Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sarah Palin and conservatives attack MSNBC host for laughing at incongruity of Romney family adopting African American just months before Mormon church finally stopped referring to their brown skin as a "punishment from God."

Courtesy of Palin's ghostwritten Facebook page:  

Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low. See the article linked below. One just can't win in their petty little games. Good thing most Americans don't play those little games! It's a beautiful thing the Romney family has done by embracing “the spirit of adoption.” What on earth is more beautiful? Shame on MSNBC for mocking this. 

The LSM's pursuit of “shock ratings” is unreal. Governor Mitt Romney ran for higher office with what I believe is a servant's heart. He was saddled with some sup-par campaign tactics. That does not make him a bad person nor does it open his children or grandchildren to attacks over a year after the fact. This latest attack from the Left is despicable. 

Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media. 

You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one. 

Thank you, Romney family, for giving a child a family full of love.

The ghostwriter then links to an article on Breitbart, but I will spare you having to see that. 

The hubbub is over a reaction that occurred on Sunday during the broadcast of the Melissa Harris-Perry show. The image up above flashed across the screen and the mostly African American panel responded by pointing out that it "summed up the diversity the Republican party and RNC" and with another panelist singing "One of These Things is Not Like the Other."

I will agree that it was probably somewhat impolitic to respond in such a way (Harris-Perry has since apologized.), however one can hardly blame them considering that the Mormon church just this month renounced the doctrine that brown skin is a punishment from God.

Besides perhaps they had seen a Romney family photo before.

Come on you have to admit that you don't get much more Caucasian than that.

There is also the fact that for some reason the Romney family decided to accentuate the baby's skin color by naming him after it:  

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has welcomed a new addition to the Romney clan. 

On Friday he tweeted, “Our 22nd grandchild was officially adopted today: Kieran James Romney,” alongside a photograph of a cute African-American baby. The child has been adopted by Romney’s second youngest son Ben and his wife Andelynne. 

Interestingly, Kieran means “little dark one” in Gaelic. Kieran is common name in Ireland and although it literally means “black” or “dark,” it generally signifies a link to Fergus, King of Ulster, a mythological Irish figure.

Probably just a coincidence right? Right?

Regardless of what you think about the Romney's reasons for suddenly opening their homes to an African-American child I think we can all agree that the little one hit the jackpot as far as living a life of luxury.  So good on the Romney's for adopting the little boy. (However I have to admit I do have an issue with religious families adopting children in order to increase the size of the flock.)

And since the Melissa Harris-Perry show is also an opinion show, and this segment took place during that portion, it does NOT indicate yellow journalism. Which if Sarah Palin actually had a degree in journalism she might be able to suss out for herself.

But the opportunity to attack MSNBC? And a black host at MSNBC? No WAY, is Sarah Palin going to miss that opportunity.

Update: One of the panelists weighs in.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    But Melissa doesn’t get to say these things just because she’s black. This special privilege of black people has to end, according to Fox News and the GOP.

    Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted, “Disgusting: Harris-Perry should apologize immediately for mocking Romney’s adopted grandchild.”

    Melissa Harris Perry apologized, as liberals are wont to do after right wing persecution takes hold of the media’s endless pity and blind spots. But she never personally attacked the grandchild, and it’s obtuse to pretend that no one gets how absurd it is that the man who ran one of the biggest race-baiting races in history has an adopted black grandchild. It reeks of blind privilege and a failure to connect the dots.

    You see, a rich black baby will not have the same experiences as the majority of black people in this country. It’s not about color. It’s about privilege. The privilege that comes with white skin growing up in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation as Mitt and his wife did.

    This episode of right wing victimhood was naturally brought to you by Sarah Palin, Queen of Self-Pity, who started the entire thing because nothing says I’m not a racist like demanding apologies from black people for having an opinion on race.


    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      I like MHP but must agree that she was out of line with her remark. But her apology was quick and, I am sure, sincere (unless Stupid Sarah who spews hate each and every day and NEVER apologizes.)

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I think it is way past time that journalists or TV interviewers STOP apologizing for statements they make that don't please the various Republicans.

      This is another instance where I see nothing wrong w/her Melissa's statement. The Romney family appears to have adopted a black child to benefit them and how they appear to others due to their being Mormons who were and are anti blacks! It looks like a stunt to me 'just in case' the Mitt is going to run again for POTUS.

      You never see a Republican apologize for the crap they say which are normally lies and not factual. Screw them!

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Since when do apologizes matter to Palin? Unless it is a humble Sarah's apology to Todd when she admitted she was wrong about a Bristol marriage to Levi Johnston?

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I pity Ms. Harris-Perry. The Right doesn't want apologies over Political Correctness- they want attrition of real news reporters that discuss hypocrisy.

      I give her a week before she goes the way of Martin Bashir.

    5. Anonymous1:43 PM

      How long until something like this?


    6. Anonymous2:02 PM

      If MSNBC fires Ms. Harris-Perry, I will be totally disgusted. Bashir should never have been fired...what the media said he said...was not accurate! But, what else is new?!

      I think we should all shit in Palin's mouth to keep her evil and hateful words forever in her brain so they can never be emitted again!

      Those are my words, not those of Bashir. (check the records of his actual words at MSNBC!)

    7. Anonymous2:11 PM

      The Mormon church has always been racist. I don't see that changing. I think RMoney thinks he may run again. I hope the details of Benghazi stop that like what was his part in the video since he met with pam gellar and the gang a month before the uprising.
      And yes, the name...is like Trisomy-G.
      This is a prop baby.
      I hope they treat him better than Snortin's sarah's prob baby.

    8. So when do the birthers apologize - when does Palin apologize for the 100s of times she has lied about the President

      ONLY in America does the media continually support the white privilege of the GOP

    9. "Anonymous12:43 PM I like MHP but must agree that she was out of line with her remark."

      This is another one of those instances where someone commenting on an issue has no idea whatsoever what was said, or by whom, or that Breitbart.com has done their usual editing/misrepresentation bit that'll get spread around the rest of the RWNJ blogosphere faster than the speed of light.

      Even Mediaite has a detailed accounting of what was said. Maybe you ought to read it, Anon@12:43PM.

      “Everybody loves a baby picture,” Harris-Perry said, “and this was one that really, a lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year. This is the Romney family. And, of course, there on Governor Romney’s knee is his adopted grandson, who is an African-American, adopted African-American child, Kieran Romney.”

      As Harris-Perry made the introduction, panelist Pia Glenn sang “One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn’t the same,” a tune whose original lyrics read “one of these things doesn’t belong.”

      “And that little baby, front and center, would be the one,” she added.

      “And isn’t he the most gorgeous?” Harris-Perry said. “My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West. Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?”

      What RWNJs are apparently OUTRAGED about is the remark by Pia Glenn, which MHP had no direct control over -- and I hardly think MHP's own remarks merit the vapors coming from the pearl-clutchers on the right.

    10. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Yeah, what happened to "FREEEEE SPEACH", as the Wasilla Wendigo was just screeching about? So, a guest on an opinion show had an opinion. MHP said nothing wrong.

    11. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Rilly. My head is about to explode over the $creech hypocrisy and all the 'Free Speech!!" $he was squawking about last week. Please hurry up Karma and devolve this hateful $creed to nothingness ...

    12. DetroitSam3:57 PM

      What is the real reason the Romney's adopted black child? Wait until he is old enough to understand that their religion preaches that he is cursed.

      The name Kiren in Irish means “the dark little one or black.“ Great start for Kiren on a nightmare life in Mormonhood.

      P.S. Melissa Harris-Perry knows a thing or two about being black in Mormonhood. Her father was black and her mother was/is white AND MORMON.

    13. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Everyone needs to REMEMBER MSNBC Phil Griffin is a RWNJ!
      Remember how he got rid of KO? I stopped watching after that...
      OT: How long before the Grifter Palin jumps on this?
      The Rmoney baby is a perfect lead in...And the grifters Shavio!
      I don't know why the judge hasn't gagged the family for spreading lies and misinformation.
      Oh and a ambulance was stolen across the bay, who on earth would steal one...
      Oh right 30K can buy a lot...
      Grifter jumps on 3,2,1!We know she will beat a dead horse how about a dead girl? Same age my my piper-diaper...bla,bla,bla death panels, Obamacare etc. SOS. Wait for it.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    oh good lord, is this woman EVER not outraged about SOMETHING? it really gets old with her. she is always spun up about something. does she ever say anything positive or contribute anything worthwhile. all she ever does is lob verbals bombs and attacks every chance she gets. what the fuck is wrong with her that she's so angry and toxic? she's so vile and catabolic, it must be horrid to be anywhere near her. how can a person be so vicious and hateful and still breathe? it's beyond me. she isn't even worthwhile enough to pity, she just needs to be permanently silenced.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      skank needs to choke on her regurgitated shit and die

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I am sure Sarah Palin is going to get hers at some point and it's not going to be pleasant! May she die a horrible death that matches the anger, hate and evil she has spread upon our country for far too long. Hell awaits her!

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Anonymous12:19 PM
      Anonymous12:39 PM
      Anonymous12:51 PM
      Here,Here! Great comments!

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      When this disgusting, ambulance chasing media whore apologizes to Gabby Giffords, and the people of Tuscon, then maybe I will give a shit about her opinions. Until then, she needs to locate her pimp fake husband, and tell him to apologize to Ms. Tripp.

    5. Anonymous4:06 PM

      She is a guttersnipe, a true bottom feeder, scraping the bottom of the barrel for any chink in anyone's armour and she then slithers in for the kill. Then palin retreats to hide in a dark corner. The lowest of the low.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    For The last time this year, Fuck You, Sarah Palin. If you believe adoption is so wonderful and beautiful why don't you admit to "adopting" Trig. Just as I thought, you are a complete cowardly hypocrite. Bring on the retarded trolls you have brainwashed so well, I need a laugh.
    This disgusting piece of trash will ride the coattails of anything that will shine a light on her and her deranged "world "view.
    Have a horrible new year, palin.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      I call your Fuck You Sarah and raise you a Fuck You Sarah

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      sure alot of Anonymous people on here hope we are not related by color or blood some of you are down right stupid and and your language is uncuth, i agree with what most say but would be nice if you could express yourselfs

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      2:50 Wow. Nancy must have the holidays off. Seems as though an uneducated Palin is writing their own comments. "uncuth"?? "i"?? "yourselfs" Wow, it is worse than I thought. The Palins are really backwards, aren't they?

    4. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Anon.3:12 The drugs have already kicked in, its too late

    5. Anonymous5:04 PM

      2:50 PM Stay away from Home-Schooling by the Palins. Go get into a HEELIECOPTER with Toad and visit the Rainbow Bordello. Palin Word Salad is for Wasillabillies, YeeHaw.

    6. Anonymous5:30 PM

      $creech will be 50 this year! Bwahahaha

    7. Sally in MI6:54 PM

      "alot,' 'uncuth,' 'i' yourselfs,'There are four major errors right there, honey. Not to mention your total lack of capitals and punctuation.You are either woefully uneducated, or a Palin.

    8. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Palin white christmas next year photo her snortin' coke or meth off a barrel...

  4. The naming seems cutesy, “I snuck one in and you didn’t see it, ha,” kind of like P.I.G. Palin and TriG.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Yeah, the Mormons are all about genealogy and names and such. No way did nobody figure out Kieran means "dark one".

    2. An European Viewpoint10:07 AM

      For a "dark one", that cute baby is lighter that Romney's hands.

      Did Romney overdo his fake-tanning again ?

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    as Malia has pointed out, the term "yellow journalism" is a racist phrasing.
    so funny, I forgot to laugh, Palin's Ghostwriter!

    1. Ailsa1:09 PM

      The term yellow journalism came from a popular New York World comic called "Hogan's Alley," which featured a yellow-dressed character named the "the yellow kid." Determined to compete with Pulitzer's World in every way, rival New York Journal owner William Randolph Hearst copied Pulitzer's sensationalist style and even hired "Hogan's Alley" artist R.F. Outcault away from the World. In response, Pulitzer commissioned another cartoonist to create a second yellow kid. Soon, the sensationalist press of the 1890s became a competition between the "yellow kids," and the journalistic style was coined "yellow journalism."


    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Hey, thanks!
      Now I know.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sarah names her kid after a disease. Mitt's grandson is named after his skin color. They are both walking disasters. I feel sorry for the poor black child that will bear the heavy burden of being 'different'. It's a sad, but true, future that, regardless of money, he will be shunned.

    1. And probably by his own family

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Mormons didn't consider dark-skinned people worthy of becoming Mormons until 1978. Both Mitt and Ann believed black people weren't worthy.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

      But Jodi Arias somehow passed muster?

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Mitt Romney with a servant's heart? Who the FUCK is she kidding? Mitt Romney is an entitled twat and has always been so. He only ran for prez because he was bored and wanted to do something new. He is the farthest thing for a servant's heart, he is a vulture.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      and he holds sarah in such high regard she wasn't even invited to the RNC last election. gee, who made that call? thurston or lovey?

    2. Sally in MI6:51 PM

      A servant's heart? Romney has servants...he doesn't act like one himself. But then 'servant heart Sarah' doesn't give to charity, give of herself, or act Christian in any way.I guess to her 'servant's heart' is just a nice catch phrase for her to drum up funds. No one ever seems to call her on it, or if they do, she's all aflutter playing the media victim again.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

      Yeah, Sarah and Mitt were really close during the elections. They have so much in common it's astounding!

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    MSNBC Panel Was Mocking Republicans, Not Mitt Romney’s Black Grandchild

    Melissa Harris-Perry is apologizing for something that she didn’t do wrong. A photo of the Romney family with a black baby on Mitt’s knee was the subject of a panel discussion on Perry’s MSNBC show. But no one was slighting the baby. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person,” remarked comedian Dean Obeidallah. Perry called the child “gorgeous.” Nevertheless, the media, particularly the right-wing media, reported that the panel made fun of the baby, which isn’t what happened. One anti-abortion site even had to bring that issue into the criticism. I guess anyone alive proves that abortion isn’t a good choice.

    Perry’s apology wouldn’t have been necessary if the rest of the media saw this for what it was: mocking the whiteness of the Republican Party as exemplified by the Romney family, not mocking an innocent baby. But Perry played it safe and said all the right things.


    1. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM

      Exactly, I can count on one hand famous black republicans, two don't count. Adrienne Ross and Colonel Powell.

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    The right doesn't have the capacity to understand humor.This was a joke and nothing else.I don't know why there was a need to apologize....Oh, and Brietbart news? Gimme a break.And Sarah fucking Palin?She's a fucking idiot.

  10. My God, the vicious, hissing, vituperative hatred and rage spat out by that dreadful nasty spiteful bag of bones just never ends.

    She seems incapable of speaking in a positive manner about anything. Anything she allegedly supports seems to be used just as a means to rant hatefully against somebody or something else.

    What a corrosive, destructive caterwauling rage viper she is. No wonder she is aging so rapidly and unattractively.

    From the heady heights of imagining herself as the soon to be elected Queen of Everything just a few years ago to having to relive her loss every day to a man that doesn't give two shits whether she lives or dies no matter how much she rails against him is eating her alive. And it shows.

    Maybe 2014 will finally be the year we can say good riddance to this horror.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

      It's all that leftover "love" left from Tidings of Great Joy, protecting the heart of Christmas. And whatever mindless trinket she stole at Eskimo Bingo.

      I'm surprised she doesn't have a list of what Tawwwwd got her for Winter Solstice? A new styrofoam wig head?

  11. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Her comments were perfectly clear to nayone ho was actually listening to the words and comprehending their meaning: the GOP is not diverse.

  12. I think Tripp was Levi trickery. He knew about Shailey, after all, and probably liked the name.

  13. Anonymous12:36 PM

    How is it that Palin, who got rid of all the people of color in the AK governor's office, can get away with such faux outrage over imagined racism?

    She still hasn't explained her selective outrage over Joy Reid, another black MSNBC host. There are legions of white journalists and tv hosts who mocked her and her book, yet escaped her rabid denouncement.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Remember the RNC wished "Everyone" a happy Kwanza....

      The word prob came down, they want the black vote in 2014.

    2. Anonymous4:44 AM

      And Martin Bashir isn't exactly lily white, come to think of it.

  14. I think Kieran is actually a nice sounding name, and hopefully the baby won't find it a burden as he grows up, but I think this just further demonstrates the cluelessness of the Romney family. About the time some redneck cracker starts calling the kid names, a little bit of light might enter their thick skulls.

    1. My brother was named Kieran. I agree it is a very nice name and in this day and age would be very accepted as it is more widely known, but he hated it as a child! ("Neener-neener, why'd your parents call you Karen?")

      It is a fine Irish name, but in this case, score another one for the tone-deaf Romneys.

    2. Sally in MI6:47 PM

      Never fear, he'll no doubt attend an exclusive private school like Gramps, who can give him lessons on BEING the bully.

  15. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Just like Sarah Palin embraced the adoption of Trig to win a political race. Hypocrite!!

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Exactly! Sarah took a DS child and passed it off as her own to try to get votes...guess that's how 'pugs roll. She is truly a hypocrite and has no reason to bash anyone else. Where are your apologies, Sarah?

  16. Anonymous12:37 PM

    yeah, where's sarah and fox being outraged about that asshole's tweet about liberal tears? nothing. so we can assume she condones that kind of thing? she's so full of shit.

    GOP Rep. Steve Stockman Promotes ‘Liberal Tears’ as Gun Lubricant


    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      How about we use Republican's semen for gun lubrication which would also prevent their having more babies they can indoctrinate?

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      How about their very own tears when one of their own "blows their brains out"?

  17. eclecticsandra12:38 PM

    The top picture seems to have everyone separated by gender into blue and pink. The new baby is in pink, but I keep seeing references to a boy. What's up with that?

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      The name Kieran is a baby boy name

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      There are two other babies about the same age. Kieran and the other two are all in pink. Kieran is a boys name. go figure.


      Ben and Andelynne Romney adopted Kieran.

    3. Little guy will always be known as "the black one..." It's a damn fucking shame.

    4. An European Viewpoint9:59 AM

      Very strange to separate by gender... And pretty ugly, too.

      Oh, I get why the babies are all in pink : it's because they don't count. Just like the girls.

      Seriously, how sexist is that picture ?

  18. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Poor Kieran will have to cope with cardboard cutouts as grandparents.

  19. Anonymous12:40 PM

    And Sarah, were you outraged when your buddy Phil promotes pedophilia? No, I thought not. Probably because you still remember those night with Creepy Chuckie and no underwear in bed, eh? You're such a fucking hypocritical piece of crap and everyone sees you for who you are. You pick and choose what you are outraged about, but NEVER the garbage that comes out of the mouths of the right wing, who are vile beyond words. No, you ONLY attack the left and make excuses for the right, so that makes you a dick.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah is fine with Phil and his history lessons on the happy field workers that he saw.

  20. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Excuse me, but what does "sup-par" mean?

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I'm sure dumfuk thought that was "sub-par" was pronounced and spelled. you know how the 1/2 wit butchers the English language. what a moron...

    2. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

      It means RAM was on a cheescake factory break then stepped out for a dozen or three big gulps.

  21. I assumed the baby was a little boy, but all the other boys are in blue and the girls are in pink. ?

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I just asked the same thing...he is a boy, how weird.

    2. Sexist as well as racist picture - who even dresses their family in this way in the 21st century?

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Who dresses their family that way in the 21st century? Usually religious fruitbats.

  22. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I truthfully feel sorry for that little black child being raised in the Romney clan. I also suspect he was adopted to enhance the chances should Mittens decide to run for POTUS again (and lose!).

    I'm not impressed w/the Romney family at all and could care less how much money they have! They assuredly come across though as thinking they are entitled. The missus would be a horrible FLOTUS! Absolutely awful!

  23. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Melissa Harris-Perry's mother was white, raised Mormon, and graduated from BYU.....both her dad and mom are very accomplished and educated people.

    Sarah now would be a good time for a Big Gulp and an apology. If you are going to shoot off your mouth you had better be careful of what you are targeting.


    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Who would be more qualified to talk about the place of a black child in a white Mormon world?

  24. Anonymous12:52 PM

    ...it does NOT indicate yellow journalism.

    They did the same type thing with Joy Reid. MSNBC seems to be their target. Since Martin Bashir MSNBC has been on the Palin radar. Bristol/Nancy/Brancy has been a big help.

    From what I can tell they have let up on attacking the President.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Yes. Notice there is never any outrage at O'Donnell, Hayes, Maddow or Mathews. All white and all them have savaged the GOP and Palin during 2013. What a coincidence...

  25. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Out of all the small children in that photo, just a coincidence that he chose the black one to sit on his knee ?!?!?

  26. Anonymous12:58 PM

    as if sarah give a shit. romney made sure she wasn't invited to the RNC and she's sticking up for him? LOL, it's an opportunity for her to get her face in the news and beg for more money.

  27. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The new edition to the Romney family is a darling baby and I wish him a long happy life.

    This is Nancy French's thing. I can't imagine she will be silent. Of course, Palinbots will have to pretend it is Bristol with so much opinion.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      bristool's a full blown sperm burpin' retard ..

      must suk sweaty ballz goin' through life as a palinbot_tard

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I hope the baby, who is very cute, gets equal treatment in the Romney clan. Time will tell.

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    What the hell is "sup-par?"

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      It means, below par.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      the word is "sub-par" just sarah butchering words again...

    3. Anonymous4:16 PM

      it's a drunk calling folks to dinner

    4. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

      Did you SEE her carve a turkey? ROTFL

  30. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Why is the little black boy dressed in pink but all the other grandsons are dressed in blue plaid?

  31. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Doesn't Palin's religion teach that Mormons are going to hell?

  32. Anonymous1:25 PM

    My mostly European descent extended family is in the second generation of having adopted African American babies. We get jokes (and so pretty nasty not-jokes) all the time. It just comes with the territory. We don't get into a snit about it. It would be nicer if we didn't have to hear it, but we don't kid ourselves about what it is said when we are not around. We all wish we lived in a world where such comments weren't made.

    We also have some other adopted children in the family. And since we are a mixed lot of nationalities, they are pretty much under the radar.

    And, of course, every single one of the adoptees has enriched our lives.

    Like us, I expect the Romneys will handle the situation intelligently. And quietly wish idiots like Sarah Palin wouldn't blow stuff out of proportion.

  33. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Be careful. Romney strikes me as a man who smiles to the public and takes out his woes on the family members he deems most responsible. I'm worried this round of criticism will make poor little Kieran's life even more miserable than it already was.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Romney's kids and wife seem to be very detached from little mittins if you ask me. I wonder what Queenie Romney thinks about their new bundle of love? God she looks like a bitch. Anyway Happy New Year everyone! (except you know who). Hey Sarah, anymore offers for your tell all book? I know I'd buy it

  34. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I still want to know why two of rmoney's sons had a surrogate carry babies for them when both their wives had full term pregnancies prior to the same surrogate having babies for them. some warped rich mormon way of continuing polygamy? lokk at the look on ann's face in the lower picture. she looks like some rich, snooty bitch that just smelled cat shit...probably the same look she wears when mitt mentions sarah.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      She will NEVER get over she wasn't First Lady. "You People," and still whining about it a year later. Good LORD, woman, trying for a Duggar reality show? America said, "no thanks" to you AND the putrid Palins once and we will continue to no matter how hard you try.

    2. Sally in MI3:18 PM

      Aren't the matching shirts creepy? Looks like an LLBean catalog shoot.

    3. Anonymous12:38 AM

      2:05 Remember - she was NEVER in a position to be FLOTUS. She ran in the 'second' seat w/McCain and they lost...the VP position. Had they won, McCain's wife would have been the FLOTUS!

      Then, even though she teased everyone into thinking she 'might' run for POTUS (a position she'd have had to nominated for!) she said she was not interested. She knew she'd never be selected - Romney was the pick!

      All she was doing was trying to raise money for her PAC by being a prick tease to the old, fat white Republican guys!

      For her to be First Lady (FLOTUS), Todd Palin would have had to run and we all know that would have been an joke and impossibility!

  35. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Melissa Harris Perry is a professor of African studies, who is qualified to discuss race and the place of a black child in a white family. President Obama referred to his own upbringing, saying that his own grandmother let slip some unkind words.

    AT the time the photo was taken, in the summer of 2012, Romney was a candidate for president, from a party that did not attract black voters. Does that make the adoption of an African American baby look suspicious? Everything that Romney did looked suspicious. He used to claim to be a citizen of Utah until it was time to run for governor in Massachusetts. Then, he wasn't.

    Melissa has discussed race on her programs many times. Funny, I don't think that Sarah watches the show. She was repeating what she saw in a Breitbart column, much the way she repeats what some ghostwriter posts at Bristol's blog. They chase each other around the internet, clucking, isn't that just awful, forgetting all about the Freedom of Speech thing.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I'd take 'anything' reported or said by Melissa Harris-Perry to be factual over a breath Sarah Palin takes to start the first letter of her word salad!

      Mrs. Harris-Perry is well educated - is a professor - is part black (as is our wonderful President Obama) - and far more experienced than the retard ever thought of being!

      And, I love watching her show on MSNBC! They have a terrific group w/shows on that network and I miss Mr. Bashir!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      Mrs Perry reminds me of one of my college profs. She was smart, approachable, had a sense of humor and brought her own unique perspectives on being a woman of Color in the Academic World. She raised the bar on everyone of every race to learn the contributions African Americans made in many fields. I hope she lived to see President Obama, it would have sent her over the moon.

  36. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Sarah's outraged by Melissa Harris Perry, but she is just fine with the racist crap coming from Phil Robertson? Can we call her a hypocrite, or is there an even stronger name than that?

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM


      Or shithead.

      Take your pick.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM


    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Assholier than thou. Thank you 3:45

  37. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Has Palin accepted the apology ?
    Because this is all about her , not the Romneys .
    Who as far as I know are remaining silent.
    Something Dumbo should consider.
    Palin did not endorse Romney and has never had a kind word to say about him and
    suddenly she's his biggest defender ??
    There is nothing this cheap hustler won't do for publicity.

    1. Sally in MI3:16 PM

      Oh,it'll give her something new to be outraged about with Lizzie Haselbeck this evening.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Cracks me up that Hazzzelback and Palin were supporters of each other initially and then Hazzzelback backed off. Cracks me up that they have to appear together on FOX all the while not liking or respecting each other!

      Oh, what folks do in order to work for FOX!!!

      I suspect Lizzie is probably much more aware of Palins background and is no longer impressed!

  38. Anonymous2:15 PM

    It in not inconceivable that the "adoption" parallels Sarah's adoption of Trig to cover for a female Romney's pregnancy.

    1. Sally in MI3:16 PM

      No, I think said Romney DIL is sterile, or her husband is. These are the two that tried in vitro, I think.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Does not have to be that DIL. What about granddaughters, etc.?

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Do you think any of $creech's media cohorts will pose the 'free speech' question a la her Robertson rants last week? Liz? Greta? Anyone??

  39. Anonymous2:16 PM

    How come the black grandson doesn't get a nice blue shirt like the rest of the boys...hmmmmm

    1. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

      Money's tight, My guess is the closest of the almost two dozen grandkids ( in size ) happened to be a female, and he got her hand me downs.

  40. Chenagrrl2:27 PM

    Sarah, dear. My late father was unlucky enough to have skin that turned dark brown in the sun, not unlike the skin of his Choctaw, Osage etc. ancestors. During the depression he left a cowboy job in Colorado because he heard there were jobs in Utah. He arrived in Salt Lake City and was escorted by armed men back to the Colorado line. He was too dark for their taste. So if television commentators and editorial writers snort their coffee through their noses at the hypocrisy, they can be excused. I pray that baby will be well-treated and nurtured, and not used like a charm on a bracelet for political ends.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I hope the same for the baby. It occurred to me that this child, like other African American children, will likely encounter some racial nastiness while he grows up. I hope that the Romneys learn from this, that what matters is the person inside the skin, and become more open to this country's very diverse population.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      He'll be fine. I doubt he's in that percentage of folks who like to get free stuff that his grandfather so famously mocked at the (not so private) private fundraising dinner.
      I wish the same for him, and I hope he learns about the rich history, culture and long struggles the people he descended from embrace.

  41. Irishgirl2:44 PM

    "First of all, I think the illiterate one meant to say “Wholly unbelievable” as opposed to “Holy unbelievable.” JHC, this woman is “holy” and undisputedly stupid. And Sarah, MHP is just using her first amendment rights which you don’t appear to understand."


    1. Sally in MI3:15 PM

      Oh, I find her use of "holy" kind of Batmanish...Iexpect to see "POW" and "BAM" pop up on her screen next. And Sarah, Mitt is using his grandkids just like you do...for publicity. And you know how much your kids LOVE being discussed by bloggers, right? So why not tell Mitt privately to keep his family to himself. I really don't need a yearly dose of matching gingham shirts and khakis.

  42. Anonymous2:47 PM

    All these politicians and their families need to make up their minds if they want publicity or not. Some do not want any publicity, and others DO. For those who do, they should not be surprised if their family photos are used in media, discussed, used by comedians, etc. That's the way it is.

    I personally would not expose my children on internet, facebook, especially if I was a public figure. I would keep my personal family affairs private. I would know that if I posted every family event on facebook, that I'd have to suffer the consequences and know it might be used as a tool for discussion and debate.

    I think using that photo by the show at MSNBC was used in bad taste. I think people's kids should completely be out of the radar. But, when these politicians insist on showing off their families, they get what they deserve. If they really love their kids, keep them out of the public eye.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      I agree with you one hundred percent!

  43. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Well, for a woman who laughed and giggled with two radio hosts who called her colleague a "bitch" and a "cancer", I'd say Sarah has a lot of nerve criticizing anyone else. Someone, please find that clip of her, and everyone can recognize her voice, and send it to someone at MSNBC.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Gov Palin Laughs At Radio Jock Calling AK Sen Lyda Green a Cancer

      "Lyda Green is a bitch" (Gov. Sarah Palin is heard cackling in the background at this point) "She needs to go away because she is a cancer on the progress of the State of Alaska"


    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      She did that on a radio show in Anchorage and it was regarding a member of the Alaska Legislature - a Ms. Green. I believe Ms. Green had been diagnosed w/cancer.

  44. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sarah wants something from Mitt Romney. Maybe she knows he knows about her hoax, and she's trying to assuage him by defending him. Maybe she feels the GOP are on to her and might spill her secrets.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Everything Sarah Palin does is to distract from her lies

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Mitt Romney is the LAST Republican that will have a relationship w/Sarah Palin. He already stopped her from attending the Republican Convention in Florida when he was running for POTUS. He'll stay away from her knowing full well she is nothing but poison to those she touches!

  45. PalinsHoax3:24 PM

    There goes the Ol' Screechy Palin, again sucking at the teat of another headline. What a moocher she is, always trying to usurp the story headline, just to get her own name out there.

    That Ol' Palin only displays how utterly desperate, destitute and derelict she is as she continuously sucks at the teat.

  46. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hey Sarah, tell us about the fetus you aborted six weeks after your tryst with Glen Rice.

  47. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Could race baiting be eating $arah alive, remake of the song (White) Right Christmas on her Ghost written fb page, had me scratching my head

  48. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Hey, anonymous 2:47 PM. You wrote that you would not expose your children on internet Facebook....that you would have to suffer the consequences and know it might be used as a tool for
    discussion and debate. Exposing and using her family is number
    one on the list for look at me, look at me Palin's reason for getting up in the morning. It works as an aphrodisiac for the rest
    of her dirty work. In her mind, the word love has no meaning
    for her family . The word love is not in her vocabulary, just HATE!

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Bottom line: In '08, then candidate Barack Obama said "kids are off limits" and has done to so this day. Any pictures of Malia and Sasha show self-control, decency, and respect.

      Then there's the VP candidate who just could NOT abide by that, blamed it on him, and thrust hers into the public eye as props, also too the Hollywood debacle, all the while whining about being thrown to the lion's den when the world said, "are you KIDDING me? BWAHAHAHA" She and her handlers, that whole family, really ARE beyond stupid.

  49. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I wish the Alaskan/Arizonan desert camel-toe would just STFU,and fade away into obscurity-never to been seen or heard from again.Her and her hypocrisy disgust me beyond words!

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Yes ,,, but we will miss it too, we must admit. $arah rage provides some kind of perverse catharsis for us at IM ... but we will forego it because $he is just too hateful and dangerous to continue.

  50. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Sarah Palin should be an expert on adoptions, she adopted Tri-g. Her 2 oldest daughters have given up babies for adoption. Until the Palins learn to keep their Stinky Legs Closed, they can Fuck Off.

    1. I will go out on a limb here and suggest that the body parts emitting the foul odor of rotting flesh from each of the adult females in the very fertile (and perpetually breeding) Palin women is NOT their legs.

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Wait until someones asks sarah, did you watch the program?
    her answer: um um, NO but they weren't quoting the scriptures..blah blah

    I'm surprised her adrenal glands haven't shut down from the 24/7 hatred and stress.

  52. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    holy unbelievable! Pshaw! I was the first to adopt a child with Down Syndrome, and none of those yellow journalists on that dang show I never watch congratulated ME on the beauty of adoptions, also too! My daughter's ghostwriter adopted an african amerrykan child, and pulled her hair out trying to figure out what colors complement her beautiful chocolate brown complexion. Does MSNBC say anything? Crickets Chirping! And, later, she squee'ed all over herself because she learned the fine art of making bantu knots in her hair (without going to school or getting a license) There, Mitt Romney, again with a servant's heart, adopts an african amerrycan grandbaby to show the GOP is diverse, and he gets mocked.

    Someone, whose got too much time on her hands, found yet another nothing to blow her wig over. Continue, half term governor with a servant's heart, DO EXPLAIN the Nativity of Trig and the miracle of the wild ride.

  53. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Everyone with a brain knows what Sarah has done. She will spend the rest of her life trying to pretend it did not. I wouldn't want to be her.

  54. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Ironic Republicans didn't care about blacks until Mitt Romney got one for a grandson. Do you think his son investigated to make sure the birth mother wasn't part of the 47%?

  55. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Palin: among her resolutions is to "eat more meat"

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM


    2. Anonymous1:34 AM

      Whatcha talking about? Glenn Rice? Brad Hanson?

  56. romney's son's adoption creeps me out big time.

    Mormons are known liars. Something about "lying for the lord." I pray and hope the baby will be safe and healthy.

    This proves how low these racist nutbags think of a Black person's life.
    This adoption shouldn't had happened.

    It's another blackface (after all he obviously darken up for a Hispanic7 audience) for this unstable klan. Yep, just like the insufferable witch did to all her kids, tri-g got the worst of it. Very disturbing. It's a red flag.

    Demeaning and killing Black folks is one of their core beliefs/values. How is it possible for them to ignore a big chunk of their "bible?" Romney? It's ridiculous. Poor little baby.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

      And Romney "imported" his own "blackfolk" at one of his most pivotal speeches to show his support for African Americans. His NAACP speech flopped miserably, despite his overdosing on spray tan.

  57. Anonymous6:17 AM

    To all the people who agreed with Bashir's disgusting screed and/or wished death and on Sarah Palin: You are full of hate. And you are wallowing in sheer evil. Shame on you.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      6:17 AM You are a Stupid Troll. The only Hate spewed here is from you, Palinbot. Go EAT MORE MEAT!!! Your Bulimia is showing.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      No. You and the rest of your brood are the ones spewing hate. and I am smarter than you will ever be in your entire life.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

      You Called? What DID Martin Bashir say that was so offensive? Sarah, herself, wishes death/injury to other people she doesn't agree with (Target opponents with gun sites on a map), then when something tragic happens, she becomes the blood drenched innocent victim. We're just following her lead. There's a wide chasm between "smarter" and "wiser" but you have all the time in the world.

    4. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Jared Loughner was nothing but a drug-addled, anarchist nut job who never listened to talk radio, never watched the news and was a 9/11 truther. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck had nothing to do with the massacre in Tuscon. Once again, people on this site are lying.

  58. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Martin Bashir's History Lesson was too complicated for Sarah Palin's 83 IQ Brain to understand. Shame on you, 6:17 AM. Sarah Palin seems to only go after Black and Brown people, like all of those she had FIRED when she was Governor. The Bitch and her Brood of Fatherless Baby Makers are all Bigots.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Martin Bashir spewed hate and lies. That is a fact.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      8:31 AM Hate and LIES are a staple in the Pimp Daddy's, Unwed Teen Moms of Bastards', Oxycontin Addicted Track Menard's , and 83 IQ Grifter's Compound. Sarah Palin faked Tri-g's Birth to cover for one of her Bastard Grandchildren. Is Piper Pregnant yet? What happened to Sarah's proof of a War on Christmas? It was as Fake as her Ghostwritten Failure of a book. Eat more Glenn Rice meat, Tramp.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

      Sometimes it's best to just point and laugh.

      Pointing and Laughing W 8:31 and not mentioning their obvious stupidity. Bashir gave Sarah a history lesson she must have missed at the six year four year degree attempt.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Sarah Palin was Trig's mother. Period. This site is full of lies.

  59. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas

    Amazon.com Sales Rank: 2583

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      At what point does it move to the toilet paper isle ?

  60. DetroitSam3:49 PM

    Why is Kiren dressed in pink? All of the other boys are dressed in blue.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      To make him stand out, reminds me of Marissa Tomei in "My Cousin Vinny"


    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Now that is a good question.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.