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Chris Christie with Mayor Zimmer in the background. |
Last weekend, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer (D-NJ) told WNYC that the unfolding Bridgegate scandal made her wonder if Governor Chris Christie’s administration had denied her city Hurricane Sandy relief funds as payback for her refusal to endorse Christie’s reelection. On Saturday morning’s Up with Steve Kornacki, Mayor Zimmer revealed that Christie Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno explicitly connected Hoboken’s Sandy relief to a different motive.
In the days following Hurricane Sandy, Hoboken was one of those places that made it into every network’s video package of hard-hit areas, as thousands of people remained trapped by flood waters for days. Since then, Governor Christie waged, and won, a hard-fought battle to secure federal relief for the state, but in light of the Bridgegate revelations, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer wondered if her city was shortchanged when it came time to dole out those dollars simply because she wished to remain neutral in the gubernatorial election. Now, she says the motive was a redevelopment deal, and the payback scheme was much more explicit.
In his opening segment, Kornacki ran down a complicated history of area politics, but the nuts of the story are that the Christie administration was pushing hard for a development project that Mayor Zimmer and the Hoboken planning board had slowed down, and after almost all of the city’s Hurricane Sandy relief requests were denied, Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno told Mayor Zimmer that in order to get the Sandy relief funds flowing, she needed to move the development project along.
According to an entry in Zimmer’s personal diary, Guadagno pulled her aside after a political event in Hoboken, “and says I need to move ahead with the Rockefeller project. The word is you’re against it and you need to move it forward or we’re not going to be able to help you. I know it’s not right. These things should not be connected but they are. If you tell anyone I said that, I will deny it.”
It should be noted that Mayor Zimmer was considered a "Christie Democrat." In other words she was a political ally, and one who could be relied on to work in a non-partisan manner with him in the past.
So for her to WRITE IN HER DIARY that she was troubled and upset about what was taking place, is huge.
Because unless the Christie camp really wants to suggest that this former friend of the administration foresaw this crisis and made a diary entry so as to help with the piling on, it would seem to indicate a truthful account of an administration that bullied those who interfered with their agenda, and even withheld humanitarian aide from its constituents, as a form of punishment.
You know I think it took fewer hits to bring down Godzilla than Christie is getting nailed with right about now.
Yeah, nice try, Mr. Fancy Pants Librul Alaska blogger! I think I speak for ALL douchebag teaparty conservatives when I answer your admittedly serious allegations against the next presdient of the United States when I say: "DON'T FORGET BENGHAZI!!!!!"
ReplyDeletelol lol lol :)
DeleteAnd big mouth conservatives have no clue to what conservative implies.
DeleteProve me wrong by defining conservatism or shut your mouth!
Now to punctuate your ignorance call me a "lib".
Now I know heavy people shouldn't wear stripes, but I think that may be in Christie's future. Extortion is a serious crime. And if any of you people really think someone is going to take the fall for him if it means jail time then please adjust your tinfoil hat. Christie will not finish out his term as Governor. And yes, there have been US Governor's thrown into prison.
ReplyDeleteFour from Illinois alone.
DeleteAnd he's got Blago's prosecutor to boot.
DeleteGood point! And I think one Mr. Wildstein isn't going to go to jail for anyone. He's wants to talk, the bastard that he is for taking part in this illegal, political scam. I want to hear what he has to say but I also want to see him go to jail without getting immunity.
DeleteNew Jersey ain't Alaska.
DeleteHe's nowhere as stupid as Palin, but every bit as viciously dangerous, and much more feasibly close to national office. With the pliant, neutered media we have these days, we're gonna be seeing much more of this.
ReplyDeleteI saw most of this segment this morning and found the Mayor to be completely believable. Can't remember if she actually used the word "anguished" about coming forward with this information but it was damn close. I've worked with, and around, a ton of elected officials and my BS detector is very well calibrated. The Mayor was telling the truth. No matter what the people she fingered said in response.
ReplyDeleteShe gauren-damn-teed that no one in Trenton will return her phone calls forever more. She will probably pay a heavy price for her truth. But she can sleep well tonight and Mr. Christie likely will not.
A Fan From Chicago
Interesting that Zimmer had to go back to her diary to remember the problem. How effective is your arm twisting if it's not remembered?
ReplyDeletePuzzles exist in life too. Remember how convenient it was for Sarah Palin to have kept journals all throughout her mediocre life in case she'd one day be picked from obscurity to be a potential heart-beat away from ruling the country, lose then write a book about her manufactured life.
DeleteJournals help with context, so for you to suggest it didn't mean anything until she consulted it, then you have an agenda, not the anguished mayor.
I'm sure Mayor Zimmer remembered the arm twisting all too well; however, just being able to talk about it probably reminded her about the diary entry. Christie and his entire administration are thugs and bullies.
DeleteThat's not what she said or even implied. She said on Up With Steve Kornaki (sp?) this morning that she was so disturbed by the incident she wrote about it in her journal. She mentioned it to her aides and also offered to testify under oath and take a lie detector test. She asked how many in the Christie administration would be willing to say the same.
The dairy is documentary evidence which supports her claims. There's no claim that it's the source of Zimmer's recollection.
DeleteExactly, 4:15. It's proof that it happened when she said it happened. I don't know why people give Christie the benefit of the doubt. He's shown bullying behavior before. Why would anyone be surprised he showed it in this case?
DeleteOh Sandra, here outside of the pee puddle we use reading comprehension. Now run along and send Sarah some money, Bristols got another bun in her oven and someone will have to pay for it.
Deleteeclecticsandra has been around these parts for a while and clearly isn't a Palin fan, but that doesn't mean I agree with her opinion on other things, including this one.
DeleteThis might sound strange, but a lot of people in high pressure jobs keep journals, and it's not a bad idea. It keeps you organized, helps you set priorities to reach certain goals and deadlines, and it clears a lot of the clutter in your head so you can unwind at the end of the day.
DeleteI heard a discussion on the radio making it seem "suspicious' and "convenient", in this day and age of computers, for someone to actually sit down and take five minutes to write something out. I had a few high pressure jobs, and it helped me immensely to keep day planners, notes and receipts in one place.
I knew, the moment Dawn mentioned it, people would try to make it seem suspect or somehow strange.
There will be more.
ReplyDeleteBut it still won't matter.
Unless Christie is in prison, if the GOP wants him on the ticket and Christie wants to run, he'll be the GOP nominee in 2016.
Fine by me. Bring it on.
DeleteIt will be interesting to see what happens. Christie could still be the nomination. Stranger things have happened and this is a party that brought Sarah Palin to the stage, and then Paul Ryan four years later.
DeleteThe problem is I don't think this is the end of what will be uncovered about Christie. Time will tell.
"Please proceed, Governor."
DeleteOh how I have been WAITING to say that!
Seems to me I saw most of this story on a TV show called Boardwalk Empire.
DeleteTime for some subpoena problems in Fort Jersey ....
ReplyDeleteGot it...
I am totally happy dancing that finally the truth is coming out but horrified that so many NJ folks still support him!!! what is wrong with these people ??? another aspect that is troubling none of this illegal - there is nothing here (so far) that would put any one in jail zip nada he is allowed to allocate funds any way he sees fit !!!!! it's disgusting and totally appallling but not illegal - so they will just deny deny deny and go about their bullying ways and the folks in NJ who are too blind to see or too proud to admit they mistakenly trusted him will follow along I hope they uncover more so that he is at least impeached !!!!! but if not - so far it just makes him loved more by his supporters and hated more by those who already disliked him
ReplyDeleteAnd again, why should this come as any surprise.......its classic Christie.
ReplyDeleteRemember Ann Coulter's words: "If we don’t run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee — and he’ll lose". Had the GOP followed Coulter's advice, Christie might have been the 2012 winner. Interesting how windows AND doors slam shut on the TeaBaggers.
ReplyDeleteChris Christie was not the teabaggers choice, anymore than John Boner would be.
Delete4:09 PM
DeleteYes I know Christie wasn't (or isn't) the teabaggers choice but if by some strange circumstance, Christie had ended up as the GOP nominee, I think any and all teabaggers would have voted for him rather than for the Blah man. IMO, he could still be the GOP nominee for 2016.
Oh. I misunderstood. Well no doubt sh*t just keeps happening to the teabaggers. No doubt teabaggers won't be voting any Blah men unless Alan Keys runs.
DeleteFortunately for Christie he has a large reserve of favorable press and a high degree of credibility. Nattering nabobs of negativism always hove slinging mud.
ReplyDeleteKeep on with the mental masturbation libtards! I have a barbeque to go to.
Unfortunately for Christie he has a large reserve of unfavorable youtube videos displaying his bullying tactics. Trust me, Christie is done.
DeleteHi, Fred.
DeleteHow's the Jew-counting project going? What does AIPAC think of your efforts on behalf of Milhous? Was the dog you barbecued kosher?
Do you see any resemblance between Nixon's political fortunes in 1973, and Christie's in 2014?
Maybe you could give Chris some astute advice about running his cover-up.
Maybe you can go tell that to the courts it might help the fat bastard. BTW once you are convicted of extortion your credibility goes out the window. Now Willow, run along and rat out another wig for that old bitch of a mother of yours.
DeleteLOL< yeah and Sarah is going to be president to LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteMust be a Palin posting though, always have to make it sexual. That's the sex abuse showing through your behavior.
Nixon wasn't a crook either, right Fred?
DeleteDid someone say barbeque?
DeleteApparently you haven't been following any NJ newspapers, and you haven't been following cable news outlets in the last 2 weeks. Have fun at your bbq. Christie is done, charred, burn't beyond eating it. Most people throw that into the garbage. But then there is always the stupid that will peel off the burn't skin and try to get something more out of it. These people usually say...'hey, there's nothing wrong with it'
DeleteI don't know about the large reserve of good press, most of that was from shaking hands and palling around with President Obama, giving strangers in shock bear hugs, and getting to meet and talk with Bruce Springstein.
DeleteNow he's just another paranoid fat guy in a suit because he paid the wrong people to be his "Friends". It's lonely at the top when you're a gluttonous assclown who does things "just because he can get away with it" like using State Police Helicopters to get him to his kid's private school ballgame on time. Screwing the taxpayers by taking away the homestead rebates and replacing them with "fees" for things they used to get for their tax dollars like trash pick up, getting forms at state offices and charging, when they can be gotten free in the library or on the net. I could go on, but there's a pattern there of bullying and using semantics so he can say he lowered taxes (true, but raised fees and made new ones).
Kinda tricky to run a national campaign from jail. But do enjoy the BBQ.
DeleteOh yeah, about Bruce Springsteen:
3 million views and counting
Steve may win an award for his in depth reporting...his style is like Rachel, Matt Taibbi and the late Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone. Every detail explained, verified and presented with the time line needed to connect the dots, and boy did he connect the dots. There is no way that poor woman Zimmerman was lying and for that matter she was extremely knowledgeable and don't we all wish to have a mayor that truly cares about their city. They say to always follow the money......so add that to the Fort Lee billion $ project Hudson something with a non endorsing mayor that Christie was shut out of. I hope they explore the cities that actually got Sandy money and what promises where made.
ReplyDeleteOver and above the usual corruption....Sandy money is taboo. Remember the shit storm in Congress over this very thing.....it delayed any money being approved and Christie calling them out on national TV as heartless or something bad. The GOP hating the GOP....what's a Fox pundit to do?
I so agree, his style is totally Rachel and very in depth on his reporting. He lays it out very well just like Rachel. I was totally astonished on how he was able to give the story and then bring in Mayor Zimmer so that she could confirm everything he layed out. Obviously she gave him the story on how it all went down for Hoboken and Sandy, but he delivered it perfectly!
DeleteAnd the worst thing about this is Christie runs a campaign ad with his family on the beaches of NJ costing 4 million which came from the Sandy relief federal recovery funds, while the residents of Hoboken receive 125,000, and one of the most devastated areas of NJ being under water. Unfucking believable! This assclown, and bully is going down big time!
ReplyDeleteThe Hoboken mayor prior to Zimmer, a guy by the name Cammaron, was accused and convicted of taking a $25,000 bribe and moving along a development project. The lawyer on that case was Chris Christie. The new mayor was only 22 days into his term when he was sent to prison for two year. Zimmer said she appreciated Christie for cleaning up the corruption. I believe that is why she wanted to make sure there was nothing inappropriate in the Rockefeller Group development project. At least she was going to be fair to the other residents in the 19-block area being looked at for redevelopment instead of the 3-block area being held by Christie and Samson's friends. I thought maybe Zimmer was concerned that she might have been accused of the same thing that her predecessor, Cammaron was.
ReplyDeleteWatching and listening to this story over the past several weeks has brought me to 3 conclusions so far.. #1 Christi and Samson are in bed together on Samson's development in Hoboken and were bullying Zimmer into pushing it forward. #2 Miss Loretta Weinberg and how they were screwed by Christie in reappointing a sitting justice to the NJ Supreme Court. #3 and the final, Mayor Mark Sokolich, of Fort Lee who didn't endorse Christie but was on the verge of a billion dollar new structure finishing in Ft. Lee. and was very worried how Christie's administration could fuck it all up with the lane's of this new development accessing onto the GWB. With these 3 things going on, "it was time for a traffic problem in Ft. Lee" They wanted all democrats to suffer, and by jezus, they were going to pay for the non compliant of them all, by bullying and making NJ people suffer for it. I certainly hope that more come out and nail this ass to the wall as he so deserves.
DeleteDid anyone else watch Up With Steve Kornacki this morning and find the old guy that gave Steve his first job a little condescending to him? He appeared in the second segment with the other three panelists. He said that there was nothing illegal done by Christie and it was just the way politics works. Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteNo wonder everyone is so cynical about politics!
6:08 The older man has an interest in tossing cold water on the report because he's from NJTV. Had he been critiical of Christie, there goes NJTV's chance to do any interviews with NJ Republicans down the road.
DeleteThat was a great job of investigative journalism by Steve Kornacki! Please take John Heilemann and Mark Halperin off of the stage. They get one election right with Game Change and then they are permanent fixtures on the Coffee Joe show every morning! Almost as bad as Bob Woodward still being relevant.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see who from Christie's henchmen will tell all. I'm thinking Bridget Kelly probably knows a lot, she's got kids and for sure doesn't want to go to jail.
ReplyDeleteFrom my reading of all things in New Jersey politics in the last week, I have a feeling that no one in New Jersey is surprised. In other words, the hardball tactics is nothing new in New Jersey; this stuff has been happening for a long time.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to clean up the sewer in New Jersey. In the meantime, as G say, the hits just keep coming. Seems like every time a reporter looks under a rock, there is another viper's nest.
On the one hand, I thouight it would be crazy for Zimmer to come out with such specific allegations if they weren't true.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I thought it was unnecessarily stupid if true. Christie could have punished her within "plausible deniability" ranges and sitll punished here severely.And then he denies the charges by citing $70 million she had received. That seemed awfully verifiable if not true - although it seemed odd to start with an attack on NBC before mentioning the 70 million.
With a little sleuthing, it seems that the 70 million is from federal government insurance, and not funds Christie has influence over - if my sleuthing skills are any good (which involves putting in the right search words to find out what the 70 million was about. Took about 5 minutes)
It's not looking good for Christie and friends.