Friday, January 24, 2014

Neil DeGrasse Tyson believes that eventually Republicans will embrace teaching actual science in the classroom once they realize that it is in the country's economic interest to do so.

Click dashing image to play entire interview.
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Astrophysicist and celebrity science advocate Neil deGrasse Tyson recently, and at great length, discussed the importance of scientific literacy with Bill Moyers. 

Moyers began by reminding viewers of a recent Gallup poll in which 46 percent of Americans espoused the belief that “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.” Moreover, a Pew Research poll showed that two-thirds of evangelical Protestants, “the bedrock of the Republican Party, reject altogether the idea that humans have evolved.” 

Belief in the theory of evolution rose among Democrats to 67 percent. 

Neil deGrasse Tyson attempted to explain this partisan divide in scientific literacy by discussing the role of the democratic process in science education. Because what’s taught in classrooms is handled at the state level, many Americans are “born into” ignorance. 

He says this is a “self-correcting” phenomenon, because “nobody wants to die. We all care about health. Republicans, especially, don’t want to die poor. So educated Republicans know the value of innovations in science and technology for the thriving of an economy and business industry.” 

So, he believes, eventually even they won’t want to see something “that is not science in a science classroom,” because that “undermines the entire enterprise that was responsible for creating the wealth that we have come to take for granted in this country.” 

There is only so long, he says, that Republicans will allow the United States to “fad[e] economically.” 

“[S]ome Republican is going to wake up and say, ‘Look guys, we got to split these two, we have to, otherwise we’ll doom ourselves to poverty.” 

It’s “just a matter,” he says, “of electing into office people who know…how money gets generated.”

I am a huge fan of Professor Tyson's but I have to wonder if he is not being a little naive here. 

After all as long as the Religious Right are more concerned about the eternity that awaits them after this life, and about preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus, they will not care one bit about how America fares in comparison to other countries economically.

Remember many of them believe that any minute now they will be scooped up and taken to Heaven leaving only the sinners and Atheists down here to worry about what remains of the world.

Kind of hard to teach science, and talk about the country's future, with those people around.

So until we start electing rational, non-religious types to run our country, and teach in our schools, I don't know how we prevent these attacks on science.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Since when do Republicans care about the country's economic interests? All they care about is that their President is only half white.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Plus what mr. Tyson doesn't understand is that the anti-science nuts have their OWN economy.

  2. I truly feel that the blue/reality-based-states will flourish while the red/dumbass states stagnate. At some point the federal government will be forced to intervene to correct the situation.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      They already do! The smart states have been subsidizing the dumb states for ages.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The only way the R's are gonna' change their tune is if there's a profit in in it for them. The fundies aren't going to change their beliefs so it's a matter of getting to the polls, and they're doing all they can to prevent that. Fuckin' lowlife bastards. Clinton/Warren 2016.

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    deGrasse Tyson is giving humanity the benefit of the doubt, which is more than one can say for any "card-carrying" religious GOP zealot when it comes to the prospect and matter of progressive thought.

  5. Olivia4:58 PM

    If Republicans cared about the economy, they would back raising the minimum wage, support reproductive choice, promote public education, promote health care for everyone, support equal pay, support equal rights, legalize pot, end the war on drugs, quit promoting war, etc. etc. etc...

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    That is wishful thinkning on his part. The problem is the right will fight for their biblical beliefs till the last one is breathing. Science and creation will never mix according to their standards

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The old, sane Republicans might have,- these new extremist whackadoodles, no.

  8. Sally in MI5:26 PM

    You know, I can almost agree with one thing: Republicans have not evolved past the juvenile stage. They all have the brain of a 12 year old boy. No doubt other parts are a similar size.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "There is only so long, he says, that Republicans will allow the United States to “fad[e] economically.”

    As long as the 1% have their money, they really could care less what happens to the rest of us.

    Free Labor as far as they are concerned. Women will be wearing burka's staying home taking care of the children.

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I sincerely believe that many, if not most, moderate Republicans are not nearly as devoutly faithful as they claim to be.

    They realize that an uneducated population that has been trained to follow their leaders on nothing more than blind faith will be trusting and desperate enough to become little more than slave labor for the 1% that is funding the GOP.

    Someday our country will reach a tipping point where the pool of unskilled, cheap, desperate labor will outnumber the skilled employees that provide the innovation any business needs to flourish. However, by then most of the current batch of 1%ers will be dead and they'll leave their descendants to figure out how to save this country from becoming a third world nation.

    And then you have that small number of true right wing nutjobs that are acquiring far too much power in our states' and nation's capitols and are trying their best to return this country to the Middle Ages!

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      The problem with the so-called "moderate Republicans" (a rapidly diminishing species) continue to vote Republican. It's part of their elephantine instinct.

    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      You're absolutely right about Republican voters and it's infuriating to see them vote against their own interests again and again.

      I was actually referring to Republican politicians in the above comment and I think they have been pulled further and further to the right in an effort to compete against the radical TP faction. Fortunately for the sane people in this country, the TP power is finally starting to diminish, and the hard swing to the right is ultimately hurting the GOP in general elections.

      Unfortunately, the 1% still has the GOP by their manly bits and are using every trick in the book to maintain and increase their power.

    3. Anonymous6:55 AM

      I agree Beagle. My dad doesn't care about abortion and he doesn't have guns and thinks conceal carry is stupid but he votes Repiblican, every time!

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Mr. Tyson is a dreamer. The Republicans want a slave society to work for them for free. When they get older, it's most convenient if they die. They don't understand Science - the proof is in DC and all 50 states. They live in fear that other people will believe in Science. Most importantly, they want control of every vagina in the US.

  12. emrysa8:44 PM

    that was great viewing gryphen, thanks for posting...

  13. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Sadly, as most of the readers here would have noticed by now, there is no way to convince those who have been brainwashed by Fox and other evil outlets, by the use of facts, science, or any other method.

    When you show them that declares the birthplace of President Obama as the planet Neptune, is false, they simply say that liberals have taken over that fact checking website and are lying about everything.

    It actually makes you feel you are in a cheesy 1960's science fiction film, where most of the citizens have been possessed by aliens, and have that recently lobotomized look in their eyes.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      When the only 'news' you listen to reinforces your own narrow point of view and constantly tells you that anyone who disagrees with you is lying, it's hard to accept the idea that you just MIGHT have some facts wrong!

  14. No, no no. republicans are mean-spirted and in their tiny hearts, racist. republicans don't do 'helpful'. Those vindictive pricks would gladly drag the rest of the world down with them to hell as long as they could be in charge of the government while doing so.

  15. "Neil DeGrasse Tyson believes that eventually Republicans will embrace teaching actual science in the classroom once they realize that it is in the country's economic interest to do so."
    I am not sure he said exactly this (your headline), but it makes no sense. He is talking about the people willing to default on the full faith and credit of the United States and shut down the government. Was that in our best economic interest?

    Eventually, I hope that a party that is not the Democrats will embrace science as a basis for any number of policies and decision-making processes, even with very different results than what the Democrats do with the same information. That can lead to healthy give-and-take and compromising and a country functioning well and moving forward.

    That party will not be the republicans. It will be whatever replaces the republicans.

    The current republican party will marginalize itself into the party of morons, the ignorant, the grifters and schemers and con men, the rabid religious fanatics, and so on.

    The party that will be able to get elected may or may not take the republican name and infrastructure with them, but it will be a different party made up of people that walk away from the current pack of loons. What will make them the major party is that that is where the donor money will go.

  16. Beldar J Conehead12:40 PM

    Sorry, Gryphen. NDT is awesome but he's wrong about this,

    Severe conservatives are, by definition and by essence, callous ideologues who would cheerfully and piously run this country into the ground as long as it adheres to their first principles of arrogance, incompetence and greed.


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