Monday, January 06, 2014

Republican in Maine says he has the guts to be a Senator because he beat his wife and then refused to confess. Sounds like a campaign slogan to me.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A conservative Portland, Maine Senate candidate claims that experience he acquired while spending a decade fighting domestic abuse charges informs his “pro-family” agenda. 

During a press conference on Tuesday, Erick Bennett, who is challenging incumbent Susan Collins, addressed his conviction for domestic violence against his now ex-wife. He fought the Class D assault conviction all the way to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, which ruled that “sufficient evidence does exist in the record to support his conviction.” 

Bennett claims he was “railroaded” by the justice system. “All that needs to be done is you have to repeat what you wrote down in the police report and that allows the victim to be viewed as a credible witness,” he said. “So basically, if someone writes something down, it doesn’t have to be true. All they have to do is repeat that on the stand. That’s grounds for anyone to be convicted of domestic violence.” 

He went on to claim that the time he spent in jail for his conviction speaks to “how much guts and integrity [he] has.” 

“The fact that I have been jailed repeatedly for not agreeing to admit to something I didn’t do should speak to the fact of how much guts and integrity I have,” he told the Bangor Daily News.

Okay this idiot does realize that just because he refused to admit to a crime does not prove he was not guilty of said crime doesn't he? I mean prisons are bulging at the seams with convicts who will swear on a stack of Bibles they were set up despite eyewitness reports and forensic evidence proving their guilt. 

On the other hand this guy might be the perfect GOP candidate. Not only does he support the war on women he is even willing to give them a beating with his own two hands.

Hell if the Republicans had their way this would simply be a case of a man treating his wife to a little discipline for stepping out of line, and that he had the right to treat his property any way he saw fit.

I certainly hope that Maine has better sense than to give this sick POS the time of day.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Seats on the Clown Bus are being taken quick!

  2. My first thought was that he looked like Joe Vaguely Bearded Miller.

    1. I'd like to hear more about why he was "jailed repeatedly." Sounds interesting.

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    He looks like the vaguely bearded one Joe Miller.

  4. Chenagrrl4:42 AM

    Wow, another Vaguely Bearded dude.

  5. Leland5:09 AM

    Yep! Just like Weber said. Dumber and dumber.

  6. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Well, here is a repub. who lives "vibrantly" for $carah to endorse. What a guy, nothing negative, turns every bad piece of publicity positive. Typical repub. I guess only democratic candidates have the sense of honor and decency to step aside when all their dirty laundry is exposed.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Sarah herself has said that "Boys will be boys".

  7. A. J. Billings5:58 AM

    If the current Maine Governor is any yardstick to measure by, this guy should do just fine as Senator.

    Get this: his ENTIRE political experience is a failed bid to be mayor of Portland ME, and running an "equal rights" center which opposed gay marriage

    This guy is Christine o"donnell's twin brother: Zero political experience, and he wants to just waltz into the US Senate because white male Teaparty patriarchy

  8. A. J. Billings6:12 AM

    O/T News Flash:---Liz Cheney has decided that her carpetbagger idiotic run for US Senate is over.

    She's made a typical Palin like statement saying she'll keep fightin' for 'Muricans, and keep on figthin' fur liberty.

    What a hypocrite!

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    More on Mr. Bennett. "A real douche" does not even begin to describe this idiot:

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Are you sure that isn't Joe Miller? Looks like him, sounds like him. If it looks like a nut, and sounds like a nut ...

  11. What goes along with this brutality is sex trafficing. I refer you to an article about the upcoming NJ Super Bowl. Here's a cute little blurb you might get a real kick out of. Funny to see Cindy McCain speaking out...I hope Sarah is listening:

    "Officials in Texas, Louisiana and Indiana strengthened efforts to combat sex trafficking ahead of previous Super Bowls. In Arizona, which will host the 2015 Super Bowl, U.S. Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, has been speaking out, calling the Super Bowl the "largest human-trafficking venue on the planet."

  12. caroll thompson9:30 AM

    Don't get too excited. This idiot will not beat Susan Collins in a primary, although I am sure the wife beaters will vote for him.

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM

    joe miller's brother, per chance ?

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      First glance at the pic and I thought it was Joe Miller! Brothers from different mothers?

  14. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    That dang justice system kept him from beating his kids for ten damn years. Where's this Republican's Constitutional right to beat his wife and subject his family to constant mental abuse? It taught him WHAT about family values? That he doesn't have any.


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