Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Alaska's Corrupt Bastards Club" a new documentary by our friend Dennis Zaki.

From the site:  

The true story of the ongoing corruption that runs rampant in Alaska. 

Alaska-based oil companies bribe politicians, engage in racketeering all in a conspiracy to rob Alaska of its oil wealth, much of it done right out in the open. They were so brazen that a girlfriend of one of the criminals had hats made with CBC on them. 

I'll also delve into a murder plot, underaged sex, extortion, and con artists masquerading as lawmakers doing the bidding of their oil company bosses.

Dennis has done extensive research and has gotten his hands on information and film footage that has never yet seen the light of day.

I guarantee you that this movie will shock even those of you who think they have seen it all when it comes to corruption in the great state of Alaska.

Dennis is also looking for donors to help finance the film (I have already pledged my $150), so if you have any money to spare this is a worthy cause. 

You know what they say, "You ain't seen nothing yet."


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Any Palins and/or Heaths involved?

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Leave innocent people out. Sarah is her own person

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      I'm sure Dennis is leaving innocent people out.
      Sarah is her own person.
      What does your comment have to do with the topic at hand - which is the corrupt bastards club??

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Can he get the AK Film credit? GO DENNIS!!! Big fan of his after all these years :)

    4. Anonymous8:00 AM

      from the website: "A governor's spouse than ran hookers up to the oil fields and whose activities are still being covered up by the local police"
      Ummm Yea! Todd Palin the Pimp!!!

    5. Sounds like someone is afraid of something, Sarah Palin is her own person, but treats others as her personal puppets. We know just what kind of person Sarah Palin is.

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I wonder if Dennis has an opinion on the Dar Miller death?

  3. Balzafiar5:08 PM

    Gryphen, Dennis should go the crowdfunding route. He should be able to raise everything he needs in a very short time.

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I also hope that Dennis has some strong security around him!

  5. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    I'm in! Can't wait! Make this go viral!

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    really OT - but check this out -

    According to the medical records we have been provided, the fetus is distinctly abnormal," the attorneys said. "Even at this early stage, the lower extremities are deformed to the extent that the gender cannot be determined."

    The attorneys said the fetus also has fluid building up inside the skull and possibly has a heart problem.

    "Quite sadly, this information is not surprising due to the fact that the fetus, after being deprived of oxygen for an indeterminate length of time, is gestating within a dead and deteriorating body, as a horrified family looks on in absolute anguish, distress and sadness," the attorneys said.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Yes, if you review the literature these fetuses are practically always abnormal in this situation.

    2. It is a very complex situation, there are many factors contributing to an abnormal brain and development. Even lack of exercise causes abnormal brain cells and dead people don't get much exercise.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    OT, but I am not sure where to post "tips". The new Virginia Attorney General is set to strike down the VA constitutional ban on same sex marriage. About bloody time!

  8. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Will he do DC next? If you think Alaska is dramatic, your mind will be blown by what occurs by the minute in the real world of national politics. Sarah palin would be a meek kitten

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:05 PM

      Not the Sarah's just a little kitten crap again!

      That's so three years ago.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Shut up, troll. Sarah and Todd are going down.

  9. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Does it include Murkoski and Green and their ilk? Until ALL of Murkys people and basically all in power legislation are gone, you're effed like the whole US is under our current DC leadership.

  10. Anonymous8:52 PM

    LOLZ People act like Alaska is the sole place for "crazies" when it's elementary in comparison to national and other states. Alaska is magnified because it's a long ways away and smaller, populationwise.

    WHERE THE REAL movie? The one about DC, Chicago, the interconnected histories that tie global corruption together and make Sarah Palin, Don Young and and Clinton look like child pulling hair.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Ah, go rent "Mitt" on Netflix, with all the other AIP folks.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Show me another state where the sitting governor has a pimp for a husband. Then maybe we'll talk.

  11. I donated $100 to Nick Broomfield for his "Sarah Palin You Betcha" documentary, and was supposed to get a DVD of the doc in return. Never happened.

    So, I'm sorry, I feel a bit stung by these Alaska film endeavors.

    1. Well Kajo if it makes you feel any better, I was in that documentary and did not receive the promised free DVD.

      However Dennis is not Nick.

    2. That's the only way I ever would have known you were in the documentary, Gryphen, 'cuz I haven't seen it yet myself.

      Yeah, I know Dennis isn't Nick. I'll seriously think about it. I'm also mulling over donating money to the Southwest Indian Foundation for a heating stove...

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Kajo I did too, Nick broomfield is a ASSHOLE but Dennis is not. If I had the money I would donate to him....
      He is no Nick Broomfield...IE a asshole. He is a good guy. Always trying to expose corruption.

  12. This post seems to be getting to some thin-skinned people. Palin's a poor widdle innocent, and "Look over there, that-away! DC! Boogie, boogie, boogie!"

    Nice try, dimwits. We know Palin for the vicious, corrupt grifter that she is.

  13. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Quote from Zaki's site:

    "There are FBI reports about .... A governor's spouse than ran hookers up to the oil fields and whose activities are still being covered up by the local police... "

    It's definitely worth $50. to me to hear more!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Let's just hope it's real information and not just more speculation. I will say that if Dennis really does have proof that Todd is a pimp, he should send it to Malia Litman and then make it public, regardless of what happens with his movie.

  14. comeonpeople7:14 AM

    I'd like to donate. How do I go about it?

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Here's the link:
      Please consider kicking in, even a few dollars. If you have ever looked at good Alaskan photography, you've seen this guy's work at some time.

    2. comeonpeople7:56 AM

      never mind - found the website duh!!

  15. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Looks like Shailey Tripp is coming out with a movie too. Not a hoax.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.