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This entire segment of Rachel's show is worth watching, however the part about the secessionist sheriffs starts at the 11:35 mark.
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
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They believe the County Sheriff is the highest authority, not the federal government? Federal laws don't apply to them? This is what we're dealing with, folks. Wackos, all of 'em.
ReplyDeleteYou said, "They believe the County Sheriff is the highest authority, not the federal government?"
DeleteYou need to take civics 101... ALL three branches are, together, the highest authority. And they are FOR the people.
I don't give a crap if they want to secede, or not.
As I said on my original comment, The President has stated that his administration will NOT enforce some laws. So ... if the Presidend can refuse to enforce some laws, then there can be no comment on others stating the same exact thing. The President is no better than any other citizen, but as President can set the example for others to follow. Everyone here is just upset that it doesn't coincide with their beliefs. Folks here applaud when someone goes against the "law of the land" and marry same sex couples in certain states, but go against what they think is right, and those people are nut jobs.
Way to hold a double standard!
DeleteExcuse me, but it is quite obvious you didn't watch the segment Gryphen has posted because it is not dsmyre who said that, it was in the segment of Rachel's show posted above! so don't slam this responder for merely ASKING A QUESTION about it. Or do you not know what that little symbol at the end of the line you quoted means? NOW who's the dumbass?
Also, the President was ordering no enforcement of a law that was in serious jeopardy of being removed - which it was.
Further, what is RIGHT is following the law in those states that ALLOW same sex marriage - regardless of any religious beliefs held by tight assed extremists. THAT was the choice of those states, not the Federal government. And just exactly what "law of the land" are you alluding to?
I think that 9:13 signed his/her name as DumbAss. That sounds right.
DeleteI apologize Dsmyre. I couldn't watch it right away, and misunderstood.
DeleteAs for you, 2:51, actually, he has stated that there are several laws which he will not enforce...one may have been removed, but many are not. Some are related to immigration. I don't care how you feel about it, and it is too complex a situation to go into on this topic, but I still stand by my origional statement that this President has set the stage to ignore those laws which he doesn't like, or are inconveinent.
"The President is no better than any other citizen,"
Yes and he can ignore laws or tell the DOJ not to enforce them, but county sheriffs can't make that decision.
As it IS, the FEDS are CHOOSING TO IGNORE the Medical Marijuana laws in the States and busting Dispensaries yet I don't see the RWNJ all upset and wanting to secede from that?
"origional statement that this President has set the stage to ignore those laws which he doesn't like, or are inconveinent."
And your point is? He is "ignoring certain law b/c Congress is sitting on their asses doing nothing"!
He sets the example, as head of the executive branch. If laws are not to your liking, ignore and don't enforce. Or, like when he executive ordered that he can send weapons to known terrorist organizations, just so he can send some to Seria...against the law!!!
DeleteHe sets a bad example, then everyone gets upset when his example is followed.
Yeah, wackos with guns...are they SURE they want everyone armed? I'm surprised they are not all for gun registration...after all, if they truly want all of us 'locked and loaded,' that means there will be a lot more people ready for these nuts when they start their war.
ReplyDeleteIf you're so worried about all laws being enforced all the time, why don't you push the president to send all illegal aliens home? And push to have all laws against sodomy enforced not to mention all (anti) sex laws.
ReplyDeleteHow about laws against mixed race marriages and laws enforcing slavery. Should those laws have been enforced?
The funny thing is, people usually only want laws enforced that don't affect them. People pick and choose which laws to follow all the time. How many of you drive 5 miles over the speed limit and don't ever expect to get ticketed? And would actually get irate if you did get a ticket for that?
you're lucky you're not in jail for bein' an inbred cousin fuker
DeleteHave you any freaking idea how impossible a task it would be to find and send all of the millions home who are here illegally? Get real. Oh. And the INS is working on it. And just because their primary targets are those with records, it is still being worked on.
DeleteFrom everything I have ever read or heard, the PRIMARY source (not the ONLY!) for anti-sodomy is religious in foundation. Since this is legally a secular country, that's a ridiculous question, as is the aside about all the other sex laws. (And before you jump on that, NO!, I am not advocating anal sex! What two or more people do in the privacy of their homes is their business - provided all parties are in agreement - not yours or mine.)
As for the mixed marriage and slavery laws, those WERE enforced in many states and in some cases people were hanged for them. I live in SC and I can PROMISE you it used to be that if a black man even looked sideways in a sexual manner at a white woman, he ended up beaten to a pulp or hanged. (Of course, if a WHITE man wanted a black woman, nobody said a thing!) Those laws have been proven to be just as stupid and intrusive and basically illegal as a ton of other laws you could probably bitch about, so NO, they should NOT have been enforced!.
The ONLY thing you ranted about in your post that has any merit is the question you raised in your last paragraph - and that's just people being people. And people, BEING people, will bitch about a lot of things. How many of those bitching about a traffic ticket refuse to go to court and PAY the damned thing?
Wow, did you miss the point! I understand it, and I'm a self described DumbAss!
DeleteThing is the laws that commenter tries to say is that stupid laws are ignored. There is close to half of the country's citizenry that does not want some of the gun control laws that are being passed. Some do favor them. If the citizenry for these locations elected these sheriffs Because of their outlook on thesr matters, these laws would be viwed as stupid, and therefore, not high priority. Whether you agree with it or not, take a look at your area, first, and see which laws are enforced or not.
Thing is, these are stupid laws.
It would be funny if these nutjobs were joking. Lets break from the union and form a new state, first order of business: Choose the state bird. Really? Are they nucking futz?