Thursday, December 26, 2013

A final look back on the Palin style Christmas. Kinda reminds me of a funeral.

I remember when MY mother wore her hooker boots for Christmas. Wait no I don't, my mother is a lady.

By the way did you know that a lot of people mistakenly think that December 25th is the date that Jesus was born? Well they do, see!

Here's Tripp back from Arizona for a short time so that he can be featured in the Alaska family pictures. (Gotta maintain the facade don't you know.)

Of course one of the great things that most of us got for Christmas this year is the end of Palin's book tour. After all nobody buys a Christmas book after Christmas. (However if you are interested there is one more really great review you might enjoy.)

Of course sadly that does NOT mean that Palin will fade from the national spotlight as muhc as we might have all hoped that she would.

Next April will be the debut of her new show "Sarah Palin poses in camouflage clothing and pretends she knows the first thing about hunting."

Then of course there will be the 2014 primaries, where we can measure the desperation level of the conservatives by watching to see if they crawl to Sarah Palin for an endorsement, and then measure the intelligence of the candidates in the general by how much distance they put between her and them as they campaign against their Democratic rivals.

And sadly for the country her voice will be heard. Fox will interview her occasionally, just to break up the monotony of interviewing with people who know what they are talking about or who can string a sentence together that makes sense. 

She will undoubtedly have an article of two ghostwritten for her over at Breitbart,

And of course there will be her often bizarre and self serving tweets and Facebook posts.

However I really believe that if the progressives do well this next elections cycle, and really run the board on the Republicans, we could SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the number of times we have to hear from, or about, Sarah Palin in 2015.

In fact I think THAT could be a campaign slogan for the Democrats.


That would certainly get MY vote.

(Pictures courtesy of Chuck jr's Facebook page.)


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Birthday celebration?

    At last, Sarah Palin shows us what Christmas dinner at the Palin prison compound is really about for Jesus birthday.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Yes, along with those big, fugly windows!

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      that's photo-shopped. Even with the radical weight loss sarah still sports bat wings, her arms aren't toned like in that picture.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Yes, Sarah would never dine where a waiter is serving.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      top pic

      inbred white trash a go-go and hockey rink surplus

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Palin talking to her children on Christmas eve.

    Ok, which one of you bastard freeloaders got into my meth stash?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      smh at you

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      2:01 PM Do you have Parkinson's?

  3. PalinsHoax12:24 PM

    What's with the ugly hockey-rink-style hand railing leading up the stair case? Sure looks like it belongs to a hockey arena and not in someone's home.

    Hmmm . . . the words "pilfer, filch, and misappropriate", in major proportion, come to mind.

    1. You are too smart for you own good. BEWARE THE CURSE ! ! -:)

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Yes the ugly-ass railing on the stairway is nothing if not hockey-rink style. They think nothing of it being so obvious, really have no moral issues with it or any fear of legal consequences. Sort of like they're entitled, like grifters.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    My reaction to those Palin Photos:
    1. Nothing says I love Christmas and I love my family like sticking a grab bag present in a folded up brown paper bag.
    2. Who wants to bet that inside each brown paper bag lies a copy of Sarah Palin's book?
    3. I don't care if she calls it Eskimo Bingo. I wonder what the Eskimos call her. (Nothing says Christmas like stealing a gift and being selfish).
    4. That table, is set with as much loving care as went into wrapping the grab bag presents. The stuff reads, "Happy Birthday Jesus" showing what never was a birthday celebration back in the time of Jesus. (Who invented the cupcake and the candles anyway?)
    5. No, seriously, about that Jesus Birthday stuff. One candle on the cupcake means that Jesus is already on year old. That's not his birth. That's his first birthday. Happy Birthday Jesus. What happened to the Merry Christmas that Sarah was selling as the only allowed expression of the holiday?
    6. Sarah also put a Hanukkah plate on her table, even though Hanukkah was a month ago. (She said that she left her menorah out on her kitchen counter all December even though the holiday only lasts 8 days. This year, it was very early, coinciding with Thanksgiving, which means it was over by the first week of December. Nice Jewish touch, Sarah).
    6. I thought that stockings were hung by the fireplace with care in hopes that....oh, forget it, stick them on the wall.
    7. No one seems to care about that pile of grocery bags. While it might have been a cherished paragraph in Sarah's book, it does not look like the cherished tradition of either the Heath or Palin Family. (And what's with that red pillow thing? Is that like a wild card?)
    8. For someone who was worried that the bright lights of Christmas were being snuffed out in the (make believe) War on Christmas, Sarah did not decorate her tree with much care, either. Sorry, Sarah, but when you write the book on Christmas, your house has to absolutely reek of Christmas, Martha Stewart Christmas!
    9. Doesn't anyone in Alaska have a Christmas sweater or a Santa cap? The kid asleep on the couch has a Santa hat, but how about everyone else?
    10. I only have one thing to say to Sarah Palin, and everyone else. HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      You are just stupid. and hateful. I can help you find a life for yourself

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      12:26 PM

      Enjoy your wonderful and vibrant life. Don't fall for the fake Jesus birthday cult. They will steal your gifts and leave you no individual or creative thoughts.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      There's no camo clothing on anyone either. Mostly everyone is wearing black.

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      2:00, I doubt you could find your own ass with both hands. Go find your own god damned life before you worry about anyone else's.

    5. Anonymous2:44 PM

      2:00 PM You can't even find a Life for yourself, you are too busy Trolling, Visitor from United States.

    6. Anonymous3:19 PM

      I love the comment that no one is wearing camo. Don't they support the DD? Those Ducks wear camo all the time, and everything is covered in camo.

  5. Sarah Palin can never put her iPhone down! Never! Proof that she did not give birth to the human know as Trig.

    May Sarah Palin rot in the hell she is creating here on earth.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Mrs. Palin carries a Blackberry device or Android. No way is she an iPhone user.

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Bristol and the dud by the window are sexting. They can't even walk a few feet and have human contact. Maybe they don't have sex with Tripp at the motel. They just sext like a virgin.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Whatever device is attached to her hand, it appears she can't be without it. Sarah is photographed with it SO often. Remember, it was inches away as she carved the turkey with the cheese knife! Palin must think she is a very sought after individual or maybe she is keeping track of everybody else (and possibly what they think of her).

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I've seen Sarah with an iphone. Though I think she has a samsung, imho the better phone.

    5. Anonymous2:00 PM

      By the window? You sound mental. Seriously.

    6. Anonymous2:10 PM

      2:00 PM
      LOL "by the window" is mental? lol

    7. Nope. iPhone in that photo.

    8. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Alright, the male person in the dark cap with white print, grey shirt, near a large pane of glass, behind tree, and the pornstached male is on his phone.

      You can also see Bristol in the same picture with her slight grin looking at her phone.

      Is that too mental for ya?

    9. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Calling someone "mental" is akin to calling someone a "retard." Please think before you post.

    10. Anonymous2:21 PM

      2:00 You ARE mental, seriously.

    11. Anonymous2:42 PM

      1:59 PM You have seen pictures of Sarah, you have been sequestered for years.

    12. Anonymous3:04 PM

      2:21 PM

      link ? lol

      Seriously, you are projecting if you can't vet your false accusations.

    13. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I don't understand what they mean 'by the window' is mental?

  6. Levidumpedthepalins12:37 PM


    Throwing 'dem bones.

    I know devilment when I see it.

    Satanists, the lot of them.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I'm pleased that Tripp was able to spend some time with family on his father's side, too. Judging from the sweet pictures Sunny posted on her Facebook page Tripp looked very happy to be there.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      He's always been a happy kid.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      You. are a stalker.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Attention whore

    4. Anonymous2:39 PM

      1:59 PM NO, YOU are the Stalker. You are Sick with envy. When was the last time that you had a close friend? Bloggers are not your friends, you are a Nutjob whore seeking attention.

    5. Anonymous2:40 PM

      1:59 PM As with everything else that you have posted....BULLSHIT!!!

    6. Anonymous3:01 PM


      You seriously need to read this

  8. Crystal Sage12:59 PM

    A Very Goth Palin Christmas is what I see. Black leather at Christmas? Missing is the raw upside-down turkey carved with a cheese knife by Sarah and a whole lot of Christmas Cheer. Norman Rockwell on meth - that's a Palin Christmas.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      I wonder if the old perv upchuck is dying so that's why everyone wearing blk?

      And Willow, as YOU KNOW... the palins are stalkers, they project (all over the place) they are "mental" such classic palin trolling. Must of been a "White Christmas"....! snort snort!

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      The old perv is kept medicated and may not have long for this world. You know he would be yammering if he could. They are in tune with the dark side and it may be old perv or Sarah's end days.

    3. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Anonymous4:43 PM
      gosh we can only hope! A ray of light for the new year.

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    In the first photo, there's a small child sitting on the floor behind Willow who doesn't have shoes or socks on. They can't keep shoes or socks on a little one on Christmas Eve in Alaska?!

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Trig is sitting on the floor. And they are inside.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      That is the foot of a five year old child? Rilly?

  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    They are silly and tacky people with lots of cash. Whatever. Black is a nice color and I'd not make a big deal of them wearing black. They have big nice homes but there are no personal touches in their homes, no artwork, no family photos, nothing because they don't have the "decorating" gene. Whatever, the world watches them so they put on a show. No different than the duck people or the honey boo boo people. Just a bunch of hillbillies with money, nothing to see here. Just wake up each morning and be thankful that you are not so vacuous and shallow and stupid.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      I like black and I am fine with black goths. I just wish she wouldn't pretend for her book to be more Jesus baby birthday traditional.

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    That pillow looks familiar.....ahhhhh yes, the magic maternity pillow.

    Piper's has been colored to look more Palin and less Menard.

    Don't the floors in Alaska get really cold? Everyone but Sarah seems to be barefootin' and she has on walkin' tall boots to elevate her position on this holiest of occasions. A cupcake party for baby jesus. Damn, if that isn't a Hallmark Moment.

    I wonder if Junker "christmased" Bristol with the leather maternity pants and she was disappointed she didn't receive native art and craft items.

    I'm holiday snarked out for the season. Sarah really brings out our best, IMers. Love ya, Gyrph!!!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Is Sarah holding her most recent grandbaby? What happened to spongBob?

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Many homes in AK are built with in-floor heating so we can do hardwood or tile but still stay warm. It's a very cost effective solution as heat rises from the floor to warm the entire home and carpet just gets nasty in a snowy and wet climate. Same with heated driveways to alleviate ice build up after plowing.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Piper is WIllows twin. Both gorgeous. All the kids look like Todd.

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Pathetic you are still trying to say all of Sarah's children were fathered by her husband.

    5. Believe me, when I lived in Fairbanks I couldn't afford heated floors or heated driveways. And we never went barefoot indoors in the winter. But I did insulate the hell out of the walls ceilings and windows. I would never have had those two stories of bare windows like the Palins have. But then, they are living on other peoples' money, so what do they care about fuel costs?

    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      1:58 PM YOU LIE, and you are Blind. Piper and Track look like Curt Menard Jr. Track and Piper are Bastards, as described in the BIBLE!!!

    7. Anonymous2:34 PM

      1:42 PM Much more cost effective when Materials from the City Hockey Rink Construction are used for her house.

    8. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Really it doesn't look like they are having a good time.

      The Palin house was built with gas heat according to the tax records. So when did they put in the radiant heated floors? That appears to be old tile work, Do the Palins have heated driveways.......

    9. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Anybody who stands by and supports the Palins would respect that they like the language and guiding light of the Bible. Sarah is all about Gospel. That is very clear that she is in favor of the word bastard being used as the Gospel. You don't like the word bastard, you don't like Sarah or Gospel. You are a hypocrite in need of a life.

    10. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Anonymous1:58 PM

      Piper is WIllows twin. Both gorgeous. All the kids look like Todd.
      Piper is Joey boi's kid too? I thought she was a Menard?

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It's weird that they ALL wear black. Is that the winter style in Alaska? By the way, in the last picture I saw of Barstool she looked at least 6 month pregnant. I know she was pregnant because someone saw her in person, so what happened to the kid. I wonder if it was it given up for adoption....very interesting. These people are very secretive and dark. And I mean DARK in more ways than the dark and slutty way they dress.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Bristol's last baby daddy and baby

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Does anyone know what happened with this gutzy Bristol? That was July of this year.

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      While Sarah Palin is content taking a dump in her best supporter's pie holes when she puts up those half wit fuzzy photos on Facebook. At least, her brother, Chuck, has the decency to show some quality. I won't even call him an adulterer when he shows some self respect, but too bad he is one. He really needs redemption. Not some secret kind, where he uses religion but doesn't walk the walk.

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Classy is what commenters here are not.

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      @1:57 PM

      You might want to reconsider your phrasing, as you have just labelled yourself "not classy". Logic is your friend.

    6. Anonymous2:28 PM

      1:57 You do realize that YOU are commenting here too, don't you? Dumb ass!

    7. Anonymous2:29 PM

      1:57 PM Classy is something that you know nothing about, TROLL.

    8. Anonymous2:54 PM

      1:57 PM
      Go ahead and tell us more about this from US4Palin
      and after months of cover up, she uses prop at the happiest place on earth... she still looks pregnant or like she just popped another bastard.

      If you are like the Palins you like the Gospel and have no problem with Gospel speak.

      Chuck Heath Jr. needs to keep it classy and be up front about his adultery or stop pretending he did not conceive a bastard while still married to his two sons mother.

    9. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Anonymous2:09 PM

      @1:57 PM

      You might want to reconsider your phrasing, as you have just labelled yourself "not classy". Logic is your friend.
      Its Wallows, I don't think she understands...prob why she couldn't pass har test (boards)

  13. Anonymous1:26 PM

    As I suspected their family Christmas photo-op was a step above buying gift cards at Walgreens on Christmas eve and banquet turkey with stuffing tv dinners, but only a step above. I bet joey's sister was disappointed he spent Christmas with kling-on bristle. It's funny how all her boyfriend's sisters can't stand bristle.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's funny how stupid you are. Funnier that Joey's family LOVE Bristol.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      that's not what she said. she said joey likes to play the field and he wouldn't be tied down by the likes of someone like bristle. everyone knows she's on the prowl for a mate.

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      1:56 PM BWAHAHAHAHAHA, You don't know SHIT about Joey's Family. Joey just might be Bristol's new baby's Daddy. How many does that make? 4...or more. Bristol is a Baby Making Machine.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      You English challenged little piss ant. Do you ever read what you write? What's funny is YOU calling anybody stupid.

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Joey is still playing the field. He has included sexting with Bristol and those motel visits. He is all business and will honor his business with Todd.

    6. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's funny how stupid you are. Funnier that Joey's family LOVE Bristol.
      which Joey?
      Wallow and Bristles dad

  14. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Piper looks slutty with the dark stockings and she looks weirdly frightened or confused. Poor kid. At that age they just copy grownups I suppose. And if her older sisters (or Toad's g/f) are her role model....well...what do you expect.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      You act like you've never had a good role model in your life, like Gryphen.

      Pipers a pretty girl who has never not had a normal, happy life.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Piper is a Palin which means the odds are against her.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      1:56 PM Who Died and left your Stupid Ass in charge???

    4. Anonymous2:37 PM

      So sweet of you to call G a good role model. We always knew that you secretly admired him.

      Piper's a pretty girl who has NEVER had a normal, happy life. There. Fixed it for you. You're welcome.

    5. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Piper has "Roll" models as in "roll in the hay" and shoot out a baby ROLL models...
      cramp pills etc.
      Then there are the toads ho's and mamma ho bag sharia....

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Piper looks confused or upset. Poor kid wearing black fishnet stockings. But maybe that's the style in Alaska? It looks like everyone wears black, and I have no idea why anyone would wear the Palin woman's boots indoors. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      You sound mental. And stupid. and mean.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Those would be her cooking boots. She is wearing the apron, you know she has been in the kitchen in charge of the turkey or is it take out for Christmas?

      Will the Palin Mafia go dark and hide all the Christmas Day photos?

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Poor kid. It photographs like varicose veins. She looks like her granny Sally Heath doing goth.

    4. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Wearing black, it's easier to find them when they pass out in the snow.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Does anyone find it strange that most of the people are in their stocking feet, except for Sarah?

    6. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Sarah prob has to run up to taco bell for the crunchwrap supremes for dinner...and all...

  16. Anonymous1:49 PM

    PLEASE PLEASE tell me that's not Piper.
    Piper looks like she is working for Todd.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      In Training.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      1:55 PM You must be special, you can Hear what is written.

  17. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Love Gryphen's manipulation here. Immature for a grown man.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      1:51 PM You don't Love anything, you are the Manipulation Troll. You have no Life, other than these blogs. You are a LONELY Old Skank.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      First, define manipulation. Then explain exactly what it is that he is manipulating.

      Immature. Are you EVER going to learn a new word? I guess that would be asking a lot, wouldn't it?

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      The manipulation troll. I keep telling you. Turn the page on that "Word a Day" Calendar. That way, you can learn a new word, such as propaganda, brain washing, mind control, hypnotism, bias, yellow journalism.

      The one who has been manipulated is the Manipulation Troll, who thinks that her comebacks are smart writing. No, it's a one-note song, sung over and over.

    4. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Anonymous2:22 PM

      1:51 PM You don't Love anything, you are the Manipulation Troll. You have no Life, other than these blogs. You are a LONELY Old Skank.
      Lonely young skank on meth... wallows!
      cokin' and trollin' a palim christmas SNORT, SNORT!

  18. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "Happy Birthday Jesus"

    I didn't know they were celebrating Sarah's birthday.

  19. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Whats wrong with her boots? She looks good. That was just low, even for the blog king of low and juvenile crassness.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      We know you think she looks good.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Her Hooker Boots are to make her look taller than the kids. Juvenile crassness comes from Fools like you who Suck Up to the Palins. If you like being around Grifters and Criminals, enjoy the Faux Christians, but Donate to SarahPac or you will be sent away.

    3. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Me too. I always wear hooker boots with my apron when I cook for rill.

    4. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Sarah's a guest in that house, she just wanted to look good.

  20. somebody let John Steward know that SarahPackOfLies, has again lied.... there is not a menorah on that table. I recall her saying that she 'educates' her family by keeping one there during the month of Dec. He already called her on this....

  21. Anonymous1:53 PM

    It's the time we CELEBRATE his bday. sighhhh

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Every time a troll sighhhs, it's little head loses half an inch. You're pretty flat headed, aren't you?

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Sighhhh is what Sarah Palin did when Glenn Rice Pulled Out.

  22. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Gryphen, are you aware that a large percentage of the country doesn't follow Sarah, doesn't know anything about her, doesn't PROFESS to know things they do not. Most live their lives.

    And I think youre just jealous of large, close families who know how to have fun.

    Only small-minded, unhappy people pour over pictures desperately trying to manipulate others by "Explaining" them.

    You're in your 50s correct? Old enough to know how immature you are.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      go fix the picture on your blog, bristle. nancy fixed the others but the new says she wrote it when you double click the picture.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Projection. Ask you therapist about it.

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      1:55 PM Why are you up so late? You started your illiterate nonsense at 2:51 AM. Are you so lonely that you watch all of the blogs all night? Your IMMATURITY is showing, GET A LIFE, LIVE VIBRANTLY, GROW UP, YOU ARE SAD. Without the various anti-Palin Blogs, you would have no Life. Maybe Todd Palin needs a crazy new 'employee' to work the Rainbow Pimp's Lodge. You could scare some of the prey out into the open. Or you could be Todd's Oldest Prostitute.

    4. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Do you mean "pore" over, idiot?

    5. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Live their lives. Check.

      Jealous. Check.

      Fun loving family. Check & choke.

      Manipulate. Check.

      Immature. Check.

      Hey Dude! You forgot classy, Kool aid, sheeple, vibrating life, and a few others. You're slipping.

    6. Anonymous3:09 PM

      The manipulation troll! "Only small-minded, unhappy people pour over pictures desperately trying to manipulate others by "Explaining" them."

      Honey, do you even know what the word "manipulate" means? Every day, on every blog, in every newspaper, there are op ed columns where people express their opinions, and others either agree or disagree. It's a normal discourse, an exchange of ideas.

      Manipulation is different. The first definition is:
      handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner. The second definition: control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously. An example is to alter data.

      The problem, dear Troll, is that no one has manipulated those photos. They are exactly as Uncle Chuckie posted them on his Facebook. If people laughed at them or criticized them, they are expressing their first amendment right to free speech, the freedom that your brother so bravely defended where ever he was off there fighting to defend our freedoms.

      Do people manipulate others by expressing their opinions? No, honey, grow up! People are laughing at a woman who bravely defended Christmas which is under constant attack. Christmas is not under attack. Christmas is alive and well, but we did not see the beautiful manger scene in front of Sarah's house. We did not see the family going from house to house, singing carols. We did not see the family attending church together, in worship and in prayer. We saw people about to play a game where the object is to steal a desired present from someone else, ha ha. (Beautiful wrapping, too, brown paper bags, what thoughtfulness!) We saw a table set with tacky paper plates and cups, celebrating Christ's first birthday. Nice touch, the Hanukkah plate, since Jesus was Jewish. He would appreciate the thought. Manipulation? That would be Sarah who takes one small incident involving a school program and builds a book of outrage about it. Christmas is alive and well, having survived a fake war. But there is manipulation going on, and that would be the way that Sarah manipulates her children-- and of course the trolls who have to defend her against the Fake War on Palin. (Oooh, what an idea for another book). Happy Holidays.

    7. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Excellent! Hardy golf clap here.

    8. Anonymous3:53 PM

    9. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Awww don't spank the poor troll, she prob forgot she used to "pour" coffee not blogs...
      Its a Palin white xmas

  23. Anonymous1:56 PM

    "A final look back on the Palin style Christmas. Kinda reminds me of a funeral."

    You're not kidding Uncle Graph. Look at that wilty dried up fire trap they call a Christmas tree. Who died? Was that a last minute tree on the lot Sarah got for 99% off?

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Sarah! Your Xmas tree is a death trap.

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      That's what happens when you cut down your neighbor's tree. The neighbors got so sick and tired of the Palins stealing their trees that they sprayed them with a magic solution making the needles fall off if the tree was cut. Gotcha!

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Lighting fires is how palins "get rid" of the evidence, Mat-su dairy for example.
      Hey Dairygate!
      And guess who the judge is? Why Burgess of course.
      Only in Alaska!

  24. Anonymous1:59 PM


    Sarah Palin's Christmas tree makes Charlie Brown's Christmas tree look like a tree fit for a king.

  25. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Kind of funny that for once Gryphen didn't have someone stalk the Christmas dinner they always volunteer at. And yes they did this year on xmas day. There are pictures posted publicly by people who attended.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      You are pathetic. I hope the new year has you getting the help you need.

    2. abbafan2:16 PM

      palins"volunteer" at Christmas dinner? Good one! Don't make me laugh! Is that where those brown paper bags full of loot came from? Remember the inscription on the palin family coat of arms - "what's in it for us"?

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM


    4. Anonymous2:39 PM

      So provide 'em and prove us wrong. Who wears eff-me boots on a hardwood floor? Who does a "dollar store" table for Jesus? After all that harping??

      Now she's hinting at a '16 run? Oh TONS of us can't wait. Come on out, you drugged up coward. Come play with the big boys....oh that's right, you can't and you KNOW it. Snort another line, dearie.

    5. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Another Palin photo op? The best charity is the charity that is given anonymously, without claiming credit. The Lord knows who has charity in their hearts. It doesn't need a camera to document an act of loving kindness-- except if you're a Palin.

    6. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Project much?
      There is no charity dinner. "What's in it for us" is not charity. Grow up!

    7. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Oh Fuck Off, Troll. You have been posting for 12 hours. Do you ever sleep?

  26. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Mother like daughter, both those fuckwads Sarah and Bristol can't seem to put their lifelines down. Sarah and Mini Me Sarah, it is okay to put your phone down while you open gifts.

  27. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I thought there was a "war on Christmas" ... expected to see a bunch of the Palins with bandaged wounds and using crutches.

    Guess none of them decided to enlist.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      2:10 All mouth and no muscle. Chickenshits!

  28. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Vermont Toaster Company makes a toaster the burns the image of Sarah on the bread ... and on the other side the image of Jesus.

    We can send one to Gryphen ... for his birthday.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      He'd probably never eat toast again. Erp!

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      The image of Sarah is a Lump of Coal.

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    lol. re:funeral. You've obviously never experienced this fun family up close. You even more obviously don't know them. But that's not news, as you tell many lies.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      When will this fun family note Sarah's meth mouth, white snot globs for interviews, her skeletal Terri Schiavo look?
      Are they having too much fun?

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Oh, look, another manipulating troll comment. You girls are earning your consultants' fees early today.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      2:19 So do tell, which pic are you in? You were there, right? I think you tell many lies.

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM

      2:19 is at the window, peering in longingly.

    5. Anonymous4:33 PM

      My mistake, I thought that was their pet jackass.

    6. Anonymous5:33 PM

      2:19 They don't know you, other than your Stalking of their Facebook pages. You don't fit in, even with the most Dysfunctional Family in Alaska. How does it feel to be an unwanted outcast?

  30. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Aw, Ive always been impressed by Tripp and his maturity for his age. Most kids are so set on not obeying, it's refreshing how well he listens and that he enjoys things like cleaning. He's been riding a bike sans training wheels down hills since age 3.

    Brava to excellent mothers.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      How well Tripp obeys? Bristol wrote a letter to Melissa Rivers saying that she had to bribe him with popsicles in order to get him to obey. Most kids DO want to obey. Tripp is the one who acts up. He's been riding a bike sans training wheels down hills since age 3. "Sans," Really? Et, vous parlez français, aussi. Does he also ride up the hills? Oh, and you speak Italian, too, Oh, guarda, si parla italiano! That makes it look as if Tripp is raised by more than one person. Brava, troll! Bravisima!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Bristol is either a horrible mother because she can't control Tripp or a horrible mother because she lied about not being able to control Tripp in order to "star" in a reality teevee show.

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Most kids Tripp's age are NOT set on disobeying. I swear, it's like you've never actually met a kid before.

    4. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Bristol did not do herself any good with her TV documentaries.

      This transcript is horrible


    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      How many baby mammas does tripp have?
      Sunny is a real mom.
      Brillos not so much.

    6. Anonymous5:30 PM

      How long has he been getting pedicures? Know it all!!

  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Everything Sarah Palin does is distract people from her lies. Especially the biggest lie about supposedly birthing a baby in April 2008. I expect 2014 to be more of the same from Sarah Palin, flitting from one shiny object to another, word salad at the ready.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      That's the reason that Sarah identifies so much with Christmas. Her Wild Ride and Christmas both described an unbelievable birth. (Joseph: What, I'm not the father?)

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      The immature troll never replies to comments about the faked birth of Trig. Just too much of a coward, I guess.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      3:23 The immature/manipulator troll never replies to Todd's Sex Trafficking either.

  32. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Okay Piper are you wearing Sarah's slutty nylons or will Sarah be wearing your slutty nylons?

  33. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I hope Piper's outfit came with birth control pills.

    Boy is Sarah going to be in for a big surprise.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Don't worry, I'm sure Sarah got this one fixed.

  34. Anonymous2:35 PM

    This is as touching as when Todd gave Sarah a wedding ring.

  35. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Kind of off topic but I'm cleaning out old bookmarks on Safari and just went to a folder I had on Mrs. Palin during her VP campaign and found some great stuff. I really had forgotten how cloistered she became once McCain realized what he had on his hands and this ADN article is a great example of how many interviews were cancelled at the RNC convention once he realized both her intellectual and political shortcomings. Suffice it to say, all the interviews were cancelled and she was put into a closet until they could find someone kind and gentle enough to interview her. Those kind and gentle folks, Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric didn't end up being as kind as the campaign thought they would. Anyway, I thought this article was insightful regarding the pull back from interviews and media coverage The Palin experienced at the very front of her VP nod.

    1. "Those kind and gentle folks, Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric didn't end up being as kind as the campaign thought they would. "
      I thought they were, in fact, very kind and gentle. It wasn't their fault they interviewed someone with the intelligence of a chia pet and the disposition of a pit viper with an infected fang.

  36. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I see an Abercrombie bag under the Christmas tree in the top photo. According to Sister Sarah, I thought this Christmas was supposed to be about Jesus?

    My bad.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Anom 2:39 you didn't know that Baby Jesus wears Abercrombie?

  37. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Think I see Joey and Track behind the tree shooting up.

  38. OMG - those plates and cups really do say "Happy Birthday, Jesus"! Probably bought at HobbyLobby.

    1. Sally in MI3:57 PM

      All except the small blue stack that says "Happy Hanukkah" and were probably on sale since Hannukah was last goodness, for someone pretending to be all about Jesus, does Sarah even know that the Jews think Jesus was merely a prophet, and that the Messiah has yet to appear? Nah, of course not.
      The other thing I noticed when I blew up the photos is that Piper was in age-appropriate lace stockings, and she has really flat feet. Don't see DWTS in her Magic 8 ball.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Tacky! Really Tacky! I thought that Sarah was all about Merry Christmas.

  39. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The trolls verified that Bristol is sexting on Jesus birthday party for kids with that guy she verified she went to the motel with Tripp.

    Nancy tried to clean it up with the post of a bible quote and the Virgin Mary and baby. EPIC FAIL JOB.

    Bristol is a ho (not the word for her in Bible) and Tripp a bastard.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Isn't there a case where Sarah was sexting with a young boy? What is it with the Palin's and their phones?

      Bristol and that man should get a room and not sext at a party for Jesus where there are young children. Look at her face. She needs to clean up her act.

  40. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Love those skin tight leather pants Bristol is wearing. Are those the ones Mommy Dearest wore when she crashed the motorcycle rally on her infamous bus tour?

    I bet those thunder thighs will be hot and steamy under those leathers when Joey takes Bristol home.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Joey probably can't squeeze them off of Bristol. Most likely will just have to cut a big slot in those leather pants.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Ahhh, leather. I thought they were spray painted on.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Are we sure that is Bristol, not the look-alike cousin?

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Pleather. The payme's are too cheap unless someone gave them for free.

  41. Anonymous3:31 PM

    You can always tell when Gryphen hits the nail smack on the head when the Manipulation Troll comes out to comment. The word "manipulation" is not used correctly. No one is slanting the story, spreading lies or doing anything else to distort the story. The photos are exactly as posted on Chuck Heath Jr.'s Facebook. All that people are doing are commenting about the photos. Maybe some of the comments make fun of people who wrap presents in brown paper bags or play a game that involve stealing a present instead of just giving the present. Oh, well, that's the Palin family tradition. In our family, we just give people something that they want with the idea of bringing them joy.

    The Manipulation Troll has other memes: get a life and your immature. That's a juvenile response to something you don't agree with. The comments here are well written and literate. The person who has a poor command of the English language is the troll, writing at a Middle School level. It's too bad that education is not valued by the Palins. In addition to learning things, you open your mind to new ideas, new cultures and places.

    When the Manipulation Troll posts all of those repetitive comments, you know that Gryphen has posted a good item. In honor of Sarah Palin, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, TROLL! HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Hmm, writing at a Middle School level. Like a 12 year old?

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Its willow.
      Poor thing, she is "mental" sarah's experiment. :(
      FAIL :(

  42. Geez, who stuck a quarter in that moronic troll and pressed her start button?

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Not me. I'd never spend more than a dime.

  43. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I'm so disappointed in everyone that I can't even see straight.

    All you son of a guns are blaming Little Piper for dressing like that and it's not even her fault.

    The one you should be blaming is Sarah.

    Little Piper asked her mother what is tomorrow and Sarah said

    Wait one......

    It's Ho Ho Day!

  44. Anonymous3:46 PM


    Read the first comment...."Or he is just palin stupid, which is not likely the case. So I suspect Phil hates gays and blacks. Which just makes him a dick."

  45. Anonymous3:47 PM

    If you look at the bottom picture where it looks like that kid is passed out.

    Can you see that six pack of bottled evil spirits on the floor?

    What kinda Reason For The Season celebration is Sister Sarah Palin throwing?

    The last time Bristol seen a six pack of evil spirits, she dropped her panties and went for it with no rubbers which resulted in her little bas... bas... little kid being born.

  46. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Top picture, look at Sarah Palin's nasty dirty white carpet on her stairs.

    Sarah knew she was having a Christmas party and was going to post some pictures to show that there are some relatives that somewhat liked her but multimillionaire Sarah was tooooo cheap to hire a rug cleaning company.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Sarah if you plan on having white carpet, then keep them clean damn it.

  47. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sarah learned a lesson from Thanksgiving. Sarah learned not to post any pictures of her semi raw upside down famous Sarah turkey.

    Sarah's fans on Immoral Minority really enjoyed that embarrassing disaster.

  48. Anonymous4:07 PM

    One of the paper plates (blue) on the table, has a Menorah on it. Guess she had to run to the local pharmacy and get the 80% clearance Hannukah items, and prove she puts Menorah's on her table.

  49. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Why does Sarah call it Eskimo Bingo?

    Why not call it Todd Bingo since Todd Is the only Native American at the party .

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I wonder what the Eskimos call that game-- if they play it.

  50. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Where is Sarah's sister Molly? Is she cleaning her dorm room after you know who left her wet stains?

  51. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Anybody see Willow at the party? Don't tell me she snuck off to have her own party?

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Willow was with the warden on that awful book tour. I would think anyone would try to escape that family any chance they can. The cult will rope her back in so she can pretend to be the good hair styling Palin kid and soon to open a beauty place with her sister.

      She would do so much better on her own and writing a book of truth. It appears she is as low IQ as the others and she will cling to money bags fake life.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Vodka and Marijuana.

  52. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Okay IMers, time to play Where's Waldo. But instead of looking for Waldo, can you spot Sarah's Nativity scene?

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      It must be well hidden cuz I can't spot it with my magnifying glass.

      I quit.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Sarah left it in front of the church after the family went their for Midnight Mass.

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Its plastic know!

  53. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Is it a troll who descended on IM to trash-talk Piper's outfit and make the IM crowd look nasty?

    Patterned stockings are acceptable for Piper's age group, enough so that Sasha Obama dresses similarly...except the Obama girls skirts are shorter.!120213-fashion-beauty-sasha-obama

    Piper and Sasha both look beautiful.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      No it's not a troll. When one of Sarah's kids dress like that then it is considered slutty.

      Especially since Sarah is pushing her reason for the season.

  54. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sooooo glad we don't have to hear about the fake war on Christmas anymore. Anyone that doesn't share her beliefs is trashed talked, just to pump up sales of her fake book (for lack of a better term).
    Unfortunately the general public now has her fake hunting show to look forward to. The producers better make sure it is tightly scripted so she doesn't sound like the idiot she is, they should also invest in voice lessons (her voice is like nails on a blackboard).
    Personally I feel sorry for her children (except Bristol who has totally bought into it) and grandchildren, they have all been deprived of a normal life as they are dragged trough the muck of it all. Grifters gotta grift, don't cha know.

  55. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Has anyone notice there's no food?. Where's the food or any remnants of food? There's no cake crumbs or cookie crumbs, chicken bones, or moose bones. How do you have that many people at a "party" and no sign of food being served?!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.