Thursday, November 07, 2013

Wendy Davis, currently under attack as "Abortion Barbie," says "I am Pro-Life." Wait, what?

The fear from of Texas gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis coming form the Right Wing has reached almost hysteric proportions.

She is under constant attack from Rush Limbaugh and Red State's Eric Erickson has taken to referring to her as "Abortion Barbie."

There is even a Right Wing website dedicated to attacking her.

Oh yeah there is definitely some panic taking place over on the conservative side of the aisle.

So the other day Wendy Davis visited the University of Texas at Brownsville, and had this to say:  

“The battle over reproductive rights and women’s health care that was waged on June 25 was not a battle I chose,” she said. “When I believe women’s health is in danger, I’m going to stand and fight to protect that.” 

Davis said that battle had beginnings in 2011, when the reduction of funding for women’s health care led to a decrease in women’s health care access for more than 160,000 women – services that included family planning and sexual education along with abortions in some instances. 

“This isn’t about protecting abortion. It’s about protecting women,” she said. “It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that.” 

Davis does not want to portray herself as a one-issue candidate, noting that her job on the campaign trail is to allow voters to see who she really is. 

“(I’m) a woman who wants desperately for others who are coming up in poverty to receive the same kind of partnership from the state that I once received so that they too can become a part of the success of Texas,” she said. 

Davis suggested that her views on abortion access do not mean she does not care about life. 

“I am pro-life,” she said, borrowing from the label anti-abortion activists assign themselves. “I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”

That is very well put. And it is put in a way that is especially effective coming from a female candidate.

Calling herself "pro-life" and laying out what that means to her, is a VERY powerful, and aggressive stance to take that reminds me of Hillary's 2009 statement more than just a little bit.

The Right can go after Wendy Davis all day every day if they want to, and attack her on everything from her looks, to her mental health, to her stance on abortion. But if she stands up to that kind of bullying, and states her case as clearly as she did above, then she will still be standing long after they have slunk off to lick their wounds in response to having their asses handed to them after the 2014 election.

And the Right better get very comfortable with wound licking, because I think they will need plenty of tongue baths after 2016. (Okay that came out kind of icky, but you know what I mean.)


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I can't wait until she is Gov of TX!!! WooHoo! Turn the US BLUE!!!

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I love Wendy, it's so rare to hear common sense. I believe she can galvanize a lot of disgusted women (and men) to her causes and to eventually defeat the Republican candidate for Texas governor.

    Off topic, Radar has just posted Levi's request for joint custody. Says that Bristol's lawyer responded that he owes $66,000 child support.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Isn't that so typical of Bristol? Whine, point the finger, steal the child, hate its father .... and she just got a good rogering, too!

      She'll never get a man to marry her.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Bristol is such a Palin, always offering to sell her fatherless child. There is always a price on Tripp's little head, isn't there?

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Levi should just "let the cat out of the bag" if ya get my better time than now while snowbilly grifter getting ready for her grifter tour... :)

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      That must be some wicked threat the Palin's have on him.

      I recall when Levi was "Ricky Hollywood", he was being interviewed by one of the evening gossip TV shows and he was asked if he cared to divulge anything that Sarah did thatwould surprise people if they knew. He looked right into the camera and said, "no, but I know something she DIDN'T do!" I was hoping he was on his way to disclosing that info, but I thought it pretty sure what he was referring to. (unless he was thinking of a college degree, which is probably something else she did NOT do)

    5. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

      It's always about "What's in it for me" with the Palin Family. Mama's made how much off her "Prop"? And how much of that did she share with the Father? Did her lawyer mention how much she's made so far???/

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Emily's List Membership Hits 3 Million As Women Candidates Attract National Attention

    Emily's List, the Democratic advocacy group focused on electing pro-abortion rights women to public office, announced Thursday that its membership has risen sixfold in three years to more than 3 million.

    The group's president, Stephanie Schriock, celebrated the milestone in an email to supporters. Membership was about 500,000 at the end of the 2010 election cycle.

    The rapid growth in Emily's List supporters follows its influential role in the 2012 elections, when the group helped elect a record number of women to Congress. Emily's List is likely to be a key player in 2014 and already is involved in high-profile races that include Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes' challenge to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. The group has also has thrown its weight behind Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, the Democratic state senator who garnered national attention for her marathon filibuster against a highly restrictive abortion bill.

    Emily's List's growing support comes as the Republican Party has increasingly alienated women voters. Last month, a poll found that 33 percent of women felt the GOP had moved further away from them, while just 14 percent said Republicans had come closer to their perspective.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I read yesterday that Wendy is only 6 points behind the Republican candidate. Time to support Wendy in every way you can.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Agreed! Let's stand behind this remarkable woman in full support. Go Wendy!!!

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Have you ever met a Pro-Choice person who thought it was a good choice? Clinton has it right: It should be safe, legal, and RARE. It's none of your goddam business to interfere with that decision.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Very well said. Ditto!

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Wendy Davis Redefines ‘Pro-Life,’ Enrages Anti-Choicers

    The right-wing blog world is erupting again at Wendy Davis.

    The state senator first became the focus of conservatives’ burning scorn for her 11-hour filibuster of the bill that is responsible for abortion providers now going out of business across Texas.

    Now that she’s declared she is running for governor of the Lone Star State, the Harvard Law-educated Davis has done it again.

    “I am pro-life,” she told a University of Texas at Brownsville crowd on Tuesday. “I care about the life of every child: every child that goes to bed hungry, every child that goes to bed without a proper education, every child that goes to bed without being able to be a part of the Texas dream, every woman and man who worry about their children’s future and their ability to provide for that future. I care about life and I have a record of fighting for people above all else.”

    “This isn’t about protecting abortion,” Davis explained in the same appearance. “It’s about protecting women. It’s about trusting women to make good decisions for themselves and empowering them with the tools to do that.”

    Well, opponents of abortion rights refuse to have their brand sullied by the woman Red State‘s Erick Erickson called “Abortion Barbie.”

    “Newsflash, Sen. Davis,” wrote Townhall’s Christine Rousselle. “Being pro-life means respecting the lives of the unborn as well.”

    PJ Tatler wrote, “Wendy Davis declaring ‘I am pro-life’ is simply a lie. There is no other way to describe it.”

    Twitchy, the website that challenges the notion that the content of a post should make more sense than the comment section, collected several tweets that challenge the notion that anyone who believes women should be able to make their own reproductive choices could be “pro-life.”

    Conservatives believe that title should be strictly given to anti-abortion rights politicians like Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), who has executed more prisoners than any modern American governor, breaking the record of another “pro-lifer” — George W. Bush.

    But if Davis is intent on rebranding “pro-life” to actually caring for children once they are born, she could point out that abortion rates are higher in places where the procedure is illegal.

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Very OT: G you might be interested in this: Young teen set on fire on a bus! The perp did it b/c he was "homophobic"
    Page to help Sasha
    This sick bullshit is directly from Faux news and assholes like sarah palin! I bet the perps parents watch fox news every night!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

      Thanks for the links, especially the second. The two who helped put out the flames then disappeared are true heroes.
      Where does all this hate come from? What did this kid do to deserve this?

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    OMG she is just what Texass needs.

  9. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Wow, abortion Barbie. Imagine if members of the media called You Know Who something similar. These same people would have been all WAH WAH WAH, poor Sawah.

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    OK, guys...Wendy can use all the help she can get. Please, put your money where her mouth is:

  11. Anonymous3:40 PM

    This says it all:

  12. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I couldn't be prouder of Wendy Davis then I am at this moment . You might say she is the Antithesis of Paul Rand (Intelligence versus ? ).She gives hope ,PR gives fear .
    We are now bugeting to give her campaign financial support .
    No we are not from Texas .

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I was wondering how long it'd take for the immature little boys to start whining about a strong, intelligent woman, like this.

    Can you just imagine what shitfits we're in store, for, once Hillary becomes the Prez?

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM won't be pretty. We must take back Congress so Barack has a chance to get this country on a stable footing before she takes over.

  14. Anonymous4:28 PM

    O/T Party Arrivals

    7:58 p.m.: Palin recounts family story

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Rev. Billy Graham’s message saved her mother “rocked her world, transformed her life.”

    Her mother led the rest of the family to Christ. They were baptized together in a cold lake in Alaska – one that Rev. Franklin Graham flies over today when he goes to his remote Alaskan retreat.

    She said she wants the evangelist to live another 95 years.

    “We want to be able to call you Methuselah,” she said.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

      Great, another 95 years! Hey, Billy, mind if Sarah calls you "Meth"?

    2. Anonymous3:58 AM

      I thought Sarah's mother was raised a Catholic. If so, then she was baptized as an infant and all one needs is one baptism. If her mother's Billy Graham "transformation" had any effect on daughter Sarah, then we know that it was not a transformation for the better.

    3. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Saved her mother? Oh, you mean after she got pregnant out of wedlock? Or was she saved before she sinned? And gee, if Sally was such a great Christian mom, she sure missed the boat on moral training with Sarah and Chuck Jr. Not to mention with her grandkids. Not sure Billy would be too proud of Sarah and the clan were he lucid enough to even know she was there.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:55 PM

    Wendy is wise to frame her position on women's health in these terms because it flips "Pro Life" in the uber conservative sense and brands it with most pro choice people's views. Abortion should be legal, safe and rare. (ht Hillary Clinton).
    The wingnuts view pro choice people as "loose" and who willy nilly decide to use abortion as their only form of birth control.

    The level of bullying the far right is showing is the perfect platform for her to explain her views and stand up to the bullys. She's one smart woman, I pity the candidate they choose to go against her.

  16. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Bravo to Wendy Davis. When I encounter a "pro-lifer" I always ask the person if he/she supports universal health care. The person always hesitates and I say to them that they cannot truly be "pro-life" if they do not care what happens once a child is born. Then, because this is almost always a telephone call soliciting my vote or my money, I hang up. As far as I'm concerned people cannot be "pro-life" unless they care about education, health care, employment and decent housing.

  17. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I too am pro-life. I am also, like Davis, a woman who prefers that a woman's health decisions are between her and her doctor, not between her and her GOP reps. I never had an abortion and know no one who has. But were my DIL to get pregnant again and face death, I would certainly want her and my son to have the option to end the pregnancy so she can raise their two beautiful children. They are in Texas, so the possibility that her IUD will be taken away looms large. Then what? Are they to be celibate until menopause? The GOP has more than a few screws loose. Cover Viagra for men who can impregnate into their 70's, but ban women from contraception? Does that even make sense? Go Wendy!!

  18. Punkinbugg9:48 AM

    This election could tip the scales for the entire nation if she wins in 2014. If she helps Texas turn blue in 2016, there is no mathematical way a Republican could win the White House. That's why this race is receiving national attention.

  19. The media creates the reality, and this label thing started years ago. There was the anti and pro abortion crowd. It was a limited issue, with clear boundaries. When the anti-abortion crowd decided to call themselves "pro-life," instead of rejecting it based on a ridiculous attempt to overreach, the media went along with it. It would be the same thing if they decided to call themselves "pro-america" or some other ridiculous title. It has zero to do with the issue. Journalists were complicit. They put the abortion-rights defenders in a very bad, public relations position, because from then on, the republicans were the party of life, and the democrats the party of death. This is no small matter. Propaganda is never a small accomplishment. We lost our democracy because we lost the fourth estate, and for no other reason.


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