Sunday, January 19, 2014

Darrell Issa continues to place the security of in jeopardy while pretending to look for security breaches.

Would you trust sensitive national security information with this man? Nope, me neither.
Courtesy of ElectaBlog:  

Congressman Darrell Issa is determined that he’s going eventually uncover an actual scandal. If it’s not regarding Benghazi then it will be regarding the IRS. If it’s not the IRS then, by God, it will be about the security of the website. Yesterday he held yet another hearing to “prove” that the site is not secure. 

At the hearing, the top cybersecurity official at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Teresa Fryer, testified that, despite concerns she had previously expressed regarding the security of the site, extensive testing done more recently has changed her mind. “This security control assessment met all industry standards, was an end-to-end test and was conducted in a stable environment that allowed for testing to be completed in the allotted time,” she told the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform panel. 

However, Rep. Issa prefers to believe a private security consultant, David Kennedy of TrustedSec LLC, who has no relationship with the Department of Health and Human Services or any access to the website that the average citizen doesn’t have. He told the panel, “ is not secure today…It is insecure – 100 percent.” 

Mr. Kennedy may be right about the vulnerability of the but the threat is not because the site is insecure. Rather, it is vulnerable because the code behind the website may be insecure because it is in the possession of someone known to leak government information when it suits his political agenda: Darrell Issa. 

Yes, faces a serious and imminent security threat. That threat comes in the form of a hyper-partisan politician looking to further his own political career and shore up support from his far-right conservative benefactors and supporters, even if it compromises the personal and private information of American Citizens.

Now I have written about the fact that Issa presents a security threat to Americans seeking health care before.  And so have many others, and yet so far nothing has been done to protect us from this traitorous POS.

That is possibly because nothing CAN be done.

Issa is in a very powerful position, which due to his lack of integrity and self control, make him very dangerous to the country, to its citizens, and to our national security.

Simply put the man is a viper who needs to be stomped on by the voters in California's 49th district who put him in office in the first place.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:42 AM

    I agree with the entire post and can only add that Issa is the richest person in the House with his own shady past.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Yeah, read his Wikipedia page. What a stellar human being.

  2. Anonymous3:08 AM

    He's a traitor, plain and simple.

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I guess I'll never understand why the likes of Issa are elected to public office. It seems like the bigger @sshole they are the better in some people's minds. See Ohio 8th District.

  4. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Please donate to his opponent - the only way to get this turd out is to flush it w/money to anyone who runs against him:

  5. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Repeal Obamacare
    Impeach Obama
    Stand your ground
    Take back our country

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "Issa, who began his professional career as a car thief and commercial arsonist, is the richest man in Congress. He spent $1,115,222 on his campaign last year. His opponent, Jerry Tetalman, spent $127,720."

    Issa is still a thug with no moral values. He will do or say whatever benefits him and will lie, cheat or steal to get it. Unfortunately, this sociopathic nightmare continues to be elected. Why...why...oh, why?

    Anon @ 5:50...Thanks for the link!

    A Cali Gal

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    In the meantime I'm hearing that by the end of this year, 150 million Americans will be forced off their job provided health care because it no longer fits the requirement of Obamacare. If true, the Dems just handed Congress back over to the Republicans come the fall. And probably the Presidency in 2016.

    1. If you are hearing something that false and stupid, you need to re-evaluate where you get your information.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      That sounds about right. And the 150 million will have better plans that cover more things and cost the same or less than the employer job provided health care they were previously provided. When hearing stuff, it's always a good idea to stay and hear the whole thing.
      Are you hearing any winning lottery numbers? Care to share them?

  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Issa is this century's McCarthy - he, too, has far too much power allocated to him and he cares only about himself and his power. Too bad if Americans get hurt by his actions, or failure to act, depending on the situation.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    What I'll never understand is how so many people voted for him in the first place? I wouldn't buy a used car from this guy, and he's the head of this witch hunt?


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