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Sarah Palin gets picture taken with same Down Syndrome boy who she had her picture taken with during 2009. |
Check this ass kissing out for yourself:
As she meets with ordinary Americans all across the heartland, Palin makes a point to connect with families who have children with special needs.
It has been five years since Palin promised those families on national television, “I pledge to you that…you have a friend, an advocate, in the White House.” Well, she may not be in the White House, but she has certainly reached out to families all across the country and continues to keep in touch – a rarity these days.
Yes, Palin is a rarity these days – one who embraces and fights for the real hope that the Christmas season offers. Following a recent speech at Liberty University’s Convocation to thousands, one of the students, Hal, asked Palin: “Who’s been your biggest inspiration?”
And after all that Palin has been through, as a hockey mom in Wasilla pursuing the first female Vice-Presidency of the United States of America, enduring relentless attacks from the left, right, and center, her answer may surprise you.
Palin candidly replied, “Today, my biggest inspiration’s been my youngest child, Trig, a five-year-old who was born with Down syndrome, born with challenges that are going to be greater than most of us will ever face.”
“Todd and I say all the time we wouldn’t change anything in our family, any of the situations for the world, because we get to see what God has shown us – what true perfection is, and that is this true perfection of our son. There’s the world’s standards of perfection, and then there’s God’s standards of perfection. And it’s His standards at the end of the day that really matter.”
“When we look at our son, we are inspired; we are motivated; we are more compassionate. We feel gifted and fortunate to have Trig in our lives. He is the most influential person in my family’s life today, and I thank God for our son, Trig,” Palin said, beaming with a proud smile.
Sarah Palin sincerely empowers average, everyday Americans, and in the same way, she fights for those who cannot fight for themselves. She stands up for the underdogs – not only pre-born children, but children who have already been born with greater challenges than most will ever experience. In fact, over 90 percent of children diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before they are ever allowed to experience this world.
Hang on a second I am still dry heaving over that.
Okay for one thing Palin has done virtually NOTHING for the Down syndrome community, outside of a couple of speeches (Which she may have been compensated for, with travel expenses and hotel accommodations.) and a handful of photo-ops with Down syndrome children during her book tours.
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Trig in a rare photo with his adopted mom from March of this year. |
She and Todd are currently living in different states so if she and Todd say anything "all the time" it is by phone.
And the only people who Palin "empowers" are those on the Left who she energized by being the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with the Right Wing in this country.
Essentially the woman is the biggest phony on the planet and I am surprised that even an anti-choice rag like Live Action News could not see that for themselves.
I will never get over just how many ignorant people there are in this country.
Update: Well it looks like McCain is finally tired of Palin's meddling with GOP politics as well.
This from The Hill:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he prayed Sarah Palin does not get involved in a GOP Senate primary fight in South Carolina.
But the Arizona senator said he does not expect her to target the primary fight with his friend, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
“Oh, I pray she wouldn’t do that,” McCain told The New York Times in a wide-ranging interview. “And you know, I find it hard to believe that she would.”
Palin, McCain’s vice presidential running mate in 2008, has hinted about targeting South Carolina and a number of other states housing GOP incumbents up for reelection.
During the interview, he continued to defend Palin but appeared uninterested in relitigating his pick for running mate.
“I’ve moved on,” McCain said. “What’s the statute of limitations on this issue?”
No there is no statue of limitations on this, anymore than there was for Victor Von Frankenstein after he released HIS creature onto an unsuspecting populace. Sarah Palin will be a smear against John McCain for the rest of his life, and even unto death.
Trig looks like Levi in that pic.
DeleteTrig will be starting college any day now. Can't her peeps find a Mother of the Year contest for her to win?
DeleteLook how pale Trig's arms and legs are, compared to her tan. He must have just been brought by for a visit, because he obviously does not spend much time in the sun.
ReplyDeleteSalvation Army bell ringer physically assaulted for saying ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Merry Christmas’
The first blows have been struck in the “War on Christmas” and they came from Sarah Palin’s side.
how long before another "Blood libel" vid like Tucson Massacre!
Cue the trolls.
Fuck you snortin' sarah you bitch what you reap you WILL Sow!!!
We feel gifted and fortunate to have Trig in our lives.
ReplyDeleteSarah why did you take off Trig's first week of school?
Trig is our greatest Grift.
DeleteI mean Gift!
1:09 PM
DeletePerfect comment! Trig is their greatest Grift.
1:09 PM
DeleteFAV ++++
Why are you a liar?
DeleteAnonymous4:15 PM
DeleteWhy are you a liar?
"We're having a Palin White Christmas...snortin', snortin' all the snow....while we troll the blogs and snort the logs, and encourage the bots to give more....so we can have White Christmas all year round...snort! Snort!"
~Sarah, willow snowbirds!
“Todd and I say all the time we wouldn’t change anything in our family, -Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteDang! Is Sarah saying she wouldn't want her kids to be educated? She prefers them to be sex addicts?
no, what skank's sayin' is it's perfectly normal to be inbred retards re: palins/heaths
Deletefuk you chuck_tard jr
I prefer you to stop lying.
Deletefinally get yer lazy griftin' ass's outta bed ?
Deletemust suk living here in AK when you finally do drag yer skank ass's outta bed it's already dark outside ..
fukin' inbred retards
Not change a thing? You mean she diesn't mind never seeing Track's child? Or her own? She doesn't care that Bristol was pregnant and has never been close to marriage? She doesn't care that Track refuses to be seen with her? Or that Piper smacks reporters? Gotta admit, that is one family I would not be bragging about.
DeleteI prefer you to stop lying.
DeleteI prefer you tell me who is Tri-G's birth mother
She was NOT the first female VP candidate on a major party ticket. Geraldine Ferraro - 1984 on the ticket with Walter Mondale.
ReplyDeleteOuch! Runner up again!!
That is not the first time revisionist history is manufactured for Sarah Palin. It won't be the last.
1:00 Thank you. I was going to post a similar comment. Just because a person doesn't know history, doesn't mean that past events didn't happen.
Deletebut... buttt... bt... but... see how big the cross the humble do-gooder Mama Bear walks under.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152088353728588&set=a.10150723283643588.424640.24718773587&type=1
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why Nancy French, Rebecca Mansour or anyone can't help Palin keep her FaceBook running smooth and professional? Is she satisfied with the sales of her Christmas book and saying FU to her fans with this hiatus she is on? WTF, Palin?
DeleteDid she fire French and Mansour? Rebecca Mansour Comes Out Of The Shadows
Rebecca is The Penguin in the Batman Movie.
Delete3:14 This is a first for me. But I think it is unfair to poke fun at RAM's physical looks. She has always made an effort to stay well behind the scenes. People who are overweight often face many serious physical and mental issues making it hard to just "change" things.
DeleteNow one could argue that she's the one that does all the false front stuff for Ms. Perfect Body and Perfect Everything. So, therefore, she is by association fair game for pointing out contradictions--in which case her weight could be an issue since it is in opposition to the Palin Brand.
I'm not sure that all made sense. And maybe I'm just being in the Christmas spirit. It's like others have said. There is soooooo much not right about Palin, et al, do we really need to lower ourselves to picking at other people's issues?
DeleteMansour's dad was SHOT when she was ten (he survived)-
And this fucking bitch has the audacity to DEFEND Sarah Palin's GUN TARGET on Gabrielle Giffords' territory--
AFTER GG was shot! !!!!
You are so fucking ugly from the inside out you make me want to throw up.
FYI, you probably make Sarah puke too, which is why she keeps you around.
Hilarious you couldn't make it in LA, loser.
I don't care about the shape Mansour is in. It is her complicity with a crime family that needs scrutiny and attention. She didn't show an ounce of concern for children and young people when she didn't stand up for her own principles when having to deal with Bristol the re-virgined.
DeleteI didn't know about her dad and how she sold out on that. She is hideous inside and a pathetic writer. Granted better than her low IQ boss.
Lyn Thomas I was unable to buy a nativity scene this year. I checked shops at Washington Square Mall and Michael's and no one had even one. A clerk told me, "They just don't sell any more." Genuine Christianity is quickly becoming politically uncorrect. We have to stand our ground and be courageous, not silent cowards.
DeleteYes Lyn Thomas genuine Christianity is a nativity scene from Washington Square Mall and Michael's. Did you try Walmart? Your great leader knows the plastic Jewish family is the best, check on-line and at your local thrift stores. Heaven forbid you find some creative juices and make one, if you have a husband or know a man or woman that can build and create, they may help you out.
By all means don't be silent. Shout from the roof tops and don't stand down or retreat. Even the Pope is trying to say do something for the poor and hungry. He probably meant stay busy at the mall looking for nativity scenes like any good Christian would do. Your example will be a great boon to Christianity and leaders like Sarah Palin. Carry on.
Who ever wrote this article should check their facts. Geraldine Ferraro was the first women to run for the Vice Presidency back in the 80's.
ReplyDeletePalin was the first (and last) Republican woman. The GOP hates women...if I were going to be around long enough, I'd bet IF the aprty survives 2016, they don't have a woman on the ticket for 50 years.
DeleteIt continues to be astounding to me how many folks can't see through this charlatan and how many enable her. SMH
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin had a heart of gold,
She would commit Hari Kari and try and remove it. ..
To melt it down, ya know.
Look at that photo of Palin! The top part doesn't appear to match the bottom - even though it does. I'll wager she looks like hell in the nude...no hips...the bottom part of her looks like she came out of a German prison camp from years ago. It looks like she has no vaginal area! Weird!
ReplyDeleteThe photo was taken in March of this year.
DeleteShe hadn't started her deathly dieting debacle yet; however, she is still a crazy, mean-spirited, ignorant, hateful, delusional, mentally ill, super-stupid harridan, with a double-digit I.Q.that is falling even lower. .
You need to look at the photo again 2:08 - look at the hip/private part area....big difference from the way she looks on top! As I said before, WEIRD!
DeleteIf her "son" with Downs is her biggest inspiration in life then how's come she shows up in photos more often with some else's kid? And every time we see a photo of him it shows at the very least her neglectful attitude...no hearing aid/s, lousy shoes, ill-fitted glasses (if any at all), etc....she's not either concerned about nor caring for the albatross she bought herself. That alone tells a lot about the intent: it wasn't for the kiddo.
ReplyDelete1:36 Exactly.
DeleteWhat fool would take a Wild Ride with their inspiration?
She is a rank idiot. She makes Dan Q a genius in comparison.
If her "son" with Downs is her biggest inspiration in life then how's come she shows up in photos more often with some else's kid?
DeleteBecause she charges $15.99 for a photo with someone else's kid.
Therapy and hearing aids aside, the real problem is that the person who claims to be his mother just ain't around much. That can burn. That's some hug she's giving the boy in this picture. Cold fish.
DeleteIt's painful to see how she's got so many fooled. Yet, it could be that that article was sent to the site by one of her paid minions.
ReplyDeleteShe's done NOTHING for families with disabled children. Giving a speech doesn't count, because that's usually paid. Even if she offered to speak for free, it's still a political effort to improve her name and brand. Nothing she does is selfless.
It says what kind of society we've become when wealthy people get revered and applauded constantly for being advocates for this and that. Few of them get into the camps, do the sweaty work, volunteer, and Sarah Palin certainly does none of that.
Another way for an advocate to make a huge difference is to support those who wish to legislate programs with federal dollars to help families. If a charity can pay a speaker $100,000 to raise funds, then they can darn well put that money to better use and work towards supporting politicians who care about the needs.
Helping families cope with children with down syndrome can only be done with tax dollars. I've never heard or seen any of these fear-mongers who say they hate big government, roll up their sleeves and volunteer, or take a down syndrome child home to take care of for the weekend. Would they? Damn straight, they WOULDN'T. But, if someone suggests that their tax dollars could go towards offering services, like "Visiting Angels" or a home care organization, they'd be calling out and out war.
That article sounds like it could have come from Palin via one of her paid folks. She did the same type thing when the 'quitter' governor of Alaska. She'd have articles written then have them published in the Anchorage Daily News under another name/resident. They were always fluff pieces about HER which Alaskans finally figured out AFTER she quit and more investigation was done.
DeleteShe is nothing more than a fraud and liar!
@2:18, you're probably right! Also, there's no way that's what she ACTUALLY said. It's too coherent. Not enough word salad.
DeleteAmen. Frank Bailey wrote in detail about her and her few ilk writing favorable reviews after being asked by palin.
DeleteFrank has the goods on the insufferable witch. One can tell after reading his book.
Trig looks Native.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there is more yupik than anticipated in the adoption. That would give credence to Todd's heritage... which is scant.
I hope the best for Trig.
Which Trig?
DeleteAll the Palin kids have a native look to them except for Track who belongs to Curt Menard Jr. Look at Willow w/that round face. Bristol did too until she had her facial surgery.
DeleteOk lets DNA test "A" TRiG? Which one?
DeleteThey all look like Todd
DeleteAnd considering so many people and their friends saw Trig from infancy, this two babies thing is stupid.
DeleteExplain the ruffled ear then, as well as the chubby 'preemie' being held by Palin's parents in the hospital.
Delete“What’s the statute of limitations on this issue?”
Well, John, until this vicious, traitorous, imbecilic pit viper that you unleashed on this country is gone from public view forever, until she no longer appears on or in any politics section of any media, until she is no longer referred to as "Governor", a position which she abandoned mid-term for personal gain, until she stops inciting hatred and anger through her unrelenting attacks on and lies about anyone who doesn't worship her, well, until that day, John, the statute of limitations will not have expired.
So fuck you, John McCain, you WATB.
Johnny had better watch his back as Sarah could primary him for his Senate seat....or run as a third party candidate, She loves to put the pedal to the "meddle."
John McCain is a Senator today because of the Mafia. Murder, Inc. and company.
DeleteDon't you think if Sarah Palin was enough of a problem for Miss Lindsay it would be neatly taken care of? Palins know and respect that.
She can't run for anything ever again. Trust me on that. Meddling is all she has, poor little attention whore.
Delete3:43 PM
DeleteTrue. Old Grump knows that. Miss Meddler is enough for him to need to exterminate the pest.
At one time he was a respected senator. She will be his legacy to the grave and beyond. Nothing will erase that.
DeleteA solid Nefer Nailing. Much appreciate it.
DeleteI've been wondering what John McCain would do about Sarah jumping into the Lindsey Graham battle. Let's see if the Mama Grizzly has the balls/cajones to go head to head with Johnny. I don't think she does, I think she'll Sit Down and Shut Up. Hey Sarah, I'm sure that somewhere on the Internet you can find blow up balls just like you found your blowup Belmonts. Go for it. Man up, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. McCain sent Palin a public message today. Palin will be angry and initially want to fight back, but she will come out of her stupor and realize that she must just STFU on the SC senate race.
Delete3:54 PM Is she conscious?
DeleteSarah may not be able to process what is going on. He may know that and feels he can speak some.
it'd be sweet if skank would just up and kick the bucket already - i would though prefer seeing her in a prison jumpsuit long term first, but i'd settle for the latter too ..
ReplyDeletechuck_tard jr been by yet today ?
if he has or hasn't he can still go fuk his fatass self
That's Willow in the 2nd photo, right?
ReplyDeleteClose but no meth. That's Trig. Thanks for playing.
DeleteSorry but I thought in the second photo, earlier this year that person was ID'd as Willow in the sun, NOT Sarah, as it is currently slugged.
DeleteOr is it correct & willow is the mom of Trig?
DeleteI've decided that the average Palin-supporter stopped looking at Palin years ago. They stopped seeing the real Sarah Palin, but are now seeing the Sarah Palin they WANT to see.
ReplyDeleteEven if the real one bears no resemblance to the one they do see, that's not important to them. They have made her in their minds - and eyes - into who they want to see.
Just like they see and hear only that which reinforces their prejudices in their sealed-off, closed world.
DeleteWhat energy it must take to always be so rigid so they can feel safe and certain. Similar to the Taliban mind.
Absolutely phoebes. They are cultists.
DeleteTotally agree. She's their golden calf, although I still say "heifer" is more appropriate.
DeleteThe cult fans are so lost in their own delusions they can't see she is knocking on deaths door. None of them give a rats ass about her health. That works for the greater good, so be it.
DeleteI hope she is still on terra firma and will stop retreating. She has the ability to take out the GOP and fake Christians and all the sheeple. Give her more rope MSM and Samaritans Purse. More rope, please. One way or another it should be over soon.
If they actually looked at her and paid attention they'd see the cracks;
DeleteWhich would force them to accept that their most fiercely held beliefs were all wrapped up in crap.
"Sarah Palin will be a smear against John McCain for the rest of his life, and even unto death."
ReplyDeleteMore so unto death. Not even Meghan will not be able to do a thing about what is to come for his legacy. He will have to stay alive on life support to postpone the inevitable of what he is leaving for his children. They are as criminal as he is to keep his secrets and deserve the worst of what he is leaving. All of Cindy's mafia money won't help.
I'll go as far to say 'even AFTER his death'! She is going to be the albatross hung around his neck and be in the history books when, and if, it relates to John McCain!
DeleteHe assuredly picked one hell of a LOSER, FRAUD & LIAR!
Sarah Palin is John McCain's legacy to the American people - in perpetuity. He will never live her down.
It would greatly benefit Senator McCain is she were to pass on and give him enough time to fix things up. For McCain she would be better as a martyr. Think how kindly he could talk of her?
DeleteHow he could bolster his choice of the un-vetted running mate into mythical proportions?
More than anyone, including Todd or her family John McCain has the most benefit from her being indisposed through coma or death.
Palin in re-hab would not do for McCain.
“I’ve moved on,” McCain said. “What’s the statute of limitations on this issue?”
ReplyDeleteLOL That tells you something. McCain regrets picking that airhead beauty pageant contestant that couldn't even win her state..
Never could beat a black, could you, Sarah? Snort a line.
DeleteThey need you Sarah. Only you can do it!
Aaron Talmage (to Sarah Palin)
Please watch this video of a liberty-minded, true conservative South Carolina Senate candidate, who's running against the Establishment's Lindsey Graham. He needs support and endorsements from individuals like you, to take on Graham's war chest filled with millions of dollars. 34 minutes ago
Hey AT - John McCain will shit green nickels if Palin endorses the guy running against LGraham.
DeleteShe is too sick to do anything. I think she has gone Schiavo on you, Aaron Talmage
DeleteAaron What's in it for Sarah? She does nothing for free.
DeleteI'm SURE Senator McCain sent Sarah a "Christmas" card with a glittery picture of Jesus with a halo, and inside it was a couple million begging her to not ruffle Miss Lindsey's crinolines and lace up corset while his job security circles the greastrap. "What's in it for us" is all about the money.
DeleteI would love to see John McCain go after SP on behalf of his longtime friend, Graham. Nothing would remain of SP.
One Bill Connor is primarying Lindsey Graham. He said yesterday "“If we don't have a war ethos, [if] we don't have young men going face-to-face to possibly stick a bayonet in someone to protect you and me, we're toast. We're gone,” he said. “We've got all the technology in the world and we're losing that because we're taking Christianity out of the military.” Sounds like SP's kinda guy.
Delete“When we look at our son, we are inspired;
ReplyDeleteWhich son are you looking at Sarah?
Todd's stepson Track or your stepson Trig?
That is called slander on counts.
Deletetick, tock, tick tock on those lawsuits. Sarah will be dead first.
DeleteThat's a fact.
4:13 PM Are you drugged out or drunk?
DeleteWould that be Track Menard?
DeleteTrig is looking at pictures of 'SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS', wasn't that the inspiration for Sarah's faux pregnancy?
DeleteYes, Trig has been very inspirational. The moment she thought of him she was inspired by money. As the niece of a Down’s aunt there is nothing inspiring about how she used Trig to line her pocket; in fact, it makes my family sick to think about her behavior toward the Down community. She is a charlatan and snake oil grifter. She and her whole family.
ReplyDeleteI am offended at your ignorance.
Delete4:12 I am offended at YOUR ignorance, your stupidity, your anal attitude, and your shitty disposition.
DeleteHappy Fucking Holidays!
Martin Bashir facts and truth are not offensive. SarahPAC letter is not offensive. Remember nothing is offensive.
4:12 PM Doesn't your Pimp Daddy Todd Palin have a job opening for you? You are not good at this. You Palins work better on your knees.
DeleteIn both photos. I see one special needs child, and one political retard.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who's terribly self conscious about the way my fibroid tumors shape my once extremely svelte figure, I hardly EVER talk about another woman's body in a negative light. Many times, my fibroids make me look pregnant because of my super short torso and how certain clothes fit my frame. I literally have to get down to my undies before my true figure can be seen and appreciated. But, after reading one of the remarks above about Palin's figure, I went back to look at the photo again. OMG! How skinny is she trying to get? Where's that ridiculous belt she wears with the huge buckle? Is she too tiny to even wear that? No belt makes her frame look even worse. Wow! I'm no Palin fan by a long shot, but I am curious as to what she looks like in her underwear. It can't be pretty but I'm not a guy. So sexy is as sexy is beholden. I just don't see her looking healthy or well. I guess her money maker is in her face and not her body.
ReplyDeleteI imagine Sarah Palin looks a junior high boy but with saggy skin and spots all over her body.
DeleteI am so GLAD to see that fucking bitch wasting away and getting uglier with each passing day.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean each passing day? It's more like each passing second.
Delete“When we look at our son, we are inspired; we are motivated; we are more compassionate."
ReplyDeleteCompassionate, yeah right, so compassionate they have done nothing about correcting his crossed-eyes, handicapping him even further. Child abusers, profiting from a child.
You don't know anything about his health care. Why are you butting in?
DeleteWe know that he gets FREE care due to Todd's faint ties to native Alaskans, and that the Palins have failed to take advantage of that and get the boy what he needs to ever become independent, or as independent as possible. We see the photos..no glasses, no hearing aids. When Grandpa slips, he tells us that Trig is barely speaking..at almost six? Come on.
Delete4:11 PM BWAHAHAHAHA you are STUPID.
Delete@4:11 I can look at his photos, you idiot, his eyes need correcting and there is only a small window of time to do it before it becomes permanent.
DeleteI love my freedom of speech,that's why I am butting in, so sue me!!!
4:11 PM Everyday after School Hours, YOU Butt In with your ILLITERATE Juvenile Postings. What is your problem, no boys interested in you?
Delete8:42 PM
DeleteThat wouldn't be Palin's spawn. The adulterer brother or his ho started their sex saga from a school. They have to wait until school is out to start commenting.
How sick is it to not want the best for your family? And asking a retard like palin to choose her inspiration and she'd lied is no big woop. SSDD with that insufferable clown.
ReplyDeleteGuess what mccain your legacy is all your making. From hot dogging it to ratting on the US to Keating 5 to the bad penny palin. You always thought you are/were slick enough to take the easy way out. Short of curing cancer your legacy is shit.
Deleteif yer gonna copy me fuktard, it goes like this >>> ?!?
DeleteI can't wait for the manipulation troll to show up, you haters, you don't know the Palins, you write about people you don't know. We know one thing. Sarah Palin promised to be an advocate for the disabled, but I guess she meant only is she was elected. She wasn't elected VP, so much for charity, the disabled, speaking up for them and her promise.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, you don't know what she does. She doesn't broadcast her whole life. DUR
DeleteSOO, because YOU, an outsider to a person's life, don't see it, means it's not true? Gee, I guess you didn't take a class that involved logic. Gryphen have proven repeatedly he knows little to nothing.
DeleteEeeks! I think the unedjukated 12 year old troll is here. Doesn't you?
Delete4:10/4:11 Go do your homework if you can understand any of it. Do you leave School early to Stalk Gryphen's Blog? Your sentence structure is lacking, and you don't make any sense. Grow Up, Kid, you are among Adults.
DeleteThere Gryphen goes, spouting about shit he knows nothing about.
ReplyDeleteJust like you, 4:07. Happy Holidays!
Delete4:07 PM What do you know, other than Palin talking points and Fake Pregnancies? How far along is Bristol's latest Pregnancy? Has Bristol opened a nursery yet? She has enough Babies.
DeleteGryph - 1
DeleteTroll - Goose Egg
pretty funny how these unemployed lazy ass fuktards don't start posting their uneducated shit earlier in the day - having to sleep 'til mid/late afternoon does that i s'pose
Deletelolzzz at this blogger's stupidity and sheer ignorance. Her words about her son are true. Trig isa blessing and a blessed boy. And just because they spend time in AZ doesn't mean they live there.
ReplyDelete4:08 PM lolzzz at this Troll's Ignorance, Sarah Palin is a LIAR. Sarah Palin did not give birth to Tri-g. Her '2 BULL' Ligation after Piper's birth negated that. Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson's License should be Revoked for her participation in the Tri-g Hoax.
DeleteSo where DO they live? If Sarah and Trig and Bristol live in Alaska, why did they not apply for their oil money? It's not like Sarah to pass up free money.
DeleteROTFL "Trig isa blessing and a blessed boy". Of course he is, God wrote his birth announcement! Don't get more "blessed" than that! Any photos of Trig in his Baptismal outfit? Any photos of the blessed ceremony in church, you know, "One of those bible believing ones up there in Ahhhhhlassssska"
DeleteTrig isa?
Isa what? bel?
Blimey - and note the copyright all over the photos
ReplyDelete(Photo by Shealah Craighead ©2009 All Rights Reserved Copyright Shealah Craighead Photography/SarahPAC)
Seems some folks in that there PAC understand copyright
Personally, I'm offended anyone would write "adopted" mom, regardless of anything.
ReplyDeleteHistorical idiots - Geraldine Ferraro?
ReplyDeleteTrig is a blessing. Sarah Palin is a habitual liar and fraud.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of Trig speak volumes about his care, his therapy and the devotion that Sarah and Todd have to that most inspiring person in their lives. Sometimes we see Trig with his glasses, and more times than not, no glasses. Gryphen reported seeing Trig at a basketball and the child did not react to the noisy cheers, but we never see Trig with any kind of hearing aids. Chuck Heath Sr. gave a radio interview earlier this year and said that Trig could say three or four words. He is over 5 years old. If there had been early therapy, Trig should be able to say more than three or four words, unless there really is a serious hearing issue-- or some other serious issue.
ReplyDeleteSarah kept referring to Trig as perfection, yet he was born with a hole in his heart that required an operation when he was a year old. None of us are perfect; some of us have little quirks and other may have some serious health issues. The point is that when a child has a hole in his heart, it is not perfect. It had to be fixed. And, if Trig cannot hear, he cannot express himself and he cannot process information. Chuck Heath said the Trig liked watching cartoons on TV with the sitter. Sarah bragged that Trig could respond to the i-pad, and Bristol posted a photo of Trig, sound asleep on his i-pad with a cartoon playing. (No glasses, but then, he was sleeping). The i-pad cartoons are not therapy which involve interaction with trained therapists.
Just a side note here, but instead of Willow going to hair school and Bristol learning about skin care, why didn't they enroll in a serious program that would train them to be therapists in working DS and other disabled children. Oh, I'm sorry, that might involve going to the university, studying and doing hard work. Sorry, Trig.
I'll say it plainly. Trig needs more than an i-pad and cartoons. Sarah had a real best seller of a book waiting to be written, describing working with Trig every day, the kind of therapy that he responded to, how he played with other kids (not Tripp), marking his progress, and describing Palin's dedication and charity to DS organizations. She hasn't written that book, and I doubt if she CAN write that book. She seems to have missed out on 5 years of ready made material. We have no evidence of any of Trig's therapy and how he is developing. While the Palins love to post posed photos (Trig's first day of school, another different first day at school-- one for the bus stop, one in the school during summer), Trig with a back pack that was bigger than he was but no glasses. In one photo, Piper and Trig were down at the bottom of the hill, while kids usually wait for the school bus at the street-- where the bus stops. That makes the photo look fake and posed.
I can hear Todd's famous, "What's in it for us?" Not money, Todd. When you take on the responsibility of caring for a DS child, you give-- you don't get. We still little evidence of Sarah lending her high profile to DS organizations for fund raising and raising awareness. There are no reports of Trig's therapy, but we see photos of Trig without his glasses.
The statue of limitations? Me thinks McCain is getting tired of hearing the name of SP & having to answer questions re: her. Poor Johnny! He deserves every negative word that comes his way re: his 'legacy'.... Americans are having to live w/his horrid choice. Thank god they LOST!
ReplyDeleteThank you President Obama and VP Biden for being as outstanding as you are (and your Administration)in spite of all the obstruction laid out by the Republicans. I so hope many lose their seats in Congress during the next election cycle - 2014.
LOVE it when the trolls show up. LOVE it! They'd like nothing more than for those of us who KNOW the truth to take the McCain, "can we just move on?" stance. NO, we won't, because we know a lot and are breathing down the skeletor's neck. The Trig hoax is FAR from the biggest problem you have right now, right $arah??
ReplyDeleteKeep on, trolls! 2014 is going to be a VERY ugly year for you.
Whatever shred of credibility Senator Senile (R-AZ) had was vaporized the moment he picked the most dangerous, unqualified and vile VP pick in the history of these United States of America.
ReplyDeleteHe knows it, too.
DeleteI wish she would attack Miss Lindsay. It's one of our only hopes that McCain will then finally spill his guts. That is unless you Bristol or Willow are finally tired of the Skank.
ReplyDeleteMaybe not now, but when Bristol and Willow are older and look back they will realize just how much their mother destroyed their lives for her own selfish purposes.
DeleteI'd actually contribute to Sarah PAC if she went after Miss Lindsey Graham-McCain. Come on Sarah, no holds barred! Remember how "Maverick" McCain did HIS concession speech with his family, but when it was YOUR turn for the SPOTLIGHT, he pulled the plug, shut off the mic and you were there, choked up gulping tears wanting so desperately to share that moment with your loving family behind you. That was just the tip of the spear! After all you did for him, That's the thanks you get?
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I laughed so hard reading that DS bullshit from Sarah regarding Trig. What, exactly, has she done for the DS community? Yeah, she's basically ignored them, which is a lot more than she's done for everyone else, instead of being grateful, they praise her for it???
Any recent photos of Trig? (less than a few months)? With his "mom" Sarah and "dad" Todd? If he "inspires" her, she's done a great job of sharing the milestones he's achieved from his therapies and school. Has she done a post on what a great job his special ed teacher's doing?
She rarely mentions him. Bristol, on the other hand, constantly gushes over him, using old photos. Gee, you'd think Trig was Bristol's kid! wink wink
Only one thing to say to "pursuing the first female Vice Presidency" is: Geraldine Ferraro!
ReplyDeleteAnd after all that Palin has been through, as a hockey mom in Wasilla pursuing the first female Vice-Presidency of the United States of America, enduring relentless attacks from the left, right, and center, her answer may surprise you.
Yeah, I mentioned that over there, plus the fact that she's not done much for DS kids, and got down-arrowed!!
It's not too late to wiggle with the stars sayree.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin has a heart, this could be Trig