the HRC New England Dinner in Boston. You know, a dinner by an organization that upholds individual rights, fights against discrimination and is supported by well spoken intellectuals. I felt so good being surrounded by people like me!! Sometimes it's hard to maintain my professionalism on certain jobs in certain types of company.

    Met Jane Curtin of SNL fame. Our two US Senators, Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey were there too. Wish, Wish I could have gotten pics with them but when I'm on the job it's unprofessional to ask, kind of need to wait for the right chance... Oh well. Be True!! (that's my new mantra).

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      That sounds like a wonderful experience. Good for you!

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Anonymous10:31 AM
      Sounds Awesome! Thanks 4 sharing! Must of been great to meet Liz Warren!
      It would be Awesome if She ran w/Hill as VPOTUS! Or even by herself.

  36. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hannity is having her on Monday night.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Get ready for the media feeding frenzy...

      Jake Tapper (CNN's The Lead) is interviewing her on Tuesday.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      that's great, will she commenting from behind the privacy panel of his desk as usual?

    3. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Anonymous11:05 AM

      Hannity is having her on Monday night.
      Double yuck!
      The grifter and the Baboon's a$$!
      (no offense to baboons) Hannity looks like
      a baboons ass!

    4. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Hannity is having her on Monday night.

      whoa ho, does todd know?

    5. Anonymous2:02 PM

      What does Todd care? They're not married and he gets major money to continue the facade.

    6. Anonymous4:07 PM

      The funny thing is that Bristol was on EVERY show to hawk her book and it still was a resounding FAILURE.

      The audio book was a laughable 18-book sales!!!! Didn't even make back the cost of the 18 audio books.

      It's sad that so many good people who would use the time well and would allow Soooo many to benefit from their public exposure get locked out and the Palins "what's in it for me"s get the publicity.

  37. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sarah looks like rotting flesh on the bone. No hair and a face full of botox and assfat. What do you think happens to healthy cells when given botox repeatedly and obsessively? Why do you think sometimes she appears to talk like one side of her mouth is frozen? It kills the health of the skin cell and its elasticity, which is what she wants to avoid wrinkles. Maybe the botox crept up into her scalp or as a result of alleged ketamine use. Basically, Sarah is a shell of dead skin covered by a lot of make up, puffed up with assfat. Pretty soon she will be having bits and pieces of her facial skin replaced with skin from her butt. And, we will know because she will have a lot of pimples! Seriously, she is a shell of 10mm dead skin cells. Growing old is okay. We need to live with it, gravity is not going away. It is more important to have a good heart.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      So right you are!
      "Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It's the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism."

  38. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Read Zealot, Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. Very, very good.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      That is on my list to read...! Really good...huh?

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      I bought it after reading about it and watching that amazing interview from Faux News that Gryph posted here. I was amazed at how calm and well-spoken Aslan was even after 5,000 attempts the interviewer to stir up trouble.

      Just started reading and it is very good. Interesting and well written.

  39. Anonymous11:15 AM

    If there is a god, what lesson am I supposed to learn from the successes of this moron?

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Wait for the fall. It will be EPIC.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      I CAN'T WAIT!!! It can't come SOON enough!!!!!!!!!!

  40. If you have to preface a sentence with "I'm not racist, but," then you are about to say something racist.

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    the audience didn't seem too receptive to her bullshit fake stories...

  42. Chenagrrl12:26 PM

    Freudian slip? "SarahPAC funded bust trips."

  43. Anonymous1:30 PM

    It reminded me of the other speech. She seems to be trying really hard to stay on track and read what is written. It also looks like she rehearsed the hand movements. Raise right hand here, Look up and swing left palm here.

    Something's up. Time will only tell. Someone is forcing her to stay on script and act presentable. (Todd? The folks who pay her?)

    When she said she put that sticker on her dorm window, I thought: Which college? College #`1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6?

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Sure she did (snort).....and used her sister's dorm room for Glen Rice take her to heaven.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      "She seems to be trying hard to stay on track" There she goes again, pimping her soldier son.

  44. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Sarah does not pronounce Phyllis Schlafly's name correctly.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      That's Sarah's trademark. It conveys "I'm just as stupid as you" to her true followers.

  45. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The "Not to be racist, but..." line has been posted on Gawker...Oh, the things people have to say about her!

  46. Anonymous2:55 PM

    ya the wild arm movements, those were sooo wacked out, maybe there were little pictures with the text ..hahahaaaa

  47. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    Fried butter on a stick! What? No corndog vendors for Sarah? Poor thing! "Good lord a dysfunctioning website, I don't give a flying flip about a dysfunction website"

    Yeah, Sarah, she, who doesn't give a flying flip about her dysfuntioning family giving the POTUS grief for a broken website. Cause we all know Sarah can write code.

    Can't wait for the next bust stop on the tour. She's overdoing the meth and getting more and more paranoid.

    Happy War On Christmas, everyone!!

  48. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Can some of you computer people , when the bear puts his
    head back and then on the forward movement of his head,can
    you make him vomit! I wish that could happen every time!


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