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Bristol wearing camo just like Uncle Phil. |
Everyone needs to leave Phil Robertson alone for expressing his beliefs. I think it’s so hypocritical how the LGBT community expects every single flippen person to agree with their life style. This flies in the face of what makes America great – people can have their own beliefs and own opinions and their own ways of life.
Everyone needs to treat others like God would, with love. (Is this where I point out that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer of all time? Floods, famine, demanding sacrifice, murdering first born children, and all for the crime of refusing to honor him or buckle to his will. So much for love.)
It goes both ways.
I hate how the LGBT community says it’s all about “love” and “equality.” However, if you don’t agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn. (Might be pregnant again.) They need to learn how to respect others’ opinions and not just jump to the conclusion that everyone who doesn’t support homosexuality and gay marriage is homophobic.
They take the easy way out every time anyone speaks out about their beliefs on the Bible.
If I were Duck Dynasty, I would take my show to another channel.
So much disrespect.
Bristol then links to a writer at time Magazine who kind of thinks that people are overreacting. Of course Bristol makes a pint of identifying his as a "gasp" homosexual in order to provide more cover for Robertson.
Okay now it is official. EVERY conservative moron in the country has now sided with this guy.
Shut the fuck up Sarah Mini Me
ReplyDeleteBristol if we want shit from you we will scoop it out of your brain.
Deletereality show childhood
Some example she is.
DeleteWhat’s more, she has made sure that their son, Tripp, will at some point be treated to a worldview-shaping image of Dad as something akin to a date rapist.
Oh Whaaaa! Cue the trolls! And a snortin' sarah!
DeleteHere's one for them: That time the creator of Duck Dynasty starred in movie about gay porn (video) -http://bit.ly/1jrupn6
Why on god's green earth would anyone care about Bristol Paylin's opinion? She is 1) a high school drop-out 2) someone who's never been anywhere or done anything with her life 3) a person who relies on her dysfunctional mother for unwarranted attention 4) a young lady with an inflated opinion of herself and her place in the world. Gotta give the Paylins credit: they insist on demonstrating their stupidity and ignorance at the slightest provocation, even when it has nothing to do with them.
DeleteSarah Palin's "Duck Dynasty" outrage is bullbleep (VIDEO)
It's not Bristol's opinion. It's Nancy French's, paid consultant. Bristol can't put together a cogent thought. Runs in the family.
Delete6:06 PM YEP
Delete6:10 PM Is this the woman that poses as Bristol? WARNING: don't enlarge
<<Sarah Palin's "Duck Dynasty" outrage is bullbleep
Delete...Apparently to Palin and her fellow travelers, racism and homophobia are just 'personal opinions.' They have a God-given right to offend and diminish the humanity of their neighbors and you just have to shut up and take it because for conservatives, as the past week has shown, rights only seem to mean 'I get to impose my views on everyone else and they don't get to question it.'
Meanwhile by wrongly insisting that Robertson's suspension is a 'free speech' issue, the hundreds of thousands of social conservatives running to Phil Robertson's defense are simultaneously confirming both their bigotry and their racism to the greatly unimpressed nation.
SHUT UP BRANCY! Have you ever thought for a cotton-pickin' second (phrase used on purpose) that for Miss Priss Bristol being pregnant out of wedlock in those times, the punishment was stoning to death? Do you even THINK before you post?
ReplyDeleteMy GOD, shut the HELL up!
"Everyone needs to treat others like God would, with love."
ReplyDelete-Bristol (I hate my baby's daddy) Palin
If Bristol wants people to buy her B.S. then she needs to practice what she preaches starting with letting Tripp visit his father Levi and his mother Sunny.
Right, because love is denying people basic rights; like bodily autonomy, marriage, freedom to choose their own religion...
DeleteWow! Bristol is commenting that POTUS is gay when her daddy mr. two tone is the one who is teh gay???
DeleteTakes some nerve... or just plain stupid, yeah dumbassed works!
'eh Barstool? Dumbass!
And she really showed her love when she said on DWTS that she wanted to win in order to give us all the middle finger. What a lovely Christian!
DeleteA mother's love for Tripp... Pre-camo era. She took Tripp to The Levi Book Shooting and was so happy and proud of herself.
$carah is trying, HARD, to get Duck Dynasty to switch to "her" channel. She has mentioned this a few times, how they should cross over to HER TV channel. Maybe there is a big bonus in it for her and now Bristles has joined in the effort? Maybe Bristles is upset that nobody in Hollywood, where there are many gays, would offer her an acting job? Who needs REAL talent, when you are a Failin' Palin? I see she still uses her starlet pose when being photographed, head on one side, come hither smirk.
DeleteShe holds her head at a down angle to compensate for her huge Jay Leno chin.
DeleteYes. Exactly. They should take that show to the sportsman channel, just like grifter granny.
ReplyDeletePoor Trippy.
ReplyDeleteBristol, hon, Robertson's statement includes you..
ReplyDelete"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.” Robertson then paraphrased Corinthians from the Bible: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
That's correct, Bristol, Robertson was talking about You, Sarah, Todd, Willow, and the Drug Addict Track Menard.
DeleteDid you know that your Bible also says that Bastards will not enter the Kingdom of the Lord? Read it and weep, Bristol, Tripp and his sisters will not be entering the Kingdom of the Lord. All because of your bad habits.
Bristol, have you given birth to your latest Bastard child yet? Robertson frowns on Premarital Sex, and Bastard children. Are you sure that you want to Kiss up to him?
DeleteYour Born Again Virginity did not last for long. We told you to keep your Legs Closed, but you couldn't, now you are Pregnant again. Will Junker hang around, or will he work the Lodge with TOAD Pimp Daddy?
Yep, she won't be able to fool ol' Unc Phil cause we knew Brisdull before she was a virgin and have tons of proof!
Delete"we knew Bristol" along with half the hockey team, and most of the dropouts in Wasilla and Anchorage!!
DeleteI agree with Bristol. There are better things to talk about.
ReplyDeleteHey, Bristol, let's talk about how Sarah Palin boasts about boarding a transcontinental flight without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and bypassed neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to drive many miles to a small hospital not even rated to handle twins to supposedly be induced by a doctor that does few deliveries and is not certified to handle high risk births.
Does the Christian Bible have so words for that behavior?
Bristol you need to start sticking up for the LGBT community. One day you are going to get tired of screwing trial husbands and getting dumped and start dabbling with your Wasilla girlfriends.
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHA Karma.
DeleteEveryone is born not knowing about religion of any kind. It has to be ground into ones brain to believe.
ReplyDeleteDoes Bristol really wanted to be treated as the bible would treat an unwed teen?
ReplyDeleteShe might also not like her new Uncle Phil's attitude about those having multiple sex partners who drink and drug or the bit in the bible about stoning those who lose their virginity before marriage.
Delete4:49 PM An unwed Teen HO.
DeleteAll of the Palins are exceptional.
For a family that wears camo ALL the time that sure is an old pic. It's so old Wallow hasn't plumped out yet.
ReplyDeleteAlaskan homophobia is not Alaskan homophobia without Tripp and Willow.
ReplyDeleteGreat job in raising your kid Bristol and we don't want to hear any excuses.
Tripp's filthy mouth in Life's A Tripp is just shameful.
DeleteWeird the way she uses God to try and manipulate Tripp. It's all very funny to Bristol and Willow.
You can't blame the kid, what chance does he have? Hope it is not too late for him to be with Sunny and Levi and his beautiful baby sister.
Don't knock the LGBT.
ReplyDeleteRemember Bristol your son Tripp loves pedicures.
Where did Tripp learn that word, "faggot?" Was that you, Willow or the Trial Father?
DeleteWouldn't it be the ultimate karma if Tripp turned out to be gay?
DeleteI kinda think Willow might be bi - like her Pimp Daddy Todd.
DeleteMrs. Palin is incapable of applying her "principles" to herself. She is just that stupid.
ReplyDeleteI thank god every day my children aren’t as ignorant or cruel as Bristol Palin is showing herself to be.
ReplyDeleteIs that Bracy between Bristol and Willow? Looks more feminine than I expected.
ReplyDeleteAnd who are the pair of bulbous slobs eyeing up the three girls' behinds??
Delete6:18 Customers??
DeleteWhat is Nancy, as Bristol, even talking about ?
ReplyDeletedouble-click the blog picture attached to the article & voila it says nancy french wrote it...you can even comment on that version, but she will censor you. no freedom of speech there.
Deletemini me is trying to help her ma to gin up some viewers for that show of hers on the sportsman channel-you know the one that is dead before it hits the tv screen?
ReplyDeletethat is also why they are encouraging duck dynasty to go to the sportsman channel-the skank wants to ride on the duck dynasty's coat tails.
dream on skank and mini me skank! you still aren't going to get more than a couple thousand viewers.
Phil is going for more money per episode. Nancy is going for a raise. She is the worst faux writer as Bristol and they would do better to fire her and let Rebecca take over.
DeleteWouldn't it be funny if sportsman channel cancelled it b/c of her ginning up this duckfuck thing and dissing a&e?
DeleteWould be Awesome if they cancelled her!
Listen, Bristol, we saw the Facebook posts that you and your sister, Willow wrote, calling some poor kid who didn't like your DWTS performance every homophobic name you could think of. You have so much hate that it's ironic to read what Nancy wrote for you about loving each other and leaving poor Phil alone.
ReplyDeletePhil is an adult, and he knows what kind of attention he can attract with that vile language. Yes, it gets noticed, and he is playing everyone. He is a marketing genius, and you are just riding the hem of his camo shirt trying to cash in on his fame. Leave him alone? Your column cries out for paying more attention to Phil. Are you suggesting, like your mother did, that he move over to the Sportsman channel, hopefully as the lead-in to your mother's show to boost her ratings? They could appear on each other's shows. Cool. Let's call this what it is-- a clever marketing genius milking his pulpit and sermon for all that it's worth-- boosting his duck stuff merchandise, his show, his family and his show. What a racket.
Well, you know what? Let 'em. Think about it. Here is Sarah Palin, who thought she was all that and more, did her schtick about plowing through those doors that God opened for her, screwed Alaska, ran for the 2nd highest office in the land and lost, has done nothing but promote divisiveness and hatred since with that "servant's heart," and she ends up on a two-bit sportsman channel that next to no one watches? There's her open door. Perfection.
DeleteAnonymous 5:19, I think you are spot on. Sarah thinks she has so much influence over everything and everybody (delusional much?) that she's setting herself up to get the credit if the Ducks bolt to "her" new channel.
DeletePalin has obviously ordered her insecure, dim-witted mini-me daughter Bristol to have Brancy's Blog promote Sarah's latest rant.
I think Sarah's producer friend Mark Burnett and his wife Roma "Touched By An Angel" Downey need to take Palin aside and tell her to calm down and cool it...or she risks ending both her and the Ducks TV careers. And wouldn't that be a shame (snark here).
Burnett isn't going to take her aside. Mutual dollar signs.
DeleteDeuteronomy 23:2 - A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
ReplyDeleteTrack, and Tripp will not enter into the Congregation of the Lord. Piper might qualify too.
DeleteMaybe that explains why none of the Palins go to church.
DeleteThe authorities that are neglecting Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston need to inquire into how long she has been controlling him is such shameful ways.
Weird the way she uses God to try and manipulate Tripp. It's all very funny to Bristol and Willow.
You can't really blame the kid.
Sarah repeats everything she hears without checking it out. Where in the bible does it refer to breastyality, vagina and anal sex. Ask Phil what he thinks of Sarah screwing a black man in her sisters room. Ask Phil what he thinks of a voodoo doctor laying his hands on Sarah.
ReplyDeleteAsk phil about two tone screwing men! Maybe he even screwed Phil, he sure is protesting alot....hmmmmm?
Delete"breastyality" made me fall off my chair laughing. I got a very strong visual with that one...
Two-tone doesn't screw other men; they screw him -- that is his preference.
DeleteI can't follow the logic. Everyone should be treated with love and be allowed to their their own lives, so we shouldn't call out people who say hateful things and try to limit the rights of others? Seriously, have you ever heard a public gay figure go on about the shamefulness of straight sex?
ReplyDeleteNever. Also, too, no gay person has EVER tried to "convert" me, the way these religious people do. They do not come knocking on my door, trying to get me to attend their meetings, either. Seems to me they mind their own business, find like minded people and just want to be happy. The NERVE of them!!
DeleteYou would love this.
ReplyDeleteMark Russell has written a condensed version of the bible called "God is disappointed in you". I understand the illustrations are also hilarious.
I know Mark Russell from his satirical political musical offerings that used to show on PBS.
I've got this in my amazon shopping cart. You might want to check it out just for the entertainment value.
Thanks! This is awesomely funny.
DeleteWe certainly haven't forgotten the infamous mechanical bull on Sunset Strip have we?
That photo was pre-pregnant Bristol when they went on the Rainbow Bay promotion/Berry picking.
ReplyDeleteThey have changed this on Bristol's blog, I have been tweeting about it all night, Sarah said go to Bristol's blog with a link, when you got there it said written by Nancy French. What idiots and liars. I wish I had taken a screen shot.
ReplyDeleteNancy may have her raise. Phil is getting her the 'comments'. Are they able to delete all the ones they don't want? They will leave a few tokens up.
DeleteOverall they are very authoritarian and control freaks.
ReplyDeleteQUOTE {"Okay now it is official. EVERY conservative moron in the country has now sided with this guy."} QUOTE
Far better than the "liberal morons" who have not sided with Phil!
Phil is a Fraud.
DeleteYuppy to zz Top. Not even original.
DeleteDid you see the pictures of a couple of the dynasty members "before" the TV show? Preppies playing golf. Other shots of clean cut family members on the beach in resort clothes. Fake much?
Delete"Fake much?" No wonder the Palins are drawn to them, fake as they are. When will the Failin' Palin family understand they are NOT important? Who cares what any of them think, or are told to think?
Delete@6:42 PM:
DeleteBeing a "liberal moron" who does not side with this asshole, is better than being one of the cousin-fucking conservatives who do!
"It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn. (Might be pregnant again.)"
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is THAT all about?
You will like the stomach soothing camo
I LOVE that photo. Such Class! Find a full figured girl, stand on an angle with one foot pointing ahead, suck in your gut as much as possible, lean into full figured gal, cock head to side and smile. Pose sister on other side, add a few more drunks, have one squat and pee
DeleteViola! No one's eye will go to what's under that "one size fits most" blouse! They're busy looking at the peeing girl laughing. Wasilla Chic!
Obviously Bristles does not know what the word "hypocritical" means. Let me explain, dimwit, HYPOCRITICAL means doing what you did, giving speeches on abstinence, then going home with your latest trial husband. Telling others not to have premarital sex, while you kept right on going, even getting pregnant again and again. Really too bad none of the family believes in education, or maybe they are too busy drinking and having sex??
DeleteIn that photo link anon 7:45 pm posted, does Brisdul have a toothpick in her mouth? I can't really tell but it looks like it.
DeleteThe 'family' that grifts together, stays together... I guess. Who is this sycophantic Nancy French? I'm off to the intertubes to investigate. She sounds like Krusty the Lobotomized on a Palin paycheck.
ReplyDeleteWell, since Bristol is not employed, she doesn't have to worry about the irrational and ignorant comments she spouts on her Facebook page. And she really should learn the meaning of "hypocritical" - perhaps a dictionary for Christmas would be in order.
ReplyDeleteBristol would not understand what she is reading in a dictionary.
DeleteOne problem...a dictionary is only useful if you know how to read and if you give a shit that you are an ignorant fool. All things considered, probably a waste of money to get one for Bristol.
DeleteWhy should we leave this guy alone when Britches & her mom make everyone afraid to say ANYTHING AT ALL about the Holiday Season, "Merry Christmas" or not?
ReplyDeleteLike when did you last bother the old duck guy? He did an article for GQ. Those are the ppl that follow Bristol's blog and pay any attention to Nancy the Nut's spew? She is starting to make Bristol sound somewhat ok.
DeleteDoes this bimbette not know what it says in the Bible about unwed mothers or what it says to do to women who aren't virgins when they get married? Should we round them up, drag them to their fathers' doorsteps and stone them to death or did she miss that part?
ReplyDeleteWhat a moron - in more ways than one. I think the Bible is the root of all evil.
Bristol would have been 'stoned' at least 4 times, and she still has no Husband for her Bastard Children. What say you, Christian Fraud Nancy French?
DeleteBefore you drag a Palin kid to her/his father's door, you would have to know who the father was. That necessity would require a detour to a DNA facility.
DeleteI wonder if Bristol and Willow called Brad Hanson Uncle Brad when Sarah was having an affair with him. Phil Robertson was talking about the Palins in his Sermon.
ReplyDelete"If I were Duck Dynasty, I would take my show to another channel."
ReplyDeleteI'm getting the general drift, after reading that and hearing about her mother's pimping on Hannity's show last night, that this suggestion was planned all along by both Palin and the Duck Doofuses -- like during the tete-a-tete 10 days ago when Palin and her jewel-encrusted navel visited the Duck set.
It would be quite a coup, wouldn't it, if the Ducksters moved to the Sportsman Channel. Imagine the bragging rights Sarah Palin could claim!
There's nothing quite as irritating as a terminally adolescent self-centered idiot doing happy dances when she "sticks it to The Man" (somehow she'll mention Obama).
Just proves what idiots the Palins are. A&E OWNS the show, not the retarded duck guys. They can't take the show to another channel.
DeleteI think you are on to something. I would be happy if it happens. The Palin curse can take them all down together.
DeleteWhat Sarah Palin Doesn’t Get About Free Speech
ReplyDelete...Consider Palin’s own recent experience. When TV host Martin Bashir suggested last month that somebody should defecate in the mouth of the former Alaska governor after her bizarre comparison of the national debt to slavery, she publicly lobbied MSNBC to reprimand him. In fact, she cancelled an appearance with NBC’s Matt Lauer in protest. Shortly thereafter, Bashir tendered his resignation. Fast forward several weeks, and Palin has again entered the speech debate, this time taking a much different posture.
...As Sarah Palin ought to appreciate by now, that’s free speech at work. It doesn’t change when it’s your team that’s taking the heat.
7:03 Except Martin Bashier didn't say that! People have blown his commentary totally out of proportion. My opinion - we should all shit in mouths of Sarah and Bristol (the Toad too for that matter) if given the chance. They are nothing more than frauds and the scum of the earth.
Delete10:03 Correct. Bashir suggested that Palin should educate herself about slavery, before making comparisons like she did. He NEVER said someone should poop in her mouth. I hope he investigates this family in Ariz. and Alaska, uncovers the truth and blasts them all off the media.
DeleteThis whole affair puts the blind hypocrisy of the right wing on display.
DeleteTo fascists it does. They believe *they* are the only ones allowed all of the rights of democracy including free speech.
DeleteEveryone else, not so much.
Sarah would make such a good totalitarian dictator. I'm surprised she hasn't been invited to North Korea as a guest.
Sooo . . . Everyone should leave Phil Robertson alone for hatin' on gays and blahs because . . . no hatin' for expressing one's beliefs. Except you can hate on Martin Bashir for expressing his beliefs about Sarah Palin hatin' on the government and comparing it to a slavery. That kind of hatin' is OK. Do I have that right, Bristol?
ReplyDeleteThe right wing talibangelicals are all about hypocrisy and double standards. They will never get their brains around the concept that if they have free speech so does everyone else. They don't understand why no one else thinks exactly the way they do or would object in any way to what they say or do. Just totally clueless. It's the way their brains are wired.
DeleteFrauds, all of them.
I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass off... that was funny. camo and the red, white and blue now means FAKE. Just like The Ducks, Sarah and Bristol Palin. Frauds and fakes. All of them.
Deletewow! That was good rant!
DeleteI forgot what a huge failure Bristol is. This may be why she is so bitter and targets the LGBT community and Levi (Tripp is collateral damage - I am aghast she says Tripp Palin). After barely registering in ratings, "Life's a Tripp" loses its spot to encores in its third week.
She must worship at the feet of a king of reality tv. It all sucks, but works for cable ratings.
Bristol is a dull, empty shell, a puppet whose strings are controlled by her narcissistic, sociopath of a mother. She is so needy and self-centered she won't make the time to learn to adequately parent her son Tripp (and her rumored other children).
DeleteWith nothing lft to offer, Sarah Palin needs a religious word war to stay in the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteHer book and her part in the 'war on Christmas' was a dud. Notice this war over Ducks comes right in time to generate sales for merchandise. Even real awful books can sell now. Walmart and Target love ducks and can make a bundle. Robertson is shrewd. Palin follow$.
DeleteWith nothing lft to offer, Sarah Palin needs a religious word war to stay in the spotlight.
ReplyDeleteSo Bristol, what is your opinion of Dynasty creator Scott Gurney? Scott costarred is a film(Fluffer) about a Gay relationship. What do you have to say about that? Are you waiting for instructions from the Fake Christian Nancy French?
ReplyDeleteBernie Goldberg Hits the Right over Duck Dynasty: Conservatives ‘Reflexively Defend Ignorance’
ReplyDeleteOn Friday night’s The O’Reilly Factor, Bernie Goldberg and Howard Kurtz joined Bill O’Reilly to tackle the continued Duck Dynasty controversy, and Goldberg went after conservatives for having a reflexive defense of ignorant remarks. He argued that just as liberals are quick to defend “trash like Miley Cyrus,” conservatives are just as likely to “reflexively defend ignorance.”
O’Reilly asked both men what they would do if they ran A&E. Both Goldberg and Kurtz would have suspended Phil Robertson, though Kurtz said he only would have done this after demanding a public apology and if Robertson did not come forward with one. Goldberg predicted there’s no way Robertson doesn’t come back.
Goldberg also said that “the non-Bible people have a stronger point,” because while he’s able to respect people’s religious believes, “I don’t respect people believing things that are ignorant just because there’s ignorance in the Bible.”
Kurtz also pointed out that people who condemned Martin Bashir 24/7 can’t just turn around and say it’s plain wrong to yank someone off the air for offensive remarks they made.
Watch the video below, via Fox News:
Well, I'm liberal and I think that Miley Cyrus has behaved pretty badly and vulgarly. She's very young but, because of our cult of celebrity, her recent behavior will follow her forever; someone should have given her better advice. But she is young and probably will grow up to regret some of her recent attention-getting behavior. This Robertson guy, however, cannot claim youth or youthful ignorance and what he did was to show his meanness and intolerance towards other people. All Miley Cyrus did was to expose herself inappropriately; she did not lie and insult other groups of people. Pretty much comparing apples and oranges - but that's what conservatives do all of the time. False equivalencies - they're famous for them.
I agree, Anon 4:17. Behaving in a stupid way is in no way comparable to unleashing a hate-filled blast against your fellow human beings. Robertson uses the Bible to justify his hate. I thought the whole idea was to use the Bible to justify your love? Epic fail, Xians.
DeleteCan I have whine with my cheesy smellin' ass? You see, I have this troubled kid and all these belly pooping issues with my weight. Just send money and don't make me get a real job.
Nancy French looks like she could be Michelle Bachmann's sister. Same crazy eyes, but more like Mr. Ed's facial features.
ReplyDeleteAllow me to translate for Bristol:
ReplyDelete"Why can't those damn oppressed minorities just shut up and realize they're being oppressed by RILL 'MERKINS for a REASON?? It makes me so mad to see these lowlives dare to question their betters! This is OUR country! Free speech means shut up and listen to what *I* Have to say! Some rednecks said that's what the bible says and that's good enough for me! Pay attention to MEEE! I'm meaningful!! I'M MEANINGFUL!! MOOOOOM, THE LGBT COMMUNITY IS BEING MEEEAN TO MEEEEE!"
I know plenty of places down south that a halfbreed like Brisket wouldn't be allowed in the door. But that's okay with her I guess.
DeleteDoes Rev Robertson preach about incest? There must be many videos of him preaching. He's been doing it for years. Anyone can go to his church and hear what that is about. The family goes to church every week or day or something. Very religious family.
DeleteA&E edited and only showed them as entertainment and scripted.
Some of the things he said were from his church preacher persona.
The problem he is having now with A&E is not freedom of speech. He broke his contract. He also wants more money.
Remember when Susan Summers wanted more money for a show? There are others that make a big deal of things to manipulate their employer. Phil and the Robertsons are renegotiating and he broke the contract.
Whoah, what a load of crap!
ReplyDeletePoor, Stupid Bristol, and even stupider Nancy French. Hey, Nan! Why didn't you link the review you asked someone on Pathe(tic)o's to write about Bristol's Mommy's new Christmas Book? A true Christian, heck even Bristol and Bristol's Mommy would be able to read a good review, and debate it with examples and facts to back up their point of view! Even YOU could do a great job, after all, YOU wrote it!
Do Conservative Christians EVER have children who are gay? And if they do, what does the Bible say to do to "Make it Right" with Jesus, God, and the Conservative Christian Community? Just wondering because you know, it CAN and DOES happen. Is God "Cool" with disowning them? God doesn't make mistakes, right?
By the way, "Gay" isn't a "lifestyle" nor a "choice". Hatred against your fellow humans is both.
Joan Rivers said, about Bristles "In my day she would have been called "the little whore down the street"!! Strangely, no Palin got upset about that!
DeleteSupposedly Alan keys' daughter is gay. He's the guy who lost the senate seat to Obama and said abortion is like slavery.
DeleteThese idiots are also racists Brudull, is that alright with you too? I guess so, just like your parents are. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteAn epic, very funny, must-watch rant:
ReplyDelete"Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job!!"
Further evidence this whole 'scandal' may just be a publicity stunt:
"‘Duck Dynasty’ creator Scott Gurney starred in indie ‘gay porn’ film"
Further proof Harvey 'speed-dial' Levinson at TMZ works for Conservative Maroons like the Palins. He is twisting facts again. Remember him for saying he read court docs about Tripp Johnston and in prints he calls him 'Tripp Palin'.
DeleteBut, isn't Harvey Levinson gay?
DeleteJust got up at about 4:30 am and read the news. A federal judge has just struck down Utah's same sex marriage ban. And New Mexico fell just the other day. He who laughs last, laughs best. Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha hahahahahahahahha...........................
ReplyDeleteWhy does every outdoorsy picture of the Palin females look like their *hunting* clothes came right off a store hanger? If you look close enough, you'll probably see the price tag stuffed out of sight. They're returnable if they haven't been really used, right?
DeleteMy goodness !! Why do those Palin women wear clothing that looks all moldy?!?!? No wonder they look yukky and overly aged, like blue cheese, especially Granny $carah.
ReplyDeleteBy the way Ol' $carah, do they make camo faux pregnancy pillows? Did you use a camo faux pregnancy pillow during the "3 months you were, ahem, pregnant with Trigg?"
The entirety of the lunatic right with the possible exception of Bill O’Reilly, have jumped to the defense of suspended Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson: the National Organization of Marriage (NOM), Ralph Reed’s Faith & Freedom Coalition, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Bryan Fischer, Bobby Jindal – and of course, the Family Research Council, (FRC) which complained about “the totalitarian tactics of the Left.”
ReplyDeleteBecause A&E is somehow the “Left” now.
Breitbart happily lists all those upset at A&E’s decision; NOM has generated a petition that says Robertson did nothing “hateful”; Ralph Reed wants men to grow ugly beards in support of ugly Christians; but Bryan Fischer with typical hyperbole said Robertson’s suspension is a “turning point in history.”
Right. I’d like to take you seriously Bryan, but I just can’t.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal actually released an official statement (he’s the Robertson clan’s governor after all) bringing in the First Amendment...
...Free speech may not be freedom from speech, but free speech does not deprive others of the freedom to be offended by that speech, as Sarah Palin demonstrated on behalf of all these right wing hypocrites when she threw a hissy fit over Martin Bashir exercising his First Amendment rights. Funny how morally relativistic the so-called Religious Right is, isn’t it?
Whatever happened to the old Christian concept of a monolithic, unchanging morality that opposed moral relativism, the supposed product of Paganism? All these defenses of Robertson seem highly relativistic to me. It’s okay because he’s a Christian, but the First Amendment went right out the window when Martin Bashir criticized Sarah Palin. Yet it’s okay for Robertson to insult not just one person, but gays, lesbians, and African Americans, all at once. And the insults just keep coming, with Republican Ian Bayne of Illinois, who is trying to unseat Rep. Bill Foster, announcing that “Phil Robertson, star of the A&E series ‘Duck Dynasty,’ [is] the ‘Rosa Parks’ of our generation.”
Rosa Parks wanted ALL people to be treated like people. Phil Robertson wants to treat some of them like animals. How is that in any way the same thing?
The lone wolf here was Bill O’Reilly, who cited Luke 6:37 to say Robertson was “being judgmental” which put him at loggerheads with Laura Ingraham. But O’Reilly said,
...In this current situation, however, it's not one individual who's been insulted but an entire group of people defamed, attacked, vilified, bludgeoned with words that have been used by bullies in America's schools and bashers on the streets to engage in violence against LGBT people.
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of hearing that the Bible is the justification for this hatred. There are all sorts of practices promoted and condoned in the Bible, including slavery, keeping women in concubines, polygamy (yes, Moses and Abraham had several wives) and incest (sleeping with daughters to beget more children).
The Bible's one verse on homosexuality is no excuse for horrendously defaming an entire group of people publicly and expecting your employer, with whom you've signed a contract, to "respect" that as your religious belief. But furthermore, if you're going to do that, you should be doing it to its ultimate degree: The verse in Leviticus actually calls for putting gays to death. Yet, though they're shrouding their hate in the Bible, they're not willing to go that far, which further exposes not only hypocrisy but the fact that this is plain old bigotry.
This isn't about religious freedom or freedom of speech. You have free speech in this country, but speech sometimes has consequences. If you must spew bigotry as religious freedom, go found a church, or stand on your property and say it, or hand out filers on the streets. But no company is compelled to hire you for speech attacking a group of people, nor to refrain from letting you know it's unacceptable while you are employed by them. (And Robertson hasn't been fired; he's been suspended, with the company sending the message that his spewing of hate has ramifications.) As I've said since the days when Laura Schlessinger called gays a "biological error," you have a right to free speech, but no one has a right to a TV show.
1 Timothy 2:8-15 ESV / 17 helpful votes
ReplyDeleteI desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
Yeah, that Saul/Paul fellow was quite the misogynist.
DeleteBased on Mr. Robertson's recent comments of his view of the bible, here are the the current Palin family sins Sarah Palin will not respond to. Some wonderful Christianity practiced in the Palin households! There are many more to list..
Premarital sex
Out of wedlock children and
DeleteDon't forget that Sarah Palin was found to be 'unethical' by the Alaska Legislature and actually denied it while running w/McCain for the second seat.
implicated in troopergate
Great hoaxes of the 21st century
ReplyDeleteThe Balloon Boy saga with Richard Henee
The Trig Birth with Sarah Palin
Hell, anythung with the Palins!
Duck Dynasty with overboard christianity.
Anything Kardashian
Most Things Mitt Romney
DeleteCheck it out, Gryphen - the Duck Dynasty Doofus Klan is every bit as fake as the Wacky Wig Wench Klan:
And not only that, the creator and producer of the Duck Doofus show starred in a homoerotic movie called "The Fluffer."
Wonder if Ol' Phil will be rebuking the creator and producer of his fake hillbilly show - because, you know, Phil has such strong Christian principles and all...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!
In many Christian churchs they preach all sin is the same.... I guess that ideology only applies if you are straight.
ReplyDeleteBristol in many circles you would be considered a whore since you have obviously had/have sex outside of marriage... why is it you don't hold yourself accountable for your sexual sins?
(I don't care who anyone sleeps with as long as they are a consenting adult, not my business)
In all the photos we see of the vibrantly living Paylin clan wearing their favorite clothes (camo), it always looks so crisp and new all the time. Even when they are out "hunting." When I lived in Alaska I could always tell who was visiting and who wasn't. Visitors usually had their brand spankin' new gortex this and that, while the locals wore their favorite and well-worn hiking, fishing, and hunting gear for years. And then only when they were really doing that stuff.
ReplyDeleteTBogg takes her on:
"Bristol Palin wades into the Duck Dynasty debate."
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck is Bristol Palin?
Who gives a Fuck about Bristol Palin?
Who the f is Bristol Palin?
DeleteIsn't that the ho of Wasilla?
Who the fuck is Bristol? Didn't she give ass to Levi, Ben, Gino, Dylan and who did I forget?
DeleteBristol Palin WALLOWS into the Duck Dynasty Debate while Pregnant Again. She can't keep those Fat Legs Closed.
DeleteNancy French's patheos Bristol Blog has removed all comments, BWAHAHAHAHA. She started a War that she can't handle. Nancy/Bristol keep your nose out of others' business, you can't handle the TRUTH. You both are Fame seeking Whores and it has backfired.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin's Pregnancy/ Morning Sickness is what is turning her stomach, not the Fuck a Duck Robertson story. Those Mentally Challenged Palins will do ANYTHING to get some Press. When they see that this issue is tanking like Sarah's Poorly Written Good Tidings and Great Joy, they will move on to some other non-issue. Ghostwritten
ReplyDeleteBristol gut and camo - July 2013
There are no more Bristol photos (few with gut concealed behind props) until Disneyland (prop partial conceal) about December 2013
The same time they were shacking up and waiting for Christmas at a hotel in California
Poor Kristy Patullo is still waiting for Bristol to decorate the tree.
Bristol and Nancy are deceptive. Why? What are they hiding now? Why would she so proudly display her big camo gut and next she hides behind props? Since she is selling herself as a Christian she needs to be what she is selling.
Now she pals with the fakes Duck Dynasty salesmen. Birds of a feather? I would say yes indeed.