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Click poorly fitted Christmas wig to start video |
O'REILLY: Continuing now with Governor Sarah Palin her new book "Good Tidings and Great Joy" pretty much takes up my theme that Christmas has to be defended these days in America. So when did you first notice a change?
PALIN: Oh well you know, I noticed a change back when I was the mayor of our city. And I sanctioned and promoted and participated in our Nativity scene that I would allow --
O'REILLY: That was Wasilla. What year was that?
PALIN: Yes that was in the early 2,000s was when I started hearing from people saying you're not going to be able to keep this up, Madam Mayor. Somebody is going to sue you for allowing God to be recognized in the public square. (Yeah I am pretty sure this never happened. Especially not in Wasilla which is full of Fundamentalist Bible thumpers. Just a story to give her self credibility with O'Reilly.)
O'REILLY: Ok so early 2,000?
O'REILLY: It started to come in.
PALIN: In my life, yes.
O'REILLY: Right. And no that's me too. Me too.
PALIN: Ok yes.
O'REILLY: Pretty much 10 years ago. And then it reached its apex when some major corporations ordered their employees not to say "Merry Christmas", do you remember that? (And that Timmy is how the Fox News fake war on Christmas began.)
PALIN: Yes. (Of course she remembers that. Where do you think she got the idea to have this book written for her Bill?)
O'REILLY: And I think you have some examples in your book about that.
PALIN: I do. Yes.
O'REILLY: And then we said to people hey you know maybe you don't want to shop at these places. And then all of a sudden magically, like Santa, they changed.
PALIN: Well, what I recognized in the book too, though, are those businesses that are bold enough to not allow that double standard to be applied. And their employees can say what they want to say. And they can freely express their acknowledgment of Jesus being the reason for the season at Christmas time. And I give shout outs and kudos to those businesses because customers will stick with them then. (Sure but let one business owner celebrate Saturnalia, the foundation for Christmas, by selecting one customer as "Lord of Misrule," to embody the evil in the world, and then slaughter them as a sacrifice, and watch the Christians freak out about that! Hypocrites!)
O'REILLY: And most of them are doing that.
PALIN: Yes, they are.
O'REILLY: You don't have any beef about happy holidays. Do you?
PALIN: Absolutely not nor Santa Claus, or anything else. No it's all wonderful.
O'REILLY: You know this woman -- this woman in the "New York Times" today I forget her name. But she writes a column there. (Gail Collins. Good article too.) She is you know she's mocking you and mocking me saying oh they don't like happy holiday. I don't care about happy holidays. Somebody say happy holidays to me I said ok give me a present that's my thoughtI don't care if they're holidays you know let's -- where is my present. But when you start to say you can't say merry Christmas.
PALIN: Right, right.
O'REILLY: And you can't have the karesh. (I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Update: Okay some of you have suggested that O'Reilly might have said "creche" which is a French word representing the nativity.)
PALIN: Right. (But of course dipshit says "right" anyhow.)
O'REILLY: And you can't have Christmas carols by choirs, school choirs, it's part of our culture.
PALIN: Well and that's the double standard that's applied. And that's what I'm not going to sit down and accept and I don't think the majority of Americans will. Because that is -- that war on Christmas is the tip of the spear that really translates into a war on religious freedom and that's a much bigger problem that we will be facing if we just were to sit back and allow the angry atheists who are armed with an attorney to tell us that we cannot say things like "Merry Christmas". (There's that slam against atheists again.)
O'REILLY: After you get off the air here you might go over to Times Square there's a big atheist sign now and it's very offensive. It says "You don't need God in Christmas." Ok and it's huge, it's huge. I mean there is money behind these people. Now do I object to that sign? Not really. I don't object to it. But it's mean-spirited. (How is it "mean spirited?" If Christians can put up signs claiming that Christmas belongs to them, and demanding that people remember the so-called "reason for the season" then how is it any different for another group to suggest that you can celebrate Christmas without including a particular religion?) It goes back to MSNBC. It goes back -- it's just mean spirited. ("Back to MSNBC?" Does he mean the same MSNBC that has Rev. Al Sharption as a host as well as the very Catholic Chris Matthews?)
PALIN: And yet, you are going to be called thin skinned and intolerant if you claim taking offense at seeing something like that.
O'REILLY: Really?
PALIN: And yet they can sue for claiming an offense taken because we do recognize Jesus being the reason for the season. (Only on public, or government, property. You know, the people's property. Anybody can put any damn thing they want on their private property.)
O'REILLY: Now let me stop you know because I spray painted over that sign I'm going to be called intolerant? No I wouldn't do something like that. Now, in your book you have recipes. (Wait what are we talking about? Was that supposed to be a smooth segue?)
O'REILLY: Recipes?
PALIN: Yes, yes.
O'REILLY: For what?
PALIN: Well, we have, you know, traditional Alaskan mills that are organic (Yeah except we don't call them "mills" we call them "meals," because we are not idiots.) and our mills happened to be wrapped in fur and not cellophane. (Oh God make her stop talking! Yes we do use cellophane and tinfoil. We are Alaskans, not fucking cave people!)
PALIN: And I explain how it is that we prepare our moose chili and halibut dip. (From what I've heard with mostly store bought ingredients. This woman could not cook if her life depended on it.)
O'REILLY: Moose chili, I've got to get some of that. I was in Alaska this summer I don't know if you know that. I was at Glacier Bay. (And did he bother to stop by and seeing the Grizzled Mama? No he did not.)
O'REILLY: Unbelievably beautiful.
PALIN: Right it's beautiful.
O'REILLY: And we ran around and we caused trouble. And every -- and you know it was my reception was mixed. I mean some of the people really liked me but some of the people you know, they are kind of like you know what are you doing here? Don't ever come again. But I should have stocked up on moose chili. And nobody guided me into that.
PALIN: I'll bring you some next time.
O'REILLY: You have to because there's not a lot of moose on Long Island where I live. So it's either we can't really slay them and chop them up into chili.
PALIN: I don't think you can shoot anything. I mean isn't...aren't..isn't the mayor around here trying to ban everything?
O'REILLY: Well the bad guys can shoot people.
PALIN: Yes the bad guys --
O'REILLY: The good people can't. See, that's the law in New York. If you're bad, yes, go ahead and you can shoot. But if you're good you can't. But in Alaska everybody is armed and ready.
PALIN: Well, we're independent.
O'REILLY: That's right.
PALIN: And we want to protect ourselves and we do want to fill our freezer with organic meat.
O'REILLY: Now I'm holding you to the moose chili business.
PALIN: All right.
O'REILLY: All right so next time in.
PALIN: Absolutely.
O'REILLY: I'm going to show everybody the can. All right Sarah Palin, everybody, thanks for coming in.
"Show everybody the can" What can is he talking about? Does he think she can both cook AND can stuff?
Interesting that O'Reilly's approach to interviewing Palin is to talk most of the time and limit her responses to one or two words, so she can't say anything too stupid on his show.
Not a bad policy really, except that leaves it up to O'Reilly to say most of the ignorant things and he certainly did not disappoint.
By the way you just know that the only reason that Palin showed up on his show is to prove she was not afraid right? But he treated her with such kid gloves that I would bet anything that she would not agree unless he promised not to make her answer hard questions or have her talk about anything she does not understand. Which must be hard considering just how much there is that she knows nothing about.
Update: Palin talks about this interview on Facebook:
I had a great time chatting with Bill O’Reilly last night about “Good Tidings and Great Joy.” I had forgotten I wore the same shirt this morning that I did on Fox last night… that is until every other person at the library today mentioned they enjoyed the O’Reilly interview and thought it was cool I was wearing the same clothes! I laughed and explained that this is what happens when you’re living out of a suitcase on the road meeting all these great people!
Yeah sure she wore it twice becasue she is living out of a suitcase. I thought the reason that people brought suitcases was to have a change of clothes?
Update2: Palin looking very out of place in New York.
More behind-the-scenes: walking to interviews incognito in NYC yesterday snapped by Willow...
You know in Alaska we have had criminals, shysters, pimps, corrupt politicians, and mass murderers, but NOBODY has made us look as bad as this batshit crazy lunatic.
the cross eyed wonk eyed skank showin' billo her koch sukin' technique ?
ReplyDeleteBoy, Billo Bob sure led her in that inteview and gave her very little time to respond to anything in her usual long-strung-out bullshit! Crap, he was actually giving her the answers.
DeleteShe is such a friggin' retard. Same thing that McCain did in that one interview he did w/her to assure she didn't say anything stupid while they were campaigning and LOST!
DeleteEverybody right there.
Yes, you there in NYC.
You see that deranged looking scarecrow obviously from out of town?
That, New York, *could* have Been your Vice President.
Also, too-
DeleteSarah and family:
How many TOYS and BATTERIES are you DONATING to
How many boxes are you going to help fill for our TROOPS?
I want pictures, Bitch.
Can I use your comment to show students what "dreg of society' and 'loser' look like? I've never come across sadder people before I read these comments.
Deletego send skank your lunch money, loser.
DeleteIt goes back to MSNBC. It goes back -- it's just mean spirited. ("Back to MSNBC?" Does he mean the same MSNBC that has Rev. Al Sharption as a host as well as the very Catholic Chris Matthews?)
It seems like (Sorry I can't watch nor hear anymore of the screaming FART)
that he was trying to get her to go after Martin Bashir again!
MSNBC reference.
And WTF with the "public square" shit?
After the 08 election b/c I emailed mcCains campaign to bitch about "the Screaming FART" they gave my address to Newt Gingrinch and I started getting bullshit about "They're trying to take god out of the public square"! and I was WTF is this asshole talking about? What public square?
Just like her digs at "obamaphones" I was like WTF is a "Obamaphone"? The skank who never goes anywhere without two crackberriers is bitching about "LIFELINE" phones!!!!
Lifeline that has been around for 30 years or more is now conveniently called "Obamaphones"! This fucking skank begrudges people a measly 250 mins a month?Fuck this cunt and if she dropped dead today or tomorrow we would be singing "ding dong...." She is a evil bitch!
Hah and Pradva calls her a "Screaming FART"!
And Traitor! Happy Holidays you skanky hobag!!!
3:46 PM The students already know who the 'dreg of society' is, Sarah 'I FUCKED A BLACK MAN' Palin.
DeleteApparently 3:46 PM has never read the Facebook Rants of Bristol,Willow and Sarah Palin. If you want to see LOSERS, look at their Facebook pages.
DeleteIs Sarah wearing Todd's boots? Those are some Huge Feet.
DeleteSo very tired and annoyed with this constant 'skank,' reference. She's a lot of things, but it's mysogyny - against other female Palin critics - to have to read anything about 'tits,' or 'skank.'
Delete@5:35 - then go away and read a blog that loves the quitter
DeleteAnonymous5:35 PM
Deleteummm no one FORCING you to read here, goooooo click the little red square with a x on it...bye bye...
So.... you're against calling the skank, skank?
DeleteMSNBC Helped Sarah Palin Muzzle the 1st Amendment By Not Supporting Martin Bashir
ReplyDeleteMartin Bashir’s mistake as a liberal commentator was two-fold; he articulated a widely-held opinion about a conservative charlatan, and he targeted mainstream media darling and perpetually self-identified victim Sarah Palin.
DeleteShe's just going all menopausal because Costco put her book in the frozen food section.
ReplyDeleteCracked me up - I went to my Costco store in Alaska - specifically looked for her book (so that I could turn it over!!!!) - and the book was no where to be found. Loved it!!! Obviously wasn't a big draw there!
Deletekaresh=creche? Manger scene.
ReplyDeleteo/t but a shout out to Chicago:
ReplyDeleteAtheist Display In Chicago Marks Pagan Winter Solstice, Bill of Rights at Daley Plaza.
Up yours Money BooBoo
"Madam Mayor" ?!? ROTFALMAO !!!
ReplyDeletelike some fukin' retard is gonna address that fraud skank as such, that'd only come from the 9 left in the piss pond
"Madam Mayor"'s office was a bordello.
DeleteTodd being a pimp and all she probably thought it was cute. One of her "in" jokes on her constitutes that believed the myths.
DeleteI think he meant Creche....that baby carrier holder thingy for the blue eyed blond baby jeebus..
ReplyDeletePronounced kresh, not karesh
G., I think Bill said, "creche" which is french for manger.
ReplyDelete? creche
DeleteI wonder how many "behave yourself, Bill" drugs they fed the guy.
ReplyDeleteMakes my blood boil. I pay taxes to keep City Hall open and I am not Christian I really don't want to feel like an outsider in my own town. Can't these people say Merry Christmas at church and see the baby Jesus and his parents in the manger anytime they want in front of their houses and at Church and private religious schools?
ReplyDeleteExactly. And as in she and her team of Wasilla Bible Church thugs around town didn't bully and threaten non-conformists in town - which included fat, and special needs people. She's 'grown,' from having Trig? Is a better person for it?' Based on what? She is an ugly person, through and through. How many people in her life old her
Delete“Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas,”
Christmas is coming soon; Expose CBJs role or lack thereof and MatSu's and the whole thing will tumble!!!
I think "Karesh" is supposed to mean creche or a nativity scene. But who knows with those two.
"But in Alaska everybody is armed and ready. " goes right along with "Jesus is the reason" theme if you are as cynical as Bill O'. Bill got a whole wad of his favorite talking points into this "interview". Brainwashing Bill's bots takes a lot repetition. Exploiting a dimwit like Sarah Palin to stroke his own ego is classic Bill O' strategy. Sarah Palin got suckered.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin doesn't care is she got suckered; she got her face on teevee.
DeleteWhy does she keep TRYING to convince everyone she actually LIVES in AK?
DeleteB/c she is still on the senate primary?
Remember "We're all Arizonians now"
Even the RUSSIANS got that one!!!
"God don't make no junk." and Sarah's rewriting history AGAIN...
Palin focused much of her time onstage Wednesday on Christianity, particularly its role in government.
She cited America's Founding Fathers, saying the Constitution is a Christian document meant for religious people.
"That's what our Constitution is based on," she said. "It would be inadequate for any other people."
Palin said she has grown accustomed to facing harsh criticism from countless media outlets. She encouraged Liberty University students to tune them out and turn on Fox News.
"That's where you're going to get some good information, folks," she said.
This one has video of the IDIOT'S comments:
Check out her bird legs as she enters...
It's so amazing how little she knows about our Constitution!
DeleteWhat an ignorant ass!
"God don't make no junk" was on a cheesy refrigerator magnet that my insane Fundie stepmother had front and center on our old faithful Kenmore years ago. Thankfully, I was out of the house by then and didn't have to put up with her sanctimonious rants every day. Wonder if Miss Originality has the same magnet covering a flying can dent on the Fridge That Saw Too Much?
Deleteroanoke.com is the website for the Roanoke Times, the only regional newspaper in the area. They do cover a wide area, so it's not surprising they should have something on her visit.
DeleteHowever, most of the conservatives in this area don't and won't read the RT as they consider it too liberal. They much prefer smaller local papers as well as a free publication called The Patriot. And yes, it's exactly what you might expect.
Still absolutely nothing on the Roanoke TV stations. They've been busy with Christmas parades, tree lightings, and anticipating a big winter storm this weekend. I'll have the local news on all day to monitor local conditions.
As for Faux News, unless you have cable, you can't get it. The Roanoke NBC affiliate doubles as the Fox Entertainment outlet, but any news programming is local and essentially the same as the NBC station. Even use the same news personnel. They did just announce her B&N visit tomorrow, but that's about it. I doubt if they will do any actual coverage as there's way too much real news right now.
Sounds like O''Reilly didn't believe Sarah when he asked her about her mayoral fight for a Christmas display. He wanted exact year, wonder if he's going to have it checked out.
ReplyDeleteHe was letting Mrs. Palin know and understand that HE is in charge of the interview and he WILL call her out if necessary.
DeleteWar on Christmas.What the fuck is wrong with these people?...Seriously.
ReplyDeleteNeil deGrasse TysonVerified account @neiltyson
Holiday derives from Holy Day. So it's etymologically under-informed to assert that "Happy Holidays" does not reference God.
Chris Mathews interviews President Obama. Billo interviews The Thrilla from Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteI watched Chris Matthews interview w/President Obama twice and enjoyed it very much. Chris didn't talk over him or interrupt him which I found refreshing. He normally does that on his daily show when he interviews folks.
DeletePresident Obama did an outstanding job!!!
One riveting interview O'Riley. Just outstanding.
Delete3:39 PM When was that? There was nothing riveting about the Skank's softball interview with prepared answers.
DeleteSnark you turd. Quit polluting the IM comment boat with your 'skank,'
DeleteAnonymous5:41 PM
DeleteSnark you turd. Quit polluting the IM comment boat with your 'skank,'
Hi Sarah, willow, bristol
skank, skanks ,fug skans ho bags skanks azzholes skanks!
No rivets for Sarah, she is all about zippers. Zippers are zippy. When that laxative kicks in she moves fast.
Who's up for a raunchy review?
IT’S JESUS’ BIRTHDAY OR ELSE MUSLIMS!!! A Review of Sarah Palin’s Christmas Book (Pt. 4)
F*ck Me In The Solstice, Why Did I Do This? A Review of Sarah Palin’s Christmas Book (Pt. 3)
Seasons Greetings, Titty-Titty-Gun-Gun! A Review of Sarah Palin’s Christmas Book (Pt. 2)
Happy Holidays, Queen Elkunt of The North! A Review of Sarah Palin’s Christmas Book (Pt. 1)
Sorry to disillusion her, but most folks in Wasilla called her, "the nutso bitch," not "Madame Mayor."
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of this war on Christmas crap. True to form the right wing nutcases have made up a war to fight. Sound familiar...was rampant with our last president...
ReplyDeleteSomehow, though, this right-wing obsession has become as much an annual part of our national life as the holidays themselves. This year, the most prominent generals on this front in the culture wars are Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Foot soldiers are provided by the reliably lunatic American Family Association, which maintains an Internet blacklist of businesses it regards as unwilling to sufficiently recognize Dec. 25’s religious character.
O’Reilly uses his weeknight show to assail purported attempts to secularize Christmas, an effort he now links not only to sinister liberalism, but also to the abortion rights and marriage equality movements. Palin has written a best-selling book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas.” She told an audience of fundamentalist Christian students at Liberty University this week that “revisionists” are trying to convert the traditional Christmas season into a “winter solstice season,” thereby further separating church and state. (Presumably, the “revisionists” include Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, whose last book — “Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives” — noted that the Medieval monk who set the date of the Nativity was wrong in his calculations. Benedict also discounted such traditional images as the animals gathered about the manager or the appearance of caroling angels as nothing more than the work of pious imaginations.)
I hope you are not saying there weren't plastic light up farm animals at the birth of Jesbabob (or whatever his name was, you know, the plastic baby). I find your comment totally offensive to my light up the imaginary birth baby belief.
DeleteWhen I learned about this mighty "war" I immediately became aware of whether I was saying Christmas or holiday & it pissed me off. I refuse to buy or send anything with the Christmas party out, card, invitations, gift tags, bags, stamps. There, suck on that. They assured I will never use "Christmas" again.
DeleteI just wanna buy presents and get presents. I don't give two shits why. Lets just refer to it as "getting a bunch of cool new shit day". I like that.
DeleteMerry Christmas does NOT for the holiday season anymore. So many Americans are of different faiths and less and less are 'christians' (Palin is the furthest from being one!!). Much like 'christians' are dropping in our population so are 'white' people, Our country is changing and boy these asshole whites (like Palin and Billy Bob) are having a very difficult time w/it.
DeletePractice what they want to - in their own christian churches (the Palins don't even attend church in Wasilla or AZ) and homes. But, they truly need to STFU as to pushing their methods on the rest of us. Another ten years and they really aren't going to know what hit them!!!!
The atheists will be of a larger population too and that is really going to piss the christians off. Think about it, the atheists are just now getting public about their beliefs and it's due to the likes of Billy Bob and sista Sarah doing their bullshit.
It's a kick in the ass to watch!
She looks awful!!! Not the cute, perky thing she use to be by any stretch of the imagination!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that Wasilla is a small, small town in Alaska. I doubt seriously she was called 'Madame Mayor" - Alaskans are not like that. She would have been called "Sarah" especially in a small town!
ReplyDeleteAlaskans don't refer to her as governor either...she should not be called that - didn't earn the title - quit not even half way through her term because it was 'too hard'!!! She is called the 'quitter' governor if she's called anything half-way decent at all!
We always referred to her as that stupid fucking church lady that happens to be Mayor. Seemed to fit.
DeleteNo but Ive met a waiter who served her and her friends and colleagues for lunch one day back then and he was beyond thrilled they were in his section. And All I can remember is the multitude of myspace comments from teens saying how cool it was that their mayor was chosen for VP. Johnnys sister was among these people.
Delete"I lose my patience with this nonsense."
3:17 Church lady? Give me a friggin break! Did she actually attend that church in Wasilla back then on a regular basisa? It's been proven that since she ran w/McCain she has not been in that church. Bristol is even on video saying they didn't have time to go to church!
Delete3:45 PM Wasilla has a cult like mentality. The Chandlers aren't as kooky as Sarah but they are cultish crazed. Last I heard Johnny was pretty far gone from boozing. If he is still alive he may have done rehab by now.
DeleteThe fuck, 3:34, who's Johnny, and when did you last get a check from SarahPAC?
DeleteJohnny was a suspect as one of Bristol's baby daddy's. There was talk about a fetal alcohol syndrome baby from Bristol. Johnny Chandler was one of her boyfriends. He was a major drunk. May be to this day. He could spill beans if he has any brain cells left but he was one to the kids that would not tell what he knew about any Palin. Joel Kenworthy was another, I think he got help. He could tell plenty but they may pay him off.
DeleteJohnny's sister could write a book, too. She won't. None of them will.
Deleteholy cow, it looks like the young woman in that picture borrowed sarah's strap on breathing apparatus...I bet sarah is sad she wasn't wearing them.
ReplyDeleteFuck that fucking bitch, may her time on this earth be over soon for our greatest Xmas present. Any of you palin spawn reading here, tell your dumb ass mother to shut the fuck up and begin an intervention unless you don't give a shit About her like all of us here.
ReplyDeleteWell said! @3:05 PM
DeleteThey don't show any signs of treating her like she is a human being. Not even her family. No intervention for Skeletal. If Toad is smart he has things worked out for her estate. He may already have plans to make money off her like another dead Elvis. That is where the money will be. She is drying up and it could really be a boost to the Palin fortune when she dies.
DeleteHow much longer does Todd want her to go on?
Not if they are divorced. She might leave it all to franklin graham or something. She prob has a clause in her will if she dies by plane or fire or gunshot toad is aced out of the will. That's why they keep feeding her ass meth.
DeleteMy god, she and BOR are bores! I'm sick of hearing her blather on about moose stew, mooseburgers, moose hunting, moose chili, moose skinning. Come on, Sarah, tell us about your moose make-up. Or the moose milk you fed your frontier "we live deep in the woods with NO phones and NO people around us" kids. Show us your moose-fur coat, Sarah. And by the way, how come Creepy Chuckie, Sr., has stacks of deer antlers in his yard but no stacks of moose antlers? Does he grind moose antlers up as thickener for moose gravy? Or make moose toothpicks out of them? Does Taco Bell in Alaska or Arizona serve Moose Meat Crunch Wraps?
ReplyDelete"Karesh". I thought they were talking about David Koresh. "Madam Mayor"? Sarah is delusional. Her "city" had a population of 5 or 6 thousand people, didn't it? There's more people than that in my apartment complex! Oh well, Todd's a pimp so it makes sense that she thinks of herself as a madam.
I guess because it is so disgusting it makes the Palins feel more "frontier like" by eating it?
DeleteI live in Alaska. Nobody, I mean nobody, goes on like she does about moose stew. She is marketing what we in Alaska call The Alaska Card. Unfortunately, it is expired and she is too. She embarrasses most Alaskans to no end. The only Christmas present we hope for is finding out she has permanently moved to Arizona. (Apologies to Arizona.)
Deleteblah blah blah blah Christmas is the reason for the season blah blah blah atheists and attorneys and hearts of this and that blah blah blah blah double standard blah blah blah blah fur not cellophane blah blah blah blah..
DeleteI keep forgetting to check Wasilla Lake to see if the Nativity Van has rolled in. Nothing says classy, nothing says Christmas quite like a white Chevy van containing a nativity set behind a plexiglass window. White Trash always find a way to step things up a notch....Little Baby Jesus livin' in a van, down by the river...
ReplyDeletePlease take a photo! That is just so funny!
DeleteSarah's wearing the same outfit from the May 2010 TIME event.
ReplyDeleteFrom 3 1/2 years ago -- time to FRESHEN your closet!
She thinks that if she waits long enough to wear her RNC clothes that her handlers won't notice, but I'm sure they kept an inventory of everything she stole.
DeleteI wonder if she has had them cleaned since 2010. Understand she is pretty unclean about herself.
DeleteThe RNC clothing would be too large....because Sarah is living large in a very small body today. I think she wears the same clothing so she doesn't need to check a bag at the airport. Also, too, she wouldn't want the TSA to be sniffing out her DNA. Gross me out.....
Mrs. Palin's outfit was awful - ugly! And the skin-colored see-through bib did a piss-poor job covering where her cleavage should be. Is that black strap inside the gauze her black bra? Finally I am surprised she can walk by herself on those spindley legs. Bony fingers also too.
DeleteBUt man oh man, she must be hyped on something!
No worries 4:05, Palin won't be seeing the folks in the dark blue uniforms any time soon. The TSA is the main reason she flies in chartered or private planes these days. There is no way she is willing or able to get stuck in the crowds and long lines of REAL Americans at commercial airports.
DeleteOver at the private FBOs, they give you fruit, cookies and your choice of light beverages while you wait on a comfy sofa. No frisking, no ID checks and def no TSA.
She can't risk letting real people see what she actually looks like anymore or how many handlers and 'luggage' it takes to run her sad little life.
or finding her stash of drugs...
Deleteskank's got tombstones in her eyes
Deletegood! Ding dong....
Skank won't wear skirts anymore due to her DRASTIC weight loss and OBVIOUS drug addiction and eating disorders. Hey MRS? PALIN let's see your spindly disgusting stick legs. It's been a while. Come on you fucking preying mantis give us all a peek at your degenerating legs and show the world what you really look like. You fucking loser.
ReplyDeleteHere are some Palinbot comments on Facebook about the NY "incognito" pic.
ReplyDeleteLura Colley Henard Please eat Sarah. You have lost too much weight. Love you, though.
Don Wirth She's almost too slim. Take care of yourself young lady, we need you.
Janice Williams How does she stay so slim?
Ted Parrelly You have lost way to much weight. Are you sick? If you aren't, please put it back on. Love you, but you look like death warmed over.
Donna Porter Sarah Palin looks like she is has lost a lot of weight does she have a eating disorder? I like her but she is very thin.
Rick McKnight Sarah...I hate to say this...but you need to put on about 15 pounds. You are getting too thin!
Rod M. Brumley not a good look
Michele Lawrence you could use a few cheeseburgers. MOO YAA burgers in Newington Ct
Cathy Capazzo Marshott You are so thin!
Those comments won't stay on line for long. I've been having fun over at the Amazon comments for Sarah's book. People get to write what ever they want and no one can erase the reviews. The ones that give her book 5 stars are just are hilarious!
DeleteIt goes much deeper than losing weight. Fanbots are to heartless and ignorant to learn about what is wrong with her. It is not just a problem about eating or throwing up are dependency on laxatives and drugs. It is a whole headtrip. More than an expression of saying she is "nut case".
DeleteSarah's definitely lost weight. She's thin but I wouldn't call her skinny compared to some of the Fox News female hosts. In one side view pic of her in jeans, you can see fat at the back of her thighs.
Delete4:39 yah, she needs to lose at least thirty lbs more! Hey fatass grifter, put down that tictac. You're fat.
Delete4:39 5:00 PM
DeleteShe is working on it as fast as she can.
She is more Karen than Fox News female hosts.
She keeps saying the same old crap like a parrot. She's memorized her lines well. Steve Schmidt was right. Give her talking points to memorize and she'll be fine (not)!
ReplyDeleteIndeed. She has about five points that she just repeats over and over again, like some Chatty Cathy doll when the string was wearing out and you couldn't get her to stop saying "I want a cookie." She is just so boring.
DeleteChatty Cathy - had one until the string wore out.
DeleteA perfect analogy for Mrs. Palin except I would call her "Catty Cathy."
Old Stick Lady pics on her FB, oh my! Even the fans are commenting on her skininess! What size shoe does that woman wear??
ReplyDeleteShe's on a death spiral and many of us can hardly wait!
DeleteThe fans don't care enough to keep it up and get any help for her. She will die on them. Sometimes the heart goes and it is quick.
DeleteAlaskan Bigfoot and just as Stinky.
DeleteHow do you not remember what you wore the day before? No one at the studio mentioned it? Notice that no one on the street is paying any attention to her - even with someone having a camera pointed at her.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure her cotton granny panties smelled like fish. Did she put them back on too?
DeleteIt must be an old Wasilla family tradition. Todd sleeps in his clothes, also, too. In part it could be they suffer from an untreated mental illness. Perhaps a toxin from that lake they live on, there is no life in it. A strange virus may have infected them.
DeleteBristol would be smart to keep Tripp far away from there.
These two ranting about Jesus and God not being recognized
ReplyDeleteduring Christmas, as I remember, not too long ago O'Reilly was
sued for sexual harassment on a young girl , leaving phone sex messages on her phone and more, and had to pay a large sum
of money. We all know Palin's slutty track record. One would think that these two such pious liars had written the
Ten Commandants!
Of course you're right that she she didn't experience any War on Christmas in Wasilla. She even admitted it to O'Reilly by pretending she was warned of possible future opposition. She was the mayor who signed Wasilla up with some rightwing organization, promising to be a Christian city. She's the governor who dedicated AK to the 'Lord.' She was sued. But never by any angry atheists. It would be interesting if someone could factcheck if there was a nativity scene on public property while she was mayor.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it means anything that she promised to bring the moose chili TO O'Reilly when she has a history of inviting everyone else to visit her home.
She looks like a crazy tarantula. Her fist is the same size, or larger, than her thigh.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how those twigs can hold up her body.
We're so sick of her bullshit that is on repeat, repeat, repeat mode. Nothing has changed w/her since she was on the McCain ticket (in second place) when President Obama beat them for his FIRST term.
ReplyDeleteShe is so mentally disfunctional. It should embarrass the hell out of her and her family, but she, and they, are too ignorant and such white trash to even have a clue!
She is only kept in the media because Americans cannot believe what they are seeing...she is getting worse and worse and physically uglier and uglier. Everyone is waiting for her demise - either in death or from the day-to-coverage.
That Sarah Palin lady gots her sum big ol' feet!
ReplyDeleteYou should see her penis.
DeleteBig ol' ugly, crusty, unclean feet.
DeleteLook at her in the above photo on the street...she is holding her arms up which appear to be to leverage balance. Her legs are sticks - no muscle tone whatsoever (seen in other photos) - eating habits terrible - drinks - drugs - her body is a mess! Her habits are a mess and have a direct relationship to her lack of brain power which has been going on for years.
ReplyDeleteWonder how much longer she is going to be spreading her bullshit on this earth - looks like death warmed over to me. Plus, she is mentally slow and a friggin' mess!
I don't know what stage of her fatal disease she is in or how long those things can linger. She doesn't have a long life. You can tell due to the fact that no one in her own family give a flip.
DeleteMeanwhile, her mind is deteriorating along with the other organs.
Tawd has been on hiatus for awhile now. Poor Willow. She always abandons Trig and he is possibly better for that. Piper? Track is busy in the basement or his man cave. Bristol is doing her boy toy. Sad to say Tripp is dragged along for the ride and he can't see Levi, Sunny and Breeze.
She looks like karen carpenter about a month before she succumbed to her eating disorder. It's sad not even her family cares enough to seek help for her. Don't forget the camera adds 10 lbs. I'm sure folks in NY didn't recognize the scrawny hag with the filthy wig. Based on the radical weight loss I suppose she only has a few tufts of hair left on her head. Soon the teeth under those caps/veneers will fall out as her body shuts down. It's obvious her body is feeding off her muscles in an effort to survive.
DeleteYou are right. When Karen was sick, there wasn't the knowledge or treatment of this disease that there is now, but one has to be forced into treatment and want help/ We all know how Sarah feels avout being forced to do anything, and her family appears to be happy to see her wasting away, eaten up by hate.
DeletePalin could pull a Terri Schaivo, except that she's already in a persistent vegetative state.
Delete6:12 PM
DeleteWas Schaivo anorexic? I don't remember, was that what happened to her?
You would think Todd has all the paper work in order for whichever way it goes with her. It will be one way or another before too much longer.
It may be why Todd left Willow with her, he wants to get business taken care of back home.
As the legend goes, Sarah redecorated the mayor's office in bordello flocked out style and that could be another reason they called her MADAM. Tawd-Ree.
ReplyDeleteAs a good secular humanist gal, I was not angry until Sarah the Teaological Terrorist started her rant on the rational and realistic segment of society. I am out of the closet and pissed. Just down loaded on my Kindle: A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian, It's time to call bullshit!
RJ in Brownbackistan
The best critique of sarah (grifter) palin is found in Politicususa
ReplyDeleteHo, Ho, Ho --
ReplyDeleteAs a New Yorker, I can just envision Her Highness on some cold and misty midtown corner today, ignored by everyone walking by, everyone with something more important to do, but wearing her humungous "look at me" SUNGLASSES in case somebody, anybody, recognized Madame Mayor and asked for a free picture.
Free? She offers nothing for 'free.' The photos are her book signings cost more than the books do.
DeleteI bet she'd even sign the autograph book of an angry atheist attorney.
Hey, anybody?
Palin is a lunatic as you say. She has carried on about moose stew and moose chili since 2008--over and over and over! She's just plain silly--except to her bots.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of the interview may not have been as much fun as the War on Christmas part but I found it far more fascinating what with her piling on the lies about being so above the politics of personal destruction and vile attacks.
ReplyDeleteJohn Stein, Lyda Green, Jay Ramras, Joe Van Treeck, Walt Monegan, and a legion of other political foes (and personal foes) might question Palin's sincere-sounding claims.
I couldn't tell if O'Reilly knew she was lying and purposefully chose the gentle path or if he's clueless as to her past and present vileness. He also asked if she objected to rightwing radio jocks' use of personal attacks. Of course, she lied again.
(1st part of interview in case it's not included in the embedded link)
Check out the video at 4:49 "It's not an intelligent way..." and at 6:21, '...our standards can be a bit higher than what we've seen...."
It reminded me of her facial expression, voice inflection and cadence, and eyebrow-lifting when she spoke to John Ziegler about her 'pregnancy.' 0:30 'that I wasn't believed that, yeah, Trig was really my son.'
If nothing else, the change in Palin's appearance is stunning.
Why is Sarah Palin the only one wearing sunglasses on a winter overcast day in New York?
ReplyDeleteWhy are both Sarah's fists balled up for? Is she about to fight a New Yorker?
DeleteSarah knows that someone might make fun of her Wonky Eye?
DeleteBecause she is incognito. Sarah think that means that she is famous. Her fists are balled up because nobody cares who she is. She really hates to be ignored.
Delete4:44 - There are more photos of her with fists than without. Strange, indeed.
DeleteBwahaha! It's hilarious that not one person is looking at her.
DeleteAnonymous2:57 PM
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that Wasilla is a small, small town in Alaska. I doubt seriously she was called 'Madame Mayor" - Alaskans are not like that. She would have been called "Sarah" especially in a small town!
Alaskans don't refer to her as governor either...she should not be called that - didn't earn the title - quit not even half way through her term because it was 'too hard'!!! She is called the 'quitter' governor if she's called anything half-way decent at all!
I've never heard anybody refer to Sarah as Madame Mayor. Where the fuck did she get that from?
She meant Madame Pimp's Wife.
DeleteI've never heard anybody refer to Sarah as Madame Mayor. Where the fuck did she get that from?
DeleteIn her narcissistic little pea brain. That's where.
Sarah was Madame Mayor in her own mind. She probably also called herself a "governess" until she learned that in English novels, that was a woman who was hired to teach the children of a rich family.
Delete"Just the tip of the spear" There she goes again, focused on just the tip, when it's the shaft she so desperately wants.
ReplyDeletePeople "laughed" because she was wearing the same clothes? How is that "funny"? She's been wearing the same black zipper outfit for months, and just now she gets that reaction? Rilly, Sarah? Or were they laughing at the same wig you've been wearing since before Gabby Gifford got shot an you suffered blood libel because of it?
What a cesspool of dysfunction this woman and her family represent.
Sarah even wore Bristol's Washington DC Ass Clown Correspondents Dinner white dress to DWTS.
Delete5:32 PM
DeleteThat thing was hideous fugly on both skanks.
PALIN: I don't think you can shoot anything. I mean isn't...aren't..isn't the mayor around here trying to ban everything?
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah speaks like that with 4 years of high school, attended 5 different colleges and received one degree in journalism, I wonder what Willow sounds like with only two years of high school and no college under her belt?
We know what Bristol sounds like. She can only say "AWESOME".
Then there's poor Todd who says "heeeelieeeecopter".
No wonder Sarah Heath didn't make it as a sports commentator in Alaska. The tv audience couldn't understand her.
DeleteWasillabillies have no class.
DeletePALIN: I don't think you can shoot anything. I mean isn't...aren't..isn't the mayor around here trying to ban everything?
DeleteSarah I've seen Sarah Palin's Alaska and you can't shoot anything either if you have less than 5 bullets. You missed a big non-moving caribou. Matter of fact, you missed the entire herd!
Maybe Palin was referring to New York's tough gun control laws. What a nerve, a city where you can't shoot anything. And that Big Gulp thing was meant to protect people from drinking an overload of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. The mayor was just trying to get rid of stuff that was harmful to people. What nerve, caring about people!
DeleteI wonder what Piper sounds like? If it is anything like Todd, Sarah and Bristol, then it's off to hair school for Piper.
Delete1 day after Bill O'Reilly had A.I.P. Traitor Sarah Palin as a guest, he calls Nelson Mandela a Communist. Do any of those Fox Pundits research any of their guests?
ReplyDeletePALIN: Well, what I recognized in the book too, though, are those businesses that are bold enough to not allow that double standard to be applied.
ReplyDeleteWTF is this dumb shit saying? "Well, what I recognized in the book too, though, are those businesses...".
Why is she so bundled up in NY? IIt's been pretty mild this week.Isn't she a frontier woman grizzly mama or has she spent so much time in AZ that she's not used to the cold anymore? Or is her anorexia so advanced that she doesn't have any fat to keep her warm? Or is she hiding another pregnancy with her scarf?
ReplyDeleteI thought it was interesting that she kept fumbling around with that scarf when she first sat down. She puts it in her lap. Then she folds it up and puts it on the table. Then she picks it up and puts it in her lap. then she tucks it beside her on the chair. All within 30 seconds.
DeleteToo much red bull?
Sunglasses and there is no sun. I guess that the glamorous star doesn't want to be recognized. In NYC, they might not ask for her autograph, but suggest places where she could go instead.
Deletesunglasses : too hide the skank bitch's wonky assed crossed eyes
DeleteAccording to Wikipedia:
ReplyDeletePalin ran for mayor of Wasilla in 1996, defeating incumbent mayor John Stein
As said by Sarah Palin:
PALIN: Oh well you know, I noticed a change back when I was the mayor of our city. And I sanctioned and promoted and participated in our Nativity scene that I would allow --
O'REILLY: That was Wasilla. What year was that?
PALIN: Yes that was in the early 2,000s was when I started hearing from people saying you're not going to be able to keep this up, Madam Mayor.
So if Sarah became the mayor in 1996, then why would she say early 2000s. It took four years for Christian Mayor Sarah to participate in a nativity scene or did it take fours years for the people of Wasilla to say "saying you're not going to be able to keep this up, Madam Mayor"?
Me thinks Sarah Palin is lying.
DeleteBewigged insect.
ReplyDeleteThat photo of her reminds me of a moose, with stick legs and big hooves. Her face looks like it was photoshopped on and looks like a man's face. '
ReplyDeleteWho could wear the same clothes as the night before? Unless a person is very poor or has no choice. This multi-millionaire-ess should be able to afford a different outfit. How can someone who sits in a studio under hot lights go back to the hotel and get up next morning and put on the same outfit?
ReplyDeleteIt's skanky.
Now we know why Sarah Palin hides behind her facebook. It's because of her trailerpark word salad.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin: "And I give shout outs and kudos to those businesses..."
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, how old is that douche bag? Who says "shout out" on tv?
Isn't Sarah over 60 years old?
DeleteSo sunglasses make her incognito? Hey, it worked for Superman.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought...also, too!
ReplyDeletePALIN: And yet, you are going to be called thin skinned and intolerant if you claim taking offense at seeing something like that.
ReplyDeleteLOL and Sarah Palin isn't thinned skin? Didn't thin skin Sarah Palin try to get a comedian fired (David Letterman) for making a joke about her family?
PALIN: Well, we have, you know, traditional Alaskan mills that are organic (Yeah except we don't call them "mills" we call them "meals," because we are not idiots.) and our mills happened to be wrapped in fur and not cellophane.
ReplyDeleteI thought Levi said Sarah would send him and Bristol out for Taco Bell? I'm confused?
Hey maybe the Taco Bells in Alaska wraps their tacos in fur?
DeletePALIN: Well, we're independent.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Sarah Palin mean when she said "we're independent"? Are all Alaskans independent? According to Shailey Tripp's book Boys Will Be Boys, she was Todd Palin's prostitute and lover.
If Todd was Shailey Tripp's pimp then no not everybody in Alaska is independent.
DeleteA.I.P. is what she means. She is anti-government.
DeleteTrack and Todd are registered Independents when they can't register AIP, due to having her pretend to be a Republican and all. That is how she was funding SarahPAC, as a Republican. it is a gravy train deal.
DeleteAIP is an anti-American group who wants Alaska to secede from the United States. Todd was a member for 7 years, and Sarah addressed them when she was governor. That's not Independent, That's Alaska Independence Party, meaning Independence for Alaska, not for us.
ReplyDeletePALIN: Yes that was in the early 2,000s was when I started hearing from people saying you're not going to be able to keep this up, Madam Mayor. Somebody is going to sue you for allowing God to be recognized in the public square.
No, someone is going to sue the City of Wasilla for spending taxpayers' money in promoting one religion over all others. Public tax money should not be spent on religious displays.
"that is until every other person at the library today mentioned they enjoyed the O’Reilly interview and thought it was cool I was wearing the same clothes!"
ReplyDeleteCould this be why Glenn Rice and Brad Hanson never came back for Sarah? Sarah smelled after wearing her clothes day after day?
Maybe Sarah wasn't spring fresh if you know what I mean?
Delete"Show everybody the can" What can is he talking about? Does he think she can both cook AND can stuff?
ReplyDeleteI guess Bill O'Reilly never seen or tasted Sarah Palin's famous raw upside down Thanksgiving Day Turkey?
He would have loved the stab in the back analogy.
DeleteBristol must be thrilled we are ragging on Sarah and not ragging on Bristol's Disneyland trip with her future husband Joey the Junker?
ReplyDeleteLast night, O'Reilly must have gotten the short straw or been ordered by Ailes to go easy on Palin.
ReplyDeleteSo, he went passive aggressive and treated Palin like he was interviewing a child.
His questions to Palin were variants of what's your favorite Crayola color and your favorite cookie ?
If O'Reilly was interviewing a serious and accomplished woman like Hillary Clinton,
his time would not be spent with the fluff and trivia he was forced to discuss with Palin.
Does anyone think O'Reilly would spend time asking former Secretary of State and former Senator Hillary Clinton about moose chili ?
Does anyone think O'Reilly would pretend not to know who Gail Collins of the NYT was ?
O'Reilly dumbed himself down to interview Palin.
Everyone with two brain cells knows this except Palin.
O'Reilly is not a softy. He undoubtedly demanded something big in return for softballing Palin.
DeleteI got the feeling O'Reilly was enjoying himself. The promised reward must be something he couldn't get any other way.
Sarah Palin is a skanky skunk. Skunky skank. Skank.
ReplyDeleteDamn, the bag lady in training was in Manhattan yesterday?? I could have driven uptown and given her a lift...to Grant's Tomb, or something...
ReplyDeletePALIN: And we want to protect ourselves and we do want to fill our freezer with organic meat.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, I have seen pictures of Sarah Palin's refrigerator with dents on the door and I have heard stories that Sarah throws cans of food at the refrigerator when she's mad. So is Sarah's refrigerator used for storing organic meat or is it used for target practice when Sarah flips out?
"Incognito" is funny.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is so lucky that no one cares about her now. Can you imagine if she had to answer questions about her weight loss and how she looks nothing like a runner? It wasn't that long ago she was a "runner" and going to write a fitness book. She had to go with the "war" (Christmas) book instead. I'm enjoying that people like O'Really do nothing, say nothing about the fact she is so obviously not well. It shows them up as lying and heartless cons that will use a mentally challenged dying woman. I hope she does more of these Fox shows. When she croaks they will claim they didn't see it coming but you know they are just as rotten as she is and only want to sell something.
Sarah and Bristol claimed to do yoga at one time. You know, when they were asked how they stayed in shape? It was called "hot yoga". Controversial and stories abound around the leader, Bikram Choudhury.
One session of "hot yoga" would finish her off if she tried that today.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous4:33 PM
If Sarah speaks like that with 4 years of high school, attended 5 different colleges and received one degree in journalism, I wonder what Willow sounds like with only two years of high school and no college under her belt?
We know what Bristol sounds like. She can only say "AWESOME".
Then there's poor Todd who says "heeeelieeeecopter".
Anonymous5:56 PM
I wonder what Piper sounds like? If it is anything like Todd, Sarah and Bristol, then it's off to hair school for Piper.
Ah hail Nay! You aint gonna talk about my baby cub like that ya Bitch!
You people better stop talking about Mrs. Palin like that. Mrs. Palin don't play. Mrs. Palin holds onto grudges like no one you have ever seen. Just ask Levi, President Obama and Uncle Gryph.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Sarah's father say that Sarah didn't like Hawaiians? Looking at that picture with her fists balled up ready to fight, I don't Sarah likes the non-white people around her in New York.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Sarah likes the non-white people around her in New York.
DeleteIf Sarah was off doing her Happy Holiday book signing tour and then went off to New York to see Bill, then who is watching Trig? When does Sarah bond with Trig?
ReplyDeleteTrig is doing photo ops with his keeper.
DeletePALIN: Oh well you know, I noticed a change back when I was the mayor of our city. And I sanctioned and promoted and participated in our Nativity scene that I would allow --
ReplyDeleteI thought Madam Mayor Sarah Palin hired a town manager to run the little town of Wasilla? So did Sarah really have anything to do with the nativity scene?
She actually mimics someone walking in that picture that Willow took. Hahahaha, what a moron. She can't even get fake walking correct. Her left arm is moving forward with her left leg. Hahaha, you can't make up this shit.
ReplyDeleteSarah I know you read Immoral Minority and I want you to know I haven't said one bad thing about you or your family. So if you are going to cast the Wrath of Sarah or the cast the Sarah Palin Curse on everyone, remember I said nothing.
ReplyDelete<<< somewhere in NYC >>>
ReplyDeleteWillow: Hey mom, swing your arms like you're walking.
Sarah: Ok, how's this...
Willow: No, not like that, you're left arm goes forward with right leg, oh nevermind... SNAP
Sarah: I look Hot.
Willow: whatever, let's eat.
OMG -- she looks WORSE than we thought...
Sarah has spent more time in Arizona than she has in Alaska. Do all Arizona people walk with their fists balled up like Sarah? Must be because we Alaskans surely don't walk like a White Trailer Trash Wanna Be Thug with a stick stuck up the ass and balled up fists.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Sarah Palin's security detail and bullet proof SUV's? Didn't she take them to New York with her when she went to see Bill? You telling me that Willow is the security detail, personal photographer and Sarah Palin's personal hair stylist?
ReplyDeleteThat anorexic woman in New York with her fists balled up, you telling us that was Miss Wasilla? Damn! Hate to see the losers.
ReplyDeleteWow Bristol's post below on Immoral Minority has 457 comments so far and Sarah has only 180 comments so far. What does that tell you?
ReplyDeleteIt's still early.
"Here we see Tripp Johnston with his sorry excuse for a mother and his new replacement daddy."
I especially love JFK’s quote from Psalm 127: “Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”
ReplyDeleteKennedy was going to invoke God’s protection on our country so that we might live up to our responsibility in the world….
Today, as we remember JFK, may we renew our commitment to live up to our responsibility as the abiding beacon of liberty in a troubled world. May we keep faith with all of those who, like President Kennedy, gave their lives in service to our country. And may the Lord always bless and protect America.
-Sarah Palin's Facebook
WTF? I thought Sarah was a Ronald Reagan ass kisser?
Sarah P. has her fists balled up in the picture talking to Bill O'Reilly and her fists are balled up in the picture walking in New York. I think a bottle of Ex-Lax will cure Sarah's constipation.