Sunday, December 08, 2013

Have you wondered why the Republicans are not talking about Obamacare enrollments anymore?

By the way don't think that the Republicans are in ANY WAY embarrassed about their obstructionism of the past or have a different plan for the future. Cause they don't!

Courtesy of The Hill:

House Republicans say they’re proud of their 2013 campaign to stymie President Obama’s regulatory agenda, even as Congress comes under fire for one of its least productive years. 

The bitterly divided Congress will pass fewer laws in 2013 than any year in modern history. As a result of the gridlock, President Obama has turned to his administration’s regulatory authority in pursuit of key policy goals, including efforts to tackle gun violence and climate change. 

While House Republicans have pinned the blame for Congress’ anemic legislative output on Senate Democrats, they make no bones about their efforts to blunt Obama’s rulemaking power. 

“We’re left with no choice,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). “The president can’t just go it alone, that’s not who we are as a country.” 

In interviews with The Hill, several House Republicans claimed momentum in the messaging battle over federal regulations, which they’ve portrayed as too overbearing and expensive under the Obama administration. 

Do you know what I want for Christmas?  More Democrats in the House and Senate, that's what!


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I so agree, IM! We need to vote as many Republicans out of the U.S. Congress as possible in the next election cycle. Kentucky needs to pinpoint McConnell and get him out of office. He's been a horrible representative of them and our nation.

    Republicans governors need to go too - too many of them holding office currently! Starting point - Sean Parnell of Alaska! (He is the one in cahoots w/Sarah Palin still to this day - remember?)

  2. *in my Samuel L Jackson voice*

    These motherfuckin Republican ain't worth SHIT!

    They are desperate to keep young people from signing up...check out this crazy ass article about that bullshit "Generation Opportunity Takes" group at a college tailgate party!

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Woot! Ever wondere why Baldy is losing her mind? Geriatric ward and s. dents FORCED to hear her crap.

      Waving at you, Baldy. What a fan base we've enjoyed seeing pictues of.

  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    When it comes to governmental responsibility, any group of people who are against everything and for nothing aren't worth the price of a stamp to send them to oblivion.

    Nothing frosts my hide more than paying the salary and benefits of a politician who could just be as easily replaced by a wino off the street for the price of three hots and a cot.

    1. Beldar Merlot Conehead7:00 PM

      In point of fact, far more politicians than anyone realizes start out as winos and after long august careers many return to their roots and become winos again.

      Winos or lobbyists, actually.

      And in many cases they become winos AND lobbyists.

      But mostly winos.

    2. Anonymous5:33 AM

      We so need the drug testing for the members of the U.S. Congress...booze, grass etc. Especially when it comes to the alcoholic Boehner!!!

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I want more Democrats in the House and Senate too. So the president and his administration had better start acting a whole lot more like Democrats than they currently are.

    1. "I lose my patience with this nonsense."

  5. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    I guess it's back to Benghazi, War on Christmas and whatever other diversionary tactics to take attention away from their abject failure and willful ignorance at not accomplishing squat. Vote in the Democrats and give President Obama a team that works FOR the people.

    OT I helped a neighbor sign up for Medicare (not the ACA), and a plan she paid 124 a month two years ago, offers MORE benefits, better Medical Coverage, a smaller "donut hole" for 43 bucks a month. She's registered Republican, but has warmed up quite quickly to President Obama and what the Democrats stand for. When one is elderly and on a fixed income, this savings is a big deal.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Yea, good story! We all need to assist and encourage our family members and friends as to medical coverage.

  6. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Democrats need to be assholes - just like the Republicans!!!

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Know whats ironic about there being so many churches in Alaska? By blogs alone, it's like NO ONE knows what the 8th commandment is. SO many lies come from there. So many pointless lies. You can dislike a politician without lying about them. ahem Gryphen, politicalkarma (huge liar), barb (partner in crime with PK)

    1. You are the liar.

    2. Anonymous5:30 AM

      7:57 It's obvious you know not about what you speak. First off, this blog is fine and if you don't like it, stop reviewing it.

      Secondly, as an Alaskan, I know my politicians and can provide commentary that is known and researched.

      IM does the same thing!

  8. Sharon8:22 PM

    Did you read the comments on Meet The Press today? How Gregory is still reporting the website is broken, Obama is in crisis, blahblahblah.....and the asshole GOP guest just kept adding in more lies without any push back. After letting Martin go in favor of that lying bitch, MSNBC just keeps sinking lower and lower.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      I miss Tim Russert. Intelligent discourse died the day he did.

      Meghan in PA

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Why anyone would watch Gregory is beyond me. He is obviously a Republican!

  9. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Just what does Palin do? It seems that she constantly attaches herself to people who have accomplished or are in the process
    of accomplishing something , or to a rightwing, popular at the
    at the moment, politician . When the popularity of that politician
    wanes she drops him or her and latches on to the next popular
    one. She also shows up to causes uninvited and seeks out the
    cameras in the area to tell them that she might run for this
    political position or for that political position hoping tea party people will believe her and give her money. After a certain
    amount of time, she backs out with a lame, predictable excuse.
    If she is invited to speak, it is the same , going nowhere speech
    of lying about President Obama and screeching, "do you love
    your country." Other people write her books and speeches.
    and raise her children. Her husband ,at the time, was the real
    governor , and as mayor, an administrator was hired that the
    tax payers of Wasilla had to pay for because she had no clue
    how to even start being a mayor. Just what is Palin.
    I can think of one word right now. A parasite!

  10. Randall2:38 AM

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah): “The president can’t just go it alone, that’s not who we are as a country.”


    Representative Chaffetz is either overlooking 53 Democratic Senators and 200 Democratic Representatives
    ...or he's lying.

    Not to mention a MAJORITY of voters and a LANDSLIDE of electoral votes in Mr. Obama's favor.


    ...bitch, please.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.