Sunday, January 05, 2014

Steven Seagal considering a run for Arizona governor. Because you know Arizona does not have enough problems!

Courtesy of The Guardian:

Action-movie star Steven Seagal says he is considering a run for Arizona governor. The actor, star of martial arts and action films including Marked for Death, Hard to Kill and Under Siege, told KNXV-TV that he is considering a shot at the state's highest office and has had a talk about the bid with the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America. 

The 61-year-old made the comments while talking about his newly released reality series, Steven Seagal – Lawman: Maricopa County. Seagal teamed up with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the show, which was shot in Arizona and airs on cable TV's Reelz Channel. 

The martial arts expert is a member of Arpaio's posse, made up of 3,000 unpaid civilians. He also has been deputised with sheriff's offices in New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana and says he wants to increase border security.

You know the really troubling thing about this is that he could actually win in Arizona.

I mean there are just about enough dimwitted redneck reality show junkies to give this guy an actual shot at running their state. I know right?

And the fact that he hangs with unsavory types.

Or now wears  a Bela Lugosi hairpiece to cover his bald pate.

Or is at least a hundred pounds beyond his action hero days.

 May prove enough to dissuade the Right Wing to support him in his bid to out Schwarzenegger, Schwarzenegger.

Well let me be the first to warn you Arizona, you start electing washed up reality show residents to political office, there is no telling where it might lead.

And trust me, I know of what I speak.


  1. Balzafiar2:33 PM

    Hmm. Does anyone know if Sarah has screwed him yet? Since it's Arizona it may be a requirement.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Sarah doesn't screw anyone anymore...not sexually, that is.

    2. Balzafiar7:26 PM

      @5:03 -- And the reason for that would be...? She isn't that completely dried up.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The Stupid Ticket: Steven Seagal Considers Run For Arizona Governor With Sheriff Joe Arpaio As His Adviser

    ...Since 2009, the former action hero has been gracing American television sets in his reality TV show “Steven Seagal: Lawman,” which follows his adventures as an official Sheriff’s Deputy in the highly corrupt Jefferson Parish, Louisiana Sheriff’s Dept. The star of such films as “Mercenary For Justice” and “Today You Die” also recently captured America’s heart while serving as a member of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s vigilante posse, standing shoulder to shoulder domestic abusers and sex offenders to patrol the grounds of Arizona schools, armed to the teeth.

    Over the course of his Arizona vigilante career with Arpaio, the Glimmer Man star has become quite close to the draconian sheriff, counting him among his closest consults as he eyes his run for the Governor’s Mansion. Citing concerns about border security, Seagal states he’s willing to go “into the belly of the beast” to address the issue and is expected to cite his experience as a deputized lawman in Louisiana, Texas and New Mexico as part of his credentials.

    Perhaps it’s a genuine sense of civic duty that has inspired Seagal to seek political office, or perhaps simply it’s that his omission from the latest “Expendables” film has left him with too much free time. But regardless of the motivation, throughout the often wacky political landscape of the United States, few will argue that if The Onion’s “Cock Puncher” wishes to indulge in the prospect of running for elected office, there are few places as welcoming for his militant sort of nationalism as Arizona.

    1. Could he be any worse than the soused Wicked Witch of the West? (Please, that was rhetorical.)

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    BREAKING: Mitt Romney is Being Sued in Federal Court for Criminal Racketeering

    Steven “Laser” Haas is the owner and sole shareholder of Collateral Logistics Inc. (CLI) the firm which was retained to oversee the liquidation of assets in the bankruptcy of eToys in 2001.

    During the process of liquidating the company Haas came across irregularities, unethical practices and outright criminal acts originating from the top at Bain Capital (Mitt Romney’s asset management firm), Goldman Sachs, Kay Bee Toys and Stage Stores, all of which were involved in the machinations to sell eToys for mere pennies to Bain through its interest in Kay Bee.

    Haas filed his suit under a provision of the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute which allows a plaintiff to become a “Private Attorney General” when it is necessary in order to address “Prosecutorial Gaps.” According to Haas, that gap was created by Colm F. Connolly, former United States Attorney in Delaware who had been a partner in the law firm of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell (MNAT) in 2001, alleging he had failed to disclose that fact while also neglecting to investigate the complaints which Haas had lodged.

    Along with Romney, Haas has named Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, Michael Glazer Barry Gold and Paul Traub in the suit. Haas has claimed that he has evidence that the parties involved have committed perjury on 35 separate occasions — even alleging that there have been murders carried out in attempts to cover up their wrong doing.

    His $100 million suit is intended to recover some of the losses incurred by the victims of the unethical and illegal actions of those involved in the chicanery and who reaped handsome profits from the deal.

    Haas alleged in his affidavit to the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 3, 2012 that after he had uncovered numerous irregularities, he had been offered $850,000 by Bain to keep silent about what he had discovered. When he attempted to report the bribe, he was told that since he had not accepted it, he didn’t have a case. Bain of course denies that the offer was ever made.

    Haas has summarized the steps to be taken in his suit:

    Summons granted.
    Request for a Court Order to have U.S. Marshals serve the summons.
    First amended complaint Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
    New case order.
    Haas’s preliminary RICO case statement.

    If Haas’ list of charges prove to be backed up by the evidence, this could be one of the most interesting civil trials in recent years.

    No matter the outcome, there is little question that just having this case make it into court will stain the reputations of all involved permanently, including squeaky clean Mitt Romney — the man whose moral convictions run so deep that he will not even drink coffee or coke because they contain caffeine.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Gryphen -- read the complaint. I don't think this case is going anywhere -- it's gobbledygook.

  4. This fat fuck needs to read Sarah's fitness, exercise, and self-discipline book. Oh wait, Sarah lied about that when her cadaver started rotting and stinking.

    Nice hairpiece ---- looks just as natural as Sarah's roadkill wig.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      She turned it into "I love Jesus for ONE day, the other 364 screw him" book. The adoring public responded with massive sales.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      LOL Sarah "holy unbelievable" Palin "eschews" the French "Hairpiece" for the more colloquial "herpes".

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    He's gross.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      YAY! Oregon has done vote-by-mail for years now. Doesn't stop the threat of fraud, but sure undermines redistricting, doesn't it, Lynne?

    2. Yeah, my friends in Washington say that's how they do it too. I think it's absolutely the way to go.

    3. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Mail in ballots sound worrisome. Knowing Texas, they'll probably cancel mail delivery from urban areas or bags will "conveniently" get lost.

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    LMAO! I'll bet Sarah can't wait to endorse him...go ahead, give him the kiss of death!

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Yeah, c'mon $arah, he's got that warrior body just like Curtis Jr.'s son! You LIKEY!

  8. Balzafiar3:39 PM

    I do believe he bought his hairpiece at the same place John Travolta did. They (the hair) look identical.

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I can tell you from personal experience (when I was a Limo Driver) that Seagal will do ANY thing for attention!!
    When I drove him around a few years back, he literally opened the back windows of the Limo and was calling out for attention!! Most, if not all Actors make sure they are unseen by their adoring Fans until they get to their destination. They hate attracting attention.
    But then again, it seems to be a prerequisite for all new GOPer's these days to be an attention whore!!
    I literally LMAO!!

    Unfortunately, even though I don't work there anymore, I have to sign this as anonymous.
    (I still could get sued for telling)

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      I have heard about his need for attention over the years. He also refused to do his own stunts because he could get hurt. He was a big baby about it.


  10. I’m torn; he’s not a faker, like Sarah and her ilk. You can’t deal with a person who’s all smoke and mirrors, but this guy can deliver. Maybe we can talk to him; we’ll have to see what shakes out. I won’t give up on a proven producer right away. God knows there are enough phonies out there.

    He might be inspired by Christie, but I don’t know.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Perhaps you missed this part:

      "Seagal teamed up with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the show, which was shot in Arizona and airs on cable TV's Reelz Channel.

      The martial arts expert is a member of Arpaio's posse, made up of 3,000 unpaid civilians. He also has been deputised with sheriff's offices in New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana and says he wants to increase border security."

      The guy's an asshole.

  11. beldar J conehead4:15 PM

    My favorite pic is the one with Putin. Ive always admired men of a certain age who arent embarrassed to wear the jet black fiberglass hair pieces with matching Dick Van Dyke beards. But this is a guy with the nachismo to pull it off. (Google "steven seagal runs like a girl")

    As an occasional resident of The Other Sunshine State, I welcome our new paunchy former action movie star governor overlord!
    (oh shit!! Gryphen, I screwed up again! Just after I hit Publish I realized I typed that Mr. Seagal (no relation to Jonathan Livingston Seagal) has 'nachismo'. But it was too late to change it. Of course, I meant to type 'machismo'. Repeating: machismo, not nachismo.)

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      nachismo sounds better though -- na for nasty, ch for cheesy, ismo for 'what ismo funny than a plastic toupee?'

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Maybe "nachismo" is when you're not afraid of cheese?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      It's ok, it ain't easy being cheesy!

    4. Go ahead and dump all the jalapenos on my Nachos. I ain't skurred of no damn peppers.

  12. It's fascinating that the right bashes Hollywood so much, given that they are such suckers for any movie star that wants their attention.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      Especially when the Patron Saint of the right was an actor that had a leading role with a primate, also, too, the first divorced President plus the firstest President whose daughter posed for Playboy.

      Family Values woo hoo!!!

  13. Oops, I messed up. Hold off passing the word about that Texas thing until they officially announce it...please? I was just too happy about it and should have kept my mouth shut a little while longer. Mea culpa.

  14. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

    He looks more pregnant than Sarah was when she was preggers with Track. They could get a heart attack while chasing "the bad guys".
    I'm shocked they didn't give a part to Chuck Norris or Todd Palin. What a physique on Joe Arpio. As Paris Hilton used to say, "That's Hawt"

  15. Anonymous6:12 PM

    All the blind gossip blogs hint that Seagal is into sex with foreign underage girls, including beating them badly enough to hospitalize some. High ranking officials who are into the same thing help with the coverups and payoffs.

    Hope investigative journalists expose this if he runs for office. Probably not, because some of the foreign unsavory types he hangs with are big organized crime figures.

  16. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Well now. California produced....Reagan and Arnold. Alaska.....sarah.......loons in all 50......but AZ? az people are very tired of the republicans and reality shows in AZ or cast offs from other states work out.

  17. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Wow, I'd have to say that the guy kind of let himself go.

    I'm starting a diet tomorrow, after seeing what happened to the old 13th degree black belt champ!

  18. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Holy shit! Can anybody tell me what year that last pic was taken. The one of him wiping his face. Was he playing I am a walrus on that guitar? What a fat fucking slob! Or blob. Or gob.

    He doesn't appear to have much self respect. No wonder the freak has no respect for anyone else.

    Go ahead Az., make my day. The next tank attack, coming soon to YOUR neighborhood.

  19. Arizonans: Be very very careful about what you wish for. Look at what happened when California elected a washed up action hero to be their Governator. We still haven't recovered from his muck up.

  20. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Wasn't he the one who a few years ago crying that the mob was after him ? He's not even a Christian, some other eastern religion. Can't be a Buddhist since he believes in guns, beating people and all the marshal arts. I remember reading years ago ( he was still married to Kelly La Brock) that he had a bald spot and used black shoe polish to cover.


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