Friday, January 24, 2014

Indicted former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, had the opportunity to protect his wife from prosecution, but threw her under the bus instead.

As you all know former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnnell, has been indicted on charges of accepting over $140,000 in loans and gifts.

What you may NOT have heard is that he was given the opportunity of pleading guilty to one charge, that had nothing to do with corruption, to protect his wife.

He did not take it, this courtesy of CNN:  

McDonnell rejected a plea deal that would have spared his wife criminal charges, according to a source familiar with criminal case. 

The source characterized McDonnell's decision as "throwing his wife under the bus." 

The McDonnell team asserted that they did not believe the Justice Department could get a conviction against McDonnell at trial based on the evidence they had, the source added.

You know I have been writing about the GOP's War on Women, but until now I did not realize that it included their own wives as well. 

I mean come on!

The Justice Department is not going to indict somebody in Bob McDonnell's position unless they feel they have a pretty damn strong case. Which means that thanks to the ex-Governor's arrogance there is a very good chance that this decision will see both he and his wife serving concurrent prison terms.

You know I recognize that I am nothing more than a simple heathen, but unless I really hated my wife I would do just about anything to protect her, the mother of my children, from prison.

Yet this devout Roman Catholic has no problem betting his wife's fate on the incompetence of the Federal Prosecutor and on the sympathy of the jury.

The twist to this story is that his wife DID attempt to protect her husband, and face the charges on her own without including him.  But remember, HE was the Governor, and ultimately HE is the one responsible.

Did he attempt to protect HER when given the chance? No he did not.

Damn this guy is cold!


  1. Caroll Thompson2:40 PM

    Do you see the wife's face in that photo. If looks could kill, the Gov would be dead.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM


      He'd better hide all the guns, knives, pesticides, and potentially deadly prescriptions!

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      That's the first thing I noticed too. My second thought was wondering if those are taxpayer weaves in her hair and if the taxpayers paid for the hair transplant for men club.

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    google images of her. she's aged 20 years in the last two months. she knows they're going to do hard time...all over some bling.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Her botox funds dried up like her face did.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      A constant state of terror can do terrible things to your complexion.

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The Feds shouldn't even offer such a plea deal. Why should she get off with her crimes just because he pleads guilty to one of his? Each person needs to answer for his or her own crimes; there should be no "they come as a pair" deals.

    1. Ailsa3:49 PM

      I think you are right about the "come as a pair" approach. I believe offering to let her off the hook may involve the twisted attitude of the "little woman" who voluntarily submits and the husband who "is to lovingly lead and sacrifice", according to Steve Pearce and his fellow GOP Neanderthals.

      I guess this bastard interprets that as meaning he should sacrifice her.

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I think she has committed no crime unless she is tied to a conspiracy with him. He's the one with the power to be misused, not her. She may have been greedy, but that's not illegal.

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      4:49: I totally agree with you. He appears to have never warned her not to go overboard with the demands which, in my mind, amounts to indifference at best. I cannot believe he did not take the opportunity to have her walk away from the suit. But then he doesn't seem to have much regard for women apart from their breeding capacity, does he? Gov. Ultrasound is a jerk AND a lousy husband and father.

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    And yet those stupid GOP wives stand next to their lying, cheating husbands to show solidarity (e.g. David Vitter's wife). What a jerk this guy is! Hopefully Virginia can pull itself out of its war on women now that the state leadership is Democratic.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      In all fairness, the Dems do the same i.e., Clinton, Weiner, etc. I think its a culture of greed and power. Seems like most of those couples would do anything to hang on to that.

  5. I do believe the governor feels they have broken no Virginia laws.
    I hope there will be a pleasant surprise for both............and many lessons learned.

  6. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Gryphen, where you say "He did not take it, this courtesy of CNN: "

    The "CNN" link in blue letters does not work.

  7. I wouldn't bet a nickle that Todd and Sarah hate each other any less.

    Unless I heard wrong, front the start of this indictment, he and she have had different legal teams which, when it's husband and wife, almost always means a conflict of interest.

    Bob's a piece of work alright; no wonder he got on so well with Cuccinelli.

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I read the 43-page indictment, and both sound equally disgusting to me. I can't see giving either one of them a deal.

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Reading about the First Lady really had me thinking it was Sarah Palin and her Little Shop of Horrors hitting Juneau, and then bringing it back to their crib in the Valley.

    "In this world of excess and easy credit, we all know folks with champagne tastes and a beer budget."

    "I can’t believe how brazen they allegedly were to get someone else to pay for their finery. From clothing and numerous flights on a private jet to outright loans, the former first couple of the commonwealth allegedly showed no shame in getting someone else to foot the bill."

    After her husband’s senior staffer, identified as “JE,” told her in Dec. 2009 that having Williams buy her gown for the governor’s Jan. 2010 inaugural would be inappropriate, Mrs. McDonnell angrily outlined her family’s beer budget in an email to JE.

    I need to talk to you about Inaugural clothing budget. I need answers and Bob is screaming about the thousands I’m charging up in credit card debt. We are broke, have an unconscionable amount in credit card debt already, and this Inaugural is killing us!! I need answers and I need help, and I need to get this done.

    1. Kind of reminds me of the GOP outfitting the Alaskan Hillbillies to the tune of $150K. $arah sure looked nice back then...until she opened her mouth.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I'd still like to know if the Palin had nothing to do with the clothing purchases, how did they know Two Toned Penis Todd wore silk undies?

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    For the longest time i thought that s.palin was behind all their illegal activities but i now believe that she wasn't smart enough and toad was the brains behind the whole operation. Standing behind her with that stupid grin on his face (have you seen stodd) holding her purse while sarah gets all the attention and all the jail time. Maybe he's not as dumb as he looks.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Sarah Palin was Todd's version of the Balloon Boy saga

  11. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I spent a few hours reading the full indictment and it seems to me that Mrs. McDonnell might have had a personal relationship with their benefactor. Perhaps the Gov. is feeling a little cuckolded and decided now was the time to pay his wife back for her infidelity, even if it resulted in financial gains for him?

    (okay, in plain english, it seems like he might have whored his wife out to get them out of debt, and now he puts her to the fire?)

  12. Anonymous4:36 PM

    From what I have read, it will be very difficult to find him guilty. So, maybe he truly thinks answering the charges is the best way to go. I don't know. Either way, this couple doesn't seem to have a lot of affection for each other.

  13. Anonymous4:55 PM

    First person I thought about when I saw McDonnell's wife in this photo, was our ALMOST first lady, Mizz Mitt...same vibe given off.

    I can still hear the echo of "you people" from her smarmy mouth.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      I have to say that "loathe" was a word often uttered to accompany her our house,anyway....

  14. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

    Well, she DID participate in the orgy of material goods gluttony and seemed to have the same sense of entitlement her husband displayed. I don't think the Feds would have pressed charges without cause. Perhaps the goods and services were given with the promise of future gains and payback. Using the Governor's office for a pill that wasn't FDA approved launch, engraved rolex watch (like the jeweler took THAT back and got paid interest) There must be a run on Rolex watches personalized for a Governor. Yeah, he tossed her under the bus, god forbid she be seen wearing the same dress twice. Isn't there a GOP law against that?

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Meanwhile, Kate Middleton and FLOTUS show us how being classy AND frugal work. GOP entitled idiots.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      PLEASE don't equate Kate Middleton and Michelle Obama. Kate is nowhere near as classy, intelligent or accomplished as Mrs. Obama.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      What all of you fail to realize when speaking of Kate Middleton and Michelle Obama is that all people enter into relationships with people of power for one reason only; to gain power of their own. God, get a clue. The rich get richer that is the way of things.

    4. Anonymous 6:27
      Sorry honey, your post doesn't hold water. Michelle and Barack, were married in 1992. That was before he even ran for the Senate. Also, too, they worked in the same law firm. Michelle is brilliant in her own right, and did not marry Barack for "power". Nice try though.

    5. Anonymous2:38 AM

      6:27 You should check your history...when Michelle married Barack, he was a nobody. She picked a wonderful guy that went places...he's a wonderful POTUS!

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    She was just his beard.

  16. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I see many parallels between these two and the two Arctic Grifters. Watch out Sarah. Watch out Todd. When the moose pucky hits the fan, it will be fun to see who's first to throw the other under the bus.

    I'm willing to bet that Todd beats Sarah to the throwing box. He could argue that he was trapped since the governor of the state has more means to make his life hell than most husband-wife teams.

    He probably already has a few Exit Plans in place already. If not, he'd best start thinking. The clock is ticking.

    Oh, but was HIS income from prostitution that was probably not reported to the IRS. He will just have to hope for the best on those charges.

  17. Anonymous6:02 PM

    If you read the details of this fiasco, not only does the husband deserve jail but so does his stupid wife. She was all put out and posted some very telling shit about their lives...she deserves to be thrown under the bus. Two squashed Rethuglicans. My dream come true!

  18. Anonymous6:04 PM

    From what I understand the snake oil salesman was trying to get his "energy pills," "vitamins," whatever they are to The University Of Virginia. With an endorsement from the Gov.
    Apparently, the FDA had already told this guy to lay off with the phony claims on his drugs.


  19. Anonymous8:42 PM

    "'89 Thesis A Different Side of McDonnell
    Va. GOP Candidate Wrote on Women, Marriage and Gays

    By Amy Gardner
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    At age 34, two years before his first election and two decades before he would run for governor of Virginia, Robert F. McDonnell submitted a master's thesis to the evangelical school he was attending in Virginia Beach in which he described working women and feminists as "detrimental" to the family. He said government policy should favor married couples over "cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators." He described as "illogical" a 1972 Supreme Court decision legalizing the use of contraception by unmarried couples.

    The 93-page document, which is publicly available at the Regent University library, culminates with a 15-point action plan that McDonnell said the Republican Party should follow to protect American families -- a vision that he started to put into action soon after he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates.

    During his 14 years in the General Assembly, McDonnell pursued at least 10 of the policy goals he laid out in that research paper, including abortion restrictions, covenant marriage, school vouchers and tax policies to favor his view of the traditional family. In 2001, he voted against a resolution in support of ending wage discrimination between men and women.

    In his run for governor, McDonnell, 55, makes little mention of his conservative beliefs and has said throughout his campaign that he should be judged by what he has done in office, including efforts to lower taxes, stiffen criminal penalties and reform mental health laws. He reiterated that position Saturday in a statement responding to questions about his thesis. "

  20. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Sounds like both of them deserve where they are going. Just wish the same thing would occur w/Sarah and Todd Palin. All have been nothing more than takers and greedy as hell.

  21. SHARON3:08 AM

    Orange is the new black......hahahahha

  22. I hope she's offered a deal to turn on him and she takes it.


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