Thursday, January 16, 2014

Remembering a time when so little was known about Sarah Palin that the capitol newspaper got her husband's name wrong.

The above was a picture taken during Palin's inaugural ball in 2007.

Here is how the Juneau Empire identified it:  

Gov. Sarah Palin dances with her husband, Tom, on Saturday evening during the Governor's Inaugural Ball at Centennial Hall.

Boy whatever happened to old Tom? 

Because that Todd Palin guy, who apparently replaced him, turned out to be kind of a son-of-a-bitch.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    WOW! her hair looks dirty and stringy even back then.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      That's what I thought Anon 6:35. Horrible hair or wig or whatever it is...a mess.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      How could anyone in public life appear as disheveled as that? Does she not own a mirror? Was Tom subtlely sabotaging her by hiding her comb and telling she looked fantastic just as she was?

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Wish we could turn back time....

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Why does sarah always have her mouth open?
      Oh wait?
      ....I know....she plays skin flute....

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Is that a spare tire and a roll of belly fat by her waist? What about her "tight abs" she claimed, plus do avid runners have rolls like that?

    6. Anonymous11:12 AM

      How high are they both in that picture lol!!!

    7. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I wonder is there really are mirrors in the Palin houses.

    8. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Even "dressed to the nines" she looks like trailer park fodder.

    9. Is that the tacky bridesmaid's dress she wore previously in one of her siblings' second or third weddings? Or did Sarah charge the state of AK for her "Inauguration Wardrobe" for her entire family? Country-fucking hillbillies come to town.
      Where are the boobs that should accompany the extra 20 pounds that she has in the pic, whereas, now she is a rotten cadaver with a couple of DD fakes.

    10. Anonymous1:37 PM

      She looks plastered.

    11. And the expression looks dumb - even back then

    12. Anonymous2:37 AM

      No joke. You'd think, after being elected Governor, that she would have had sense enough to go to Nordstrom (or Saks, if there is one in AK) and use one of their professional stylists to assist in dressing both of them for the ball. The color of her dress is hideous, and as someone else noted, it looks like something she (or some relative) wore as a bride's maid in a low class, white trash wedding. Plus, his tux is so ill-fitting, it's comical.

      And the hair. Jesus Christ.

      I believe the ONLY reason this nit-wit was elected was because she promised to squeeze more money out of the oil companies for the, what's it called, the AK Personal Fund. You know, the check every citizen of AK gets every year. People heard that, saw big dollar signs $$$$, and it didn't matter if she didn't know any of those pesky "facts 'n numbers" - who cares about that stuff?? She says she's gonna get us some more MONEY, and she's kinda hot, so she's got my vote!!

      Remember, more money coming to individuals from the oil companies meant more money coming to each member of HER family, too.) I'd be interested to know if she ever did anything while Governor that did not also benefit her, and her family, in some way.

      It was never really about fighting corruption for her. Does anyone really believe that Sarah Palin seriously cared one iota about corruption in government? Please. But she knew the average person in AK cared, almost as much as they cared about that big ole check they get once a year, so she played on that.

      (Remember, in the movie Game Change, when Steve Schmidt first brings Nicole Wallace to that no-tell motel to meet Sarah Palin? Until then, Nicole Wallace did not know who they had selected. Sarah Palin had on some tacky-ass blouse, skirt, and shoes that didn't match (like a purple blouse, navy skirt, and red shoes if memory serves). The look on Nicole's face was priceless - I'm sure not only because she was shocked that they'd selected some complete unknown, but also, apparently someone who didn't even know the basics of putting together a professional outfit. So funny. I so hope that scene is a dead-on depiction of what happened, and you know what? It probably is.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Nah, Toad is not an SoB, he's the PoB, Pawn of the Bitch. She barks, he jumps.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I think he's a bitch, too. They are perfect for each other.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Todd is a punk. Just ask anyone in the valley or at BP. He's a seasonal fish netter whose ex-wife calls him a commercial fisherman because she thinks it sounds more important on the TV whenever she's running her mouth to hear her own voice. Kind of like Sarah referred to herself and Todd as entrepreneurs whenever they had that car wash that was a failure. They "play-act" in front of people that don't really know them, and the only people who buy their act are seriously stupid or corrupt and purposely uninformed. As far as us electing Sarah as governor, we are contrite for actually believing her self promotion in fighting corruption, but as it turned out, she was no better and in fact, she was the worst we've had. We now refer to the nut case named Sarah Heath as "The Mistake By The Lake".

      Regarding the new show that shill Sarah is hyping on the sportsman channel nobody has ever heard of...
      Don't forget the last time Sarah "hosted" a show from "in front of a green screen" and the reception it received for the ONE EPISODE that aired on Fox.

      Bottom Line: Sarah Heath is a fraud and a joke in her home community because we know her well.

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Mrs Palin's concern about her image runs throughout the emails and in one exchange she displays anger at how press materials are presenting her husband, snowmachine champion Todd.

      'Todd asked the picture to be changed a couple of months ago. They're still using an old snowmachine picture of his,' she wrote, adding that at a national meeting of state governors, 'the other spouses have professional photos and updated bios'.

      Read more:

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Anonymous8:43 AM
      well said....

    5. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Beats working for a living!

    6. Anonymous9:04 AM



  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Crazy was as crazy is.

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The people at Fox called this pair "The Bitch and the Eskimo" Looks like $carah recycled her prom dress. She STILL uses that cutesy tilt of her head, which looks dumb on a 50 year old grandma.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I miss Bree Palin. She would show all of the photos of Governor Palin wearing a corsage. In fact, when she made appearances, it was specified that people would give her a corsage. Bree wondered if anyone wore a corsage after their high school prom. Well, maybe as the Mother of the Bride, but as Governor?

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Hi, 11:19! Great minds think alike. I'm late to this thread but I posted further down asking if anyone knows what happened to Bree (oops! I spelled it Brie) Palin. I loved reading her posts; it's where I got hooked on wanting to know the Trig truth. Unfortunately it has now become an obsession. I was hoping that I would have answers in at least two years but I guess it's become a cottage industry now. I think Bree has made a few appearances here at IM in the past. I hope she is doing well.

    3. Loved Bree! My first thought when I saw the photo was, "where's the corsage?"

  5. LOL It's all superstition, Sparkie. Get off the Kool-Aid and try firing up whatever neurons you have left.

    1. To anyone coming late, someone was promoting a religious site. It’s gone now.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Thanks Darlene, was like "WTF"? LOL The trolls!
      Glad G took it down.

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "Boy whatever happened to old Tom?"

    Was that the night old Tom got his nuts clipped and officially became Sarah Palin's official purse carrier?

    1. Balzafiar7:18 AM

      It's pretty sad when a newspaper in his own state can't get his name right.

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Especially by calling him the wrong name of Tom in the newspaper of the capitol city!! Had never heard this story before...suspect some journalist wasn't too impressed w/the couple!!!

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Tom became a pimp, obviously.

    4. "No, no, no. Tom is not my husband. He's just another guy I used to fuck before I was elected half-term governor. Toad is my soon-to-be ex-husband's name."
      ---Sarah Heath Palin

  7. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The above picture was taken in 2007, Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin was born October 18, 1990.

    That means Bristol was 17 years old. Was that about the time she dropped her "fish" and became Bristol the loud ass moaner?

    (and no she wasn't at church )

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Instead of Sarah out there dancing with the First Bitch, Sarah should have been out fishing with Bristol and holding her fish. Instead was Bristol sucking on Moby Dick or riding a sperm whale?

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Was that the time Levi's uncle was at Mrs. Johnston's house and had to tell Bristol to shut the fuck up because the family was watching tv and could hear Bristol's moaning?

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      You guys really embarrass me sometimes to be a part of this devoted site.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      If Bristool had been named Anita, she would've wanted to marry Move Dick so she could have her own namesake reality porn show.

      "Anita Dick: Something Smells Fishy"

    5. Anonymous8:52 AM

      I can't believe Juneau's newspaper didn't know the name of their "Shadow gov"?

    6. Anonymous8:54 AM

      8:22 AM If you are embarrassed, put on your big girl Panties. This is not for the Timid.

    7. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Anonymous8:54 AM

      8:22 AM If you are embarrassed, put on your big girl Panties. This is not for the Timid.
      Concern troll. They will never put on "their big girl panties"
      b/c they go commando! Ewwwww!

    8. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Yes, Palin's seem to have a way of changing birth dates to suit the situation. She was 17 when she dropped her abstinence baby out of her crotch which means she was 16 when she got knocked up.

    9. Anonymous10:38 AM

      anon at 8:22 am
      Why would a post about someone's birth date be embarrassing? Sorry if it pains you to know that bristol was knocked up at 16, not the 17 her parents claimed. I'm sure it was part of the McCain campaigns attempt to "put lipstick on a pig", it must have seemed better to promote that the knocked up daughter was going to give birth at 18( age of an adult in our society) not that she was a 17 yr old teenager who's parents failed to raise correctly.

    10. Anonymous5:34 PM

      even funnier ~ her first baby was born a couple years earlier....

    11. Anonymous11:36 AM

      You have zero life and are a sad human being. Jealous doesn't look good on you

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Is it common to make a dress from living room curtains?

    Wonder if Bristol was the dress maker.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Don't think so. Wasn't Bristol with Levi The Tent Maker?

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Maybe she watched that old Carrol Burnett skit?

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Is it common to make a dress from living room curtains? Why yes it is. Scarlett O'Hara did it in Gone with the Wind. Then, Carol Burnett did a wonderful spoof of the scene where she left the curtain rod in as shoulder pads.

  9. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Boy, have they both aged in such a short period of time!

    Can you believe she was elected gov of Alaska w/so little vetting? (Much the same as when she ran in the second position w/McCain - no vetting - or little of it - and, thank god they lost!)

    The white guys in the Republican party were enticed w/her in the beginning but quickly changed their minds...I'm thinking of Walter Hickel (Alaska) as an example. The same thing happened when she was on the national ticket w/McCain - the group around McCain could not believe how unqualified and ignorant/stupid she turned out to be!

    And, when each of us reflects, it's absolutely amazing what has been found out about the two of them since those days! They have fallen so far and failed in so many things!

    She is no longer thought of as a politician and is ridiculed far more than given positive feedback. She's become a national joke!

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Make that international!

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Anonymous7:25 AM

      Boy, have they both aged in such a short period of time!
      Meth will do faces of Meth...

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Cleavage in 2007. Must have been a mighty push-up bra.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Oh my god, I can't take my eyes off of her cleavage. What a sex kitten (NOT).

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Maybe old Tom was his pimp name?

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Her chest has inflated since then. At least then she had a 'little' cleavage. Was she High?

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      She must of been wearing the black push up bra so she could "get what she wanted" and that isn't Tawd....!

  13. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The McCain team really had their work cut out when they were given the unvetted, uneducated, hoochee of the far North to make over for the campaign. Click and play on the photo does not seem to work. We have seen enough over the years. BUT, I bet that moose nugget of a video would have warned off the lets get a woman for Johnny to run with crew. If it weren't for bad taste she'd have no taste at all.

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    She looks drunk. Hey does anyone have the link to the video of the famous ball. thanks!

  15. Anonymous7:45 AM

    7:31 I think the cleavage was drawn in

  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I just watched a you tube clip of her inaugural address where she says ' Alaskans hold me accountable' , so far she hasn't been made to be accountable for jack.... It made me sick.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      "Hold me accountable." SNORT! When, as mayor, she said "I'll do whatever I want until the courts say I can't."

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Hold me accountable?
      She quit! When the heat is in the frying pan the dead fish jumped out! I quit she said!

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      That's exactly what the school teacher in Homer, Alaska meant when she held up her big blue banner,
      Worst Governor Ever. She told Sarah that she WAS holding her accountable, since Sara had quit to become a celebrity.

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Old Slick Tom probably had a used condom wrapped in a face cloth in his pocket?

  18. Anonymous7:50 AM


    What year did Willow drop out of high school?

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Dude, how old are you? Do you have a life? What do you do to make money? Seriously? You're literally obsessing over t hings you couldn't sanely have interest in.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      11:35 obviously is talking into a mirror because nobody could be THAT dense or hypocritical.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      "Dude, how old are you? Do you have a life? What do you do to make money? Seriously? You're literally obsessing over t hings you couldn't sanely have interest in."

      I imagine 11:35 hears this a lot from her mother, siblings, therapist...

  19. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Dress and hair supplied by Morticia Adams.

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    It's pretty sad that when a picture of Sarah Palin is shown and a year is mentioned people try to figure out if that was the time

    Bristol lost her virginity
    Willow dropped out of school
    Was Track doing drugs
    Was Old Tom doing Shailey Tripp
    Was Sarah doing Glenn Rice
    Was Sarah doing Brad Hanson
    Was Sarah doing Curt Menard Jr
    Was Bristol doing Dylan, Levi, Ben, Gino or Joey

    So sad

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:24 AM

      I think Bristol went to Juneau pregnant. A short time later, her mother accused someone of wanting to attack her daughters, so that she could get them back into hiding in Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      The sad thing about all of this is Bristol was a teenager who should have been taken care of by her parents. Instead, she was the child of two extremely self-centered people I can’t describe as adults. The poor girl was in trouble the minute she arrived in Juneau, doing things outside the purview of very deluded parents. What did the Palins do? The same thing they did with Track, they sent her away to be raised by other people. Why the Palins thought they were good parents and able to raise five children defies rational thought. What is most appalling is the disconnect from reality they continue to reveal regarding their obviously poor parenting skills. They appear to be people who have yet to grow up.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM


      Is that what "they" call "living vibrantly"?????

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Love all those lies. Grow up Get a life

    5. Anonymous11:34 AM

      It's sad when Sunny has had to defend Bristol over people's lies about her. There is NO difference between Levi, Bristol, Sunny, Sadie etc from High school.

      grow up

    6. Anonymous8:29 AM

      What the hell are you talking about 11:34? Gain some perspective. Take Sarah Palin's advice and get outside once in awhile.

  21. Anonymous8:19 AM

    She doesn't go a day without shoving his name or her kids' name or referencing her parent's names down our throats every day, and dares us to attack them like a 'defenseless child,' so she can go all Mama Grizzly on us. Todd, you may get a pass for being so silent (to hide your pip-squeak voice) but all those emails and your actions as a shadow governor has exposed you for the thug and two-parts mean-girl Sarah needs to make her tick.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      FBI still interviewing many people in regards to Todd's involvement with Dairygate.

    2. 10:42

      Also, too, a subject of the investigation is Sarah's brother, Creepy Chuckie, Jr's involvement in Dairygate.

    3. Anonymous10:06 PM

      and chuck_tard jr's butt buddy, as well as skanks old school mate, joey austerman

  22. Anonymous8:20 AM

    OT: Real Time with Bill Maher is back on HBO tonight!!! Got a great lineup of guests. Hey Sarah, Real Time was renewed for it's thirteenth season.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      OOOP's Friday NIght.....can't wait.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      @9:35 It's OK, the good thing about Bill's show is that HBO runs it and reruns it all week.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM


      You're an optimist. Just one more day until the weekend. :-)

  23. Ah, remember when we non-Alaskans were blissfully unaware of her? Those were the days.

  24. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Geez, she was always a mess, he was always a big zero...even as a bully he is a big zero, as in: he failed to make Walt Monegan fire Wooten. Seems like his only real purpose is to give Trig "parental" affection. From pix their relationship is warm, but who knows how much he's actually with him. Also too, he's a purse-carrier extraordinaire.

  25. LisaB25958:34 AM

    Maybe the Juneau Empire knew that Sarah wouldn't be hanging around Juneau long, so they didn't bother learning Todd's real name.

    Maybe they instinctively knew living in Juneau = having to be actual Governor, not hand waving Governor.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      The kids friends love her there. The hand around the AZ house. LOVE little Trig. Piper was just talking with her Juneau friends about their fun times. Collage of pics.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      How do you know 11:33? Are you stalking Piper's facebook page?

  26. Anonymous9:16 AM

    O/T but G have you seen this?

    Blowout Interest: 8 Million Have Applied for Coverage Under ACA

    The headline numbers for the Affordable Care Act this week have been the 2.2 million Americans who have enrolled in a marketplace plan. But beneath the headlines lurks an even bigger blowout case for Obamacare: the interest is nearly literally off the charts.

    By the 28th of last month 4,348,224 applications had been completed through the state and federal-run marketplaces applying for coverage for 7,716,824 individuals. Of those, 5.1 million have been deemed eligible for marketplace plans, and an additional 1.5 million for expanded Medicaid (note that Medicaid enrollees are not necessarily all enrolling through the exchanges, and additional numbers are doing so by directly applying with their states). About 1 million applicants' status is still pending.

    That only about 2.2 million of the over 5 million had chosen marketplace plans by December 28 is an indication of a surge in enrollments that likely continued past that date. That means that as we continue to receive updates and March 31 end of open-enrollment approaches, the numbers are likely to blast past even the huge spike in enrollment in December. It is instructive to remember that the president's political detractors, including the main stream media, have zeroed in on a figure of 7 million enrollment goal by the end of March, a goal these numbers would indicate we are well on our way of reaching.

    The numbers square with multiple stories from across the country in local media outlets noting overflow interest in Obamacare:

    Nancy Pelosi Gives Republicans a Taste of Their 2014 ObamaCare Nightmare

    Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gave Republicans a taste of their 2014 ObamaCare nightmare today, giving Republicans a hint of just how big of a fail their plan to run against Obamacare this election will be during her morning presser.

    Ms. Pelosi expressed optimism regarding 2014, saying Democrats raised a lot of money in an off year, and that the money raised is a “statement of strength”. A reporter then asked her the predictable question from a media that don’t understand how a glitch in a rollout to a program that millions need won’t have a huge impact in 2014.

    Pelosi has no plans to hide from ObamaCare. Instead, she owned it as a pillar of security. You heard that correctly — a Democrat owning one of their policies that will benefit the people. It’s a new day in politics.

    The Democratic leader had clearly been waiting for someone to ask her this question about ObamaCare hurting Democrats in 2014. She beat the narrative to a pulp, and managed to claim the founding fathers while she was at it, “The affordable care act upholds the values of our founders… The legislation and the law is very strong, it sits right there as a pillar of security along with Medicare and Social Security.”

    Yes, that’s right, the Speaker compared ObamaCare to two beloved safety nets, Social Security and Medicare — both of which the public won’t let Republicans privatize/kill no matter how they frame it. Republicans are well aware that the people will really like ObamaCare if they get a taste of it, which is why they’ve worked so hard to obstruct it, repeal it, delay it, and demonize it before 2014....

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Even Worse Than We Thought

      Fascinating email from TPM Reader DW about the sheer level of attempted sabotage down at the ground level in GOP-run Obamacare rejectionist states.

      I am a healthcare attorney for an insurance company and I wanted to share our experience with the implementation of the ACA. I know the idea is that state legislators have been working to subvert the ACA, but it actually goes deeper.

  27. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Well, Chuck Jr., campaign finally snagged a con sympathizer. Their 'horrible' harassment by the IRS is now on Breitbart - expect Congressman Issa to hold a hearing soon!

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Just a hint about the IRS inquiry. If Sally was paid for "postage" by Sarah's PAC and Sally didn't declare it, that's a reason for them to be looking at the Heath IRS filings. They accompanied Sarah on her American History Family Vacation Bus Tour, and in the process, Sarah's PAC was treating the Heaths to a first class vacation, for free. That's gotta be declared, too. If you win the lottery, the IRS is waiting with its hand out. If you win a free vacation, it's the same thing. If Sarah's PAC paid the Heaths for anything, they should have declared it. Maybe that's the problem.

    2. As a "Jeopardy!" champion, I declared my winnings and paid federal taxes on it as well as state tax for California, where it was earned, and D.C. tax, where I live.

      We never got audited.

      I love the idea of $arah trying out for "Jeopardy!" Hee hee.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      Good One, Mrs TarquinBiscuitbarrel! Sarah's more of a "Let's Make a Deal" type gal. It's still over her head, but she gets fashion and beauty tips!

    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Congrats, I, alas was a jeopardy loser. :)
      But for our fraternity, well...we know Sarah will never enter it.

  28. lostinmn9:21 AM

    I see those were the days of the push up/push in bra. Now that the Belmonts have made their appearance she can't wear anything that might show a cleavage since the rubber would be gross looking pushing together. And it might get perforated by the star of david hanging down in the gap

  29. Anonymous9:25 AM

    They didn't 'fit in' in Juneau at all! Their kids had to attend the public school system, so it was learned soon that they were not smart nor well behaved.

    Sarah and Todd could not control things as they were so use to doing! Plus, don't forget that she was found out to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature, even though she continually denied it while on the campaign w/McCain. Liars and frauds - proven time and time again!

    The Palins do not show their faces in Juneau and very seldom in Anchorage. They know they are disliked by the majority of Alaskans which shows their insecurities.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      Yeah, when she did that interview in heeled boots while holding coffee and her tight abs, she called the streets hilly and

      "Gut wrenching" Odd choice of words for a secretly pregnant married woman. "Gut Wrenching"

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Interesting considering they're still friends with the Juneau kids. 2 are studying special needs edu in AZ and love little Trig. 1 is a Phy Asst.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      11:32 loves to pretend she knows these people and didn't just glean a couple nuggets of information from peeking into virtual windows.

  30. PalinsHHoax9:33 AM

    Gryphen, the newspaper did get Tom's name right. They just missed the first part of his name: "Peeping".

  31. Anonymous10:31 AM


  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    And they HATE IT:

    The Scandalous Lack of Obama Administration Scandals

    If you ask many Republicans, they'll tell you that Barack Obama himself and the administration he leads are deeply, profoundly, fundamentally corrupt. It isn't just that they have the wrong values or the wrong policy priorities, but rather that they are practically a band of criminals bent on destroying America and unconcerned about what violations of law and morality they commit as they cut a swath of misery and destruction across our nation.

    For some on the right—the cynical politician, the carnival-barking radio host—these ideas are a tool to use in a partisan game. They understand that the picture is an absurd one, but they also know it's useful in keeping the rabble roused. But for many others, from ordinary voters to Republican lawmakers, it's something they sincerely believe. So five years into this presidency, where do we stand with the scandals that were supposed to lead to Barack Obama's downfall? The truth—no doubt a painful one for Republicans—is that there's almost no there there. Or more precisely, what we have are a number of disconnected screw-ups and errors in judgment, most of which are not even worthy of the name "scandal." Given the last few decades of history, and given the size and scope of the federal government, that's quite an achievement.

  33. Anonymous11:06 AM

    So they ended up calling Todd the First Dude because they couldn't remember his name? I can see Todd at his desk and phone in Sarah's Governor's office, threatening people, "Now they will know who they are talking to!"

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Yea, an illiterate, backwoods, girly man who lives off women.

  34. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Yeah - Little did Alaska know that "Tom" was also elected to the office lol. Sarah couldn't do anything without "Tom" at her side. For that matter, little did Alaaaaskans know that her kids were elcted also, to and would accompany Sarah wherever she went.
    What a pathetic low life scumbag hick.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Spot-on assessment. It still amazes me the governor’s office was staffed by these idiots. Little Tom and his vendetta ... also including him in emails about state business so he could “weigh in” as if he was an elected official. As an Alaskan it made my stomach turn to learn the office was so maligned by such two-bit grifters. There were many signs — the fact she wasn’t in the office regularly, the avoidance of Juneau as she became aware the capitol city was full of people who knew what the governor should be doing and how clear it was she was in way over her head. The other interesting point this post makes is how little time she actually was in office before the VP pick! McCain was so outrageously irresponsible in his pick given she had only been in office one and one-half years. And the hubris she exhibited actually believing she was capable! Breathtakingly ignorant.

  35. Anonymous11:14 AM

    For the comments about Sarah's "cleavage." She's the one who said that she would put on her best push up bra when she attended a city council meeting, so she would be sure of getting her way. Once a beauty pageant winner, life is always a beauty pageant. What Sarah didn't remember was to comb her hair.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      lol, I had cleavage like that when I was thirteen...itty bitty titties can have cleavage if you smash them together..pathetic little moron.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      She didn't win, she came in second. Here's her "Talent" portion, just for laughs

      If she used an eel instead of a flute, she might have won!

  36. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Bridgegate’s Sinking Christie as NBC Poll Shows Hillary Clinton With a 13-Point Lead

    On Wednesday, NBC/Marist released their latest poll. The poll asked people a series of questions, mostly relating to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the upcoming Presidential election in 2016. The results showed that real damage has been done to Christie’s hopes of running for President in 2016. Just last month, before the entire Bridgegate scandal unraveled, Christie trailed Hillary Clinton by only three points, 48-45. In this latest poll, Clinton has widened the gap to thirteen points, 50-37.

    There is little to no positive information that the Christie camp can take away from this poll. Overall, among registered voters, Christie is scoring a net negative in the favorability department, as 29% have a favorable view of him compared to 32% seeing him unfavorably. 39% responded that they are unsure or never heard of him. Meanwhile, Clinton has a large net positive, as 51% have a favorable view against 39% who see her in a negative light.

  37. Anonymous11:58 AM

    OMG! That picture says it all about Sarah and Todd Palin. Madame and Pimp.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      You can practically smell her in that picture. Filthy vermin.

  38. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I don't get it. Sarah is supposed to be a former beauty pageant contestant but Todd is supposedly having sex with prostitutes according to Shailey Tripp. I guess Sarah ain't all that in bed?

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      What about Bristol? She can't hold on to or tie down a trial husband.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Most child sex abuse will act in a sexual manner but that doesn't make them act in a sensual manner.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Stop slandering kids. and grow up

    4. Anonymous11:31 AM

      lmao at the genius Anon 6:53. Just stop ok

    5. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Actually, 11:31, what 6:53 says is true. Kids who are sexually abused often act out sexually. Adults who were sexually abused often do the same. That doesn't mean their behavior is sensual.

      You must be on auto pilot.

  39. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Well, since we're wandering down memory lane, here's a few memories...

    This website began due to the people that continue to follow Govenor Sarah Palin's claim that she was pregnant with and gave birth to a Down Syndrome baby as her fifth child, was a lie. And this is my story on how I came to the conclusion...I believe that they are right.

    1. Anonymous4:35 AM

      Good to see you back here!

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Can anybody tell me where Brie Palin went? That was the first blog that got me interested in finding out what the Trig truth is/was. There was that other competing blog run by British people that I found the "Track-is-a-Menard" story rather compelling. Just taking a stroll down memory lane.

    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Why do morons think it's alright to spread lies about paternity? it's disgusting.

    4. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Prove they are lies, 11:30. How sad you still believe what Sarah Palin tell you.

  40. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

    Poor Todd is stuck with the rill dill, Tom's a free agent!

    Ok, first the dress, Epic Fail. My grandma wore a similar dress and really "rocked it", and she was 93 and in a coffin at the time! Looks like the days before Sarah used that beauty pageant secret "Latex Strap On Spanx Bra" that lifts, separates, and creates the illusion of not having a concave chest.
    The hair still looked like beached medusa with dead, dried up eels everywhere.

    Is that how the Palin's Dance? Shoulder to Shoulder, Sarah imitating a guppy and Tom errr Todd with that "She's coming home with ME" look on his face?

    I like the idea of their own state not knowing their names.

  41. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Sarah always had to have Tom errr Toad in the office to help her out. Looking at the top picture with Sarah talking into the mike, I wonder if Toad has his hands up Sarah's ass to move her mouth?

  42. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Typical photo of the palins, toad standing there with a dumb shit expression on his face. sarah with her yap hanging open, does she ever shut that gaping yaw?

  43. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I still meet people who have no idea what her husbands name is.

    And there are still a number of lies spread about her, some of this blog because you're a bastard. It's sick how liberals are.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I doubt you meet anyone these days. You're much too busy sleeping off whatever medication you're on and posting your hopeless devotion furiously and compulsively on multiple boards.

  44. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Gryphen is attention-seeking again. He's sad because he remains ignorant while pretending like he's a bff

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Levi posts bring you out every, single time. Bristol isn't your friend and is most likely creeped out by you.


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