Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Sunday's Washington Post article makes it quite clear how the Republican party created the "train wreck" of an Affordable Care rollout that they could use in talking points to discredit the entire program.

Much of this article focuses on mistakes the administration made by being too insular for fear of being sabotaged by the Republicans who made no secret of the fact they would do just about anything to keep it from being successful:

Based on interviews with more than two dozen current and former administration officials and outsiders who worked alongside them, the project was hampered by the White House’s political sensitivity to Republican hatred of the law — sensitivity so intense that the president’s aides ordered that some work be slowed down or remain secret for fear of feeding the opposition. Inside the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the main agency responsible for the exchanges, there was no single administrator whose full-time job was to manage the project. Republicans also made clear they would block funding, while some outside IT companies that were hired to build the Web site, HealthCare.gov, performed poorly. 

However their vigilance did little to stop the political IED's from being placed along it's path:

Although the statute provided plenty of money to help states build their own insurance exchanges, it included no money for the development of a federal exchange — and Republicans would block any funding attempts. According to one former administration official, Sebelius simply could not scrounge together enough money to keep a group of people developing the exchanges working directly under her. 

Bureaucratic as this move may sound, it was fateful, according to current and former administration officials. It meant that the work of designing the federal health exchange — and of helping states that wanted to build their own — became fragmented.

This allowed the Republicans to point the finger at the Obama administration for their ineptitude when it fact they had dammed off the flow of money needed to fully develop the federal exchanges.

I think we all know what their next step was:

A larger number of states than expected were signaling that, under Republican pressure, they would refuse to build their own online insurance marketplaces and would rely on the federal one. The more states in the federal exchange, the more complex the task of building it. Yet, according to several former officials, White House staff would not let this fact be included in the specifications. Their concern, one former official said, was that Republicans would seize on it as evidence of a feared federal takeover of the health-care system.

And there you have it.  Strike fear in the administration's heart concerning possible sabotage, block funding for the federal exchanges to cripple them and make them less effective, and then keep Republican run states from developing local exchanges to relieve the pressure and smooth the way for progress.

Instant train wreck.

And the only casualties are the millions of Americans who still cannot get access to affordable health insurance, the millions more who are now being victimized by greedy insurance companies who have kicked them off their health plans only to offer them more expensive ones, and of course the trust of the voting public who naively believed that the politicians they elected would work for them, and NOT simply engage in partisan battles to the detriment of the government and of its people.

(H/T to Jonathon Capehart)


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I wish hemorrhoids on some of those GOP politicians, chronic post-gonorrhea complications on some others, and gout on the rest.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    You can't haz health care insurance because freedom.

  3. aj weishar5:39 PM

    One of the main culprits in the system failure is QSS, a subsidiary of United Health Care. UHC has been fighting Obamacare for years, spending millions on negative ads and lobbying. Why isn't anyone investigating QSS for sabotaging the system? They were responsible for testing and final approval.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    What a nightmare, I have gone to 5 places to get information and no one can answer my questions. Next stop are my senator and representative in Congress. I live in Michigan, unemployed, no COBRA, "too rich" to qualify for Medicaid, and my insurance will be cancelled in December. I want to know if I can use my savings as a basis for the subsidy, since I am living off that. No one can answer this question, they were suppose to be trained for this. Looks like the unemployed will end up paying full amount for insurance and with the high unemployment in Mi, I can't believe I am the only one with this problem!!

    1. Phyllis7:02 PM

      Savings would not be considered as income and income is what the subsidy is based on.

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Please go to www.gohealthinsurance.com, a website that Walgreens is running to help people get enrolled. Put in 2014 as your start date and click on "Get Quotes." Enter your info--very minimal, but which will include your anticipated income for 2014--and it will estimate your subsidy, which I'm sure you will get if you have no income. Your subsidy may cover the whole cost of your premiums, and on top of that, you will probably qualify for cost sharing which will pay some of your copays and coinsurance if you choose a silver plan or higher. The website will also show you plans available in your area--maybe not all of them, but it gives phone numbers to call for those that are not detailed on the website. Try this and let us know what you find out. Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS drug stores are all helping people enroll and nobody knows this yet. You can call a number on this website to talk to a real person, or go to a store that has such a person, to discuss the details and make sure you're getting the best deal for you. Please try this and report back! (I wanted to do this for my husband, but I'm locked on the HealthCare.gov website in the last stage of enrollment and I don't want to mess things up.)

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Your present income is the only thing it's based on , up to $45,000 for an individual for assistance for ACA. What will your income for this year be when you file taxes in Jan? Only unemployment? You will most likely pay pennies on the dollar for coverage.

    4. Anonymous9:49 PM

      BTW I just answered your question, but if your elected officials can't I would suggest voting for others next time.

  5. Sharon7:38 PM

    Well at least we got rid of the women haters in VA. My home state of NJ got screwed electing that blow hole again, too bad no one backed the Dem. I know he only got elected the first time because Corzine was a crook. From what I hear the Sandy relief money still hasn't made it's way to the home owners. He is just a despicable bully following all the GOP cuts while lowering taxes to the rich....no one seems to follow his real record. The ACA brings millions of dollars to the states in revenue plus saving lives...no wonder the GOP hates it. I do believe they hate America as much as they hate Obama......and the media says nothing. This level of sabotage has never been seen before, it just keeps getting worse....the Koch bros are in their 70's and it still isn't enough. Just imagine if all that money and power were injected into education and poverty, it is truly disgusting.

  6. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Thanks to ObamaCare, an estimated 17 million Americans who are now uninsured or who buy their own insurance will be eligible for tax credits in 2014.

    The Kaiser Foundation does actual healthcare policy, and they have a new report out today in which you will find more information than you will get all day from any mainstream media outlet.

    “We estimate that about 17 million people who are now uninsured or who buy insurance on their own (“nongroup purchasers”) will be eligible for premium tax credits in 2014.”

    Instead of focusing on 17 million people being eligible for tax credits, the media is busy running with the GOP narrative that Obama lied, the website sucks and affordable healthcare for everyone is a scam (see a and b). Allow me to translate for you: Help real people or report on things from a self-referential, egotistical basis in which the pundit’s political calls about this President’s exact choice of words are much more important than actual policy impacts? Gee…

    So: Obama lied in 2009! He said you can keep your plan and lots of people are not being allowed to keep their crappy plans that don’t really cover anything. Republicans are very upset that people are stuck with actual insurance instead.

    As the media falls over itself once again chasing a GOP narrative, try to ignore that there is no mention that back in 2009, it was Republicans who won Lie of the Year award for Sarah Palin’s totally fictional “Death Panels” that meant Obama was going to kill her baby. Yeah, that was so rational and policy based and the media loved it.'


  7. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

    The post mortem's are already out. I was surprised that a campaign that relied so heavily on technology to help win two elections let this happen, but healthcare.gov is a monumental undertaking. I still have confidence, despite what these articles say, that President Obama will find a way to get the website fixed, the marketplaces set up so people can compare plans and sign up.
    Once this gets rolling and more positive experiences get airtime, all the GOP obstruction and sabotage will be for nothing.

  8. Anonymous8:31 PM

    well. personally- i always felt that the only way to truly lower the costs of health care is to break the monopoly that doctors, the hospitals etc, and insurance companies have on health care. we can all pretend that its not a monopoly, but it is. forcing americans to buy into that private monopoly thru the ACA, adding yet another enourmous layer of bureaucracy to an already failing system, was flawed by concept. guess we'll see how it works out.

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      I guess I'm more optimistic. The GOP did its best to mess up the concept before the bill became law. But I still think that it provides the basis for moving in the direction of universal health care in the future. The ACA was the best that the Obama Administration could wrestle out of Congress; we should be grateful to them for achieving as much as they did. It has not helped at all that states with GOP governors and legislatures have put up roadblocks including refusing to set up state exchanges which were part of the law as enacted. The irony is that the GOP should love the idea of "state exchanges" since it preserves their beloved "states rights." The federal government has had to take on the role of many states.

  9. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sounds like its time to remind everyone of this:

    If the one and only thing that comes out of "Obamacare" is the aspect of forcing the greedy bastards from the healthcare insurance companies, to either pay OUT a minimum of 80% in actual healthcare claims, OR have to refund premiums to the policyholders they've ripped off---all of this would be worth it!

    (They used to scam the public for as much as 60 cents of each dollar you paid them!)

    That fact should also cause even the most adamant hater of healthcare reform, to recognize just WHY that industry has put out nearly a BILLION dollars, to brainwash the public into hating Obamacare.

  10. Anonymous3:54 AM

    It's interesting that in November the "New York Times" finally does an article about how the GOP has obstructed the implementation of the ACA. All through October the "esteemed" newspaper did nothing but parrot criticisms and complaints.

  11. It was clear that this was a disaster when written. Of course trhe Republicans were against it - any one with any sense that has even the slightest understanding of economics couls see the flaws in ths pig. This is 100% a Democrate debacle. They paid the price for shoving it down the throats of Americans in 2010, and will again in 2014, not that it has been put into practice.


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