Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You may have missed this but, according to the Right Wing, Sarah Palin really "schooled," "slapped down," and "demolished," Matt Lauer on Monday.

Sarah Palin uses her death stare to emasculate Matt Lauer, just like she did Todd.
Okay well I covered the interview on Monday, and I thought I did a fine job. However apparently I missed the part where Palin handed Lauer his ass.

I feel so ashamed.

Because according to Fox News she schooled Matt Lauer.

And according to Newsbusters she slapped him down,

And according to Rush Limbaugh she demolished Lauer.

Wow, how did I miss that!

Okay so here is the part that seems to have tickled the Right Wing taint.

Just in case you did not understand her response here is what she said spelled out for you:

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again. And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care."

Do you get it now?


Thank God, I thought it was just me. 

Holy moosecrap on a cracker that is ignorant blather. And what the hell is "less tort reform threat?"

There is literally NOTHING in that which could be described as an answer to Lauer's question. It is simply a bunch of words strung together to give the appearance of an answer. In fact I think it is right up there with her "I'll try to find you some and bring'um to ya" response to Katie Couric back in 2008.

However this is what passes for a liberal media ass kicking among the conservatives these days.

Gee no wonder she can sell them ghostwritten books about a made up war on the most popular holiday in the country.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Less tort reform? Isn't it her party that wants tort reform??

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      No, no. Less tort reform threat. Whatever that means.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Less tort and more do-nuts.

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Same people who to this DAY think she won the VP debate against Biden. I rest my case.

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Tundra Spice also stated today that she'd "rather go to Canada" for healthcare. WTF? She's a complete loose cannon.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Why doesn't she send all her kids and grandkids there than?
      What a flippin' Cunt!

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      That would be an amazing story, if only it was true...which it's not. I don't know if it was meant to be humorous or as bait to embarrass any takers but the story is sourced to a website based in Nigeria that has 'wit' as part of it's name.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Why isn't media asking her about her family health care? She needs to be real and transparent with people. She could talk about something she knows. If she is dumb on that she can ask Todd, he rarely leaves her side in public. He could clear up everything and help those that could benefit from his family insurance situations.

      She continually squawks about ACA and media just sleeps and allows the charlatan to scam others.

  4. I’d be upset if I cared about Matt Lauer, but I don’t. Let her think she’s finally won. Her head will swell and she’ll come back with something even more outrageous, like maybe, China is the capitol of Japan.

    1. Our Lad5:16 PM

      Wait a minute. Since when is China not the capitol of Japan?

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I had almost the exact thought. What the eff will she do next. She's no longer just mad, she's seething. Tried about everything and none of it's really workin for her anymore. Been thinking full-out meltdown tantrum, on camera. That should do it, eh? One can dream.

    3. Sally in MI5:49 PM

      Wait. I thought Japan was a huge company trying to take over American jobs? You mean, they are a country? With a capitol and everything? Whew. Bristol, put down those US magazines and get busy on that Google thing, willya?

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      She's busy getting Tripp pedicures,. Sally. Can't be bothered. Maybe she asked for a raise and was declined.

  5. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Abbie Huntsman was on Politics Nation with Rev. Al Sharpton. She said that palin just puts verbs and nouns together and hopes she sounds intelligent.

    1. Crystal Sage5:17 PM

      Saw that and thought that a smart, educated young Republican woman like Abbie must cringe at the ravings of Palin.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She also makes that same gesture, the sweep with her right hand to the front of her body, then the "capture" with her fist. It's weird. She has done it over and over in the interviews over the last few days. And she's done it when her words don't fit the gesture -- with varying words.

    3. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Thanks for bringing that up, 5:28 PM. What the heck IS that? in her odd cognitive thought process, she's brought a bunch of gibberish together? Between that and the finger-pointing...

    4. I think it's part of her beauty pageant training.
      You know, say 3 points or verbs or adjectives every single time, while gesturing and being vibrant.

      Or she's hallucinating bugs from her drug use.

      In picture 2 of this link -,0,7047047.photogallery

      There are odd lines on her right forearm. Are they scratches or wrinkles? Is she picking at her skin like a drug addict? Or a sign of mental disorder?

    5. Anonymous6:52 AM

      her tissue thin skin wrinkling...

    6. Anonymous7:38 AM

      That gesture is what Creepy Chuck taught her when she was young. Watch again and you'll see what I mean.

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If this was supposed to be a journalist interviewing a political figure, then yes, I'd say Lauer failed utterly. But if this was meant to be entertainment, then - ok then . .

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM

    When will this nightmare finally be over..........the country will not heal till this...this....charlatan finally exits stage left....or right....makes no difference to me so long as she get's the hell out of my sight......she damages my calm almost beyond repair.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      If you don't look for articles about her you won't see her, the kochs helped her get in some shows in exchange for her bashing ACA. Once she is done promoting "her"book, is back to hanging upside down her cave. I know the feeling of anger when reading too much about that demonic creature, sometimes is good to take a break.

    2. Anonymous2:46 AM

      5'08 anon:
      You are so correct. I was the one who tried to go see her at B&N in Easton, but was 156 in line so not guaranteed a spot.
      I was so set on finally being able to tell her to her face what so many are afraid to tell her - YOU DID NOT FOOL ME.I really thought it would give me some closure.
      I do need to take a break as it is just disgusting that she gets so much money and such public forums.
      I can only hold out hope that the implosion and exposure of all her crap will be worth the angst she puts all smart critical thinkers through,Also. Too.

  8. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "Moose crap on a cracker,", That is hilarious Gryphen !!

  9. Boscoe4:47 PM

    Well c'mon Gryph, they love Palin and actually thought Mittens would win by "a landslide". How much lower could the bar BE? At this point, they've dug a pit so deep for it, the bar is in danger of being melted by magma.

    You remember a few years ago when the bar for Palin's VP "debate" was that she didn't vomit or shit herself? Good times...

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      This is yet another comment that makes me yearn for a like button 'round these parts.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I'll second(2nd) that, Boscoe. Plenty of 'good ones' to choose from. Button would probly wear-out, in short order.

      Paul in Indiana

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Nice try, Gryph, but I am still not going to listen to the old cow mooing.

    I find it hilarious that the RWNJs are crowing about Sarah getting the better of a pantywaist like Matt Lauer. Fucking hilariousl

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Apparently Mr Lauer is already having a sad about his Halloween gig not giving him a much sought after popularity boost. Now this. He has patented his mr nice guy role so there's no fightin' back against the fox or the ferret-ess. Wouldn't be the least surprised to see her wrangle a return visit to the show to hug him and 'pologize for those big bullies pickin on him. He's spineless. She's shameless. Poor dude. Does he even know about the Palin curse?

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      And now he has to go all the way to Alaska to kiss her stinky ass some more! How low can his career sink? I'll enjoy finding out.

  11. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Ooooooo... that's her "I'm not giving it out tonight" look.

    Todd used to see it every night.

  12. Anonymous4:52 PM

    $carah and her TeaTHug buddies wouldn't know a plan if it bit her in her scrawny ass. Those are "hoped for results, not a plan. More proof that Palin doesn't speak basic English- deport the bitch.

  13. Anonymous4:55 PM

    In her little mind, Sarah Palin made a lot of sense to herself and that is all that matters to that retard.

  14. Anonymous5:00 PM

    She was stammering all over the place and was determined to get her rehearsed answer out no matter what Lauer did. She has absolutely no clue what she is saying and it just is pathetic that no one ever calls her out on her crap. Disgusting!!!

  15. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Palin kept talking over Lauer, interrupting him and rolling on. Her voice was nearly a scream, she was shrill and angry. She lost control. If cramming in her talking points (not necessarily in order) is a triumph, then Sarah won because she out-shouted Laurer.

    When Sarah talked to Jake Tapper, her voice was under control, and if I had to make a guess, she was either medicated or someone to her to calm down. It didn't matter. Sarah didn't bother to answer Tapper's questions; she just talked around the subject of the question.

    Examples: Palin had absolutely no idea how to answer the question about the Pope because she doesn't know what the Pope has been saying. She could only go by what she reads in the media. Sorry, Palin, the Pope has given interviews and his sermons are recorded. I'm not Catholic and I know what the Pope has saying about making the Church more inclusive, including gays. (Shock, horror!)

    Palin also could not tell which church she went to in Wasilla, meaning, she does not go to church, anywhere. (Or she would have said the such-and-so church in Anchorage or nearby Palmer, but she didn't). These are not hard questions. They are fair questions, since Palin is selling a book about religion, but she couldn't answer any questions about the Pope or what church she goes to. (See the difference. Palin won against Lauer because she shouted him down and didn't stammer for an answer as she did on CNN).

    Another question that Sarah could not answer was another one of those gotcha questions, "How's Trig doing?" Any mother could tell a cute story about Trig getting ready for the holidays, but Palin has no idea how Trig is, so she yammered on about learning that he was going to be born with Down syndrome, and she would change anything about him. So, Sarah, "How IS Trig doing?"

    For anyone who wants to wait in line, get a wrist band and meet the Great Palin in person, you have three ready made questions to ask Palin: How's Trig doing? What church do you go to? Which liberal policies of the Pope do you object to? (Sarah didn't like that the Pope was kind of liberal.) Don't ask, What do you think of the Pope, because that just gets a He's Great, or He's too liberal. Pin her down.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      According to c4p account, they had ten seconds and major security.. "Only time for fawning, thank you, move along....." Typical Queen Heifer.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Yep, I waded into the peepond and delusional Emily, the previous suicidal teen( don't jump on me, she's the one that told everyone on those darned intertubes) went to see Sarah, there was a link in the comments and Emily is just how I imagined for a local interview. Friendless, no personality, grasping at anything, even the peepond for friends.

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      @7:23 I know Emily from the internet intertubes, and how she poured our her fan worship of Sarah Palin, even running up to Sarah to have a photo taken after some speech. (Oh, be still my heart, I finally got to meet her, sigh). Emily was whisked away in 10 seconds. She barely got to name the fan website where she offers comments. "Oh, they're good people," Sarah tossed off, and Emily was out of there. Hey, hurry up kid, I've got books to sell. You're holding up the line. Todd is there to play back up, because he add, "Nice to see you again." He doesn't remember Emily any more than Sarah did.

    4. Anonymous2:52 AM

      According to c4p account, they had ten seconds and major security.. "Only time for fawning, thank you, move along....." Typical Queen Heifer.

      plenty of time to say alot. i would have needed 13 seconds to say my piece politely!!I

  16. Anonymous5:11 PM

    wait a moment here. Matt Lauer hosted Sarah Palin on his show. It was not a confrontation between them, right? It was a host, with a guest, and they were conversing about things like her book and her views. Nothing adversarial (man is that a word that cosmically describes Ms. Palin) was intended, right? So, what's up with the crowing about schoolings or drubbings, or whatever conquest she is supposed to have smote Mr. Lauer with? I don't get it.
    This was a friendly interview, right?

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I agree with you 5:11. An interviewer can ask great questions (he didn't) or not. The guest can give a good answer or not (she didn't).

      I don't get the mildly violent language to explain how it went. Too much in American politics is all about who "wins", and I'm afraid everything else is trampled in that quest.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      the only "drubbing" I perceived matt to receive was the fact that he's so intimidated by her that he asked powder puff questions..the fact that she didn't answer them made him look like a spineless tool...

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      I think it's funny that the RWNJ's credit Palin with opening a can of whoop-ass on Matt, when all on her own, she opened it on, and sprayed it all over herself.
      Witness her insurance alternatives.
      Man, that woman is an idiot.

  17. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Who cares? Matt Lauer is a washed up never was also too.
    This only further proves that the tea party is in its deth throes.

  18. Well, the Right is correct when they claim that Sarah came out on top after the Lauer intevriew - but not for the reasons that they think. Matt Lauer was an epic fail for not challenging the crap that The Quitter spewed out. How Lauer could sit across from her and listen to her verbal diarrhea - as if it made any sense - confirms that he has absolutely no credibility. Shame on Matt Lauer!

  19. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Palin's inanity about the " threat of tort reform " is typical Palin.
    Just gibberish.
    I bet she thinks it's something about protecting bakeries from lawsuits.
    And this high pitched gobbedlygook is Palin
    " eating Lauer's lunch " as described by some
    love sick tea bagger ?????
    Just like wimpy Cruz " ate Leno's lunch " last Friday night ....
    The worse a tea bagger behaves in public,
    the more their cult predictably
    gushes about their disastrous performance.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      their perception of the world in general is twisted and delusional..they think screaming "I know you are, what am I?" is an acceptable and praiseworthy line to spew out in a wonder she's their goddess, no one exemplifies childish behavior like simple-minded sarah.

  20. Our Lad5:18 PM

    I think I'm back to my original assessment of this fuckin bonehead. It's Andy Kaufman. He's alive and godammit, he's punked us again!

  21. $arah doesnt know a tort from a taco...

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      You mean a TORT is not a TART?

  22. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Fan base: "She's just like ME!" Of COURSE she is, hun......

  23. Anonymous5:32 PM

    That was her "schooling" him?

    These people have a very tenuous hold on reality, don't they?

  24. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Since when is "slapping down" and "schooling" and "demolishing" an interviewer important? Isn't it about what is asked and what is answered?

  25. Anonymous5:45 PM

    So, is the schooled, slapped, and demolished Lauer still going to AK in December?

    1. Anonymous10:55 PM

      That's my question too. That should be awkward.

    2. Anonymous12:36 AM

      he ought to cancel if he wants to save face. Otherwise, Sarah will make moose stew out of him.

  26. Anonymous5:50 PM

    And what have those fucking Palins and their paid stalkers done to Sunny this time?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      What are you talking about? Just wondering.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Who is sunny?

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Sunny's FB has gone dark. Again. The last time it was because of harassment by Palin-supporting sock puppets. They went after Sunny and Levi's friends and family and people with only connections to them. Levi has filed for joint custody, so it was probably only a matter of time until Sunny couldn't stand it any longer. The Palin stalkers make FB a very unpleasant place. But that's no surprise.

    4. Anonymous10:17 PM

      No. Her FB is alive and well.

    5. Anonymous11:00 PM

      Well, if that is true, I am very sorry. I really like Levi and Sunnny and Breeze. I want them to be safe, secure, and happy.

      Bristol needs to get a life or get laid. Sorry, I am a female and I know it helps. getting laid, that is. Searching for Mr. Trial Husband. Keep looking, honey. He's out there somewhere.

    6. Anonymous7:08 AM

      I thought Levi and Sunny were part of the marketing plan to keep the palins in the news so sarah can hock her book?? if they're not team palin why don't they speak up?

    7. Anonymous5:20 PM

      She should be able to adjust her privacy settings and choose her friends carefully enough to keep sh*t off her page.

  27. Anonymous5:51 PM

    "The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans have been proposed over and over again. And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care."

    "How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make." --Sarah Palin, July 4, 2009.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      This from a secession supporter....?......and which country may I ask?

    2. Anonymous12:34 AM

      Give Alaska back to the Russians as long as they take the Palins with the deal.

    3. Anonymous5:48 AM

      And her "higher calling" would be .... ?

  28. I think it is important to remember that there has not been a sudden surge of interest in Palin, with major media outlets clamoring to interview her. (Though I'm sure that's how Palin sees it, based on her strutting and preening for the cameras and microphones.)

    This is a book tour. The publisher of her current collection of ghost-written ramblings, as is usual, arranged for all these interviews as part of the usual publicity and marketing efforts to ensure that the book sells.

    A new book comes out, print, tv, radio, and online venues are contacted. If the media outlets think they will receive viewers, readers, listeners, or clicks, they will book the author.

    It doesn't matter whether people tune in as fans or to point and laugh.

    She is, as usual, deluding herself if she thinks this is part of some renewed interest in her on the part of the American people.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      My grand unified field theory includes a twist on this. Yes, it's a book tour, but why are the major news outlets providing air time and lobbing softballs? Outside of Faux news, news people are not so dumb as to fail to notice they're interviewing an idiot. I think maybe Our Lady of Perpetual No Hair has the GOP powers-that-be by the short hairs: they know they've created a monster that is way too big for its britches, but if they don't throw it bones once in a while then it will really turn on them, pea brain disciples and all. So, sure, why not, pull a few strings, arrange a few appearances on a few morning shows. A small price to pay, really.

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      The media also covers train wrecks like Anna Nicole Smith and that crazy Miss South Carolina whose wacky answer such as and such as tops Palin. I wonder if the media covers Palin because it provokes a laugh and people shake their head, saying, "Nobody can be that stupid."

    3. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Thanks Nefer. I really needed that.!!

  29. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Wait...she wants LESS tort reform? She's so fucking stupid...

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      She's afraid of the tor reform threat. Be afraid, be very afraid.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Less Tort reform is the Libertarian Kockoctopus way! They don't want to clean up the mess they make or be responsible in a anyway. A lawyer told me it is the republicans that are stifling people from suing companies about faulty products etc.
      She always has to get those kockbros talking points in...

  30. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I will ask again. Please ,can some of you smart computer people......when the big bear that stands up, throws his head
    back and then growls after one of her rants, as it's head comes
    forward , can you make it vomit!

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      That would be hilarious.

  31. Anonymous6:33 PM

    That was a Miss Wasilla beauty pageant response

  32. Anonymous7:30 PM

    The old hooh-hah flashed Lauer, stunning him for the win?

    1. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Wow. Not saying this just to be mean, but it is an honest observation, her face looks plastic here.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      that's jake tapper and flashing beaver didn't prevent him from being slightly bolder in his questions...

  33. Anonymous7:41 PM

    The baggers cling to the Mama Grizzly takes no prisoners myth.
    The stupidity of these folks is staggering.

    1. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Exactly! Any investigative journalist could shut her down in a heartbeat. Why don't they? I blame our "reality TV" culture. The more bizarre the better for ratings and online clicks.

  34. Anonymous8:37 PM

    As she continues to spout her word garbage, and the media continue to give her credence, why should she feel motivated to improv e her garbage? If it works, don't fix it. Sadly....

  35. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I like this analogy:

    On MSNBC on Monday, Josh Green, a political correspondent for Bloomberg BusinessWeek, declared: “Sarah Palin is an entertainer. She is not a politician anymore. She is the equivalent of Skid Row or one of those ’80s bands that is out on the state festival circuit with the carnies and the farm animals playing their greatest hits and trying to earn a dollar.”

    Truer words have never been spoken

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Josh Green says it so well.... “Sarah Palin is an entertainer. She is not a politician anymore. She is the equivalent of Skid Row or one of those ’80s bands that is out on the state festival circuit with the carnies and the farm animals playing their greatest hits and trying to earn a dollar.”

      Sarah Palin is morphing into the Breitbort pimp in this picture she posted on facebook.
      What next?

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      equivalent of the airport hotel bar lounge lizard entertainer Bill Murray used to play on snl.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Do not go to the site o the facebook, it is some kind of Russian language site.

  36. Anonymous12:29 AM

    2 Secret Service Supervisors Cut From Obama's Detail After Alleged Misconduct.

    Shailey Tripp was correct in her assertions. There is definitely a culture of corruption in the Secret Service.

    I hope Malia picks up on this.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      links ?

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      That is huge, doubtful we will hear much more about it. Secret Service problems get swept under the carpet. Career miscreant, close to Palin family in Alaska, David Chaney gets special treatment. Not a word about investigating his connections to Todd Palin, sex workers and trafficking.

      Two Secret Service Agents Axed from Obama Protection Detail
      Agents cited for misconduct dropped from the Secret Service's most elite assignment
      Comes more than a year after a different agent got in a fight with a prostitute over a fee while in Colombia ahead of President Obama's visit Same old culture and cover ups.

  37. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Do yourself a favor and read some of the 5 star reviews of Palins new book on Amazon. Clearly, she's been punked. Some are truly hysterical!

  38. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Drugs and mental illness is a scary combination. Why isn't this woman locked up? Seriously. She needs help.

  39. Anonymous5:30 AM

    This one on Amazon is by far my favorite!

    "Finally after millennia of trying to get to the crux of our human condition, a mind of ultimate wisdom powered by a voice of persuasive eloquence brings us the single greatest work to come out of the Western tradition. When you were sleep-walking through school and wondering what was the point of all those hard books -- why read Aristotle, why read Sartre, why read Shakespeare? Well, here is the answer. All of those lesser lights were preparing us for this. My only regret is that I have now experienced the highest point of my intellectual life without having prepared myself adequately for it. I will need to revisit the entire Western canon and re-read and re-imagine each classic in light of this truly greatest of classics. What the name "Einstein" meant for the 20th Century as an icon for ultimate intelligence, the name "Palin" will mean for this and for every succeeding century as the ultimate in human achievement. I thank God that I walk the earth in the same era as this greatest of the great. The Palin Era is upon us."

  40. Anonymous5:45 AM

    The panel then moved on to the final topic, but as soon as Stewart said Sarah Palin's name, everyone shouted, "Racist." However, after seeing a clip wherein Palin compares the national debt to slavery, everyone on the panel changed their answer to variations of the word, "Stupid."

  41. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #75 in Books

    Her book was #30 on Tuesday's release date. At this rate it should be in the bargain bin by Thanksgiving!!

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Right on schedule as predicted!

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Most Helpful Customer Reviews

      221 of 289 people found the following review helpful

      The pinnacle of Western Civilization
      By Arken on November 12, 2013
      Format: Hardcover
      Finally after millennia of trying to get to the crux of our human condition, a mind of ultimate wisdom powered by a voice of persuasive eloquence brings us the single greatest work to come out of the Western tradition. When you were sleep-walking through school and wondering what was the point of all those hard books -- why read Aristotle, why read Sartre, why read Shakespeare? Well, here is the answer. All of those lesser lights were preparing us for this. My only regret is that I have now experienced the highest point of my intellectual life without having prepared myself adequately for it. I will need to revisit the entire Western canon and re-read and re-imagine each classic in light of this truly greatest of classics. What the name "Einstein" meant for the 20th Century as an icon for ultimate intelligence, the name "Palin" will mean for this and for every succeeding century as the ultimate in human achievement. I thank God that I walk the earth in the same era as this greatest of the great. The Palin Era is upon us.

  42. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Irony strikes again...

    Companies AGAINST "Christmas"
    Barnes & Noble

  43. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Jay Leno's "Trending Tomorrow" @ 2:30 mark

  44. Anonymous6:48 AM

    A divisive approach may sell books, but it doesn't describe this community.

  45. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Walmart will not tell us how many people are here to see Palin, but there were 100 lined up at about 9, I was told.

    All media will be escorted off the property after we get five minutes seeing Palin, we are told.

    About 8 media members and myself now locked in a back room. We aren't allowed to talk to guests here to see Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Comment From Guest
      Marathon County needs to invoice Ms. Palin as the event is private - the media is not allowed to attend and are being escorted from a commercial property. Unbelievable!!! from a person writing a book about the freedom of religion.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      @SarahPalinUSA book-signing agents force @wausauherald journalists to stay locked in Walmart room out of sight, except for 5 minutes.

    3. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Always question authority. Why aren't you 'allowed' to talk with free people at any time! PO'd.

      WTF is Palin anyway, but a fame whore?

    4. Anonymous8:43 AM

      'About 8 media members and myself now locked in a back room. We aren't allowed to talk to guests here to see Palin.'

      Journalists all over the country will tolerate that. Others will gloat and applaud Palin for how she handles the media. She is on a roll. She "schooled," "slapped down," and "demolished" Matt Laurer. Has even humbled herself and did an apology of sorts on her Pope remarks to Tapper.

      When will Palin publish her book about the War on Media?

  46. Anonymous7:18 AM

    They kill trees for this... 'In the book, Palin calls for people to publicly celebrate Jesus Christ during Christmas and say “Merry Christmas” to one another.'

    Palin to sign new book during Walmart stop. The good news is the man found dead in the Walmart restroom has been ID'd .

  47. Anonymous7:23 AM

    • 14 minutes ago

    You know, one of these days Sarah Palin will be nominated for the Noble Peace Prize, peace through strength of course.


  48. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Palin is a person of faith and describes herself as “born again.” She attends a non-denominational church in Alaska.“When I was a young girl, I remember looking around the beauty of Alaska … and knowing even as a kid, wow, there is something greater than self,” said Palin.“I put my life in God’s hands at that moment,” said Palin, who added she was 12 at the time. “I remember calling out to God and saying, ‘I believe you.’”

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      What church? Funny no one in Wasilla has seen her in church in years. She dresses like a teenage prostitute (hey, maybe those are her role models) and talks like a sailor on leave. She speaks viciousness and negativity and never talks about the love of Christ or the power of forgiveness--things I would think a "person of faith" does. It says a lot about the state of Christianity in this country that she can pass herself off as a "person of faith."


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