Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arizona introduces new bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against gay folks, non-Christians, and even unmarried women.

Arizona State Senator Steve Yarbrough.
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Experts are warning that a bill making its way through the Arizona legislature would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT people, unmarried women or even non-Christians. 

Republican state Sen. Steve Yarbrough has said that he introduced Senate Bill 1062 because a “modest clarification” was needed in the state’s religious-freedom law, according to The Arizona Republic

Among other things, the bill would expand those protected by the religious-freedom law for religious assemblies and institutions to “any individual, association, partnership, corporation, church, religious assembly or institution, estate, trust, foundation or other legal entity.” 

The conservative advocacy group Center for Arizona Policy has been pushing the measure as a way to protect photographers and bakers from having to provide services for same-sex weddings, which are not even legal in Arizona. 

And Yarbrough told The Seirra Vista Herald that the bill would allow hotel owners to refuse to rent rooms to LGBT people and would protect businesses that had a religious objection to hiring unmarried women. 

But the lawmaker also insisted to The Arizona Republic that “[p]rohibited discrimination remains prohibited.” 

“In no way does this bill allow discrimination of any kind,” he said.

Yeah it allows Christian business owners to refuse to provided service just about any non-Christian, how would that be discriminatory? Right?

Is it just me or does it seem that Arizona is really pulling out the stops to establish themselves as a racist utopia? I swear from here it looks like Texas, Florida, and Arizona are having some kind of redneck race to see who can become the least hospitable state in the Union.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    He and his fellow "constitutional conservative" patriots don't realize that giving Christians free reign to discriminate without reprisal is. . .going against the constitution and God's love right?

    This is what happens when you keep appointing or electing 7 Mountains Christians and conservatives who believe they have a 'servant's heart,' when really, they just want to legislate their morals and values at the cost of the founding father's intention.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Sarah Palin has seen the mountain top of bullshit from her house.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      goddamned domestic taliban assholes

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Wait one flippin Palin minute!!!
      "would protect businesses that had a religious objection to hiring unmarried women."
      No wonder the Palin girls can't get jobs in AZ!!!!!! BooFuckingHOO!!!

    4. Anonymous7:00 PM

      "would protect businesses that had a religious objection to hiring unmarried women."

      And they keep telling us there is no war on women. Yeah right!!!

  2. Putting things on pink paper makes them less offensive? What a dumb@ss.

    1. fromthediagonal10:29 AM

      Darlene, that pink paper is probably a gift from his favorite sheriff. May he be gifted with the matching underwear and hand cuffs before too long.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    OK, That's it. I am moving to AZ, and opening a business. It will neither serve or employ fashion challenged, gray haired, bespectacled, gun-toting, short-membered, potbellied Republicans. Everybody else, c'mon in.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    South Dakota is pulling the same shit too.

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It's not like unmarried women need to eat or anything.

  6. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Arizona's most corrupt state senator, Steve Yarbrough (R-Chandler), who uses his position to write charter school bills to steer state funding to his Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization to benefit himself financially. It's like writing checks to yourself.

    Unbelievably, this allegedly does not violate Arizona's ethics rules for legislators.
    Yarborough benefits from tax credits he helped design. He is the executive director of the state's second-largest tuition tax-credit organization, Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization, or ACSTO.

    An examination of the most recent tax return for ACSTO shows Yarbrough receives a salary of $96,000 per year. ACSTO also paid for his car. It paid $426,000 to a company called HY processing, which Yarbrough serves as part owner. The organization also paid $127,000 in leasehold improvements and $50,000 rent to the landlord. Yarbrough owns the building.

    Typical Teapublican!

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Wow. Just wow.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Don't forget people if you have a scoop you can always let Huffington Post (or any other major news outlets) know about via their contact page. I did on this one!

  7. Arizona must still be in the 40's and 50's. I can't believe a bill such as this would actually be seriously considered. The other question I have is if this bill is Constitutional. I hope not.

    This bill will make Palin proud of her new home state. She's smart enough (barely), or at least her consultants are, that she knows not to talk about discriminating against the targets of this bill, but you got to believe she is all for it personally.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Heck yeah, one of the reasons she moved there!

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Aside from all the other douche-baggery, which religions don't hire unmarried women?

    I'd assume polygamous Mormons living in Arizona (because the gals are so busy at home) but do they want to align with the Taliban? Is Arizona a sleeper cell of Sharia law adherents?

    Wild Tortoise

  9. Another great reason to stay out of Arizona! I already was disgusted this week when Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Arizona State University had a black-shaming-themed "party" on Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

    Back to that "unmarried women" bit. When I was young, I once had two job offers the same week. Naturally I accepted the better one. When I called my would-be employer to decline, he asked how much the other offer was. So I told him.

    "So much money for such a young lady?!?" he gasped.

    You betcha!

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    HOW will Willa' and Brie' get a job now????

  11. Another great reason to stay out of Arizona! I already was disgusted this week when Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Arizona State University had a black-shaming-themed "party" on Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

    Back to that "unmarried women" bit. When I was young, I once had two job offers the same week. Naturally I accepted the better one. When I called my would-be employer to decline, he asked how much the other offer was. So I told him.

    "So much money for such a young lady?!?" he gasped.

    You betcha!

  12. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties would prefer not to hire unmarried women for any reason.

  13. Belle Starr10:51 AM

    Are unmarried women potential temptresses who could lure fine, Christian gentlemen away from their wives, or ????.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      I think they are summing that any woman, over the age of 18 who is not married, is a lesbian. Otherwise, I can not understand the rationale for not hiring unmarried women at all.

  14. Rattletrap10:52 AM

    There does seem to be some sort of competition among the hard religious right.

    They seem confused about strategy.

    One half alienates as many Americans as possible with their dumbassedness.

    And the other half insults the world with their shitassedness.

    (Mrs TarquinBiscuitbarrel has the best name on the net, and reminds me of the Bree Palin happy days.)

    1. Mrs TarquinBiscuitbarrel has the best name on the net…

      I second that.(I have it on good authority she's also a good egg)

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Smart and Honest. If you ever hear of someone having a problem with her, you can tell them it's their prob, not Mrs TB. She's as good as gold from way back.

    3. My gosh, I'm *blushing*!! Thanks for all the kind words... you made my day!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

      Another fan, better late than never. Always love your comments and your name makes me remember fondly, the hours I watched Monty Python's Flying Circus.

  15. Anonymous11:41 AM

    @10:51 - those damned single women want contraceptives!!! They should be virgins! Single men are okay though.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Viagra for the overlords.

  16. Anonymous11:48 AM

    And they STILL haven't figured out that this kind of bill would also allow them furrin' religions to discriminate against THEM.

    They might want to consider asking Oklahomans how that law permitting religious monuments at the state capitol is working out for them!

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Ha- Satan and the Flying Spaghetti Monster work in mysterious ways!

      Wild Tortoise

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      1:01 - You reminded me of this story. LOVE it!

      (It DOES, however, make me feel just a little guilty about eating capellini for dinner tonight!)

  17. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sorry, off-topic...

    Nick Broomfield's
    SARAH PALIN: YOU BETCHA (2011, 91 minutes)

    I just saw this film for the first time. Nothing really new except seeing Gryphen playing the role of a stud-muffin blogger. Well done, sir.

    If any newbies here haven't seen this, it's worthwhile to help you get up to speed on the Liar-Quitter. It's difficult for anyone to remember why she's pissed off and accumulating feuds throughout her entire life once she passed 100 on her shit-list, but Sarah has managed to do this. In fact, being a hater and liar are the only two things that Sarah has never quit!

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I watched You Betcha. I was put off by the editing and lies. Not to mention stuff he purposefully left out. He did illustrate GRyphen as being a big manipulator though.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Good of you to stop by again, Chuck, Jr. Why don't you go get a little exercise, Fat Boy? You're a piece of shit like YOUR skanky fuck-doll sister, Baldy.

  18. Anonymous12:33 PM

    These people are scared shitless. They're so worried that brown and blah people are going to overrun their state that they have gone batshit crazy. I wonder what their reaction would be if the tables were turned on them? Discrimination against Christian fundies. Oh the horror! Palin fits right in there, her new home state, AZ.

    1. Anonymous4:38 AM

      well, that's the thing about this stupid shithead's law -- I could open a business and refuse to hire anyone who wasn't a Pastafarian…BECAUSE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!

      This is what happens when you have people who are just a tad shy of mental retardation writing laws.

      And this is also why actual smart people who've written laws wrote it so that EVERYONE has "freedom" of religion.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "unmarried" always ticks me off. When I am asked if I am unmarried, I reply "are you unsingle?".

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      ME TOO! It's just weird. Especially when being married realy doesn't mean ANYTHING except tell a judge who makes medical decisions in a couple when on eperson cannot.

  20. Joe Arpaio is thinking about running for governor. What a crazy world we live in.

  21. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    Add Arizona to my personal "boycott" list. I wonder if "mama Grizz" will defend her unmarried daughter's honor. They'll no longer be allowed to contribute to society with their strong twerk ethic. How sad.


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