Friday, December 13, 2013

Sarah Palin graduates from the tent revival circuit to the rodeo circuit. Oh and she attacks Paul Ryan. Uh oh!

This from old Ridden Hard and Put up Wet's Facebook page:

It was an honor to participate today in a luncheon for the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund at the Southpoint in Vegas. The JCCF, sponsored by Justin Boots, helps pay medical bills for injured professional rodeo athletes and their families. It’s a great cause honoring our cowboy tradition and those who participate in America’s original “extreme sport.” 

Vegas? She's in Vegas?

I am a little confused as to why Palin would support a charity, since as we all know she never does anything which is not in some way beneficial to herself. I mean sure these are people who abuse animals for a living so she may identify with them in that way, but how does this help her to sell more of her crappy books and get free stuff?

P.S. That’s Michael Gaughan and his family in the photo. They’re the owners of the Southpoint Casino, which sponsored the event today. I mention Michael in “Good Tidings and Great Joy.”

Ooooh, now I get it. She shows up for a charity function and gets a free night in a hotel and the opportunity to pimp her book. Palin does NOTHING for charitable reasons.

Here's a rather odd coincidence. MY father was a professional rodeo cowboy when I was a boy. That is until he was forced to quit after having his legs shattered by a bull.

In fact your favorite Alaska blogger also participated in a little bull riding. (I was young, my father and I were trying to bond, and there may have been some girls involved.) I sucked at it of course, and besides I like animals too much to participate in a sport that is so incredibly abusive to them.

Palin may also have misjudged her audience with this one.

Here is the top comment on her Facebook page as of this posting:

For once, I must respectfully disagree with you. Why pay for injuries sustained while torturing animals? We can eat em, ride em, enjoy them in every way, but torture them, no way!!!!

It is one thing to attack the President at every opportunity or abandon her family while pursuing fame and fortune, but hurting animals? Nope that may be the one thing that both liberals and conservatives can agree is indefensible.

And she may have also miscalculated with this angry ghostwritten attack on the conservative golden boy Paul Ryan: 

No one can argue with the fact that Paul Ryan’s compromise budget bill raises taxes and increases spending. Show me one Republican who got elected on that platform. Spare America the Orwellian word games. If the government is taking money out of your pocket to fund its growing Big Brother operations, it’s a tax. Whether money is taken from you via your phone bill, your airline ticket, or your income, it’s a tax. If politicians can’t be honest about this, it’s time to go home. 

The TEA Party’s very acronym stands for “Taxed Enough Already.” We sent these politicians to Congress in an historic landslide election in 2010 with a mandate to stop the runaway spending train bankrupting our nation, not to wave to it from the station or – heaven forbid – increase its speed. 

Not at all surprising that Palin has decided to throw her lot in with the obstructionists and Tea Party saboteurs who do not understand how government works, and who work overtime to prove that it does not.

However this is the beginning of the civil war that will determine the future of the Republican party and somehow I doubt that Palin is going to end up on the side with the victors.

More popcorn anyone?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Impeach Obama
    Stand your ground
    Take back our country
    Keep it up Lady Liberty
    Donate to SarahPAC

    1. Cheesy money-grubber. You are so stupid, and a traitor too.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      eff off, twunt.

    3. MrsTB, I don't think Bristle is literate enough to come up with that post, as banal as it is. Of course she could have copy/pasted all the typical tea party catchy mouthings.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Indeed. We are standing our ground in OUR country, against the TEA radicals who would destroy us. Do you not not what austerity has done to Greece and Europe? Do you not care that many of your fellow citizens are unemployed and poor because of the GOP's refusal to spend a dime on infrastructure and creat millions of good jobs? No, all you care about is not apying any taxes yourself, while getting all the services you want, getting your SS and Medicare and thumbing your nose at the rest of America. And no, dear, we will not be donating to Sarah's slush fund.

    5. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Why is Sarah's hand halfway up his thigh?

    6. Anonymous10:46 AM


      Your mother (remember Sarah Palin) has mastered that Karen Carpenter - Terri Shiavo look. Better yet her passive agressive enablers are out in force to see that they kill her off soon. How's the vacation and that best interest of the child goin'?

      Happy Holiday!

    7. hedgewytch10:48 AM

      O.K. I'll play!

      Impeach Obama - 'Cause its illegal (or should be) to be POTUS while being a person of color!

      Stand your ground - 'Cause not knowing when you are on the wrong side of history is so liberating!

      Take back our country! - From everyone who is not "me" - except don't touch the billionaires - they have our backs!

      Keep it up Lady Liberty - Just this once we'll forget you are French and we hate the French - as long as you bash a few people with your torch and we can take a few liberties away from woman, colored folks and such...

      Donate to SarahPAC - Cause sending our hard earned $'s to Sarah's personal slush fund will SO promote our values and personally bring her to the White House!

      How'd I do? Onward and Upward with cognitive dissonance!

    8. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Sarah Palin is an intolerant, verbal terrorist, that thinks the voice in her head is god telling her to jihad this country into a seven mountains dominionist dictatorship. Lady liberty my ASS!!!

    9. Anonymous11:09 AM

      injured cowboys ?!?

      wonder if skank donated to any of the Tucson shooting victims ?

    10. Anonymous11:11 AM

      impeach Obama for what bristool ?

      you perpetually pregnant white trash inbred dipshit skank

    11. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I think 9:37am is the snark troll.

    12. Anonymous11:40 AM

      WTF is her arm doing on that fatso's thigh???
      Where is her official purse carrier aka Toad???

    13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:49 AM

      Keep what up? Her boobage?

    14. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Get a job bristol.
      get a job willow.

    15. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Stop getting Pregnant, Bristol, you have enough Bastards already.

    16. Anonymous1:07 PM

      FREE BOOTS!!!!!

    17. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Please explain how donating to an ex-reality show star's slush fund is going to take back my country from you loonies?

      Everyone she campaigns for loses, oops I just answered my own question !!!!

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I don’t think my colon can tolerate anymore popcorn. But, this war among the GOPPERS is just so fun!

    Emily Post

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    And she still looks like shit.

  4. Boscoe9:46 AM

    "an historic landslide election"??? ROFL Wow... the delusion runs deep with this one...

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      She would do anything for a buck!

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Another Palin follower:
    "...Michael Gaughan & Family are owners of Southpoint Casino means They are very Rich meaning They Should Donate More Than Many Others meaning It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive !"

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I think the rubes are awakening from their drug-induced stupors. Pretty soon one of them may ask Palin just what she has given to charity this year..and where the proceeds from her crappy books are going? I mean, the real 'heart of Christmas' is giving, not taking. Think on that, give. People receive.

    2. vegaslib11:37 AM

      Now that I know that, we will never go to the Southpointe again. They can kiss my ass, we have so many choices of casinos here in Vegas that we don't have to patronize these teabaggin' jackwads, ie; Steve Wynn, Sheldon Addelson, etc.

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      So true! Time for a boycott!

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    This makes me sad.Justin is off my list.Thanks you skanky bitch

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Berkshire Hathaway owns Justin Boots. (I love 'em also, too.) The casino owner provided the venue for the benefit, When someone pals around with the Palins I avoid spending money in their direction.

      Check out her belt and check out his belly.


    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      And check out her hand on Big Belly's leg.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

      Gross when you enlarge it. The 'holy' bots love it

  7. Leland10:11 AM

    Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but whatever happened to the good manners of removing one's hat indoors?

    1. When you own the casino and the hotel you can keep your hat on. Gotta wonder if that hat was hanging on the bedpost of $arah's free hotel bed last night. Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      He needs Tony Soprano to just look at him

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      That would be what cowboys do and he is as much a cowboy as Ms Tawdry Palin.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

      I agree, Leland. Let's just be grateful he kept his shirt on!

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I(a)con Scarah

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      At least she got a new pair of jeans. The black ones probably fell apart

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    She still has no concept of how government works, let alone the world economy, like any of us are surprised. Of course she'll side with the Tea Party lot; it's all she's got left for grifting and attention purposes. What's a narcissist to do?

    I always love it when she starts in on the DC "elite." Almost six years ago she sure was aiming to be one, and very well might have been if it weren't for THE BLACK MAN and an intelligent majority electorate. When the RNC snubbed her, she knew she was done.

    Does she ever NOT look unkempt anymore? That pic is atrocious. My DOG.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      people don't go to the grocery store looking like that...well maybe the one in walmart.

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Someone finally explained the T.E.A. Party anachronism to Palin. She's so proud of herself for committing it to memory that she won't shut up about it. It would be adorably endearing if it were coming from an 8-year old.

    1. Anachronism describes the TP but I think you mean acronym.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      scratch 'anachronism' - should be 'acronym'
      (although anachronism is a useful word in describing the T-Party)

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Spare America Sarah Palin, PLEASE.

  12. Anonymous10:22 AM

    She was in Vegas and not decorating the compound for the reason of the season or playing on the frozen dead lake with random kids?

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Yes, hasn't she spent the last month or so anywhere *but* Uh-LASSSS-kuh? Who's taking Piper and Tri-G to school? Tucking them into bed at night? Listening to their list for Santa? Not the Grifter Granny, that's for sure.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Accessory fashion trend setter
    As the clock keeps ticking, get your conspiracy fix with Brancy

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Redmeat TrueBlue • 3 hours ago −
      Just today the Dump is promoting another conspiracy on his Twitter feed. Lol. Yeah, Dumpy jumped the shark today and for the palins to use him as a credible source, is well, embarrassing.
      1MiddleRoader • 17 hours ago −
      How on earth can Trump say that if we had asked, Iranian authorities "absolutely would have released him".??? Obama expressed his concern about Abedini and the 2 others being held in a phone call with the Iranian Pres. in late Sep., (BTW, Naghmeh Abedini said she was grateful to Obama for "standing up for Saeed and for the other Americans," saying that the phone call was the answer to her prayers, a fact which Bristol conveniently omits from her posts.) Iran moved Abedini to the more dangerous prison in early Nov.) Asking nicely (or even not nicely) isn't enough. I do not blame Mrs. Abedini for being disappointed and feeling abandoned, but diplomacy, especially with Iran, takes time.
      1MiddleRoader Vhj • 15 hours ago −
      Also love how Trump just can't resist self-promotion. He has to point out his millions of followers and how Mrs. Abedini wanted to thank him for "something that I picked up on a couple of months ago." (although the Free Saeed campaign has been going on for much longer that that.)
      Vhj 1MiddleRoader • 8 hours ago −
      Self promotion. Sounds like someone else.....
      otlset Vhj • 7 hours ago −
      Hopenchangethemosttransparentadministrationinhistory -- and you gullible fools bought this BS.
      Vhj otlset • 6 hours ago −
      Actually otlset, a lot of us are quite happy with this " BS" . Improvements to healthcare system, gay rights, etc etc. I understand if you're not happy with these things. But you didn't win the elections, did you? And you probably won't in 2016 either. The times they are a changing. Get used to it

      Is Brancy doing Disneyland again? Trump conspiracies rule with Bristol. How long until someone cleans up the 90 comments?

  14. Anonymous10:24 AM

    She is a shithead.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Short and sweet 10:24; well done.

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Perhaps Palin is Proud of Putting People in Peril in the name of Pompous Patriotism and Putrid Pontifications (oh! no! not pontifications! that would be too librul of her)

  16. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I'll take sea salt and extra butter with my popcorn, the chickens have come home to roost, and I LOVE IT! that land slide election she's talking about, don't she know there's buyer's remorse over those tea party from 2010? She must be real bitter she wasn't able to fund raise off of Martin Bashir, wasn't even on the radar for the Mandela Memorial it just showed what a leader she's NOT, only to her fb page, a rodeo charity? my how the mighty has fallen

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Her downfall really began showing when the Republican Party didn't allow her in their Convention when Mittens was running for POTUS (and LOST big time!)...think that was in Florida.

      She's been going down faster and faster ever since...both in her physical appearance and to the affairs she's actually being invited to participate - which are few!

  17. Crystal Sage10:52 AM

    The fat fuck next to her has his hand on her back, like he's controlling the Dummy. Somehow, it's hard to conjure up a whole lot of sympathy for people who are injured while abusing animals. Sorta like a bit of payback. (I do admit I sometimes have to stifle a giggle when a hunter shoots himself. I'm bad.)

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Both Palin and the beer-belly are wishing Palin's hand would slide closer to his crotch.

      Mommy being photographed tending to the sexual fantasies of over-weight moneybags is just what every teenager wants for Christmas, eh, Piper?

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      He's a gross fat man with a FUPA.

    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      beer belly cool...

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      of course skank's got her paws on the fat fuk's leg, reminds her of her fat fuk older brother chuck_tard jr, chuck_tard jr's the one that taught his skank sister that move when skank was at a very very young age -

  18. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Her wig is too big for her head, and her clothing is dowdy.

  19. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Thank goodness for Obamacare, because these cowboys can no longer be singled out and not covered.

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Won't those rodeo "athletes" and their families be able to get medical help and care when they sign up for

  21. vegaslib11:29 AM

    Get the fuck outta my town bitch.

  22. Anonymous11:31 AM

    It sure is popcorn time. Buttered, unsalted, or toffee, we'd better get supplied, don't forget the drinks and coffee, we're in for a bumpy ride. Hey, I just wrote a song.......

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Why is Sarah's hand on that guy's knee?

    She is dressed so inappropriately for a charity. Did she think that event would be filled with cowboys just coming off the range?

  24. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "The JCCF, sponsored by Justin Boots, helps pay medical bills for injured professional rodeo athletes..."

    Hmmm. Those cowboys can get affordable, comprehensive health insurance now through the ACA and eliminate the need for the charity. Just another reason to be against Obamacare.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Justin Boots
      What The Affordable Care Act Means For Texans

    2. They would have a right to basic health Insurance. But rodeo riders will pay for long term care (catastrophi)

  25. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Why does she have her hand and entire forearm resting on his thigh? I wonder if that smug look on his face is because he already has her room key in his pocket.

    Ewww, I just threw up a little.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Where is Todd?

      She sure gets around
      Ron Ellis> What ever happened to the idea that a man should remove his hat inside a building. It pisses me off that the art of being a gentleman is being lost . I refuse to let anyone in my home who can't remove their hat and show some respect. If you are ashamed of your bald head then get over it. No place to hang it inside then leave it in vehicle or don't wear it.

  26. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Same black jeans, y'all! $he never changes her pants!

    Check out the $arah story at which features Wonkette -- you'll laugh out loud!! It slams $creech for never donating any time or money to any cause - even cites her "reporting" and sniffs out Wounded Warriors. LOL

  27. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Just WTF happened to her road kill wig???

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      She forgot her gun and Willow couldn't paste a new one on her noggin'.

  28. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Sarah doesn't seem to have a sense of what charity truly means. She'd prevent struggling parents from getting $15/hour standing on their feet all day, but she''ll support the guy who is an adrenaline-junkie and who risks injuring himself for the competitive vibrant all-American feisty tough wild entertainment value.

    She is Mrs. Scrooge, but just doesn't know it yet.

  29. Anonymous11:38 AM

    From a kind commenter at Wonkette.

  30. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Still think there isn’t a concerted effort to banish any expression of faith from the public square?


  31. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Message to Bristol: GET A JOB. You have never had one so I think it's time to try it out.
    Message to Willow: GET A JOB. You have never had one. Don't you think it's time to get to work? Don't be lazy.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Bristol's Penrose Aesthetics program just ended so we'll see if she and Willow get together and open a salon. Doubtful, but between the two of them they've spent over 40 grand in beauty school so one would expect a job to follow, right?

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Why should they have to work, their mother is

      Sarah (Buy My Books!) Palin

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      1:31 PM The only job that those 2 are interested in is a Blowjob.

  32. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Tick tock the Sarah deathclock moves forward another day.
    What has Bristol done to save her mother from her inevitable death?
    What has Todd done to save his "wife" from her inevitable death?

  33. Anonymous11:55 AM

    hey stop libeling my mom she is a sick woman.

  34. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:56 AM

    Okay, but you see? This is what Annie Soakely and her ilk want for the putrid masses! None of that there socialistic Obamacare or nothin'...if you get injured or become ill, you can rely on A. the church to rush in and give you a hand, 2. bake or cookie sales to raise funds for your expensive treatments and/or C. posh fundraisers like this one that clumps everyone in a certain profession together, and doles out the donations (after, of course, everyone involved takes their cut). See? "Free" enterprise, Tea Party style!

  35. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Henry Ricca real people

    Bell Cross Ranch Cowgirl

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Girl looks like a Dude.

  36. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Gryph I love the blog come by every day, but rodeo today is a lot different than it was back then, I spent 20+ years riding roughstock, and roping. The IPRA has very strict guidelines on animal treatment by stock contractors. I'm sure the PRCA has even more stringent ones. These animals earn the contractor a living, so, from a business sense, why abuse them? FWIW, I want to add, a bucking bull is bred to buck, they'll do it no matter what, a bucking strap is put on to enhance the annoyance factor, it does not hurt the bull, if I tied a rope around your balls would you jump around? I know I wouldn't. I admit that having her sorry ass there made me puke, but I'm a liberal cowboy, and the rest are all dumbasses...

    Thanks for reading if you do, Tap

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Thanks for the explanation Tap, I still don't get the whole rodeo thing (and hate any discomfort to the animals) but I hope what you say is true for their sake.

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      You are a fucking fucking FUCKING asshole.

    3. Well Tap I appreciate your input and hope that conditions for the animals have improved.

      However in my very brief experience with the rodeos up here in Alaska I witnessed numerous acts of animal cruelty. Every thing from the bucking strap placement, to the electric prods, to small calves released into ring to be roped, wrestled to the ground, and tied up.

      There is no way that is not cruel to the animals.

      I do have to say that the relationship between the owners and their personal horses or competition animals could be quite close and tender, but the rodeo animals were treated very poorly.

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM


      Oh MY GOD. Yes, if someone tied a rope around my balls I WOULD JUMP AROUND and I don't even have balls. How does this explain the lack of cruelty when you use animal cruelty to explain the lack thereof?

      You anger, hurt and annoy and animal for your own enjoyment yet you call that humane? Try again Tap because you stepped in it big time and really explained again how rodeo is inhumane and hurtful to the unwilling animal participants.

  37. Anonymous12:13 PM

    oh, and as for insurance, our dues pay for that, we are insured from our place of residence to the show and home, or to and from show to show, but yes, the ACA will help in the off season, and I hope a bunch of my fellow cowboys and cowgirls realize that, but I won't hold my breath...


    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Most Cowboys aren't on the rodeo circuit, they are on working ranches and have not had access to healthcare until now

  38. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Obama wins the political lie of the year
    Openly flirts with Danish Prime Minister

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Jealous, Sarahkins?

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      12:52 PM Who is Todd Flirting with and watching through 'peepholes'? Why is Sarah Palin 'feeling' that Fat Man's thigh? Why is Abstinence Only Bristol Palin Pregnant again without a Husband? Go away with your Obama Bashing, you have many more Skeletons in your Closet. How is OXYCONTIN ADDICTED Track Menard's REHAB Going?

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Now really, that doesn't even make any sense :-)

      You are our snark troll and you really need to try harder. Go ahead, give it another try 12:52pm my funny bone isn't touched.

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      George W. Bush gives a shoulder rub to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Of course, that wasn't flirting because GWB is a ....

    5. Anonymous2:06 AM

      In that selfie I saw a President who was having FUN. After a long plane ride with the Bushes, who wouldn't want to cut loose? The photographer said just seconds before he took that photo, Michelle was laughing along with the three of them. People were CELEBRATING Mandela's life, singing,m dancing etc. What a relief it must have been for our President to sit with two young leaders who are intelligent, instead of the grumpy old bastards in DC.

  39. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Sarah looks awful! She buys wigs so why can't she buy attractive ones? MG she's an idiot. Her hand is on that man's knee. WTF?! Day by day, her behavior and appearance gets more bizarre. Keep it up, Sarah, I love it. I want to see a complete meltdown on camera with gibberish, slobbering, drooling, eyes rolling, falling down. Hopefully when that happens, some of the lamestream, gotcha media will BOLDly step forward and record it all. Think about it, Sarah, your fans will flood SarahPAC with money. You'll make history!

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Oh holy crap, don't give her ideas! That's even less work than grifting.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Her hand is on that man's knee. Money sender Bots and faux Christians love her folksy just like them ways. That is Presidential for them. Why do you think they support her. She is touchy without the feely. Wait until her Third Party takes off. The Repubs will have to dump her if they want to survive.

    3. Anonymous3:46 PM

      That man is pregnant!

  40. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Where are the Belmonts?

  41. Anonymous1:27 PM

    She should be a textbook example of a person without a conscience.

  42. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Cowboy Up....your ass.

  43. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Ooooh, now I get it. She shows up for a charity function and gets a free night in a hotel and the opportunity to pimp her book. Palin does NOTHING for charitable reasons. 

    Uncle Gryph? You never heard that Sarah Palin participates and supports charities in Alaska for DS children?

    Neither have I.

  44. Anonymous1:53 PM

    What's in it for us?
    -Todd Palin

    Sarah will get free room and board in Sin City? Okay she'll be there.

  45. Anonymous2:01 PM

    My you have a long dick

  46. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Where's Tri-G in the picture? I'm sorry Tri-G did I hurt your feelings?

  47. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I read on another post that Sarah Palin seems to find reasons not to stay at home with her kids. I didn't believe that until now.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Mrs Palin threw Thanksgiving Day under the buss. The only family photo we have is Mrs. Palin "carving' the back of an undercooked turkey. No family, just a nephew. The Palins apparently didn't have the time to spend with friends and family.

  48. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Stop asking if Sarah Palin goes to church! Sarah is tooooo busy rubbing some obese man's leg in front of his daughter and wife in Las Vegas.

  49. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Here's the best review yet of the grifter's book

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      2:18 Thanks for posting the link! Great information lots of background and links with interesting perspectives.

      Not the usual pro or anti Sarah point of view. I'm only half way through it and already I've had to stop and encourage everyone to go read it. Plus, I've marked 4 links (so far) to go explore when I'm done with this review.

      Also, too, and whatnot, I'm still enjoying those 5 star reviews on Amazon. So funny some of them.

  50. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Sarah that doesn't look like a Reason For The Season event or DS charity or a Wounded Warriors event? Why are you there? Why aren't you with your family in Wasilla?

  51. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I have figured out the Palin "look I am a celebrity pose" Lower
    the left shoulder then raise the right shoulder , bring the right leg
    forward and then slightly bend the knee. Let the right arm slightly
    bend out with hand on the thigh and the left arm kept somewhat
    straight with hand on the thigh. Then tilt the head a bit to the left
    and smile. To show off the (Palin) new boobs, slightly pull
    back the left shoulder, and then there is the boob profile.
    Palin has even taught her girls the celebrity pose. Does Todd
    have a celebrity pose?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      She also elongates her neck and sticks her face forward. Model's trick to emphasize face.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

      Cue up "Duelling Banjoes"

  52. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Does Mrs. Palin really have her hand on this fat man's thigh? Gross.

  53. Anonymous3:00 PM

    If she is not wearing the 'new' boobs, she does nothing to shift her positions! Case in point, we always know when she is USING sex to get attention from the old senior guys in attendance.

    All I can add is that I think she has become one nasty looking broad as we've watched her age!

  54. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Las Vegas, casinos open 24/7, high-fallutin' oilmen, Texas cowboys, rodeo entertainers who work on Sundays, the City that never stops sinning, Sarah pimping her war on Christmas book, and me without my spoon.

  55. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Gryphen. Gryphen, Gryphen, the last time Rodeo Clown Sarah was rode hard and put away wet was the many a moom ago when Glen Rice screwed her brains out.

  56. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Oh, Willow, you need to go back to school for a refresher course. Or, maybe Sarah's PAC need to pay you a higher consultants fee so you'll do better work. What a mess!

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Did Wilblow get a regular hair school degree or a GED?

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Grow up

    3. Anonymous12:14 AM

      THROW UP!

  57. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Why, Grandpa, what big thighs you have! Is that a zucchini or are you just happy to see me?

  58. Anonymous4:14 PM

    That picture Uncle Gryph posted looks weird. There's an extremely fat man sitting next to an extremely anorexic man.

  59. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I don't see Todd? If Sarah is going to screw that big man to pay for her trip then I suggest that Sarah do the riding. That's a mighty heavy fella and he might pulverize Sarah's fragile looking bones.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Grow up

    2. Anonymous12:13 AM

      8:59 PM THROW UP.

  60. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Oh hell no!!! The bitch got her face on a Gold Coin, Please Say it ain't so.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      correction: bronze medallion

  61. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Fatman: Sarah how much ewe want fur that dancing goreala of yers I seen on my square box? This is Vegas, everything is fur sale.

  62. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Todd must be getting his monthly hooker fix in Vegas

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Todd is getting juiced up with the dogs in Ak.

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      You should probably grow up

    3. Anonymous12:12 AM

      Where have you been, THROW UP TROLL? Are you still desirous of a position in Todd Palin's Sex Trafficking Ring? Can you concentrate long enough to 'turn a trick'?

  63. Anita Winecooler5:01 PM

    Gee, I'm kind of disappointed. She worked in "Orwellian", yet neglected to include "And that's just the tip of the spear". Wonder how she mentioned posterboy for morbid obesity in her new book? Did she twerk with him while holding the stripper's pole? Or did she try to "milk" the bull, again?

    Oh, I know, going to the casino, gambling and drinking are as much Chistmas Tradititon in the Palin Klan as having children out of wedlock.

  64. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Samantha Stephens > Sarah Palin
    Back when Bristol Palin was on DWTS you all had mentioned a book about weight loss, when is that coming out?

    Sammi when will Sarah come out with her weight loss book? My quess is when she finds someone to write it for her.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM


    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      She does do a lot of bikram

    3. Anonymous12:10 AM

      8:58 PM Sarah does a lot of ' Bitch Ram'.

    4. Anonymous6:54 AM

      It is totally believable that Sarah does Guru Bikram Choudhury. He is known to hit on the skanks he attracts to his hot sexy yoga scam. We know Sarah would die if she tried to keep up with the yoga routines in the heat. Sex, doing Bikram she can handle.

  65. Oh shit look at the insufferable skanky lush. She is showing more love to round boy and her rum and coke than she showed toad.

    The baggers' next potus. Hahaha

  66. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Ray Diamond > Sarah Palin
    sarah,I would love to see you run again in 2016,but I do understand there is so much pressure in politics,but I do think u can handle the libs!!

    Ray you do remember Sarah said she was running for president in 2012 but she didn't and kept the donations anyway? So what do you mean run again? Then you said Sarah can handle the political pressure? You must not be from Alaska? Sarah couldn't take the pressure of governing the smallest populated state in the union or handle the pressure of being mayor of little Wasilla. Madam Mayor Sarah Palin had to hire a town manager to do her job.

  67. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Ray Diamond > Sarah Palin
    sarah ,you'd be the prettiest president for sure!!!!

    Ray you stalking Sarah? You just made a comment above. As far as her looks goes, Sarah is aging fast and it shouldn't take long before she looks like her pappy. Then lets see you say Sarah is purdy.

  68. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Rusty Nelson > Sarah Palin
    Mrs. Palin , you are THE most important LADY of our time, keep up the fight for the rest of us.. God be with you and your family.

    Why Rusty? Because Sarah quit on the good people of Alaska, became a reality personality and has ghost written books? Sarah can't even hold Hillary Clinton'§ panties.

  69. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    OK All, look at the photo, close your eyes, now imagine him * just in boots.

    * "him" refers to either Justin or the fella with his hand on his leg

  70. Anonymous7:34 PM

    No wonder she's desperate to sell books and get a reality show, she's trying to get a lawsuit dismissed, (9/11 pic) but they're not having it, 2 law firms in NY that going to be pricy, let the games begin

  71. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Oh, she's been friends with all those people for the past few years. She and Todd meet lots of people through charities and racing events.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Oh BS! She's looking for a photo op!

  72. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Sarah supports many charities. Why would you deny this, just because you don't see it and dont know her? She and Todd meet all their lower 48 friends through charities.

    1. Anonymous4:17 AM


    2. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Hey Asswipe, when is any Palin going to be a voice for people with Down Syndrome? Does it strike you that entire family has never done a thing for their supposed cause? Makes you wonder about Trig's parentage.

  73. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Gryphen, you do know that she does a lot with charities through racing orgs. Orphanages and donations.

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Didn't Sarah say she is raising homeless kids or something in her Wasilla compound? Are they friends of Caint Get Right?

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      They are needy adults living with Track. She mostly talked about his warrior body tattoos. They may run a tattoo salon in the basement of the newer house and garage by now. Or may be one of them learned to fly Todd's plane. There is money in transportation in the outback. Rainbow hunters, girls, food, drugs, you name it.

  74. Anonymous7:01 AM

    After the picture of Sarah on the old fat guys leg revelation... she had to post a picture of her near death Sciavo self with a BIG Christian religious symbol.

    Does she think her sheep will forget how she is working old fat guys leg if they see her in a fake holy vision?


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