Saturday, November 30, 2013

The most satisfying Judge Judy episode EVER!

Locked in a closet with a broken door for hours. And this is what passes for Christian education?

"What special training do you have to deal with children who have special needs? You don't have anything. You have nothing."

"How dare you. How dare you take children who have special needs."

God I love that response!

I work with children who have special needs and behaviors problems and I can say that our training never stops. There are constant workshops and educational opportunities presented to keep us up to date and to ensure that we are providing adequate care.

I can also tell you that if I locked a child in a closet that would be my LAST day of employment, as well it should be.

And that arrogant asshole standing next to that teacher, in my opinion, represents Christian schools in nutshell. 


  1. Thanks for the explanation. I won't watch ANYTHING involving that virago. She's just too, too Noo Yawk for me.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      If you're going to hang the label 'virago' on a woman as a means of insulting someone, you really ought to put down your Palin Dictionary of Inappropriate Language- and educate yourself.

      You're welcome.

    2. From Merriam-Webster: 1. a loud overbearing woman : termagant

      Did you know that words in the English language can have different meanings over time? Something else for you to look up. -:)

    3. Anonymous10:55 PM

      You dislike her because she's from New York and has an accent? Wow. Elitist much?

    4. Anonymous4:20 AM

      hrh is a rill Murican.

    5. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Why do rill murkkkuns hate the educated and clever so very much? Is it because they're jealous that they'll never have any of that for themselves?

    6. To 4:20am: No, I'm not. I'm an elitist. Have a BFA and an MM, vegetarian (mostly organic), cook haute cuisine, oenophile, speak four languages, operaphile. (I do have a Murkin car; PLEASE don't tell anyone.)

    7. 10:55pm: I dislike her because she's a virago.

      termagent, battle-ax (or battle-axe), dragon lady, fury, harpy, harridan, termagant, shrew, vixen
      Related Words
      fishwife, gorgon; carper, castigator, caviler (or caviller), censurer, critic, faultfinder, nitpicker, railer, scold; belittler, derider, detractor; pettifogger, quibbler

      Her butt-ugly accent and accusatory high-decibel screech just make it all that much worse.

  2. angela1:30 PM

    Holy shit! Is this what some kids are getting in christian
    education? How is it that these schools get out of basic minimum requirements for teacher education—i.e., a bachelors degree? Aren't there enough people going to christian colleges to teach these children? I'll bet there are parents who have no idea what they are getting when they put their children in some of these idiot factories.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      The Bible colleges I've looked at online all have disclaimers on their education programs. They will qualify a graduate for certification in any state. It it is a private school, their teachers don't have to make state standards.

      Elizabeth 44

    2. Anonymous10:54 PM

      If they aren't receiving public funds, they can make their own rules for the most part. They are not even required to be credentialed.

  3. Sally in MI1:45 PM

    Holy crap. And people send their children to these two? She's got a associate's degree and is a PRINCIPAL? And that arrogant guy beside her? Oh my. I am so glad that boy is back in public school where at least there are trained, educated and caring people around who can help him succeed. This is why 'charter schools' are such a hindrance to education. They require barely more than what these two jokers have. And they take my tax dollars and pretend they are so much better than my local school..because they can pick and choose their students to get only high schievers whose parents have been duped by the RW to distrust anything 'public.' My kids were high achievers and the last thing I would have done is take them out of a competitive public school where teachers cared and were trained to prepare them for college.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      You have obviously not looked into inner city schools!

  4. Anne in Texas1:51 PM

    That was awesome.

  5. Sgt. Prestone of the Yukon1:56 PM

    This school, staffed and administered by uneducated dolts, should be shut down immediately.
    It's practices are just evidence that right-wing fundies are bent on destroying education in the US, hoping to bring everyone down to their abysmal level of ignorance.
    The school's in Texas, so it's probably not far from the norm for private schools in the state.

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    thank you so much for posting. This is why teachers are bitter and can't stand their own country. Okay, I will revise that--this is why, as a teacher, I am so bitter and can't stand my own country's ignorance.

  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I loathe Judge Judy but she did get it right this time.


    1. Anonymous4:00 PM


    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      I watch her infrequently, but I have loved it every time.

  8. This reminded me of the documentary, "Jesus Camp".

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Any parent who met those two and who then put their child in that school bears some responsibility for negligence. I think they are a typical example of a "Christian" school as well as Charter schools. As Judge Judy said, too bad the parents of the child only ask for a return of tuition. I'm not a fan of Judge Judy but her handling of those two ignorant, arrogant assholes was perfect.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Perhaps the mother in this case was advised by her spiritual advisor, either in the form of a pastor or priest or in the form of a corrupt public school official who gets a kickback from these miserable scum for providing them with another lucrative victim. Everything is ok 'in Jesus' name.' The poor kid is just more cannon fodder in the coming Holy war.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Charter schools staffing depends on the state requirements for the charters. Some states require a lot more than others.

      Elizabeth 44

    3. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Charter schools in most states (maybe all) have to meet the same requirements as the other public schools.

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Not a fan of Judge Judy but was proud of her for silencing those two. Mr. High School Education's audacity that some educated would talk down to him! The nerve!

    Shirttail relation to the Heath/Palin tribe?

  11. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

    I'm not in any way comparing any child, especially a child with special needs, to a pet, but I wouldn't take my dog to a vet without checking thoroughly the vet's qualifications, license to practice in my state and the certificate from the health department AT A MINIMUM.

    "Trusting" your child to a "teacher" because where they work is a "Christian School" is just crazy. She just recently graduated, and Mr England in the nifty shirt and tie has a high school diploma. (If they say so). Judge Judy should have asked for their diplomas/credential. I wonder if either had a background check?

  12. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hey, hrh, actually she's too intelligent for you like most New Yorkers.

    1. Anonymous4:17 AM

      LOL I agree but I'm not from NY either.

  13. ...and so proud that their curriculum came duly certified by the State of Texas...that bastion of education...

  14. Anonymous10:50 PM

    That was awesome!!
    However, Gryphen, you are wrong about them representing Christian schools. Many are like that, true. Many are not. Some are merely mediocre, and some do a great job (even in science). Broad generalities are usually wrong.

  15. Anonymous3:29 AM

    And of course, there are no examples of non-Christian schools which abuse children in their care are there? Your anti-Christian bigotry is showing. ;-)


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