Thursday, December 05, 2013

Here we see Tripp Johnston with his sorry excuse for a mother and his new replacement daddy.

Ahh, isn't that sweet?

Here is Tripp, with Bristol, and her boy toy Joey Junker, outside of the happiest place on earth.

Maybe taking Tripp on vacations will help him forget that he was ripped from the loving arms of his father and transported all the way across the country, to punish Levi for finding happiness with his new wife.

"Sorry Tripp your dad was bad and you can't see him anymore. But hey look there are rides and sugary foods here to take your mind off of it!"


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This blog is sad, sad manipulation. Gryphen, you need a life.

    But I love how you can't allow one person to find happiness that you allow the other to..

    There is ZERO difference between Joey and Sunny. Well, I will say that I DOUBT Joey oversteps the "stepparent" boundary like Sunny nearly does.

    Seriously, G, act your age. Not your emotional age.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      This thread will just be ruined with trolls . They absolutely cannot handle the truth.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Anonymous 4:36 pm, you're either a Palin, or you're eating paint chips. Either way, you know everything Gryphen says is the truth!

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM


      i think they're great entertainment - in a sick sort'a way

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Bristol is Pregnant, no wonder Tripp is blocking the view of her huge belly. Joey looks like an upstanding ...Drug Dealer. Way to go Bristol, another Trial Daddy for the Slut Mom.

    5. Hey, if you were getting a nickel a post (and had no other income except welfare and food stamps) you'd say anything, also, too.

    6. Anonymous5:31 PM

      When did Joey become a step parent? He isn't, he is just Brisket's latest fuck boy.

    7. Kristy, you are so gryphen's puppet. The only person who dances for G more than you, is your obsession Sarah Palin. (Or as I'm sure YOU like to think of her "my future ex life partner")

      How would Sunny have a CHANCE to observe any step-parent boundaries one way or the other when Bristol has, for all intents and purposes, kidnapped Levi's son?

      She is in near CONSTANT violation of a court order stating Tripp can only leave the state with Levi's permission...and she will keep doing it in order to play the poor single mom victim.

      Bristol is a liar and a thief and a cheat. She stole $50,000 from Levi and with accrued interest and penalties, she owes him more than he owes her for "child support".

      Why don't you take a page from your own oft-quoted, dog eared book- act YOUR age. Stop trolling every Palin blog in existence, making up personas as you go. Stop talking about your imaginary two kids and husband and house...everyone knows you are single, childless, and live in a room one of your successful siblings is nice enough to let you languish in.

      You are a pathetic louse and everyone knows it's you, no matter how many asinine names and personas you take on. You are just like your idol- a sad, dried up shell of a person whose ONLY existence is to promote hatred and self absorbed piety.

      It's a shame she is so scared of your crazy ass, because you two really deserve each other.

    8. Anonymous5:43 PM

      There's "no difference between Joey and Sunny", you say? Levi is married to Sunny - that's a big difference. Levi hasn't had a string of live-in's that I have heard about. Sunny is a beautiful young woman and had the good sense to get married before she had a child. Levi and Sunny appear to be stable.

      OTOH, Joey is .. what? .. live-In number 5 in last five years? I don't remember their names but there's many other people on here who do remember. She's averaging a new one every year. Bristol either can't control or doesn't see a need to control her behavior. That's no way to raise a little child.

    9. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Troll, you are just not getting the point. It is sad to see Bristol take Levi's son out to a theme park he probably can’t afford and with a man who is not his father. Christian values in action ... And, BTW how can Bristol afford this? She is not particularly good with money.

    10. Anonymous5:55 PM

      4:36 PM Act your Christian age, if you can, Troll. Bristol is Pregnant, or just recently had a baby, BWAHAHAHAHAHA, ABSTINENCE ONLY, what a joke. Bristol hooked up with Junkie the Drug Dealer.

    11. Anonymous5:58 PM

      4:36 PM Act your Christian age, if you can, Troll. Bristol is Pregnant, or just recently had a baby, BWAHAHAHAHAHA, ABSTINENCE ONLY, what a joke. Bristol hooked up with Junkie the Drug Dealer.

    12. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Nyah's back and she's got your number.

    13. Anonymous7:41 PM

      None of you can handle truth either, which is why you follow grpyhen's lies.

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Gotta love the slander.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Slander Troll, you are Psychotic and a Stalker.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      4:36 PM Slander is Lawsuit material, where are the Lawsuits?

    3. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Ah yes, they can't sue over anything because their gig will be UP. It boogles the MIND how stupid people are to support these low lifes.

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      You have zero logic anon 5:50

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Such a sweet boy. For a 4-5 yr old, he's quite mature. It took me 3 years to get mine to clean their rooms. Tripp loves cleaning. And his attention span. Impressed.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      His mom lives in sin

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      He might grow up to be a cleaning Lady.

    3. And you know this, how? Laughable troll getting a nickel a post.

    4. Anonymous5:27 PM

      She should have a huge "A" tatoo'd on her chest.
      Or just get Stoned to ugh rocks not meth!

    5. hahaha - he may well be a sweet child - but making up stories about what is is or what he does - is sort of dumb - like Sarah Palin - seriously dumb

      Also too - if you know how well he cleans up - how come you don't know his age? Is he 4, is he 5?

    6. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Or is he 6 or is he 7? With the Palins, who knows how old any of the young ones might be. Wasillabillies.

    7. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Don't lie. You have no children.

    8. Anonymous7:40 PM

      they dont live together, though his father and step mother lived together right aftermeeting. WHORE

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    She's hiding a baby bump. Her hips and ass look big too.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      You noticed that too?

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      You betcha 5:21!

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      So Bristol slipped up and showed that she was Pregnant. Does Bristol ever do anything other than have sex? Tripp has how many siblings?

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      For a change, this time it's Joey wearing the scarf.

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Aw, how sweet... Bristol treats Joey Junker to a trip to Disneyland! Ain't Sugar Mama Bristol just the greatest, Joey?

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Is Joey Junker the guy that Bristol kicked out of her car and left at the side of the road in her reality show-- or was that some other boyfriend?

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Todd buys Joey, not Bristol.

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      That other one was a trial daddy. Bristol kicked him out of the car and told Tripp she would find him a better daddy. All of this was broadcast on national television. Later, Tripp called his aunt a faggot while his mom and aunt laughed.

      What a GREAT mom!

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Guess where Tripp went...
    Well I know it would be too much to hope for that it would have been school.

  7. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Is she living in sin with this new guy? Where are her Christian values? Or is she hoping for another engagement fetus? Isn't that the usual engagement present in her clan?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Christian values? Hey, Tripp prays before every meal and at bedtime. That's a good one.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      He prays to keep the f-gg-t away Willow.

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      yeah i blame gino and andy for that.

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      it's true. you have no basis to say different

  8. Anonymous4:44 PM

    That young boy does not look like Tripp.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Has he had his chin implant already?

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Thinking the same - he suddenly got shorter and younger!

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      He looks like track and todd.

  9. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Oh the lies and manipulations of a blog. Here, i will say something true and nice.

    Tripp sure is a sweet, polite boy. He acts like he's twice his age while still has fun like a ~5 yr old. That's wonderful childrearing. That age is HARD. I wouldnt go back for 1 million dolllars.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Really? 5 is hard??
      I think you know nothing about raising kids.

    2. And doesn't know Tripp either.

      Don't confuse the concern troll with all that video footage of Tripp behaving extraordinarily badly.

    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      4:45 STFU Foolish Stalker. Tri-pp is 6 going on 7, and has not been to school yet.

    4. Anonymous5:28 PM

      "he looks like twice his age" maybe b/c he is?

    5. @5.04 - couldn't agree more 5 is a wonderful age - the excitement of school, the love of learning, the skills of looking after self make life so much easier for the mother - and getting tired out with all in their world so getting them to bed is dreamtime for parents. If anyone thinks 5 is hard - try 13-14 approaching adulthood - both child and parent find it hard.

    6. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Is that you, Bristol, earning your consultant fees?

    7. Anonymous5:52 PM

      My kids were delightful at 5 (actually most ages!). They were so thrilled to be in kindergarten and enjoying meeting their friends and learning something new every day! What happened to a least preschool for this sweet little boy?

    8. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Mother's that care are always proud to display this

      Bristol just sticks her big belly out for display.

    9. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Five is awesome.

      It's ridiculous to think five is tough. It's also ridiculous that the moran OP thinks it's a good thing that a five year old would act like a ten year old.

      The moran OP has no clue.

    10. Anonymous7:38 PM


    11. Anonymous7:39 PM

      LOL None of you have been around kids. Tripp has shown himelf to be very wellbehaved and capable of listening and quickly learning when an aunt isn't riling him up (all families have that person).

      So fuck off you dimwits

    12. Cracklin Charlie7:41 PM

      But Bristol,

      He's not five yet. Did you forget that he isn't supposed to be five until the END of this month? At least that's the story you've been telling us all these years.

      We know he'll be six in April.

  10. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Gag. What is it?

  11. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I hate arrogant assholes who forget reality and put on the "i was a perfect parent" front. No you weren't and no you don't have license to criticize.

  12. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gryphen, that is uncalled for. There is no excuse between stepmoms and stepdads. And remember, Bristol was over Levi FAR sooner than he was over her. So that little manipulation goes out the window.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      bristol is living in sin

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Bristol was over Ben, Dylan, Gino, Joey,...and many more as long as she has access to money. After that, it is back to the Victim Card. Why don't Bristol's other KIDS go on trips with her?

    3. Anonymous5:29 PM



    4. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Tripp doesn't have a stepdad, just a rotating group of his Mama's fuckbuddies.

    5. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Honey, you are not using the word "manipulation" correctly. Your sentence "There is no excuse between stepmoms and stepdads" is all wrong You must mean that there is not difference, not no excuse. In this case, yes, there is a world of difference. Levi and Sonny are married while Bristol is posing with her current boy friend, but we have seen other "trial husbands" and other "trial fathers" come and go. The court looks differently at a stable marriage vs. a girl with a boy friend. If Joey is serious about his relationship with Bristol, why aren't they married? Levi appears to have moved on, married and has another child. It looks as if Bristol is the one getting back at Levi and trying to manipulate the situation. This case belongs in family court, not on facebook.

    6. Olivia6:45 PM

      Why did Bristol name her son after her dad's prostitute?

    7. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Joey lives a lifestyle. He has an arrangement with Todd and will connect up for appearances with Bristol. He and Todd are more bros than Joey and Bristol an actual item or couple. Joey will do anything, that part is no big deal. Joey will do anything and needs crazy nuts excitement. He loves a rush, needs it, craves it.

    8. Anonymous7:37 PM

      lol grow up

  13. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hmmmm hiding behind Trip? Looks like she popped out a junkie baby!

    Joey junkie love that name. Don't they miss him in AK? You know the dope? Or is he running it interstate now?

  14. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Let's see: Tripp goes to school. He prays before meals and at night. He know whats please and thank you are. Hes loved babies and has shown tenderness for years. He is adaptable.
    He's calmly dealt with when he acts up. He enjoys cleaning.

    Yes, Gryphen. Such a bad mother. LOL

    You need a life and something to live for. And to finally, for once in your life, stop lying and manipulating.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Anonymous4:54 PM: so you admit she's pregnant again? interesting....the fake Christian mother or sister or paid blogger can't get her story straight

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM


      mental retardation much ?!?

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      A bad mother who is living in sin

    4. Anonymous5:30 PM



    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Why is his Mother living in sin?

    6. Anonymous5:39 PM

      How can we take that comment seriously with the bad English, bad grammar and bad punctuation. This is someone who clearly hasn't finished high school, hell, she might still be in middle school. No one is manipulating anyone-- except for Bristol, who uses these facebook posts and her child to lash out at Levi. I see a child who is not in school. He knows what please and thank you are. We saw the letter that Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers describing what a brat Tripp was, and how he had to be bribed with popsicles in order to get him to do anything. Did he pray before eating his popsicle, too? Tripp slept in Bristol's bed, then. I guess one way to get Tripp out of her bed was to replace him with a different boy.

    7. Anonymous5:43 PM

      4:54 PM Willow, you should not have dropped out of High School. Your INCOHERENT writing is 2nd grade level. You Palins give Alaska a bad name.

    8. Anonymous5:57 PM

      sue us then!! please sue us!!

  15. Anonymous4:55 PM

    ewwww....look at that ugly ass shirt. And she sure looks pregnant!
    hmmmmm...very interesting. She has no taste and no class. I thought she was a born again virgin!
    BTW, I'm from California and we don't dress like that, even when pregnant. .

  16. Anonymous4:56 PM

    It's just funny how no one on either side is a saint and they've ALL lied. Yet you refuse to publicly admit this.

    Sigh blogs.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM


    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      You are Stupid, 4:56 PM, and you need Help. Sigh, Trolls.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Bristol Pals around with a Drug Dealer. Nice Trial Daddy, Bristol, now go spread your Christian Legs and make him happy.

  17. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Gotta cut through the Palin Toxicity on the blog. Here's a breather.

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    That Bristol woman is as evil as her mother- and here is the proof, showing off and innocent child with her lover, while his father Levi is dying to see & hold & love his dear son. What an evil ugly bitch. She is so jealous that Levi is properly married to a wonderful beautiful and intelligent hard-working girl named Sunny.
    I have never seen such evilness. Mary

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I can almost pity Bristol if she is actually doing that homely dude. You would think with their money they could get her a better replacement.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Sunny is so beautiful, like a breath of fresh air! You can tell its barstools jealous ass commenting here. Or loser junkie.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      The law usually decides what is in the best interest of the child. This cannot be good for Tripp.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      5:28 PM When you have as many Babies as Bristol with one on the way, you can't be choosy.

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Joey will try anything twice. If the rewards are right he would marry the tent queen who was raped & not raped at least once.

    6. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Sunny and Levi are lookers. Ugly is alright if you are a decent human being. All I know is poor Tripp. The meds he is on are only a temporary fix. He is going to have to deal with some serious head trips. I kind of feel sorry for Junker, too.

  19. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Palin wore the same outfit today as she did in May 2010. She holds onto her grudges as long as she hangs onto her

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I thought she returned all those clothes the RNC bought for her, I guess that's just another Palin lie.

  20. Holy cow she's huge! Pregnant? Post-partum?

    How can her weight vary so much without pregnancy as a cause?

  21. Anonymous5:18 PM

    When the junkie baby daddy runs for his life will she claim she was "raped" at Disneyland on a dizzy ride? lol hahahahahahahaha...let's see what happens. I can't wait.

  22. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Whose fugly green drapes? Where is this stage set up?

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      What is wrong with Brancy? Why would she put that empty tree with ladders on Bristol's blog?

      Where is it? They didn't even bother to pose a lonely Tripp in that one.

      Why is it that 99% of what they do looks contrived for ulterior motives?

  23. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Looks Post-partum to me. Do you think Junker is responsible or just another paid trial daddy?

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I'm sure he is paid, every boyfriend since Levi has had to be.

  24. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I thought people were just being mean to say that Bristol was pregnant, for what? the fourth time? But I must say that I apologize for doubting those in the know. She's pretty huge in that picture so I would say that yes, the Bristol has birthed a fourth baby. She's just a baby-making machine. Got birth control? Try it, you might like a year when your not pregnant.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      She has A child.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      She IS living in sin

  25. Anonymous5:30 PM

    That's supposed to be the happiest place on earth. Why does Bristol have a long face?

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Why are you random and stupid

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      ok that made me lol for real!!

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      5:38 PM Was Rush Limbaugh talking about Bristol when he referred to Sluts?

  26. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I think that this is Bristol spitting in Levi's eye. There is something that went on behind the scenes that must be preventing Levi from pursuing his right to see his son. The Palins must have forced him, as an underage boy, to sign something or they hold a threat over Sherry's head. This stinks.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      boohoo. Then Levi should get a real fucking lawyer - we'd all help pay for it for him. If he signed something underage or under duress it is not binding.

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I think she's doing what she does rarely and randomly. Post a picture for her supporters. She could be lots more if she were attention hungry. Why are you manipulating things? Bristol has a life and doesn't need validation. She is a great mother.

  27. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Alright Joey! Joey is not only getting some ass but he gets to go to Disneyland on Bristol's dollar.

  28. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Whew! The troll is working overtime on this one! Hope you're getting paid postage x 2, troll-bot!

  29. Anonymous5:34 PM

    WOW, the trolls are hitting the blog en masse. Gryphen, you hit the nail on the hed with this post and it's quite clear that you've ruffled a few feathers in the Beefy Palin nest, eh?

    Pretty funny how the poor troll is desperately trying to convince us that Tripp is NOT years older than they admit. And, if he has any manners you can be SURE that he didn't learn them in the Palin household, more likely Sunny is fulfilling both mother and stepmother since Beefy is such a disastrous parent.

    The defensive crouch of the troll is pretty hysterical, posting every few minutes as if that will convince us that the Palin family myth is just that, a myth, a PR trick and a joke.

    So, little troll, you can calm your little ass down because NOTHING that you post here will EVER convince Gryphen, or the regular IM crowd that Beefy can parent or that Tripp isn't poorly trained and had to be taught basic behavior by two other mothers, Sunny and Melissa.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Grow up. Why are you talking about things you know nothing about firsthand?

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      lol You're an idiot.

  30. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Joey if you screw Bristol in a restaurant bathroom, remember to stick her panties in her mouth. According to Levi's family, that Bristol is a loud moaner


    1. Balzafiar5:57 PM

      Best post of the day! Thanks.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      That is libel.

  31. Yuck, both of them look smelly. Where was tripp when these two sinners were bumping uglies.

    Looks like hair school is the new mono. What a stupid tramp. The palin heath legacy-sperm dumps.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      If Tripp goes to bed at night he always sleeps with his Mommy. Maybe Joey and B exchange body fluids during the day.

      Joey has groupies and who knows how toxic he is now.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Oh yeah, drug-dealing guys always have lots of trashy chicks hanging around who will do anything for some dope.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      You should get a life

  32. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I really think Bristol has an issue parting with her "baby."Even a few days without him she freaks. It's normal when they're infants because infants really shouldn't be apart from their mother. Sunnys heading down the same path with Breeze. "i can't sleep without her."

  33. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Yeah...she's gotta be prego again. Look at the granny pants

  34. Anonymous5:41 PM

    How come Tripp always wears his glasses but Tri-G never gets to wear his? Guess they don't want Tri-G to be able to see anything. Why didn't the Brisdull take her other son, Tri-G to Disneyland, too? Which is it? Disneyland or Disney World. I would think that since Brisdull lives in Arizona now, until the new baby arrives, that she would be going to Disneyland in CA. Did Brissy collect her free money for living in Alaska most of the year?

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Assbackward family of abusive adults.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      He does. Why are you talking about things you know nothin about

  35. Super Fan In Atlanta5:46 PM

    Wow! I just went through BP's facebook photos and wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about regarding yet another baby. I noticed that EVERY picture of her as of late has her holding something or someone, sitting down, or standing behind someone. If I remember correctly, once she had slimmed down to an extremely tiny size, you couldn't keep her from in front of a camera showing her svelte figure. Now, it's covered completely. Having pushed out two little people myself, it's almost too easy to "presume" (based on her family's history of new baby management) she's either carrying or just delivered. Sorry, BP! I really wanted this one to just be about gossipy fodder.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      This is Bristol when she is looking for another boy toy.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Willow is far prettier, even if she as dumb as a bag of hammers.

  36. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Todd I'm losing count. How many guys has ridden that bull?

    Levi twice
    Gino twice

    What's the name of the other guys?

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Does stinky fingers count?

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      It would be more accurate to at least double or tripple any of the known fornicators on Bristol's list.

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Love how you fabricate relationships. And for a 23 yr old, FOUR people is prudish. And Ben is just a friend. And Gino is still friends with the family.

  37. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Truth is a Palin posted these pictures:

    One year later they post this:

    Now this:

    It looks very conclusive. Not saying that Bristol doesn't have a deadly eating disorder like her mother is sporting. Do believe Bristol has a special woman glow in the July 2013 image where she looks so happy and proud to display her gut.

    Curious that Bristol starts to hide the gut after July. July to December there is a multitude of mysterious secret and weirdness surrounding Bristol. No show at thanksgiving is only one, not even as much as a picture of her love bug with the cute turkey hands and what nots all children in school make. Not any picture at all to show she is thankful to be with family or whatever for the season to show gratitude. Not even thankful for her love bug. Not a word about Sarah's delicious wonderful turkey back or how she loves turkey back sammiches the next day.

    Another epic fail for Bristol. Sad Bristol blows it again.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      If Bristol had "blown" it she wouldn't be in a family way.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      6:57 PM

      Good point.

  38. Anonymous6:00 PM

    How come Bristol didn't take her other kids with her to Disneyland?

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      She dumps the non-money makers.

  39. Anonymous6:01 PM

    That poor boy sure has had an awful lot of "uncles" in his young life, hasn't he? I guess it doesn't matter to Joey Junker how many times that hole has been plugged. Men of principle DO care. Nice catch, Brissie! HAHAHAHA

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Wow, you're stupid. Get a life and stop lying.

  40. Anonymous6:01 PM

    The same troll has written all of the troll comments. The key words are "get a life" and "manipulation." The real clue is the terrible way of writing, hardly even high school level. (Is that you, Piper or has one of the girls been drinking too much?)

    No one is manipulating anything or anyone. That's not the right word to use. There is a difference between Sonny and Joey. One is the legal spouse of one of Tripp's parents, and the other isn't. They have different standing in a court of law. Joey is not a step parent. He is simply a boy friend, not a parent or step-parent, unless you know something that we don't know.

    This comment is wonderful. "Let's see: Tripp goes to school. He prays before meals and at night. He know whats please and thank you are. Hes loved babies and has shown tenderness for years. He is adaptable. He's calmly dealt with when he acts up. He enjoys cleaning."

    He's calmly dealt with when he acts up. We read what Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers during that swap program. Bristol admitted to having parenting problems, even asking readers on her blog for suggestions and help. Bristol dealt with Tripp by bribing him with popsicles. I watched one episode as Tripp played with lit candles. Bristol did nothing. The boy could have burned himself. Maybe the candles belonged on a high shelf or mantle so Tripp couldn't get at them, but Bristol didn't move them. She should have removed his hand, saying, "No, you could burn yourself." I didn't see any excellent parenting on display. Melissa seemed to get Tripp to behave better than Bristol did. Tripp can pray every hour of the day, show tenderness to babies and it wont change what we have seen on TV. He was a brat and Bristol couldn't control him. Melissa gave him a chore chart and organized him in one week. Bristol is the one who is doing the manipulating, using Tripp as a prop, the same way that her mother has used the kids and Todd as her props. We have seen it on TV. The truth hurts.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      ......and they were cancelled every TIME they tried to do Hollywood! Good LORD, how many times do you have to be told you're ingrates???

      Happy Holidays, Gryph, you atheist you! HAHAHAHAHA

    2. Isn't "manipulation" new? Gee, they can learn new tricks.... hee hee

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Steps have NO standing in a court of law.

    4. Anonymous7:29 PM

      You ALSO saw ALL of the above to be true. It isn't MY fault you're forgetting.

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Dude, stop with your manipulating. You have no clue what you're saying. And everything I said was seen by you. Tripp does listen, obey, and do all that.

      Parenting is live and learn. Trial and error. It is a network between everyone.

      Grow up

  41. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Love how she's had TWO boyfriends in 4 years, neither of whom shes lived with, and you act like it's such a bad thing.

    They obviously have a good relationship where she can explain why Gino isnt there. Hes a mature kid for his age. All he knows is love from everyone he meets.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Duhhhhhh Gino is not there because Bristol kicked him out of the car somewhere on a isolated road in Alaska. Has Gino made it home yet?

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Two boyfriends
      Numerous trial husbands
      And we lost count of how many fuck buddies

      So what's your point Bristol?

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Hes a mature kid for his age. All he knows is love from everyone he meets.

      Who are you talking about? Joey? Gino?

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Tripp just can't meet with his sister, his Dad, new mother, Aunt, paternal grandmother and family. Real nice of Bristol and the enablers.

      Glad to know you hate the Palins so much you don't care about their eating or body dysmorphic disorders. You are happy with your denials and to help them die early.

    5. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Yeah trollie its called Meth and getting preggo and meth and preggo, except for sarah, its meth, meth, meth!

    6. Anonymous7:28 PM

      huh? Get a life

  42. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Is this guy Bristol's latest dildo?

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Are you saying Bristol keeps Joey in her nightstand with the rest of her toys?

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Grow up. The funny thing is, for her age, she's been with few people. And 2 in 4 years.

  43. Anonymous6:13 PM

    When will Bristol dress up Joey in his Brokeback Mountain outfit like she did Gino?

  44. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I'm not trying to be funny but if you look closely at the picture you will notice that Bristol has a longgggggg shadow on her neck. I'm guessing it is from her longgggg Jay Leno chin implant.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      You're right. Tripp and Joey doesn't have a long shadow on their necks.

  45. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Sarah Palin™ is hate packaged as a brand. Only the ignorant and the mentally ill take her seriously.

  46. Anonymous6:26 PM

    According to the internet, Bristol has experience and is not shy. Joey have you reached 5th base with Bristol?

    1. 5th base
    butt sex, ass banging, corn-holio

    "butt sluts like going to 5th base"

  47. Anonymous6:27 PM

    The guy with Tripp and Bristol that dresses as a drug dealer is a Sledneck. He is completely into the lifestyle.

    His sister is the one that found it incredulous he was going to settle down. He travels a lot and is usually high. He has to be. What he does is not natural he has to push himself and use whatever he can to keep up with the young competition that is coming up. He loves Alaska for it's cheap thrills, not to preserve it's natural beauty.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      You need to stop with the lies about strangers.

  48. Anonymous6:34 PM

    For a single struggling mother she sure does go through a lot of trial husbands. Whats the problem with her coochie?

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Too big to hold onto a boyfriend?

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      LOL. You're pathetic. 2 in 4 years is actually a small number. And neither lived with her. She tried to make Gino a man, but it wasn't his time.

      You need to seriously get a life.

  49. Anonymous6:35 PM

    So instead of letting Tripp see his father on Thanksgiving, she takes him to Disneyland. Some day in the not too distant future, Tripp is going to turn on Bristol with a vengeance.

  50. Anonymous6:37 PM

    That may be the happiest place on earth but I can tell you who's happier.

    Gino's parents
    Dylan's parents
    Levi's mother
    Ben's parents

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Don't forget Joel Kenworthy that huge stud that spoiled her silly. Don't forget the town drunk John Chandler. too many to remember them all but those are two that definitely make the Bristol boinking list.

      rehab and Army Kenworthy
      town drunk Chandler

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Grow up. The funny part is, Gino is still on good terms with th efamily as is the rest. The Js and Ps were never close, which makes is funny that Levi bsaically joined her family from the start when his fell apart.

  51. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I feel bad for this Joey. He seems to be a regular guy and unfortunately he'll get sucked up into the Palin vortex, and caught in their webs of deceit and lies. If Bristol is serious about him, she should leave Alaska or at least stop facebooking for public consumption. She needs to stop using her son as her personal pawn for her addictive need for celebrity. No young woman would be spending all her time posting photos of her child and boyfriends. She should be pursuing her life, privately, and thinking about her child. Normal people won't even post family photos of their kids, for fear they would be recognized or just because they want to shelter and protect them from predators and such. Why does a young woman need to do what she does?

    Most of us here probably have kids or nephews and nieces who pursue life ambitions and make plans and enter relationships and live life without capturing every moment on cameras and posting these private moments to the world. Who in their right mind does this? Do the Santorum kids, the McCains? The Gingriches? Do they post photos of their grandkids continually? Do the Romneys? Even wild and crazy Michele Bachmann? Ted Cruz? The answer is no. What desperation torments Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin to the point they MUST post their lives on facebook and twitter or blogs?

    Does no one in media ever ask these questions about this crazy family?

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      I feel bad for this Joey

      Why? He's probably getting his dick sucked before he moves on.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      You can thank the onslaught of reality TV and the disappearance of investigative journalism for it. It's all sensationalism at this point, and you're right, 6:44 PM. What other "politician" does this? NONE. They are FRAUDS and milking it until it ends.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Don't feel bad for him. He's met Bristol and still chooses to hang out with her.

    4. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Grow up. And I LOVE how you say all she does is post pictures when she posts FEW. Sunny posts FAR more and lives on fb. The ironic part is ,Bristol has had the same job for 4 years. Sunny worked at that office job for 1 week before quitting. She said she was starting school this fall. Nope.


    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Joeys family loves Bristol

  52. Anonymous6:49 PM

    No post about the great warrior and leader Nelson Mandela? Very disappointed Gryph!

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      He's a manipulator and immature. What do you expect?

  53. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Bristol is too busy to go to college but she sure has enough time to try out trial husbands.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Grow up. She's had 2 boyfriends in 4 years. ANd has lived with NEITHER.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Really? Get your own blog. This blog doesn't have to cover every piece of news you're interested in, and it just happened today. Chill out.

  54. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I frankly am getting sick of their weird porn references on this thread. Gross. Why can’t you eliminate the grosser posts? They are in no way interesting or add to the discussion.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      I agree. I don't want to read that.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      well said.

    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Because Gryphen is immature and can't help but spread filth and lies.

    4. LOL!

      Are you lost? Do you not know the name of this site?

  55. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Lets see, go to Disneyland or go to church?

    Didn't Bristol say that her family was too busy to go to church?

    Uh huh, you want to tell us another lie Bristol?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      They go to church. You're an idiot with bad assumptions.

  56. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Junker can get any young groupie that humps Slednecks. He doesn't have to settle for some old used stretched out moaner that turned herself into a national joke. He has Christian values, you know he would not sell his soul for cheap. The Palins are paying his price or he don't play their game.

  57. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I do believe that the Palins read and comment here. I am not a Palin supporter at all, and I think Sarah lied about giving birth to Trig. I am repulsed by a lot of the things this family does, and I feel bad for Levi that he ever got involved with them and I suppport his right to have a relationnship with Tripp. That said, I think some of the comments are out of line. Please don't call me a troll - I have been reading and posting comments here since 2008. Bristol's sex life is her business and not ours. Her parenting is her business and not ours. You're free to make gross and mean comments on those things, but I find that pretty hateful, considering that we all know she reads here.

  58. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Tripp is going on his rides and Bristol will be riding Joey Junker later on in the night.

  59. Anonymous7:20 PM

    If Bristol marries Joey Junker then Bristol's initials would be "BJ" (Blow Job)

    What a coincidence

  60. Anonymous7:27 PM

    (I haven't read all of the previous posts but...) has anyone noticed the people who commented on Bristol's photo seem a little out of her age group?

  61. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Have you noticed how these Palin people have no shame, and how they think nothing of flaunting the money that their "followers" throw at them.
    I guess if these Corporate Welfare Queens ever get investigated for spending money meant to be spent on elections, they can always claim that the it was public knowledge. And yet, they who are living it up freeloading dare to point the finger at hard-working people. What a shame of a family who claim to be Christians.

  62. Anonymous7:37 PM

    You saw her during the first dwts stint she cares about the right things, manners, nurturing... And you saw Tripp get upset when Mark was dancing with his momma. You saw him adapt well to order and change, though he was upset when her mommy left him. You saw when no one (willow) is riling him up, he's a VERY good boy. Every family has that person. Sunny's brother and Levi's best friend are it for them.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.