Monday, December 09, 2013

Never forget how we as a nation allowed this to happen.

Thania Sayne leans on the headstone marking the grave of her husband, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011, at Arlington National Cemetery. 

I saw this picture among a group of photos called the most powerful images of 2013.

When I saw it I was immediately angered.

All I could think was that right now the conservatives Republicans are talking about impeaching President Obama, for imaginary crimes that only exist in the Right Wing bubble.

However this young woman is grieving because George W. Bush lied to America in order to start two unnecessary wars that killed thousands of our fellow citizens and untold hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis.

All I can think is that this Christmas there will be children who will be missing a parent, fathers and mothers still grieving for their children, and wives and husbands sleeping in a half empty bed because when it was REALLY important to hold a President accountable and to interfere with his plans our politicians and our media were not up to the task.

Presdient Obama is a good, perhaps even great, President. But compared to George W. Bush he is a fucking saint.


  1. Randall2:28 AM

    First: in order to impeach a President, you need to have a reason, and there seems to be none in Barack Obama's case.

    Second, think about this: The Republicans successfully impeach Barack Obama and he's forced out of office.
    President Joe Biden appoints his Vice President (like Nixon did) and (since Harry Reid pulled the trigger on the nuclear option) the Senate approves President Biden's choice by a simple majority.

    Then, Joe Biden resigns, which promotes the current Vice President, Hillary Clinton, to president.

    You think President Barack Obama is a tough liberal?

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the GOP, meet President Hillary Clinton.

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Powerful photo. I hope she is healing. Would it be too much to wish that W will be arrested for war crimes as soon as he sets foot in South Africa? Rumor has it he is suffering from dementia. Seems like he has been since his early 40's. So many young lives destroyed because he wanted to be a war president. President Obama is more of a MAN than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, many more, will EVER be.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      This thought occurred to me : Once nearing Africa,reroute to Geneva and put the bonehead on trial.....

  3. I've said before I'm not sure I'm 100% atheist yet, but no one is due more thanks for giving me the greatest push that way than Bush & Cheney. The fact that these two pieces of dirt still walk upright and breathe free air, belie any assertion of an All Just God every. single. day.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    My heart goes out to her. But don't forget... There are U.S. drone victims who weren't even military volunteers, like her husband, who knew they were risking their lives for this senseless, unwinnable war when they enlisted, like her husband... they were just going about their daily lives, when a drone that was part of Obama's Defense Department drone policy (headed by the asshole REPUBLICAN Obama nominated) destroyed them, or one or more of their loved ones... innocent civilian women and children, who had a U.S. drone drop a bomb on them.

    Bush isn't the only one guilty of war crimes.

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    That is a very powerful photo. Very moving. Thank you for posting, Gryph.

    Your post reminds me of one of Michael Moore's movies, I think it was Bowling for Columbine, where he asks members of Congress if their kids are enlisted and going to fight in the war and they were all stunned at such a preposterous idea! It was incredible, the disconnect they had about sending these young kids off to war, as long as it's not their own.

    R in NC

  6. Sharon7:06 AM

    This kind of picture always reminds me of Cindy Sheehan, the relentless pain and heartbreak in losing her son for nothing but a lie. I could imagine having the same reaction she had....her life was over as she knew it, her marriage ended, her job...probably most of her friends. No truer words were spoken than by Will McAvoy in the opening of Newsroom.....our country used to be informed. However you slice it the news became entertainment bowing down to the all mighty dollar. Real news does not produce profit, so all the bureaus around the globe were closed. The introduction of Fox in 1996 by a foreign billionaire no less, began the information decline in this country. When the average citizen is too lazy to educate them selves about what their politicians are voting for, this is what happens. Their entire reason for being is to keep the fear/hate alive with the ignorant while the money keeps flowing to the top.
    There is no such thing as "shame" anymore....the GOP has become obscene in their greed and lust for power and our media has allowed it all to happen.

  7. Anonymous2:26 PM

    # 31 - the face of a killer

  8. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gryphen, your words are so true. I love reading your blog, it gives me sense and understanding on so many issues. Thanks for bringing some sanity into this otherwise insanity of the the republicans and what they are doing to America. Keep on rocking Gryph. You do it so very very well and very sincerely.


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