Monday, December 02, 2013

New Birther conspiracy theory just in time for Christmas, apparently the Kenyan Muslim's two daughters are aliens, or something like that.

This from the totally not insane website Fellowship of the Minds:  

I got an email this morning from FOTM reader Dave McMullen, asking why there aren’t baby pictures of Obama’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha. 

Wikipedia says “Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann, born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha), born on June 10, 2001.“ 

So I did a Google Image search for Obama’s daughters. I couldn’t find any baby pics of Malia or Sasha; neither could Dave.

Holy crap on a cracker! There are NO baby pictures of Sasha and Malia on the interwebs? How is such a thing even possible?

Hmm, well not so fast because the soiree defecator over at Freakout Nation did his own Google search, and it turns out he actually knows how to use Google.

Bummer! And they had such a good conspiracy going there for a few minutes.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Gosh, we see the girls so infrequently ( good job on protecting the girls Michele and Barack!) that I didn't realize how old Malia was.
    No wonder the baggers are so upset, a 15 yr old and unlike their girls she isn't pregnant in the 9th grade.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The Obama Girls aren't dropping out of School with 9 month Mono, or 'Ditching School or work to go on FAILED Ghostwritten Book Tours.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Most caring parents (read: intelligent) don't plaster their kids photos all over the interwebs. As much as I'd like to show y'all my spectacular grandchildren, all their photos are private and their parents request we keep it that way for the kids' safety and protection. Shoot! I was hoping' for a photo of the young'uns with the likes of Rush.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      FLOTUS looks AWESOME! How stylish in her long coat, skirt and boots and scarf.
      Beautiful family.

      I just can't imagine the Wasilla hillbillies anywhere near.
      No way, No how.

  2. There are people who believe our planet is being taken over by Lizard People, a type of alien and Obama is one of them. It doesn't matter how illogical or crazy the story there are people who believe it.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Yes, the Lizard People believers act quiet serious about it all. They can start out seeming sensible if you don't know where they are going.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    You Gryphen just wait and see, because unlike the OBama's that need their tree provided for them the Palin's, the first best most vibrant family in all of the Yukon will have their home and yard decorated by themselves, and I am betting many of the items Sarah will show all of the world will be hand crafted by her self sufficient family over the years. And maybe a decoration or two made out of moose horns and reindeer hooves like Mama Grizzlies do by themselves living up in the wilds of Alaska, you just wait and see. Sarah and her pioneer husband will show all you what rill Americun family looks like


    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Oh we already know what a real American family looks like. And it has no similarity to the Palins. And she's off again shaking hands and hawking angry books...she won;t have time to go out in the woods and find the perfect Christmas tree, bake cookies with Piper and Trigg, or hide the Elf on A Shelf even one night. Sarah is far too busy telling the rest of us what is wrong with our lives to live her opwn boring life.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Oh no, just like in her Christmas book Sarah's house is decorated from floor to ceiling, I'm sure since her book talks about it she will show you.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      The "Faker" troll is getting really boring now.
      Stop please?

  4. So did anyone attack Pres Bush about the mystery of his daughters? or Pres Clinton - or any other President? Of course not - gosh - what is different about this President?

    For the true wingnuts there is NOTHING that could possibly resemble family values about a black family in the white house - so lets just say it's all a lie - they must have stolen the children from somewhere?? so they could show them off on the campaign trail??

    1. Hmmmm, that sounds familiar.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      There's certainly nothing resembling wingnut family values in the White House. Thank heaven.

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      It is only Democrat kids who who get attacked. Remember poor Any Carter, and then Chelsea. Democrats have far too much class to go after underage kids (now the Bush girls and their college drinking were fair game...they were over 18.)

  5. Hey Gryphen have you seen this latest picture of Malia and Sasha? Look how much they've grown! Two beautiful girls! Loving Sasha's shoes too! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Sasha is a beautiful girl as well as Malia. This is how much their family protects them as I still thought Sasha was much younger.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I don't understand that photo. Here are Malia and Sasha with their dad on Thanksgiving. Sasha is much shorter than Malia. I can't see that these fantastic shoes would make her that much taller.

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      740 is tall for her age...she's only 12. Her growth spurt will between the ages of 13 or 14.

    4. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Beautiful girls!

      Those girls will be just like their Mom, always dressed appropriately unlike the hillbilly Klan....

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The National Republican Congressional Committee is no longer selling a T-shirt that says “Happy Holidays is what liberals say.”

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Make war, not love is what conservatibes say: about everything.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      They are too ignorant to know that "holidays" is simply a contraction of "holy days" -- meaning not just the holy day of Christmas, but the Feast of the Epiphany (Jan. 6) and the birth of Mary (Jan. 1), as celebrated on the Catholic Church calendar. I went to Catholic school for 12 years, and I was always taught not to sweat the "happy holidays" vs. "merry Christmas" distinction because the former included Christmas anyway.

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas by Sarah Palin – digested read

    John Crace reduces the trigger-happy former Alaskan governor's Christmas musings to a rootin'-tootin' 600 words

    This is worthy of a 5 star review on Amazon!

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Birther extended to the kids? Good god, have these assclowns have no shame?

    1. Hard to have shame when you have no working brain!

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      They're trying real hard to promote the idea that Barack is gay, Michelle is his beard and the girls are assigned to make them look like a family. They can't stand that he's such a fine husband, a stellar father and a hot and sexy black man who runs circles around them all in EVERY arena that counts.

      And YUM! He is so sexy in that shot with the babies! Those frumpy, paunchy white guys he has to work with in Congress can only DREAM about ever being so hot, JUST by being who he is. Nothing put on, just pure, unadulterated, natural charisma.

  9. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The Bush girls gave Malia and Sasha a tour of the White House after the '08 election.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      They did. And they were lovely and gracious about it. Your point was?

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    What difference does it make where Obama's kids were born? Don't the birthers have any other juicy lies to spread? I have a great idea. We'll show you proof of Malia and Sasha's birth if Sarah Palin will show Trig's birth certificate. There you go. I'll see your birther crap and raise you one birther crap.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I think you meant well with your comparison but the logic doesn't hold up. The Obama girls' BCs are not like Trig's BC.

      Obama's campaign didn't make his children central to his appeal. On the other hand, Palin was nothing without Trig, whose claimed birth was critical to bringing evangelical support to McCain and energizing the GOP base. Her DS pregnancy story cemented her otherwise shaky anti-choice qualifications:
      1) She'd appointed a pro-choice justice to the AK Supreme Court.
      2) She refused to call a special session to take up a parental notification bill for children seeking an abortion
      3) Her medical records document she'd had at least one abortion

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      They're not trying to find out their birthplace, they're suggesting that they are not Barack and Michelle's offspring at all. That they are part of a front to cover up for Barack's 'gayness', with Michelle being an 'arrangement'. No gay man EVER looked at a woman the way Barack looks at his Michelle. That's for damn sure. The sexual and emotional intimacy just oozes from the pores of these two, the glances, the touches. You can't fake that. They're just trying to use some school yard bully taunt to tear at the solid and secure family foundation of the Obamas. But, no matter how they try, they just can't shake the strength and commitment they have for each other....and the girls they brought into this world, borne of their love for each other. And that's why they just get more and more outrageous, because they got nuthin'.

  11. Anonymous6:13 PM

    In the middle picture, Malia is the spitting image of her mother!

    I am sooo impressed at how the Obamas have kept the girls OUT of the public spotlight as much as possible. Their father is the President, not either of them, and it can't be easy giving them anything close to a normal life.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Exactly what I thought about Malia!
      If you told me that was a photo of a little Michelle I would not have thought twice.

  12. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Please show more pictures of the President in his bathing suit. He's sure easy on the eyes.

  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Oh, but they are sure that last one is photshopped, because look at Michelle's hair on the left side. And look at the President's head. God, these people are insane.

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    What sweet and adorable pictures. It makes me so sad that people try to hurt this family, and hate on President Obama, but no matter how hard they try to negatively paint them, the facts show that the President was a devoted father and is a good family man. Family values.

    The only reason people ask Sarah Palin for a birth certificate is because she used her dear baby as a prop for her platform. The Obamas never used their children as props for their campaign platforms. And the reason people question the Palins about Trig is because once the campaign was over, Sarah is out shopping for reality TV shows, instead of staying home and caring 24/7 for her down syndrome child.

  15. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I'm not always the biggest fan of President Obama, but as a parent, he sets a wonderful example, as does Mrs. Obama.

    Both girls are clearly their parents' daughters and the family resemblance is obvious - Malia favors more her father's side of the family facially, but has her mother's height and build, and Sasha favors more her mother's side of the family facially, and also has her mother's build and is starting to develop her height. Of course, their father is tall, too! How anyone could doubt these girls are their parents' natural children is beyond my comprehension; you'd have to be blind, or deliberately blinding yourself, not to see the strong resemblances.

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      I see the opposite. I tihnk Malia looks like Michelle - look at the chin and jaw. Malia looks like PBO's mom.

  16. Anonymous7:43 PM


  17. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Now they are bringing the Obama children into this....what total bullshit. President Obama is doing an outstanding job in spite of all the crap he has had to deal with. He has a wonderful wife and family. No matter what the opposite tries to do to President Obama, it never works. They have reached their low in bringing the Obama girls into the fray.

  18. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Why are people comparing Sarah Palin to President Obama on this particular blog? She ran w/McCain for VP - not POTUS. And, she'd never win any election today on the Alaska or national level! She's a proven mess of a woman and assuredly doesn't have the family values as do the Obamas.

    1. Apparently you have never noticed that no matter what a particular blog is about, there are always a few who find a way to bring Sarah into it. There doesn't have to be a reason.

    2. Anonymous3:38 AM

      The problem is that, ever since November 2008, Sarah Palin has thought that she ran for president. Her venom and vitriol have been directed at and against President Obama since that time. I think that it is important to keep her in view because she has stoked the ire of so many far right voices in this country, especially those who are racists. The despicable level of political discourse on the right is just what Sarah Palin thrives on. We cannot afford to ignore her effect.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      You don't get it Lynne. Sarqh! is the reason for the season doncha know...

  19. Anonymous11:36 PM

    O/T - wonder if old Sarah regrets having her photo taken with Rushbo now? This controversy won't help sell her "Christmas" book!

  20. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Malia and Sasha are pretty, pretty girls.

    1. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Agreed. Their parents are good-looking too!

  21. Anonymous2:35 AM

    We have lots and lots of photos of a non- pregnant- with- Tri-G Sarah, and a pillow- in- her- panties- call- it- Tri-G- pictures, and then a few short weeks later a if-this-uterus -really-got-this-big-this-fast-I'd -be -dead- pictures.
    And we found them on the internet!!

  22. Anonymous8:07 AM

    How can anyone believe that Bathhouse Barry is the father of any children?

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Careful, there is a 40 percent chance that the man you think in your father, isn't.

    2. "Anonymous8:07 AM
      How can anyone believe that Bathhouse Barry is the father of any children?
      It's easy. Have a brain, and not be a drooling, cretinous, sex-obsessed, moron. Only perverted right wing nutjobs obsess so much about the President's sex life.

      Male right wingers apparently can't stop dwelling on and picturing the President having sex with men.

      Right wing women apparently can't get over their jealousy that Michelle has a gorgeous, sexy husband who clearly adores her and they have to convince themselves that she doesn't really. I guess it makes them feel better about their pasty, idiotic, husbands being so obsessed with gay sex.

      What a pathetic bunch of perverted, jealous, losers you all are.

      There. You asked. You have an answer. Now go back to jerking off while thinking about men in bathhouses.

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      What, wait, he's a GAY Marxist Socialist Muslim Kenyan? How are we supposed to keep up without a program, that's what I want to know.

      PS. Are we sure he isn't a vampire? I mean, think about it, when is the last time you saw him walking on the street after dark.

  23. I've long thought that Malia is gorgeous - and looks just like her father - and that Sasha is adorable and looks just like her mother and HER mother. But now I'm beginning to think that Sasha may give her older sister a run for the gorgeous-title!

    Their parents are doing an outstanding job in raising them. I love the way the two sisters seem so close emotionally. I have two sons - a bit older - who've always been the same way with each other so I recognise the closeness in other children.

  24. Oh, and I'm surprised that none of the demented on the Right have pointed out that Sasha's REAL name is "Natasha" and why's she named after a commie?

  25. Anita Winecooler4:47 PM

    I was waiting for the idiots to get to this level of ignorance. So when is Google going to fix their damn website? Two assclowns do a google search and come up with nothing. I hope Congress holds a hearing on this because it's important stuff!

    All kidding aside, they're both stunningly beautiful in their own way (and smart), but with parents like POTUS and FLOTUS, any reasonable person would expect no less. They've done a fine job, raising kids in the Whitehouse fishbowl while maintaining their privacy is a difficult balance to maintain.

  26. Montana6:16 PM

    The Birthers/ Teabaggers have no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. To all the Birthers in internet land, its upon you to prove to all of us (the majority) that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you bunch of cowards!

    Let me be clear none of these Birther/ Teabaggers dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ Teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

    To all the Teabaggers / Birthers/ Chicken Littles that keep saying that the sky is falling, and the Unites States will fail, never count against the United States of America, we are coming back and you and your losers are wrong!


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