Monday, December 02, 2013

Two political science majors have decided that the conventional wisdom which says that Sarah Palin damaged John McCain's 2008 chances is wrong. Oh and they think she has a shot at the presidency in 2016. I know, right?

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:  

It's been debated for five years, and the conventional wisdom has generally concluded that Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, hurt Sen. John McCain's chances to beat then-Sen. Barack Obama for the presidency with her outsized and controversial personality. 

But now a comprehensive new analysis of the so-called “Palin Effect” finds that in the final analysis, the former Alaska governor helped McCain by attracting more voters to the ticket, crushing a mainstream media view. 

What’s more, while she attracted wider press attention than most prior veep candidates, her actual impact for a No. 2 was about average. 

“Palin had a positive effect on McCain,” according to the new Palin analysis in the authoritative Political Research Quarterly. 

Digesting mountains of data, two political science professors from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., said their findings showed that the conventional wisdom that independent voters ran from the McCain-Palin ticket was wrong. They found that independent voters had the same reaction to Palin as Republicans, who largely liked her. 

Both findings could provide a basis for a 2016 run for the presidency by the Tea Party favorite. 

“Palin did not have a negative effect on McCain's voter share overall, nor did she result in eroded support for McCain among critical swing voters such as independents and moderates,” the duo wrote. 

Their analysis picked apart a recent report that Palin drove off voters and was uniquely divisive, claiming it was flawed.

Okay well let me first admit that I DO NOT have a degree in political science, however what I DO have is memory of what happened in 2008. After all I blogged about it daily. 

And what I remember was there was a HUGE amount of interest in Sarah Palin when she was announced as McCain's running mate, and that they kept her away from the press as long as they could before people started asking what was wrong with her. So they relented on September 11, 2008 and let her be interviewed by Charlie Gibson.

That is when everybody learned what was wrong with her.

That was then followed up by those Katie Couric interviews, during which Palin, blaming Nicolle Wallace for her problems with the Gibson interview, refused any help with preparation. That was essentially the beginning of the end for Palin's help in the John McCain campaign.

She was mocked by EVERYBODY, including being hoaxed by a Canadian comedy duo on radio, and becoming a staple for late night comedians, and even helping to turn Tina Fey into a household name.

By the end everybody on the McCain campaign, and virtually every political expert in the country, knew that Palin was an albatross around McCain's neck.

So I don't know what kind of data these two idiots were looking at, or how far up their ass they had to mine for it, but any political scientist who thinks that Palin was anything but a disaster, or has ANY future in politics, needs to choose a different profession immediately.

Because Spanky, this is NOT your thing!

P.S. I know this article is a few days old, but I literally just ran into it today.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hence the trolls, Gryphen, trying to paint a different picture constantly. They "want" us to forget and we never will. There was a DAMN good reason she didn't run in '12 and she won't in '16. She CAN'T and we know why. Isn't that RIGHT, $arah?

    1. DetroitSam5:28 PM

      Also, too, she is not qualified,as much as her followers and Fox News viewers want to pretend otherwise.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Let's all help Sarah win the nomination in 2016.
    Donate to SARAHPAC

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM


    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Why on earth would any sane person donate to SarahPAC? I mean come on, all that so calle dAPC does is fund staff and advisors to keey Sarah Inc. in cash.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      The Pimp's Ex-Wife is a Grifting Media Whore. Her Amazon Book sales rating shows how unpopular she is. 'Good Tidings' is going Down as fast as Sarah went Down on Glen Rice. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    4. Boy, you think everyone is as stupid as you are.

    5. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I can't help but think that the bots are either tapped or have lost interest because her PAC is taking in much less than it spends.

    6. Anonymous4:21 PM

      She wants your money but she will never run.

    7. Anonymous4:49 PM


    8. Anonymous4:57 PM

      I'm in. Lets do this.

    9. Anonymous3:21 AM

      I doubt that McCain ever stood a chance of being elected President. Apart from his age, his disposition is very explosive. He is well known for his violent temper, caught on tape numerous times. Fellow gop members came out saying that. Palin was a distraction, but NEVER really a factor. McCain lost before he ever ran, just like the first time against W. I wonder if the Koch brothers fund this type of "research"? Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows Palin has been "dead meat" ever since that disaster of a campaign. Remember sha sad "I DO NOT want to go back to Alaska"? Well, she now resides in Arizona, along with her Alaskan Heart!!

    10. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Hahaha! I would love to SEE HER DARE try to do her pole dancing when Hill announces! Hillary will chew her up and spit her out like a Amur Tiger! There will be NOTHING left! She will also drop every-skeleton out of the closet of the grifters, if they haven't been arrested by then.... On ALL of them! She will take no prisoners!
      Hillary will not be nice and "children are off limits like POTUS" Oh yea, Run Sarah Run! I dare ya bitch!

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Funded by Kochs. Yea and women ran from the ticket like crazy. Someone is trying real hard to make quitter look good.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Apparently--Stupidity knows no bounds.

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    She didn't even get invited to the 2012 RNC. She hasn't shown any interest in getting on a special interest issue and sticking with those who work towards real goals. All she does is post on facebook and makes snarky remarks, signs autographs and does whirlwind book tours with her husband and kids. She does nothing that real politicians do, which is devoting hours and time and energy working for their constituents. She has no constituents now; she did, but passed up the chance to continue working for them and quit.

    Her insistence on being able to be effective without a title tells everyone that she'll never run. Real serious caring representatives of the people put themselves on the campaign trail. She never will.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Mrs. Palin has fans, not constituents. And paid consultants.

  5. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Well, these two have put Bradley University (what? where?) in the news for a day or two, but, like many academics, they're so intent on looking at mounds of data that they ignore the reality that's right in front of them.
    Sarah Palin, after the first few days of the campaign, was more and more of a drag on the ticket, as you point out, Gryphen, and which everyone discussed.
    Beyond the diehard right, she was a joke that no one could imagine as our President. And they won't, in spades, three years from now. She did her Sally Rand fan dance in 2011 to euchre money from the public. They won't be fooled again.

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Interesting, no? They think McCain lost all on his own.

    They don't pay any attention to the fact that Obama had it in the bag. People were, and ARE, sick of the Repugs- a fact which has even repugs concerned.


  7. This time Sara should be the presidential contender. No more playing number 2. She could have carried the ticket in 2008 but John McCain held her back. She was the brains behind everything. Don't forget she can see Russia from her backyard.
    It would be a dream come true to witness a debate between Sara and Hillary Clinton. I can just hear Sara saying to Hillary before the debate, "Mind if I just call you Joe?" She calls everybody Joe except her kids who all have funny names.
    I beg all you Sara Packers... mortgage your houses, cash in your retirement savings, sell your hoarded gold/silver, be brave and sell the Franklin Mint limited edition plates, dolls, and thimbles, and send all your money to Sara Pac to get the ball rolling.
    Remember: the bigger the donation the more words on your book inscription of Sara's latest heartwarming XMAS book.

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Nice commentary , I always appreciate your deliberate choce of images . Very appropriate . hoorah

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    In 2012, Mitt Romney's campaign looked at mounds of data, too. Look where that got him. Sarah has no chance at anything that requires votes from normal people.

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Did Mrs. Palin pay these two dweebs to write some revisionist history for her?

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Just what I was wondering. Who paid for this study? Follow the money...

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      yep - look for more "postage" in Mrs. Palin's next PAC disclosure.

  11. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I just love the "blow job" photo! I've always hoped that the campaign photographer took this one on purpose.

    1. Balzafiar4:55 PM

      It's also appropriately black.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Is he my trial daddy?

    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Is Sarah after his 'Big Stick'? Is she all wee wee'd up? Got her Panties in a wad?

    4. Anonymous5:38 AM

      blow job photo LOL!!!!

  12. angela3:39 PM

    Sadly these academics didn't see the republicans running into my county's Democratic headquarters looking freaked out after the Couric interview. They don't take into account that most of the world sees this woman as a laughingstock.

    Sooooooo---I think Sarah should listen to them and make a run for 2016. Run Sarah, run! I'm ready with a vat of popcorn and a whole lot of cocktails. It should be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. (And by the way--that ought to get some poor lunatics to give to her PAC)--huh Sarah?

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Is John McCain holding something that belongs to Glen Rice? Sarah seems to think so.

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The actual paper is behind a paywall,

    One of the authors Ed Burmila had a blog. GIN AND TACOS. Which I actually read back in the day! Small world.
    Don't forget to read the comments at the blog posts, some of them are rilly good.

    "Regarding the GovTard appointing herself to fill Ted Stevens' imminent vacancy: it can't happen, at least not in the traditional sense.

    After Frank Murkowski resigned from the Senate in 2002 and appointed his vapid daughter to replace him, Alaska's state legislature passed a law requiring special elections within 90 days to fill Congressional vacancies. The Governor of Alaska does not have the power to appoint anyone, let alone herself, to "fill" such a seat. At most the Governor may be able to appoint a placeholder for a two months until the special election can be held. Even that is dubious, and doing so would prompt a resolution before the Alaska Supreme Court on the lack of clarity in the 2004 legislation (which notes that special elections must be held but does not clarify whether the Governor retains the power to appoint a short-term replacement – see State of Alaska v. Trust the People).

    Whether Palin would resign the Governor's mansion to roll the dice on a crash-course Senate election is unclear. But she's a "maverick" so who knows what to expect! She could Go Rogue!"
    "No, seriously. She is like a gift from heaven. That hateful, corrupt little troll is going to go over like gangbusters with the people who were voting for McCain anyway. And exactly no one else.

    Best I can tell from her speech (usual caveat: read, not watched, as one takes 90 seconds and the other an hour) she was nominated because Ann Coulter was busy....Second-favorite moment: bringing up all of her kids in the first 2 minutes after days of complaining about how the media is prying into the lives of her children. That mean librul media! What kind of people would shine the national spotlight on teenagers for political gain?"

    Also, too, Ed used to play in a Punk Band by the name of Tremendous Fucking, you can google their shit (carefully please!) on youtube.

    I'll report back after reading the paper in question. Meantime, the faithful palindrones can continue trolling.

  15. Anonymous3:55 PM

    McCain has a black weenie and what is that Sarah Palin is doing to it?

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Those two fartz apparently don't remember Sarah Palin's Presidential bus campaign in 2011 when We the People stayed away in droves.

  17. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Jeebus Frickin Christmas!!!
    Stop the Insanity!!
    Sarah PAlin is a mentally ill freak who put a pillow in her panties and called it Tri-G - all so she could be VP and then P some day.
    All these crazy washington polisci people need to wake the fuck up and see what the rest of the sane world sees.
    This is fuckin ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      i've been sayin' it for a while, and i'm stickin' to it, but i seriously doubt skank's still of this world come 2016

      been sayin' this too >>> "and it can't happen soon enough"

  18. Ailsa4:07 PM

    Few articles mention the response to the article in the same journal. I can only link to the Abstract which concludes:
    "Their findings that Palin exerted an effect on vote choice that was typical for any vice-presidential nominee also stands in contrast to several studies that conclude that Palin’s effect on vote choice in 2008 was far from typical."

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Sarah Palin was the shiny new bauble in the political arena and she was instantly elevated to the national spotlight by McCain.

    As with any new bauble, or toy, it's exciting and people want to know more about it, until they do, find out it's a dud, and then they move on.

    Very quickly Sarah was exposed for the idiot she was, even with the McCain campaign doing everything, legally and illegally, to create the myth of Sarah the 'Hockey Mom' from Alaska.

    They ALSO found out very quickly what an utter imbecile she was and had to HIDE her from the press as long as possible.

    If you remember the RNC was like a morgue until they launched nasty, mean girl Sarah and for awhile she was the talk of the town, but it didn't take long for people on the left and right to be horrified by the possibility of this redneck ignoramus being a heartbeat away from the possible presidency of JMcCain and they voted accordingly.

    Sarah was a flash in the pan, at best, and she's been on a downhill slide ever since. No matter how much she parades herself and her kids in front of cameras, the die has been cast. She is a quitter, a loser, a horrific mother, a fraud of a wife, a mediocre politician, a worthless 'christian' and a foul stench in the political arena.

    She pays people to keep quiet about her criminal enterprises in Alaska, she pays people to write her speeches, FB posts, articles and books, and then takes full credit for them.

    She's dishonest, a pathological liar and a scheming harridan. She is low class, uneducated, a bigot, and a racist.

    And THAT is what people learned about her in those two months that she was trumpeted to the world, and they made absolutely sure she was NO WHERE near the levers of power. Thank god for that.

    It truly is laughable her running in 2016. Boy, the knives would come out like she's never seen them before. They'll let her spew on her FB and Twitter and tromp around the country promoting her crap books, but if she puts her foot in the ring in any serious way, she'd be evicerated.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      The new, fresh-faced, spunky candidate that the right thought was going to be their diamond in the rough turned out to be a scratched, scuffed, flawed, crappy piece of cheap plastic instead.

    2. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Exactly. Too bad ol' Johnny Mac did not do some vetting. Just because she was from way up in Alaska did not mean other people would not check up on her and all her lies. The gop was correct when they said ol' Johnny did not have the disposition to be President. He wanted the position not the actual JOB, just like $carah.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Yes indeed 4:07, she was the new toy in town. However it didn't take long to find out that it (the toy) was just another piece of useless, cheap, plastic junk probably made in China with nasty poisonous lead paint. I liked the box it came in a lot better.

    4. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Yes indeed 4:07, she was the new toy in town. However it didn't take long to find out that it (the toy) was just another piece of useless, cheap, plastic junk probably made in China with nasty poisonous lead paint. I liked the box it came in a lot better.

  20. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Oh Yeah!

    "...It was almost too easy to make jokes during the 2008 election about Sarah Palin's love of abstinence-only education and her teenage daughter's terrific success at getting knocked up before graduating high school. Sometimes life works out a little too perfectly. What isn't quite as funny as this news that Alaska is taking a run at becoming the Clap Capital of America. That's right, gonorrhea rates have jumped 69% (again, isn't life hilarious?) in a single year from 2008 to 2009. Look out, Mississippi! Alaska's coming, pun intended...."

  21. Anonymous4:12 PM

  22. Anita Winecooler4:16 PM

    Oh my! It's my worst nightmare come true! These "experts" think she's contender material for the next election? BRING IT ON, BALDY!

    Can anyone imagine debates with Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren? Heck, even "Dora" from "Finding Nemo" has more of a chance than Palin.

    Can't wait for her facebook word sausage ANALysis of these two assclown Poli Sci flunkies.

    She can't possibly run, too many skeletons in her closet and way too many you tube vids of her moosenuggets of "wisdumb".

  23. Anonymous4:29 PM

    After years of voting R, I became disgusted with the party and went Independent. Then came 2008 and SP. After listening to a few of her interviews, it was as though a bucket of ice cold water was poured on my head, she was so dumb. I couldn't believe that she was not pulled from the R ticket, and another R woman, who had some experience and smarts, put in.

    The result was, I - who had voted R/I all my life completely went over to the Democratic side, Obama was clearly the better man. (And I haven't voted R since.)

    Thanks Sarah and Mittens! You both really opened my eyes to how shamelessly ignorant and greedy the GOP has become!

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I'm with you. I was an independent voter who was a registered Republican 35+ years. I was out-of-state on a business trip when McCain named Palin his running mate. As soon as I got home to Alaska, I changed my voter registration to "non-declared" and voted for Obama (twice). I had already been voting for folks like Begich but just hadn't changed my voter registration. My eyes have really been opened by the radical right wing and evangelical nuts. It's scary that these folks are so nuts and gaining strength in Congress and the judiciary so they can mess with the Constitution and separation of church and state. Palin is not a threat...just a circus side show with a limited following. We need to worry about the infiltration of government, particularly the judiciary, and become increasingly activist to keep these nuts out of power.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM


  24. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Whatever Sarah might have brought to the ticket, she lost the moment she was asked some questions by serious reporters. Beyond dumb . She did not know what the Bush Doctrine was. It was the excuse for invading Iraq. Never mind what she read. Anyone who was semi-literate would not speak in such a garbled way.

    Bradley is a school in Peoria Illinois, not known as a top tier school. It is located in the red part of a blue state. How does it play in Peoria? Seriously, Palin was added to attract the religious right-- and she did that, while moderates, independents, and minorities were energized by Obama. He had a positive message. McCain had no message and all that Palin could offer were hateful comments.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Sarah Palin will be ready next time. You can count on it.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Sarah will NEVER be ready. She just doesn't have what it takes. You can keep dreaming and wishing and hoping, but it just aint gonna happen. No one respects her in the world's power circles, they see exactly what she is and what she isn't and she SURELY isn't Leader of the Free World material. Nope, Not even close.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Sarah will be ready next time. No, when Jake Tapper asked her what church she went to, Sarah had no answer. She didn't know anything about the Pope because, you know, he's only be in office such a short time and she hasn't had time to study. The media has distorted everything in a world where you can watch the Pope, himself, on YouTube. When asked, "How's Trig doing?" Palin couldn't even answer that gotcha question, launching into a description about learning that he had DS, but she never did tell how "how he's doing." No, Sarah wasn't ready the other week, either. Sarah will never be ready-- or else those gotcha questions are just getting harder and harder.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Sarah Palin can't even get ready to carve a turkey. She will never be able to put on a satisfying performance

  25. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I say screw everybody and run Sarah Palin. Prove everybody wrong. But if you don't think you can handle it, we understand.

  26. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Sarah Palin has that natural ability. They say Sarah is worth over 12 million dollars and she doesn't own a company or produce a product. You geniuses try that.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Sarah Palin has a natural ability to lie, you're exactly right. She also has that natural ability to suck the money out of you sycophants. Her natural ability to be nasty, mean, vile, low class and filthy is well known.

      Yep, you're right, she does have that 'natural ability'. To make an ass of herself, to quit her responsibilities, to abandon her children, to lie about a pregnancy, to destroy people's lives and careers...yep, sure is natural to her.

      As far as her '12 million'. I'd guess that has dwindled significantly in these last five years. Most of that was from her first ghostwritten book, when she was still a somewhat hot commodity after the election and her 100 grand speaking engagements, that dried up in a short while, her FOX pundit paycheck that's now gone.

      And the product she produces is SARAH PALIN. That's all she is now, a brand, and one that is dying on the vine.

      And by the way, fool, you don't have to own a company or produce a product to make money in life. So that argument ain't gonna fly.

      Sarah's never done a single thing to contribute something positive to people in this country, and she could have. She's all about Sarah and what she can get out of it. She doesn't hesitate to throw her kids, her friends, her political supporters, under the bus if it makes her a buck or gets her some attention.

      Sarah is a 'natural' when it comes to representing the most vile aspects of human life, that's for sure.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      The product she produces is pure grift.......

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      She's an ignorant and unintelligent person who was enabled into a position where she could sell hate to the bigots. She cashed in on celebrity. She is loathsome.

    4. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Sarah's company is Sarah Palin Incorporated, and what she sells is herself. There's even a name for that. She dresses the part, and the stuff that comes out of her mouth is in keeping with the image. And, you're right about Sarah not producing a product. That just proves that the silly book and her Facebook posts are ghostwritten.

    5. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Yes, she is a product. And she has always been blinded by celebrity. But her Ivana Trump look is getting so old. And she is so stuck in the 1980s. So bring it on! I would love to see the Repubs try to rebrand her. It would be so much fun and the popcorn industry would benefit beyond their wildest dreams.

      The real question the GOPPERS ought to be asking themselves is: How come our product is failing so badly? How come we can’t get any traction and what happened to our base? Where is our new fake/plastic/obedient candidate who will take orders and shut the fuck up?

    6. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Twelve million doesn’t go far when you have to pay for your derelict children’s derelict lifestyles.

    7. Anonymous6:41 PM

      "she doesn't own a company or produce a product"
      nor does she help anyone, sponsor anyone, do any good deeds, sit on any charitable committees, participate in any philanthropic organizations, share any wisdom, kindness, compassion or empathy.

      are we all listing all the things she doesn't do tonight?

      she also doesn't cook, hunt, fish, clean, mother, or care for anything other than herself.

      this is fun!!!!!!!!!!!

      she has that natural ability to smoke out idiots without lives and can get them to part with all of their money for nothing!!! she does nothing and they send her money!!!!!! and i would envy this behavior why? why would i want to fleece old people and poor people and sick people and angry and sad people?

    8. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Sarah's business is her PAC, which happens to run at a deficit, by the way. Sarah markets herself to get donations for her PAC which pays for her to travel around collecting donations for her PAC. It goes round and round. What Sarah is doing is selling herself, the cheap wigs and outfits, the heavy make up, the entire get up is meant to appeal to her fans. She plays a part.

      Dear Troll, There are movie stars and politicians who do the same thing, marketing themselves for a top price. They do not own the movie or the laws that they make. They just market themselves, just like Sarah does.

  27. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Those guys can analyze all they want, it's not 2008 anymore. What once was isn't anymore. For them to link it to a run in 2016 is just plain stupid.

    Since 2008 Sarah has been directly reponsible for murderous shootings of adults and children in Tucson, and the damage sustained by Gabby Giffords. She's shamed herself with 'Blood Libel', her husband has been exposed as the pimp that he is (Boys will be Boys), her tv shows have failed miserably and we all got to see how she ISN'T the hunter and tough mama grizzly she's been promoting, but in fact a fraud, a liar, a manipulator and a lousy shot.

    She's been laughed at over her Paul Revere ride story (around the world).

    She's poisoned political campaigns, been excluded from major RNC events, showed up at gatherings with stained clothes, shoes too big, coat too big, ratty hair, fake tits and tan.

    Then the roadkill wigs started to show up, and once they stopped dressing her during the campaign, the world quickly saw her complete lack of fashion sense. Then came the botox and the meth and menopause and before you know it, she's a dried up, anorexic, drug addled, alcoholic mess that has to be cleaned up for any event she arrives for.

    Yeah, Sarah ain't got a chance in hell in 2016. All she can do is 'endorse' other people, and more times than not she kills the person's campaign in the end. That's one thing you can always count on with Sarah...the curse.

  28. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Has Sarah, Todd or their children ever been arrested, serve time in jail, prison or juvie? No, so stop trying to make them into criminals. These people are good Christians.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Good Christians? HA!!! HA! HA!!!! Now that's a funny one. I'm assuming this is snark, yes? No one can be this stupid, for real, can they?

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      You obviously don’t live in Alaska. If you have enough money and influence you can take care of any legal problem.

    3. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Good Christians do not lie, do not steal, do not break any of the other commandments. We have no evidence of Sarah and her family going to church. They are not even good people.

    4. Anonymous7:37 PM

      "These people are good Christians." Like Track Menard Palin vandalizing School Buses and using Oxycontin, Willow Palin Vandalizing a neighbor's house with her COLONY GIRLS Gang drinking underage and buying marijuana, and Bristol Fornicating and giving birth to Bastard Children. Don't forget the Pimp Daddy Todd Palin who hires out Prostitutes to the APD. Political influence and Blackmail kept them out of Jail, for now.

    5. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Grifters, Moneychangers, greedy YOU know like the POPE has been talking about? FAKE christians?

    6. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Track and Willow have been arrested and the Palins did everything they could to completely cover up their criminal deeds! It didn't work, obviously!

  29. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If Sarah Palin ran for governor or the Alaskan Senate, she would win. Alaska, the United States and the world is Sarah Palin's oyster.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      5:04/5:09 They have paid their way out of situations. Todd is a Pimp, with State and Local Cops on his Client List.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Oh now THAT is disgusting.

    3. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Wow, the troll is busy on this post, eh?

      Sarah is a laughingstock around the world, just go read some of the comments in other country's newspapers when they post an article about her.

      I'd say rotting oysters that stink to high heaven.

      Sarah will never win anything again, because she'll never chance another run. She too much of a coward, a fraud and a joke. She'll just spew her ghostwritten crap from FB and Twitter, because she doesn't dare to come out into the real world of political discourse and be challenged on her diatribes and rants, her lies and twisted logic. She's a quitter and a loser, period. No one wants her. Not even her own husband.

    4. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I'm an Alaskan and that statement is a joke. She won't run because she knows few of us can stand her and, if she lost even more touch with reality and did run, she'd get her butt kicked. She barely won the governorship. If it hadn't been a three-way race, I suspect Tony Knowles would have really given her a run for her money.

    5. I am seriously cracking up at this latest Baldy troll edition! This troll is either one of the nuts who has escaped from the Asylum and found themselves over here (is that YOU Jester?) or CreepyJr!

      I know it's not Beefy...not with her being busy with her new baby and all and Wallow's retarded ass can only repeat her Baldy Standards of "libel"..."you lie"..."slander" and my all time favorite...."dude"!

      And of course no way is Piper on here...that poor child can't even READ much less write! We know how Baldy can't have anyone around her who is "smarter" than her! LOL!!!

      Play on playa got this! Just ask Baldy how she does it....she's got the loser title down to a SCIENCE! LMAO!!!

    6. Anonymous6:03 PM

      >>I know it's not Beefy...not with her being busy with her new baby and all

      Gina, girl! Spill the beans? New baby? Tell us more?

      I know, the trolls, are really spun up on this one tonight, aren't they? They just keep making really dumb comments that IM posters trash in a heartbeat and they leave themselves wide open for it. I swear, ignorance runs rampant in those troll klans, eh?

      OK, I want to hear more on Bristol's new babe. Boy? Girl? Details, baby, details! And WHO's the Daddy this time around?

    7. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Sarah won't run for the Alaskan senate. That's a step down from governor. Sarah can't run for any office in Alaska due to a residence requirement. If she couldn't qualify for her free oil money, she can't run for anything in Alaska, not even dog catcher. Sarah will never run for national office, never. As for the world being her oyster, you haven't been around the world where people are really laughing at her. I was in Europe in 2008 and people couldn't believe that we had a candidate for high office who was that dumb. If the world is Sarah's oyster, that oyster was dead and lying on the beach too long. No one outside of the US is fooled by her, no one.

    8. Anonymous6:37 PM

      if sarah palin ran anywhere in alaska, the united states or the world she still wouldn't get rid of that oyster smell in her nether regions.

      there, i fixed it for you at n/c!!!

    9. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Bottom line - as an Alaskan - Sarah Palin will NEVER, EVER be elected to any office in this state again and she knows it. The people of the State of Alaska have too much on her and her family that would be brought out in any run....she's inept, knows nothing about government and is terribly slow on the uptake when answering questions. Shit, she's been spewing the same thing since prior to 2008. Plus, she is not attractive any longer - has aged horribly and has boobs she wears 'sometimes' and 'sometimes not'. Weird, weird, screwed up woman!

    10. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Not all oysters produce a pearl when cracked open. Some, in fact, contain only a gooey, stinky dying mass that never quite made it to shiny, sparkly orb. Many around here have already seen the same thing with your boss lady 5:09. Nothing of value inside but some might keep the empty shell.

    11. Anonymous6:39 AM

      If Sarah Palin ran for governor or the Alaskan Senate,
      She would most likely be shot for quitting on Alaskans!

  30. Anonymous5:13 PM

    4:47, my mother voted Republican every other election in her life until your puke of Quitter Queen made the scene. At age 95 Mom voted for Barack Obama rather than put that nitwit in high office. She greatly respected Obama, but she would have voted for McCain were it not for your gal Scarah on the ticket. There are probably millions like Mom, as Scarah is that terrifyingly stupid.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      My old Bircher dad also voted for Obama!
      Nobody in their right mind voted Repub b/c of HER!!!!
      I've heard several hardcore Repubs did not vote or voted Dem b/c of HER!

  31. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I keep reading that Trsck and Piper are half brother and sister with Bristol and Willow. Sarah what's the truth to this?

  32. Anonymous5:19 PM

    This woman is not qualified to be dogcatcher,let alone Senator or President........some of these comments reflect the gulf between various demographics......reality versus wish'n'hope....

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Sarah is not running for dog catcher. Get a life

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      She is not qualified for anything meritorious. She is fundamentally dishonest and of very limited ability.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      no but she IS running FROM the dog catcher-hahhahaha!

    4. Anonymous7:25 PM

      5:48 PM If Sarah Palin ran for Dog Catcher, she would LOSE.

    5. Anonymous11:08 AM

      She is afraid to run for any office in Alaska as she knows the scrutiny she'd be under in doing so. Too many things are known about her and Todd which are proven and documented. She'd never win - ever, ever, ever!

      Plus, she's not smart. And, she's one evil and vindictive broad!

  33. Anonymous5:19 PM

    yeah skank is a contender alright.............two weeks since release date tomorrow and on amazon hard cover sales it is ranked #645 in Books
    and on kindle it is ranked #8,389

    yawn yawn yawn....................skank is toast.
    no one cares no one notices she is history,.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anom 5:19 how many books have you written or sold?

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Well, we KNOW that Sarah uses ghostwriters, so she hasn't written any books. As far as selling them, the bulk purchases from the right wing are the key to her numbers, not everyday people with a brain in their head. So your comment is pretty fucking stupid.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I'm sure at least as many as Sarah which is exactly none, zippo, nada. Ghost written crapola doesn't count. So what is your point, Anon 5:42 pm?

    4. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Sarah Palin hasn't written any books. She has ghost writers.

    5. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Sarah hasn't written any. She markets Palin branded ghostwritten dreck. It is just another facet of her multifaceted long grift. It's all make-believe with Sarah.

    6. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Ah, nice verbiage 5:42! Sarah hasn't written ANY. Thanks for the "or." You prove our point.

    7. Anonymous6:34 PM

      try to stay on topic dear. we are talking about skank and her "book" is #645 at amazon. it matters naught whether i have or have not, will or will not write a book.

      what matters to us here is that she is TOAST-burned to a blackened and dried up piece of charcoal that may just fit into your stocking.

      run along and buy some books at amazon and see if you can keep her "book" from sinking to an even more embarrassing level by week's end.

      oh and there are 107 one star reviews and 79 five star reviews-of course half of the five star reviews are snarc!!! move along and help audrey fight those negatives at amazon.

    8. Anonymous7:23 PM

      5:42 How many Blog Postings have you been paid for? Sarah Palin is too stupid to write a book, that is why she pays Ghostwriters. How many Prostitutes has her Husband hired? How many Bastard Grandchildren does Sarah have? How many of Sarah's Offspring know who their 'RILL' Daddy is? How many of Sarah's children are offspring of Curt Menard Jr.?

    9. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anom 5:19 how many books have you written or sold?

      This is one of the things that bothers me greatly about Palin, an illiterate college dropout, getting credit as an author.
      SOOO many truly wonderful authors have never been published. I have a dream to publish a book (have been published in some nursing journals) but it will probably never happen for me. And for many others
      And this freak fraud skank has three books to her credit. Not that she wrote them or that they are good, but she is credited.

    10. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Just one - Track. He made the mistake of yelling at $carah about her parenting skills. Next thing we knew, he died in a plane crash.

    11. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anom 5:19 how many books have you written or sold?

    12. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Menard died in a plane crash in Alaska after discussion w/Palin regarding her lack of parenting skills as to their son, Track! Shortly thereafter he was killed. Water was in the gasoline for the airplane and many folks in Alaska think Todd was responsible for the death and crash.

  34. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Face it, can you name anyone who has made over $12, 000, 000 and doesn't own a company and has people standing days in line just to see her?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Sarah Palin is a brand only the very ignorant purchase.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      BWAHAHAHA they were Paid to stand in line to be fleeced again.

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      People didn't stand in line for days just to see her. They arrived a few hours early and they had to buy a book to get to see her. Then, they got a wrist band, and they were told to return later in the day. No one got a free look at Palin. She charged plenty for a look, and that, my friend, is called something else.

      Sarah is selling herself. And, there are plenty of men and women who do the same thing, and make more money that Sarah does. You know that there's a name for it.

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Heidi Fleece???

    5. F u mccain8:46 AM

      Golf clap, 8:20.

    6. F u mccain8:51 AM


      Money *is*the most important thing.

      We should really be focusing on the true message of the season...

      Which is just *howmuchmoney*do you have, am I right?

      I'm pretty sure that was in Sarah's book about Jesus month. I don't really know...

      I don't have enuff money to *buy* her book to know what the meaning of the season is...

      (irony alert)

    7. DetroitSam6:10 PM

      Can you?

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Let me try to remember the race in 2008. It was that close. The candidates were separated by only a few electoral votes-- no wait a minute. McCain already knew that Michigan was lost well before the election in November. It started going wrong for McCain the night that he cancelled his appearance on Letterman's show to rush back to Washington DC because the economy was tanking-- and he had to save it.

    Instead, McCain went over to CBS News and we saw him being made up to appear on Katy Couric's nightly news show. McCain could not answer questions about the economy and neither could Palin. Palin was good for speeches about Obama "palling around with terrorists," while her own husband belonged to an Alaskan separatist group.

    Palin didn't add anything to an already poor campaign, and after two terrible interviews, she never sat for an interview again. That's what a great asset Sarah was.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Palin cane out of the gate as is if her shit doesn't stink.

      Then Sarah Palin was asked what do you read.

      Enough said

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      We'll never know what impact she had on JMc because what really happened is that Barack H. Obama was a better candidate and more people noticed that and voted thusly. Too bad, so sad for the other presidential candidate.

      Palin was merely collateral damage in McCain's inability to convince enough people to vote for him. My only hope is that she served as a wake-up call as to what can possibly happen.

    3. Well, she DID sit down with McCain alongside her for an interview by Brian Williams in October 2008, but McCain barely let her talk.

  36. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I just LAUGH and LAUGH at the 4-pees. How stupid ARE these people? They waited and waited until she decided not to declare on October 5, 2011. The "smart" ones KNEW they were scammed and left. Well, forget THEM, and they're still there not knowing they're being taken for a ride, if ANY of them are true believers and not paid "consultants." When they break out in fights, it's hilarous!

    They go back in time for things she said years ago to start off their day...."remember THIS great speech?" They all sigh, pledge allegiance, it's pretty damn funny!

    ALL her books have been ghost-written, they can't see that EITHER nor that Nancy French writes for Bristol. REALLY, the most stupid people in the world.

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    One day you will all bow down to Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Boy, the delusion is strong in this one.

      Bow down? What the fuck for? If we get too close she stinks, bowing down would only get us close to that smelly twat she never washes, and why would any one want to do that?

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      The hell I will!! Oh wait, there is one instance. To see if she has a pulse or is breathing. She better not expect CPR either I have my limits to helping the devil stay alive.

    3. Anonymous7:04 PM

      @6:10 Is that you Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh or the "First Dud" Todd speaking? No one will bow down to Sarah but that's what she thinks. On second thought, is that you, Sarah @6:10??

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      6:10 PM yes, we will bow down in remembrance of the President who defeated the Skank.

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Yes, you're right, troll. One day, Sarah is going to fall flat on her face, wearing those super big high stripper heels. Then, we will all look at her on the sidewalk. We won't be bowing down, just gawking at her. What a mess.

      No matter what political office anyone holds in this country, no matter how famous or well known the person is, we do not bow down to anyone-- not in this country where all men and women are created equally.

    6. Anonymous7:55 PM

      If I have to bow down to grab her stanky carcass by the ankles and drag it off the roadway and into the weeds, so be it. I would consider it my civic duty.

    7. What, aren't you the RWNJs who insist President Obama should be impeached for doing, among other things, bowing in courtesy and respect to foreign leaders who are his peers?

      Who does Sarah Palin think she is, The Red Queen?

    8. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Bow down and take a shit in her mouth!

    9. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Anonymous6:10 PM

      One day you will all bow down to Sarah Palin.
      This Troll must be "Satire"!
      None of us would "bow down" to that twat even if she was dying on the ground...maybe someone would crouch down and take a shit on her face. Oh this is "Satire" like YOUR STUPID RANTINGS! TROLL!

  38. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Governor Tells Supporters To Forgo Buying Children Presents, Give Money To His Campaign Instead

    SERIOUSLY? What an asshole.

  39. Anonymous6:18 PM

    GinaM, make your way to Wasilla and kneel before your Sarah Palin and ask for her forgiveness. Don't be afraid, Sarah is a forgiving person.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Oh Gina, I can't wait for your answer to this fool! C'mon, both barrels. It's gonna be epic!

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      from the bit ginam has shared darlin it is not her proclivity to kneel before skank and service that smelly oyster of hers that is her world as you stated earlier.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Wasilla??? Whatchatalkinbout troll?

      Baldy Louise Heath Palin doesn't LIVE in Wasilla dummy! Her ugly..funky ass lives in...let me say it slowly so your retarded troll ass can understand....

      A R I Z O N A

      You fucked up troll! You fucked up bad!

      No "postage" for YOU stupid!


    4. Anonymous7:10 PM

      6:18 PM That Vindictive Bitch, who wears shoes 2 sizes too big for her and sleeps with a Purse carrying Pimp, has no forgiveness in her skeletor body.

    5. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Sarah doesn't live in Alaska any more.

    6. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Dear Troll,
      Your comments are lame, and I don't think that you'll be getting your consultant's fee this pay period. Your not following the script. Asking people to kneel before Palin to ask forgiveness is insulting to any religion where kneeling, confessing and asking forgiveness is part of the belief. Please follow the regularly displayed comments such as:
      You're a hater
      Get a life
      You don't know them, they are a Christian family
      No one dropped out of school

      You have revealed too much information, $12 million dollars indeed. That must have been the original payout from Murdoch, and by now Palin has blown through some of that. Her PAC runs at a deficit. And, the only new troll comment is that Palin is brilliant because she does no work, has no product and yet she made all that money. You realize that Sarah has trademarked herself and she sells herself. There's a name for that.

      Well, honey, so do a lot of other people. Movie stars do not own the movie that they star in. They are paid millions of dollars to wear a costume, be made up, remember some lines and create a character that makes the story interesting. Politicians make plenty of money selling their image and influence, and from the looks of them, some of them need makeup. Investors trade stocks, bonds, futures and more, never owning anything very long, trading it to make a profit. Bankers and investors? They take in people's money, invest it and make more money. What's their product? Their job is making a profit.

      So, dear Troll, you have a very limited view of things. I know a hair dresser who works in Wasilla sometimes, and doesn't have a product. She offers a service. I know another girl in Wasilla who appeared in some lame TV shows. She doesn't own the production company. She was paid a salary to be made up, say some lines and act bratty. No product, just an image. People in the military do not make millions, although they should. They serve and protect. You have so much to learn about what is important in life and how people make money. Sarah Palin may have millions but she looks cheap and she sounds ignorant. She is too stupid to learn anything. All of those millions could send her kids to college and let them travel the world to learn about other people and places. What do they do instead? What a waste!

  40. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Read 'em and weep Sarah! Happy Holidays, bitch.

    Obamacare Naysayers Get a Big Lump of Coal

    Yesterday, the Obama administration released a report showing improvements in the experience on, and the news is devastating. For the Obamacare naysayers, that is. Not only has the administration's tech surge implemented over 400 software fixes and massively increased's hardware server capacity, the measurable progress in terms of the user experience is phenomenal. The site is now running at the full capacity of 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 daily visitors.

    Just what does it look like? Let's have a look:

  41. Anonymous6:22 PM

    If you missed this G:

    Because of a small meeting in Texas on Friday, science textbooks across the nation will teach high school students real climate science — and not the version of science advocated by the fossil fuel industry and conservative ideologues.

  42. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sarah Palin we ask that you forgive GinaM. She knows not of what she speaks.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      skank we ask that you ask forgiveness from ginam. she knows not of what you ever speak because you and her followers are IDIOTS. lol

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      6:28 PM We forgive you for being a Stupid Palinbot who supports a Pimp's ex-wife.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Okay....alright...I think we've been had y'all! NO WAY is this one of Baldy's run of the mill trolls....this is one of.....


      *insert shocking music*



    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Gina M we ask that you smite the shit out of all these trolls! These damned trolls which annoy and wasteth our time also too!

    5. Anonymous7:26 PM

      So far, Sarah Palin cannot forgive:
      Joe Biden for beating her in the debate
      President Obama for beating her in 2008
      John McCain for not letting her go toMichigan
      David Letterman, jokes
      Bill Maher, jokes
      Kathy Griffin, jokes
      Cher, you know why
      Levi, no good reason
      Martin Bashir, she couldn't understand him
      That school teacher in Homer, Alaska
      Anyone who voted against her
      Anyone who criticized her
      Anyone who made fun of her
      Katy Couric
      Jake Tapper
      Bill O'Reilly (just because)
      Paul Revere for screwing up his story
      Anyone who asks a gotcha question
      Anyone who sounds smarter than Palin
      Anyone who is prettier than Palin
      Anyone who is younger than Palin
      Anyone with bigger boobs than Palin
      Curtis Menard, you know why
      Sorry, GinaM, if Sarah cannot find forgiveness in her Christian heart, I don't think that you'd better be looking for forgiveness any time soon. In fact, Sarah does not forgive or forget anything, ever!

    6. Anonymous8:19 PM

      LMAO !!!

      6:28's got the snark down pat !!

      fukin' luv it !!

    7. Don't forget she hasn't forgiven Joe McGinniss either, and probably never will.

      Not that Joe cares.

    8. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Or Gabby Giffords for surviving the massacre in Tucson.

  43. Anonymous6:55 PM

    ot. The unqualified sub-teacher Heath saved a pedophile friend. Heath son, Junior also defiled his teaching position and was enabled by those that do not take their jobs to protect children serious. They aren't even Catholic yet the cult-like atmosphere in Alaska keeps women and children in danger.

    Dan Savage has no respect for child-raping Catholic priests

  44. Anonymous6:59 PM

    LOL love that pic of McCain growing his big black stick.

  45. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #666 in Books

  46. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Sawah is 100% chicken shit. She won't run for any office. Oh, she'll string her rubes along for more PAC money, and then she'll come up with same lame excuse.
    Merry Griftmas Sawah.

  47. 3 hours later, Rank #687 in Books. Falling faster than a WKRP turkey.

  48. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Look forward to discussing “Good Tidings and Great Joy” and how together we can protect the heart of Christmas.

  49. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Will never happen. Agree she's chicken.

  50. Anonymous3:10 AM

    OMG I am soooooo late to the party.
    I just now noticed that picture and the mike and Palin bending over and her mouth!!!!
    What a joke.
    Thank you universe!!
    The universe has a sense of humor! The photographer took the picture just at that instant and look what the universe gave him!!!!!!
    Even the cosmos knew Palin was nothing but a whore and a joke!!
    Love it!!!!!

  51. Randall5:11 AM


    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      BWAHAHAHA, Randall is a Fool.

    2. F u mccain8:37 AM

      Palin/Sanitarium ASAP


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.