Sunday, January 26, 2014

Republican party of Arizona officially censures Senator John McCain for not being crazy enough to represent the state any more.

Courtesy of NPR:

The Arizona Republican Party formally censured Sen. John McCain on Saturday, citing a voting record they say is insufficiently conservative. 

The resolution to censure McCain was approved by a voice-vote during a meeting of state committee members in Tempe, state party spokesman Tim Sifert said. It needed signatures from at least 20 percent of state committee members to reach the floor for debate. Sifert said no further action was expected. 

According to the resolution, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee has campaigned as a conservative but has lent his support to issues "associated with liberal Democrats," such as immigration reform and funding the federal health care law. 

Several Republican county committees recently censured McCain. 

Timothy Schwartz, the Legislative District 30 Republican chairman who helped write the resolution, said the censure showed that McCain was losing support from his own party. 

"We would gladly embrace Sen. McCain if he stood behind us and represented us," Schwartz said.

Yeah if only John McCain would act like a lunatic and work to stop every bit of legislation introduced by the Obama administration, like the "good" Republican politicians do he could get a warm wet one from the lunatic fringe that now runs the Arizona  Republican party.

But hey, all its not lost. I happen to know of one batshit crazy ex-Governor who is now a resident of Arizona that would totally fit what the Arizona GOP is looking for.

Just make sure y'all have your shots up to date before you visit her house.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    John McCain is crazy? Well, that explains his picking Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.

  2. She wants your job, John, time to spill your guts.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      $arah don't want no stinkin' job,

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      The problem is that they both have so much dirt on each other that they are probably at a stalemate. Kind of like her and Toad.

      Scarah knows about Vicki Iseman, other Paxson machinations, etc. so McCain needs to be careful.

    3. I don’t think she would do any actual work, that’s what aides are for.

  3. Well, well, well ... McCain's choice for a running mate has run around the country pushing the teabaggers further to the right ever since he day he picked her Didn't John want enthusiasm from the extremists? No? Ohhh too bad. He created a monster, turned her loose to wink and wiggle the viagra vote out of their slumber and guess what! The plan worked! As long as John McCain hasn't shut Sarah up - you know he could do it so easily - then I think he deserves all that he gets from the fundamentalist extreme rightwing.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Same here, Sharon. For all his "love of country" patriot crap, he could totally change his legacy to one of respect if he did. As it stands now, he'll be remembered as the one who released the hound from hell. That being said, the Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone article pre-08 election said a lot about his character so fat chance of that happening.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Yes, that Taibbi story was shocking. Never, ever liked the little creepy Johnny. The photo with this article shows little Johnny Mac, full of hatred for a man who outclasses hm in every single category.

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hmmm.....will Sarah Palin come to his defense??? He was batshit crazy to pick her as his VP....doesn't that count???

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      "You know, there is a statute of limitations on Sarah Palin questions," McCain told the crowd.

      NO there ISN'T! She's your legacy.

  5. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Time for the grumpy old man to release the Culvahouse vetting material on Mama Grizzly including Palin's faked birth of Triggybear

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I'm wondering what Susan Rice is thinking right now, she's a class act, she'll keep her thoughts to herself, when it comes to $arah, mccain made his bed now he must lie in it, the chickens has come home to roost, the only good thoughts I have of mccain's 2008 pick, is originally he wanted Lieberman for VP, but the powers to be said no, that pic of Lieberman blocking $arah from Obama is PRICELESS! I can look at that all day, umm can someone say Maverick?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I have a gif of that permanently ensconced on my hard drive and all I can think of is, "once you go black, you never go back" in her head and President Obama saying, "I never think of Sarah Palin." Burn, baby, burn.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      The photo of Liebermann blocking $carah is epc. I think the McCain camp was terrified she would speak to the President, and he would see firsthand what a dumbbell she really is. She could prove just how unqualified she really is. They wanted HER kept away from President Obama desperately.

  7. Been hearing drips and drabs about Sharron Angle.... Guess she wants to get herself a little more grief. Kinda hope she is smart enough to stay away from Palin but you know what they say about birds of a feather flocking together!

  8. Anonymous11:16 AM

    He gave the new Tea Party conservatives Sarah Palin, a strain that is so virulent it makes being vile, ugly (less PC) socially acceptable, at least in the RWNJ sphere. They can't wait to shit on the constitution by sectioning off the American populace in favor of the Christian Right.

    Bristol gets to attack (and honestly, that was a hum-dinger of a cognitive disconnect) Wendy Davis for manufacturing her life story narrative? What do they think the McCain Truth Squad and Sarah's PR teams did before, up to and after her intro to mainstream America?

    This WSJ piece is complete fluff and chock full of puffed up legend, it's embarrassing, it might as well have been taken from her Governor's bio website, no journalism required (or welcome.)

  9. angela11:21 AM

    Ah yes . . .Arizona. The state vying to be Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama . . . .

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    That smug and sneaky little opportunist just may have had some actual foresight in moving to Arizona. Question is, would her candidacy backfire, and make normal, rational grown-up residents finally say, enough is enough, we like Gov. Brewer expanding our Medicaid and banning legal discrimination?

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Opportunity knocks at Sarah's door. I believe she'd really politically stab McCain in the back by entering the race in AZ. She'd have absolutely no loyalty, just plow through that open door.

    Where is Meghan McCain and what about her new talk show?

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I do believe her talk show was cancelled? As will be "Amazing America With Sarah Palin.'

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Would $arah throw McCain under the bus? $arah winks and says "you betcha"

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      So Sarah Palin has dual citizenship in Alaska and Arizona? She can't run for office in both states. Actually, she won't run in any state, she is done.

    4. Anonymous9:36 PM

      I stand corrected from my comment 1:11, I see she's defending Mccain after all, well surprise, surprise, surprise

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    He'll be 79/80 when his current term is up in 2016.

    Who's to say if he'll retire under pressure, fight another primary fight against a teabagger, or let the inner Johnnie out and battle all these neanderthals for the sake of his career?

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Gee, Democrats would never think of doing anything like that. Smacks of the old Stalin regime in the Soviet Union or perhaps life in Nazi Germany. Obviously there is no room at all under the GOP umbrella for individual thinking. So what do all of those "moderate Republicans" have to say about Saturday's move in Arizona against John McCain? Not much, I guess. While I get frustrated with some Democrats on the far left and right of the mainstream Democratic Party, I do recognize their right to exist and, if in office, to cast their votes. At this point in time, there is absolutely no hope for the Republican Party; their leadership has become dictatorial and totally intransigent, not the kind of leadership one wants in a political party in a democracy.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    When the people in your own party in the state you've faithfully represented for years stabs you in the back like this, it's pretty bad. I'm beyond shocked that his bff and main squeeze hasn't come out and publicly defended Sentor Eleven Mansion John McCain!
    Come on, Miss Lindsey, tweet something nice for John.

    Great choice of graphic, as usual. Always get the one before the laxatives kick in, his face is full of expression and he looks like he's living vibrantly.

  15. Anonymous6:56 PM

    ahhhhh too bad. AZ is turning blue. There is NO room for a old republican has been or any more wacko republicans in the state of Arizona. The state is blue and green now.

  16. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Will "THEY" be filming shay tripp film "boys will be boys" in Alaska? When will sarah ring in on this new block buster film about HER AND HER PIMP HUSBAND and their prostitution business and bribe/threat gig? Will the AIP come forward for todd?

  17. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Why is scrawny sarah so quiet?


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