Sunday, January 05, 2014

Sarah Palin a female Bill Clinton? Yeah, she wishes!

You know every once in awhile there is a story, or video, or something that arrives in the comments section or my email inbox so often that is becomes almost impossible to ignore.

Such is the case with a commentary from Capitol Hill Blue:  

Interesting that one of the most vocal and often-quoted supporters of controversial “Duck Dynasty” reality show star Phil Robertson is another figment of celebrity-fantasy — failed Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the one-time sex symbol of the rabid right. 

In politics, where hypocrisy abounds, Palin is a standout when it comes to being everything she rants and raves against. The self-styled defender of family values is a female Bill Clinton: Someone who sleeps around. While dating future husband Todd Palin, the then-Sarah Heath, a sports reporter for an Alaska TV station, reportedly shacked up for a night in a dorm room with a college basketball star in what those close to her say was just one of a string of casual flings by a sexually-adventurous woman. 

In college, Palin was known as a wild child who attended five schools in six years. A favorite photo of her from her college days showed a young woman on a bed in a college dorm room wearing a t-shirt that said: “I may be flat broke but I’m not flat busted.” After marriage, she embarked on a six-month affair with Palin’s partner in a snowmobile business and news of his wife’s amorous activities led an angry husband to dissolve the partnership. Those closest to Palin say that while the one-time vice presidential candidate who became a political joke likes to spend time in bed with a variety of men, those who sample her favors is apparently not husband Todd. The Palins, they say, have slept in separate bedrooms for years now. 

After her aborted run for vice president with running mate John McCain, whose advisers picked her because they wanted “a celebrity” on the ticket, Palin ended up on Fox News, where channel executives admitted selecting her because “she’s hot.” They weren’t talking about her political appeal. Author Joe McGinnis, whose string of best selling books about politics and politicians have led to more than one downfall of those who claimed to be what they are not, documented Palin’s fling with basketball star Glen Rice while she was dating her future husband as well as her six-month dalliance with Todd’s business partner Brad Hanson after they married. Although Sarah and Todd talked about having a traditional wedding, they eloped and their son was born less than nine months later, suggesting the purveyor of family values was practicing acts that produce families before marriage. McGinnis also discusses use of cocaine by the Palins. Palin denies the drug use, along with reports of her rampant sexual adventures. 

The article goes on to quote from Joe's blog and point out that while Palin threatened to sue him nothing ever came of it.  And of course we know that nothing ever came of those threats because what Joe had printed was true, and that's what a court case would prove.

And as for the Clinton comparison that really does not stand up to scrutiny.

Sure Bill has trouble controlling the little brain that lives in his pants, but he is not a politician who made his career trying to create a picture perfect image of himself as an icon of morality only to be a raging hypocrite.

Oh, and there is the fact that Clinton was actually a GOOD politician as well.

No there is no reasonable comparison between Palin and Bill Clinton.

As for the fact that she is a hypocritical POS? Well that is undeniable. 


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Yeah, the comparison to Clinton is highly objectionable. Thanks for making the point.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Absolutely. Bill Clinton went to college and graduated (proven), then went on to do important things with his life, including being elected POTUS twice. The Wasilla Wendigo cannot prove that she graduated college even after attending "any of 'em--all of 'em!", quit every job she ever had, and was a joke of a VP candidate who was never elected.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Ask the tavern/club where she had her very own barstool just how lily white she is.

    3. Clinton was also a Rhodes Scholar. $carah Payme.....uh........uh.......ferget it.

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      My take on it: a RNC hit piece on Palin and (Hillary) Clinton b/c the rwnj are such dumbfucks they think that if Hillary is running its "Rilly" Bill.
      Didn't tell "US" anything we didn't know, but serves as a warning to the grifter, their is more where THAT came from don't even do the 2016 pole dance.
      Romney is being tried for Racketeering RICO also, too... but funny the msm isn't covering that either.
      RMoney link:

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    All she ever was and all she will ever be is a political prick tease to the koch bros and anyone else who will send her cash. Vile bitch.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      "Christ" is their spiel. Prostitution is their game, sexual and otherwise.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      How did that snatch monkey ever get the idea she was hot or large busted in any way. Every time she opens her mouth I get more nauseated. She truly is some form of anti Christ or anti all that is good. Vile. Beastt from hell.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Are her feet deformed, or just buttugly ?

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      They are weird looking.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Sarah has crusty and flaky feet, just like her cooch.

      Twat rot and foot fungus. How are you bagger bots liking your Quitter Queen now?

    3. We know they're ugly and athletes-foot-infected nowadays, but that picture proves they weren't very attractive even then, in the 1980s. The nail on her left big toe that's visible in that pic, especially.

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      yeah that big toe is funky looking.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I can't think that Bill Clinton would be stupid enough to boast of having boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak with a premature Down Syndrome baby and a high risk mother (over age 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) without a medical check then by-pass neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to drive a long way to a small regional hospital not even rated to handle twins to be supposedly be induced by a doctor that doesn't specialize in high-risk births and rarely attends at births at all.

    That sort of boast about criminal risk to a new born takes a Sarah Palin level of stupidity.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Clinton wouldn't have an unqualified under insured family practice physician as his high risk obstetrician either.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      In a gazillion plus years I cannot imagine Bill or Hillary Clinton setting their child up with a dressing assistant that would pad her boob area to look like the following, for a convention and the forever images. No way would any Clinton relation be so irregularly dressed and introduced to the world.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/alg-bristol-levi-jpg.jpg

      When it comes to Bristol Palin, it is like mother, like daughter in the worst way.

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      The photos of Levi and Bristol walking from the plane at the airport for the RNC showed that Bristol was not Pregnant. Those photos of Bristol on the stage at the RNC showed her overstuffed breasts. They are all living a LIE.

  5. abbafan1:06 PM

    Hi Gryphen, and a belated Happy New Year to you! This may be the beginning of the end for the village idiot! If more reporters dig up the goods on her, this may well be the year of doom for her! I personally think that some "leaks and cracks" may be developing, thus opening the floodgates for the deluge to come!

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Another comment about that comparison...Clinton is very intelligent. Sarah is not.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Sarah Palin: sexy, hunter, cook, humble, avid reader, energy expert. Mythology.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Good mother, good wife, good christian, good person. Mythology.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Who seals records if there's nothing to hide? FACT.

    3. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Sarah and Todd have plenty to hide, especially Birth Certificates. Sarah was running her fever blistered mouth about President Obama showing his Birth Certificate, while all of her Family Records are SEALED. Track's Deal to avoid Jaid for Vandalism, Willow's Deal to avoid Jail for Vandalizing a neighbor's house, Bristol's many Fatherless Bastard Babies, Todd's Sex Trafficking, Sarah Palin is afraid of the TRUTH, FACT.

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    When the title of the article is

    "Sarah Palin: A female Bill Clinton when it comes to sex?"

    and the subtitle is

    "While dating future husband Todd Palin, the then-Sarah Heath reportedly shacked up for a night in a dorm room with a college basketball star."

    Then the comparison being made might be Sarah Palin's statements and hypocricy on sex compared to Bill Clinton's infamous Lewinsky non denial denials and cigar fetish.

    Seems like this article is a takedown of Clinton and Palin. To be compared to Mr Billary can't make Ms Toad very happy.

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Looking at that picture of Sarah with her knees spread wide open makes me sick. Just imagine Glenn Rice, Brad Hanson and all those other guys on top of her.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      What about the guy said to be Track's real father?

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Not to mention daddy dearest.

    3. That would be Curtis Menard, Jr, who tragically died in a suspicious plane crash (Who put water in the gas tank?) shortly after a big fight with $P in her office over their other child, Pooper.

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Water can naturally form in an airplane fuel tank due to temperature changes causing condensation to form in the tank. That's why the most important pre flight check is the fuel tank water check. Menard was lazy and it cost him his life. Not saying someone didn't put water in his tank but the last thing you do before you start the aircraft is check for water and drain it if present. If it was there he should have caught it and then drained it.

    5. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Anon 4:13, I am a pilot, too, and you are right. Checking for water in the gasoline is part of the standard pre-flight checklist. But my understanding is that Curt had made several flights earlier that day and on the final flight, after refueling from a gas can he had left on the deck while out on his earlier flights, he crashed on takeoff. I don't know if a pilot who has been flying off and on all day would do a complete pre-flight before each leg.

  10. Anonymous2:03 PM

    To quote my longtime favorite Billy Chrystal sexist comment -- 'Women need a reason to have sex; men just need a place'.

    Big diff, Palin was trying to screw her way to the top, Bill was sorta already there.

  11. Anonymous2:03 PM

    "Sarah's down with the swirl".

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      What does that mean?

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      two people of different ethnicities hookin up 

      like the ice cream machine, you got chocolate, vanilla, and swirl

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      black people and white people having sex.

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Think about it.

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

  12. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Bill Clinton's self-indulgent sex games with a young, impressionable, hero-worshipping intern nearly tanked his presidency, hurt and humiliated his wife and child and put them in an impossible position, and forced Al Gore to distance himself from Clinton during the 2000 presidential campaign, which definitely did NOT help Gore's chances. But all Clinton gave a rat's ass about was getting his rocks off. The leader of the free world didn't give a crap about the risk to his job, his family or his legacy. Only his sexual gratification.

    How that compares to a college student wearing a naughty t-shirt, or even a non-publicly elected very obscure woman carrying on an affair, is beyond me.

    I know how it works around here, and I know I'll be accused of being a Palinbot. Well, let me tell you kneejerkers something. It's quite possible to think they are both very shitty people. And I do.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I agree. They ALL are. From a "kneejerker" regular here.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Actually, besides the huge IQ point difference, Clinton was a good, likeable leader and has done good for the world. So I really don't see the comparison either.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      What Clinton did was reckless. The same thing goes for JFK and FDR. But, they were also intelligent leaders, proving that they were also human. Who else had affairs? John McCain cheated on his first wife, trading her in for the younger, prettier and much richer Cindy. New Gingrich was busy trying to impeach Clinton while carrying on his own extramarital affair. Henry Hyde was leading the call for impeaching Clinton while he had his own extramarital affair.

      There are hypocrites to be found everywhere, in and out of government. The problem comes when they preach to others about the importance of family values when their own family history is one of getting pregnant before getting married-- or getting pregnant and not getting married-- or having affairs outside of the sacred bonds of marriage. When you lead your life in public, remember that old saying about people in glass houses. The only reason that the post is written about Palin is that she lines herself up with religious leaders, preaches family values but her family doesn't really practice those same values.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM


      Totally agree with you, I don't like either one of them! Besides Clinton's philandering I also can't forgive him for trying to derail Obama's campaign during the 2008 primaries, then ended up sucking up to him when Hillary lost the primary.

      I'm also not a fan of "slut shaming" and it's no one's business who one sleeps with, but I'm having a hard time not being in favor of the article because Mrs. Palin is such a hypocritical asshole. She's pissed so many people off that it's hard not to justify some of the attacks on her character.

    5. Anonymous2:50 PM

      As the replies ahead of mine note, you sum people up on balance. Was MLK a shitty person? He was a lifelong smoker and notorious womanizer.
      As for Clinton, yes, a complicated human being. Everyone knows that Palin went to Haiti for a photo op, and was on the ground for about 30 seconds, right? Most people don't know that Clinton has traveled there many, many times since the earthquake, one of the leaders of the International Commission that oversaw reconstruction aid. Most people don't know this because it was hardly mentioned in the news. His visits were about work, not photo ops.
      A small story, but a telling one. Clinton and Palin are both promiscuous, yes, but the comparison ends there.

    6. Anonymous2:53 PM

      And, Sarah Palin is no longer a politician - she has no job except for the 'reality' show she is currently in the process of putting together - which will probably flop as did her others!

      There is zero comparison between her and Bill Clinton. Someone is trying to muddy the waters as to Bill due to the possibility of Hillary running for POTUS.

      Bill is an intelligent and well educated man. Don't forget that he is a Rhodes scholar too! When POTUS, he left his post w/the government in the black. He has, and is, providing for the poor all over the world w/his Clinton Foundation.

      There is no way that Palin has one iota of the knowledge, giving nature or servant's heart that has been proven of Bill Clinton!

      Palin has been proven an idiot, fraud and liar! Time and time again throughout the recent years.

    7. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Bill Clinton was also governor of Arkansas for 5 two-year terms and was attorney general of Arkansas for 2 years. How long did Palin serve as governor of Alaska? There's no way Quitter Sarah can be compared to Bill Clinton.

    8. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Bill Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky four times. He was in a stressful position because the Repiblicans had shut down the government. He ended the affair because she was starting to act crazy. No one ever would have found out about it if it hadn't been for the $100 million investigation into his life and a ridiculous sexual harassment lawsuit that was brought forth by a nutcase being used as a tool by Repiblicans with deep pockets and a deeper hatred. He made a mistake under stress -- it happens.

      Meanwhile, the asshole republican loser hypocrites voted to impeach him when half of them were having affairs. Like Gingrich. McCain was probably doing that lobbyist. Thurmond had the daughter out of wedlock. Who are the real assholes in this situation -- the guy who had the affair or the people having affairs who tried to kick him out of office for doing the same thing they were doing.

      And Gore was an idiot for not having Clinton campaign for him. By 2000 most Americans had come to the conclusion that the impeachment was bullshit and, in fact, the GOP paid the price in the next election after the impeachment when they lost a slew of seats. Two term presidents hardly ever WIN seats in the second midterm election of their presidency.

      I don't understand anyone who holds the impeachment against Clinton. It was the stupidest Congress had ever done -- up until they made the vote to authorize the Iraq invasion.

    9. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      The only "link" is the name "Tripp". Miss Lewinsky's bff and adviser who told her to keep the dress was named "Linda Tripp". Coincidence? lmao

    10. Now Im suspicious of all washcloths in a toadly way8:08 PM

      DNA test also too. Was someone paying attention?

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    How GOP-ish to make such a comparison! There is absolutely nothing that Sarah Palin has in common with Bill Clinton: his intellect, his persistence in serving the country throughout his career in politics, and his continuing service to the country and the world since the end of his second term are so superior to anything done or even imagined by Sarah Palin that the comparison is an absurd notion at best. This GOP guy's comparison is really meant to belittle the accomplishments of President Clinton, that's all. And it's a typical GOP maneuver - put two totally ill-matched ideas or people on the same level and then watch what happens. Lots of people will chime in about sex and guess what, most of them will make more noise about President Clinton than about Sarah. And, at this point in time, talking about Clinton's "dirty linen" is going to reflect badly on Hillary Clinton. I'm not going to fall for it. There is nothing even remotely similar between President Clinton and Sarah Palin. More GOP noise.

  14. Personally, I've never had any doubt about whether or not the Rogue Retard ® was a Rhodes Scholar. In fact, until I see (in person) a diploma from any University along with a transcript, I'm calling bullshit on her claim to be a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in any major.

    Regardless, I don't intend to make the claim that Sarah Heath has never stuck a Cohiba Robustos stogie up one of her girlfriend's HooHa. If RAM or Krusty had their way, every Friday evening would be Cuban Cigar Night with Sarah and her Canuck-suck-buddy, Teddie "Tailgunner Joe" Cruz.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      She NEVER graduated from the University Of Idaho. 'Nuff said.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      I hate to say it, but as a professor, I've seen quite a few questionable-intelligent students graduate from college.

      But, Sarah is more than a dummy, she's a quitter and she's lazy.

      So, I'm torn as to whether she actually graduated or not. If she did graduate, I'd wager it was by the skin of her teeth with some heavy-duty begging and pleading.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      She didn't.

    4. As a university professor and advisor to students for many, many years, it is unlikely that Sarah Palin graduated from the University of Idaho with as many transfer credits as she had and as little time in residence as she had.

      Even if we believe her as to what schools she attended and when, she had, at most, five semesters at the University of Idaho (and these semesters were separated by a year). Her transfer credits were from North Idaho College and Mat Su College, both community colleges. Transfer credits are NEVER accepted completely. Sometimes there are no course equivalents at the university, and even when there are, universities put a cap on the number of transfer credits they allow.

      Typically, students with a record such as hers, scattered over six and a half years and mostly community college courses would need at least three years in residence at a university to get a degree, and that's if they are highly motivated.

      This is not to say that someone, somehow, did not confer a degree upon her, but I will never, ever believe she met the requirements for a bachelor's degree in anything. And I'll never believe it without certified transcripts.

    5. Anonymous4:32 PM

      A friend and I were discussing what to do with those loser students who fail because of their own laziness. He said, pass them with a D-. They passed, and they're lazy, so they won't repeat the class and you won't have to face them again. But their GPA will sink their job chances so they won't make the college look bad. Neither of us considered the possibility that winkin', word saladin' and powerful friends in high places would make that GPA irrelevant.

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      There is more proof that Sarah did not graduate with a degree in Journalism, and it is unlikely that she graduated from a college or university. When she speaks, she cannot express herself in clear, simple sentences. It's more than tossed word salad. It's a stream of consciousness, and she wanders down emotional side paths, repeats old grudges and hatreds, without finishing a sentence. Her writing is just as bad, and for a journalism major, Sarah simply cannot write well. She writes at a high school level, injecting folksy slang substitutes, making grammatical errors and misusing words. Writing should be easy on a computer with its spell check. All she has to do is read it and see what's wrong with the sentence, but I don't think that Sarah can read and process information in the way that most people do.

    7. Anonymous7:42 PM

      I agree that it would be unlikely (or downright impossible) for her to graduate in the time she did having changed schools so many times. I've dealt a lot with transfer students and the courses that will and will not be accepted. Even if (and that's a big "if") all your credits transfer in, that doesn't mean they will fulfill the necessary requirements for your degree. There's some slippage even when you're trying to transfer credits within the same state college system.

    8. Anonymous8:06 PM

      How many students have you ever seen that transferred to that many schools in that short a time. For any reason? Much less graduated.

      I would guess it is pretty rare to not just QUIT at some point, and if one looks backwards from how many things she has not finished in her life, I'd have to see the certified transcripts, all of em, to believe she was even fully enrolled at these schools.

      Most students with either so little success, or whatever problems, or such a lack of focus just QUIT don't they?

  15. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Gryph........O/T. What's up with the Romney racketeering lawsuit? I read it isn't going through, then I read it is.

  16. *GinaM peeping in at the comments to see who's here*

    Hey...Hey Everbody! Happy Holidays (fuck off Baldy!) and Happy New Year to all IM'rs! I've been doing the Christmas...New Year...hubby's birthday...son's upcoming birthday thang so I've haven't been keeping up with Baldy's antics!

    Thought I pop in and drop off this latest "pic" of Baldy caught on the streets of New York when she was on some bullshit book tour or interview! I think one of Baldy's Fecesbook fans is passing it around! Enjoy!


    1. You are bad, GinaM. But in the best ways.

    2. BRAIN BLEACH ! ! BRAIN BLEACH ! ! ! NOW ! ! !

    3. My eyes are burning!! Although I kind of thought something was up. I can't believe Sarah would be brave enough to actually do a book signing in Manhattan. The people who live there are pretty smart and world wise. (Even though they can't see Russia from the top of the Empire State Building.) I can't imagine too many would line up for hours in the cold for a "Sarah Scribble done with a Sharpie" on the title page of what Dan Savage so aptly described as "a toxic shit stain of a book".

    4. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      Eeeeeed! She's ThisClose to having a "wardrobe malfuntion". Typical Palin Troll exposed!
      Happy Everything, Gina M!!!!

  17. Anonymous2:50 PM

    My what fat legs you have, Miss Heath.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      My eyes are getting bad. I thought you said Miss Meth.

  18. Anonymous3:09 PM

    While dating future husband Todd Palin, the then-Sarah Heath, a sports reporter for an Alaska TV station, reportedly shacked up for a night in a dorm room with a college basketball star in what those close to her say was just one of a string of casual flings by a sexually-adventurous woman. 

    Sarah may have done Glenn while dating Todd but I don't think Sarah did Todd right after doing Glenn. Sarah would have been to sore and stretched out.

  19. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Don't forget to go to Capitol Hill Blue and check out the photo of Willard, Bristle, and the Tundra Turd. Must have been DWS trailer visit. Where's the DWS baby, Bristol?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      Yeah, the one with Bristol in her white wedding dress with the parents beaming with pride at the fantasy wedding (in Baldy's head, of course!)

  20. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Those are some old chicken legs Sarah's sportin' in that Capitol Hill Blue pic.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Bristol tries to be like her mom. Did Bristol do any black guys at Wasilla High School?

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Bristol did you do DWTS Kyle?

  22. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sarah Palin a female Bill Clinton? Yeah, she wishes!

    Sarah Palin with her narcissistic mentality read this title and thought she was politically being compared to Bill Clinton.

    Dumbass bitch.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Like Gomer Pyle said,

      "Surpriseeeee Surpriseee"

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Then Sarah clicked on the title and said WHAT THE FUCK?

  23. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sarah with her legs spread apart, how many guys and gals had that?

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I wouldn't touch that.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Are you including family members?

    3. Anonymous12:40 AM

      4:00 PM

      Those who were drunk enough to hit that wonky-eyed loser's skanky stuff would never admit it.

  24. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Scarsdale on January 5, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    I think the real reason why she has not been “outed” for her lies, is because McCain still wields a powerful stick. Once he croaks, the truth will all come out. Unfortunately, I think the old sob will stick around forever. Palin is widening her net of enemies, though, so maybe someone will finally break loose. I wish Martin Bashear would do an in-depth investigation of ALL her lies, curious deahs, prostitution, family “values” and do us all a favor.

  25. Anonymous4:40 PM

    If Sarah experimented with African American guys, do you think Sarah experimented with the same sex in at least one of her 5 colleges?

  26. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sarah nobody would have cared about your sexual history, but with your mightier than thou attitude and telling every family how to live while your family is dysfunctional doesn't sit well with America.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I like the idea of an unwed teen mother preaching abstinence. I'm surprised that Sarah didn't get Willow and Track to go on a tour, preaching against drinking and doing drugs. Sarah tries to present the image as the loving matriarch, homey cook and party giver in her family image. Then, we see her attack a turkey by stabbing it in the back with a cheese knife. Instead of writing about Trig's therapy and the progress that he is making (no, not one single word), we see photos of the little boy without a hat in cold weather, and without his glasses. Trig is going to school without wearing his glasses.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      How come Trig doesn't wear his hearing aid?

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Anom 6:37, Sarah comes across as a nitwit but she manages to wrap bigger nitwits around her scrawny finger.

  27. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 8127

    1. Sure Sarah's book sales suck now that it's January. But you just wait and see how it sells during next winter's War on Christmas® after she's won the Senate race in AK during the midterm elections in November '14.

      I don't know about you Libruls, but I'm going to send Sarah all my money tomorrow first thing. Come on people, we need great unselfish leaders like Sarah with all of her executive experience and her expertise in Oil & Gas/Beauty Pageant Walking and Talking.

      No way will the blah man currently in the white people's White House be reelected in 2016. Palin/Trump 2016

  28. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    I caught this in the comments, and highly recommend reading the entire article. What a trip down memory lane!

    The only comparison between Sarah and President Bill Clinton that I can think of is that, as a weak, fragile and woefully stupid female VP running mate, she made the fatal mistake of trying to run like a male candidate, got overconfident and over her head.

    When Nicholle Wallace admitted she couldn't bring herself to vote for her own ticket, you KNOW it's all true. Every Word.

    Thanks to the Bloggers, Joe McGuinness and a shout out to Sarah herself for proving the truth.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      that, as a weak, fragile and woefully stupid female VP running mate, she made the fatal mistake of trying to run like a male candidate, got overconfident and over her head. 

      Ain't that the truth.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Thank God for Levi.
      Didn't Sarah send Levi out for Taco Bell?

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Anita, how did she "try to run like a male candidate"? I know of no other male VP candidate who has gone obnoxiously "rogue" and treated their Presidential running mate with such contempt and insubordination, even intentionally downplaying and ignoring McCain's campaign platform while deliberately making every attempt to overshadow him at her campaign appearances. Once she realized that the audiences were more excited to see her than McCain, being the sick, twisted narcissist and flaming idiot that she is, from then on it was all about her, period.

      Most politicians are somewhat narcissistic, but they are usually politically savvy enough to understand their role and place if they are running as the number two on a ticket. Plus, I know of no other male VP candidate who has been unable to face and handle the media on day one.

      The problem I saw was the sexist way she was treated by the media. I mean, can you imagine what the media's reaction would have been if a MALE VP candidate had been too incompetent to "meet the press," and campaign handlers refused to allow access to the media for questions? Or, just as bad, after the campaign finally did agree to allow carefully controlled, coached, and memorized "interviews," when the media realized how obviously ignorant and flat out stupid she is (even with all the "memorizing"), she actually got off pretty light, in my opinion.

      Sure, the left mocked her, including comedians, but the media in general tended to make all kinds of excuses for her, because, you know, what more can you expect from a "woman," right? (Even some MSNBC hosts and commentators made excuses for her because they are still terrified of being accused of "sexism" if they criticize a woman! Not sure why this simple concept is so hard for some men to understand: if you treat a woman differently than you would a man for the same behavior or in the same circumstance, that IS sexism!)

      My personal favorite was the oft repeated, "well, she just needs to study the issues more." Please. Name one male VP candidate (or even Governor, for that matter) who would NOT have known what the "Bush Doctrine" was? Name one who would not have been "ready for prime time."

      If she had been a relatively unknown male VP candidate that turned out to be a complete fraud and imbecile, and was as ill-equipped to run the country as Sarah Palin, I'm pretty damn sure that McCain would have been forced to get rid of her and find another VP candidate because his campaign would have been laughed off the world stage. (Can you imagine if Obama had picked someone that dumb and ill-equipped to take over the Oval Office?)

      The media would not have tolerated a liberal or conservative male VP candidate being that damn dumb (and, no, Dan Quayle was not that dumb; he was educated and had a law degree. Ronnie Rayguns was no Rhodes Scholar, but even he was not as ignorant and uneducated as Palin. No contest.)

      Female and male politicians should be treated exactly the same and the expectation of professionalism, knowledge, and competence should be equal with both genders. Reacting to, expecting less from, and treating women with kid gloves as though they are the "weaker" gender is straight up sexism and should not be tolerated by either gender.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

      8:21 -
      What I meant by "running like a male candidate" was learning how the game is played and what you're expected to know, and notes on index cards just don't cut it.
      And using your family at every event as human shields, relying on your looks instead of your brain, etc. etc.
      If a male candidate got pulled out of sight for weeks and "tutored" at the candidate for President's home, they'd be laughed out of town.
      People don't treat smart female candidates with kid gloves. Imagine anyone trying with Hillary, Ann Richards, or Elizabeth Warren. They could try, but none of them would stand for it.
      I don't disagree with one word you said, we're on the same page but perhaps I should have expounded more on the reasons.

    5. Anonymous1:23 AM

      I see now, the operative word was "TRYING" as in "trying to run like a male candidate." Yes, she failed big time, because she really has no clue.

  29. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The Affordable Care Act contains provisions for “death panels,” which decide which critically-ill patients receive care and which won’t, according to Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Oh, please. You make it wayyyy too easy...

      Mark Halperin Corrects Himself on Obamacare 'Death

      Time magazine's senior political analyst Mark Halperin on Tuesday corrected himself regarding a comment made a day earlier about Obamacare "death panels" during "The Steve Malzberg Show."

      On Tuesday, however, he corrected himself on Twitter, saying, 'My bad."

      "In Mon intv I did not say "death panels" nor do I believe ACA contains them. Was speaking of political/policy challenge of IPAB cuts. My bad"

    2. Anonymous1:28 AM

      Don't confuse this idiot (7:48) with, you know, FACTS.

  30. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 9795

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      End of the day her book should reach over 10,000. That's good isn't it?

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      It's WONDERFUL! Six days into the new year, it's already half off in pristine, brand new condition. And if you're a Prime member, shipping is FREE!

  31. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Does anyone know when the second leg of Sarah Palin's Christmas book tour will begin?

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Any day now I suppose?

  32. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Does anyone know when Sarah Palin's Arizona Senate campaign will begin?

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Any day now I suppose?

  33. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Does anyone know when Sarah Palin's Presidential campaign will begin?

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Any day now I suppose?

  34. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Does anyone know when Sarah Palin's health book tour will begin?

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Any day now I suppose?

  35. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Does anyone know when Sarah Palin's Alaska Senate campaign will begin?

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Any day now I suppose?

  36. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I don't know about this Sarah Palin. She quit her governor's job halfway through. Announced that she was going to make a health book, implied she was going to have s second leg of her Xmas book tour, running for Senate, running for president and doing everything under the sun but always finds an excuse to fallback on her commitments.

    1. Anonymous1:31 AM

      Hey now, let's not sell her's gonna be a health AND FITNESS book!

    2. Anonymous1:34 AM

      Hey now, let's not sell her's gonna be a health AND FITNESS book!

  37. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Does anyone know when Sarah Palin's children will go to college?

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Unless there is a miracle and they get a scholarship or file for government socialist assistance, I don't think there is a chance? Sarah mentioned something about her kids not going to college and being debt free.

    2. Anonymous7:09 AM

      When hell freezes over.

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      They'll go to college when Sarah and Bristol goes to church.

    4. Anonymous7:25 AM

      They may not, however they are good at playing Eskimo Bingo.

    5. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Hair school is college, in the Palin family.

    6. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Real funny Anonymous 7:06, 7:09 & 7:11. Afraid to use your real names?

    7. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Is your name "Anonymous," 7:24?

    8. PalinsHoax10:57 AM

      Anonymous7:42 AM " Afraid to use your real names? "

      Here's the name you are looking for:

      $carah H. Pathetic-du-alin
      aka Camo Faux Pregnancy Belly
      00000 Road to Nowhere
      Loserville, AZ

  38. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Don't knock Sarah. She does have several grandkids from a broken marriage or broken engagement.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      We have seen pictures of Sarah with Trig and Tripp, are there more?

  39. Anonymous7:36 AM

    College is overrated. Right Todd?

  40. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas Sales Rank: 9803

  41. Anonymous7:16 PM

    you know sarah palin may sue you all


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