Wednesday, January 22, 2014

David Vitter, he of the famous DC Madam prostitution sting fame, wants to run for Governor of Louisiana. Oh yes please.

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) announced Tuesday morning that he intends to run for governor of Louisiana. 

The junior senator from Louisiana, best known for escaping a prostitution scandal by the skin of his teeth in 2007, is angling to replace Bobby Jindal, who is finishing out his second term as governor.

Yes the thing that Vitter is best known for, I would argue the ONLY thing he is known for, is that his phone number was found among the records of the DC Madam, after she was arrested in 2006. Along with descriptions of some of the fetishes enjoyed by her clientele, which included the fact that Vitter liked to be diapered and treated like an infant.

This led to one of the most uncomfortable news conferences in American history, which featured David Vitter to play the victim, while the real victim, his wife Wendy Vitter, stood next to him trying not to look completely horrified.

As you can see she failed.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the DC Madam, later conveniently committed suicide as did at least one of her call girls.

Which I guess means that Vitter does not have to worry about anybody interviewing her and discovering any new embarrassing facts about his perversions that could be used to humiliate him in this latest leg of his political journey.

But have no fear, there are still plenty of us who remember that Vitter is a hypocritical son-of-a-bitch,  who hides behind the Bible and preaches morality, all while engaging in behaviors that would destroy the career of most politicians in this country. 


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    “I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary,” Wendy Vitter told Newhouse News. “If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me.”

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      typical repugnant, big mouth but nothing to back it up..she stood on that stage like a scolded 5 year old...what an embarrassment to her gender.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If she's still married to him then either a) she's really mental deficient and it's an illegal marriage because she doesn't have the mental capacity to make decisions or b) she's doing it for the money and position with means - she's a prostitute herself.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The bad news is that if he loses the Governor's race he still keeps his Senate seat. He's not going away.

    A Fan From Chicago

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    6:44 I would have been home packing his bags instead of humiliating myself on TV. He got a standing ovation from his fellow gop members when he returned to the Senate. The whole "suicide" of the DC Madam was curious. One entry in her black book was for a certain Bruce, which some suspected was Richard BRUCE Cheney. What would one more death mean to that bastard, anyway?

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The DC Madam may not have committed suicide. She is reported to have said that if she's found dead from "suicide," she didn't do it. She had far, far too much on too many Washington movers & shakers. Why would she off herself when she could incriminate so many. Nope, she was murdered. It was just made to look like suicide.

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I swear to god, these Republicans we have in the U.S. Congress and as governors throughout the nation are truly a piece of work! What is wrong w/folks that are voting for these idiots!

    America is a mess and getting worse every day!

    1. On NPR this morning they were talking about Establishment Republicans battling Tea Party Republicans in Idaho; nothing new there, but the thing that struck my husband and me was how many Idaho citizens are Working Poor, yet Idaho is bright red.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I saw the same thing when I was living in rural North Carolina. People who were the working poor and/or on public assistance who didn't understand that supporting republicans meant working against their best interest. Is was all about jesus and some vague anti-commie/hippie rhetoric.

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      That's what religion does to people. All that justice better in the NEXT life keeps people voting against their own interests. Why do you think the R's support religion based family values, while laughing all the way to the Cayman Islands Bank?

    4. Anonymous2:08 PM

      This explains why Idaho is red.
      Idaho from wikipedia:
      The largest denominations by number of members in 2010 were-

      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with 409 265;

      the Catholic Church with 123 400;

      the non-denominational Evangelical Protestant with 62 637;

      and the Assemblies of God with 22 183.

    5. Anonymous4:37 PM

      I have family near Idaho Falls. VERY high percentage of Mormons in the neighborhood.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Vitter was calling for "dates" whle at work on the floor of the Senate!! What will his campaig slogan be "Pampers in Every Home"??

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Huggies on every baby's bottom.

      O/T Here's a link to Geraldo doing selfies again. No, he's not naked, but neither is he holding s fish. Low self-esteem, per Sarah, the expert on everything she can dream of.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I'm so embarrassed I was impressed by gerry rivera when I was a teen. thank dog, he went over to the dark side...

  8. SHARON7:22 AM

    Ah......those republicans, you gotta love them. I remember reading about her suicide and it didn't ring true....she needed to be silenced. There simply isn't any perversion these guys don't celebrate as being "saved" from in their version of the bible. Mark Sanford did it.....why not diaper man? Can he really be worse than Jindal? They clapped when returning to the Senate...that bar is soooo low, why not.

  9. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "But have no fear, there are still plenty of us who remember that Vitter is a hypocritical son-of-a-bitch, who hides behind the Bible and preaches morality, all while engaging in behaviors that would destroy the career of most politicians in this country. "
    We should amend that to read "would destroy the careers of any Democratic politicians in this country." I mean, the GOP can and does, allow the most despicable behavior from their pols, which they then excuse with "God forgives him," and "if I offended anyone, that was not my intent." I only pray that this fall, America wakes up once and for all. Down with the GOP..send them to hell where they belong.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM


    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      How can they accept this kind of ILLEGAL behavior and then crucify Anthony Weiner for sending a picture of his crotch?

      Not that I have any respect left for Weiner, but the double standard is simply mindblowing.

  10. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Aw, ain't he so cute! You know what they say, "GOP Senators will be toddlers.

    Wife Wendy has to change his poo-poo diaper when he's home from DC. Strange bird.

  11. Unrelated, but you have to check this out: "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. . . "

  12. I amnot sure he meets the minimum requirements for running, Someone needs to fact check.
    Under Article IV, Section 2, a candidate for governor is required to:
    have attained the age of twenty-five years
    be an elector
    have been a citizen of the United States, and,
    have been a citizen of Louisiana for at least the preceding five years
    The term of office of the governor of Louisiana is four years. During her tenure in office, a statewide elected official shall hold no other public office. (

    1. Leland9:28 AM

      Shaytripp, that is RICH!

      But you KNOW the bastards will figure out some way of getting around it.

  13. Anonymous8:41 AM

    "Family Values"...............Manson Family Values........

  14. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Anyone else would have resigned in shame, after all this was exposed. These repubs. grab onto the government teat, and refuse to let go no matter how humiliated they may be. There are no words for his wife, a woman with any self esteem would have kicked his shitty arse to the curb.

  15. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Don't ask Sarah about Todd's fetishes. She doesn't know.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Wendy is as despicable as Diaper Dave
      They obviously don't have a marriage, but a business deal. One more time: Wendy Vitter is a prostitute. She just gets her living costs and bills paid instead of cash on the nightstand.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      While the Louisiana state Republican Party offered guarded support,[26] national Republicans offered forgiveness.[27] The Nation predicted that the Republican Party would be in a "forgiving mood", pointing out if Vitter did step down, then Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, a Democrat, would likely appoint a Democrat to take Vitter's place until a special election took place, thus increasing Democratic control over the Senate.[2

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I only have 3 things to say about Diaper Dave

    With prostitutes
    in a diaper
    in his own children's playroom

    Little Rabbit

  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    There’s No Getting Rid of David Vitter, America’s Most Contemptible Senator

    After surviving a prostitution scandal and a dead madam, the Republican wants to be the Bayou State’s next governor.

    I was once shooting the breeze with a Democratic senator I knew fairly well. This was a few years ago, back when the toxic atmosphere wasn’t quite as hideous as it would become. Just on a personal level, I asked: Who on the other side is surprisingly nice, and who’s just a real prick? I don’t remember the surprisingly nice answers, but on the S.O.B. factor the senator’s response was immediate: David Vitter.

    He’s a nasty piece of work, the junior senator from Louisiana. He doesn’t seem to like anybody. He loathes senior senator Mary Landrieu, he detests Governor Bobby Jindal, he despises the media. They all pretty much hate him back. And yet, by merely announcing, he immediately became the odds-on favorite to win the governor’s race in 2015. Why?

    The announcement may seem surprising to those of us outside the state, but “this was the worst-kept secret in Louisiana,” a political operative with knowledge of the state told me Monday. Vitter has been holding a series of town-hall meetings and tele-town-hall meetings, signaling the obvious intention.

    I’ll get to race handicapping in a few paragraphs, but first let’s deal with the only thing most people know about David Vitter (who has not, by the way, distinguished himself in the Senate in any way). I’ve always wondered: How in the world did he survive that hooker business? Not only did he admit he was a client of Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s escort service. She then went and hanged herself. Not over him personally. Over the whole mess, and staring at serious jail time. But still. Extramarital relations are one thing, with a staffer or a woman of accomplishment; politicians almost always slog their way through that. But here we had the guy calling on hookers, and the dead body of the madam. And Vitter skated through it and sailed to reelection two years later. How?

    “He hid for a year and a half,” says my operative. At first, when his name was revealed by Hustler in connection to the case, Vitter acknowledged it. He said he’d asked for and received his wife’s and (somewhat presumptuously) God’s forgiveness. After that he would say no more—“out of respect for my family.” Nice touch.

    By the time 2010 came around, Palfrey was less important to the state’s voters than the fact that Charlie Melancon, the Democrat who challenged Vitter, had “voted with Barack Obama 98 percent of the time” in Congress. That’s all Vitter said. That, and the forgiveness thing, and the “fact” that illegal immigrations were cutting holes through chain-link fences and being welcomed by bleeding-heart Melanconistas with a brass band and a waiting limousine, as this really vile and racist TV ad of his had it. Vile and racist works down there, so what had seemed at first like a close-ish race became a 19-point whupping.

    Ever since, Vitter has been fine, with his approval rating up in the high 50s. I guess all it takes to do that is to be right wing and anti-Obama. And so, he’s the favorite to be the state’s next governor.

    But that could change.

  18. Anonymous2:22 PM

    New Poll Shows Chris Christie's Favorability Rating Absolutely Tanking

  19. Anonymous5:45 PM

    So, I am aware sex addiction is a very real problem and something my uncle had until he died. But that is just weird. A diaper?

    However, it's in each of these moments of reflection I wish everyone who has such problems the best. Everything can be overcome.

  20. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

    Oh come on! Doesn't everyone believe a person can change? Turn over a new leaf? Ask for and receive Forgiveness for his past indiscretions? Repair his marriage and turn that gal's frown upside down?
    Yeah, me Neither!!!

    I'm not one of those "stand by your man" types and never understood why any woman would stoop to that level.

  21. Jesse- If I met the minimum state requirements like residency I would run against him! Shay Tripp.

  22. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Hey G check this out! Did Diaper Dave really father a bastard with his prostitute? Live interview excerpts.


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