Sunday, December 01, 2013

Howard Dean responds to Rick Santorum's attack on President Obama's competence, "I lose my patience with this nonsense."

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

“This really feeds into the president’s competence,” Santorum said of the ACA’s malfunctioning website. “Obamacare is certainly front and center, what’s going on in the Middle East is another area. There’s a whole group of issues now that people are questioning.” 

“That’s right-wing talking points against this president,” Dean replied. “From day one, they’ve tried to undermine him as a human being.” 

“I fail to see how this has anything to do with the president’s competence, other than the procurement process, which has been screwed up for many years, long before this president came into office,” Dean continued. “I lose my patience with this nonsense. I do believe that the fact are going to be determined by what happens on the ground. Three months from now, a lot more people are going to have health insurance, and a lot more people are going to be happy with all this.”

Dean, who has not always been the biggest fan of the Affordable Care Act, did an excellent job in pushing back against the GOP talking points. 

By the way personally I think that Rick "Frothy" Santorum is a preexisting condition and I  hope that Obamacare does something about him as well. Such as making him no longer a political viable candidate for ANYTHING.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I've always thought Santorum to be a creep and way over the top as to his religious beliefs. Cannot imagine being married to him - he must have his wife under so much control!

    1. I never thought that about Mrs. Santorum, in fact, I suspect he fears her. I sure do, thanks to this this 2006 defeat picture.

      I think she knows where all Ricky's bodies are buried if he crossed her she'd hang his balls over the fireplace. She scares me like Angela Lansbury in Manchurian Candidate.

      Tough not to feel sorry for the kids: little Pugsley on the right has mentally wandered to his future career as a serial killer, the older daughter thinking "Now I'm gonna be a virgin till I'm 30, might as well eat," and the younger, "Oh shit, now he's gonna be home all the time....

    2. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Mean to pick on the kids.

      But his daughter Elizabeth sure pounded pavement for his POTUS run, just as a good daughter would.

      "It's been quite a journey, and I think of many nights around our kitchen table talking about starting the journey," Elizabeth Santorum said. "We knew this was not easiest course for our family. We knew there would be hard moments that would test us."

      Elizabeth will attend church services Sunday afternoon."

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Rick's wife lived with her Lover, an Abortion Doctor, before hooking up with Rick. Didn't he force his Family to sleep with a dead fetus?

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      She has no mind of her own.
      Santorum lost his re-election for Senator, holds no public office, has been smeared by the amount of money he's grifted from his PA school district for his children home-schooled in VA -- and still he has a public pulpit? Who's behind his PAC?
      Sarah must be taking lessons at his Grifters-R-Us on-line university/hair school.

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Yes, they took their stillborn home with them and introduced him to the young children. Talk about gruesome!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

      Yes, it was the most horrific thing I've ever read. They took had him baptized, dressed him up, and passed him around to "meet his brothers and sisters", then he spent the night in mom and dad's room. Don't know if the other kids got any sleep, but it must have been a traumatic experience for young children to endure.

      They named the stillborn child "Gabriel" and (what else?) wrote a book of "letters to Gabriel".

  3. Randall5:35 PM

    Just today I talked to TWO different people, at different times, who didn't understand that "Obamacare" is NOT insurance!

    They are all upset about it - but haven't a CLUE that "Obamacare" is a LAW that says insurance companies can no longer CHEAT you.

    But they're FURIOUS about it.


  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    What makes Rick Santorum knowledgeable about health insurance? And why the hell did Candy Crowley have him on to fearmonger? Damn his smirk is annoying!

    Media reporting on the ACA is infuriating. Of course, public opinion reflects the negative reporting. Crowley provided a perfect example by framing her questions in a negative way. It was indefensible to allow Santorum to talk about people losing plans or having new plans without their preferred doctors and hospitals without also explaining how health insurance worked pre-ACA, how little has changed, and the various types of plans available. And, yes, there are PPO plans where you can see any doc you effing want. Santorum was allowed to talk about rates going up, again without the context that the upward trajectory has slowed.

    Howard Dean could have done better. He should have at least explained that he didn't initially support the ACA during the legislative process because he wanted Medicare-for-All or a public option.

    I had private insurance for years. Every month, my insurance company sent me a list of doctors they were dropping from the plan. One year my insurance plan was completely eliminated and I had to find a replacement.

    During the years I had employer-provided plans, I had zero choice--no say whatsoever--in the plan/s my employer chose. Employers can change the plans offered every year. Sometimes they picked good plans and some years the insurance was crap. You can lose your preferred doc with employer-provided plans, too.

    The constant attack on the ACA and Pres. Obama looks like the media setting up the horse races for 2014 and 2016. U.S. citizens deserve better media, better journalists, and better information. I'm going to have to stop subjecting myself to the MSM malpractice.

    1. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Candy (name for a tween) Crowley is nothing more than a shill for the GOP. She has her marching orders and she follows them most of the time.

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    “From day one, they’ve tried to undermine him as a human being.”
    How true this statement is... 'he pals around with terrorists, he is a secret Muslim, he wasn't born in America, he is a socialist, blah blah blah. Lies Lies Lies that is all they have.

    Rick even at President's worse moments he towers over your you, you are an intellectual midget compared to him. The President truly does care about our country unlike the likes of Santorum

  6. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Santorum gives me the hebejebes. He's some type of control freak cloaked in faux religious sanctimoniousness. Spooky dude.

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Nobody gives a fat fuck whether you "like" Obama or not.

    He is the President of the United States.

    If you wish him harm, you are a traitor and an enemy of America--and should be lined up against a wall and shot.

    Give that some thought, the next time you feel the need to spout out your treasonous bullshit, Santorum.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Ummmm, can't stand the guy, think he's a waste of oxygen, but I don't wish him harm. He may be a pain in the ass, but he doesn't deserve to be executed like you suggest. They are the ones that usually call for peoples blood for imagined or pumped up slights.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      At what point DO we "wish harm" on seditionists? AFTER another presidential assassination?

      Or after some "militia" group of wormdicks with big combat weapons, opens fire on the city hall of some city, in some state that has nothing to do with federal policies?

      There are many just ITCHING to do just that, urged on by domestic terrorists like Rush Limbaugh and Sean its only a matter of time.

  8. Anonymous6:51 PM

    After Santorum's one term as a Senator, the Pennsylvania voters rejected his attempt to be re-elected. He has not been a viable candidate for any office since then. He is a creep.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Actually, he was a two-term Senator, served for 12 years.

      He is a creep.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

      The worst years of this Pennsylvanian's life. Unfortunately, his skank odor has the same shelf life as Sarah's.

  9. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Santorum has always lived by the do as I say not as I do Republican/Religious Right moto. He got elected into office in PA by slamming his opponent for representing the state and living the majority of time in DC. After election he quickly moved his family to a mansion in VA. He was also a Bush mouthpiece for tort reform. Although his wife successful sued her chiropractor of big bucks.

  10. Why would anyone listen to a Ken doll babbling Republican talking points attacking the ACA rather than a real medical doctor who ought to know what he's talking about?

    (although I will admit medical doctors who are also Republicans are suspect; in that some of them seem to be evangelical fundamentalist crazies, and some Wall Street hedge fund managers in their spare time)

    BTW, yeah Howard Dean could have done better against Santorum's litany of talking points, if only he could get a word in edgewise during Santorum's filibuster.

  11. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I've liked Howard Dean since he was running for POTUS. He's very straightforward about a lot of things.

  12. It has been a while since I've "googlebombed" the spreadingsantorum site to keep it in the top search results. It is still a top search although the site has not been updated much since the 2012 elections. Visiting the site I found a clip of the Frothy One actually speaking the truth:

  13. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I'm not going to watch Gomer Pyle talk about the ACA, did he remember to add that this was a "train-wreck?" A part of The Chosen One's "felled policies?"

    Got to give the Right some credit, when they roll-out the talking points, they sure run with 'em.

  14. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

    CNN has FINALLY gotten wise and now shows Candy from the chest up, face front, and not in the "Alfred Hitchcock" silhouette style. I rarely watch her show, but this clip tells me she's still up to her old GOP toe licking tricks. I gave her credit for standing up for Pres. Obama during the debates, but having Google Problem on spouting his bullshit and having Dean sink his battleship was worth watching.
    Santorum's sense of "white privilege" when speaking about our President isn't even subtle, it's painted on his smug face as he spouts his GOP bullshit.

  15. Anonymous6:41 PM

    O/T War on Women-"Michigan about to require women to buy "rape insurance" based on petition signed by 4.2% of voters"

    "... If you become pregnant accidentally or if you are raped and become pregnant and haven't purchased a separate abortion coverage rider on your health insurance, you won't be covered. This isn't just for state government insurance plans or those purchased on the health insurance exchange. It's for EVERY insurance plan available in the state."

  16. Anonymous6:41 PM

    oops forgot the link


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