Monday, December 23, 2013

Sarah Palin gives an interview to Right Wing rag Newsbusters that seems modified to make her seem smarter.

So just a little while ago I noticed a post on the Christmas Ho's Facebook page about a recent interview with Newsbusters. And my first thought was "Hell I don't have to post about this, it's almost Christmas!"

But then I gave the article a quick perusal just to assure myself it was the same old tired crap she has been vomiting forth for weeks now, and something just seemed off.

Like this response to this quote in her book, “An angry atheist with a lawyer is one of the most powerful persons in America:”

 PALIN: This takes a little explaining about how our rights are normally protected, about why and who can sue a city, county or school. I go into this deeply in the book, but here’s the bird’s eye view. 

Normally, a person can’t sue a public entity for a violation of constitutional rights unless he or she has a concrete injury. In other words, someone would have to show how the action of the public institution harmed his legally protected interests. For example, if you’re told not to speak, your right to free speech is violated. If you’re prohibited from holding a Bible study, your right to free exercise of religion has been compromised. In these examples, the power of the state is forcing you into silence or subjection. 

But there’s a double standard at work. If someone is offended by a religious expression or speech in a public setting, then courts have allowed that offended person to sue -- even if they weren’t censored, made to pray, or coerced into compliance with a different belief system, and even when they have a right to speak out and try to change public policy. Not only can people sue over hurt feelings, many times they’ve won. 

This means people can silence their fellow citizens for no other reason than the fact that they were offended. This should stop. 

Okay when this did this lunatic go to law school?

So it dawns on me that one of two things has happened. Either Newsbusters sent her the questions ahead of time, and she had her ghostwriter answer them after doing research. Or the interviewer took her crazed word salad and added some editorial Prozac to it to make it seem rational.

My money's on the first one, as the Palin camp probably wants to convince interviewers she is not a dipshit. (Too late.)

However what is crystal clear is that Palin did NOT answer these questions without a substantial amount of help.

So let's see if she had enough help to make her seem reasonably coherent throughout the entire interview shall we?

Here was her response to a question about a portion of her book in which she identifies her favorite scene of Linus reciting from Luke 2 8-14 during the "A Charlie Brown Christmas:" 

PALIN: Mostly, I love when Linus recites the Scripture from the book of Luke, explaining to Charlie “what Christmas is all about.” It packs a punch. When he gets to the words “Fear not,” I love how he drops his blanket. It’s almost like he realized where his true security rests. 

But then to a simple followup question as to when she first noticed that scene she says this:  

PALIN: To be honest, I’d seen it many times before – just like you had – without noticing that part. I think sometimes different parts of movies or books jump out at you during different times of life. This is a pretty scary time in our nation’s history, so I guess it makes sense that this would jump off the screen a little more vibrantly than it would’ve back when I watched it in previous years.

Seriously? That is perhaps one of the most iconic moments in the special (Along with the ugly little tree that suddenly turns beautiful when everybody pitches in to decorate it.), how could a self proclaimed Christian have not had it "jump off the screen" during their first few viewings?

I noticed it and I am an Atheist since around the age of seven.

That struck me as more than a little weird.

Then Palin is asked about this quote, “Atheism’s track record makes the Spanish Inquisition seem like Disneyland by comparison.”

Palin mentions a book she "read" by Christoper Hitchens' brother Peter, about the supposed moral collapse he saw in Russia with the closing of the churches. She (Her ghostwriter) then made this statement:

The history of the twentieth century is a sad compendium of atheism’s murderous track record – from Mao’s China to Pol Pot’s Cambodia and on and on. But we can go back even further in history to the French Revolution, which I also mentioned in the book. The Jacobins hated traditional Christianity and openly persecuted the Catholic Church. They imprisoned and murdered priests and nuns who wouldn’t be puppets for the state. They demolished or closed churches. At one point they were even changing the street names to remove references to the saints! As I wrote in “Good Tidings and Great Joy,” their hatred of Christianity didn’t lead to utopia. It led to the guillotine. 

What her ghostwriter fails to recognize however is that the French Revolution was, in part, a response to the corruption of the Catholic church and to its influence over the French nobility.

The anger toward religion was also fanned by Christian opposition to the Enlightenment and had been instrumental in the imprisonment, torture, and beheadings of those identified as Atheists or who spoke out against the church.

There were atrocities on both sides, however first blood was not drawn by the irreligious.

Of course when you are pimping a book defending Christmas and Christians against the scourge of atheism it doesn't pay to tell both sides now does it?

She was also questioned about her response to the Marti Bashir comments:

PALIN: I was out on my book tour meeting some amazing and inspiring Americans when this crap hit the fan, so I had more positive things on my mind than what another far left liberal spewed about me. Got to be honest though, I felt MSNBC’s tacit agreement with Bashir’s call to action encouraging that physical attack was downright gross and enormously demeaning. I hate, hate, hate that such an attack could have ever been punishment for any slave during that blight on America’s historical record. I’m so sorry for that chapter in a new nation’s life. 

Yeah right.

On the Megyn Kelly Santa Claus ethnicity brouhaha:

PALIN: Honestly, I’ve never given it much thought. I didn’t know Santa’s race was a controversial topic. 

On the fact that Kelly's comments received more media attention than did Bashir's:  

PALIN: If that turns out to be true, then I think that reflects skewed priorities. It’s just bizarre. I mean, seriously? We’re going to get all “outrageously outraged” over the supposed racial makeup of a mythical figure? 

Must be killing her to realize that people care more about that "mythical figure" than they do about her.  Though come to think of it she is just about as mythologized as St. Nick these days.

After reading through all of this I am dead certain that Palin had substantial help with the questions and undoubtedly received them in the mail well in advance of publication.

That's okay though, even with careful editing and research she still comes off as historically ignorant, self centered, and a person who continually plays the victim.

Besides if ever anybody thinks she might be getting any smarter, just wait for an actual TV interview and you can see the stupidity in all its brain cell killing glory.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    She is staying relevant (popular) by attaching to Phil Robertson's Duck Dynasty. Why not try to look smarter? When Phil isn't praying with her he will school her, you know history and all?

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      She didn't write that crap. Tiemissen did. I didn't even read it. SOS Ghost written Bullshit. Just like French writes bitchols blog.
      Hope she is in the hospital detoxing for "The Holidays" but I'm sure she is having a "White Christmas" HO,HO,HO!!!

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. +1

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    The best part is she's fallen so low as to be featured on NewsBusters.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Was interview on video or print?

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      My question, exactly! If this was done by phone, or by the internet, Sarah could have been reading form a script. In fact, this sounds so ghostwritten, It does not sound like Palin talks, meaning that's someone else's voice providing the quotes. Oh, Palin may read it, but she is not capable of stringing together three simple sentences when she speaks.

    2. Anonymous3:12 AM

      The only part that sounds like $carah is "when the crap hit the fan"!! Hopefully the true meaning of THAT will hit her square in the face, or in her square face SOON. Sounds like she is polishing her religious credentials, trying for a televangelist position. Maybe the Palins could start a new church. One where getting pregnant multiple times without marriage, is acceptable. One where adultery, lying about the children's ages is the norm. It will be a lonely congregation, most NORMAL people like to keep their families honest and truthful..

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Merry Christmas to Sarah Palin, Glen Rice, Brad Hanson, and the late Curt Menard. I am sure that Sarah has visions of sugar plums dancing in her head about those guys. They just happen to be those sins of Sarah that Phil Robertson was preaching about. Pre-Marital Sex, Adultery, and Bastard children(Track Menard).

    1. And Piper, also, too?

      Just saw photos of Piper and C Menard, Jr's children. No question there!

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I know, isn't it odd how Piper resembles the Menards and Track? Also too, Curtis Menard was very involved in Piper's upbringing and was concerned that Mrs. Palin might be neglecting her motherly duties by having a job. Wonder why he would care?

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Because Sarah was Fucking Menard while Todd was Prostituting on the north slope. Sarah Palin has committed Fraud by receiving Native Healthcare for Track and Piper Menard. That is the reason that Sarah Palin had all of her Family records sealed. She is a Fraud and a Criminal.

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    wow, that site makes red state look fair &'s as bad as world nut daily or deadbart's site.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    hilarious, someone had to put a globe in the background
    hoping to convince.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      That's old footage from her home studio in Wasilla. Must be really old because notice how full her face is; she doesn't have that "ghastly starvation glow" that she's wearing now.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Yes, and no Christmas cross necklace, no tree, no stockings on the fake old picture.

    3. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Welcome back to the dusty old globe, back there in the morgue-green lighting. But what continent is she featuring this time around?

    4. Anonymous5:49 AM

      I'd like to see a current photo of her next to this one - because the scary is supernatural.

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Her response to the questions have punctuation, and some sense of grammatical structure. She has never responded with out word salad. Pure fabrication. Definitely a ghostwriter.

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    The wicked witch from the north! Good gad almighty! She is such a fraud, liar and bullshitter. Those words were NOT hers as many of us know. She's an idiot - it's been proven time and time again! Next TV interview? I want to see one where she is not prepared and has not been given the questions prior to it. She's crummy and slow on her feet - just ask the people that handled her when she was on the ticket w/McCain. Thank god they LOST and she's never gotten over it all these years later. She's a flunky and failure at everything she has touched....check her record folks!

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    This means people can silence their fellow citizens for no other reason than the fact that they were offended. This should stop.

    How soon can we expect Sarah Palin to publicly forgive Martin Bashir and ask MSNBC to reinstate him?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      As soon as he starts wearin' camo and preachin' about Jeebus and stops bein' such sissy pants brown skinned elite "Lieberal"


  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Does Sarah Palin know anything about the centuries of religious wars in Europe or about the brutality of the Crusaders determined to make the Middle East Christian? Our country was founded by men whose ancestors died in religious strife and who came to the New World to create something better - a secular state with no official religion. She's such a dumb cluck.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Come on now, you have to remember, Mrs. Palin was a Communications major, NOT a History major...Oh, wait, she communicates as poorly as she knows her history, never mind.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      In one of the interviews in Geoffrey Dunn's book, a former friend or acquaintance of Palin said she got her 'degree' in broadcast journalism. If so, all she ever had to do was learn to read teleprompters like the other sports and news readers on local and network news.

      She's just a lazy ass brain-picker who then tries to take credit for the thoughts and ideas of others. Worked around a few like that over the years. She is so transparent and pathetic.

      She'll be angry forever that so many of her scams and shortcomings have been exposed and cost her a whole lot of high dollar screeching gigs. She could give a crap about rights and freedom but mess with her money and she goes nuts.

    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Hey, stop picking on sarah! She's only reciting what her ghostwriters and talking points researchers are giving her! sheeez

    4. Anonymous5:51 AM

      @1:49....but, but, but, she claims she has a Journalism Degree with a minor in Politics.

  11. Randall1:22 PM

    "For example, if you’re told not to speak, your right to free speech is violated." - wrong: free speech means you can criticize the government, not that you can shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater any time you feel like it.

    "If you’re prohibited from holding a Bible study, your right to free exercise of religion has been compromised." - the stupid is strong in this one: you can hold all the Bible studies you want to - in your own home or in your church. But you can not hold a government-sanctioned Bible study. Same with your nativity scene - put it on your own lawn or at your church and there is no problem.

    "But there’s a double standard at work. If someone is offended by a religious expression or speech in a public setting, then courts have allowed that offended person to sue" - NO.... your courthouse put up a great big menorah but didn't allow a nativity scene you would sue, and you'd be backed by Fox News and all KINDS of right-wing nutjobs. It is NOT a double-standard, it is the same standard: you just don't understand it.

    "... even if they weren’t censored, made to pray, or coerced into compliance with a different belief system..."
    Let's issue the next group of currency with "IN ALLAH WE TRUST" and see how long you hold to that view, even though you're not "forced to comply or pray" let's just see how quickly you sue over "hurt feelings".

    1. Yes, applying "The Muslim Standard" usually makes the point perfectly. All those school vouchers Bobby Jindal got through the legislature in Louisiana can be used at Muslim schools too. Some people didn't know that. ;-)

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Heck, Jindal didn't know it. The misunderstanding of the Constitution is shocking.

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      In Indiana there is a Muslim school that accepts vouchers too. And all sorts of christian and RCC ones. But no secular ones in my neck of the woods. Thinking of suing.

  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    sarah heath is toad first prostitute,anybody wanna she will be his last?

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Most of the time when Sarah Palin speaks, I am offended.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  14. From the article above:

    "PALIN: Mostly, I love when Linus recites the Scripture from the book of Luke, explaining to Charlie “what Christmas is all about.” It packs a punch. When he gets to the words “Fear not,” I love how he drops his blanket. It’s almost like he realized where his true security rests...".

    RIP-OFF / re-write alert~!!!

    "...We can perhaps find even deeper symbolism in Linus’s security blanket (usually an ever-present fixture; he does not leave home with out it!). As Linus recites the gospel verse, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,” he lets go of his security blanket. Linus has always depended on his blanket to have peace of mind, to feel protected, to feel safe.

    Yet, in this dramatic moment, he lets his blanket drop, symbolically reaching for the Savior to find true peace, protection, and safety.
    " - END SNIP

    Yup. She ripped off the idea from here: she's SO TRANSPARENT!

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      FFS, she's never had an original thought, has she?

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I agree. You can google anything written by her and find the source, it is as if she has never heard of attribution. if she had a clue she would realize there are search engines that out students who are too stupid to attribute their work and hand it in as original. What a dolt and fraud.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Guess she is kinda like Rand Paul...ripping off others words! Assholes, both of them!

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Sarah Palin is too stupid to have an original thought without some mistakes.

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Well, plagiarism is apaprently one of her (RAM's) strong points.

    6. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      Good Catch! I wonder how she feels about pig pen? How does Pig Pen fit in with her duck calls? How dare she use another theologian's allegory as her own!

  15. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Newsmax was the same POS that offered a free copy of Going Rogue with any new subscription.. enough said

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      They're the same crew that has all those POLLS against Obama, the ACA, and everything else good and healthy for America. They often run them here.
      I recall several asking if Palin should run for POTUS. I don't partipate as they want your email address so they can send you their garbage.

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Walmart Gets Busted Forcing Employees to Make Political Contributions to Republicans

    If underpaying their employees wasn’t bad enough, Walmart has now been caught forcing employees to make political contributions in exchange for their matching contributions to the employee hardship fund.

    According to Bloomberg,

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bullshit Palin.
    She fired up the RAM for this one.

  18. icstraights2:39 PM

    She is just SO FN GROSS even with the 'new clean' wig...Bashir got it wrong; she is so full of sheeit that no one could possible put in anymore without a 'Monty python moment'..."A wavier thin mint Scarah?!"

  19. Anonymous2:58 PM

    O/T I googled Curt Menard Jr.'s kids, and Track and Piper look like Curt and his Mom. What type of open marriage did Todd and Sarah have? Sarah, Phil Robertson was preaching about your Sinful ways and the sins of your Husband and Family. You are too foolish to even realize that.

    1. Told yer once... telling you twice, when it comes to Mrs Todd Palin cheating don't count! Lol

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      You would think a parent, grandparent Linda Menard, would do all they could to clear up things for Track.
      They would if they had the DNA proof to settle the questions. Palins lie about everything and torment their children with their wild stories.

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Why do you think Track is so screwed up? When you've been lied to regarding your paternity and you accidentally find out when you're a teenager it can create anger issues and identity problems.

    4. Anonymous5:19 PM

      During the time Linda Menard was in the Alaska Legislature (she came across as not being very smart!!), she was suppose to be good friends w/the Palins. Since Linda lost her reelection bid, she has not been heard of or seen since.

      So wish the same would occur w/the idiot and fraud, Sarah Palin...we're getting there though, slowly but surely!

      Poor Track though...into drugs..hidden identity...having a mother like Sarah...Curt Menard is on record as to having indicated Sarah was not a good mother to Track. His comment was made prior to his death. Todd is suppose to have helped in his demise....something about putting water in the gasoline of the airplane Menard flew and died in!

      The Palins are an evil bunch!

    5. Anonymous5:42 PM

      The Palins are an evil bunch, but when they feel threatened, they play the victims.

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      On line, there are photos of Curtis Menard Jr. when he was around Track's age-- and the two photos are placed side by side. They could be brothers.
      When you compare youthful Track to Todd as a teenager, they don't look all that much like each other.

    7. Anonymous7:23 PM

      5:57 PM It is impossible to see any resemblance to Todd. He is so much a Menard. Yes, that and being 'parented' by the Palins would mess someone up. Drug use did not help and many come back from an experience in the military only worse for the ware. He is so young to be shot out so bad. Sad but he is not completely insane and has a responsibility to lift himself up for his daughter. The truth is healing but it is a hard road to take when everything around him says to live the lie or his world will crumble.

    8. Anonymous5:55 AM

      He doesn't have a daughter.... Cover up for another of his sister's kids. TriG may be his child though.

      He was not shot out or shot at in the military. He would shoot up, which is why he was dismissed until he is clean.

      He must live his mother's lie re: his son. That sucks.

  20. Anonymous3:04 PM

    add a mostache & a cigar and she'd pass for groucho...damn, she's manly.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      LOL I was going to say unkempt beard and duck call, but have you seen Todd?

  21. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Obama and Obamacare approval rating at record low.
    62% now disapprove of both
    Time for impeachment
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Not gonna happen. You're talking in the wind.
      M from md

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      You cannot impeach a president for a law that was voted on and passed. Good gawd, will you conservatives please learn to read,

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Hey, dipshit, if politicians could be impeached because of low approval ratings, we wouldn't have a single president who finished out his two terms, including your shitty senile saint, Reagan. That goes doubly got the double dip dipshit you probably voted for twice who never got more than fifty percent of the vote and had such low ratings in last term that all of the 2008 presidential candidates from the GOP pretended they had nothing in common with him.

    4. Anonymous4:47 PM


    5. Anonymous5:45 PM

      "Take back our country." Sorry. Some of us are still using it.

    6. Anonymous5:51 PM

      The approval rating for Congress is around 6%. Let's fire them first.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      The impaired calling to impeach. Same shit different day!

  22. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Sarah Palin is appearing on Greta's show, and she is as tongue tied and inarticulate as ever. There is no way that she is the author of the comments that she read in that interview, posted in the thread.

    While Palin defends the DD as having the right to speak their mind, freedom of speech and all that-- she criticizes the people who speak out against Christmas-- the nerve of them.

  23. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Gryphen, as soon as Fox posts the video of Sarah on Greta's show, please capture a couple of quotes from Sarah who is at a loss for words to explain her faith, Bristol's pregnancy or the reason that the DD people have freedom of (hate) speech but atheists don't. Sarah stammers and is not able to express herself-- well they were gotcha questions. Then compare that Sarah with the one who read prepared remarks in that interview. The interview was ghostwritten for her.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      I wonder if Greta wanted to slit her own throat during this interview? She claims that is how she felt during the President Obama press interview. Maybe she is being punished by Ailes, by having to take her turn interviewing skanky $carah.

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Greta adores Sarah and Todd. She wanted to lick Sarah's toes during the interview.

  24. SarahSack can't even dream of speaking or writing like this. I guess she wasn't in the mood to learn flash cards. So somebody decided "'s easier to do it myself!" This kind of thing shows ppl who she really is...

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      That would be her "lesbian friend" Mansour.

  25. Anonymous3:42 PM

    It's all fake. Everything put out there by her 'team' is fabricated crap. She is just a dull and ignorant middle school mean girl. The rest is marketing smoke and mirrors.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      And they wonder why we hate palins so much. I think we've had enough of deceitful politics and media. palin has dabbled in both. Barely. Which makes her fraud act so much more despicable.

  26. janice3:55 PM

    She said on Greta tonight that she didn't even read the comments made by Phil. Why are they asking her opinion of everything then?

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Bristol, too. Her opinion blog has never had so much traffic. Suddenly she is something in the Right Wing Nut World! A grown up with opinions and an activist for important issues. Standing up for a 100 million dollar reality $tar'4 freedom. GAG!!

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Bristol's Blog ignored Robertson's interpretation of the segregated South. He only knew what he saw and he claimed blacks were 'singing and happy.' 12 23

      Leave Phil Robertson Alone! 1984 Comments

    3. Bristol doesn't write her own blog - never has. Nancy French composes it on her blog, then copies-and-pastes to "Bristol's Blog". Bristol then presents it as her own and takes credit for it. Hypocrisy much, Bristol? Deceit much, Nancy?

      Here's PROOF that Nancy French writes the entire thing, from its earliest days...:

      ... right up through today:

      Bristol's Blog is NOT "Bristol's Blog" - its a billboard, for rent (to the highest bidder? Are payments made to her via "postage" disbursements?).

      Bristol's Blog is written by Nancy French and reflects Sarah's POV. Is Bristol a stooge - or a willing accomplice?. For God's sake, everyone *knows* she can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, let alone write anything remotely coherent.

      So, did Bristol sell out - or was she a willing front all along?

    4. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Excellent KatieAnnieOakley7:35 PM

      I don't know that Bristol had anything to sell. I have never known her to be her own person. I know they had her perform with that theme but she has always been cloistered. It seems she was born into a world where she was molded and brain washed since early on. Patty Hearst was kidnapped and suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. Bristol has some of those signs but hers are more like that of a cult. Bristol is willing more like the Children of God or worse. If that is willing.

      On the posts of more than 3 sentences, I wonder if she has any idea what Nancy writes. It isn't like she does appearances or she is seen in public, there is no way to determine if she is even updated on subjects or given any preparations to be in a discussion or to be asked questions. When she has been in public it is staged and she gives poor performances.

      I know she has done television and other things. She does have name recognition but at the same time it is like she is not there. It is all just a made up character with a robotic like persona that fills in when they need to make it human like.

    5. Anonymous3:32 AM

      But - but - how can you say those things about Bristles? Haven't you noticed her glasses that make her look smart?? Her only talent - if it can be called that - is having sex and getting pregnant.

  27. Anonymous3:56 PM

    On GVS

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      HA! Be sure to watch the second segment when they come back after a commercial. It looks like she was dozing off!

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Nodding off. It is the meds. She is on a combination. Something to keep her going and something so she is not so manic.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      This clip, alone, proves the veracity of Gryphen's post and editorial comments. She's all over the map. Pop Culture is her word of the day, and she dry shampooed the roadkill.
      Greta was trying to bring in the "Women offer more down there than a man's anus" meme, and Stoooooooopid says she didn't read his comments.


      Personality reintegration has begun, Even the devil's gates of hell have flamed up as she spoke. Tip of the spear...... two extra point. Ire at billboard by atheists..... OMDAWG!!!! Bristol crucified to make a point of her own humility.

      Pass the ball gag

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Wow! Greta is sure covering a lot of " issues" in this interview. Mostly promoting Mrs. Palin's book. Several things stood out for me as I listened.

      1) Mrs. Palin and her husband have had a disagreement re: Bristol's future when pregnant. Mrs. Palin succombs to her husbands wisdom. Good Christian woman. As if....

      2). Tripp has been such a blessing to their family (sorry Levi - we still hate you) which I interpret as "prop" for the FAmily. Sad for Tripp and Levi. Blessing for Mommy Dearest. Oh and her Mini Me.

      3) Gretle looks like John Travolta.

      4) Who ever is "doing" Mrs. Palin's eyebrows (Bristol?) -- that is soooo 1950' glam. And the streaked hair? Willow? Hey girls, your skills are on display. Just saying.

      5. Grinch green suits Mrs. Palin perfectly. Fits the bile that comes from her mouth.

      6. BTW: don't look at the "curls" adorning Mrs. Palin's neck. They are really snakes and will turn y ou into stone if you look at them.

      7. Grettle sure does have a girl crush on Mrs. Palin. Wonder what happens when those two couples meet for an evening of fun and frolick?

    5. Anonymous3:35 AM

      What happens when they get together? First off Toad asks "What is in it for us?"

  28. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Where is the Newsbusters video?

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      It seems to have been a telephone interview for print purposes rather than video.

  29. Anonymous4:00 PM

    She just told Greta that she didn't read or hear Phil's interview! How fast did she whip out that tweet defending him??

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Sarah had to say she didn't read Phil's interview.
      1. Dumbass doesn't read
      2. Dumbass can't comprehend what she reads even if she tried to read it.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Liar liar wig on fire.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Sarah didn't read or hear Phil's interview. Too much. I betcha Bristol did.... NOT. Nancy?

      "Bristol's Blog" Leave Phil Robertson Alone!

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Palin's appearance on GVS tonight to discuss the Duck Dynasty hysteria was LOL and head shaking at the same time.
      Greta told Palin that she thought Phil Robertson's words were offensive.
      She then asks Palin for her opinion.
      Remember , Palin is on to offer her view regarding the GQ interview and subsequent controversy.
      Palin tells Greta " I haven't read the interview ."
      Excuse me ????
      It's almost been a week and we assume you have internet in your fancy, gated
      Scottsdale mansion to Google the interview.
      If you haven't read the interview , then why are you opining on it ?? !!
      A non Fox host would have been aghast at the guest's ignorance and no doubt have cut off the interview.
      Greta just glossed over Palin's ignorance and continued to ask her questions about Robertson's remarks.
      That she's never read.
      This is why FOX News is a joke.

    5. Anonymous6:45 PM

      What a maroon. yep, she makes Greta look like her partner in dumbassery.

      If you don't like what Phil said, which she didn't rear or hear, you don't like the gospel.

      Good girl Greta, act like she is sane. What would happen to the world if Fox didn't give her all that free speech time?

    6. Anonymous7:20 PM

      She sure does have a lot to say for someone who didn't actually read or hear the interview.

  30. Anonymous4:06 PM

    In a Facebook post, Palin declared that “free speech is an endangered species.” Monday night on Fox News, Greta Van Susteren attempted to explain why invoking the First Amendment in this case does not actually make any sense.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Oh no! Greta actually went against her girl? Uh oh.

  31. Anonymous4:10 PM


    Nuff said

  32. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I'm pretty sure the quotes from that Christian college were cleaned up, too.

  33. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I would tell Sarah to suck my d!@k but I'm afraid the bitch would and I don't want to have an accident like Curt had.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Curtis would have been better off if she only opened her mouth.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      5:59 Track Menard probably feels the same way in wishing his 'real' dad had kept his dick in his pants. Can you imagine having a mother like Sarah Palin? Yikes!

  34. Crystal Sage4:16 PM

    If Sarah went to law school, Gryph, she would have quit anyways. No, these answers were prepared by a lawyer or a PR flak. Sarah was indisposed: got an early start on her Christmas Coke Binge.

  35. Anonymous4:42 PM

    AFAIK, none of the lawsuits over government-sponsored religious displays have been about someone being "offended." They are about the use of public funds to support religion, or else, in other cases, they are about equity (allowing access for all religions).

    She is an idiot.

  36. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Somebody needs to tell Grandma Sarah that she's too old to wear bumpits. How much money did SarahPac pay Willblow for that old style hair doo doo?

  37. Anonymous5:10 PM

    METHINKS that, as been hinted at, Her Heinous has learned a lot about lawyers lately. They're atheist because they're not falling for her bullshit anymore? Welcome to the legal system that you can't escape, $arah. Trust me, there's a REASON she used that term and there's more heat breathing down her neck than ever came out of the fake fireplace. Love that pic of her -- frump that wanted to be Trump.

  38. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Why can't Bristol get married?

    Bristol can't get married to her sweetheart cause there is a law against marrying her brother, first and second cousins.

    1. Balzafiar5:37 PM

      There is a clause that will allow that. All she has to do is show that she's having sex with any or all of them and a license will be issued. It's called an Incest Exclusion in Arkansas; I don't know what Alaska calls it, maybe the Palin Exclusion.

  39. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Her eyebrows CREEP me out!

  40. The damn insufferable bitch can't even get Paul Revere"s ride right. So we are suppose to believe she knows history now? GTFOH

  41. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Bristol's lucky.... AK and AZ allow marriage to your first cousin.

    It's the brother that's not allowed to marry her, and it just hurts so much.

  42. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Good molly Molly! Is Mrs. Palin getting her hair done at the Bee Hive? Looks like a mop wrung out and left to dry. And those eyebrows! How 1940! Is Mrs Palin going for the retro look? Seems like it with the off the shoulder drapery she wears. The sultry stare is the icing on the cake.

  43. Simple-minded conservatives such as the Whining Wannabe from Wasilla have a very twisted take on the 1st Amendment. They seem to think "Freedom of Speech" means that they are free to say whatever vitriolic, moronic nonsense that they wish without criticism. Censorship and chastisement are not the same thing.

    Furthermore, the First Amendment pertains to GOVERNMENT restrictions on free speech. It says nothing about your employer having to listen to you publicly utter insulting, bigoting comments about an entire demographic group of people, possibly damaging the company "brand" as a result.

    Curious how pompous right wing pundits and tea-chugging faux patriots love to claim exclusive ownership of the tenets of the Constitution, and yet they are often so ignorant about the actual details found within this sacred document.

  44. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Awwwwwwww. Mini Me's handler, Nancy French, got tarrred of moderating them dang pro gay Roberston haterez,, so Mama sent her an e mell saying "Post something, anything, it's getting close to Christmas and we can't have this much overtime (postage).

    A Photo of duck chinned platypus poking her face in Tripps face with the heading that reads "Guess who visited me in School?"

    Her little stud visited her in hair school. Two Palins with the credentials to go on "Tabitha Takes Over"...... Oh I Can't Wait!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Guess who visited me in school is an old photo-- or that kid is going to school at Penrose instead of a regular school.

  45. ibwilliamsi6:54 PM

    That is HIGHLY edited. But I would bet even money that "outrageously outraged" is hers.

  46. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Sarah is a douche bag.

  47. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Oh. I'm sure nothing matters in the slightest. It's like an extraordinary continuing nightmare without the slightest mitigation. Murry Xmas.

  48. Anonymous7:41 PM

    the eye is still wonky in that pic.

  49. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Mrs. Palin needs a lip wax, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Bristol won't be hanging around to get that graduate degree in lip waxing.

  50. Anonymous9:02 PM

    TJ Wald > Sarah Palin

    5 hours ago · I am your biggest fan, Sarah. However, I am so upset right now. You actually went on FNC, just now, to talk about Phil Robertson and when asked if you would have worded Phil's comments differently you said you haven't read the GQ article?! Really? Don't you think you should have read it if you were going to give a public opinion on it? Or, was that your way of to avoid giving an unpopular answer? .......

    TJ you are just now realizing that Sarah Palin is a fake? The majority of America seen through her act long time ago and that's why we voted for Obama and that's why that know nothing gave up her lifelong ambition to become president or a senator.

  51. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Gene McCleary > Sarah Palin

    5 hours ago · You always have a perfect fire behind you during interviews. Does Todd do that?

    Gene, why did you ask that question at this time of the year? The story is that Todd hasn't lit Sarah's fire since he lit Shailey Tripp's fire.

  52. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Sandra Waldron > Sarah Palin

     Saw you on Greta's show look so pretty in that red are always beautiful, smart , and articulate! We love you.

    Sandra you should have stopped at the red sweater comment. We know the rest is all bullshit.

  53. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Sarah Cameron Lerer > Sarah Palin

    Dear Mrs. Palin,

    I was fired for expressing my view that Drakes' Bay Oyster Farm (in Point Reyes National Seashore) should have its lease extended. My employer disagreed, and fired me. Would you defend my right to free speech on TV? Thanks,
    Sarah Cameron Lerer

    Sarah I doubt that Sarah will help you. You are a nobody and there's no money in helping a nobody. I hope you signed up for ObamaCare.

  54. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Catherine Salisbury Barron > Sarah Palin

    near Houston, TX · When are you and Todd coming to Houston?

    Katie how much money is in Houston?

  55. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Dr. Karen Ruskin, The Relationship Expert >Sarah Palin

    Hi Sarah, Dr. Karen Ruskin here, FNC Psychotherapist guest expert. Often I'm told we look alike- chuckle- my long lost sis'! May you and your family have a wonderful holiday filled with connection and joy and an upcoming year of mental health/wellness! Warm Regards

    Karen our warmest regrets that you look like an old turd. Since you are a relationship expert, maybe you can come to Wasilla and figure out why Bristol can't get married. She tries and tries but she can't seem to hold onto her trial husbands. Bristol has a house, car and boat but these fellers just don't stick around.

  56. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Becky Gupton > Sarah Palin

    I think you are awesome! I agree with everything you stand for. I'm not really a Republican I'm a Conservative!

    Becky it doesn't matter what party you are with. If you think Sarah is awesome then you are a dumbass.

  57. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Kathy Beddingfield > Sarah Palin

    Merry CHRISTmas to all, the, Palin and Heath family

    You forgot to say Merry Christmas to Glenn Rice and Brad Hanson. Don't forget to say a prayer for Curt Menaced Jr.

  58. Anonymous10:58 PM

    How about some fudge?

  59. Anonymous4:40 AM

    What happened to Sarah Palin's book signing tour?

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM


    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Flunked and her 'no shows' were increasing...the book is a huge failure, but what else is expected of Sarah Palin?

  60. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Shelly Perrot > Sarah Palin

    Please run for the President of the USA Ms. Palin! Please give us, the American people, something to hope for! Let us know we are worth something & not just to be bullied! We need to gain back our self-esteem & courage! Thank you!

    Shelley why haven't you started grieving? The USS SARAH PALIN FOR PRESIDENT tugboat sunk faster than the Titanic with no survivors.

  61. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Tracey Huff Bissett > Sarah Palin

    I really like what you stand for, but was SO disappointed when Greta asked you about the Phil Robertson article and you hadn't even read the entirety of his comments. Shame on you for not being more prepared.

    Tracey you are not the only one disappointed. Most of Wasilla and Alaska are disappointed and embarrassed they even picked that loser to be their mayor and governor.

  62. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Dale Buxton > Sarah Palin

    Merry Christmas to You and Yours!

    Dale does that include Trig? We don't know if Trig is hers.

  63. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Lisa Shaw McIntosh > Sarah Palin

     I haven't bought your book yet, but I can't wait to get it and read it!

    Lisa most people interested in that book can't read, they just look at the pictures but if you wait s few more weeks you should be able to get a copy at the 99 Cents store for 50 cents.

  64. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Carla Bauer-Medina > Sarah Palin

    Wish you had a message board so my thoughts could be just between you, me and God.

    Carla haven't you learned yet? Sarah is God.

  65. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Kristen Nicole Bellomy > Sarah Palin

    Watching you on FOX News channel and all I have to say is "YOU GO GIRL!" and you betcha your RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kristen have a saying too in Alaska "YOU GO GIRL! GET THE FLOCK OUT OF ALASKA!"

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Kristen: You fit perfectly w/the Palin klan in that you have a problem w/the English language. 'you betcha your right" - it should be 'you are' or you're right! Idiot!

  66. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Joe Fine shared a link.

    · On Free Speech, Sarah Palin and Mark Steyn are Right

    Joe, free speech for Sarah is when you agree with her.

  67. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Andie Laps shared a link.

     I fig since your into helping people.


    Anxiety don't you mean helping herself?

  68. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Richard Comer > Sarah Palin

    Merry CHRISTMAS and God Bless you and your family

    Richard can I call you Dick? It is kinda weird that you being a worshipper of Sarah would say,

    "Merry CHRISTMAS and God Bless you and your family

    To you Sarah fanatics, that's like saying "Sarah bless you and your family" since Sarah is your God.

  69. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Marilyn Stockton > Sarah Palin


    Mary we Obama voters also say "Amen" that Sarah lost the election for John McCain.

  70. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson defended by Bristol Palin, who slams 'hypocritical' gay community

    "I think it's so hypocritical how the LGBT community expects every single flippen person to agree with their life style. This flies in the face of what makes America great — people can have their own beliefs and own opinions and their own ways of life.

    "I hate how the LGBT community says it's all about 'love' and 'equality,'" she added. "However, if you don't agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn."

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM


      Sounds like Sarah Palin had a say in this. I looked in my dictionary and couldn't find that word.

    2. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Flippen is derived from the Sarah Palin word salad.

    3. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Love? Bristol doesn't even like her baby's daddy.

    4. Anonymous6:34 AM

      It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn."

      Uhhh Bristol you may want to go to the drugstore and buy yourself another pregnancy test strip. Sounds like a little tadpole won the race.

  71. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Happy Holidays covers Columbus Day to New Years.

    Merry Christ MASS is a catholic version of Noel, the PC greeting meaning Nativity. Say Merry ChristMAS if you're celebrating Catholic services. Otherwise, any greeting is good, if not better.

  72. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sarah when is your book tour coming to Wasilla? Don't you love us anymore?

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Forget Wasilla, it's Arizona all the way.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Why come here? We don't want her here in Wasilla and she knows it. That's why Sarah hides out in her compound when she visits Trig and Piper.


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