Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Fox News all in a tizzy over unauthorized book on Roger Ailes.

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

Random House has begun rolling out New York reporter Gabriel Sherman's unauthorized biography of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes for its January 21 release. For more than a year, Fox News has attempted to discredit the book by attacking Sherman with vitriolic online attacks ("stalker," "embarrassment," "PHONEY JOURNALIST") and by reportedly helping with a counter-biography and firing a top Fox executive. 

Sherman's The Loudest Voice in the Room states it draws on "more than 600 interviews with people who've known Ailes over his remarkable five-decade career as well as a rich variety of other sources" and "documents Ailes's tactical acuity as he battles with the press, business rivals, and countless real and perceived enemies inside and outside Fox." 

Fox News reportedly attempted to counterbalance Sherman's book by working with Zev Chafets on an Ailes-friendly biography. Politico reported that Ailes agreed to cooperate with Chafets' biography "because he was eager to preempt Sherman's version with a more favorable and hopefully sympathetic account of his legacy." Fox News was clearly happy with Chafets' final work, as numerous Fox News personalities praised the book, and Chafets was afforded ample airtime on Fox properties. 

Fear over Sherman's book was also reportedly a factor in Ailes' firing of Fox News vice president Brian Lewis. Gawker reported that "Lewis was paid approximately $8 million in hush money" and quoted an unnamed Fox News executive stating of the separation: "Everything was about Gabe Sherman." The source "further explained that, up until the day of Lewis's dismissal, the channel's public relations division, which Lewis oversaw, had suffered from heated internal disagreements about how to properly handle Sherman's book." The Hollywood Reporter wrote that "rumors have swirled that Lewis also was suspected of helping Gabe Sherman." Fox News personalities have regularly attacked Sherman and his work for more than a year.

Oh yeah, Fox News is all about making up stuff about other people,  but have somebody threaten to tell the truth about one of them, and they lose their shit.

Well guess what just moved to the top of my reading list.


  1. Thanks for the tip. I've been waiting for this since last year when FNC began their damage control by going on the offensive. You can bet your last dollar that all of the Fox employees will be some of the first to download the e-book under fake names via dummy throwaway email accounts in order to read it on the sly. They are acutely aware about Ailes' paranoia of any perceived *disloyalty* by staffers.

  2. Yes...I got this book in my Amazon cart ready to order! I wonder if Baldy Heath is mentioned! Anywho...had to share this morning coffee spew comment from the Asylum! It's courtesy of Pete "GetYourHandsOffMyFoodStampsYaDirtyStinkinGovernment" Petretich...

    "Pete Petretich ZH100 • 4 hours ago −
    What would happen if they replaced David Gregory with Sarah Palin? For one thing, ratings would go through the roof..."

    I think the Polar Vortex has frozen this fool's brain!


    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Saw that Gina, and this in reply:

      Exgunman • 4 hours ago

      "Unfortunately (no guests) no politico would subject themselves to the cross examination they would get ................"

      Ol' Petey thinks it makes good business sense. Can you IMAGINE?


    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Look under "Cast of Characters"...

      Also, Joe McGinniss in there as well.

  3. Me too. Also, if you have Kindle Prime, you might be able to read it for free. It depends if the author puts it into the library. I’d keep track. I just returned a free book this morning. I had to stumble around a bit, but I got it done. I can read one for free each month.

    We have to keep fighting these guys. I’m horrified at how many “liberals” they’ve been able to throw under the bus by their constant criticism, and the collusion with attack dogs. Yes, they’re typically old white men and will die soon, but they’re doing a lot of damage now. I feel terrible for Martin Bashir; I hope he can come roaring back with a tell all book.

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The Bush Institute Asked Ralph Nader for Money and His Response is PRICELESS -

    See more at: http://aattp.org/the-bush-institute-asked-ralph-nader-for-money-and-his-response-is-priceless/#sthash.vnBTkmMc.dpuf

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Didn't they raise somewhere in the neighborhood of $88 million for the Bush lieberry? What a waste of money, space and resources. For the worst president this country has ever had.

    2. I wonder how many copies of The Pet Goat $88 million will buy. The George W. Bush Library is akin to The Sarah H. Palin Institute of Good Parenting, Proper Hygiene & Effective Communications. Some things just aren't a good fit.


    3. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      Hard to say, "Self portrait in oil of dry drunk's feet in Bathtub" vs "Sarah H Palin Institute of Good Parenting, Proper Hygiene and Effective Communications ".

      Can I just go to the "Blank Book" section and call it a day?

  5. Thanks for the coffee-spew warning, GinaM--I was prepared.

    Replace David Gregory with Half-Gov DirtyWig?!? Ratings would go through the roof briefly, as the new im-moderator imploded. Then the rubble would be swept away, and MTP would return to its usual Sabbath-gasbag status.

    I am NO fan of David Gregory, especially since he participated in that appalling "M. C. Rove" dance at the White House Correspondents' Dinner a few years back. However, there is no faint phrase more damning than to say he's "better-equipped" for the job... than $P?!?


  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The Price of GOP Obamacare Sabotage In One Chart

    The GOP's relentless assault on Obamacare hasn't succeeded in repealing or defunding the law, but it has managed to do something: prevent a lot of uninsured Americans from getting health insurance.

    With three months of Obamacare enrollment completed, the effect of the Republican intransigence on health care reform can be seen in new data compiled by Theda Skocpol, professor of government and sociology at Harvard University and director of the Scholars Strategy Network.


    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      In a year or so, lots of so-called conservative voters will look back and be royally pissed they were dissuaded by their party to enroll.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Thank for the heads up on this book as I plan to pre order it too!

    And, GinaM - cannot begin to imagine the likes of Sarah Palin replacing David Gregory where she would actually have to work and interview folks! She's not sharp enough, doesn't like to do pre work and would have to be far more knowledgeable as to government than she is. She'd flunk big time!

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      "The cross examination they'd get..." SNORT! Those pee puddlers are off their gourd in their tea party madness, and the Pete guy actually works for the IRS. You just have to laugh....

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      8:18 They probably lie about their credentials just like $carah!! She would not even be able to make it as a correspondent on one of the entertainment shows.

  8. Randall7:54 AM

    Ailes worked as a media and television specialist for Nixon, Reagan, and G HW Bush...
    and now he runs a "fair and balanced" NEWS organization - NOT the propaganda arm of the Republican Party.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Oh puh-leeze. Some people think the Kardashians are "news," too.

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    PFT!!!! Yeah right....compare Sarah Palin to David Gregory. It's the biggest joke of the century! I'm at work but when I saw the headlines (thanks to this wonderful blog) I just HAD to read it and respond. Back to work now....thanks for all you do!

  10. Also, too, when I ordered this book, I noted that Gabriel Sherman's Amazon sales ranking is #2,476. The book will not be released until January 21.

    ... Aaaand $arah's Xmas book is #10,416.

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    New Book About Fox News Launches Website To Fight Against Smears

    A deeply-reported journey inside the secretive world of Fox News and the life of its combative, visionary founder.

    When Rupert Murdoch enlisted Roger Ailes to launch a cable news network in 1996, American politics and media changed forever. In his new book, New York Magazine reporter Gabriel Sherman brings Ailes's unique genius to life, along with the outsized personalities--Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, and others--who have helped Fox News play a defining role in the great social and political controversies of the past two decades. From the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal to the Bush-Gore recount, from the war in Iraq to the Tea Party attack on the Obama presidency, Roger Ailes has developed an unrivaled power to sway the political agenda. Even more, he has become the indispensable figure in conservative America and the man that any Republican politician with presidential aspirations must court.

    How did this man, whose life story has till now been shrouded in myth, become the master strategist of our political landscape? Sherman chronicles Ailes's rise as a sickly kid from an Ohio factory town, who, through sheer willpower, the flair of a showman, fierce corporate politicking, and a profound understanding of the priorities of middle America, built the most influential news empire of our time.



    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Also, too, Ailes accomplished all of this while being incredibly handsome and debonair!! The man has so many chins, plus he is overweight and repulsive in his dealings with people. I can understand why Cheney was a fan, next to Ailes, ol' Dick looks almost normal.

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    O/T: Speaking of Ailes, Jesse, do you have an update for us on how Joe McGinniss is doing with his cancer battle?

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Have been thinking of him too these days. Hope for the best and wonder how he is doing.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

      Great Idea!

    3. Anonymous4:27 AM

      Hillary paid off the filmmakers regarding that biopic. Funny that repubs dont pay off dems for the same thing.

      Dems run scared and live hypocritically.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    I'm so going to relish every page of this book. Who knows? I might even start watching Fox just for the entertainment value as their heads explode while protecting the ass they kiss 24/7.
    And you KNOW Sarah's gonna make it all about herself!!

  14. Anonymous4:26 AM

    People who write unauthorized books need personal fulfillment. It's just a chance to manipulate things. That is ALWAYS the case.

    HOWEVER, I personally cannot wait for the REAL unauth account of Obama. EVERY little detail of his secret Chicago life.

    thing is, people have died, so it may not happen

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Ailes is out doing damage control with an interview in The Hollywood Reporter.

    On why he hired Palin back: (He) "probably hired Palin back, if you want to get to the bottom of it, to give her a chance to say her piece and piss off the people that wanted her dead."

    Looks like Roger got his wish. She opens her mouth and pisses off people on both sides of the aisle. We don't want her dead....we just don't want her in any place of power where she might detonate anyone that has pissed her off. Nothing more dangerous than one who feels victimized and has a persecution complex. Don't retreat, reload.

    Todd could probably get Roger a better deal on getting laid, also, too.

  16. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Will reading this book leave permanent scarring....?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.