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Sarah Palin hugging it out with Netanyahu's wife Sara. |
Thank you to our good neighbors led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper for their exemplary support of our friend Israel.
As significant and dangerous progress is made by Iran no doubt wanting nukes, and with the continued threats against Israel by radicals in the region, Canada's steadfastness is praiseworthy.
Friends, THIS issue, along with innumerable domestic failures of government, should warrant more concern and focus than things like, oh, say, how a Seattle Seahawk verbally ramped up after intense competition and hard fought victory.
Hold the media accountable as its priorities in coverage perhaps distract from REAL issues that actually affect your life. Hold government accountable. Let's do our own homework in order to know how the actions of leaders worldwide impact America.
And thank you, friends to (my) East! It's wise and prudent for Canada and America to stand together against evil that would seek to destroy Israel.
The post then links to this article at Breaking Christian News, which apparently is where all GOOD Christians get their news.
Clearly this is Palin's sad little attempt to slam President Obama for the progress he is making with the Iranian government in curtailing their nuclear ambitions in exchange for a loosening of the sanctions.
This progress terrifies those who have long used Iran as the bogeyman, and panics those, like Palin, who believe that war in Israel is pivotal in ushering in the End Times and ensuring the return of Jesus Christ.
Sarah Palin does not give a shit about Israel. Like everything and everybody she simply sees it as a means to an end, and that end is Armageddon.
Sadly for her, and those like her, President Obama is working to preserve this planet, and protect its people from a war that through democracy and compromise can, and must, be avoided.
People like Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush, who live this life with their eyes firmly focused on the next, should NEVER be given power, because they care little about how many lives are lost in their quest to prepare the planet for the Rapture and ensure their place at the right hand of God.
Sarah Sid that the birth of Christ was the centerpiece of her faith. But when she was in Israel a few years ago, she did not visit the Christ's birthplace in Bethlehem, looking at it from the checkpoint where she forgot her passport.
ReplyDeleteWho is stupid enough to drive around a foreign country without their passport besides Baldy Hollywood?
DeleteSince Sarah is no longer newsworthy, she's trying to create some "news." The grifter's spotlight is getting smaller and dimmer by the day.
DeleteDamn, why doesn't the Retarded Turd-Breath get into Bibi's wife's personal space. A breath mint won't cover up the skank's halitosis.
DeleteShe didn't forget her passport. She simply was too cheap and thinking herself to be too important to apply for a permit to visit.
DeleteLeave it to "Baldy Hollywood" when she isn't racebaiting, she is stoking the fires of Muslim h8! Grifters Gotta Grift!
DeleteAnd she has to pay Willer for all the trollin' she be doin' just sayin'!
When I visited Bethlehem a couple of years ago no special permit was needed, just a passport. Dumb sh*t Palin probably had no clue that Bethlehem is within Palestinian territory.
Sarah is the anti Christ, she works for the devil himself, scrawny sarah..... would be in danger if she stepped one foot on holy ground.
Delete@anon1255p, haha. But now that you mention it, Bethlehem is not only holy ground, it also has deep Muslim as well as Arab Christian roots. Maybe they took one look at her ID and said sorry toots, you need a special permit. (But I still think the most likely explanation is that she was too dang dumb to bring her passport)
Don't Jews understand that people like Sarah Palin and Rev. Hagee are not for/with them but are just using them? I find it hard to believe, what with the internet, that Jews don't call these people out for trying to destroy Israel and are friends in name only. Who hasn't read those Left Behind books and find it just a little creepy that the Christian Evangelicals are using the Jews for nefarious purposes?
ReplyDeleteSarah, go ahead and reap your heavenly reward tomorrow, the sooner the better, and leave the rest of us alone to deal with the here and now.
Please don't write. "Jews" as if we are all of one mind. I am Jewish and every Jewish person I know thinks Sarah Palin is a fucking moron. Many Jews disagree with Israeli polici. Many Jews have ambivalent feelings about Israel. And even Jews who accept the help of evangelicals (idiots that they are), don't believe Evangelicals are really on their side.
DeleteI think those Jews who do allow the likes of Palin and Hagee to use Israel for their own ends, i.e. in order to start Armageddon, are using Palin et all in the same way. They don't believe in the rapture; they want support for their own aims to have the U.S. wipe Iran off the face of the earth for them. So the users are the used on both sides. I'm so glad that President Obama is promoting a peaceful solution and I hope with all my heart he succeeds.
DeleteBring on February! 1967.
"Thank you friends to (my) East!" SP
ReplyDeleteWould that be New Mexico, dear Sarah?
She thought Afghanistan was a neighbor, for crap's sake!
DeleteI just assumed either Dennis Rodman had moved in with the needy kids that get their drug fix in Toad's hangar, or that Spasmo Idiot Lady was referring to her buddy, Kim Jung Un of North Korea. Honestly nothing but shit comes out of her mouth. She's a fucking traitor as well as an incompetent (and incontinent) no-ass grifting bitch. Other than that, I have no comment about Ms Turd-Breath today. But my phone's auto-correct is learning some new vocab words this afternoon. Heelio copter ain't one of em, either.
Deletewell she thought New Hampshire was in the great northwest...effin' moron.
DeleteSarah, instead of wagging your finger and telling others what they should do, you must present concrete proposals of your own that can then be reported on and debated.
ReplyDeleteFlogging the media is a very tired, old refrain. Change it up: in order to be taken seriously, you must contribute substantially to the discussion.
Otherwise, the public will perceive you as just a sour-grapes loser who thinks she's still living in 2008.
Concrete proposals, Walter? SARAH? She only has her old, tired talking points, as you say. If someone asked her to be more specific, it would be Katie Couric all over again. We've all seen on Fox interviews when she's left to her own mind and no teleprompter.
DeleteAny time she (or whomever writes her posts) mentions Israel, I just picture her in that gawd-awful Star of David bangle necklace. Reminds me of guys on the disco floor in the seventies with their shirts open to their navel thinking they looked so hawt with all that bling hanging around their neck She NEVER matured beyond it.
My concrete proposal would be to see how high Sarah's fake tits would bounce if she dropped them off her roof onto her concrete patio. I'm guessing the right one would bounce about 6 feet high and left one about 8 feet, since it's bigger and more firm. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about the scientific method to test my theory. I would propose that she ought not stuff her bra in the dark if she cares about looking like such an ungracefully aging whore who's desperate for attention.
DeleteThat finger Sarah's wagging smells like shit. She's chewing her nails again.
DeleteIf I had that finger wagging in front of me durinf my teenage years, I'd be in a tent screwing my brains out or destroying houses and destroying buses.
DeleteI am SO glad my Mom died 6 weeks before she came on the scene. She would have been MORTIFIED.
Homework and Sarah Palin in the same sentence? Hahahaha! That will be the day that Sarah does her own homework. Maybe she misunderstood and thought it said hoework.
ReplyDeleteGo home and take care of Trig, you ole hag!
She's been using that line for a few months. It is no doubt in her book, too, but I won't be rummaging throughout the discards bin to check.
DeleteEvery time the rabid wretch opens her pie hole, I thank God for kicking her sorry ass back out the door that she blasted with dynamite.
ReplyDeleteBelieving folk would tell you that's because how she used Him for false purposes. "Tables turned the the temple," don'cha know. She doesn't care about God, Christ in Christmas, her fake servant heart. ALL an act. The only person $arah cares about is $arah and that the money keeps rolling in. Same for the Brancy blog.
Deletezzzzzzzzzzzz, mmmmph, snort, ummmm, zzzzz
DeleteRemember how early on in his Presidency she said that he should work harder to improve relations with Canada? SMH. No wonder she's emaciated, her hate and bitterness just eats her inside and out.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Sarah is NOT going to be at the right hand of God. More like she's gonna be at the right hand of Old Scratch. That would be a better fit for her hateful lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteAs a proud Canadian, I say that many of us here can do without Ms. Palin's endorsements.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear! I think she's hoping to come back for those $100,000/plus paid speeches - I expect she's getting desperate for work and thinks Canadians haven't caught on to her yet.
DeleteChristians are the passive aggressive friends of Israel. They know that Jews either need to convert to Christianity or die "unsaved" when Israel must fall in order for the Christians to ascend to Heaven. With friends like these who needs enemies?
ReplyDeleteCertainly not all Christians believe in the rapture crap, only the real fundy ones. I'm now a nonbeliever but I was raised Catholic so was in that milieu for many years, and had many Protestant friends as well, but I literally had never heard a word about the Rapture until I was pushing 40 and made friends with a fundy workmate.
Delete2:24 just hit on the biggest problem will any and all of the faiths, being that there are vast gulfs in ideology between different sects that claim to worship the same god. Fundy, not fundy, orthodox or non, catholic or not. How can there be a god if he or she allows such discord between the people that claim to worship him or her?
DeleteIn addition, people speak of being "raised catholic" or "raised muslim" or any other indoctrination for any religion being thrust amongst a young person when forming their opinions and world view. Therein lies the crux; humans are simply "raised" to be something, someone imparts a spirituality in them that isn't present in a human at birth; quite simply, kids are brainwashed by parents and relatives and communities that believe and think a certain way. We aren't born with any sort of religion, it's pushed on people and many don't know how to fight their way out of it.
Who can expect anything else but antiAmerican rhetoric from an anti-American secessionist?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin knew zip about foreign policy in 2008 and she's gotten stupider every year since then. Her "opinions" will never provoke a bad policy decision from our government, but her pyscho babble feeds the ignorance so treasured by the tea party crowd.
ReplyDeleteLest we forget:
During that appearance, interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":
I agree with Sarah. The media should focus and concern themselves with more pressing issues, instead of focusing on narcissists like her. STFU you town idiot!
ReplyDeleteWOW....BaldyPAC must really be down to loose change! She has really been bumping and grinding her nasty lady parts all over her Fecesbook page these last two days!
ReplyDeleteNot even FAKE News is willing to have her LIVE in person...instead they had her call in last week and yammer on with InSannity and his studio audience of dunces...or as I like to call them...employees....about what a fucked up parent she is! LOL!!!
Yep, loose change for the loose canon.
Deletemaybe ailes kicked the seahag to the curb again because of her blatant racism yesterday..I'm sure ailes is a bigot as well but they're not supposed be so obvious about it...
DeleteI'm willing to bet all the money I have that Palin has either gotten rid of all her consultants, or at least cut back severely on how much SarahPAC spends for them. I say this based on the fact that she seems to have made some really stupid remarks recently, more than normal, that a consultant would probably advise her not to say. But then again, we all know she has a severe deficit in the intelligence and common sense department, and her lack of not knowing what she should or should not say. And I agree with you that the reason for her to cut back on consultants is what you said about SarahPAC hurting for donations. We know from SarahPAC's last filing to the Federal Election Committee for the first 6 months of 2013, that her donations for that period as compared to the same time period in 2011, were only 1/4 of what she received in 2011.
DeleteHer last half of the 2013 filing report should be out very soon and we'll be able to see if she has cut back, or possibly even eliminated her consultants altogether. I keep track of her FEC filings and I'll let you know what I find as soon as the report is released.
Thank You!
DeleteFunny thing was that earlier, Canadian PM Harper pledged millions to the Palestinians. http://www.timesofisrael.com/ahead-of-knesset-speech-canadas-harper-pledges-66-million-to-pa/
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that Palin was unaware of that when she praised Canada. Because she is a moron.
In that picture it looks like Palin is trying to pull the poor woman forward and kiss her on the lips.
ReplyDeleteI have the same impression. She's probably thrilled that she can remember her name.
DeleteI was thinking the same thing, the poor woman is probably ready to pass out or puke from sarah's breath.
DeleteThere she goes playing the Jewish card again trying to deflect from yesterday's fuck up. (and landing on her feet)
ReplyDeleteI don't think the public can keep up with all of the grifter's slip-ups and fuck-ups.
DeleteI don't think the vast majority of the public cares. Seriously. If not for this blog, I wouldn't have clue what she says or where she is. And I'd probably be doing my blood pressure a favor!!
DeleteI think this whole country will start paying attention again when she gets indicted like former gov. McDonnell and soon to be indicted gov. Christie.
DeleteI'm hoping the IRS is going after the two Chucks in order to get to her.
Same here Sally. Once in a while I'll mention something really stupid she said to my family (all of whom are news hounds) and their reply is Yawn, Is she still around?
DeleteGrifter governor indicted! Regent University graduate? Hmmm
I wish the IRS would go after Sarah Palin.
DeleteAnon@ 2:40 : keep on sending info to the IRS. To different offices (i.e. in Alaska as well as in California, and Arizona, as well as in other states where she has been doing 'business' or fundraisings for her PAC as well as her books, and where all her different LLCs might be incorporated.
DeleteAs a Canadian, I am insulted by her empty platitudes towards our great country. This is the same bitch who bragged that pervert daddy would weasel the brood over the border to Whitehorse for free healthcare! Hopefully, Canada Border Services Agency has these grifters red-flagged! We're watching you bitch!
ReplyDeleteI think she loves the tarsands environmental improvement project. Energy for the taking and whatnot.
DeleteI agree, what a bitch!
DeleteThis is cool, I love your fightin' spirit abbafan.
DeleteSarah doesn't speak for the US in any capacity whatsoever.
DeleteGood grief. Palin is a meat puppet. Everything she says is a drone because of the strings attached from her ass to her mouth.
ReplyDeleteI wish that cnn McDonnell indictment headline was actually a "palin indictment"!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow this is a bit of a shock!
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck said on his Monday show that anti-gay people "have no place in this country."
The talk show host was speaking once more about Russian president Vladimir Putin, who who recently sat down with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos to discuss Russia's controversial anti-gay laws and the threat this could pose on the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. But Beck didn't just criticize Putin.
"Anybody within the sound of my voice that hates a gay person because they're gay, you have no place calling yourself a fan of mine," Beck said. "You have no place in this country."
Beck has spoken out in support of gay marriage several times before. Earlier in January, he voiced his opposition against Russia's anti-gay laws and announced that he would stand by the LGBT advocacy group GLAAD in their fight against "hetero-fascism."
"You are not a fan of mine-- you have no friendship here-- if you hate people because they're gay," Beck also added. "You have no place claiming that you're a fan of this show.... If that's who you are, I don't want to have anything to do with you."
Right wing worlds are colliding!
DeleteI didn't even know Beck was still around.
DeleteSo many people say that Sarah Palin should just be ignored while she goes about undermining all that is good about the Obama Administration. I certainly do not think that President Obama should waste any of his time or energy on Sarah Palin, but she should not be ignored by the rest of us. Her ignorant statements and her attempts to meddle in all areas of government, especially foreign policy, are dangerous because she gets space and air time from Fox News. Sarah Palin knows nothing about foreign affairs; she knows nothing about economics; she knows nothing about civil rights, education, health care or any other subject that might remotely come up in the news; she knows nothing about anything that occurs outside her little house in Wasilla and she's not in it often enough to know what's going on there. I just wish she would go away; maybe she could emigrate to Israel; she could be there for the end times she's so anxious for.
I don't think you have to worry, Beaglemom, she's trying to hold onto any last bit of attention she can. She knows she's done. "Pundints" mention her and either roll their eyeballs or say nothing and move onto the next subject.
DeleteI contacted the Sportsman channel and gave them an earful and threatened to contact their sponsors. It's a small thing but if enough people do it it could make a difference.
Delete+ 1000000
Just look at how Netanyahu looks at Stupid Sarah. Don't you know she hates ALL Jews... and that includes you and wifey. Looks like you enjoy palling around with a fraud and a pimp. Excuse me now- I've gotta take a shower. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteI do not, for one second think that Mrs. Palin believes in any end times prophecies or a strong Israel or a demonized Arab culture or that the moon is made of green cheese. I think that Mrs. Palin is a cynic's cynic, a person wholly devoid of ANY belief system and focused only on two things, and they are money and power. I think she'd go underwater and fuck fish if that's where the gravy flowed. She's has no cause, and she will abandon any that she has falsely aligned herself with at the slightest of opportunistic breezes blowing from a more easily reached carrion dump. She's perfect, just like Dr. Frankenstein envisioned.
ReplyDeleteSpot on Our Lad! She is a raging infantile narcissist.
DeleteI agree. Her expressed so-called beliefs are opportunistic. There is no way that that malignant narcissist believes that there is a Being greater than she to whom she owes obedience and worship.
DeleteI think she is willing to play along with those dumb clucks who believe that she was anointed to be the most powerful person on earth, but she is only going through the motions. She is too focused on herself to comprehend the existence of others, whether it be family members or a God.
She will say and do whatever she thinks will bring her wealth and power.
Maybe at some point in her teens she was "born again" and may even have for a time felt companionship and a sense of belonging from her fellow believers. However, I think she gave up on a belief in God because it, as with everything else, was unable to fill the vast emptiness of her damaged psyche.
I absolutely agree, Our Lad!
DeleteSexist Digs At Wendy Davis Ramp Up After A Big Fundraising Report
ReplyDelete...A week after Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis' gubernatorial campaign trumpeted "record strength" in its first fundraising report, her conservative opponents have launched a series of gendered attacks on the Democrat's personal history.
In response to a Dallas Morning News article on Sunday that called into question a few specific details of Davis' personal life -- including when she became a single mother, how long she lived in a trailer with her daughter and who paid for her law school degree -- conservative pundits were quick to call Davis a liar.
"So Abortion Barbie had a Sugar Daddy Ken," tweeted Fox News pundit Erick Erickson, referring to Davis' famous filibuster of an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state Senate last year and to her second husband. "[Not] exactly the bio she claimed."
Radio host Rush Limbaugh called Davis "fake" and a "genuine head case," while the campaign of Davis' Republican opponent, Texas state Attorney General Greg Abbott, warned voters not to "indulge her fanciful narrative."
The discrepancies pointed out by The Dallas Morning News in Davis' tale of past hardships were relatively minor.
This happened just days ago:
ReplyDelete"The United States and Canada called on UNESCO to rescind its sudden decision to suspend an exhibit on Jewish ties to the Land of Israel..."
I guess Palin missed the news that Ambassador Susan Rice stood up for Israel in the face of criticism from Arab states. Palin and her ghostwriter consistently show themselves to be ignorant and shallow, motivated solely by the intent to propagandize.
And thank you, friends to (my) East!
ReplyDeleteThat sum ma bitch doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. She doesn't know her left from her right or her up from her down unless she pays a consultant to tell her.
Someone would have enough material to write a book, from the many times this crazy woman has used her facebook, tweets, editorials, and botoxed mouth to criticize this President.
ReplyDeleteI have to assume Sarah will have a mental breakdown after President Obama's term is over in 2017, when she won't be able to hiss her venom at him. Those poor kids.
She already has, 3:09 PM. As I've said earlier, pardon the repeat, but no, not her. Bachmann and O'Donnell went away, Nickel and diming to the end.
DeleteI just cannot FATHOM a woman being that willing to make a worldwide @ss out of herself. Women's Rights got her where she is, and yet she kicks and screams, and the fact her family won't step in to help her tells you all you need to know about everything Heath/Palin. $$$$
That is one SICK woman.
Good question, 3:09. What will poor Sarah do once President Obama retires from the White House? Shrivel up and be gone is my hope.
DeleteZING! Chris Matthews let Sarah have it for her "playing the race card" comment against Obama. Sarah's just a H8er. Boy I hope Griffin doesn't fire Chris Matthews for his comments.
ReplyDeleteJust your cheap whore on the corner. For the trolls, check out the pics of her last 6 years. She is SO done....a no-name sportsman channel that no one will watch, and still whines "look at meeeeeeeeee!"
DeleteCheckmate, PRESIDENT Obama!
palin making any comment about canada is a joke.
ReplyDeleteon the palins best day, none of them would equal a canadian from the north, hands down....
big deal the pimp can ride a ski-doo we all can,
fish, hunt, bullshit
In the END
Delete$arah doesn't matter
She knows it
Paid trolls know it
Sad to watch
The psycho goes deeper
No one will get her help
God SLAMMING doors
Reap what you sow
Family included
Cash Cow
Queen Heifer
Her Heinous
Looks like Mama Grizz wants to take a walk on the wild side. Mrs Net, not so much. Just what Israel needs, the palin curse.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Palin the Barracuda of basketball? How can she cope with this? She has no choice but to challenge the First Lady...
ReplyDeleteWatch Michelle Obama expertly dunk a basketball over LeBron James
Give it time 6:27, give it time
DeleteFirst Lady Michelle Obama is absolutely darling! She's got it all: brains, education, terrific magnetic personality.
DeleteWhile they all munch on applies, eat your heart out, Sarah.
Israel notwithstanding, the conservative PM Harper is radically left of Barack Obama. As someone who moved to Canada in 2009, I can say without doubt, conservatives here would be thought of as radical left wing socialists south of the 49th parallel.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you are a dumb bitch, as malicious as you are stupid, and we see you as the ass clown that you are. To wit: we Canucks are a free-healthcare loving, pot-smoking, equal-rights (we don't give a fuck who you love) marrying bunch. Don't be fooled by the polite facade - if you were brave enough to show your face here, you'd be run out of town on a rail for talking shit about any and all of the above.
You should have moved to Canada in 2001, just after George Bush took office.
Deleteso...how old is this pic? Palins' infamous visit to Israel to buff up her foreign policy dreds?
ReplyDeleteIsrael better be on the aleart. Mrs. Palin is not into you - just her mytholigical endtimes.
Eh, well, we're not exactly doing the best we could be. But not surprised a liberal blogger is trying to once again make something it is not.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is a racist idiot and, apparently, so are you.
DeleteCan somebody please translate the comment from 7:30?
7:30 AM WTF is that? You Palins are Super Stupid. Your GED'S were purchased, not earned. Your comments are 3rd grade level.
DeleteA good little troll might want to get up a little earlier in the day to earn that postage, also too.
DeleteWhat dog is she trying to whistle up with that phrase, 'wise and prudent'?
ReplyDeleteIn the Bible, Luke 10:21, it seems to refer to the church leaders, but not in a complimentary way:
'In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.'
Is she misquoting Scripture here?
Wasilla in da house!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is ALWAYS slamming her OWN country. What kind of a patriot is she. Remember when she went to China to slam her own country. No one, no one, no one, does that, but leave it to that ignorant piece of excuse of a Bit#ch to put down her country. She and her offspring should get a real job and appreciate the country she lives in.
ReplyDeleteShe must be at the bottom of her grifter barrel & she's freaking out, and thus spews whatever crap comes out to "mobilize" her base.
Mixed response here. Full throated apology to good Americans and Canadians for the fact that until the next election, Canada has a lunatic as Prime Minister. However, please encourage Palin to compliment Harper as often and loudly as she can. Harper is one of these fundamentalist nuts that wants to see the rapture but strangely opposes the emergence of the anti-christ thereby denying early fulfilment of prophesy. It doesn't make sense. These nuts in America should champion Obama's election rather than protest it. By their beliefs, his presence accelerates the coming.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't possible to make sense but regardless, please encourage Palin to praise Harper. Canadian reaction is horror and has and should drive another nail into Harper's coffin.
Is prostitution legal in Canada? Maybe that's why the Palins love Canada?