Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell indicted.

Oh Virginia, I am SO jealous!

 Some of us were not lucky enough to see OUR corrupt officials brought to justice.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Former Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell, wife indicted
    LARRY O'DELL - The Associated Press

    "Among the benefits the McDonnells allegedly received from Williams and his company were thousands of dollars in designer clothing for the first lady, $15,000 for catering costs of their daughter's wedding, tens of thousands of dollars in loans for the couple's rental property in Virginia Beach, golf outings for the governor and other family members, a vacation at Williams' multimillion-dollar home at Smith Mountain Lake and a Rolex watch with "71st Governor of Virginia" engraved on the back."

    Gosh Sarah sure hope you have been declaring all the grifts oops I mean gifts.

    Is there a silver lining? If recent history is an indication, he'll probably get a reality show.

    Former Illinois Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich was indicted in 2009 for attempting to sell President Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat. He was convicted one year later and is currently serving a 14-year sentence—but not before his wife, Patricia, raised funds for his legal fees by starring in the show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!
    Former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards, who served six years in prison over federal corruption charges, landed a post-penitentiary gig as the co-star of short-lived A&E series The Governor's Wife.


    Maybe she was already found guilty, hence the reality show career!!!

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Maybe there is hope YET? Just keep on sending those damning informations to the FBI and the IRS. Send them to different offices, and send them at least once/week.
    Once they get sick and tired of the same stuff, maybe someone will think about it and start investigating...

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Also, too, use different post offices for mailing those reports/requests for investigation...

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Governor Ultrasound may go to prison.... Anyone know if men have to have a medical clearance before going? I would really appreciate the irony in seeing this man have a state sanctioned wand shoved up his ass.
    I know how that sounds. #Truth


    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Before entering prison they have to check for contraband. What is good for the goose will be good for the wife. The governor will have to bend and cough while being probed. Mrs governor's vajjayjay would need to be checked also too.

    2. A real friend of Bobby's would advise him to start practicing now with sex toys just in case his cellmate/husband isn't the patient type. Surely untapped celebrity sphincter is a prized commodity behind bars, and bragging rights as the first to have violated it must be a highly-sought piece of status.

      On the other hand, I can imagine only the most loved-starved of chubby chasers worrying Christie. Ew.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Have never found non-consensual sex funny.

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    What's in it for us?

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    According to up chuck the IRS has been snooping around the old man recently. Great strategy going after the doddering old fool and his spineless son hoping they slip up and start involving the bitch. One can only hope.

  7. Yeah, Bob's the one that was all gung-ho for women seeking abortion to be medically raped with unnecessary instrumentation. You guys may have anted with Palin, but we gave McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, we came within a razor edge of putting Oliver North in elected office, and proffered that jackass George 'Macaca' Allen.

    Maybe Mississippi or Florida are dumber states, but we here in the Old Dominion have done our part to make them earn that crown.

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Let me go out on a limb here. Chris Christie will not run for president, and he is very likely not to serve out his term as governor of New Jersey.

    The reason is very simple. Given everything we know about Christie's style of governing, it is inconceivable that he did not know what his underlings were up to.

    His story that he was somehow like the piano player in the whorehouse just does not stand up. Even in New Jersey.

    This is a man who is an obsessive micro-manager, as well as a vindictive bully. Does any serious person think that he would tolerate senior people who would pull a caper like blockading the George Washington Bridge without keeping the boss informed? Such a person would never have been hired.

    Does any serious person believe that his staff did would keep the governor in the dark about any ploy involving big-time political retribution and public-relations risks? Does any serious person think that Christie's attitude after the bridge blockade made headline news was indifference, except for the purpose of what was known in the Nixon era as "plausible deniability?"

    Because there is no proof of his hands-on involvement -- yet -- much of the press and nearly all of the Republican Party has been content to play along with Christie's game of The Staff Did It. The criticism has been directed at his failure to keep tabs on rogue employees.

    Based on Christie's entire prior pattern of conduct, if we assume that he either instigated the lane closures himself or was kept fully informed of the scheme, then Christie doubled down with an even bigger risk when he solemnly denied knowledge or involvement. If he knew all along, Christie compounded a major blunder with an outright lie.

    It's a high-stakes game. But if Christie went to great pains to keep his fingerprints off the entire affair, why do we think that his cover story won't stick?

    Mainly because there is no honor among thieves. If you assume that this is one big cover-up, then several people who lost well paying jobs and who have been willing to take the fall for their boss must have been given big incentives to stick to the story. Some friend of a friend of a friend, after a decent interval, must have committed to a well-compensated job or consulting gig, or something else to purchase their silence.

    The only problem is that several civil and criminal investigations are underway, armed with subpoena power. It's hard to believe that a cover-up with benefits would not unravel. Prosecutors can squeeze small fry with all manner of threats. In a scheme such as this one, the odds are overwhelming that sooner or later investigators will find some underling who decides that he'd rather rat out the boss than go to jail.


    When asked by cohost Van Jones if it's "fair" for Christie to remain chairman while a federal investigation is underway, Cuccinelli suggested the Republican governor is distracting from the party's goals in a key election year.

    "I think just from the perspective of setting aside this as an issue in other races, it makes sense for him to step aside in that role," Cuccinelli said. "He does not serve the goals of that organization by staying as chairman. That doesn't mean any of the charges, political or otherwise, are substantive or not. It doesn't matter, perception is reality."

    Watch Cuccinelli's remarks


    Damaged goods, baby, damn damaged goods.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      The tell: unconcerned and dismissive one day, and suddenly concerned the next day.

      Christie's mistake was poo pooing the traffic jam as no big deal and the scandal linking it to him when he was first questioned about it, vapidly dismissing the allegations and self-aggrandizing himself as just the important guy being picked on by the media. Nothing to see here... everyone move along.

      When the damning e-mails come to light.... he suddenly finds that he's actually concerned about the allegations and now believes a great misdeed has been done. It was no big deal that traffic was so compromised back then, but now the exact same event he was previously unconcerned about is supposedly a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

      If he were genuine, that this was gross misconduct and potentially dangerous, he should have been taking it far more seriously when it was first presented to him.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      I wonder what happened to common sense. You know the common, reasonable conclusion based on evidence. This one is easy. Either he ordered this retribution directly or he ordered indirectly, but this was Christie's direction. No. I did not see him do this on the Christie Reality Show or whatever stands as reasonable proof these days. But yes he did this. No one else had any reason to other than as a favor for Christie.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      How Christie's 'Bridgegate' Scandal Helps Jeb Bush Win In 2016


  9. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hopefully her Race Card comment will fire up the R's enough to seriously start thinking about silencing the bitch. The amount of coverage she got from that will definitely hurt not only her but her party which most people believe is republican.

  10. GrannyMe3:57 PM

    Reporting from here on the ground in Ol' Virginny, this is a long time coming. Seems like Mrs. McD did most of the grifting. The Cooch (Rep Gov candidate Ken Cuccinelli) was also tainted by the scandal since he had his grubby hands out, too.

    McDonnell worked out a deal with the feds to delay the indictments until after Terry McAuliffe (D) was inaugurated as his successor. McD just gave a news conference on the topic, and will be pleading not guilty. Strictly speaking, since there are no ethics rules in Virginia against the amount of gifts, he did not break Virginia law. McAuliffe is making that change immediately, limiting the amount of gifts to both the politician AND his family.

    In other fun news, I'm watching Hardball right now, and word on the street is that the feds are looking at RICO charges for the NJ guv.

    So don't give up hope that a certain someone won't get her due...

  11. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Hey here's a picture for the jury to see. What a bunch of clueless fucks these Rebiblican grifters are.

    "Obtained by The Washington Post - This photograph shows a Ferrari owned by Star Scientific Inc. CEO Jonnie R. Williams Sr. parked at Virginia's historic governor's mansion. A spokesman for Gov. Robert F. McDonnell said that at the conclusion of a vacation provided by Williams in July 2011, the governor and his family drove the car from Smith Mountain Lake to Richmond as a favor to the CEO."


  12. .

    Christie and now McDonnell!

    when-oh-when comes Paylin's indictments, Alaska?

  13. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Next up for the McDonnells, a legal defense fund and BobPAC...

  14. Anonymous5:59 PM

    At McDonnell's press conference, Maureen lost that shit-eating grin that she had about the Rolex Watch. I think that they are Flight risks with their access to Private Jets.

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      She's aged 25 years in the last two months. They're scared shitless as it's fairly evident they're going to do time. I wonder if the bling she grabbed so greedily was worth it. this is a good reminder for sarahkins, however, no matter how high and mighty you may think you are you can still be knocked off that pedestal and be punished like anyone else.

  15. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Her time will come. She is too brazen, offensive, and arrogant to not get caught.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    Ah, the Goobersmoocher got caught! How, exactly, does one give back catering services? Consider that Rhetorical.

    Mighty funny that everything's fine because he paid them back with interest. The rules only apply once you get caught if you're a Republican or a half term nit wit from Wasilla

  17. Anonymous6:42 PM

    NO one wants to be seen with $arah 2016. You can take that to the BANK.

  18. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. It will be interesting to watch this unfold.

    What I don't understand, not being well-informed about how Alaska operates, is why Sarah Palin and her toadies have apparently gotten away scot-free with all kinds of alleged misdeeds.

  19. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I notice that they call him Former Governor already, as they did when mentioning Former Gov. Blagojevich. McDonnell has hardly let his seat cool before they relegate him to former status, yet Palin is still called Governor by some. What is up with that? I'm going to watch and see how this title-thingie works in the days to come, and will see how Christie is addressed when his term of office is over.

  20. Anonymous7:55 PM

    That news source is absolutely bizarre! Check out some of the headlines.

  21. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Jude 6:52pm asked,
    why Sarah Palin and her toadies have apparently gotten away scot-free with all kinds of alleged misdeeds.

    Not saying this happened:

    How and why would anyone in the legal system go against the Palins if a certain Palin has blackmail material against them?

    Maybe that's why Shailey Tripp was used to satisfy a certain Secret Service Agent?

    Maybe that's why Shailey Tripp recognized some members of the Anchorage Police Dept as former clients?

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Who is Shailey Tripp and what's her relationship to the Palins?

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Maybe that's why some of Alaska's state job positions were filled with Wasilla High School friends of Gov Sarah Palin of Wasilla? Why would a classmate friend of Sarah Palin turn her in if they are indebted to her?

    3. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Are you saying prostitutes are / were being used in Alaska to silence enemies of officials in high positions?

  22. Anonymous9:08 PM

    You can probably bet Sarah and her relatives are reading this post.

    Hi Sarah

  23. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Some really great comments on the MLK thread on her FB. Folks are truly fed up with her racism and hate and are continuing to call her out. I can't believe the comments standing are still there...the girls must be sleeping in with hangovers...

  24. They call him Transvaginal Bob in Virginia.

  25. Granted, the McDonnell kids are likely to turn out rotten, what with their parents' examples of grifting... but if you were their daughter, wouldn't you squirm to have your wedding dinner remembered for who (not Mom and Dad!) paid for it? What about those twin sons who lugged cases of provisions--paid for by Virginia taxpayers--back to college?


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