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Photo courtesy of Ian Bayne's campaign website |
Today, Ian Bayne called Phil Robertson, star of the A&E series “Duck Dynasty,” the ‘Rosa Parks’ of our generation.
“In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” said Bayne.
“What Parks did was courageous,” said Bayne. “What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.”
Bayne believes that the Duck Dynasty star knew that going on GQ would result in the current controversy going on surrounding his suspension, as well as his suspension.
Bayne added that this exposure of Robertson’s situation is an eye opener for many who may have been previously in disbelief that the bible is fast becoming considered “hate speech” by the media and society.
Look he is even bragging about this on his website. Where non-crazy Teabaggers can see it and everything.
Okay you know this was all fun and games up until now, and sort of a revelation as to how far the two sides are now split in this country, (My daughter tells me dropped a lot of Facebook friends over it.) However this has just dropped down the freaking rabbit hole.
Does this idiot REALLY believe there is ANY comparison between Robertson making some truly offensive remarks about a group of people who are just now being granted the same civil rights as everybody else in the country, to a woman who stood up for African American civil rights in the 50's?
Perhaps now would be a good place to revisit what this great champion of free speech had to say about black folks back when Rosa Parks was risking her freedom for the great cause of that time:
I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field. ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.
Yes this humanitarian was so in tune with the struggles of the American people that he could work side by side with an oppressed minority and not recognize how much they were suffering, and that they were not allowed access to the same opportunities enjoyed by white folks such as himself.
Rosa Parks was a hero.
Phil Robertson is hillbilly with a reality show based on his ability to make fucking duck calls.
They should never be mentioned in the same breath by ANYBODY!
"I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash." Because he was "white trash" he was "with the blacks."
ReplyDeleteThat's his because?! So matter-of-fact. That just makes me want to cry or something. Hey, it's fine, it's not racist, because he was TRASH, TOO! Also. See, they were all trash together. See?
I tried to pretend I didn't notice that 'cause the rest was awful enough. But yeah, I guess he figures it's okay to say something stupid and racist as long as he denigrates himself a little first.
DeleteIt struck me as remarkably similar in tone to the comments from that Forbes writer who claims we don't need food stamps because we don't have people with distended bellies and covered with flies and filth in the streets. If you're not crying and moaning and on the verge of death, then you can't possibly be suffering.
Only he is very wealthy man who dresses like a redneck hobo, so it's even more offensive of him to pretend otherwise.
DeleteAs the saint- Marvin Gaye said; "Make me wanna holler- throw up both my hands"...
DeleteAs the saint- Marvin Gaye said; "Make me wanna holler- throw up both my hands"...
DeleteIf they are going to be mentioned in the same breath, it should be to point out that Robertson is equivalent to those who sent Parks to the back of the bus.
ReplyDeleteEarlier photos before A&E costumes
Wow, they actually looked normal at some point. Go figure. Wonder what made them adopt the "street person" look?
DeleteThey went with the characters they could sell.
DeleteThis duck crowd is nothing more than white trash who compare perfectly to Sarah Palin, the idiot and racist!
ReplyDeleteThey're a wealthy family who pretend to be something they're not and think they're better than anyone who's not a Rill Murkkkun. No wonder the Granny Grifter loves them so.
DeleteGryphen, First of all, homosexuality is a behavior, not a race! They do not and cannot reproduce! A small percentage of folks have medical issues. Most have chosen the lifestyle. Yes! Mr Robertson and his family should be held in high esteem, as champions against anti-Christian rhetoric and retribution!
ReplyDeleteGOD (The Judaeo/Christian GOD and the One that both Mr. Robertson and I believe is GOD!) is the One who set the standard! The Scripture is clear. Both Old and New Testaments carry verses that are as clear as a first grade reading primer.. Furthermore, please note, that nowhere is Scripture is a Christian called to "hate" or cause injury to someone who claims homosexuality as their lifestyle.
In this PC world, the homosexual "community" has more to fear from Islamic Sharia law being enforced than from the opinions of a very successful maker of duck calls! (A little jealous, are we??)
I also hold Rosa Parks in high esteem! Under the light of our PC entertainment industry, Mr. Robertson upheld his Faith and convictions by pointing out the irrational and abhorrent flaws in homosexual behavior! Rosa Parks and Phil Robertson should be mentioned in the same sentence!
You're out of your fucking mind!
DeleteI too am fond of your "Scripture". The part that gives the rules for selling your daughter into slavery is a personal fav.
DeleteCherry picking the Christian bible to meet your personal slant on life is popular sport. But certainly not an argument to convince a rational thinker. You are a loser.
If this is not snark, somewhere Jesus wept. Also the Pope.
DeleteIs there anyone on the planet so blind as to not be able to see that describing homosexual behavior as "abhorrent" ("pointing out the irrational and abhorrent flaws in homosexual behavior") IS hate? Or that characterizing them as abhorrent doesn't cause them injury?
And is there anyone left who really believes most homosexuals have "chosen the lifestyle"?
And finally, yes, homosexuals can and do reproduce. By much the same means as Sarah Palin "had" the baby she falsely calls her son and whom she falsely claims she delivered.
What mind? What drivel!e
DeleteSarah Palin and her Fake Christian Family will all take the 'A' train to Hell for all of their crimes and Adulterous lifestyle. Is Pimping a Christian trait? Grifting is used by Most Evangelical Pastors.
Delete>>First of all, homosexuality is a behavior
DeleteFirst of all YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. Homosexuality is a SEXUALITY, it is NOT a choice, it is genetically encoded, influenced by chemical hormones in the early gestation period. Take your head out of your bigoted ASS and learn something.
Second of all, YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON. The Bible is a whole bunch of stories that have been bastardized from any original scrolls through centuries of power within civilizations. Written by human beings with their own prejudices and fears.
Rosa Parks didn't need any Bible to stand up for what was right, what was fair. She didn't even have to stand up, she sat down and said, enough is enough. Phil just spouted off some twisted crap that he sees through his eyes. That the right wing, and you, are celebrating this backwoods bigot speaks volumes about the depravity and fear that they feed on. What he said was horrendous and vile...everything he said...and you are horrendous and vile to think otherwise.
As far as holding bigots who hide behind religion to justify their bigotry and homophobia (such as yourself) in high esteem. Not hardly. They're a product of our overhyped, outraged media. They're not some sort of symbol of persecution, that's only in your feeble little mind.
Rosa Parks challenged decades of hate and racism in a moment. Phil Duckster just was spouting off to a journalist. He wasn't taking any stands, he was just blathering away in his bigotry and ignorance, hiding behind Jesus to justify his judgements and accusations.
There is absolutely NO comparison to the massive impact that Rosa Parks had on history. Phil and this fracass will be a blip on the media outrage radar for another few days and it will all be forgotten. He isn't making history, he isn't doing a damn thing to made any difference in this world that is even remotely comparable to Rosa. This GOP turd is just trying to co-op the Left's heroes, since they have none of their own.
By the way, there's many religious scholars who believe that Jesus was gay. What do you say about that?
2:44 thank god your uneducated, ignorant ass is a dying breed.
DeleteGays do have babies. Your sick interpretation of the Bible isn't Christian. It's insane to compare Rosa Parks to that muthafucker, that's what crazy people do.
The rest of your post is disturbing and unhinged. I know you heard that before. Probably a lot!
Even the Pope said, "Who am I to judge? That takes care of Phil Robertson, who has no right to judge, either. People do not choose to be homosexuals, and it is not a behavior. Nothing written by 2:44 makes any sense, and we ought to hope that his/her family gets help for this disturbed individual. There's no arguing with stupidity.
DeleteAnonymous @3:45 PM - Excellent response to the ignoramus @2.44 PM.
DeleteGreat comment, Anon 3:45!
DeleteMe thinks you should remove the log from your own eye before you try to pick a speck out of another's.
DeleteJust another conservative wearing his "duck blinders".
ReplyDeleteThank You! =) ! I resemble that remark!
DeleteRosa Parks ran the risk of receiving instant physical harm for her brave actions - who did Robertson think was going to step from behind a curtain during his GQ interview to beat him up?
ReplyDeleteWhat's that? Nobody? Yuh that was pretty brave of him...
Phil Robertson has a masters degree in education. The Duck Commander is a multi-million dollar industry. The hillbilly act is fake.
ReplyDeleteHe is a marketing genius. He is as fake as Sarah Palin, another one selling us an image. Too bad that all she has to sell in the way of merchandise is her little book. Thank goodness for her appearance on Hannity. It went from the 900's on Amazon to 700's.
DeleteAnonymous2:51 PM
he prob got his masters from a xtian school and that doesn't count and again Who the fuck cares about this inbred hillbilly?
....and Palin is Mother Teresa. Idiot!
ReplyDeleteIt is so clear where people like this might-be congressman get their info about the world — Limbaugh and Beck. I fear for our children when I see such ugly, racist and homophobic behavior.
ReplyDelete"Most have chosen the lifestyle..."
ReplyDeleteAh ye of little knowledge. But hey, as long as you cling to an antiquated manuscript, translated dozens of times, by people who have a political axe to grind, go forth and proclaim your "truth." Just don't foist that "truth" on the rest of us, because, you know, those who don't believe as you do have an equal right to express themselves and call BS on your "Scripture Standard."
Thanks, and have a happy holiday season!
Anonymous2:44 PM
ReplyDeleteDid you take a wrong turn and land here? Do you not see the "Immoral Minority" logo? We don't care about your flippin' god! Go preach your shit at c4p but stfu here. No one wants to here it TROLL!!!!
i would drop the whole thing gryphen. who cares? this is a 'reality show' character... actor. its all a big fake production anyways. continually posting about a reality show character on IM only adds to the pretense that this sham has any legitimacy anyways. the more the feathers are ruffled and the non-scandal heats up the better it will be for next seasons opening show - by which time he will surely be re-instated, for probably their largest viewing audience ever. these scams are always manufactured for the masses. all you are doing is giving free advertising.
ReplyDeleteTruly. Think about it. How long ago did the duck dude do the GQ interview? Had to be a few months ago if it's just getting published. He knew there'd be consequences for what he said, but he knew it'd be free publicity as well and right before xmas, imagine that...
DeleteA few months ago the duck dude was pissed that his christian ramblings were being edited out of the show so I think this was simply him giving the big middle finger to A&E and going unscripted and unmuzzled, and he got the attention he was craving. They'll have him back, especially now that the entire Klan has threatened to walk. A&E is now the mecca for shit white trash programming so what, they're gonna slaughter their main cash cow? Publicity stunt planned months in advance, just to sell more Duck Crap at xmas.
3:30 PM
DeleteSarah Palin has been in on it for awhile. Didn't Todd 'what's in it for us' Palin get in on one of the early public meet ups?
ReplyDeleteThe show was carefully scripted and edited to make the Robertsons seem like they aren’t bad people, just a little kooky and “old-fashioned”.* It made conservative America look cuddly and warm and fun-loving, instead of what Drew Magary of GQ actually exposed it to be, which is miserable, resentful, and hateful.
What a ridiculous analogy by the politician. He's a little mixed up about who the oppressors are. Rosa Parks represented a minority group who were treated badly because they were/are "different". She dared stand up and not go to the back of the bus any longer.
ReplyDeleteMr. Robertson, with his graphically distasteful speech, and by comparing gay people (who can't actually change their behavior), to drunks and terrorists, is the "oppressor" here, not the oppressed.
It doesn't matter that he thinks his beliefs are supported by the Bible - he has a job, he has an employer who he represents, and his "speech matters". As his friend Sarah Palin said, "words matter".
All I have to say is.....I can not imagine a time in my life (including being home sick laying on the couch watching TV) that I would ever consider watching that krap. Just looking at those inbred hillbillies with their disgusting beards make me cringe. How could anyone possibly expect that entire family to be enlightened about anything in 2013, when did they get indoor plumbing? Anyone guess who keeps voting in the most vile GOP politicians in history??? I bet Martin Bashir is really laughing at this one.
ReplyDeletePhil Robertson attended Louisiana Tech in the 1960s on a football scholarship. He has a masters degree in education. The Duck Commander company is a multi-million dollar company. The hillbilly act is entirely a performance. The whole family is laughing all the way to the bank.
DeleteRobertson's BA is in PE. And yeah, he has a masters in education, also from Louisiana Tech. Attending that school in the 60's on a football scholarship makes him degreed, but quite possible not much else.
DeleteIn any event, he's an ignorant twatwaffle so his so-called education didn't take.
Next he'll be compared to some saint or another because of his beard. The American political right simply has no shame!
That just takes the cake. Lord...what is WRONG with these people?!?!?
Chris Hayes and Guest Ponder Whether Bobby Jindal, Phil Robertson Should Try Anal Sex
ReplyDeleteHayes read a portion of a statement defending Robertson from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal who linked the Duck Dynasty star’s suspension to a violation of his First Amendment rights.
“We should point out that the First Amendment does not guarantee anyone to a cable news show, or a cable show, or network show,” Hayes said. “But I was a little surprised, given how vile the comments are, given the very rapidly shifting norms about how people feel about love of people of the same gender, right? That the right-wingers sort of lined up so quickly behind him.”
“I think one of the really funny things about the comments was the sort of anatomical crudeness of them,” Kim agreed. “He said that a vagina is more desirable than the anus, and it’s sort of like, has he tried the anus? Because, maybe if he did he would like it more.”
“If you’re going to kind of reduce something as complex as human sexuality to what orifice is better,” Kim continued, trailing off as Hayes doubled over with laughter.
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:
That the right-wingers sort of lined up so quickly behind him.
DeleteIt has been in the works for awhile. They've been ready and prepared.
re: the crudeness. That was my though too. He said being gay is a sin but then he said it was gross, physically. Not quite the defense if Christianity that people are making it out to be. I bet he wouldn't mind watching two hot women go down on each other. He's one of THOSE homophobes who think it's gross for dudes but not chicks...or...hot chicks at least.
DeleteThis kind of ignorance has to rank up there with Sarah Palin's claim that owing someone money is just like slavery. No, it's not! And Rosa Parks belonged to a group of people who did not have the same rights as other citizens of the United States. Not only was Parks limited in where she could sit on the bus, she had to use a separate drinking fountain, a separate toilet, go to a separate school, and she faced arrest for not following these discriminatory laws. She could not speak out against the injustice of racial discrimination. It took a major civil rights movement, and there are obviously people in the South who do not recognize African Americans as citizens entitled to the same rights as everyone else.
ReplyDeletePhil Robertson was race-baiting with those comments, along with his homophobic rant and other insulting rhetoric. He wanted to get noticed. He is not a second class citizen, forced to sit in the back of the bus. The talk seems to be that Robertson is marketing his image and trying to get more control over his "reality" show. He is not part of a major social movement, trying to find equality for citizens who were being mistreated. He is free to practice his ugly religion, and he seems to be hating on a number of minorities: African Americans, homosexuals and just about anybody else who isn't as filled with hate as he is.
Stand with Phil and Sarah
ReplyDeleteAgainst gays including Bathhouse Barry
PHil's producer is gay, why is Phil harassing his boss. As for president Obama, well he is the manliest man in politics even if you get a tingle in your penis looking at him.
DeleteIt is over. This now being reported, The Robertson family just drew a line in the sand with A&E -- NO PHIL, NO SHOW ... and says they are already talking to the cable channel about possibly pulling the plug on "Duck Dynasty.
ReplyDeleteFine with me.
Delete.."December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” said Bayne. "
ReplyDeleteHere we go again with the persecution of Christians theme.
How far would this have gone if palin hadn't butt her nose in ? How many viewers of Duck Dynasty read GQ? (how many can actual read).
I am getting sick and tired of conservative christians, teabaggers and republicans whining for apologies because they are being persecuted. When is the media going to point out the hypocrisy of all this. As many have already pointed out, they call President Obama a liar and worse, that is ok. Bashir stated his opinion and he should be fired.
A&E had better not back down on this suspension or these loonies will become insufferable.
I wonder what the Sports channel (or whatever it is) thought when palin took it upon herself to become their spokesperson by inviting the Duck crew over to there? Lets hope they canceled "her" show.
"No one was singing the blues." OMG. He knows very well where the blues came from. That's just out an out manufactured offensiveness. Sneaky incendiary comments tossed out like only a coward does. Like Palin.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't that long ago that Mrs Todd Palin would not have been able to marry Tawd and her halfbreed kids( yes I know they have very little First Nation blood, but the one drop rule and all that) would not have been able to go to college( I know they can't now due to their very low IQ's) or get a decent job(not that they work) and Bristol certainly would NOT have been awarded child support from a white man.
ReplyDeleteThe question you have to ask is how many gov't dollars did these hillbillies TAKE before they hit on this duck call stuff? How much do you want to bet they were serious welfare queens and then suddenly became "holier than thou" when they got a few bucks in the bank? How many of their extended family are STILL "takers?" How much do you want to bet they would go on the dole in a heartbeat if their business failed?
ReplyDeleteIt's pronouncements like this that amaze me that The Onion still stays in business, because how do you satirize unalloyed stupidity on this scale...?
ReplyDelete“In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” said Bayne.
ReplyDeleteAnd nothing else happened? Just these two unrelated topics? We Jump from 1955 with a real woman who refused to give up her seat to make a statement against racism to now, when a fraud small "c"christian conservative preacher man disguised as a duck hunter gives his "interpretation" of the bible, as a publicity stunt or to shoot himself in the foot instead of quitting.
Another GOP example of stupid people being a waste of skin and tax dollars.
Hey, serious question: you guys think that all these people would be standing up for Obama of he said something homophobic....of do they hate him so much that they would be right there with us, calling for his suspension? I know this would never happen...but...just a hypothetical.
ReplyDeleteLet's see how fast $arah the grifter piggy back on this 3...2....1
ReplyDeleteBut now that you mention it one does note a certain physical resemblance between the two: bone structure, etc. It's too bad the FDA is cracking down on 23andme.com, 'cause wouldn't it be interesting to find out Mr. Robertson's percentage of sub-Saharan DNA.